isPost()) { $params = input('post.item/a', []); $params['create_time'] = time(); try { validate(NoticeValidate::class)->check($params); $newItem = NoticeModel::create($params); MLog::write(get_class(), 'add', '新增,ID:'.$newItem->id); } catch (ValidateException $e) { return $this->json(1, $e->getError()); } return $this->json(); } else { $categoryId = input('param.category_id/d', 0); $category = MCategory::getById($categoryId); $this->data['category'] = $category; return $this->view(); } } /** * @return Json|View */ public function edit() { $id = input('', 0); $item = NoticeModel::getById($id); if (count($item) == 0) { return $this->json(1, '记录不存在'); } if (request()->isPost()) { $params = input('post.item/a', []); try { validate(NoticeValidate::class)->check($params); NoticeModel::updateById($id, $params); MLog::write(get_class(), 'edit', '修改,ID:'.$id); } catch (ValidateException $e) { return $this->json(2, $e->getError()); } return $this->json(); } else { $category = MCategory::getById($item['category_id']); $this->data['category'] = $category; $this->data['item'] = $item; return $this->view(); } } public function sort() { if (request()->isPost()) { $id = input(''); $sort = input('post.sort'); $num = input('post.num/d', 1); if ($num <= 0) { $num = 1; } if (!in_array($sort, ['up', 'down'], true)) { return $this->json(2, '参数错误'); } $item = NoticeModel::getById($id); if (empty($item)) { return $this->json(3, '该记录不存在'); } if ($sort == 'up') { $where = "category_id='{$item['category_id']}' and sort > {$item['sort']}"; $order = "sort asc"; } else { $where = "category_id='{$item['category_id']}' and sort < {$item['sort']}"; $order = "sort desc"; } $forSortItems = NoticeModel::getListByWhereAndOrder($where, $order, $num); if (!empty($forSortItems)) { $updateData = []; $forSortCount = count($forSortItems); for ($i = 0; $i < $forSortCount; $i++) { if ($i == 0) { $updateData[] = [ 'id' => $forSortItems[$i]['id'], 'sort' => $item['sort'] ]; } else { $updateData[] = [ 'id' => $forSortItems[$i]['id'], 'sort' => $forSortItems[$i - 1]['sort'] ]; } } $updateData[] = [ 'id' => $item['id'], 'sort' => $forSortItems[$i - 1]['sort'] ]; if (!empty($updateData)) { $model = new NoticeModel(); $model->saveAll($updateData); $sortStr = $sort == 'up' ? '上移' : '下调'; MLog::write(get_class(), 'sort', "排序,ID:{$id} ,{$sortStr}了{$num}位"); return $this->json(); } } return $this->json(4, '无须调整排序!'); } return $this->json(1, '无此操作'); } // 删除 public function del() { if (request()->isPost()) { $historyId = input('', 0); $item = NoticeModel::getById($historyId); if (count($item) == 0) { return $this->json(2, '该记录不存在'); } try { NoticeModel::destroy($historyId); MLog::write(get_class(), 'del', '删除,ID:'.$historyId); } catch (\Exception $e) { return $this->json(3, '删除失败,'.$e->getMessage()); } return $this->json(); } return $this->json(1, '无此操作'); } }