request->isPost()){ $ids = input(''); if(empty($ids) || !is_array($ids)) { return $this->json(2, '参数错误,请核对之后再操作!'); } $data = []; foreach(['top', 'hot', 'recommend'] as $key){ $val = input('post.'.$key, 0); if(in_array($val, [1, 2])){ if($val == 1){ $data[$key] = 1; }else{ $data[$key] = 0; } } } if(!empty($data)){ MArticle::whereIn('id', $ids)->update($data); Log::write('article', 'attribute', '批量修改了文章属性,涉及到的文章ID为:' . implode(',', $ids)); } return $this->json(); } return $this->json(1, '非法请求!'); } //批量删除 public function batchDel() { if ($this->request->isPost()) { $ids = input('post.ids/a'); if(empty($ids) || !is_array($ids)) { return $this->json(2, '参数错误,请核对之后再操作!'); } $items = MArticle::getListByIds($ids); if(!empty($items)){ $delIds = []; foreach($items as $item){ $delIds[] = $item['id']; } MArticle::destroy($delIds); Log::write('article', 'betchDel', '批量删除了文章,涉及到的文章ID为:' . implode(',', $delIds)); return $this->json(); }else{ return $this->json(3, '待删除文章列表为空'); } } return $this->json(1, '非法请求!'); } //删除 public function del() { if ($this->request->isPost()) { $id = input(''); if(is_numeric($id) && $id > 0) { $item = MArticle::getById($id); if(!empty($item)){ MArticle::destroy($id); Log::write('article', 'del', '删除文章,ID:' . $id . ',标题:' . $item['title']); return $this->json(); } return $this->json(3,'待删除文章不存在'); } return $this->json(2, '参数错误,请核对之后再操作!'); } return $this->json(1, '非法请求!'); } //排序 public function sort() { if($this->request->isPost()){ $id = input(''); $sort = input('post.sort'); $num = input('post.num/d', 1); if($num <= 0){ $num = 1; } if(!in_array($sort, ['up', 'down'], true)){ return $this->json(2, '参数错误'); } $item = MArticle::getById($id); if(empty($item)){ return $this->json(3, '该文章信息不存在'); } if($sort == 'up'){ $where = "category_id='{$item['category_id']}' and sort > {$item['sort']}"; $order = "sort asc"; }else{ $where = "category_id='{$item['category_id']}' and sort < {$item['sort']}"; $order = "sort desc"; } $forSortItems = MArticle::getListByWhereAndOrder($where, $order, $num); if(!empty($forSortItems)){ $updateData = []; $forSortCount = count($forSortItems); for($i = 0; $i < $forSortCount; $i++){ if($i == 0){ $updateData[] = [ 'id' => $forSortItems[$i]['id'], 'sort' => $item['sort'] ]; }else{ $updateData[] = [ 'id' => $forSortItems[$i]['id'], 'sort' => $forSortItems[$i - 1]['sort'] ]; } } $updateData[] = [ 'id' => $item['id'], 'sort' => $forSortItems[$i - 1]['sort'] ]; if(!empty($updateData)){ $model = new MArticle(); $model->saveAll($updateData); $sortStr = $sort == 'up' ? '上移' : '下调'; Log::write('article', 'sort', "文章排序,ID:{$id} ,标题:{$item['title']},{$sortStr}了{$num}位"); return $this->json(); } } return $this->json(4, '无须调整排序!'); } return $this->json(1, '非法请求!'); } //编辑 public function edit() { if($this->request->isPost()){ $item = input('post.item/a'); $img = input('post.img'); $id = input(''); $article = MArticle::getById($id); if (empty($article)) { return $this->json(1, '该文章不存在!'); } if(!empty($img)){ $item['src'] = $img; } try { validate(VArticle::class)->check($item); $auth = session('auth'); $item['update_time'] = time(); $item['updated'] = $auth['userName']; MArticle::updateById($id, $item); Log::write('article', 'edit', "文章编辑,ID:{$id} ,标题:{$item['title']}"); return $this->json(); } catch (ValidateException $e) { return $this->json(2, $e->getError()); } }else{ $id = input(''); $article = MArticle::getById($id); $category = Category::getById($article['category_id']); if($category['img_width'] && $category['img_height']){ $imgSize = $category['img_width'] . '像素 X ' . $category['img_height'] . '像素'; }else{ $imgSize = System::getArticleImageSize(); } $this->data['item'] = $article; $this->data['category'] = $category; $this->data['imgSize'] = $imgSize; return $this->view(); } } //添加 public function add() { if($this->request->isPost()){ $item = input('post.item/a'); $img = input('post.img'); if(!empty($img)){ $item['src'] = $img; } try { validate(VArticle::class)->check($item); $content = $item['content'] ?? ''; if(isset($item['content'])){ unset($item['content']); } $item['content'] = $content; $article = MArticle::create($item); Log::write('article', 'add', "文章新增,ID:{$article->id} ,标题:{$item['title']}"); return $this->json(); } catch (ValidateException $e) { return $this->json(2, $e->getError()); } }else{ $categoryId = input('param.category_id'); $category = Category::getById($categoryId); if(count($category) > 0 && $category['img_width'] && $category['img_height']){ $imgSize = $category['img_width'] . '像素 X ' . $category['img_height'] . '像素'; }else{ $imgSize = System::getArticleImageSize(); } $this->data['category'] = $category; $this->data['imgSize'] = $imgSize; return $this->view(); } } }