field(['goods_id', 'item_id', 'shop_id', 'goods_num as num']) ->select()->toArray(); } // 砍价订单验证 if (isset($post['bargain_launch_id']) and $post['bargain_launch_id'] > 0) { self::$order_type = OrderEnum::BARGAIN_ORDER; $bargainLaunchModel = new BargainLaunch(); $launch = $bargainLaunchModel->where(['id' => (int)$post['bargain_launch_id']])->find(); if (!$launch) { throw new Exception('砍价异常'); } if ($launch['status'] == 2) { throw new Exception('砍价失败,禁止下单'); } if ($launch['payment_limit_time'] < time() and $launch['payment_limit_time'] > 0) { throw new Exception('下单失败,超出限制时间'); } if ($launch['order_id'] > 0) { throw new Exception('您已下单了, 请勿重复操作'); } } //检查商品上架状态及库存 $check_goods = self::checkGoods($goods); Db::startTrans(); try { if (false === $check_goods) { throw new Exception(self::$error); } $address = UserAddress::where('id', $post['address_id']) ->field('contact,telephone,province_id,city_id,district_id,address') ->find(); if (empty($address)) { throw new Exception('请选择地址'); } // 校验发票信息 返回以店铺id为键,原发票参数为值的数组 $invoice = OrderInvoiceLogic::checkOrderInvoice($post); if (false === $invoice) { throw new Exception(OrderInvoiceLogic::getError()); } $order_trade_add = self::addOrderTrade($post, $address); if (false === $order_trade_add) { throw new Exception('父订单创建失败'); } $shop_goods = []; $order_goods_datas_insert = []; $order_log_datas_insert = []; foreach ($post['goods'] as $key => $value) { //按店铺区分商品 $res = self::checkShop($value); //判断商家营业状态 if ($res !== true) { throw new Exception($res); } $shop_goods[$value['shop_id']][] = $value; } foreach ($shop_goods as $key => $value) { foreach ($value as $val) { $seckill_goods_price = GoodsItem::isSeckill($val['item_id']); if ($seckill_goods_price != 0) {//是秒杀商品 $sales_sum_res = self::setSeckillSaleSum($val['item_id'], $val['num']); if ($sales_sum_res !== true) { throw new Exception('秒杀商品销量设置失败'); } } } $order_add = self::addOrder($order_trade_add, $value, $post, $key, $address); if (false === $order_add) { throw new Exception('订单生成失败'); } // 增加发票 OrderInvoiceLogic::insertOrderInvoice($key, $post['user_id'], $order_add, $invoice); $order_log_add_data = self::getOrderLogData($key, $post['user_id'], $key); $order_log_datas_insert[] = $order_log_add_data; $order_goods_data = self::getOrderGoodsData($order_add, $value,$post['user_id']); $order_goods_datas_insert = array_merge($order_goods_datas_insert, $order_goods_data); } $order_log_insert = OrderLog::insertAll($order_log_datas_insert); if (false === $order_log_insert) { throw new Exception('订单日志生成失败'); } $order_goods_inster = OrderGoods::insertAll($order_goods_datas_insert); if (false === $order_goods_inster) { throw new Exception('订单商品生成失败'); } //商品库存减少 $sub_goods_stock = self::subGoodsStock($post['goods']); if (false === $sub_goods_stock) { throw new Exception('库存修改失败'); } //购物车删除 if (isset($post['cart_id']) && $post['cart_id'] != 0) { $delCart = self::delCart($post['cart_id']); if (false === $delCart) { throw new Exception('购物车删除失败'); } } // 砍价订单处理 if (isset($post['bargain_launch_id']) and $post['bargain_launch_id'] > 0) { $bargainLaunchModel = new BargainLaunch(); $bargainLaunchModel->where(['id' => (int)$post['bargain_launch_id']]) ->update(['order_id' => $order_add, 'status' => 1]); } // 检测包邮活动 $orders = Db::name('order')->where('trade_id', $order_trade_add)->select()->toArray(); foreach($orders as $item) { $address = [ 'province_id' => $item['province'], 'city_id' => $item['city'], 'district_id' => $item['district'], ]; if(self::isFreeShipping($item['shop_id'], ($item['goods_price'] - $item['discount_amount']), $address)) { // 符合包邮条件,去邮费 Db::name('order')->where('id', $item['id'])->update([ 'order_amount' => $item['order_amount'] - $item['shipping_price'], 'total_amount' => $item['total_amount'] - $item['shipping_price'], 'shipping_price' => 0, ]); } } // 更新主订单金额 $newOrderAmount = Db::name('order')->where('trade_id', $order_trade_add)->sum('order_amount'); $newTotalAmount = Db::name('order')->where('trade_id', $order_trade_add)->sum('total_amount'); Db::name('order_trade')->where('id', $order_trade_add)->update([ 'order_amount' => $newOrderAmount, 'total_amount' => $newTotalAmount, ]); Db::commit(); return ['trade_id' => $order_trade_add, 'order_id' => $order_add, 'type' => 'trade']; } catch (Exception $e) { Db::rollback(); self::$error = $e->getMessage(); return false; } } /** * @notes 结算页数据 * @param $post * @return array|false * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:19 下午 */ public static function settlement($post) { if (!empty($post['goods'])) { if (!is_array($post['goods'])) { $goods = json_decode($post['goods'], true); } else { $goods = $post['goods']; } $post['goods'] = $goods; } else { $where = [[ 'id', 'in', $post['cart_id']] ]; $post['goods'] = $goods = Cart::where($where) ->field(['goods_id', 'item_id', 'shop_id', 'goods_num as num']) ->select()->toArray(); } // 检查店铺营业状态 foreach($post['goods'] as $good) { $shop = Shop::field('name,expire_time,is_run,is_freeze')->where(['del' => 0, 'id' => $good['shop_id']])->findOrEmpty(); if($shop->isEmpty()) { self::$error = '部分商品所属店铺不存在'; return false; } // 获取原始数据(不经获取器) $shop = $shop->getData(); if(!empty($shop['expire_time']) && ($shop['expire_time'] <= time())) { self::$error = '部分商品所属店铺已到期'; return false; } if($shop['is_freeze']) { self::$error = '部分商品所属店铺已被冻结'; return false; } if(!$shop['is_run']) { self::$error = '部分商品所属店铺暂停营业中'; return false; } } $Goods = new Goods(); $GoodsItem = new GoodsItem(); $Shop = new Shop(); if (isset($post['address_id']) && !empty($post['address_id'])) { $where = [ 'id' => $post['address_id'], 'del' => 0, ]; $address = UserAddress::where($where) ->field('id,contact,telephone,province_id,city_id,district_id,address') ->find()->toArray(); } else { $address = UserAddress::where(['user_id' => $post['user_id'], 'is_default' => 1,'del' => 0]) ->field('id,contact,telephone,province_id,city_id,district_id,address') ->find(); } if (!empty($address)) { $address['province'] = AreaServer::getAddress($address['province_id']); $address['city'] = AreaServer::getAddress($address['city_id']); $address['district'] = AreaServer::getAddress($address['district_id']); } else { $address = []; } // 校验发票信息 返回以店铺id为键,原发票参数为值的数组 $invoice = OrderInvoiceLogic::checkOrderInvoice($post); if (false === $invoice) { self::$error = OrderInvoiceLogic::getError(); return false; } foreach ($goods as &$good) { $goods_item = $GoodsItem->alias('gi') ->join('goods g', ' = gi.goods_id') ->where(['' => $good['item_id'], 'gi.goods_id' => $good['goods_id']]) ->field('gi.price,gi.spec_value_str,gi.image,g.image, as goods_name, g.type as goods_type') ->find() ->toArray(); $good['type'] = $goods_item['goods_type']; $good['name'] = $goods_item['goods_name']; $good['price'] = $goods_item['price']; $good['spec_value'] = $goods_item['spec_value_str']; $good['image'] = empty($goods_item['image']) ? $goods_item['image'] : $goods_item['image']; $good['image'] = UrlServer::getFileUrl($good['image']); } $shop = []; foreach ($goods as $key => $value) { //按店铺区分商品 $shop_data = $Shop->where('id', $value['shop_id'])->find(); $shop[$value['shop_id']]['shop_id'] = $value['shop_id']; $shop[$value['shop_id']]['shop_name'] = $shop_data['name']; $shop[$value['shop_id']]['open_invoice'] = $shop_data['open_invoice']; // 发票开关 $shop[$value['shop_id']]['spec_invoice'] = $shop_data['spec_invoice']; // 是否支持专票 $shop[$value['shop_id']]['delivery_type_text'] = Order::getDeliveryType(OrderEnum::DELIVERY_TYPE_EXPRESS); $shop[$value['shop_id']]['delivery_type'] = OrderEnum::DELIVERY_TYPE_EXPRESS; // 虚拟商品, 配送方式为 虚拟发货 if ($value['type'] == GoodsEnum::TYPE_VIRTUAL) { $shop[$value['shop_id']]['delivery_type_text'] = Order::getDeliveryType(OrderEnum::DELIVERY_TYPE_VIRTUAL); $shop[$value['shop_id']]['delivery_type'] = OrderEnum::DELIVERY_TYPE_VIRTUAL; } $array = $post; $array['shop_id'] = $value['shop_id']; $shop_coupon_list = CouponLogic::getShopCouponList($array); $shop[$value['shop_id']]['coupon_list'] = $shop_coupon_list['suit']; //是否为秒杀 $seckill_goods_price = GoodsItem::isSeckill($value['item_id']); if ($seckill_goods_price != 0) { $value['price'] = $seckill_goods_price; self::$order_type = OrderEnum::SECKILL_ORDER; //秒杀订单 } // 如果是砍价的商品,则替换信息 if (isset($post['bargain_launch_id']) and $post['bargain_launch_id'] > 0) { $bargainLaunchModel = new BargainLaunch(); $launch = $bargainLaunchModel->field(true) ->where(['id' => (int)$post['bargain_launch_id']]) ->find(); $bargainImage = $launch['goods_snap']['image'] == '' ? $launch['goods_snap']['goods_iamge'] : $launch['goods_snap']['image']; $value['goods_name'] = $launch['goods_snap']['name']; $value['image_str'] = UrlServer::getFileUrl($bargainImage); $value['price'] = $launch['current_price']; $value['spec_value_str'] = $launch['goods_snap']['spec_value_str']; self::$order_type = OrderEnum::BARGAIN_ORDER;//砍价订单 } $shop[$value['shop_id']]['goods'][] = $value; $shop[$value['shop_id']]['shipping_price'] = self::calculateFreight($shop[$value['shop_id']]['goods'], $address); $user = User::where('id', $post['user_id'])->find(); $discount = UserLevel::where(['id' => $user['level'],'del' => 0])->value('discount'); // 普通订单才参与会员价 if (self::$order_type == OrderEnum::NORMAL_ORDER) { if($discount == 0){ $discount = 10; } $shop[$value['shop_id']]['total_amount'] = round(self::calculateGoodsPrice($shop[$value['shop_id']]['goods'],$discount) + $shop[$value['shop_id']]['shipping_price'], 2); } else { $shop[$value['shop_id']]['total_amount'] = round(round($value['price'] * $value['num'], 2) + $shop[$value['shop_id']]['shipping_price'], 2); } //优惠券 $discount_amount = 0; if (isset($post['coupon_id']) && !empty($post['coupon_id'])) { $result = self::checkCoupon($post['coupon_id'], $value['shop_id']); if ($result) { $discount_amount = self::getDiscountAmount($post['coupon_id'], $value['shop_id'])['money'] ?? 0; } } $shop[$value['shop_id']]['discount_amount'] = $discount_amount; if ($shop[$value['shop_id']]['total_amount'] > $discount_amount) { $shop[$value['shop_id']]['total_amount'] = round($shop[$value['shop_id']]['total_amount'] - $discount_amount, 2); } else { //优惠金额大于当前商品总价,总价为0 $shop[$value['shop_id']]['total_amount'] = 0; } $num = 0; foreach ($shop[$value['shop_id']]['goods'] as &$item) { $is_member = Goods::where('id',$item['goods_id'])->value('is_member'); $price_sum = round($item['price'] * $item['num'],2); // 商品参与会员价 并且订单是 普通订单 if ($is_member && self::$order_type == OrderEnum::NORMAL_ORDER) { $item['is_member'] = 1; } else { $item['is_member'] = 0; } if($item['is_member']) { $member_amount = round($item['price']*$discount/10,2); $item['member_amount'] = $member_amount; $price_sum = round($member_amount * $item['num'],2); } $item['sum_price'] = $price_sum; $num += $item['num']; } $shop[$value['shop_id']]['total_num'] = $num; } $shop = array_values($shop); $total_amount = array_sum(array_column($shop, 'total_amount')); $orders['address'] = $address; $orders['shop'] = $shop; $orders['order_type'] = self::$order_type; $orders['total_amount'] = $total_amount; $orders['pay_way_text'] = "微信支付"; $orders['pay_way'] = OrderEnum::PAY_WAY_WECHAT; // 检验是否参与包邮活动,若参与去除邮费 $orders = self::checkFreeShipping($orders); // 重新算总价 $orders['total_amount'] = array_sum(array_column($orders['shop'], 'total_amount')); $orders['invoice'] = array_values($invoice); return $orders; } /** * @notes 校验是否符合包邮条件 * @param $orders * @author Tab * @date 2021/8/31 15:11 */ public static function checkFreeShipping($orders) { if (empty($orders['address'])) { return $orders; } $address = $orders['address']; foreach($orders['shop'] as &$item) { if (self::isFreeShipping($item['shop_id'], ($item['total_amount'] - $item['shipping_price']), $address)) { // 原总价格已算上邮费需减掉 $item['total_amount'] = $item['total_amount'] - $item['shipping_price']; // 符合包邮条件,去邮费 $item['shipping_price'] = 0; } } return $orders; } /** * @notes 是否满足包邮条件 * @param $shopId 店铺ID * @param $orderAmount 订单金额 * @param $address 地址 * @return bool * @author Tab * @date 2021/8/31 15:42 */ public static function isFreeShipping($shopId, $orderAmount, $address) { $config = Db::name('free_shipping_config')->where([ 'shop_id' => $shopId, 'del' => 0 ])->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($config) || $config['status'] == 0) { // 未设置 或 未开启包邮活动 return false; } // 校验区级设置 $district = Db::name('free_shipping_region')->where([ 'shop_id' => $shopId, 'del' => 0 ])->whereFindInSet('region', $address['district_id'])->findOrEmpty(); if (!empty($district) && $orderAmount >= $district['order_amount']) { // 符合包邮条件 return true; } if (!empty($district) && $orderAmount < $district['order_amount']) { // 不符合条件,不再校验市级 return false; } // 校验市级设置 $city = Db::name('free_shipping_region')->where([ 'shop_id' => $shopId, 'del' => 0 ])->whereFindInSet('region', $address['city_id'])->findOrEmpty(); if (!empty($city) && $orderAmount >= $city['order_amount']) { // 符合包邮条件 return true; } if (!empty($city) && $orderAmount < $city['order_amount']) { // 不符合条件,不再校验省级 return false; } // 校验省级设置 $province = Db::name('free_shipping_region')->where([ 'shop_id' => $shopId, 'del' => 0 ])->whereFindInSet('region', $address['province_id'])->findOrEmpty(); if (!empty($province) && $orderAmount >= $province['order_amount']) { // 符合包邮条件 return true; } if (!empty($province) && $orderAmount < $province['order_amount']) { // 不符合条件,不再校验全国设置 return false; } // 校验全国设置 $all = Db::name('free_shipping_region')->where([ 'shop_id' => $shopId, 'del' => 0, 'region' => 'all' ])->findOrEmpty(); if (!empty($all) && $orderAmount >= $all['order_amount']) { // 符合包邮条件 return true; } return false; } /** * @notes 获取优惠金额 * @param $coupon_id * @return int|mixed * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:19 下午 */ public static function getDiscountAmount($coupon_id, $shopId = null) { $result = [ 'money' => 0, 'shop_id' => $shopId, 'coupon_list_id' => 0, ]; if (!isset($coupon_id) || empty($coupon_id)) { return $result; } //优惠金额 foreach ($coupon_id as $item) { $Coupon_list = CouponList::where('id', $item)->find(); if (is_null($shopId)) { $where = ['id' => $Coupon_list['coupon_id'], 'del' => 0]; } else { $where = ['id' => $Coupon_list['coupon_id'], 'del' => 0, 'shop_id' => $shopId]; } $coupon = Coupon::where($where) ->find(); if (!empty($coupon)) { $result['money'] = $coupon['money']; $result['shop_id'] = $shopId; $result['coupon_list_id'] = $item; } } return $result; } /** * @notes shop优惠券 * @param $coupon_ids * @param $shop_id * @return bool * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:20 下午 */ public static function checkCoupon($coupon_ids, $shop_id) { $coupons = CouponList::where([['id', 'in', $coupon_ids]])->select()->toArray(); if ($coupons) { foreach ($coupons as $item) { $coupon_id = $item['coupon_id']; $where = [ 'id' => $coupon_id ]; $result = Coupon::where($where)->value('shop_id'); if ($shop_id == $result) { return true; } } } else { return false; } } /** * @notes 检查商品库存 * @param $goods * @return bool * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:20 下午 */ public static function checkGoods($goods) { if (!is_array($goods)) { self::$error = '商品数据格式不正确'; return false; } $goods_item = new GoodsItem(); $Good = new Goods(); foreach ($goods as $key => $value) { $check_static = $Good->checkStatusById($value['goods_id']); $goods_name = $Good->where('id', $value['goods_id'])->value('name'); if (false === $check_static) { self::$error = $goods_name . '商品不存在/未上架'; return false; } $check_stock = $goods_item ->where([ ['goods_id', '=', $value['goods_id']], ['id', '=', $value['item_id']], ['stock', '<', $value['num']], ]) ->find(); if ($check_stock) { self::$error = '商品库存不足'; return false; } } return true; } /** * @notes 计算商品总价格 * @param $goods * @return false|float|int * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:20 下午 */ public static function calculateGoodsPrice($goods,$discount) { if (!is_array($goods)) { return false; } $GoodsItem = new GoodsItem(); $all_goods_price = 0; foreach ($goods as $key => $value) { $goods_price = $GoodsItem->sumGoodsPrice($value['goods_id'], $value['item_id'], $value['num'],$discount); $all_goods_price = round($goods_price + $all_goods_price, 2); } return $all_goods_price; } /** * @notes 计算会员折扣金额 * @param $goods * @param $discount * @return false|float|int * @author suny * @date 2021/9/7 4:42 下午 */ public static function memberGoodsPrice($goods,$discount) { if (!is_array($goods)) { return false; } $GoodsItem = new GoodsItem(); $all_goods_price = 0; foreach ($goods as $key => $value) { $goods_price = $GoodsItem->sumMemberPrice($value['goods_id'], $value['item_id'], $value['num'],$discount); $all_goods_price = round($goods_price + $all_goods_price, 2); } return $all_goods_price; } /** * @notes 根据goods计算商品总运费 * @param $goods * @param $address * @return false|int|string * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:20 下午 */ public static function calculateFreight($goods, $address) { if (!is_array($goods)) { return 0; } $Goods = new Goods(); $GoodsItem = new GoodsItem(); $Freight = new Freight(); $freight = 0; if (empty($address)) { return $freight; } foreach ($goods as $key => $value) { $express = $Goods->getExpressType($value['goods_id']); if ($express['express_type'] == 2) { //统一运费 $price = $express['express_money'] * $value['num']; // $freight = bcadd($freight, $price, 2); $freight = round(($freight + $price), 2); } if ($express['express_type'] == 3) { //运费模板 $goods_item = $GoodsItem->where([ ['goods_id', '=', $value['goods_id']], ['id', '=', $value['item_id']] ])->field('stock,volume,weight') ->find() ->toArray(); $price = $Freight->sumFreight($address, $goods_item, $express['express_template_id'], $value['num']); // $freight = bcadd($freight, $price, 2); $freight = round(($freight + $price), 2); } } return $freight; } /** * @notes 添加父订单 * @param $post * @param $address * @return false|mixed * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @throws \think\exception\DbException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:20 下午 */ public static function addOrderTrade($post, $address) { $OrderTrade = new OrderTrade(); $order_amount = 0; $total_amount = 0; //计算商品总价格 $user = User::where('id', $post['user_id'])->find(); $discount = UserLevel::where('id', $user['level'])->value('discount'); if($discount == 0 || self::$order_type != OrderEnum::NORMAL_ORDER){ $discount = 10; } $all_goods_price = self::calculateGoodsPrice($post['goods'],$discount); //计算商品运费 $all_freight = self::calculateFreight($post['goods'], $address); $total_amount = $all_goods_price + $all_freight; //计算优惠券优惠的金额 $discount_amount = 0; if (isset($post['coupon_id'])) { foreach ($post['goods'] as $value) { $discount_amount += self::getDiscountAmount($post['coupon_id'], $value['shop_id'])['money'] ?? 0; } } if ($total_amount > $discount_amount) { $total_amount = round(($total_amount - $discount_amount), 2); } else { //优惠金额大于当前商品总价,总价为0 $total_amount = 0; } // 砍价订单 if (isset($post['bargain_launch_id']) and $post['bargain_launch_id'] > 0) { foreach ($post['goods'] as $goods) { $bargainLaunchModel = new BargainLaunch(); $launch = $bargainLaunchModel->field(true) ->where(['id' => (int)$post['bargain_launch_id']]) ->find(); $total_amount = round($launch['current_price'] * $goods['num'], 2); } } // 记录访问足迹 event('Footprint', [ 'type' => FootprintEnum::PLACE_ORDER, 'user_id' => $post['user_id'], 'total_money' => $total_amount ]); $trade_order_data = []; $trade_order_data['t_sn'] = createSn('order_trade', 't_sn'); // 拿shop_id,连接成字符串存入order_trade表shop_id中 $shop_id = ''; foreach ($post['goods'] as $key => $value) { $shop_id .= ',' . $value['shop_id']; } $shop_id = substr($shop_id, 1); $trade_order_data['shop_id'] = $shop_id; $trade_order_data['user_id'] = $post['user_id']; $trade_order_data['goods_price'] = $all_goods_price; $trade_order_data['order_amount'] = $total_amount; $trade_order_data['total_amount'] = $total_amount; $trade_order_data['discount_amount'] = $discount_amount; $trade_order_data['create_time'] = time(); $order_trade_create = $OrderTrade->create($trade_order_data); if (false === $order_trade_create) { return false; } return $order_trade_create->id; } /** * @notes 添加子订单 * @param $order_id * @param $goods * @param $post * @param $shop_id * @param $address * @return false|mixed * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @throws \think\exception\DbException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:21 下午 */ public static function addOrder($order_id, $goods, $post, $shop_id, $address) { $Order = new Order(); if (!empty($post['remark']) && is_array($post['remark'])) { $remarks = $post['remark']; } else { $remarks = isset($post['remark']) ? json_decode($post['remark'], true) : ''; } if ($remarks != '') { foreach ($remarks as $key => $value) { $user_remark[$value['shop_id']] = $value['remark']; } if (array_key_exists($shop_id, $user_remark)) { $remark = $user_remark[$shop_id]; } else $remark = ''; } else { $remark = $remarks; } $user = User::where('id', $post['user_id'])->find(); $discount = UserLevel::where('id', $user['level'])->value('discount'); if($discount == 0 || self::$order_type != OrderEnum::NORMAL_ORDER){ $discount = 10; } $goods_price = self::calculateGoodsPrice($goods,$discount); //商品价格 $member_amount = self::memberGoodsPrice($goods,$discount); //会员优惠价格 $shipping_price = self::calculateFreight($goods, $address); //计算优惠券优惠的金额 $coupon_list_id = 0; $discount_amount = 0; if (isset($post['coupon_id'])) { $discount = self::getDiscountAmount($post['coupon_id'], $shop_id); $discount_amount = $discount['money']; $coupon_list_id = $discount['coupon_list_id']; } if($goods_price + $shipping_price <= $discount_amount){ $total_amount = $order_amount = 0; }else{ $total_amount = $order_amount = $goods_price + $shipping_price - $discount_amount; } // 砍价订单 if (isset($post['bargain_launch_id']) and $post['bargain_launch_id'] > 0) { foreach ($post['goods'] as $post_goods) { $bargainLaunchModel = new BargainLaunch(); $launch = $bargainLaunchModel->field(true) ->where(['id' => (int)$post['bargain_launch_id']]) ->find(); $order_amount = $total_amount = round($launch['current_price'] * $post_goods['num'], 2); } } $isApi = 0; if (!empty($post['is_api'])) { $isApi = $post['is_api']; } $order_data = []; $order_data['is_api'] = $isApi;//是否是通过第三方接口请求生成的订单 $order_data['trade_id'] = $order_id; $order_data['shop_id'] = $shop_id; $order_data['user_id'] = $post['user_id']; $order_data['order_sn'] = createSn('order_trade', 't_sn'); $order_data['order_type'] = self::$order_type; $order_data['order_source'] = $post['client']; $order_data['order_status'] = OrderEnum::ORDER_STATUS_NO_PAID; $order_data['pay_status'] = OrderEnum::PAY_STATUS_NO_PAID; $order_data['pay_way'] = $post['pay_way']; $order_data['delivery_type'] = $post['delivery_type'] ?? 0; $order_data['aftersale_status'] = OrderEnum::AFTERSALE_STATUS_NO_SALE; $order_data['consignee'] = $address['contact']; $order_data['province'] = $address['province_id']; $order_data['city'] = $address['city_id']; $order_data['district'] = $address['district_id']; $order_data['address'] = $address['address']; $order_data['mobile'] = $address['telephone']; $order_data['goods_price'] = $goods_price; $order_data['shipping_price'] = $shipping_price; $order_data['order_amount'] = $order_amount; $order_data['discount_amount'] = $discount_amount; $order_data['member_amount'] = $member_amount; $order_data['total_amount'] = $total_amount; $order_data['total_num'] = array_sum(array_column($goods, 'num')); $order_data['user_remark'] = $remark; $order_data['distribution_money'] = 0; $order_data['coupon_list_id'] = $coupon_list_id; $order_data['create_time'] = time(); $order_data['team_id'] = $user['team_id'];//订单所属团队 // 前置订单 $order_data['is_frontend'] = 0; if (!empty($post['is_frontend'])) { $order_data['is_frontend'] = 1; $order_data['order_status'] = OrderEnum::ORDER_STATUS_DELIVERY; $order_data['pay_status'] = OrderEnum::PAY_STATUS_PAID; $order_data['pay_way'] = OrderEnum::PAY_WAY_OFFLINE; $order_data['pay_time'] = time(); } $order_create = $Order->create($order_data); if (false === $order_create) { return false; } if (!empty($coupon_list_id)) { self::editCoupon($coupon_list_id, $order_create->id); } return $order_create->id; } /** * @notes 添加订单商品 * @param $order_id * @param $goods * @return array * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:21 下午 */ public static function getOrderGoodsData($order_id, $goods,$user_id) { $user = User::where('id', $user_id)->find(); $discount = UserLevel::where('id', $user['level'])->value('discount'); if($discount == 0 || self::$order_type != OrderEnum::NORMAL_ORDER){ $discount = 10; } $goods_data = []; foreach ($goods as $key => $value) { $Goods = Goods::where('id', $value['goods_id'])->field('name,image,shop_id')->find(); $GoodsItem = GoodsItem::where([ ['id', '=', $value['item_id']], ['goods_id', '=', $value['goods_id']], ])->field('price,image,spec_value_ids,spec_value_str') ->find(); $goods_data[$key]['order_id'] = $order_id; $goods_data[$key]['shop_id'] = $Goods['shop_id']; $goods_data[$key]['goods_id'] = $value['goods_id']; $goods_data[$key]['item_id'] = $value['item_id']; $goods_data[$key]['goods_num'] = $value['num']; $goods_data[$key]['goods_name'] = $Goods['name']; $goods_data[$key]['goods_price'] = $GoodsItem['price']; $goods_data[$key]['total_price'] = round($GoodsItem['price'] * $value['num'],2); $goods_data[$key]['total_pay_price'] = self::calculateGoodsPrice([$value],$discount); $goods_data[$key]['spec_value'] = $GoodsItem['spec_value_str']; $goods_data[$key]['spec_value_ids'] = $GoodsItem['spec_value_ids']; $goods_data[$key]['image'] = !empty($Goods['image']) ? UrlServer::setFileUrl($Goods['image']) : ''; $goods_data[$key]['create_time'] = time(); } $goods_data = self::shareDiscount($goods_data, $order_id); return $goods_data; } public static function shareDiscount($goodsData, $orderId) { // 获取订单优惠价格 $orderDiscount = Order::where('id', $orderId)->value('discount_amount'); if ($orderDiscount <= 0) { // 未使用优惠 foreach ($goodsData as $key => &$item) { $item['discount_price'] = 0; } return $goodsData; } // 累计应付总金额 $sumPayPrice = 0; foreach ($goodsData as $item) { $sumPayPrice += $item['total_pay_price']; } // 根据比例分摊优惠金额 $sumDiscount = 0; foreach ($goodsData as $key => &$item) { if ($key == (count($goodsData) - 1)) { // 最后一条记录 $item['discount_price'] = $orderDiscount - $sumDiscount; } $item['discount_price'] = round($item['total_pay_price'] / $sumPayPrice * $orderDiscount, 2); $item['total_pay_price'] -= $item['discount_price']; $sumDiscount .+ $item['discount_price']; } return $goodsData; } /** * @notes 扣除商品库存 * @param $goods * @return bool * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:21 下午 */ public static function subGoodsStock($goods) { $goods_ids = []; foreach ($goods as $key => $value) { $goods_item_stock_dec = GoodsItem::where([ ['id', '=', $value['item_id']], ['goods_id', '=', $value['goods_id']], ])->dec('stock', $value['num']) ->update(); $goods_stock_dec = Goods::where('id', $value['goods_id']) ->dec('stock', $value['num']) ->update(); if (false === $goods_item_stock_dec) { return false; } if (false === $goods_stock_dec) { return false; } $goods_ids[] = $value['goods_id']; } // 下架总库存为0商品 self::outGoods($goods_ids); return true; } /** * @notes 下架总库存为0商品 * @param $goods_ids * @return bool|void * @author 段誉 * @date 2021/12/21 14:46 */ public static function outGoods($goods_ids) { try{ $goods = Goods::where('id', 'in', $goods_ids) ->field('id, stock') ->select(); if (empty($goods)) { return true; } $need_handle_ids = []; foreach ($goods as $good) { if ($good['stock'] <= 0) { $need_handle_ids[] = $good['id']; } } if (empty($need_handle_ids)){ return true; } //下架订单商品中 商品总库存已为0的商品 Goods::where('id', 'in', $need_handle_ids)->update(['status' => 0]); // 下架或删除商品更新收藏状态 event('UpdateCollect', ['goods_id' => $need_handle_ids]); } catch (\Exception $e) {} } /** * @notes 添加订单日志表 * @param $order_id * @param $user_id * @param $shop_id * @return array * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:21 下午 */ public static function getOrderLogData($order_id, $user_id, $shop_id) { $order_log_data = []; $order_log_data['type'] = OrderLogEnum::TYPE_USER; $order_log_data['channel'] = OrderLogEnum::USER_ADD_ORDER; $order_log_data['order_id'] = $order_id; $order_log_data['handle_id'] = $user_id; $order_log_data['shop_id'] = $shop_id; $order_log_data['content'] = OrderLogEnum::USER_ADD_ORDER; $order_log_data['create_time'] = time(); return $order_log_data; } /** * @notes 删除购物车 * @param $cart_id * @return bool * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:21 下午 */ public static function delCart($cart_id) { $delCart = Cart::where([ ['id', 'in', $cart_id], ['selected', '=', 1] ]) ->delete(); if (false === $delCart) { return false; } return true; } /** * @notes 订单列表 * @param $user_id * @param $type * @param $page * @param $size * @return array * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:21 下午 */ public static function getOrderList($user_id, $type, $page, $size) { $order = new Order(); $where[] = ['del', '=', 0]; $where[] = ['user_id', '=', $user_id]; switch ($type) { case 'pay': $where[] = ['order_status', '=', OrderEnum::ORDER_STATUS_NO_PAID]; break; case 'delivery': $where[] = ['order_status', 'in', [OrderEnum::ORDER_STATUS_DELIVERY, OrderEnum::ORDER_STATUS_GOODS]]; break; case 'finish': $where[] = ['order_status', '=', OrderEnum::ORDER_STATUS_COMPLETE]; break; case 'close': $where[] = ['order_status', '=', OrderEnum::ORDER_STATUS_DOWN]; break; } $count = $order->where(['del' => 0, 'user_id' => $user_id]) ->where($where) ->count(); $lists = $order->where(['del' => 0, 'user_id' => $user_id]) ->where($where) ->with(['order_goods', 'shop']) ->field('id,order_sn,order_status,pay_status,order_amount,order_status,order_type,shipping_status,create_time,shop_id,delivery_type,frontend_info,is_frontend') ->page($page, $size) ->order('id desc') ->select(); $lists->append(['goods_count', 'pay_btn', 'cancel_btn', 'delivery_btn', 'take_btn', 'del_btn', 'comment_btn', 'content_btn','order_cancel_time']); foreach ($lists as $k => $list) { if ($list['order_type'] == OrderEnum::SECKILL_ORDER) {//如果是秒杀 foreach ($list['order_goods'] as $item) { $seckill_price = GoodsItem::isSeckill($item['item_id']); if ($seckill_price != 0) { $item['goods_price'] = $seckill_price; } } } $lists[$k]['frontend_array'] = array_filter(explode(',', $list['frontend_info'])); } $data = [ 'list' => $lists, 'page' => $page, 'size' => $size, 'count' => $count, 'more' => is_more($count, $page, $size) ]; return $data; } /** * @notes 通过规格id查询秒杀价格 * @param $item_id * @return int|mixed * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:21 下午 */ public static function getSekillPriceByItemId($item_id) { $where = [ 'item_id' => $item_id, 'del' => 0, 'review_status' => 1 ]; $seckill = SeckillGoods::where($where)->find(); return isset($seckill['price']) ? $seckill['price'] : 0; } /** * @notes 订单详情 * @param $order_id * @return array|\think\Model|null * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:22 下午 */ public static function getOrderDetail($order_id) { $order = Order::with(['order_goods', 'shop'])->where(['del' => 0, 'id' => $order_id])->find(); if ($order) { $order->append(['delivery_address', 'pay_btn', 'cancel_btn', 'delivery_btn', 'take_btn', 'del_btn','view_invoice_btn','save_invoice_btn', 'order_cancel_time']) ->hidden(['user_id', 'order_source', 'city', 'district', 'address', 'shipping_status', 'shipping_code', 'pay_status', 'transaction_id', 'del', 'province']); $refund_days = ConfigServer::get('after_sale', 'refund_days', 7 * 86400, 0) * 86400; $now = time(); foreach ($order->order_goods as $order_good) { if ($order['order_type'] == OrderEnum::SECKILL_ORDER) { // 是秒杀商品 $seckill_price = GoodsItem::isSeckill($order_good['item_id']); if ($seckill_price != 0) { $order_good['goods_price'] = $seckill_price; } }$order_good['sum_price'] = $order_good['goods_price'] * $order_good['goods_num']; $order_good['comment_btn'] = 0; if ($order['pay_status'] == PayEnum::ISPAID && $order['order_status'] == OrderEnum::ORDER_STATUS_COMPLETE && $order_good['is_comment'] == 0) { $order_good['comment_btn'] = 1; } $order_good['refund_btn'] = 0; $confirm_take_time = strtotime($order['confirm_take_time']) ?: 0; $refund_time = $confirm_take_time + $refund_days; if ($order['order_status'] == OrderEnum::ORDER_STATUS_COMPLETE && $order_good['refund_status'] == OrderGoodsEnum::REFUND_STATUS_NO) { $order_good['refund_btn'] = 1; } $order_good['sum_price'] = $order_good['goods_price'] * $order_good['goods_num']; } } // 如果是拼团的订单 if ($order['order_type'] == OrderEnum::TEAM_ORDER) { $teamJoin = (new TeamJoin())->where(['order_id' => $order['id']])->findOrEmpty()->toArray(); $teamJoin['team_snap'] = json_decode($teamJoin['team_snap'], true); $order['team'] = [ 'team_activity_id' => $teamJoin['team_activity_id'], 'team_id' => $teamJoin['team_id'], 'identity' => $teamJoin['identity'] == 1 ? '团长' : '团员', 'people_num' => $teamJoin['team_snap']['people_num'], 'status' => $teamJoin['status'], 'status_text' => TeamEnum::getStatusDesc($teamJoin['status']) ]; } $order['order_type'] = Order::getOrderType($order['order_type']); $order['pay_way'] = PayEnum::getPayWay($order['pay_way']); $order['create_time'] = $order['create_time'] == 0 ? '' : $order['create_time']; $order['update_time'] = $order['update_time'] == 0 ? '' : $order['update_time']; $order['confirm_take_time'] = $order['confirm_take_time'] == 0 ? '' : date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $order['confirm_take_time']);; $order['shipping_time'] = $order['shipping_time'] == 0 ? '' : date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $order['shipping_time']); $order['pay_time'] = $order['pay_time'] == 0 ? '' : date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $order['pay_time']); $order['cancel_time'] = $order['cancel_time'] == 0 ? '' : date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $order['cancel_time']); // 虚拟商品 发货内容 if ($order['delivery_type'] != OrderEnum::DELIVERY_TYPE_VIRTUAL || $order['shipping_status'] != OrderEnum::SHIPPING_FINISH) { $order['delivery_content'] = ''; } $frontendArray = explode(',',trim($order['frontend_info'])); $order['frontend_array'] = array_filter($frontendArray); return $order->toArray(); } /** * @notes 取消订单 * @param $order_id * @param $user_id * @return \think\response\Json * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @throws \think\exception\PDOException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:22 下午 */ public static function cancel($order_id, $user_id) { $time = time(); $order = Order::with(['orderGoods'])->where(['del' => 0, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'id' => $order_id])->find(); if (!$order || (int)$order['order_status'] > OrderEnum::ORDER_STATUS_DELIVERY) { return JsonServer::error('很抱歉!订单无法取消'); } $cancel_limit = ConfigServer::get('transaction', 'paid_order_cancel_time', 0); $limit_time = strtotime($order['create_time']) + $cancel_limit * 60; if ($limit_time < time()) { return JsonServer::error('很抱歉!订单已不可取消'); } Db::startTrans(); try { // 如果是拼团的订单 if ($order['order_type'] == OrderEnum::TEAM_ORDER) { $team_id = (new TeamJoin())->where(['order_id' => $order['id']])->value('team_id'); $teamJoin = (new TeamJoin())->alias('TJ') ->field(['TJ.*,O.order_sn,O.order_status,O.pay_status,O.refund_status,O.order_amount']) ->where(['team_id' => $team_id]) ->join('order O', '') ->select()->toArray(); TeamFound::update(['status' => TeamEnum::TEAM_STATUS_FAIL, 'team_end_time' => $time], ['id' => $team_id]); foreach ($teamJoin as $item) { TeamJoin::update(['status' => TeamEnum::TEAM_STATUS_FAIL, 'update_time' => $time], ['id' => $item['id']]); OrderRefundLogic::cancelOrder($item['order_id'], OrderLogEnum::TYPE_USER, $user_id); //取消订单 if ($item['pay_status'] == PayEnum::ISPAID) { $order = (new Order())->findOrEmpty($item['order_id'])->toArray(); OrderRefundLogic::cancelOrderRefundUpdate($order); //更新订单状态 OrderRefundLogic::refund($order, $order['order_amount'], $order['order_amount']); //订单退款 } } } else { //取消订单 OrderRefundLogic::cancelOrder($order_id, OrderLogEnum::TYPE_USER, $user_id); //已支付的订单,取消,退款 if ($order['pay_status'] == PayEnum::ISPAID) { //更新订单状态 OrderRefundLogic::cancelOrderRefundUpdate($order); //订单退款 OrderRefundLogic::refund($order, $order['order_amount'], $order['order_amount']); } } Db::commit(); return JsonServer::success('取消成功'); } catch (Exception $e) { Db::rollback(); self::addErrorRefund($order, $e->getMessage()); return JsonServer::error($e->getMessage()); } } /** * @notes 回退商品库存 * @param $goods * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:22 下午 */ public static function backStock($goods) { foreach ($goods as $good) { //回退库存,回退规格库存,减少商品销量 Goods::where('id', $good['goods_id']) ->update([ 'stock' => Db::raw('stock+' . $good['goods_num']) ]); //补充规格表库存 GoodsItem::where('id', $good['item_id']) ->inc('stock', $good['goods_num']) ->update(); } } /** * @notes 增加退款失败记录 * @param $order * @param $err_msg * @return int|string * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @throws \think\exception\DbException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:22 下午 */ public static function addErrorRefund($order, $err_msg) { $orderRefund = new OrderRefund(); $refund_data = [ 'order_id' => $order['id'], 'user_id' => $order['user_id'], 'refund_sn' => createSn('order_refund', 'refund_sn'), 'order_amount' => $order['order_amount'],//订单应付金额 'refund_amount' => $order['order_amount'],//订单退款金额 'transaction_id' => $order['transaction_id'], 'create_time' => time(), 'refund_status' => 2, 'refund_msg' => json_encode($err_msg, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE), ]; return $orderRefund->insertGetId($refund_data); } /** * @notes 获取退款订单的应付金额 * @param $order * @return mixed * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:22 下午 */ public static function getOrderTotalFee($order) { $OrderTrade = new OrderTrade(); $trade = $OrderTrade ->where('transaction_id', $order['transaction_id']) ->find(); $total_fee = $order['order_amount']; if ($trade) { $total_fee = $trade['order_amount']; } return $total_fee; } /** * @notes 确认订单 * @param $order_id * @param $user_id * @return \think\response\Json * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:22 下午 */ public static function confirm($order_id, $user_id) { $order = Order::where(['del' => 0, 'id' => $order_id])->find(); if ($order['order_status'] == OrderEnum::ORDER_STATUS_COMPLETE) { return JsonServer::error('订单已完成'); } if ($order['shipping_status'] == 0) { return JsonServer::error('订单未发货'); } $order->order_status = OrderEnum::ORDER_STATUS_COMPLETE; $order->update_time = time(); $order->confirm_take_time = time(); $order->save(); //订单日志 OrderLogLogic::record( OrderLogEnum::TYPE_USER, OrderLogEnum::USER_CONFIRM_ORDER, $order_id, $user_id, OrderLogEnum::USER_CONFIRM_ORDER ); return JsonServer::success('确认成功'); } /** * @notes 删除订单 * @param $order_id * @param $user_id * @return \think\response\Json * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:23 下午 */ public static function del($order_id, $user_id) { $where = [ 'order_status' => OrderEnum::ORDER_STATUS_DOWN, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'id' => $order_id, 'del' => 0, ]; $order = Order::where($where)->find(); if (!$order) { return JsonServer::error('订单无法删除'); } // $res = $order->save(['del' => 1, 'update_time' => time()]); $data = ['del' => 1, 'update_time' => time(), 'pat_status' => OrderEnum::ORDER_STATUS_DOWN]; $res = Order::update($data, ['id' => $order['id']]); OrderLogLogic::record( OrderLogEnum::TYPE_USER, OrderLogEnum::USER_DEL_ORDER, $order_id, $user_id, OrderLogEnum::USER_DEL_ORDER ); return JsonServer::success('删除成功', ['res' => $res]); } /** * @notes 获取订单支付结果 * @param $trade_id * @return array|false * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:23 下午 */ public static function pay_result($id,$from) { switch ($from) { case 'trade' : //如果是父订单类型下单,$id为父订单id $result = OrderTrade::alias('ot') ->where(['' => $id,'o.pay_status' => 1]) ->join('order o','o.trade_id =') ->field(['', 'ot.t_sn as order_sn', 'o.pay_time', 'o.pay_way', 'ot.total_amount']) ->findOrEmpty() ->toArray(); $result['total_amount'] = '¥' . $result['total_amount']; break; case 'order' : //如果是子订单类型下单,$id为子订单id $result = Order::where(['id' => $id]) ->field(['id', 'order_sn', 'pay_time', 'pay_way', 'total_amount']) ->findOrEmpty() ->toArray(); $result['total_amount'] = '¥' . $result['total_amount']; break; case 'integral': $result = IntegralOrder::where(['id' => $id]) ->field(['id', 'order_sn', 'pay_time', 'pay_way', 'order_amount', 'order_integral', 'exchange_way']) ->findOrEmpty()->toArray(); $order_integral = $result['order_integral'] > 0 ? $result['order_integral'] . '积分' : ''; $order_amount = $result['order_amount'] > 0 ? '+ ¥' . $result['order_amount'] . '元' : ''; $result['total_amount'] = $order_integral . $order_amount; break; default : return false; } if ($result) { $result['pay_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $result['pay_time']); $result['pay_way'] = PayEnum::getPayWay($result['pay_way']); return $result; } return false; } /** * @notes 获取支付方式 * @param $user_id * @return array|array[]|\array[][]|\array[][][] * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:23 下午 */ public static function getPayWay($user_id, $client, $params) { $payModel = new Pay(); $payway = $payModel->where(['status' => 1])->order('sort')->hidden(['config'])->select()->toArray(); foreach ($payway as $k => &$item) { if ($item['code'] == 'wechat') { $item['extra'] = '微信快捷支付'; $item['pay_way'] = PayEnum::WECHAT_PAY; } if ($item['code'] == 'balance') { $user_money = Db::name('user')->where(['id' => $user_id])->value('user_money'); $item['extra'] = '可用余额:' . $user_money; $item['pay_way'] = PayEnum::BALANCE_PAY; if($params['from'] == 'recharge') { unset($payway[$k]); } } if ($item['code'] == 'alipay') { $item['extra'] = ''; $item['pay_way'] = PayEnum::ALI_PAY; if (in_array($client, [ClientEnum::mnp, ClientEnum::oa])) { unset($payway[$k]); } } } if($params['from'] == 'order') { $order = Order::findOrEmpty($params['order_id']); } else if($params['from'] == 'trade') { $order = OrderTrade::findOrEmpty($params['order_id']); } else if($params['from'] == 'integral') { $order = IntegralOrder::findOrEmpty($params['order_id']); } else { $order = RechargeOrder::findOrEmpty($params['order_id']); } $cancelTime = ConfigServer::get('transaction', 'unpaid_order_cancel_time', ''); if(empty($cancelTime) || $params['from'] == 'integral') { $cancelTime = 0; } else { $cancelTime = strtotime($order['create_time']) + intval($cancelTime) * 60; } return [ 'pay_way' => $payway, 'order_amount' => $order['order_amount'], 'cancel_time' => $cancelTime, ]; } /** * @notes 查询物流 * @param $id * @param $user_id * @return array|false * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @throws \think\exception\DbException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:23 下午 */ public static function orderTraces($id, $user_id) { $order = new Order(); $order = $order->alias('o') ->join('order_goods og', ' = og.order_id') ->join('goods g', ' = og.goods_id') ->where(['' => $id, 'o.user_id' => $user_id, 'pay_status' => OrderEnum::ORDER_STATUS_DELIVERY, 'o.del' => 0]) ->field(',order_status,total_num,og.image,o.consignee,,o.province,,o.district,o.address,pay_time,confirm_take_time,o.shipping_status,shipping_time') ->append(['delivery_address']) ->find(); // if (!self::checkDelivery($order['delivery_id'])) { // return false; // } //初始化数据 $order_tips = '已下单'; $order_traces = []; $traces = [];//物流轨迹 $shipment = [//发货 'title' => '已发货', 'tips' => '', 'time' => '', ]; $finish = [//交易完成 'title' => '交易完成', 'tips' => '', 'time' => '', ]; if ($order) { $order_delivery = Delivery::where(['order_id' => $id])->field('invoice_no,shipping_name,shipping_id,mobile')->find(); $express = ConfigServer::get('express', 'way', '', ''); //已发货 if ($express && $order['shipping_status']) { $key = ConfigServer::get($express, 'appkey'); $app = ConfigServer::get($express, 'appsecret'); //获取物流配置 if ($app && $key) { //快递配置设置为快递鸟时 if ($express === 'kdniao') { $expressage = (new Kdniao($app, $key, Env::get('app.app_debug', 'true'))); $shipping_field = 'codebird'; } else { $expressage = (new Kd100($app, $key, Env::get('app.app_debug', 'true'))); $shipping_field = 'code100'; } //快递编码 $shipping_code = Db::name('express')->where(['id' => $order_delivery['shipping_id']])->value($shipping_field); //获取物流轨迹 if ($shipping_code === 'SF' && $express === 'kdniao') { $expressage->logistics($shipping_code, $order_delivery['invoice_no'], substr($order_delivery['mobile'],-4)); }else { $expressage->logistics($shipping_code, $order_delivery['invoice_no']); } $traces = $expressage->logisticsFormat(); //获取不到物流轨迹时 if ($traces == false) { $error = $expressage->getError(); $error = json_decode($error,true); if ($express === 'kdniao') { if($error['Success'] == false){ $traces[] = [$error['Reason']]; } } else { if($error['result'] == false){ $traces[] = [$error['message']]; } } } else { foreach ($traces as &$item) { $item = array_values(array_unique($item)); } } } } //待收货 if ($order['order_status'] == 2) { $shipment['tips'] = '商品已出库'; $shipment['time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $order['shipping_time']); } //确认收货 if ($order['order_status'] == 3) { $order_tips = '交易完成'; $finish['tips'] = '订单交易完成'; $finish['time'] = $order['confirm_take_time'] ? date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $order['confirm_take_time']) : $order['confirm_take_time']; } //数据合并 $order_traces = [ 'order' => [ 'tips' => $order_tips, 'image' => UrlServer::getFileUrl($order['image']), 'count' => $order['total_num'], 'invoice_no' => $order_delivery['invoice_no'], 'shipping_name' => empty($order_delivery['shipping_name']) ? '-' : $order_delivery['shipping_name'], ], 'take' => [ 'contacts' => $order['consignee'], 'mobile' => $order['mobile'], 'address' => $order['delivery_address'], ], 'finish' => $finish, 'delivery' => [ 'title' => '运输中', 'traces' => $traces ], 'shipment' => $shipment, 'buy' => [ 'title' => '已下单', 'tips' => '订单提交成功', 'time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $order['pay_time']) ], ]; return $order_traces; } return $order_traces; } /** * @notes 配送方式无需快递的 * @param $delivery_id * @return bool * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:23 下午 */ public static function checkDelivery($delivery_id) { $delivery = Delivery::where(['id' => $delivery_id]) ->find(); if ($delivery['send_type'] == 2) { return false; } return true; } /** * @notes 判断商家营业状态 * @param $value * @return bool|string * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:23 下午 */ public static function checkShop($value) { $shop = Shop::where('id', $value['shop_id'])->field('is_run, is_pay')->findOrEmpty(); if (!$shop['is_run']) { return '该商家已暂停营业'; } if (!$shop['is_pay']) { return '该商家支付功能已关闭'; } return true; } /** * @notes 修改优惠券状态 * @param $coupon_id * @param $order_id * @return CouponList|false * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:23 下午 */ public static function editCoupon($coupon_id, $order_id) { $status = CouponList::where(['id' => $coupon_id, 'status' => 0])->find(); if (!$status) { return false; } $time = time(); $data = [ 'status' => 1, 'use_time' => $time, 'update_time' => $time, 'order_id' => $order_id ]; $res = CouponList::where('id', $status->id) ->update($data); return $res; } /** * @notes 设置秒杀商品销量 * @param $item_id * @param $num * @return bool * @author suny * @date 2021/7/13 6:23 下午 */ public static function setSeckillSaleSum($item_id, $num) { $result = SeckillGoods::where('item_id', $item_id) ->inc('sales_sum', $num) ->save(); if ($result) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static function getPayStatus($id,$from) { switch ($from){ case 'trade' : //如果是父订单类型下单,$id为父订单id $order_trade = OrderTrade::alias('ot') ->where(['' => $id]) ->join('order o','o.trade_id =') ->field(['',' as order_id', 'ot.t_sn as order_sn', 'o.pay_time', 'o.pay_way', 'ot.total_amount','o.pay_status','o.order_status']) ->select() ->toArray(); foreach ($order_trade as $item) { if($item['pay_time']){ $item['pay_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['pay_time']); } $create_time = Db::name('order')->where(['id' => $item['order_id']])->value('create_time'); $unpaid_order_cancel_time = ConfigServer::get('transaction','unpaid_order_cancel_time','30'); $cancel_time = $create_time + $unpaid_order_cancel_time * 60; $item['pay_status_text'] = PayEnum::getPayStatus($item['pay_status']); $result = $item; $goods_lists = Db::name('order_goods') ->where(['order_id' => $item['order_id']]) ->field('id,goods_name') ->order('shop_id desc') ->select() ->toArray(); foreach ($goods_lists as $goods_list) { $order_goods[] = $goods_list; } $order = Order::where(['id' => $item['order_id']]) ->find() ->append(['pc_address']) ->toArray(); $contact = $order['consignee']; $mobile = $order['mobile']; $address = [ 'contact' => $contact, 'mobile' => $mobile, 'delivery_address' => $order['pc_address'], ]; $pay_way_text = PayEnum::getPayWay($item['pay_way']); $result['pay_way'] = $pay_way_text; $result['cancel_time'] = $cancel_time; } $result['order_goods'] = $order_goods; $result['address'] = $address; break; case 'order' : //如果是子订单类型下单,$id为子订单id $result = Order::where(['id' => $id]) ->field(['id', 'order_sn', 'pay_time', 'pay_way', 'total_amount','consignee','mobile','province','city','district','address','pay_status','order_status']) ->findOrEmpty() ->append(['pc_address']) ->toArray(); $create_time = Db::name('order')->where(['id' => $id])->value('create_time'); $unpaid_order_cancel_time = ConfigServer::get('transaction','unpaid_order_cancel_time','30'); $cancel_time = $create_time + $unpaid_order_cancel_time * 60; $order_goods = Db::name('order_goods') ->where(['order_id' => $result['id']]) ->field('id,goods_name') ->order('shop_id desc') ->select() ->toArray(); $contact = $result['consignee']; $mobile = $result['mobile']; $address = [ 'contact' => $contact, 'mobile' => $mobile, 'delivery_address' => $result['pc_address'], ]; $result['order_goods'] = $order_goods; $result['address'] = $address; $result['cancel_time'] = $cancel_time; if($result['pay_time']){ $result['pay_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $result['pay_time']); } break; default : return false; } return $result; } }