
use app\common\websocket\Handler;
use think\swoole\Table;

return [
    'server'     => [
        'host'      => env('SWOOLE_HOST', ''), // 监听地址
        'port'      => env('SWOOLE_PORT', 20211), // 监听端口
        'mode'      => SWOOLE_PROCESS, // 运行模式 默认为SWOOLE_PROCESS
        'sock_type' => SWOOLE_SOCK_TCP, // sock type 默认为SWOOLE_SOCK_TCP
        'options'   => [
            'pid_file'              => runtime_path() . 'swoole.pid',
            'log_file'              => runtime_path() . 'swoole.log',
            'daemonize'             => false,
            // Normally this value should be 1~4 times larger according to your cpu cores.
            'reactor_num'           => swoole_cpu_num(),
            'worker_num'            => swoole_cpu_num(),
            'task_worker_num'       => swoole_cpu_num(),
            'enable_static_handler' => true,
            'document_root'         => root_path('public'),
            'package_max_length'    => 20 * 1024 * 1024,
            'buffer_output_size'    => 10 * 1024 * 1024,
            'socket_buffer_size'    => 128 * 1024 * 1024,
            'heartbeat_idle_time'        => 600, // 一个连接如果600秒内未向服务器发送任何数据,此连接将被强制关闭
            'heartbeat_check_interval'   => 60, // 每60秒遍历一次
    'websocket'  => [
        'enable'        => true,
        'handler'       => Handler::class,
        'ping_interval' => 25000,
        'ping_timeout'  => 60000,
        'room'          => [
            'type'  => 'table',
            'table' => [
                'room_rows'   => 4096,
                'room_size'   => 2048,
                'client_rows' => 8192,
                'client_size' => 2048,
            'redis' => [
                'host'          => '',
                'port'          => 6379,
                'max_active'    => 3,
                'max_wait_time' => 5,
        'listen'        => [
        'subscribe'     => [
    'rpc'        => [
        'server' => [
            'enable'   => false,
            'port'     => 9000,
            'services' => [
        'client' => [
    'hot_update' => [
        'enable'  => env('APP_DEBUG', false),
        'name'    => ['*.php'],
        'include' => [app_path()],
        'exclude' => [],
    'pool'       => [
        'db'    => [
            'enable'        => true,
            'max_active'    => 3,
            'max_wait_time' => 5,
        'cache' => [
            'enable'        => true,
            'max_active'    => 3,
            'max_wait_time' => 5,
    'queue'      => [
        'enable'  => false,
        'workers' => [],
    'coroutine'  => [
        'enable' => true,
        'flags'  => SWOOLE_HOOK_ALL,
    'tables'     => [],
    'concretes'  => [],
    'resetters'  => [],
    'instances'  => [],
    'services'   => [],