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Connection pool

A common connection pool based on Swoole is usually used as the database connection pool.

Latest Version PHP Version Total Downloads License


Dependency Requirement
PHP >=7.0.0
Swoole >=4.2.9 Recommend 4.2.13+


Install package via Composer.

composer require "open-smf/connection-pool:~1.0"


See more examples.

  • Available connectors
Connector Connection description
CoroutineMySQLConnector Instance of Swoole\Coroutine\MySQL
CoroutinePostgreSQLConnector Instance of Swoole\Coroutine\PostgreSQL, require configuring Swoole with --enable-coroutine-postgresql
CoroutineRedisConnector Instance of Swoole\Coroutine\Redis
PhpRedisConnector Instance of Redis, require redis
PDOConnector Instance of PDO, require PDO
YourConnector YourConnector must implement interface ConnectorInterface, any object can be used as a connection instance
  • Basic usage
use Smf\ConnectionPool\ConnectionPool;
use Smf\ConnectionPool\Connectors\CoroutineMySQLConnector;
use Swoole\Coroutine\MySQL;

go(function () {
    // All MySQL connections: [10, 30]
    $pool = new ConnectionPool(
            'minActive'         => 10,
            'maxActive'         => 30,
            'maxWaitTime'       => 5,
            'maxIdleTime'       => 20,
            'idleCheckInterval' => 10,
        new CoroutineMySQLConnector,
            'host'        => '',
            'port'        => '3306',
            'user'        => 'root',
            'password'    => 'xy123456',
            'database'    => 'mysql',
            'timeout'     => 10,
            'charset'     => 'utf8mb4',
            'strict_type' => true,
            'fetch_mode'  => true,
    echo "Initializing connection pool\n";
    defer(function () use ($pool) {
        echo "Closing connection pool\n";

    echo "Borrowing the connection from pool\n";
    /**@var MySQL $connection */
    $connection = $pool->borrow();

    $status = $connection->query('SHOW STATUS LIKE "Threads_connected"');

    echo "Return the connection to pool as soon as possible\n";

  • Usage in Swoole Server
use Smf\ConnectionPool\ConnectionPool;
use Smf\ConnectionPool\ConnectionPoolTrait;
use Smf\ConnectionPool\Connectors\CoroutineMySQLConnector;
use Smf\ConnectionPool\Connectors\PhpRedisConnector;
use Swoole\Coroutine\MySQL;
use Swoole\Http\Request;
use Swoole\Http\Response;
use Swoole\Http\Server;

class HttpServer
    use ConnectionPoolTrait;

    protected $swoole;

    public function __construct(string $host, int $port)
        $this->swoole = new Server($host, $port);


    protected function setDefault()
            'daemonize'             => false,
            'dispatch_mode'         => 1,
            'max_request'           => 8000,
            'open_tcp_nodelay'      => true,
            'reload_async'          => true,
            'max_wait_time'         => 60,
            'enable_reuse_port'     => true,
            'enable_coroutine'      => true,
            'http_compression'      => false,
            'enable_static_handler' => false,
            'buffer_output_size'    => 4 * 1024 * 1024,
            'worker_num'            => 4, // Each worker holds a connection pool

    protected function bindHttpEvent()
        $this->swoole->on('Request', function (Request $request, Response $response) {
            $pool1 = $this->getConnectionPool('mysql');
            /**@var MySQL $mysql */
            $mysql = $pool1->borrow();
            $status = $mysql->query('SHOW STATUS LIKE "Threads_connected"');
            // Return the connection to pool as soon as possible

            $pool2 = $this->getConnectionPool('redis');
            /**@var \Redis $redis */
            $redis = $pool2->borrow();
            $clients = $redis->info('Clients');
            // Return the connection to pool as soon as possible

            $json = [
                'status'  => $status,
                'clients' => $clients,
            // Other logic
            // ...
            $response->header('Content-Type', 'application/json');

    protected function bindWorkerEvents()
        $createPools = function () {
            // All MySQL connections: [4 workers * 2 = 8, 4 workers * 10 = 40]
            $pool1 = new ConnectionPool(
                    'minActive' => 2,
                    'maxActive' => 10,
                new CoroutineMySQLConnector,
                    'host'        => '',
                    'port'        => '3306',
                    'user'        => 'root',
                    'password'    => 'xy123456',
                    'database'    => 'mysql',
                    'timeout'     => 10,
                    'charset'     => 'utf8mb4',
                    'strict_type' => true,
                    'fetch_mode'  => true,
            $this->addConnectionPool('mysql', $pool1);

            // All Redis connections: [4 workers * 5 = 20, 4 workers * 20 = 80]
            $pool2 = new ConnectionPool(
                    'minActive' => 5,
                    'maxActive' => 20,
                new PhpRedisConnector,
                    'host'     => '',
                    'port'     => '6379',
                    'database' => 0,
                    'password' => null,
            $this->addConnectionPool('redis', $pool2);
        $closePools = function () {
        $this->swoole->on('WorkerStart', $createPools);
        $this->swoole->on('WorkerStop', $closePools);
        $this->swoole->on('WorkerError', $closePools);

    public function start()

// Enable coroutine for PhpRedis
$server = new HttpServer('', 5200);
