302 lines
10 KiB
302 lines
10 KiB
namespace app\admin\logic\shop;
use app\common\basics\Logic;
use app\common\enum\ShopEnum;
use app\common\model\shop\Shop;
use app\common\model\shop\ShopAdmin;
use app\common\server\UrlServer;
use Exception;
use think\facade\Db;
class StoreLogic extends Logic
* NOTE: 商家列表
* @author: 张无忌
* @param $get
* @return array|bool
public static function lists($get)
try {
$where = [
['del', '=', 0]
if (!empty($get['name']) and $get['name'])
$where[] = ['name', 'like', '%'.$get['name'].'%'];
if (!empty($get['type']) and is_numeric($get['type']))
$where[] = ['type', '=', $get['type']];
if (!empty($get['cid']) and is_numeric($get['cid']))
$where[] = ['cid', '=', $get['cid']];
if (isset($get['is_recommend']) && $get['is_recommend'] != '')
$where[] = ['is_recommend', '=', $get['is_recommend']];
if (isset($get['is_run']) && $get['is_run'] != '')
$where[] = ['is_run', '=', $get['is_run']];
if (isset($get['is_freeze']) and $get['is_freeze'] != '')
$where[] = ['is_freeze', '=', $get['is_freeze']];
if (!empty($get['expire_start_time']) and $get['expire_start_time'])
$where[] = ['expire_time', '>=', strtotime($get['expire_start_time'])];
if (!empty($get['expire_end_time']) and $get['expire_end_time'])
$where[] = ['expire_time', '<=', strtotime($get['expire_end_time'])];
$condition = 'del=0';
// 到期状态
if (isset($get['expire_status']) and $get['expire_status'] != '') {
if ($get['expire_status']) {
// 已到期
$where[] = ['expire_time', '<', time()];
$where[] = ['expire_time', '>', 0];
} else {
// 未到期
$condition = "expire_time=0 OR expire_time >". time();
$model = new Shop();
$lists = $model->field(true)
->order('id', 'desc')
->order('weight', 'asc')
->with(['category', 'admin'])
'page' => $get['page'],
'list_rows' => $get['limit'],
'var_page' => 'page'
foreach ($lists['data'] as &$item) {
$item['category'] = $item['category']['name'] ?? '未知';
$item['type'] = ShopEnum::getShopTypeDesc($item['type']);
$item['is_run'] = ShopEnum::getShopIsRunDesc($item['is_run']);
$item['is_freeze'] = ShopEnum::getShopFreezeDesc($item['is_freeze']);
$item['is_recommend'] = ShopEnum::getShopIsRecommendDesc($item['is_recommend']);
$item['account'] = $item['admin']['account'] ?? '';
return ['count'=>$lists['total'], 'lists'=>$lists['data']];
} catch (Exception $e) {
return ['error'=>$e->getMessage()];
* NOTE: 商家详细
* @author: 张无忌
* @param $id
* @return array
public static function detail($id)
$model = new Shop();
$detail = $model->json(['other_qualifications'],true)->findOrEmpty($id)->toArray();
$detail['expire_time'] = $detail['expire_time'] == '无期限' ? 0 : $detail['expire_time'];
$detail['business_license'] = $detail['business_license'] ? UrlServer::getFileUrl($detail['business_license']) : '';
if (!empty($detail['other_qualifications'])) {
foreach ($detail['other_qualifications'] as &$val) {
$val = UrlServer::getFileUrl($val);
return $detail;
public static function getAccountInfo($id)
$detail = ShopAdmin::field('id,account')->where(['shop_id' => $id, 'root' => 1])->findOrEmpty()->toArray();
return $detail;
* NOTE: 新增商家
* @author: 张无忌
* @param $post
* @return bool
public static function add($post)
try {
// 创建商家
$shop = Shop::create([
'cid' => $post['cid'],
'type' => $post['type'],
'name' => $post['name'],
'nickname' => $post['nickname'],
'mobile' => $post['mobile'],
'logo' => $post['logo'] ?? '',
'background' => $post['background'] ?? '',
'license' => $post['license'] ?? '',
'keywords' => $post['keywords'] ?? '',
'intro' => $post['intro'] ?? '',
'weight' => $post['weight'] ?? 0,
'trade_service_fee' => $post['trade_service_fee'],
'is_run' => $post['is_run'],
'is_freeze' => $post['is_freeze'],
'is_product_audit' => $post['is_product_audit'],
'is_recommend' => $post['is_recommend'] ?? 0,
'expire_time' => !empty($post['expire_time']) ? strtotime($post['expire_time']) : 0
// 创建账号
// 新增商家登录账号
$time = time();
$salt = substr(md5($time . $post['name']), 0, 4);//随机4位密码盐
'root' => 1,
'shop_id' => $shop->id,
'name' => $shop->name,
'account' => $post['account'],
'password' => generatePassword($post['password'], $salt),
'salt' => $salt,
'role_id' => 0,
'create_time' => $time,
'update_time' => $time,
'disable' => 0,
'del' => 0
return true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
static::$error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
* NOTE: 编辑商家
* @author: 张无忌
* @param $post
* @return bool
public static function edit($post)
try {
'cid' => $post['cid'],
'type' => $post['type'],
'name' => $post['name'],
'nickname' => $post['nickname'],
'mobile' => $post['mobile'],
'logo' => $post['logo'] ?? '',
'keywords' => $post['keywords'] ?? '',
'intro' => $post['intro'] ?? '',
'trade_service_fee' => $post['trade_service_fee'],
'is_run' => $post['is_run'],
'is_freeze' => $post['is_freeze'],
'is_product_audit' => $post['is_product_audit'],
'expire_time' => !empty($post['expire_time']) ? strtotime($post['expire_time']) : 0
], ['id'=>$post['id']]);
return true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
static::$error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
* NOTE: 设置商家
* @author: 张无忌
* @param $post
* @return bool
public static function set($post)
try {
'is_distribution' => $post['is_distribution'] ?? 0,
'is_recommend' => $post['is_recommend'] ?? 0,
'is_pay' => $post['is_pay'] ?? 1, //是否开启支付功能,默认开启
'weight' => $post['weight']
], ['id'=>$post['id']]);
return true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
static::$error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
* NOTE: 更新账号密码
* @author: 张无忌
* @param $post
* @return bool
public static function account($post)
try {
if(!isset($post['account']) || empty($post['account'])) {
throw new \think\Exception('账户不能为空');
$shopAdmin = ShopAdmin::where([
['account', '=', trim($post['account'])],
['shop_id', '<>', $post['id']]
if(!$shopAdmin->isEmpty()) {
throw new \think\Exception('账户已存在,请更换其他名称重试');
$shopAdmin = ShopAdmin::where(['shop_id' => $post['id'], 'root' => 1])->findOrEmpty();
$shopAdminUpdateData = [
'account' => $post['account'],
'update_time' => time()
if (!empty($post['password'])) {
$shopAdminUpdateData['password'] = generatePassword($post['password'], $shopAdmin->salt);
ShopAdmin::where(['shop_id' => $post['id'], 'root' => 1])->update($shopAdminUpdateData);
return true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
static::$error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
* @notes 批量更新商家营业状态或冻结状态
* @param $ids
* @param $field
* @param $value
* @return Shop|false
* @author 段誉
* @date 2022/3/17 10:42
public static function batchOperation($ids, $field, $value)
try {
$result = Shop::whereIn('id', $ids)->update([
$field => $value,
'update_time' => time()
return $result;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
self::$error = $e->getMessage();
return false;