field('id,name')->where([ ['name', 'like', '%' . $get['shop_name'] . '%'] ])->column('id'); $where[] = ['shop_id', 'in', $ids]; } if (!empty($get['goods_name']) and $get['goods_name'] !== '') { $goodsModel = new GoodsModel(); $ids = $goodsModel->field('id,name')->where([ ['name', 'like', '%' . $get['goods_name'] . '%'] ])->column('id'); $where[] = ['goods_id', 'in', $ids]; } if (isset($get['status']) and is_numeric($get['status'])) { $where[] = ['status', '=', (int)$get['status']]; } //审核状态 if (isset($get['type']) && $get['type'] != "") { $where[] = ['audit_status', '=', $get['type']]; } $bargainModel = new Bargain(); $count = $bargainModel->where($where)->count('id'); $lists = $bargainModel->field(true) ->where($where) ->with(['goods', 'shop']) ->withCount(['launchPeopleNumber', 'successKnifePeopleNumber']) ->page($get['page'], $get['limit']) ->select(); foreach ($lists as &$item) { $item['goods']['image'] = UrlServer::getFileUrl($item['goods']['image']); $item['activity_start_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['activity_start_time']); $item['activity_end_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['activity_end_time']); } return ['count' => $count, 'lists' => $lists]; } /** * @notes 砍价活动审核 * @param $post * @return Bargain * @author suny * @date 2021/7/14 9:57 上午 */ public static function audit($post) { $data = [ 'audit_status' => $post['review_status'], 'audit_remark' => $post['description'], ]; return Bargain::where(['id' => $post['id']]) ->update($data); } /** * @notes 违规重审 * @param $post * @return bool * @author suny * @date 2021/7/14 9:58 上午 */ public static function violation($post) { try { $data = [ 'audit_status' => 2, 'audit_remark' => $post['description'], ]; Bargain::where(['id' => $post['id']]) ->update($data); BargainLaunch::where(['bargain_id' => $post['id']]) ->update(['status' => 2]);//砍失败 return true; } catch (Exception $e) { self::$error = $e->getMessage(); return false; } } /** * @notes 切换状态 * @param $post * @return bool * @throws \think\exception\PDOException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/14 9:58 上午 */ public static function switchStatus($post) { Db::startTrans(); try { $bargainModel = new Bargain(); // 切换状态 $bargainModel->where(['id' => (int)$post['id']]) ->update([$post['field'] => $post['status']]); Db::commit(); return true; } catch (\Exception $e) { static::$error = $e->getMessage(); Db::rollback(); return false; } } /** * @notes 砍价列表 * @param $get * @return array * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @throws \think\exception\DbException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/14 9:58 上午 */ public static function getLaunch($get) { // 查询条件 $where = []; //砍价订单编号bargain_sn if (isset($get['bargain_sn']) and $get['bargain_sn']) { $where[] = ['bargain_sn', '=', (int)$get['bargain_sn']]; } if (isset($get['goods_name']) and $get['goods_name'] !== '') { $goodsModel = new GoodsModel(); $ids = $goodsModel->field('id,name')->where([ ['name', 'like', '%' . $get['goods_name'] . '%'] ])->column('id'); $where[] = ['goods_id', 'in', $ids]; } if (isset($get['status']) and is_numeric($get['status'])) { $where[] = ['status', '=', (int)$get['status']]; } if (isset($get['launch_start_time']) and $get['launch_start_time'] !== '') { $where[] = ['launch_start_time', '>=', strtotime($get['launch_start_time'])]; } if (isset($get['launch_end_time']) and $get['launch_end_time'] !== '') { $where[] = ['launch_end_time', '<=', strtotime($get['launch_end_time'])]; } if (isset($get['keyword_type']) and $get['keyword_type'] !== '') { if (isset($get['keyword']) and $get['keyword'] !== '') { switch ($get['keyword_type']) { case 'sn': $uid = User::where('sn', '=', $get['keyword'])->column('id'); $where[] = ['user_id', 'in', $uid]; break; case 'nickname': $uid = User::where('nickname', 'like', '%' . $get['keyword'] . '%')->column('id'); $where[] = ['user_id', 'in', $uid]; break; } } } $model = new BargainLaunch(); $count = $model->where($where)->count('id'); $lists = $model->field(true) ->where($where) ->with(['user.level']) ->order('id', 'desc') ->page($get['page'], $get['limit']) ->select()->toArray(); foreach ($lists as &$item) { // 解决用户被删除及Indirect modification of overloaded element报错 if (empty($item['user'])) { $user = [ 'avatar' => '', 'sn' => '-', 'nickname' => '-', 'level' => [ 'name' => '-' ] ]; } else { $user = $item['user']; } $user['avatar'] = UrlServer::getFileUrl($user['avatar']); $item['user'] = $user; $item['launch_start_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['launch_start_time']); $item['launch_end_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['launch_end_time']); $item['status'] = BargainLaunch::getStatusDesc($item['status']); $item['goods_image'] = $item['goods_snap']['image'] == "" ? $item['goods_snap']['goods_iamge'] : $item['goods_snap']['image']; } return ['count' => $count, 'lists' => $lists]; } /** * @notes 砍价订单详情 * @param $id * @return array * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/14 9:58 上午 */ public static function getLaunchDetail($id) { $model = new BargainLaunch(); $detail = $model->field(true) ->where(['id' => (int)$id]) ->with(['user.level']) ->find()->toArray(); $detail['domain'] = UrlServer::getFileUrl(); $detail['launch_start_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $detail['launch_start_time']); $detail['launch_end_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $detail['launch_end_time']); $detail['payment_where'] = $detail['bargain_snap']['payment_where'] == 1 ? '任意金额购买' : '固定金额购买'; $detail['status'] = BargainLaunch::getStatusDesc($detail['status']); return $detail; } /** * @notes 砍价订单 * @param $launch_id * @param $get * @return array * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/14 9:59 上午 */ public static function getKnifeOrderRecord($launch_id, $get) { $model = new BargainLaunch(); $count = $model->where(['id' => (int)$launch_id]) ->where('order_id', '>', 0)->count('id'); $lists = $model->field(true) ->where(['id' => (int)$launch_id]) ->where('order_id', '>', 0) ->with(['user.level', 'order']) ->page($get['page'], $get['limit']) ->select(); foreach ($lists as &$item) { $item['user']['avatar'] = UrlServer::getFileUrl($item['user']['avatar']); $item['order_status'] = Order::getOrderStatus($item['order']['order_status']); } return ['count' => $count, 'lists' => $lists]; } /** * @notes 砍价记录 * @param $launch_id * @param $get * @return array * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/14 9:59 上午 */ public static function getKnifeRecord($launch_id, $get) { $model = new BargainKnife(); $count = $model->where(['launch_id' => (int)$launch_id])->count(); $lists = $model->field(true) ->where(['launch_id' => (int)$launch_id]) ->with(['user.level']) ->page($get['page'], $get['limit']) ->select(); foreach ($lists as &$item) { $item['user']['avatar'] = UrlServer::getFileUrl($item['user']['avatar']); $item['help_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['help_time']); $item['help_price'] = '¥' . $item['help_price']; $item['surplus_price'] = '¥' . $item['surplus_price']; } return ['count' => $count, 'lists' => $lists]; } /** * @notes 砍价详情 * @param $get * @return array * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/14 9:59 上午 */ public static function detail($get) { $where = []; $where[''] = $get['id']; $info = Bargain::alias('b') ->join('goods g', 'b.goods_id =') ->join('shop s', ' = b.shop_id') ->where($where) ->field(',b.goods_id,b.audit_status,b.audit_remark,b.time_limit,b.payment_where,b.share_title,b.share_intro,g.image,,g.min_price,g.max_price, as sid, as shop_name,s.type') ->find()->toArray(); switch ($info['type']) { case 1 : $info['type'] = '官方自营'; break; case 2 : $info['type'] = '入驻商家'; break; } switch ($info['audit_status']) { case 0 : $info['audit_status'] = '待审核'; break; case 1 : $info['audit_status'] = '审核通过'; break; case 2 : $info['audit_status'] = '审核拒绝'; break; } $info['image'] = UrlServer::getFileUrl($info['image']); return $info; } /** * @notes 获取各列表数量 * @return array * @author suny * @date 2021/7/14 9:59 上午 */ public static function getNum() { $all = Bargain::where('del', 0)->count('id'); $unaudit = Bargain::where(['audit_status' => 0, 'del' => 0])->count('id'); $audit_pass = Bargain::where(['audit_status' => 1, 'del' => 0])->count('id'); $audit_refund = Bargain::where(['audit_status' => 2, 'del' => 0])->count('id'); $num = [ 'all' => $all, 'unaudit' => $unaudit, 'audit_pass' => $audit_pass, 'audit_refund' => $audit_refund ]; return $num; } }