130 lines
4.4 KiB
130 lines
4.4 KiB
use App\Oauth\YlyOauthClient;
use App\Api\PrintService;
$client = new YlyOauthClient($config);
$code = ''; //开放型应用商户授权码 获取请看 http://doc2.10ss.net/371769#Code_5
if (empty($code)) {echo 'The authorization code cannot be empty';return;}
try {
$token = $client->getToken($code);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
print_r(json_decode($e->getMessage(), true));
$access_token = $token->access_token; //调用API凭证AccessToken
$refresh_token = $token->refresh_token; //刷新AccessToken凭证 失效时间35天
$machine_code = $token->machine_code; //商户授权机器码
$expires_in = $token->expires_in; //AccessToken失效时间30天
$origin_id = ''; //内部订单号(32位以内)
if (empty($machine_code)) {echo 'The machine_code cannot be empty';return;}
if (empty($origin_id)) {echo 'The origin_id cannot be empty';return;}
$print = new PrintService($access_token, $config);
//58mm排版 排版指令详情请看 http://doc2.10ss.net/332006
$content = "<FS2><center>**#1 美团**</center></FS2>";
$content .= str_repeat('.', 32);
$content .= "<FS2><center>--在线支付--</center></FS2>";
$content .= "<FS><center>张周兄弟烧烤</center></FS>";
$content .= "订单时间:". date("Y-m-d H:i") . "\n";
$content .= "订单编号:40807050607030\n";
$content .= str_repeat('*', 14) . "商品" . str_repeat("*", 14);
$content .= "<table>";
$content .= "<tr><td>烤土豆(超级辣)</td><td>x3</td><td>5.96</td></tr>";
$content .= "<tr><td>烤豆干(超级辣)</td><td>x2</td><td>3.88</td></tr>";
$content .= "<tr><td>烤鸡翅(超级辣)</td><td>x3</td><td>17.96</td></tr>";
$content .= "<tr><td>烤排骨(香辣)</td><td>x3</td><td>12.44</td></tr>";
$content .= "<tr><td>烤韭菜(超级辣)</td><td>x3</td><td>8.96</td></tr>";
$content .= "</table>";
$content .= str_repeat('.', 32);
$content .= "<QR>这是二维码内容</QR>";
$content .= "小计:¥82\n";
$content .= "折扣:¥4 \n";
$content .= str_repeat('*', 32);
$content .= "订单总价:¥78 \n";
$content .= "<FS2><center>**#1 完**</center></FS2>";
var_dump($print->index($machine_code, $content, $origin_id));
}catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
//$picturePrint = new PicturePrintService($access_token, $config);
//$content = "https://timgsa.baidu.com/timg?image&quality=80&size=b9999_10000&sec=1497000905083&di=7c3cffef1dd40edffbd0a37c4eabb277&imgtype=0&src=http://img1.touxiang.cn/uploads/20131114/14-054929_462.jpg";
// var_dump($picturePrint->index($machine_code, $content, $origin_id));
//}catch (Exception $e) {
// echo $e->getMessage();
///**面单接口开始**/ //打印机型必须为k5;
//$expressPrint = new ExpressPrintService($access_token, $config);
//$content = array(
// "OrderCode"=> "0126578665784971",
// "ShipperCode"=> "SF", //SF YZPY HTKY YD
// "PayType"=> 1,
// "ExpType"=> 1,
// "Cost"=>6.0,
// "OtherCost"=> 7.0,
// "CustomerName" => '1264546',
// "CustomerPwd" => '4545454',
// "MonthCode" => '',
// "Sender"=> array(
// "Company" => "5645645",
// "Name" => "Taylor",
// "Mobile" => "15018442396",
// "ProvinceName" => "上海",
// "CityName" => "上海",
// "PostCode" => '61000',
// "ExpAreaName" => "青浦区",
// "Address" => "明珠路73号"
// ),
// "Receiver"=> array(
// "Company"=> "789789",
// "Name"=> "Yann",
// "Mobile"=> "15018442396",
// "ProvinceName"=> "北京",
// "CityName"=> "北京",
// "PostCode" => '61000',
// "ExpAreaName"=> "朝阳区",
// "Address"=> "三里屯街道雅秀大厦"
// ),
// "Commodity" => array(
// array(
// "GoodsName"=> "鞋子",
// )
// ),
// "AddService"=> array(
// array(
// "Name"=> "COD",
// "Value"=> "1020",
// "CustomerID" => "44564"
// )
// ),
// "StartDate" => date("y-M-d H:i:s",time() + 7200),
// "Weight"=> 1.0,
// "Quantity"=> 1,
// "Volume"=> 0.0,
// "Remark"=> "小心轻放",
// var_dump($expressPrint->index($machine_code, $content, $origin_id));
//}catch (Exception $e) {
// echo $e->getMessage();