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<u-popup v-model="showPop" mode="bottom" border-radius="14" :closeable="true" @close="onClose"
<view class="bg-white spec-contain">
<view class="header flex">
<u-image width="160rpx" height="160rpx" class="m-r-20" border-radius="10rpx"
@click="previewImage(checkedGoods.image)" :src="checkedGoods.image"></u-image>
<view class="goods-info">
<view class="primary flex">
<price-format :first-size="46" :second-size="32" :subscript-size="32"
:price="group ? checkedGoods.team_price : checkedGoods.price" :weight="500" />
<view class="vip-price flex" v-if="!group && !isSeckill && checkedGoods.member_price">
<view class="price-name xxs">会员价</view>
<view style="padding: 0 11rpx">
<price-format :price="checkedGoods.member_price" :first-size="22" :second-size="22"
:subscript-size="22" :weight="500" color="#7B3200" />
<view class="sm" v-if="showStock">
<view class="sm m-t-10">
<view class="spec-main" style="height: 550rpx;">
<scroll-view style="max-height: 500rpx;" scroll-y="true">
<view class="spec-list">
<view v-for="(item, index) in specList" :key="index" class="spec">
<view class="name m-b-20">
{{ }}
class="primary xs m-l-20">{{checkedGoods.spec_value_ids_arr[index] == '' ? '请选择'''}}</text>
<view class="flex flex-wrap">
<view v-for="(specitem, index2) in item.spec_value" :key="index2" :class="'spec-item sm ' +
( checkedGoods.spec_value_ids_arr[index] == ? 'checked' : '' ) +
( isDisable( ? 'disabled':'')" @click="choseSpecItem(index, index2)">
{{ specitem.value }}
<view class="good-num flex row-between m-l-20 m-r-20">
<view class="label">数量</view>
<u-number-box v-if="show" v-model="goodsNum" :min="1" :max="checkedGoods.stock"></u-number-box>
<view v-if="shop.is_pay" class="btns flex row-between bg-white" :class="specValueText.indexOf('请选择') != -1 || checkedGoods.stock == 0 ? 'disabled':''">
<button v-if="showAdd && type==0" class="add-cart br60 white btn" size="lg"
<button v-if="showBuy" class="bg-primary br60 white btn" size="lg"
<button v-if="showConfirm" class="bg-primary br60 white btn" size="lg"
export default {
data() {
return {
shop: {},
checkedGoods: {
stock: 0
}, //选中的
outOfStock: [], //缺货的
specList: [], //规格
disable: [], //不可选择的
goodsNum: 1,
showPop: false
props: {
show: {
type: Boolean
goods: {
type: Object
showAdd: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
showBuy: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
showConfirm: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
redBtnText: {
type: String,
default: "立即购买"
yellowBtnText: {
type: String,
default: "加入购物车"
showStock: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
group: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
isSeckill: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// type 是用来判断是什么类型的商品0=实物商品1=虚拟商品
type: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
computed: {
// 选择的规格参数等
specValueText() {
let arr = this.checkedGoods.spec_value_ids?.split(',');
let spec_str = ''
if (arr)
arr.forEach((item, index) => {
if (item == '') spec_str += this.specList[index].name + ','
if (this.checkedGoods?.stock != 0 && spec_str == '')
return `已选择 ${this.checkedGoods.spec_value_str} ${this.goodsNum}`
return `请选择 ${spec_str.slice(0, spec_str.length - 1)}`
watch: {
goods(value) {
this.specList = value.goods_spec || [];
let goodsItem = value.goods_item || []; = || {}
this.outOfStock = goodsItem.filter(item => item.stock == 0)
// 找出库存不为0的
const resultArr = goodsItem.filter(item => item.stock != 0)
if (resultArr.length != 0) {
resultArr[0].spec_value_ids_arr = resultArr[0].spec_value_ids.split(',');
this.checkedGoods = resultArr[0]
} else {
// 无法选择
goodsItem[0].spec_value_ids_arr = []
this.disable = => item.spec_value_ids.split(','));
this.checkedGoods = goodsItem[0]
specList(value) {
if (this.checkedGoods?.stock == 0) return
const res = this.goods.goods_item.filter(item => {
return this.checkedGoods.spec_value_ids === item.spec_value_ids
// 库存为0的规格
const idsArr = this.checkedGoods.spec_value_ids_arr;
const outOfStock = this.outOfStock;
// 找出规格相同和规格不相同的余数
const getArrGather = this.getArrResult(idsArr, outOfStock);
// 计算出缺货的规格项
this.disable = this.getOutOfStockArr(getArrGather, idsArr)
if (res.length != 0) {
let result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(res[0]))
result.spec_value_ids_arr = result.spec_value_ids.split(',')
this.checkedGoods = result;
// 同步到父组件
this.$emit('change', {
detail: this.checkedGoods
show(val) {
this.showPop = val
created() {
methods: {
isDisable(e) {
const res = this.disable.filter(item => item == e)
if (res.length != 0) return true
else return false
onClose() {
onClick(type) {
let {
} = this;
if(this.specValueText.indexOf('请选择') != -1) return this.$toast({
title: this.specValueText
if(checkedGoods.stock == 0) return this.$toast({
title: '当前选择库存不足'
checkedGoods.goodsNum = goodsNum;
this.$emit(type, {
detail: checkedGoods
// 选择规格
choseSpecItem(index, index2) {
const id = this.specList[index].spec_value[index2].id;
// 无法选择
const disable = this.disable.filter(item => item == id)
if (disable.length != 0) return
let idsArr = this.checkedGoods.spec_value_ids_arr;
if (id == idsArr[index]) idsArr[index] = ''
else idsArr[index] = id;
this.checkedGoods.spec_value_ids_arr = idsArr;
this.checkedGoods.spec_value_ids = idsArr.join(',');
// 重新渲染页面
this.specList = [...this.specList]
// 过滤出需要进行禁用的规格
getOutOfStockArr(arr, arr1, result = []) {
arr.forEach(el => {
if (el.num >= (arr1.length - 1)) {
return result
// 匹配出缺货库存和已选中对比结果
getArrIdentical(arr1, arr2, arr = [], num = 0) {
arr1.forEach(el => {
arr2.forEach(el2 => {
if (el == el2) {
num += 1;
return {
num, //n个相同的
different: this.getArrDifference([ Set(arr)].map(Number),,
identical: [ Set(arr)]
// 匹配出已选择和缺库存的
getArrResult(arr, outOfStock, result = []) {
outOfStock.forEach(item => {
const res = this.getArrIdentical(arr, item.spec_value_ids.split(','))
if (res != undefined && res.length != 0) {
return result
// 找出两个数组中参数不同的
getArrDifference(arr1, arr2) {
return arr1.concat(arr2).filter(function(v, i, arr) {
return arr.indexOf(v) == arr.lastIndexOf(v);
// 查看商品图片
previewImage(current) {
urls: [current] // 需要预览的图片http链接列表
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