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namespace app\shop\logic\order;
use app\common\basics\Logic;
use app\common\enum\NoticeEnum;
use app\common\enum\OrderEnum;
use app\common\enum\OrderLogEnum;
use app\common\enum\PayEnum;
use app\common\enum\TeamEnum;
use app\common\logic\GoodsVirtualLogic;
use app\common\logic\OrderLogLogic;
use app\common\logic\OrderRefundLogic;
use app\common\model\Express;
use app\common\model\order\Order;
use app\common\model\DevRegion;
use app\common\model\printer\Printer;
use app\common\model\printer\PrinterConfig;
use app\common\model\team\Team;
use app\common\model\team\TeamFound;
use app\common\model\team\TeamJoin;
use app\common\model\user\UserLevel;
use app\common\server\ConfigServer;
use app\common\server\ExportExcelServer;
use app\common\server\UrlServer;
use app\common\server\YlyPrinter;
use app\shop\logic\printer\PrinterLogic;
use think\facade\Cache;
use expressage\Kd100;
use expressage\Kdniao;
use think\facade\Db;
use think\Exception;
use think\Model;
* 订单管理-逻辑
* Class GoodsLogic
* @package app\shop\logic\goods
class OrderLogic extends Logic
* @notes 订单统计
* @param array $get
* @param $shop_id
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:23 上午
public static function statistics($get = [], $shop_id, $is_export = false)
$order = new Order();
$where = [];
$page = '1';
$limit = '10';
$where[] = ['o.delete', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['o.del', '=', 0];
$where[] = ['o.shop_id', '=', $shop_id];
if (isset($get['type']) && $get['type'] != '') {
$where[] = ['order_status', '=', $get['type']];
if (!empty($get['search_key']) && !empty($get['keyword'])) {
$keyword = $get['keyword'];
switch ($get['search_key']) {
case 'order_sn':
$where[] = ['o.order_sn', '=', $keyword];
case 'shop_name':
$where[] = ['', 'like', '%' . $keyword . '%'];
case 'goods_name':
$where[] = ['g.goods_name', 'like', '%' . $keyword . '%'];
case 'user_id':
$where[] = ['o.user_id', '=', $keyword];
case 'nickname':
$where[] = ['u.nickname', 'like', '%' . $keyword . '%'];
case 'user_mobile':
$where[] = ['', '=', $keyword];
case 'consignee':
$where[] = ['consignee', '=', $keyword];
case 'consignee_mobile':
$where[] = ['', '=', $keyword];
if (isset($get['order_status']) && $get['order_status'] != '') {
$where[] = ['o.order_status', '=', $get['order_status']];
if (isset($get['goods_name']) && $get['goods_name'] != '') {
$where[] = ['g.goods_name', 'like', '%' . $get['goods_name'] . '%'];
if (isset($get['delivery_type']) && $get['delivery_type'] != '') {
$where[] = ['o.delivery_type', '=', $get['delivery_type']];
if (isset($get['pay_way']) && $get['pay_way'] != '') {
$where[] = ['o.pay_way', '=', $get['pay_way']];
if (isset($get['order_source']) && $get['order_source'] != '') {
$where[] = ['o.order_source', '=', $get['order_source']];
if (isset($get['order_type']) && $get['order_type'] != '') {
$where[] = ['o.order_type', '=', $get['order_type']];
if (isset($get['start_time']) && $get['start_time'] != '') {
$where[] = ['o.create_time', '>=', strtotime($get['start_time'])];
if (isset($get['end_time']) && $get['end_time'] != '') {
$where[] = ['o.create_time', '<=', strtotime($get['end_time'])];
if (isset($get['page']) && $get['page'] != '') {
$page = $get['page'];
if (isset($get['limit']) && $get['limit'] != '') {
$limit = $get['limit'];
// 导出excel
if (true === $is_export) {
return self::export($where);
$field = 'o.*,order_status as order_status_text,pay_way as pay_way_text,delivery_type as delivery_type_text, as shop_name,order_type as order_type_text,u.level';
$count = $order
->leftJoin ('shop s', ' = o.shop_id')
->leftJoin ('user u', ' = o.user_id')
->with(['order_goods', 'user'])
$lists = $order
->leftJoin('shop s', ' = o.shop_id')
->leftJoin('user u', ' = o.user_id')
->with(['order_goods', 'user'])
->append(['delivery_address', 'pay_status_text', 'order_source_text'])
->page($page, $limit)
->order(' desc')
$user_level = UserLevel::where(['del'=>0])->column('name','id');
foreach ($lists as &$list) {
$list['pay_time'] = $list['pay_time'] == '0' ? '未支付' : date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $list['pay_time']);
$list['user']['avatar'] = UrlServer::getFileUrl($list['user']['avatar']);
foreach ($list['order_goods'] as $order_good) {
$order_good['image'] = UrlServer::getFileUrl($order_good['image']);
if ($list['order_type'] == OrderEnum::TEAM_ORDER) {
$team = TeamJoin::field('TJ.status,TF.status as found_status')->alias('TJ')
->join('team_found TF', ' = TJ.team_id')
$list['is_team_success'] = false;
if ($team) {
$list['is_team_success'] = $team['found_status'] == 1 ? true : false;
// 会员等级
$list['user_level'] = '暂无等级';
if(isset($user_level[$list['level']])) {
$list['user_level'] = $user_level[$list['level']];
return ['count' => $count, 'lists' => $lists];
public static function totalCount($shopId)
$all = Order::where(['shop_id' => $shopId, 'del' => 0, 'delete' => 0])->count();
$waitPay = Order::where(['shop_id' => $shopId, 'order_status' => 0 , 'del' => 0, 'delete' => 0])->count();
$waitDelivery = Order::where(['shop_id' => $shopId, 'order_status' => 1 , 'del' => 0, 'delete' => 0])->count();
$waitReceipt = Order::where(['shop_id' => $shopId, 'order_status' => 2 , 'del' => 0, 'delete' => 0])->count();
$waitComplete = Order::where(['shop_id' => $shopId, 'order_status' => 3 , 'del' => 0, 'delete' => 0])->count();
$waitClose = Order::where(['shop_id' => $shopId, 'order_status' => 4 , 'del' => 0, 'delete' => 0])->count();
return [
'all' => $all,
'wait_pay' => $waitPay,
'wait_delivery' => $waitDelivery,
'wait_receipt' => $waitReceipt,
'wait_complete' => $waitComplete,
'wait_close' => $waitClose,
* @notes 订单详情
* @param $id
* @return array|Model|null
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:23 上午
public static function getDetail($id)
$order = new Order();
$result = $order
->with(['user', 'order_goods', 'invoice'])
->where('id', $id)
->append(['delivery_address', 'pay_status_text', 'order_status_text', 'pay_way_text', 'order_type_text'])
$result['pay_time'] = $result['pay_time'] == 0 ? '未支付' : date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $result['pay_time']);
$user = $result['user'];
$user['avatar'] = UrlServer::getFileUrl($user['avatar']);
$result['user'] = $user;
foreach ($result['order_goods'] as &$order_goods) {
$order_goods['goods_image'] = empty($order_goods['spec_image']) ?
UrlServer::getFileUrl($order_goods['image']) : UrlServer::getFileUrl($order_goods['spec_image']);
if ($result['order_type'] == OrderEnum::TEAM_ORDER) {
$team = TeamJoin::field('TJ.status,TF.status as found_status')->alias('TJ')
->join('team_found TF', ' = TJ.team_id')
$result['is_team_success'] = false;
if ($team) {
$result['is_team_success'] = $team['found_status'] == 1 ? true : false;
return $result;
* @notes 物流信息
* @param $order_id
* @return array|\PDOStatement|string|Model|null
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:24 上午
public static function shippingInfo($order_id)
$shipping = Db::name('delivery')->where('order_id', $order_id)->find();
if ($shipping) {
$shipping['create_time_text'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $shipping['create_time']);
$shipping['traces'] = self::getShipping($order_id);
return $shipping;
* @notes 物流轨迹
* @param $order_id
* @return bool|string[]
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:24 上午
public static function getShipping($order_id)
$orderModel = new Order();
$order = $orderModel->alias('o')
->join('delivery d', 'd.order_id =')
->where(['' => $order_id])
$express = ConfigServer::get('express', 'way', '', '');
$key = ConfigServer::get($express, 'appkey');
$app = ConfigServer::get($express, 'appsecret');
if (empty($express) || $order['shipping_status'] != 1 || empty($app) || empty($key)) {
return $traces[] = ['暂无物流信息'];
if ($express === 'kdniao') {
$expressage = (new Kdniao($app, $key, true));
$shipping_field = 'codebird';
} else {
$expressage = (new Kd100($app, $key, true));
$shipping_field = 'code100';
$shipping_code = Db::name('express')
->where(['id' => $order['shipping_id']])
if ($shipping_code === 'SF' && $express === 'kdniao') {
$expressage->logistics($shipping_code, $order['invoice_no'], substr($order['mobile'],-4));
}else {
$expressage->logistics($shipping_code, $order['invoice_no']);
$traces = $expressage->logisticsFormat();
if ($traces == false) {
$traces[] = [$expressage->getError()];
} else {
foreach ($traces as &$item) {
$item = array_values(array_unique($item));
return $traces;
* @notes 获取物流
* @return \think\Collection
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:24 上午
public static function express()
return Express::where('del', 0)->select();
* @notes 发货操作
* @param $data
* @param $admin_id
* @return bool
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:24 上午
public static function deliveryHandle($data, $admin_id)
$order_id = $data['order_id'];
$order = Order::where(['del' => 0, 'id' => $order_id], ['order_goods'])->find();
if ($order['shipping_status'] == 1) {
return true;
$shipping = Db::name('express')->where('id', $data['shipping_id'])->find();
$delivery_data = [
'order_id' => $order_id,
'order_sn' => $order['order_sn'],
'user_id' => $order['user_id'],
'admin_id' => $admin_id,
'consignee' => $order['consignee'],
'mobile' => $order['mobile'],
'province' => $order['province'],
'city' => $order['city'],
'district' => $order['district'],
'address' => $order['address'],
'invoice_no' => $data['invoice_no'],
'send_type' => $data['send_type'],
'create_time' => time(),
if ($data['send_type'] == 1) {
$delivery_data['shipping_id'] = $data['shipping_id'];
$delivery_data['shipping_name'] = $shipping['name'];
$delivery_data['shipping_status'] = 1;
$delivery_id = Db::name('delivery')->insertGetId($delivery_data);
$order->update_time = time();
$order->shipping_time = time();
$order->shipping_status = 1;
$order->order_status = Order::STATUS_WAIT_RECEIVE;
$order->delivery_id = $delivery_id;
if (!empty($order['mobile'])) {
event('Notice', [
'scene' => NoticeEnum::ORDER_DELIVERY_NOTICE,
'mobile' => $order['mobile'],
'params' => [
'order_id' => $order['id'],
'user_id' => $order['user_id'],
'shipping_name' => $delivery_data['shipping_name'] ?? '无需快递',
'invoice_no' => $data['invoice_no'] ?? '',
* @notes 判断是否可以发货
* @param $post
* @return bool|string
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:24 上午
public static function checkDelivery($post)
$id = $post['order_id'];
$order = Order::where(['id' => $id])->find();
if (!$order) {
return '订单失效';
if ($order['del'] == 1) {
return '订单已删除';
if ($order['shipping_status'] == 1) {
return '此订单已发货';
if ($order['order_type'] == OrderEnum::TEAM_ORDER) {
$found = TeamJoin::where(['id' => $order['team_found_id']])->find();
if ($found['status'] != Team::STATUS_SUCCESS) {
return '已支付的拼团订单需要等待拼团成功后才能发货';
return true;
* @notes 判断是否可以取消订单
* @param $post
* @return bool|string
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:24 上午
public static function checkCancel($post)
$id = $post['order_id'];
$order = Order::where(['id' => $id, 'del' => 0])->find();
if (!$order) {
return '订单失效';
if ($order['order_status'] > OrderEnum::ORDER_STATUS_DELIVERY) {
return '此订单不可取消';
if ($order['order_type'] == OrderEnum::TEAM_ORDER) {
$found = Db::name('team_found')->where(['id' => $order['team_found_id']])->find();
if ($found['status'] == Team::STATUS_WAIT_SUCCESS) {
return '已支付的拼团订单需要有拼团结果才可以取消';
return true;
* @notes 取消订单(返回商品规格表库存)
* @param $order_id
* @param $admin_id
* @return bool|string
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:24 上午
public static function cancel($order_id, $admin_id)
try {
$order = Order::where(['id' => $order_id], ['orderGoods'])->find();
// 如果是拼团订单
if ($order['order_type'] == OrderEnum::TEAM_ORDER) {
$time = time();
$team_id = (new TeamJoin())->where(['order_id' => $order['id']])->value('team_id');
$teamJoin = (new TeamJoin())->alias('TJ')
->where(['team_id' => $team_id])
->join('order O', '')
TeamFound::update(['status' => TeamEnum::TEAM_STATUS_FAIL, 'team_end_time' => $time], ['id' => $team_id]);
foreach ($teamJoin as $item) {
TeamJoin::update(['status' => TeamEnum::TEAM_STATUS_FAIL, 'update_time' => $time], ['id' => $item['id']]);
OrderRefundLogic::cancelOrder($item['order_id'], OrderLogEnum::TYPE_SHOP, $admin_id); //取消订单
if ($item['pay_status'] == PayEnum::ISPAID) {
$order = (new Order())->findOrEmpty($item['order_id'])->toArray();
OrderRefundLogic::cancelOrderRefundUpdate($order); //更新订单状态
OrderRefundLogic::refund($order, $order['order_amount'], $order['order_amount']); //订单退款
} else {
OrderRefundLogic::cancelOrder($order_id, OrderLogEnum::TYPE_SHOP, $admin_id);
if ($order['pay_status'] == PayEnum::ISPAID) {
OrderRefundLogic::refund($order, $order['order_amount'], $order['order_amount']);
return true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
OrderRefundLogic::addErrorRefund($order, $e->getMessage());
return $e->getMessage();
* @notes 判断是否可以删除订单
* @param $post
* @return bool|string
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:24 上午
public static function checkDel($post)
$id = $post['order_id'];
$order = Order::where(['id' => $id])->find();
if (!$order) {
return '订单失效';
if ($order['del'] == 1) {
return '订单已删除';
if ($order['order_status'] != OrderEnum::ORDER_STATUS_DOWN) {
return '此订单不可删除';
return true;
* @notes 删除已取消的订单
* @param $order_id
* @param $admin_id
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:24 上午
public static function del($order_id, $admin_id)
$order = Order::where(['delete' => 0, 'id' => $order_id])->find();
$order->save(['delete' => 1, 'update_time' => time()]);
* @notes 确认收货
* @param $order_id
* @param $admin_id
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:25 上午
public static function confirm($order_id, $admin_id)
$order = Order::where(['del' => 0, 'id' => $order_id])->find();
$order->order_status = Order::STATUS_FINISH;
$order->update_time = time();
$order->confirm_take_time = time();
* @notes 订单备注
* @param $post
* @param string $type
* @return Order|array|Model
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:25 上午
public static function remarks($post, $type = "get")
if ($type === 'get') {
return Order::field('id,order_remarks')
->where(['id' => $post['id']])
} else {
return Order::where(['id' => $post['id']])
->update(['order_remarks' => $post['order_remarks']]);
* @notes 打印订单
* @param $id
* @param $shop_id
* @return string|void
* @author 段誉
* @date 2022/1/20 11:24
public static function orderPrint($id, $shop_id)
try {
$config = PrinterConfig::where(['status' => 1, 'shop_id' => $shop_id])->findOrEmpty();
$printers = Printer::where([
'shop_id' => $shop_id,
'config_id' => $config['id'],
'del' => 0,
'status' => 1
if ($config->isEmpty() || empty($printers)) {
throw new Exception('请先配置打印机');
// 订单信息
$order = self::getPrintOrder($id);
$yly_print = new YlyPrinter($config['client_id'], $config['client_secret'], $shop_id);
// 模板
$template = PrinterLogic::getPrinterTpl($shop_id);
$yly_print->ylyPrint($printers, $order, $template);
return true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$msg = json_decode($e->getMessage(), true);
if ($msg && isset($msg['error'])) {
return '易联云:' . $msg['error_description'];
if (18 === $e->getCode()) {
Cache::rm('yly_access_token' . $shop_id);
Cache::rm('yly_refresh_token' . $shop_id);
return '易联云:' . $e->getMessage();
* @notes 获取打印订单
* @param $id
* @return array
* @author 段誉
* @date 2022/1/21 9:58
public static function getPrintOrder($id)
return (new Order())
->with(['user', 'order_goods'])
->where('id', $id)
* @notes 获取地址
* @param $post
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:25 上午
public static function change_address($post)
$order = new Order();
$info = $order->where(['id' => $post['id']])
->field(['id', 'province', 'city', 'district', 'address','consignee','mobile'])
$info = json_encode($info, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
$address_tree = json_encode(self::getAddressTree(), JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
$data = [
'info' => $info,
'address_tree' => $address_tree
return $data;
* @notes 获取城市信息
* @return \think\Collection
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:25 上午
public static function getAddressTree()
$DevRegion = new DevRegion();
$lists = $DevRegion
->field(['name', 'id', 'parent_id', 'level'])
->where('level', '>', 0)
return $lists;
* @notes 修改地址
* @param $post
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:27 上午
public static function change_address_post($post)
$order = new Order();
$data = [
'province' => $post['province'],
'city' => $post['city'],
'district' => $post['district'],
'address' => $post['address'],
'consignee' => $post['consignee'],
'mobile' => $post['mobile'],
$order->where(['id' => $post['order_id']])->update($data);
* @notes 获取各列表数量
* @param $shop_id
* @return int
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:27 上午
public static function getAll($shop_id)
$all = Order::where(['shop_id' => $shop_id, 'del' => 0, 'delete' => 0])->count('id');
return $all;
* @notes 拼装统计信息
* @param $order_status
* @return array
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/13 3:36 下午
public static function getStat($order_status, $shop_id)
foreach ($order_status as $key => $value) {
$num = Order::where(['order_status' => $key, 'shop_id' => $shop_id, 'del' => 0, 'delete' => 0])->count('id');
$stat = $value . "(" . $num . ")";
$data[] = $stat;
return $data;
* @notes 虚拟商品发货
* @param $post
* @param $admin_id
* @return bool|void
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @author 段誉
* @date 2022/4/7 17:55
public static function virtualDelivery($post, $admin_id)
try {
$order_id = $post['order_id'];
$order = Order::with(['order_goods'])->where(['del' => 0, 'id' => $order_id])->find();
// 更新发货订单信息
$result = GoodsVirtualLogic::shopSelfDelivery($order_id, $post['delivery_content']);
if (true !== $result) {
throw new \Exception($result);
if (!empty($order['mobile'])) {
event('Notice', [
'scene' => NoticeEnum::ORDER_DELIVERY_NOTICE,
'mobile' => $order['mobile'],
'params' => [
'order_id' => $order['id'],
'user_id' => $order['user_id'],
'shipping_name' => '无需快递',
'invoice_no' => '',
return true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
self::$error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
* @notes 导出Excel
* @param array $condition
* @return array|false
* @author 段誉
* @date 2022/4/24 10:10
public static function export($condition = [])
try {
$field = 'o.*,order_status as order_status_text,pay_way as pay_way_text,
delivery_type as delivery_type_text,order_type as order_type_text,
u.nickname, as shop_name';
$lists = Order::alias('o')
->leftJoin('shop s', ' = o.shop_id')
->leftJoin('user u', ' = o.user_id')
->join('order_goods g', 'g.order_id =')
->append(['delivery_address', 'pay_status_text', 'order_source_text'])
->order(' desc')
foreach ($lists as &$item) {
$orderGoodsList = [];
$goodsItemList = [];
$goodsPriceList = [];
$goodsNumList = [];
foreach ($item['order_goods'] as $good) {
$orderGoodsList[] = $good['goods_name'];
$goodsItemList[] = $good['spec_value'];
$goodsPriceList[] = $good['goods_price'];
$goodsNumList[] = $good['goods_num'];
$item['order_goods_list'] = implode(';', $orderGoodsList);
$item['goods_item_list'] = implode(';', $goodsItemList);
$item['goods_price_list'] = implode(';', $goodsPriceList);
$item['goods_num_list'] = implode(';', $goodsNumList);
$excelFields = [
'order_sn' => '订单编号',
'order_type_text' => '订单类型',
'nickname' => '用户名称',
'order_goods_list' => '商品信息',
'goods_item_list' => '规格',
'goods_price_list' => '商品价格',
'goods_num_list' => '商品数量',
'order_amount' => '实付金额',
'consignee' => '收货人',
'mobile' => '收货人手机',
'delivery_address' => '收货地址',
'pay_status_text' => '支付状态',
'order_status_text' => '订单状态',
'create_time' => '下单时间',
$export = new ExportExcelServer();
$result = $export->createExcel($excelFields, $lists);
return ['url' => $result];
} catch (\Exception $e) {
self::$error = $e->getMessage();
return false;