215 lines
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215 lines
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namespace think\swoole\concerns;
use Exception;
use Swoole\Process;
use Swoole\Runtime;
use Swoole\Server;
use Swoole\Server\Task;
use think\App;
use think\Event;
use think\helper\Str;
use think\swoole\FileWatcher;
use think\swoole\Job;
* Trait InteractsWithServer
* @package think\swoole\concerns
* @property App $container
trait InteractsWithServer
* 启动服务
public function run(): void
'task_enable_coroutine' => true,
'send_yield' => true,
'reload_async' => true,
'enable_coroutine' => true,
'max_request' => 0,
'task_max_request' => 0,
if ($this->getConfig('hot_update.enable', false)) {
* 停止服务
public function stop(): void
* "onStart" listener.
public function onStart()
$this->setProcessName('master process');
$this->triggerEvent('start', func_get_args());
* The listener of "managerStart" event.
* @return void
public function onManagerStart()
$this->setProcessName('manager process');
$this->triggerEvent('managerStart', func_get_args());
* "onWorkerStart" listener.
* @param \Swoole\Http\Server|mixed $server
* @throws Exception
public function onWorkerStart($server)
$this->resumeCoordinator('workerStart', function () use ($server) {
$this->getConfig('coroutine.enable', true),
$this->getConfig('coroutine.flags', SWOOLE_HOOK_ALL)
$this->setProcessName($server->taskworker ? 'task process' : 'worker process');
$this->triggerEvent('workerStart', $this->app);
* Set onTask listener.
* @param mixed $server
* @param Task $task
public function onTask($server, Task $task)
$this->runInSandbox(function (Event $event, App $app) use ($task) {
if ($task->data instanceof Job) {
} else {
$event->trigger('swoole.task', $task);
}, $task->id);
* Set onShutdown listener.
public function onShutdown()
protected function bindServer()
$this->app->bind(Server::class, $this->getServer());
$this->app->bind('swoole.server', Server::class);
* @return Server
public function getServer()
return $this->container->make(Server::class);
* Set swoole server listeners.
protected function setSwooleServerListeners()
foreach ($this->events as $event) {
$listener = Str::camel("on_$event");
$callback = method_exists($this, $listener) ? [$this, $listener] : function () use ($event) {
$this->triggerEvent($event, func_get_args());
$this->getServer()->on($event, $callback);
* 热更新
protected function addHotUpdateProcess()
$process = new Process(function () {
$watcher = new FileWatcher(
$this->getConfig('hot_update.include', []),
$this->getConfig('hot_update.exclude', []),
$this->getConfig('hot_update.name', [])
$watcher->watch(function () {
}, false, 0, true);
* Add process to http server
* @param Process $process
public function addProcess(Process $process): void
* 清除apc、op缓存
protected function clearCache()
if (extension_loaded('apc')) {
if (extension_loaded('Zend OPcache')) {
* Set process name.
* @param $process
protected function setProcessName($process)
$serverName = 'swoole server';
$appName = $this->container->config->get('app.name', 'ThinkPHP');
$name = sprintf('%s: %s for %s', $serverName, $process, $appName);