233 lines
7.2 KiB
233 lines
7.2 KiB
namespace app\admin\logic\finance;
use app\common\basics\Logic;
use app\common\enum\ShopEnum;
use app\common\enum\PayEnum;
use app\common\enum\OrderEnum;
use app\common\model\order\Order;
use app\common\model\shop\ShopSettlement;
use app\common\model\shop\ShopSettlementRecord;
use app\common\server\ExportExcelServer;
use app\common\server\UrlServer;
class ShopSettlementLogic extends Logic
* @Notes: 商家结算列表
* @Author: 张无忌
* @param $get
* @return array
public static function lists($get, $is_export = false)
try {
$where = [];
if (!empty($get['name']) and $get['name']) {
$where[] = ['S.name', 'like', '%'.$get['name'].'%'];
if (!empty($get['start_time']) and $get['start_time']) {
$where[] = ['SL.create_time', '>=', strtotime($get['start_time'])];
if (!empty($get['end_time']) and $get['end_time']) {
$where[] = ['SL.create_time', '<=', strtotime($get['start_time'])];
// 导出
if (true === $is_export) {
return self::settlementExport($where);
$model = new ShopSettlement();
$lists = $model->field([
'sum(SL.deal_order_count) AS deal_order_count',
'sum(SL.business_money) AS business_money',
->join('shop S', 'S.id = SL.shop_id')
'page' => $get['page'],
'list_rows' => $get['limit'],
'var_page' => 'page'
foreach ($lists['data'] as &$item) {
$item['type'] = ShopEnum::getShopTypeDesc($item['type']);
$item['logo'] = UrlServer::getFileUrl($item['logo']);
return ['count'=>$lists['total'], 'lists'=>$lists['data']];
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return ['error'=>$e->getMessage()];
* @Notes: 商家结算记录
* @Author: 张无忌
* @param $get
* @return array
public static function record($get)
try {
$model = new ShopSettlement();
$lists = $model->field(true)
->order('id', 'desc')
'page' => $get['page'],
'list_rows' => $get['limit'],
'var_page' => 'page'
return ['count'=>$lists['total'], 'lists'=>$lists['data']];
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return ['error'=>$e->getMessage()];
* @Notes: 结算详细
* @Author: 张无忌
* @param $get
* @return array
public static function detail($get)
try {
$where[] = ['settle_id', '=', (int)$get['settle_id']];
if (!empty($get['order_sn']) and $get['order_sn'])
$where[] = ['order_sn', 'like', '%'.$get['order_sn'].'%'];
$model = new ShopSettlementRecord();
$lists = $model->field(true)
->order('id', 'asc')
'page' => $get['page'],
'list_rows' => $get['limit'],
'var_page' => 'page'
return ['count'=>$lists['total'], 'lists'=>$lists['data']];
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return ['error'=>$e->getMessage()];
* @Notes: 结算统计
* @return array
public static function statistics($shop_id = 0)
$where = [];
$where[] = ['shop_id', '=' , $shop_id];
$modelOrder = new Order();
$modelShopSettlement = new ShopSettlement();
$settleOrederNum = $modelShopSettlement
$settleOrederAmount = $modelShopSettlement
$settleOrederAmountWait = $modelOrder
['pay_status', '>', PayEnum::UNPAID],
['settle_id', '=', OrderEnum::SETTLE_WAIT]
$settleDistributionAmount = $modelShopSettlement
$settleWithdrawalAmount = $modelShopSettlement
$settlePoundageAmount = $modelShopSettlement
return [
'settleOrederNum' => $settleOrederNum, //已结算成交订单数
'settleOrederAmount' => $settleOrederAmount, //已结算营业额
'settleOrederAmountWait' => $settleOrederAmountWait, //待结算营业额
'settleDistributionAmount' => $settleDistributionAmount, //已结算分销佣金金额
'settleWithdrawalAmount' => $settleWithdrawalAmount, //已结算入账金额
'settlePoundageAmount' => $settlePoundageAmount, //已结算交易服务费
* @notes 导出商家结算Excel
* @param array $where
* @return array|false
* @author 段誉
* @date 2022/4/24 10:10
public static function settlementExport($where)
try {
$model = new ShopSettlement();
$lists = $model->field([
'sum(SL.deal_order_count) AS deal_order_count',
'sum(SL.business_money) AS business_money',
->join('shop S', 'S.id = SL.shop_id')
foreach ($lists as &$item) {
$item['type'] = ShopEnum::getShopTypeDesc($item['type']);
$excelFields = [
'name' => '商家名称',
'type' => '商家类型',
'deal_order_count' => '已结算成交订单数',
'business_money' => '已结算营业额',
$export = new ExportExcelServer();
$result = $export->createExcel($excelFields, $lists);
return ['url' => $result];
} catch (\Exception $e) {
self::$error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
} |