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2023-08-10 06:59:52 +00:00
namespace app\admin\logic\finance;
use app\common\basics\Logic;
use app\common\enum\ShopEnum;
use app\common\enum\WithdrawalEnum;
use app\common\model\shop\Shop;
use app\common\model\shop\ShopAccountLog;
use app\common\model\shop\ShopBank;
use app\common\model\shop\ShopWithdrawal;
use app\common\server\ExportExcelServer;
use app\common\server\UrlServer;
class ShopWithdrawalLogic extends Logic
* @Notes: 申请提现记录列表
* @Author: 张无忌
* @param $get
* @return array
public static function lists($get, $is_export = false)
try {
$where[] = ['status', '=', $get['type'] ?? 0];
if (!empty($get['start_time']) and $get['start_time']) {
$where[] = ['create_time', '>=', strtotime($get['start_time'])];
if (!empty($get['end_time']) and $get['end_time']) {
$where[] = ['create_time', '<=', strtotime($get['start_time'])];
// 导出
if (true === $is_export) {
return self::withdrawalExport($where);
$model = new ShopWithdrawal();
$lists = $model->field(true)
'page' => $get['page'],
'list_rows' => $get['limit'],
'var_page' => 'page'
foreach ($lists['data'] as &$item) {
$item['status_text'] = WithdrawalEnum::getStatusDesc($item['status']);
return ['count'=>$lists['total'], 'lists'=>$lists['data']];
} catch (\Exception $e) {
static::$error = $e->getMessage();
return ['error'=>$e->getMessage()];
* @Notes: 统计
* @Author: 张无忌
* @return array
public static function statistics()
$model = new ShopWithdrawal();
$apply = $model->where(['status'=>WithdrawalEnum::APPLY_STATUS])->count();
$handle = $model->where(['status'=>WithdrawalEnum::HANDLE_STATUS])->count();
$success = $model->where(['status'=>WithdrawalEnum::SUCCESS_STATUS])->count();
$error = $model->where(['status'=>WithdrawalEnum::ERROR_STATUS])->count();
return ['apply'=>$apply, 'handle'=>$handle, 'success'=>$success, 'error'=>$error];
* @Notes: 数据汇总
* @Author: 张无忌
public static function summary()
$model = new ShopWithdrawal();
$successWithdrawn = $model->where(['status'=>WithdrawalEnum::SUCCESS_STATUS])->sum('apply_amount');
$handleWithdrawn = $model->where(['status'=>WithdrawalEnum::HANDLE_STATUS])->sum('apply_amount');
$totalWallet = (new Shop())->where(['del'=>0])->sum('wallet');
return ['successWithdrawn'=>$successWithdrawn, 'handleWithdrawn'=>$handleWithdrawn, 'totalWallet'=>$totalWallet];
* @Notes: 提现详细
* @Author: 张无忌
* @param $id
* @return array
public static function detail($id)
$withdrawal = (new ShopWithdrawal())->findOrEmpty($id)->toArray();
$shop = (new Shop())->with(['category'])->findOrEmpty($withdrawal['shop_id'])->toArray();
$bank = (new ShopBank())->findOrEmpty($withdrawal['bank_id'])->toArray();
$shop['type'] = ShopEnum::getShopTypeDesc($shop['type']);
$withdrawal['status_text'] = WithdrawalEnum::getStatusDesc($withdrawal['status']);
return ['withdrawal'=>$withdrawal, 'shop'=>$shop, 'bank'=>$bank];
* @Notes: 审核提现
* @Author: 张无忌
* @param $post
* @return bool
public static function examine($post)
try {
if ($post['is_examine']) {
// 同意提现
'explain' => $post['explain'] ?? '',
'status' => WithdrawalEnum::HANDLE_STATUS,
'update_time' => time()
], ['id'=>$post['id']]);
} else {
// 拒绝提现
$withdrawal = (new ShopWithdrawal())->findOrEmpty($post['id'])->toArray();
'explain' => $post['explain'] ?? '',
'status' => WithdrawalEnum::ERROR_STATUS,
'update_time' => time()
], ['id'=>$post['id']]);
'wallet' => ['inc', $withdrawal['apply_amount']],
'update_time' => time()
], ['id'=>$withdrawal['shop_id']]);
(new ShopAccountLog())->where([
'source_id' => $withdrawal['id'],
'source_sn' => $withdrawal['sn']
'change_type' => 1,
'left_amount' => ['inc', $withdrawal['apply_amount']],
'source_type' => ShopAccountLog::withdrawal_fail_money
return true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
static::$error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
* @Notes: 审核提现转账
* @Author: 张无忌
* @param $post
* @return bool
public static function transfer($post)
try {
if ($post['is_examine']) {
// 转账成功
'explain' => $post['explain'] ?? '',
'status' => WithdrawalEnum::SUCCESS_STATUS,
'transfer_voucher' => $post['image'] ?? '',
'transfer_time' => time(),
'update_time' => time()
], ['id'=>(int)$post['id']]);
$withdrawal = (new ShopWithdrawal())->findOrEmpty($post['id'])->toArray();
(new ShopAccountLog())->where([
'source_id' => $withdrawal['id'],
'source_sn' => $withdrawal['sn']
'change_type' => 2,
'source_type' => ShopAccountLog::withdrawal_dec_money
} else {
// 转账失败
$withdrawal = (new ShopWithdrawal())->findOrEmpty($post['id'])->toArray();
'explain' => $post['explain'] ?? '',
'status' => WithdrawalEnum::ERROR_STATUS,
'transfer_voucher' => $post['image'] ?? '',
'transfer_time' => time(),
'update_time' => time()
], ['id'=>$post['id']]);
'wallet' => ['inc', $withdrawal['apply_amount']],
'update_time' => time()
], ['id'=>$withdrawal['shop_id']]);
(new ShopAccountLog())->where([
'source_id' => $withdrawal['id'],
'source_sn' => $withdrawal['sn']
'change_type' => 1,
'left_amount' => ['inc', $withdrawal['apply_amount']],
'source_type' => ShopAccountLog::withdrawal_fail_money
return true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
static::$error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
* @Notes: 账户明细
* @Author: 张无忌
* @param $get
* @return array
public static function account($get, $is_export = false)
$where = [];
if (isset($get['shop_name']) && $get['shop_name']) {
$where[] = ['', 'like', '%' . $get['shop_name'] . '%'];
if (isset($get['search_key']) && $get['search_key']) {
case 'settle':
$where[] = ['SAL.source_type', '=', ShopAccountLog::settlement_add_money];
case 'withdrawal':
$where[] = ['SAL.source_type', '=', ShopAccountLog::withdrawal_dec_money];
case 'withdrawal_error':
$where[] = ['SAL.source_type', '=', ShopAccountLog::withdrawal_fail_money];
if (!empty($get['start_time']) and $get['start_time']) {
$where[] = ['SAL.create_time', '>=', strtotime($get['start_time'])];
if (!empty($get['end_time']) and $get['end_time']) {
$where[] = ['SAL.create_time', '<=', strtotime($get['end_time'])];
// 导出
if (true === $is_export) {
return self::accountExport($where);
$model = new ShopAccountLog();
$lists = $model->alias('SAL')
->field(['SAL.*', ',S.logo,S.type'])
->join('shop S', ' = SAL.shop_id')
->order(' desc')
'page' => $get['page'],
'list_rows' => $get['limit'],
'var_page' => 'page'
foreach ($lists['data'] as &$item) {
$item['logo'] = empty($item['logo']) ? '' : UrlServer::getFileUrl($item['logo']);
$item['type'] = ShopEnum::getShopTypeDesc($item['type']);
$item['source_type'] = ShopAccountLog::getSourceType($item['source_type']);
$item['change_amount'] = $item['change_type'] == 1 ? '+'.$item['change_amount'] : '-'.$item['change_amount'];
$item['logo'] = !empty($item['logo']) ? UrlServer::getFileUrl($item['logo']) : "";
return ['count'=>$lists['total'], 'lists'=>$lists['data']];
* @notes 导出商家明细Excel
* @param array $where
* @return array|false
* @author 段誉
* @date 2022/4/24 10:10
public static function withdrawalExport($where)
try {
$model = new ShopWithdrawal();
$lists = $model->field(true)
foreach ($lists as &$item) {
$item['status_text'] = WithdrawalEnum::getStatusDesc($item['status']);
$item['shop_name'] = $item['shop']['name'];
$item['shop_type'] = ShopEnum::getShopTypeDesc($item['shop']['type']);
$excelFields = [
'shop_name' => '商家名称',
'shop_type' => '商家类型',
'sn' => '提现单号',
'apply_amount' => '提现金额',
'poundage_amount' => '提现手续费',
'left_amount' => '到账金额',
'status_text' => '提现状态',
'create_time' => '提现时间',
$export = new ExportExcelServer();
$result = $export->createExcel($excelFields, $lists);
return ['url' => $result];
} catch (\Exception $e) {
self::$error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
* @notes 导出商家账户明细Excel
* @param array $where
* @return array|false
* @author 段誉
* @date 2022/4/24 10:10
public static function accountExport($where)
try {
$model = new ShopAccountLog();
$lists = $model->alias('SAL')
->field(['SAL.*', ',S.type'])
->join('shop S', ' = SAL.shop_id')
->order(' desc')
foreach ($lists as &$item) {
$item['type'] = ShopEnum::getShopTypeDesc($item['type']);
$item['source_type'] = ShopAccountLog::getSourceType($item['source_type']);
$item['change_amount'] = $item['change_type'] == 1 ? '+'.$item['change_amount'] : '-'.$item['change_amount'];
$excelFields = [
'name' => '商家名称',
'type' => '商家类型',
'log_sn' => '明细流水号',
'source_sn' => '来源单号',
'source_type' => '明细类型',
'change_amount' => '变动金额',
'left_amount' => '剩余金额',
'create_time' => '记录时间',
$export = new ExportExcelServer();
$export->setExportNumber(['log_sn', 'source_sn']);
$result = $export->createExcel($excelFields, $lists);
return ['url' => $result];
} catch (\Exception $e) {
self::$error = $e->getMessage();
return false;