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document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="https://api.map.baidu.com/api?v=2.0&ak=O4aFVMSLVl1aiTX2sF40aVfC"></script>');
function ShowMap(objname,options){
this._city = options.city ? options.city : ""; //城市
this._addr = options.addr ? options.addr : ""; //地址
this._title = options.title ? options.title : ""; //信息窗口标题
this._lawfirm = options.lawfirm ? options.lawfirm : ""; //律所
this._tel = options.tel ? options.tel : ""; //电话
this._user = options.user ? options.user : ""; //主任
this._mapx = options.mapx ? options.mapx : ""; //地图坐标
this._pic = options.pic ? options.pic : ""; //图片
this._ismove = options.ismove ? options.ismove : "0"; //是否拖动,1为拖动为设置标注,0为显示。默认0
this._piobj = options.piobj ? options.piobj : ""; //接收拖动坐标的表单ID
this._zoom = options.zoom ? options.zoom : "14"; //放大级别,默认14
var point=new BMap.Point(113.63156,34.83794);
var zoom=this._zoom;
var map = new BMap.Map(objname);
map.addControl(new BMap.NavigationControl(opts));
map.centerAndZoom(point, zoom);//设初始化地图。
var cr = new BMap.CopyrightControl({anchor: BMAP_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT});
map.addControl(cr); //添加版权控件
var bs = map.getBounds(); //返回地图可视区域
if (this._mapx != ""){
var mx=this._mapx.substr(0,this._mapx.indexOf(","));
var my=this._mapx.substr(this._mapx.indexOf(",")+1);
point=new BMap.Point(mx,my);
map.centerAndZoom(point, zoom); //重新调整位置
else if (this._addr != ""){
var myGeo = new BMap.Geocoder();
myGeo.getPoint(this._addr, function(poi){
map.centerAndZoom(poi, zoom);
marker.setPosition(poi); //重调标注位置
}, this._city);
else if (this._city != ""){
map.setCenter(this._city); //设置地图中心点。
if (this._ismove=="0"){setTimeout(function(){map.clearOverlays();}, 1000);}
var myCity = new BMap.LocalCity();
if (this._ismove=="0"){setTimeout(function(){map.clearOverlays();}, 1000);}
var icosize = 50;
var myIcon = new BMap.Icon("image/icomap.png", new BMap.Size(icosize,icosize));
var marker = new BMap.Marker(point,{icon:myIcon});
//var marker = new BMap.Marker(point);
map.addOverlay(marker); // 将标注添加到地图中
if (this._ismove=="1"){
marker.enableDragging(); //可拖拽
var label = new BMap.Label("拖拽到您的位置",{offset:new BMap.Size(20,-15)});
label.setStyle({ backgroundColor:"red", color:"white", fontSize : "12px" });
var poj=this._piobj; //过程里不支持this,要传给变量
marker.addEventListener("dragend", function(e){
try{document.getElementById(poj).value = e.point.lng + "," + e.point.lat;}catch (ex) {}
map.addEventListener("click", function(e){
marker.setPosition(e.point); //重调标注位置
try{document.getElementById(poj).value = e.point.lng + "," + e.point.lat;}catch (ex) {}
if (this._ismove=="0"){
//marker.setAnimation(BMAP_ANIMATION_BOUNCE); //跳动的动画
var opts = {width:250,height:110,title : "<font color=green size=3>" + this._title + "</font>"} //窗口标题
var infotxt="<table border='0'><tr><td valign='top'>"; //窗口内容
if (this._pic != ""){infotxt += "<img src='"+this._pic+"' id='picid' style='float:left;margin-right:5px;padding-top:8px;' width=50>";}
infotxt += "</td><td><p style='font-size:12px;line-height:16px;padding-top:8px;'>";
if (this._lawfirm !=""){infotxt += "<b>公司:</b>" + this._lawfirm + "<br/>";};
if (this._addr !=""){infotxt += "<b>地址:</b>" + this._addr + "<br/>";};
if (this._tel !=""){infotxt += "<b>电话:</b>" + this._tel + "<br/>";};
if (this._user !=""){infotxt += "<b>联系人:</b>" + this._user + "<br/>";};
infotxt += "</p></td></tr></table>";
var label2 = new BMap.Label(this._title,{offset:new BMap.Size(20,-15)});
label2.setStyle({ backgroundColor:"red", color:"white", fontSize : "12px" });
var infoWindow = new BMap.InfoWindow(infotxt,opts);
// marker.addEventListener("mouseover", function(){
// this.openInfoWindow(infoWindow);
// //图片加载完毕重绘infowindow。防止在网速较慢,图片未加载时,生成的信息框高度比图片的总高度小,导致图片部分被隐藏
// document.getElementById('picid').onload = function (){infoWindow.redraw();}
// });
function getBDAddress(callBackFun,spStr){
if (!spStr){spStr="";} //分隔符,默认空
var geolocation = new BMap.Geolocation();
if(this.getStatus() == BMAP_STATUS_SUCCESS){
var point = new BMap.Point(r.point.lng,r.point.lat);
var gc = new BMap.Geocoder();
gc.getLocation(point, function(rs){
var addComp = rs.addressComponents;
var addVal = addComp.province + spStr + addComp.city + spStr + addComp.district + spStr + addComp.street + spStr + addComp.streetNumber;
},{enableHighAccuracy: true})
@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
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