722 lines
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722 lines
24 KiB
namespace app\shop\logic\bargain;
use app\common\basics\Logic;
use app\common\model\bargain\Bargain;
use app\common\model\bargain\BargainItem;
use app\common\model\bargain\BargainKnife;
use app\common\model\bargain\BargainLaunch;
use app\common\model\goods\Goods as GoodsModel;
use app\common\model\user\User;
use app\common\model\order\Order;
use app\common\enum\BargainEnum;
use app\common\model\team\TeamActivity as TeamActivityModel;
use app\common\server\UrlServer;
use app\common\model\seckill\SeckillGoods;
use think\facade\Db;
use think\Model;
* Class BargainLogic
* @package app\shop\logic\bargain
class BargainLogic extends Logic
* @notes 砍价活动列表
* @param $get
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:20 上午
public static function activity($get)
$where = [
['del', '=', 0],
['shop_id', '=', $get['shop_id']]
// 查询条件
if (!empty($get['goods_name']) and $get['goods_name'] !== '') {
$goodsModel = new GoodsModel();
$ids = $goodsModel->field('id,name')->where([
['name', 'like', '%' . $get['goods_name'] . '%']
$where[] = ['goods_id', 'in', $ids];
if (isset($get['status']) and is_numeric($get['status'])) {
$where[] = ['status', '=', (int)$get['status']];
if (isset($get['type']) && $get['type'] != "") {
$where[] = ['audit_status', '=', $get['type']];
} else if ($get['type'] == "") {
$where[] = ['audit_status', '=', 1];
$bargainModel = new Bargain();
$count = $bargainModel->where($where)->count('id');
$lists = $bargainModel->field(true)
->withCount(['launchPeopleNumber', 'successKnifePeopleNumber', 'knifePeopleNumber'])
->page($get['page'], $get['limit'])
foreach ($lists as &$item) {
$item['info']['launch_people_number_count'] = $item['launch_people_number_count'];
$item['info']['success_knife_people_number_count'] = $item['success_knife_people_number_count'];
$item['info']['knife_people_number_count'] = $item['knife_people_number_count'];
$item['goods']['image'] = UrlServer::getFileUrl($item['goods']['image']);
$item['activity_start_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['activity_start_time']);
$item['activity_end_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['activity_end_time']);
return ['count' => $count, 'lists' => $lists];
* @notes 新增砍价活动
* @param $post
* @return bool
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:21 上午
public static function add($post)
try {
// 校验拼团活动是否存在
$teamActivityModel = new TeamActivityModel();
$team = $teamActivityModel->where([
'goods_id' => intval($post['goods_id']),
'del' => 0
if ($team) {
static::$error = '商品正在参与拼团活动, 请先移除活动再添加';
return false;
$seckill_goods = SeckillGoods::where(['goods_id' => intval($post['goods_id']), 'del' => 0])
if ($seckill_goods) {
static::$error = '商品正在参与秒杀活动,无法修改';
return false;
// 每刀金额(随机 / 固定)
$knife_price = 0;
if ($post['knife_type'] == 1) {
$knife_price = [$post['min_knife_price'], $post['max_knife_price']];
$knife_price = implode(',', $knife_price);
} else {
$knife_price = $post['fixed_knife_price'];
// 查出最大低价和最少价格
$bargain_price = [];
foreach ($post['floor_price'] as $key => $value) {
foreach ($value as $K => $item) {
array_push($bargain_price, $item);
$bargain_max_price = !empty($bargain_price) ? max($bargain_price) : 0;
$bargain_min_price = !empty($bargain_price) ? min($bargain_price) : 0;
// 新增砍价活动
$bargainModel = new Bargain();
$bargain_id = $bargainModel->insertGetId([
'goods_id' => $post['goods_id'],
'shop_id' => $post['shop_id'],
'audit_status' => 0, //待审核
'time_limit' => $post['time_limit'],
'activity_start_time' => strtotime($post['activity_start_time']),
'activity_end_time' => strtotime($post['activity_end_time']),
'bargain_min_price' => $bargain_min_price,
'bargain_max_price' => $bargain_max_price,
'share_title' => empty($post['share_title']) ? '' : $post['share_title'],
'share_intro' => empty($post['share_intro']) ? '' : $post['share_intro'],
'payment_where' => $post['payment_where'],
'knife_type' => $post['knife_type'],
'knife_price' => $knife_price,
'status' => $post['status'],
'del' => 0,
// 新增砍价商品SKU
$lists = [];
foreach ($post['floor_price'] as $key => $value) {
foreach ($value as $K => $item) {
$lists[] = [
'bargain_id' => $bargain_id,
'goods_id' => $key,
'item_id' => $K,
'floor_price' => $item,
'first_knife_price' => $post['first_knife_price'][$key][$K]
if (!empty($lists)) {
$bargainItemModel = new BargainItem();
return true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
static::$error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
* @notes 编辑砍价活动
* @param $post
* @return bool
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:21 上午
public static function edit($post)
try {
// 查询商品信息
$goodsModel = new GoodsModel();
$goods = $goodsModel->field('id,name,image')
->where(['id' => (int)$post['goods_id']])->find();
if (!$goods) {
static::$error = '选择的商品已不存在,可能已被删除';
return false;
// 每刀金额(随机 / 固定)
$knife_price = 0;
if ($post['knife_type'] == 1) {
$knife_price = [$post['min_knife_price'], $post['max_knife_price']];
$knife_price = implode(',', $knife_price);
} else {
$knife_price = $post['fixed_knife_price'];
// 查出最大低价和最少价格
$bargain_price = [];
foreach ($post['floor_price'] as $key => $value) {
foreach ($value as $K => $item) {
array_push($bargain_price, $item);
$bargain_max_price = !empty($bargain_price) ? max($bargain_price) : 0;
$bargain_min_price = !empty($bargain_price) ? min($bargain_price) : 0;
// 更新砍价活动
$bargainModel = new Bargain();
$checkAudit = self::checkAudit((int)$post['id']);
if (false === $checkAudit) {
$audit_status = BargainEnum::TO_BE_REVIEWED; //待审核
} else {
$audit_status = BargainEnum::AUDIT_PASS; //审核通过
$bargainModel->where(['id' => (int)$post['id']])->update([
'goods_id' => $post['goods_id'],
'time_limit' => $post['time_limit'],
'activity_start_time' => strtotime($post['activity_start_time']),
'activity_end_time' => strtotime($post['activity_end_time']),
'bargain_min_price' => $bargain_min_price,
'bargain_max_price' => $bargain_max_price,
'share_title' => empty($post['share_title']) ? '' : $post['share_title'],
'share_intro' => empty($post['share_intro']) ? '' : $post['share_intro'],
'payment_where' => $post['payment_where'],
'knife_type' => $post['knife_type'],
'knife_price' => $knife_price,
'status' => $post['status'],
'audit_status' => $audit_status,
// 删除旧的SKU
$bargainItemModel = new BargainItem();
$bargainItemModel->where(['bargain_id' => (int)$post['id']])->delete();
// 更新砍价商品SKU
$lists = [];
foreach ($post['floor_price'] as $key => $value) {
foreach ($value as $K => $item) {
$lists[] = [
'bargain_id' => $post['id'],
'goods_id' => $key,
'item_id' => $K,
'floor_price' => $item,
'first_knife_price' => $post['first_knife_price'][$key][$K]
if (!empty($lists)) {
return true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
static::$error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
* @notes 验证审核状态
* @param $id
* @return bool
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:21 上午
public static function checkAudit($id)
$audit_status = Bargain::where('id', $id)->value('audit_status');
if ($audit_status == BargainEnum::TO_BE_REVIEWED || $audit_status == BargainEnum::AUDIT_REFUND) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* @notes 获取砍价活动详情
* @param $id
* @return array|Model|null
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:21 上午
public static function getDetail($id)
$bargainModel = new Bargain();
$bargainItemModel = new BargainItem();
$detail = $bargainModel->field(true)
->where(['id' => (int)$id])
$goodItem = $bargainItemModel->field('t.*,gi.id as spec_item_id,
gi.spec_value_str, gi.price as spec_item_price, gi.stock')
->where(['bargain_id' => (int)$id])
->rightJoin('goods_item gi', 'gi.id = t.item_id')
$detail['min_knife_price'] = 0;
$detail['max_knife_price'] = 0;
$detail['fixed_knife_price'] = 0;
if ($detail['knife_type'] == 1) {
$knife_price_arr = explode(',', $detail['knife_price']);
$detail['min_knife_price'] = empty($knife_price_arr[0]) ? 0 : $knife_price_arr[0];
$detail['max_knife_price'] = empty($knife_price_arr[1]) ? 0 : $knife_price_arr[1];
} else {
$detail['fixed_knife_price'] = $detail['knife_price'];
// 处理判断商品规格是否已发生变化, 没变化是true, 否则false
$detail['is_goods_item'] = true;
foreach ($goodItem as $item) {
if (!$item['spec_value_str'] || $item['spec_value_str'] == ''
|| $item['spec_item_price'] == '') {
$detail['is_goods_item'] = false;
$detail['item'] = $goodItem;
$detail['goods']['image'] = UrlServer::getFileUrl($detail['goods']['image']);
$detail['activity_start_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $detail['activity_start_time']);
$detail['activity_end_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $detail['activity_end_time']);
return $detail;
* @notes 停止活动
* @param $post
* @return bool
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:21 上午
public static function stop($post)
try {
$bargainModel = new Bargain();
// 切换状态
$bargainModel->where(['id' => (int)$post['id']])
->update(['status' => 0]);//停止
// 关闭活动未完成的
$bargainLaunchModel = new BargainLaunch();
$bargainLaunchModel->where(['bargain_id' => $post['id'], 'status' => 0])
->update(['status' => 2]);//砍价失败
return true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
static::$error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
* @notes 开启活动
* @param $post
* @return Bargain
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:21 上午
public static function start($post)
$bargainModel = new Bargain();
// 切换状态
return $bargainModel->where(['id' => (int)$post['id']])
->update(['status' => 1]);//开启
* @notes 切换状态
* @param $post
* @return bool
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:22 上午
public static function switchStatus($post)
try {
$bargainModel = new Bargain();
// 切换状态
$bargainModel->where(['id' => (int)$post['id']])
->update([$post['field'] => $post['status']]);
// 关闭活动未完成的
if ($post['status']) {
$bargainLaunchModel = new BargainLaunch();
$bargainLaunchModel->where(['bargain_id' => $post['id'], 'status' => 0])
->update(['status' => 2]);//砍价失败
return true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
static::$error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
* @notes 砍价列表
* @param $get
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:22 上午
public static function getLaunch($get)
// 查询条件
$where = [];
$where[] = ['shop_id', '=', $get['shop_id']];
if (isset($get['bargain_id']) and $get['bargain_id']) {
$where[] = ['bargain_id', '=', (int)$get['bargain_id']];
if (isset($get['goods_name']) and $get['goods_name'] !== '') {
$goodsModel = new GoodsModel();
$ids = $goodsModel->field('id,name')->where([
['name', 'like', '%' . $get['goods_name'] . '%']
$where[] = ['goods_id', 'in', $ids];
if (isset($get['status']) and is_numeric($get['status'])) {
$where[] = ['status', '=', (int)$get['status']];
if (isset($get['launch_start_time']) and $get['launch_start_time'] !== '') {
$where[] = ['launch_start_time', '>=', strtotime($get['launch_start_time'])];
if (isset($get['launch_end_time']) and $get['launch_end_time'] !== '') {
$where[] = ['launch_end_time', '<=', strtotime($get['launch_end_time'])];
if (isset($get['keyword_type']) and $get['keyword_type'] !== '') {
if (isset($get['keyword']) and $get['keyword'] !== '') {
switch ($get['keyword_type']) {
case 'sn':
$uid = User::where('sn', '=', $get['keyword'])->column('id');
$where[] = ['user_id', 'in', $uid];
case 'nickname':
$uid = User::where('nickname', 'like', '%' . $get['keyword'] . '%')->column('id');
$where[] = ['user_id', 'in', $uid];
$model = new BargainLaunch();
$count = $model->where($where)->count('id');
$lists = $model->field(true)
->order('id', 'desc')
->page($get['page'], $get['limit'])
foreach ($lists as &$item) {
if (!empty($item['user']['avatar'])) {
$item['user']['avatar'] = UrlServer::getFileUrl($item['user']['avatar']);
$item['launch_start_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['launch_start_time']);
$item['launch_end_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['launch_end_time']);
$item['domain'] = UrlServer::getFileUrl('/');
$item['status'] = BargainLaunch::getStatusDesc($item['status']);
$item['goods_image'] = $item['goods_snap']['image'] == "" ? $item['goods_snap']['goods_iamge'] : $item['goods_snap']['image'];
return ['count' => $count, 'lists' => $lists];
* @notes 砍价订单详情
* @param $id
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:22 上午
public static function getLaunchDetail($id)
$model = new BargainLaunch();
$detail = $model->field(true)
->where(['id' => (int)$id])
$detail['domain'] = UrlServer::getFileUrl();
$detail['launch_start_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $detail['launch_start_time']);
$detail['launch_end_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $detail['launch_end_time']);
$detail['payment_where'] = $detail['bargain_snap']['payment_where'] == 1 ? '砍到底价可购买' : '任意金额可购买';
$detail['status'] = BargainLaunch::getStatusDesc($detail['status']);
return $detail;
* @notes 砍价订单
* @param $launch_id
* @param $get
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:22 上午
public static function getKnifeOrderRecord($launch_id, $get)
$model = new BargainLaunch();
$count = $model->where(['id' => (int)$launch_id])
->where('order_id', '>', 0)->count('id');
$lists = $model->field(true)
->where(['id' => (int)$launch_id])
->where('order_id', '>', 0)
->with(['user.level', 'order'])
->page($get['page'], $get['limit'])
foreach ($lists as &$item) {
$item['order_status'] = Order::getOrderStatus($item['order']['order_status']);
return ['count' => $count, 'lists' => $lists];
* @notes 砍价记录
* @param $launch_id
* @param $get
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:22 上午
public static function getKnifeRecord($launch_id, $get)
$model = new BargainKnife();
$count = $model->where(['launch_id' => (int)$launch_id])->count();
$lists = $model->field(true)
->where(['launch_id' => (int)$launch_id])
->page($get['page'], $get['limit'])
foreach ($lists as &$item) {
$item['help_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['help_time']);
$item['help_price'] = '¥' . $item['help_price'];
$item['surplus_price'] = '¥' . $item['surplus_price'];
return ['count' => $count, 'lists' => $lists];
* @notes 砍价详情
* @param $get
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:22 上午
public static function detail($get)
$where = [];
$where['b.id'] = $get['id'];
$info = Bargain::alias('b')
->join('goods g', 'b.goods_id = g.id')
->join('shop s', 's.id = b.shop_id')
->field('b.id,b.goods_id,b.audit_status,b.audit_remark,b.time_limit,b.payment_where,b.share_title,b.share_intro,g.image,g.name,g.min_price,g.max_price,s.id as sid,s.name as shop_name,s.type')
switch ($info['type']) {
case 1 :
$info['type'] = '官方自营';
case 2 :
$info['type'] = '入驻商家';
switch ($info['audit_status']) {
case 0 :
$info['audit_status'] = '待审核';
case 1 :
$info['audit_status'] = '审核通过';
case 2 :
$info['audit_status'] = '审核拒绝';
$info['image'] = UrlServer::getFileUrl($info['image']);
return $info;
* @notes 删除
* @param int $id
* @return bool
* @throws \think\exception\PDOException
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:22 上午
public static function softDelete(int $id)
try {
$bargainModel = new Bargain();
$bargainModel->where(['id' => (int)$id])->update(['del' => 1]);
// 关闭活动未完成的
$bargainLaunchModel = new BargainLaunch();
$bargainLaunchModel->where(['bargain_id' => $id, 'status' => 0])
->update(['status' => 2]);
return true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
static::$error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
* @notes 关闭砍价
* @param $id
* @return BargainLaunch
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:22 上午
public static function close($id)
$data = [
'launch_end_time' => time(),
'status' => BargainEnum::STATUS_FAIL,
return BargainLaunch::where('id', $id)->update($data);
* @notes 获取各列表数量
* @param $shop_id
* @return array
* @author suny
* @date 2021/7/14 10:23 上午
public static function getNum($shop_id)
$all = Bargain::where(['del' => 0, 'shop_id' => $shop_id])->count('id');
$unaudit = Bargain::where(['audit_status' => 0, 'del' => 0, 'shop_id' => $shop_id])->count('id');
$audit_pass = Bargain::where(['audit_status' => 1, 'del' => 0, 'shop_id' => $shop_id])->count('id');
$audit_refund = Bargain::where(['audit_status' => 2, 'del' => 0, 'shop_id' => $shop_id])->count('id');
$num = [
'all' => $all,
'unaudit' => $unaudit,
'audit_pass' => $audit_pass,
'audit_refund' => $audit_refund
return $num;
} |