761 lines
20 KiB
761 lines
20 KiB
/** 安装界面需要的各种模块 */
class installModel
private $host;
private $name;
private $user;
private $encoding;
private $password;
private $port;
private $prefix;
private $successTable = [];
* @var bool
private $allowNext = true;
* @var PDO|string
private $dbh = null;
* @var bool
private $clearDB = false;
* Notes: php版本
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 9:56)
* @return string
public function getPhpVersion()
* Notes: 当前版本是否符合
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 9:57)
* @return string
public function checkPHP()
return $result = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.2.0') >= 0 ? 'ok' : 'fail';
* Notes: 是否有PDO
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 9:57)
* @return string
public function checkPDO()
return $result = extension_loaded('pdo') ? 'ok' : 'fail';
* Notes: 是否有PDO::MySQL
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 9:58)
* @return string
public function checkPDOMySQL()
return $result = extension_loaded('pdo_mysql') ? 'ok' : 'fail';
* Notes: 是否支持JSON
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 9:58)
* @return string
public function checkJSON()
return $result = extension_loaded('json') ? 'ok' : 'fail';
* Notes: 是否支持openssl
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 9:58)
* @return string
public function checkOpenssl()
return $result = extension_loaded('openssl') ? 'ok' : 'fail';
* Notes: 是否支持mbstring
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 9:58)
* @return string
public function checkMbstring()
return $result = extension_loaded('mbstring') ? 'ok' : 'fail';
* Notes: 是否支持zlib
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 9:59)
* @return string
public function checkZlib()
return $result = extension_loaded('zlib') ? 'ok' : 'fail';
* Notes: 是否支持curl
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 9:59)
* @return string
public function checkCurl()
return $result = extension_loaded('curl') ? 'ok' : 'fail';
* Notes: 检查GD2扩展
* @author luzg(2020/8/26 9:59)
* @return string
public function checkGd2()
return $result = extension_loaded('gd') ? 'ok' : 'fail';
* Notes: 检查Dom扩展
* @author luzg(2020/8/26 9:59)
* @return string
public function checkDom()
return $result = extension_loaded('dom') ? 'ok' : 'fail';
* Notes: 是否支持filter
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 9:59)
* @return string
public function checkFilter()
return $result = extension_loaded('filter') ? 'ok' : 'fail';
* Notes: 是否支持iconv
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 9:59)
* @return string
public function checkIconv()
return $result = extension_loaded('iconv') ? 'ok' : 'fail';
* Notes: 检查fileinfo扩展
* @author 段誉(2021/6/28 11:03)
* @return string
public function checkFileInfo()
return $result = extension_loaded('fileinfo') ? 'ok' : 'fail';
* Notes: 取得临时目录路径
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 10:05)
* @return array
public function getTmpRoot()
$path = $this->getAppRoot() . '/runtime';
return [
'path' => $path,
'exists' => is_dir($path),
'writable' => is_writable($path),
* Notes: 检查临时路径
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 10:06)
* @return string
public function checkTmpRoot()
$tmpRoot = $this->getTmpRoot()['path'];
return $result = (is_dir($tmpRoot) and is_writable($tmpRoot)) ? 'ok' : 'fail';
* Notes: SESSION路径是否可写
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 10:06)
* @return mixed
public function getSessionSavePath()
$sessionSavePath = preg_replace("/\d;/", '', session_save_path());
return [
'path' => $sessionSavePath,
'exists' => is_dir($sessionSavePath),
'writable' => is_writable($sessionSavePath),
* Notes: 检查session路径可写状态
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 10:13)
* @return string
public function checkSessionSavePath()
$sessionSavePath = preg_replace("/\d;/", '', session_save_path());
$result = (is_dir($sessionSavePath) and is_writable($sessionSavePath)) ? 'ok' : 'fail';
if ($result == 'fail') return $result;
file_put_contents($sessionSavePath . '/zentaotest', 'zentao');
$sessionContent = file_get_contents($sessionSavePath . '/zentaotest');
if ($sessionContent == 'zentao') {
unlink($sessionSavePath . '/zentaotest');
return 'ok';
return 'fail';
* Notes: 取得data目录是否可选
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 10:58)
* @return array
public function getDataRoot()
$path = $this->getAppRoot();
return [
'path' => $path . 'www' . DS . 'data',
'exists' => is_dir($path),
'writable' => is_writable($path),
* Notes: 取得root路径
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 11:02)
* @return string
public function checkDataRoot()
$dataRoot = $this->getAppRoot() . 'www' . DS . 'data';
return $result = (is_dir($dataRoot) and is_writable($dataRoot)) ? 'ok' : 'fail';
* Notes: 取得php.ini信息
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 11:03)
* @return string
public function getIniInfo()
$iniInfo = '';
$lines = explode("\n", strip_tags(ob_get_contents()));
foreach ($lines as $line) if (strpos($line, 'ini') !== false) $iniInfo .= $line . "\n";
return $iniInfo;
* Notes: 创建安装锁定文件
* @author luzg(2020/8/28 11:32)
* @return bool
public function mkLockFile()
return touch($this->getAppRoot() . '/config/install.lock');
* Notes: 检查之前是否有安装
* @author luzg(2020/8/28 11:36)
public function appIsInstalled()
return file_exists($this->getAppRoot() . '/config/install.lock');
* Notes: 取得配置信息
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 11:05)
* @param string $dbName 数据库名称
* @param array $connectionInfo 连接信息
* @return stdclass
* @throws Exception
public function checkConfig($dbName, $connectionInfo)
$return = new stdclass();
$return->result = 'ok';
/* Connect to database. */
$this->dbh = $this->connectDB();
if (strpos($dbName, '.') !== false) {
$return->result = 'fail';
$return->error = '没有发现数据库信息';
return $return;
if ( !is_object($this->dbh)) {
$return->result = 'fail';
$return->error = '安装错误,请检查连接信息:'.mb_strcut($this->dbh,0,30).'...';
echo $this->dbh;
return $return;
/* Get mysql version. */
$version = $this->getMysqlVersion();
/* check mysql sql_model */
if(!$this->checkSqlMode($version)) {
$return->result = 'fail';
$return->error = '请在mysql配置文件修改sql-mode添加NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION';
return $return;
/* If database no exits, try create it. */
if ( !$this->dbExists()) {
if ( !$this->createDB($version)) {
$return->result = 'fail';
$return->error = '创建数据库错误';
return $return;
} elseif ($this->tableExits() and $this->clearDB == false) {
$return->result = 'fail';
$return->error = '数据表已经存在,您之前应该有安装过本系统,继续安装请选择清空现有数据';
return $return;
} elseif ($this->dbExists() and $this->clearDB == true) {
if (!$this->dropDb($connectionInfo['name'])) {
$return->result = 'fail';
$return->error = '数据表已经存在,删除已存在库错误,请手动清除';
return $return;
} else {
if ( !$this->createDB($version)) {
$return->result = 'fail';
$return->error = '创建数据库错误!';
return $return;
/* Create tables. */
if ( !$this->createTable($version, $connectionInfo)) {
$return->result = 'fail';
$return->error = '创建表格失败';
return $return;
return $return;
* Notes: 设置数据库相关信息
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 11:17)
* @param $post
public function setDBParam($post)
$this->host = $post['host'];
$this->name = $post['name'];
$this->user = $post['user'];
$this->encoding = 'utf8mb4';
$this->password = $post['password'];
$this->port = $post['port'];
$this->prefix = $post['prefix'];
$this->clearDB = $post['clear_db'] == 'on';
* Notes: 连接数据库
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 11:56)
* @return PDO|string
public function connectDB()
$dsn = "mysql:host={$this->host}; port={$this->port}";
try {
$dbh = new PDO($dsn, $this->user, $this->password);
$dbh->exec("SET NAMES {$this->encoding}");
$dbh->exec("SET NAMES {$this->encoding}");
}catch (Exception $e){
return $dbh;
} catch (PDOException $exception) {
return $exception->getMessage();
* Notes: 检查数据库是否存在
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 11:56)
* @return mixed
public function dbExists()
$sql = "SHOW DATABASES like '{$this->name}'";
return $this->dbh->query($sql)->fetch();
* Notes: 检查表是否存在
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 11:56)
* @return mixed
public function tableExits()
$configTable = sprintf("'%s'", $this->prefix . TESTING_TABLE);
$sql = "SHOW TABLES FROM {$this->name} like $configTable";
return $this->dbh->query($sql)->fetch();
* Notes: 获取mysql版本号
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 11:56)
* @return false|string
public function getMysqlVersion()
$sql = "SELECT VERSION() AS version";
$result = $this->dbh->query($sql)->fetch();
return substr($result->version, 0, 3);
* @notes 检测数据库sql_mode
* @param $version
* @return bool
* @author 段誉
* @date 2021/8/27 17:17
public function checkSqlMode($version)
$sql = "SELECT @@global.sql_mode";
$result = $this->dbh->query($sql)->fetch();
$result = (array)$result;
if ($version >= 5.7) {
if ((strpos($result['@@global.sql_mode'],'NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER') !==false)
&& (strpos($result['@@global.sql_mode'],'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION') !==false)) {
return true;
return false;
return true;
* Notes: 创建数据库
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 11:57)
* @param $version
* @return mixed
public function createDB($version)
$sql = "CREATE DATABASE `{$this->name}`";
if ($version > 4.1) $sql .= " DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci";
return $this->dbh->query($sql);
* Notes: 创建表
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 11:57)
* @param $version
* @param $post
* @return bool
* @throws Exception
public function createTable($version, $post)
$dbFile = $this->getInstallRoot() . '/db/like.sql';
//file_put_contents($dbFile, $this->initAccount($post), FILE_APPEND);
$content = str_replace(";\r\n", ";\n", file_get_contents($dbFile));
$tables = explode(";\n", $content);
$tables[] = $this->initAccount($post);
$installTime = microtime(true) * 10000;
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$table = trim($table);
if (empty($table)) continue;
if (strpos($table, 'CREATE') !== false and $version <= 4.1) {
$table = str_replace('DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8', '', $table);
// elseif (strpos($table, 'DROP') !== false and $this->clearDB != false) {
// $table = str_replace('--', '', $table);
// }
/* Skip sql that is note. */
if (strpos($table, '--') === 0) continue;
$table = str_replace('`ls_', $this->name . '.`ls_', $table);
$table = str_replace('`ls_', '`' . $this->prefix, $table);
if (strpos($table, 'CREATE') !== false) {
$tableName = explode('`', $table)[1];
$installTime += random_int(3000, 7000);
$this->successTable[] = [$tableName, date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $installTime / 10000)];
// if (strpos($table, "INSERT INTO ") !== false) {
// $table = str_replace('INSERT INTO ', 'INSERT INTO ' .$this->name .'.', $table);
// }
try {
if ( !$this->dbh->query($table)) return false;
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'error sql: ' . $table . "<br>";
echo $e->getMessage() . "<br>";
return false;
return true;
* Notes: 删除数据库
* @param $db
* @return false|PDOStatement
public function dropDb($db)
$sql = "drop database {$db};";
return $this->dbh->query($sql);
* Notes: 取得安装成功的表列表
* @author luzg(2020/8/26 18:28)
* @return array
public function getSuccessTable()
return $this->successTable;
* Notes: 创建演示数据
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 11:58)
* @return bool
public function importDemoData()
$demoDataFile = 'ys.sql';
$demoDataFile = $this->getInstallRoot() . '/db/' . $demoDataFile;
if (!is_file($demoDataFile)) {
echo "<br>";
echo 'no file:' .$demoDataFile;
return false;
$content = str_replace(";\r\n", ";\n", file_get_contents($demoDataFile));
$insertTables = explode(";\n", $content);
foreach ($insertTables as $table) {
$table = trim($table);
if (empty($table)) continue;
$table = str_replace('`ls_', $this->name . '.`ls_', $table);
$table = str_replace('`ls_', '`' .$this->prefix, $table);
if ( !$this->dbh->query($table)) return false;
// 移动图片资源
$this->cpFiles($this->getInstallRoot().'/uploads', $this->getAppRoot().'/public/uploads');
return true;
* 将一个文件夹下的所有文件及文件夹
* 复制到另一个文件夹里(保持原有结构)
* @param <string> $rootFrom 源文件夹地址(最好为绝对路径)
* @param <string> $rootTo 目的文件夹地址(最好为绝对路径)
function cpFiles($rootFrom, $rootTo){
$handle = opendir($rootFrom);
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
//DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR 为系统的文件夹名称的分隔符 例如:windos为'/'; linux为'/'
$fileFrom = $rootFrom . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
$fileTo = $rootTo . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') {
if (is_dir($fileFrom)) {
if (!is_dir($fileTo)) { //目标目录不存在则创建
mkdir($fileTo, 0777);
$this->cpFiles($fileFrom, $fileTo);
} else {
if (!file_exists($fileTo)) {
@copy($fileFrom, $fileTo);
if (strstr($fileTo, "access_token.txt")) {
chmod($fileTo, 0777);
* Notes: 当前应用程序的相对路径
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 10:55)
* @return string
public function getAppRoot()
return realpath($this->getInstallRoot() . '/../../');
* Notes: 获取安装目录
* @author luzg(2020/8/26 16:15)
* @return string
public function getInstallRoot()
* Notes: 目录的容量
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 15:21)
* @param $dir
* @return string
public function freeDiskSpace($dir)
// M
$freeDiskSpace = disk_free_space(realpath(__DIR__)) / 1024 / 1024;
// G
if ($freeDiskSpace > 1024) {
return number_format($freeDiskSpace / 1024, 2) . 'G';
return number_format($freeDiskSpace, 2) . 'M';
* Notes: 获取状态标志
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 16:10)
* @param $statusSingle
* @return string
public function correctOrFail($statusSingle)
if ($statusSingle == 'ok')
return '<td class="layui-icon green"></td>';
$this->allowNext = false;
return '<td class="layui-icon wrong">ဆ</td>';
* Notes: 是否允许下一步
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 17:29)
* @return bool
public function getAllowNext()
return $this->allowNext;
* Notes: 检查session auto start
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 16:55)
* @return string
public function checkSessionAutoStart()
return $result = ini_get('session.auto_start') == '0' ? 'ok' : 'fail';
* Notes: 检查auto tags
* @author luzg(2020/8/25 16:55)
* @return string
public function checkAutoTags()
return $result = ini_get('session.auto_start') == '0' ? 'ok' : 'fail';
* Notes: 检查目录是否可写
* @param $dir
* @return string
public function checkDirWrite($dir='')
$route = $this->getAppRoot().'/'.$dir;
return $result = is_writable($route) ? 'ok' : 'fail';
* Notes: 检查目录是否可写
* @param $dir
* @return string
public function checkSuperiorDirWrite($dir='')
$route = $this->getAppRoot().'/'.$dir;
return $result = is_writable($route) ? 'ok' : 'fail';
* Notes: 初始化管理账号
* @param $post
* @return string
public function initAccount($post)
$time = time();
$salt = substr(md5($time . $post['admin_user']), 0, 4);//随机4位密码盐
$password = $this->createPassword($post['admin_password'], $salt);
$sql = "INSERT INTO `ls_admin` VALUES (1, 1, '{$post['admin_user']}', NULL, '{$post['admin_user']}',
'{$password}', '{$salt}', 0, '{$time}', '{$time}', '{$time}', '', 0, 0);";
return $sql;
* Notes: 生成密码密文
* @param $pwd
* @param $salt
* @return string
public function createPassword($pwd, $salt)
$salt = md5('y' . $salt . 'x');
$salt .= '2021';
return md5($pwd . $salt);