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namespace app\api\logic;
use app\common\enum\DistributionOrderGoodsEnum;
use app\common\enum\NoticeEnum;
use app\common\model\distribution\Distribution;
use app\common\model\distribution\DistributionLevel;
use app\common\server\ConfigServer;
use app\common\model\user\UserDistribution;
use app\common\model\user\User;
use app\common\model\distribution\DistributionMemberApply;
use app\common\model\distribution\DistributionOrderGoods;
use app\common\server\AreaServer;
use app\common\server\JsonServer;
use app\common\server\UrlServer;
use app\common\basics\Logic;
use app\common\logic\AccountLogLogic;
use app\common\model\AccountLog;
use think\Exception;
use think\facade\Db;
class DistributionLogic extends Logic
* Notes: 根据后台设置返回当前生成用户的分销会员状态(设置了全员分销,新生成的用户即为分销会员)
* @author 段誉(2021/4/7 14:48)
* @return int
public static function isDistributionMember()
$is_distribution = 0;
//分销会员申请--1,申请分销; 2-全员分销;
$distribution = ConfigServer::get('distribution', 'member_apply', 1);
if ($distribution == 2) {
$is_distribution = 1;
return $is_distribution;
* Desc: 生成用户扩展表
* @param $user_id
* @return bool
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public static function createUserDistribution($user_id)
$user_distribution = UserDistribution::where(['user_id' => $user_id])->find();
if ($user_distribution) {
return true;
$data = [
'user_id' => $user_id,
'distribution_order_num' => 0,
'distribution_money' => 0,
'fans' => 0,
'create_time' => time(),
return true;
* 申请分销会员
public static function apply($post)
$time = time();
$data = [
'user_id' => $post['user_id'],
'real_name' => $post['real_name'],
'mobile' => $post['mobile'],
'province' => $post['province'],
'city' => $post['city'],
'district' => $post['district'],
'reason' => $post['reason'],
'status' => 0, // 待审核
'create_time' => $time,
'update_time' => $time,
return DistributionMemberApply::create($data);
* 最新分销申请详情
public static function applyDetail($userId)
$result = DistributionMemberApply::field(['real_name','mobile','province', 'city', 'district', 'reason', 'denial_reason', 'status'])
->where('user_id', $userId)
->order('id', 'desc')
if ($result->isEmpty()) {
return [];
$result = $result->toArray();
$result['province'] = AreaServer::getAddress($result['province']);
$result['city'] = AreaServer::getAddress($result['city']);
$result['district'] = AreaServer::getAddress($result['district']);
switch ($result['status']) {
case 0:
$result['status_str'] = '已提交,等待客服审核...';
case 1:
$result['status_str'] = '已审核通过';
case 2:
$result['status_str'] = '审核失败,请重新提交审核';
return $result;
* 分销主页
public static function index($userId)
// 自身及上级信息
$user_info = self::myLeader($userId);
// 粉丝数(一级/二级)
$fans = User::where([
['first_leader|second_leader', '=', $userId],
['del', '=', 0]
$today_earnings = DistributionOrderGoods::whereDay('create_time')
->where(['status' => 1, 'user_id' => $userId])
$month_earnings = DistributionOrderGoods::whereMonth('create_time')
->where(['status' => 1, 'user_id' => $userId])
$history_earnings = DistributionOrderGoods::where(['status' => 2, 'user_id' => $userId])
// 用户分销会员等级
$levelId = Distribution::where('user_id', $userId)->value('level_id');
$levelName = DistributionLevel::getLevelNameTwo($levelId);
$data = [
'user' => $user_info['user'],
'leader' => $user_info['leader'],
'fans' => $fans,
'able_withdrawal' => $user_info['user']['earnings'],//可提现佣金
'today_earnings' => round($today_earnings, 2),//今天预估收益
'month_earnings' => round($month_earnings, 2),//本月预估收益
'history_earnings' => round($history_earnings, 2),//累计收益
'level_name' => $levelName
return $data;
* 获取自身及上级信息
public static function myLeader($userId)
$field = 'nickname,avatar,is_distribution,mobile,first_leader,distribution_code,earnings';
$user = User::field($field)->where(['id' => $userId, 'del'=>0])->findOrEmpty();
$first_leader = User::field('nickname,mobile')
->where(['id' => $user['first_leader'], 'del'=>0])
$user['avatar'] = UrlServer::getFileUrl($user['avatar']);
return [
'user' => $user,
'leader' => $first_leader,
* 填写邀请码
public static function code($post)
try {
$firstLeader = User::field(['id', 'first_leader', 'second_leader', 'third_leader', 'ancestor_relation','user_integral'])
->where(['distribution_code' => $post['code']])
if($firstLeader->isEmpty()) {
throw new \think\Exception('无效的邀请码');
// 上级
$first_leader_id = $firstLeader['id'];
// 上上级
$second_leader_id = $firstLeader['first_leader'];
// 上上上级
$third_leader_id = $firstLeader['second_leader'];
// 拼接关系链
$firstLeader['ancestor_relation'] = boolval($firstLeader['ancestor_relation']) ?? ''; // 清空null值及0
$my_ancestor_relation = $first_leader_id. ',' . $firstLeader['ancestor_relation'];
// 去除两端逗号
$my_ancestor_relation = trim($my_ancestor_relation, ',');
$user = User::findOrEmpty($post['user_id']);
// 旧关系链
if (!empty($user->ancestor_relation)) {
$old_ancestor_relation = $user->id . ',' .$user->ancestor_relation;
} else {
$old_ancestor_relation = $user->id;
$data = [
'first_leader' => $first_leader_id,
'second_leader' => $second_leader_id,
'third_leader' => $third_leader_id,
'ancestor_relation' => $my_ancestor_relation,
'update_time' => time()
// 更新当前用户的分销关系
User::where(['id' => $post['user_id']])->update($data);
$data = [
'second_leader' => $first_leader_id,
'third_leader' => $second_leader_id,
'update_time' => time()
User::where(['first_leader' => $post['user_id']])->update($data);
$data = [
'third_leader' => $first_leader_id,
'update_time' => time()
User::where(['second_leader' => $post['user_id']])->update($data);
$posterityArr = User::field('id,ancestor_relation')
->whereFindInSet('ancestor_relation', $post['user_id'])
$updateData = [];
$replace_ancestor_relation = $post['user_id'] . ','. $my_ancestor_relation;
foreach($posterityArr as $item) {
$updateData[] = [
'id' => $item['id'],
'ancestor_relation' => trim(str_replace($old_ancestor_relation, $replace_ancestor_relation, $item['ancestor_relation']), ',')
// 批量更新
(new User())->saveAll($updateData);
$invited_award_integral = ConfigServer::get('marketing','invited_award_integral',0);
if($invited_award_integral > 0){
// 增加上级积分
$firstLeader->user_integral += (int)$invited_award_integral;
// 增加上级积分变动记录
AccountLogLogic::AccountRecord($firstLeader['id'],$invited_award_integral,1, AccountLog::invite_add_integral);
event('Notice', [
'scene' => NoticeEnum::INVITE_SUCCESS_NOTICE,
'params' => [
'user_id' => $first_leader_id,
'lower_id' => $post['user_id'],
'join_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time())
return true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
self::$error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
* 分销订单
public static function order($get)
$where[] = ['d.user_id', '=', $get['user_id']];
if (isset($get['status']) && in_array($get['status'], [1,2,3])) {
$where[] = ['d.status', '=', $get['status']];
$field = 'd.create_time,, d.goods_num, d.status, d.status as statusDesc, o.order_sn, og.total_pay_price as pay_price, g.image as goods_image, as goods_name, gi.spec_value_str';
$count = DistributionOrderGoods::alias('d')
$lists = DistributionOrderGoods::alias('d')
->leftJoin('order_goods og', ' = d.order_goods_id')
->leftJoin('order o', ' = og.order_id')
->leftJoin('goods g', '')
->leftJoin('goods_item gi', '')
->order('d.create_time desc')
->page($get['page_no'], $get['page_size'])
foreach ($lists as &$item) {
$item['goods_image'] = empty($item['goods_image']) ? '' : UrlServer::getFileUrl($item['goods_image']);
$data = [
'list' => $lists,
'page' => $get['page_no'],
'size' => $get['page_size'],
'count' => $count,
'more' => is_more($count, $get['page_no'], $get['page_size'])
return $data;
* 月度账单
public static function monthBill($get)
$field = [
"FROM_UNIXTIME(d.create_time,'%Y年%m月') as date",
"FROM_UNIXTIME(d.create_time,'%Y') as year",
"FROM_UNIXTIME(d.create_time,'%m') as month",
'sum( as total_money',
'count( as order_num'
$count = DistributionOrderGoods::alias('d')
->leftJoin('order_goods g', ' = d.order_goods_id')
->leftJoin('order o', ' = g.order_id')
->where(['d.user_id' => $get['user_id']])
->where('d.status', 'in', [1, 2])
$lists = DistributionOrderGoods::alias('d')
->leftJoin('order_goods g', ' = d.order_goods_id')
->leftJoin('order o', ' = g.order_id')
->where(['d.user_id' => $get['user_id']])
->where('d.status', 'in', [1, 2])
->order('d.create_time desc')
->page($get['page_no'], $get['page_size'])
$data = [
'list' => $lists,
'page' => $get['page_no'],
'size' => $get['page_size'],
'count' => $count,
'more' => is_more($count, $get['page_no'], $get['page_size'])
return $data;
* 月度明细
public static function monthDetail($get)
$where[] = ['d.user_id', '=', $get['user_id']];
$monthStr = $get['year'] . '-' . str_pad($get['month'], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$field = 'd.create_time,, d.goods_num, d.status, d.status as statusDesc, o.order_sn, og.total_pay_price as pay_price, g.image as goods_image, as goods_name, gi.spec_value_str';
$count = DistributionOrderGoods::alias('d')
->whereMonth('d.create_time', $monthStr)
$lists = DistributionOrderGoods::alias('d')
->leftJoin('order_goods og', ' = d.order_goods_id')
->leftJoin('order o', ' = og.order_id')
->leftJoin('goods g', '')
->leftJoin('goods_item gi', '')
->whereMonth('d.create_time', $monthStr)
->order('d.create_time desc')
->page($get['page_no'], $get['page_size'])
$data = [
'list' => $lists,
'page' => $get['page_no'],
'size' => $get['page_size'],
'count' => $count,
'more' => is_more($count, $get['page_no'], $get['page_size'])
return $data;
* Desc: 取消订单后更新分销订单为已失效
* @param $order_id
* @throws Exception
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
public static function setDistributionOrderFail($order_id)
return Db::name('distribution_order_goods d')
->join('order_goods og', ' = d.order_goods_id')
->join('order o', ' = og.order_id')
->where('', $order_id)
'd.status' => DistributionOrderGoodsEnum::STATUS_ERROR,
'd.update_time' => time(),
* @Notes: 分销佣金列表
* @Author: 张无忌
* @param $get
* @param $user_id
* @return bool|array
public static function commission($get, $user_id)
try {
$where = [
['user_id', '=', $user_id],
['source_type', 'in', AccountLog::earnings_change]
$model = new AccountLog();
$count = $model->where($where)->count();
$lists = $model->field(['id,source_type,change_amount,change_type,create_time'])
->order('id', 'desc')
->page($get['page_no'] ?? 1, $get['page_size'] ?? 20)
foreach ($lists as &$item) {
$symbol = $item['change_type'] == 1 ? '+' : '-';
$item['change_amount'] = $symbol.$item['change_amount'];
return [
'list' => $lists,
'page' => $get['page_no']??1,
'size' => $get['page_size']??20,
'count' => $count,
'more' => is_more($count, $get['page_no']??1, $get['page_size']??20)
} catch (\Exception $e) {
static::$error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
public static function fixAncestorRelation()
try {
$userList = User::select()->toArray();
if (empty($userList)) {
throw new \Exception('没有用户,无需修复');
$updateEmptyData = [];
$updateData = [];
foreach($userList as $user) {
$my_ancestor_relation = self::myAncestorRelation($user);
$updateEmptyData[] = ['id' => $user['id'], 'ancestor_relation' => ''];
$updateData[] = ['id' => $user['id'], 'ancestor_relation' => $my_ancestor_relation];
// 先清除所有关系链
(new User())->saveAll($updateEmptyData);
// 重新设置关系链
(new User())->saveAll($updateData);
return true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
self::$error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
public static function myAncestorRelation($user)
if (empty($user['first_leader'])) {
return '';
return trim(self::findAncestorRelation($user['first_leader']), ',');
public static function findAncestorRelation($id, $flag = true)
static $ancestor_relation = '';
if ($flag) {
$ancestor_relation = '';
$ancestor_relation .= $id . ',';
$user = User::findOrEmpty($id);
if (empty($user['first_leader'])) {
return $ancestor_relation;
return self::findAncestorRelation($user['first_leader'], false);
* @notes 获取背景海报
* @return array|mixed|string|null
* @author cjhao
* @date 2021/11/29 11:35
public static function getPoster()
$poster = ConfigServer::get('invite', 'poster', '/images/share/share_user_bg.png');
$poster = empty($poster) ? $poster : UrlServer::getFileUrl($poster);
return ['poster'=>$poster];