import Vue from 'vue' import { decode, parsePath, withoutBase, withoutTrailingSlash, normalizeURL } from 'ufo' import { getMatchedComponentsInstances, getChildrenComponentInstancesUsingFetch, promisify, globalHandleError, urlJoin, sanitizeComponent } from './utils' import NuxtError from '..\\layouts\\error.vue' import NuxtLoading from './components/nuxt-loading.vue' import '..\\assets\\css\\element-variables.scss' import '..\\assets\\css\\common.scss' import '..\\assets\\css\\reset.scss' import '..\\node_modules\\swiper\\css\\swiper.css' import '..\\assets\\css\\element.scss' import '..\\assets\\fonts\\iconfont.css' import _6f6c098b from '..\\layouts\\default.vue' import _2d26a6af from '..\\layouts\\main.vue' import _ed36e90e from '..\\layouts\\street.vue' import _2d2a8cc1 from '..\\layouts\\user.vue' const layouts = { "_default": sanitizeComponent(_6f6c098b),"_main": sanitizeComponent(_2d26a6af),"_street": sanitizeComponent(_ed36e90e),"_user": sanitizeComponent(_2d2a8cc1) } export default { render (h, props) { const loadingEl = h('NuxtLoading', { ref: 'loading' }) const layoutEl = h(this.layout || 'nuxt') const templateEl = h('div', { domProps: { id: '__layout' }, key: this.layoutName }, [layoutEl]) const transitionEl = h('transition', { props: { name: 'layout', mode: 'out-in' }, on: { beforeEnter (el) { // Ensure to trigger scroll event after calling scrollBehavior window.$nuxt.$nextTick(() => { window.$nuxt.$emit('triggerScroll') }) } } }, [templateEl]) return h('div', { domProps: { id: '__nuxt' } }, [ loadingEl, transitionEl ]) }, data: () => ({ isOnline: true, layout: null, layoutName: '', nbFetching: 0 }), beforeCreate () { Vue.util.defineReactive(this, 'nuxt', this.$options.nuxt) }, created () { // Add this.$nuxt in child instances this.$root.$options.$nuxt = this if (process.client) { // add to window so we can listen when ready window.$nuxt = this this.refreshOnlineStatus() // Setup the listeners window.addEventListener('online', this.refreshOnlineStatus) window.addEventListener('offline', this.refreshOnlineStatus) } // Add $nuxt.error() this.error = this.nuxt.error // Add $nuxt.context this.context = this.$options.context }, async mounted () { this.$loading = this.$refs.loading }, watch: { 'nuxt.err': 'errorChanged' }, computed: { isOffline () { return !this.isOnline }, isFetching () { return this.nbFetching > 0 }, }, methods: { refreshOnlineStatus () { if (process.client) { if (typeof window.navigator.onLine === 'undefined') { // If the browser doesn't support connection status reports // assume that we are online because most apps' only react // when they now that the connection has been interrupted this.isOnline = true } else { this.isOnline = window.navigator.onLine } } }, async refresh () { const pages = getMatchedComponentsInstances(this.$route) if (!pages.length) { return } this.$loading.start() const promises = (page) => { let p = [] // Old fetch if (page.$options.fetch && page.$options.fetch.length) { p.push(promisify(page.$options.fetch, this.context)) } if (page.$options.asyncData) { p.push( promisify(page.$options.asyncData, this.context) .then((newData) => { for (const key in newData) { Vue.set(page.$data, key, newData[key]) } }) ) } // Wait for asyncData & old fetch to finish await Promise.all(p) // Cleanup refs p = [] if (page.$fetch) { p.push(page.$fetch()) } // Get all component instance to call $fetch for (const component of getChildrenComponentInstancesUsingFetch(page.$vnode.componentInstance)) { p.push(component.$fetch()) } return Promise.all(p) }) try { await Promise.all(promises) } catch (error) { this.$ globalHandleError(error) this.error(error) } this.$loading.finish() }, errorChanged () { if (this.nuxt.err) { if (this.$loading) { if (this.$ { this.$ } if (this.$loading.finish) { this.$loading.finish() } } let errorLayout = (NuxtError.options || NuxtError).layout; if (typeof errorLayout === 'function') { errorLayout = errorLayout(this.context) } this.setLayout(errorLayout) } }, setLayout (layout) { if (!layout || !layouts['_' + layout]) { layout = 'default' } this.layoutName = layout this.layout = layouts['_' + layout] return this.layout }, loadLayout (layout) { if (!layout || !layouts['_' + layout]) { layout = 'default' } return Promise.resolve(layouts['_' + layout]) }, }, components: { NuxtLoading } }