2023-08-10 06:59:52 +00:00
< ? php
namespace app\api\logic ;
use app\common\model\distribution\Distribution ;
use app\common\model\distribution\DistributionLevel ;
2023-10-13 06:29:13 +00:00
use app\common\model\goods\GoodsBrand ;
2023-09-21 07:51:34 +00:00
use app\common\model\goods\GoodsCategory ;
2023-08-10 06:59:52 +00:00
use app\common\model\shop\ShopFollow ;
use app\common\model\user\User ;
use app\common\basics\Logic ;
use app\common\enum\FootprintEnum ;
use app\common\model\distribution\DistributionGoods ;
use app\common\model\goods\Goods ;
use app\common\model\goods\GoodsCollect ;
use app\common\model\goods\GoodsClick ;
use app\common\model\goods\GoodsSpec ;
use app\common\model\goods\GoodsComment ;
use app\common\model\goods\GoodsCommentImage ;
use app\common\model\SearchRecord ;
use app\common\enum\GoodsEnum ;
use app\common\model\seckill\SeckillGoods ;
use app\common\model\shop\Shop ;
use app\common\model\team\TeamActivity ;
use app\common\model\team\TeamFound ;
use app\common\model\team\TeamGoods ;
use app\common\model\user\UserLevel ;
use app\common\server\ConfigServer ;
use app\common\server\UrlServer ;
use think\facade\Db ;
class GoodsLogic extends Logic
* 商品详情
public static function getGoodsDetail ( $goodsId , $userId )
$discount = 10 ;
if ( $userId ){
$user = User :: where ( 'id' , $userId ) -> find ();
if ( $user && isset ( $user [ 'level' ])){
$user_discount = UserLevel :: where ( 'id' , $user [ 'level' ]) -> value ( 'discount' );
if ( $user_discount && $user_discount > 0 && $user_discount <= 10 ){
$discount = $user_discount ;
// 销售中商品:未删除/审核通过/已上架
$onSaleWhere = [
'del' => GoodsEnum :: DEL_NORMAL , // 未删除
'status' => GoodsEnum :: STATUS_SHELVES , // 上架中
'audit_status' => GoodsEnum :: AUDIT_STATUS_OK , // 审核通过
$goodsDetail = Goods :: with ([ 'goods_image' , 'goods_item' , 'shop' ])
2023-08-29 02:32:45 +00:00
-> field ( 'id,type,name,image,video,remark,content,market_price,min_price,max_price,is_show_stock,stock,sales_actual,sales_virtual,clicks,shop_id,poster,custom_params' )
2023-08-10 06:59:52 +00:00
-> where ( $onSaleWhere )
-> where ( 'id' , $goodsId )
-> findOrEmpty ();
if ( $goodsDetail -> isEmpty ()) {
self :: $error = '商品已下架' ;
return false ;
Db :: startTrans ();
try {
// 轮播图加域名
foreach ( $goodsDetail [ 'goods_image' ] as & $item ) {
$item [ 'uri' ] = empty ( $item [ 'uri' ]) ? '' : UrlServer :: getFileUrl ( $item [ 'uri' ]);
// 会员价
$goodsDetail [ 'member_price' ] = 0 ;
// 会员价数组
$member_price = [];
foreach ( $goodsDetail [ 'goods_item' ] as & $goods_item ) {
$is_member = Goods :: where ( 'id' , $goods_item [ 'goods_id' ]) -> value ( 'is_member' );
$goods_item [ 'is_member' ] = $is_member ;
if ( $is_member == 1 && $discount && $userId ){
$goods_item [ 'member_price' ] = round ( $goods_item [ 'price' ] * $discount / 10 , 2 );
$goodsDetail [ 'member_price' ] = round ( $goods_item [ 'price' ] * $discount / 10 , 2 );
$member_price [] = $goodsDetail [ 'member_price' ];
// 规格图片处理
$goods_item [ 'image' ] = empty ( $goods_item [ 'image' ]) ? $goodsDetail [ 'image' ] : $goods_item [ 'image' ];
! empty ( $member_price ) && $goodsDetail [ 'member_price' ] = min ( $member_price );
// 增加点击量
$goodsDetail -> clicks += 1 ;
$goodsDetail -> save ();
2023-08-29 02:32:45 +00:00
// 自定义规格转换
if ( ! empty ( $goodsDetail -> custom_params )) {
$goodsDetail -> custom_params = self :: str2arr ( $goodsDetail -> custom_params );
} else {
$goodsDetail -> custom_params = [];
2023-08-10 06:59:52 +00:00
// 转数组
$goodsDetailArr = $goodsDetail -> toArray ();
$goodsDetailArr [ 'poster' ] = ! empty ( $goodsDetailArr [ 'poster' ]) ? UrlServer :: getFileUrl ( $goodsDetailArr [ 'poster' ]) : '' ;
2023-09-18 02:41:31 +00:00
if ( empty ( $goodsDetailArr [ 'content' ])) {
$goodsDetailArr [ 'content' ] = '<img src="' . $goodsDetailArr [ 'image' ] . '" />' ;
2023-08-10 06:59:52 +00:00
// 新增点击记录
GoodsClick :: create ([
'shop_id' => $goodsDetailArr [ 'shop_id' ],
'user_id' => $userId ,
'goods_id' => $goodsId ,
'create_time' => time ()
switch ( $goodsDetailArr [ 'shop' ][ 'type' ]){
case 1 :
$type_desc = '官方自营' ;
break ;
case 2 :
$type_desc = '入驻商家' ;
break ;
default :
$type_desc = '入驻商家' ;
break ;
$follow = Db :: name ( 'shop_follow' ) -> where ([ 'shop_id' => $goodsDetailArr [ 'shop_id' ], 'status' => 1 ]) -> count ( 'id' );
$goodsDetailArr [ 'shop' ][ 'type_desc' ] = $type_desc ; //商家类型
$goodsDetailArr [ 'shop' ][ 'follow_num' ] = $follow ; //收藏人数
$customer_image = ConfigServer :: get ( 'shop_customer_service' , 'image' , '' , $goodsDetailArr [ 'shop_id' ]);
if ( $customer_image ){
$customer_image = UrlServer :: getFileUrl ( $customer_image );
$goodsDetailArr [ 'shop' ][ 'customer_image' ] = $customer_image ;
// 用户是否关注店铺
$goodsDetailArr [ 'shop' ][ 'shop_follow_status' ] = 0 ;
if ( $userId ) { // 用户已登录
$shopFollow = ShopFollow :: where ([ 'user_id' => $userId , 'shop_id' => $goodsDetailArr [ 'shop_id' ]]) -> findOrEmpty ();
if ( ! $shopFollow -> isEmpty ()) {
$goodsDetailArr [ 'shop' ][ 'shop_follow_status' ] = $shopFollow [ 'status' ];
// 店铺在售商品数量
$goodsDetailArr [ 'shop' ][ 'goods_on_sale' ] = Goods :: where ( $onSaleWhere )
-> where ( 'shop_id' , $goodsDetailArr [ 'shop_id' ])
-> count ();
// 店铺推荐商品列表(9个)
$goodsDetailArr [ 'shop' ][ 'goods_list' ] = Goods :: field ( 'id,name,image,market_price,min_price' )
-> where ( $onSaleWhere )
-> where ([
'shop_id' => $goodsDetailArr [ 'shop_id' ],
'is_recommend' => 1 , // 推荐
-> order ([
'sales_actual' => 'desc' ,
'id' => 'desc'
-> limit ( 9 )
-> select ()
-> toArray ();
// 总销量 = 实际销量 + 虚拟销量
$goodsDetailArr [ 'sales_sum' ] = $goodsDetailArr [ 'sales_actual' ] + $goodsDetailArr [ 'sales_virtual' ];
// 标识活动信息
$goodsDetailArr [ 'activity' ] = [
'type' => 0 ,
'type_desc' => '普通商品'
// 检查商品是否在参与活动,替换商品价格
$goodsDetailArr = self :: checkActivity ( $goodsDetailArr );
// 是否收藏
$goodsDetailArr [ 'is_collect' ] = 0 ;
if ( $userId ) { // 非游客
$goodsCollect = GoodsCollect :: where ([
'user_id' => $userId ,
'goods_id' => $goodsId
]) -> findOrEmpty ();
if ( ! $goodsCollect -> isEmpty ()) {
$goodsDetailArr [ 'is_collect' ] = $goodsCollect -> status ? 1 : 0 ;
// 规格项及规格值信息
$goodsDetailArr [ 'goods_spec' ] = GoodsSpec :: with ( 'spec_value' )
-> where ( 'goods_id' , $goodsId ) -> select ();
// 商品评价
$commentCategory = GoodsCommentLogic :: category ([ 'goods_id' => $goodsId ]);
$goodsDetailArr [ 'comment' ][ 'percent' ] = $commentCategory [ 'percent' ];
$all_comment = Db :: name ( 'goods_comment' ) -> where ([ 'goods_id' => $goodsId ]) -> sum ( 'goods_comment' );
$goods_comment_count = Db :: name ( 'goods_comment' ) -> where ([ 'goods_id' => $goodsId ]) -> count ( 'id' );
if ( $goods_comment_count ){
$goods_comment = round ( $all_comment / $goods_comment_count , 2 );
$goodsDetailArr [ 'comment' ][ 'goods_comment' ] = $goods_comment ;
} else {
$goodsDetailArr [ 'comment' ][ 'goods_comment' ] = 0 ;
// 最新一条评论
$one = GoodsComment :: alias ( 'gc' )
-> field ( 'gc.id,gc.goods_comment,gc.create_time,gc.comment,u.avatar,u.nickname,g.name as goods_name' )
-> leftJoin ( 'user u' , 'u.id=gc.user_id' )
-> leftJoin ( 'goods g' , 'g.id=gc.goods_id' )
-> where ([
[ 'gc.goods_id' , '=' , $goodsId ],
[ 'gc.del' , '=' , 0 ],
[ 'gc.status' , '=' , 1 ],
-> order ( 'create_time' , 'desc' )
-> findOrEmpty ();
if ( $one -> isEmpty ()) {
$one = [];
} else {
$one = $one -> toArray ();
// 头像
$one [ 'avatar' ] = UrlServer :: getFileUrl ( $one [ 'avatar' ]);
// 图片评价
$one [ 'image' ] = GoodsCommentImage :: where ( 'goods_comment_id' , $one [ 'id' ]) -> column ( 'uri' );
foreach ( $one [ 'image' ] as $subKey => $subItem ) {
$one [ 'image' ][ $subKey ] = UrlServer :: getFileUrl ( $subItem );
$goodsDetailArr [ 'comment' ][ 'one' ] = $one ;
// 判断是否是拼团商品
$teamActivity = ( new TeamActivity ())
-> field ([ 'id,people_num,team_max_price,team_min_price,sales_volume,activity_end_time,share_title,share_intro' ])
-> where ([
[ 'goods_id' , '=' , $goodsId ],
[ 'audit' , '=' , 1 ],
[ 'status' , '=' , 1 ],
[ 'del' , '=' , 0 ],
[ 'activity_start_time' , '<=' , time ()],
[ 'activity_end_time' , '>=' , time ()]
]) -> findOrEmpty () -> toArray ();
if ( $teamActivity ) {
$teamFound = ( new TeamFound ()) -> alias ( 'TF' )
-> field ([ 'TF.*' , 'U.nickname,U.avatar' ])
-> limit ( 8 )
-> order ( 'id desc' )
-> where ( 'TF.team_activity_id' , '=' , $teamActivity [ 'id' ])
-> where ( 'TF.people' , 'exp' , ' > TF.join ' )
-> where ([
[ 'status' , '=' , 0 ],
[ 'invalid_time' , '>=' , time ()]
]) -> join ( 'user U' , 'U.id=TF.user_id' )
-> select () -> toArray ();
foreach ( $teamFound as & $found ) {
unset ( $found [ 'shop_id' ]);
unset ( $found [ 'team_sn' ]);
unset ( $found [ 'goods_snap' ]);
unset ( $found [ 'team_end_time' ]);
$found [ 'avatar' ] = UrlServer :: getFileUrl ( $found [ 'avatar' ]);
$found [ 'surplus_time' ] = intval ( $found [ 'invalid_time' ] - time ());
$teamActivity [ 'share_title' ] = ! empty ( $teamActivity [ 'share_title' ]) ? $teamActivity [ 'share_title' ] : $goodsDetailArr [ 'name' ];
$teamActivity [ 'share_intro' ] = ! empty ( $teamActivity [ 'share_intro' ]) ? $teamActivity [ 'share_intro' ] : $goodsDetailArr [ 'remark' ];
$goodsDetailArr [ 'activity' ] = [ 'type' => 2 , 'type_desc' => '拼团商品' , 'info' => $teamActivity , 'found' => $teamFound ];
$teamGoods = ( new TeamGoods ()) -> where ([ 'team_id' => $teamActivity [ 'id' ]]) -> select () -> toArray ();
foreach ( $goodsDetailArr [ 'goods_item' ] as & $item ) {
foreach ( $teamGoods as $team ) {
if ( $item [ 'id' ] === $team [ 'item_id' ]) {
$item [ 'team_price' ] = $team [ 'team_price' ];
// 预估佣金(计算出最高可得佣金)
$goodsDetailArr [ 'distribution' ] = self :: getDistribution ( $goodsId , $userId );
// 记录访问足迹
event ( 'Footprint' , [
'type' => FootprintEnum :: BROWSE_GOODS ,
'user_id' => $userId ,
'foreign_id' => $goodsId
Db :: commit ();
return $goodsDetailArr ;
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
Db :: rollback ();
2023-09-19 08:32:22 +00:00
self :: $error = $e -> getMessage () . '--' . $e -> getLine () . '--' . $e -> getFile ();
2023-08-10 06:59:52 +00:00
return false ;
2023-08-29 02:32:45 +00:00
protected static function str2arr ( string $str ) : array
2023-09-18 02:41:31 +00:00
// 先判断是否可以解析成数组 [{"skuId":null,"propId":null,"propName":"核心规格","propVal":"适用于M1R-FF04-12"},{"skuId":null,"propId":null,"propName":"箱规","propVal":"-"},{"skuId":null,"propId":null,"propName":"适用品牌","propVal":"DONGCHENG/东成"},{"skuId":null,"propId":null,"propName":"适用机型","propVal":"M1R-FF04-12"},{"skuId":null,"propId":null,"propName":"销售单位","propVal":"个"}]
$parseArr = json_decode ( $str , true );
if ( is_array ( $parseArr )) {
$result = [];
foreach ( $parseArr as $arr ) {
$result [] = [ 'key' => $arr [ 'propName' ] ? ? '' , 'value' => $arr [ 'propVal' ]];
return $result ;
2023-08-29 02:32:45 +00:00
// $str = "参数1:值1;参数2:值2";
// 使用分号分割数组
$params = explode ( " ; " , $str );
// 遍历每个参数对,并使用冒号分割键与值
$result = array ();
foreach ( $params as $param ) {
// 使用冒号分割键与值
$paramPair = explode ( " : " , $param );
if ( count ( $paramPair ) === 2 ) {
$key = trim ( $paramPair [ 0 ]);
$value = trim ( $paramPair [ 1 ]);
2023-08-29 03:37:40 +00:00
$result [] = [
'key' => $key ,
'value' => $value ,
2023-08-29 02:32:45 +00:00
return $result ;
2023-08-10 06:59:52 +00:00
* 热销榜单
public static function getHotList ( $get )
// 销售中商品:未删除/审核通过/已上架
$where = [
[ 'del' , '=' , GoodsEnum :: DEL_NORMAL ], // 未删除
[ 'status' , '=' , GoodsEnum :: STATUS_SHELVES ], // 上架中
[ 'audit_status' , '=' , GoodsEnum :: AUDIT_STATUS_OK ], // 审核通过
$order = [
'sales_total' => 'desc' , // 实际销量+虚拟销量倒序
'sales_actual' => 'desc' , // 实际销量倒序
'id' => 'desc'
return self :: getGoodsListTemplate ( $where , $order , $get );
* 商品列表
public static function getGoodsList ( $get )
// 销售中商品:未删除/审核通过/已上架
$where = [
[ 'del' , '=' , GoodsEnum :: DEL_NORMAL ], // 未删除
[ 'status' , '=' , GoodsEnum :: STATUS_SHELVES ], // 上架中
[ 'audit_status' , '=' , GoodsEnum :: AUDIT_STATUS_OK ], // 审核通过
$order = [
'sort_weight' => 'asc' , // 商品权重,数字越小权重越大
'sort' => 'asc' ,
'id' => 'desc'
return self :: getGoodsListTemplate ( $where , $order , $get );
* 商品列表模板
* 作用:代码复用
public static function getGoodsListTemplate ( $where , $order , $get )
if ( ! empty ( self :: filterShopsIds ())) {
// 过滤已删除、已冻结、已暂停营业、已到期的店铺
$where [] = [ 'shop_id' , 'not in' , self :: filterShopsIds ()];
// 平台分类
if ( isset ( $get [ 'platform_cate_id' ]) && ! empty ( $get [ 'platform_cate_id' ]) && filter_var ( $get [ 'platform_cate_id' ], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT )) {
$where [] = [ 'first_cate_id|second_cate_id|third_cate_id' , '=' , $get [ 'platform_cate_id' ]];
// 品牌
if ( isset ( $get [ 'brand_id' ]) && ! empty ( $get [ 'brand_id' ]) && filter_var ( $get [ 'brand_id' ], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT )) {
$where [] = [ 'brand_id' , '=' , $get [ 'brand_id' ]];
// 关键词
if ( isset ( $get [ 'keyword' ]) && ! empty ( $get [ 'keyword' ])) {
$where [] = [ 'name' , 'like' , '%' . trim ( $get [ 'keyword' ]) . '%' ];
if ( $get [ 'user_id' ]) { // 记录关键词
self :: recordKeyword ( trim ( $get [ 'keyword' ]), $get [ 'user_id' ]);
// 店铺id
if ( isset ( $get [ 'shop_id' ]) && ! empty ( $get [ 'shop_id' ]) && filter_var ( $get [ 'shop_id' ], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT )) {
$where [] = [ 'shop_id' , '=' , $get [ 'shop_id' ]];
// 店铺分类
if ( isset ( $get [ 'shop_cate_id' ]) && ! empty ( $get [ 'shop_cate_id' ]) && filter_var ( $get [ 'shop_cate_id' ], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT )) {
$where [] = [ 'shop_cate_id' , '=' , $get [ 'shop_cate_id' ]];
// 销量排序(实际销量 + 虚拟销量)
if ( isset ( $get [ 'sort_by_sales' ]) && ! empty ( $get [ 'sort_by_sales' ])) {
$elt = [ 'sales_total' => trim ( $get [ 'sort_by_sales' ])];
$order = array_merge ( $elt , $order );
// 价格排序
if ( isset ( $get [ 'sort_by_price' ]) && ! empty ( $get [ 'sort_by_price' ])) {
$elt = [ 'min_price' => trim ( $get [ 'sort_by_price' ])];
$order = array_merge ( $elt , $order );
// 新品排序
if ( isset ( $get [ 'sort_by_create' ]) && ! empty ( $get [ 'sort_by_create' ])) {
$elt = [ 'create_time' => trim ( $get [ 'sort_by_create' ])];
$order = array_merge ( $elt , $order );
2023-10-13 06:29:13 +00:00
$field = 'id,image,name,min_price,market_price,sales_actual,first_cate_id, second_cate_id,third_cate_id,sort_weight,brand_id,shop_id,sales_virtual,(sales_actual + sales_virtual) as sales_total, "" as brand_name' ;
2023-08-10 06:59:52 +00:00
$count = Goods :: where ( $where ) -> count ();
2023-10-13 06:29:13 +00:00
$list = [];
if ( $count > 0 ) {
$list = Goods :: field ( $field )
-> where ( $where )
-> order ( $order )
-> page ( $get [ 'page_no' ], $get [ 'page_size' ])
-> select ();
$brandIds = $list -> column ( 'brand_id' );
$brandIds = array_filter ( array_unique ( $brandIds ));
if ( ! empty ( $brandIds )) {
$brandName = GoodsBrand :: whereIn ( 'id' , $brandIds ) -> column ( 'name' , 'id' );
$list -> each ( function ( $item ) use ( $brandName ){
$item -> brand_name = $brandName [ $item -> brand_id ] ? ? '' ;
2023-08-10 06:59:52 +00:00
$list = $list ? $list -> toArray () : [];
$more = is_more ( $count , $get [ 'page_no' ], $get [ 'page_size' ]);
$data = [
'lists' => $list ,
'page_no' => $get [ 'page_no' ],
'page_size' => $get [ 'page_size' ],
'count' => $count ,
'more' => $more
return $data ;
* 根据商品栏目获取商品列表
public static function getGoodsListByColumnId ( $columnId , $page_no , $page_size )
// 销售中商品:未删除/审核通过/已上架
$onSaleWhere = [
[ 'del' , '=' , GoodsEnum :: DEL_NORMAL ],
[ 'status' , '=' , GoodsEnum :: STATUS_SHELVES ],
[ 'audit_status' , '=' , GoodsEnum :: AUDIT_STATUS_OK ],
if ( ! empty ( self :: filterShopsIds ())) {
// 过滤已删除、已冻结、已暂停营业、已到期的店铺
$onSaleWhere [] = [ 'shop_id' , 'not in' , self :: filterShopsIds ()];
$order = [
'sort_weight' => 'asc' , // 数字越小,权重越大
'sales_actual' => 'desc' ,
'id' => 'desc'
$list = Goods :: field ( 'id,name,image,market_price,min_price,sales_actual,column_ids,sort_weight,sales_virtual,(sales_actual + sales_virtual) as sales_total' )
-> where ( $onSaleWhere )
-> whereFindInSet ( 'column_ids' , $columnId )
-> order ( $order )
-> page ( $page_no , $page_size )
-> select ();
$count = Goods :: where ( $onSaleWhere )
-> whereFindInSet ( 'column_ids' , $columnId )
-> count ();
$list = $list ? $list -> toArray () : [];
$more = is_more ( $count , $page_no , $page_size );
$data = [
'lists' => $list ,
'page_no' => $page_no ,
'page_size' => $page_size ,
'count' => $count ,
'more' => $more
return $data ;
2023-09-21 07:51:34 +00:00
* 根据商品栏目获取商品列表
public static function getRecommendGoodsById ( $goodsId , $limit = 6 )
// 销售中商品:未删除/审核通过/已上架
$onSaleWhere = [
[ 'del' , '=' , GoodsEnum :: DEL_NORMAL ],
[ 'status' , '=' , GoodsEnum :: STATUS_SHELVES ],
[ 'audit_status' , '=' , GoodsEnum :: AUDIT_STATUS_OK ],
$goodsInfo = Goods :: where ( 'id' , $goodsId ) -> field ( 'id,name,third_cate_id' ) -> find ();
if ( empty ( $goodsInfo )) {
return [];
if ( ! empty ( self :: filterShopsIds ())) {
// 过滤已删除、已冻结、已暂停营业、已到期的店铺
$onSaleWhere [] = [ 'shop_id' , 'not in' , self :: filterShopsIds ()];
// $order = [
// 'sort_weight' => 'asc', // 数字越小,权重越大
// 'sales_actual' => 'desc',
// 'id' => 'desc'
// ];
$list = Goods :: field ( 'id,name,image,market_price,min_price,sales_actual,column_ids,sort_weight,sales_virtual,(sales_actual + sales_virtual) as sales_total' )
-> where ( $onSaleWhere )
-> where ( 'id' , " <> " , $goodsId )
2023-09-21 09:02:20 +00:00
-> where ( 'third_cate_id' , $goodsInfo [ 'third_cate_id' ])
2023-09-21 07:51:34 +00:00
-> orderRaw ( 'RAND()' )
-> limit ( $limit )
-> select ();
return $list -> toArray ();
2023-08-10 06:59:52 +00:00
* @ notes 获取已删除、已冻结、已暂停营业、已到期店铺的id
* @ return array
* @ throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @ throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @ throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @ author Tab
* @ date 2021 / 7 / 20 14 : 29
public static function filterShopsIds ()
// 已删除、已冻结、已暂停营业的店铺
$invalidShops = Shop :: field ( 'id,name' ) -> whereOr ([
[ 'del' , '=' , 1 ], // 已删除
[ 'is_freeze' , '=' , 1 ], // 已冻结
[ 'is_run' , '=' , 0 ] // 暂停营业
]) -> select () -> toArray ();
// 已过期的店铺
$expiredShops = Shop :: field ( 'id,name' ) -> where ([
[ 'expire_time' , '<>' , 0 ],
[ 'expire_time' , '<=' , time ()],
]) -> select () -> toArray ();
$filterShops = array_merge ( $invalidShops , $expiredShops );
$filterShopsIds = array_column ( $filterShops , 'id' );
return $filterShopsIds ;
* 记录关键词
public static function recordKeyword ( $keyword , $user_id )
$record = SearchRecord :: where ([ 'user_id' => $user_id , 'keyword' => $keyword , 'del' => 0 ]) -> find ();
if ( $record ){
// 有该关键词记录, 更新
return SearchRecord :: where ([ 'id' => $record [ 'id' ]]) -> update ([ 'count' => Db :: raw ( 'count+1' ), 'update_time' => time ()]);
// 无该关键词记录 > 新增
return SearchRecord :: create ([
'user_id' => $user_id ,
'keyword' => $keyword ,
'count' => 1 ,
'update_time' => time (),
'del' => 0
public static function checkActivity ( $goods ){
// 获取正在秒杀的时段
$seckill_time = SeckillGoodsLogic :: getSeckillTimeIng ();
if ( $seckill_time === false ) {
// 不在秒杀时段,直接返回
return $goods ;
// 判断是否是秒杀中的商品
$seckill_goods = SeckillGoods :: where ([
[ 'del' , '=' , 0 ],
[ 'seckill_id' , '=' , $seckill_time [ 'id' ]],
[ 'goods_id' , '=' , $goods [ 'id' ]],
[ 'review_status' , '=' , 1 ],
]) -> select () -> toArray ();
if ( ! $seckill_goods ) {
// 不是秒杀商品
return $goods ;
// 判断参与日期是否包含今天
$flag = false ;
$now = time ();
foreach ( $seckill_goods as $item ) {
$start_date_time = strtotime ( $item [ 'start_date' ] . ' 00:00:00' );
$end_date_time = strtotime ( $item [ 'end_date' ] . ' 00:00:00' );
if ( $start_date_time < $now && $end_date_time > $now ) {
$flag = true ;
// 获取该商品的秒杀信息
$seckill_goods_info = SeckillGoods :: where ([
'goods_id' => $goods [ 'id' ],
'seckill_id' => $seckill_time [ 'id' ],
'start_date' => $item [ 'start_date' ],
'end_date' => $item [ 'end_date' ],
]) -> column ( 'goods_id,item_id,price' , 'item_id' );
break ;
if ( $flag === false ) {
// 参与日期不在今天
return $goods ;
// 确定是秒杀中的商品
// 先将商品市场价换成原SKU最小价
$goods [ 'market_price' ] = $goods [ 'min_price' ];
// 替换活动价
foreach ( $goods [ 'goods_item' ] as & $item ) {
// 商品价格替换为最小的秒杀价
if ( $goods [ 'min_price' ] > $seckill_goods_info [ $item [ 'id' ]][ 'price' ]) {
$goods [ 'min_price' ] = $seckill_goods_info [ $item [ 'id' ]][ 'price' ];
// 原市场价替换为原SKU售价
$item [ 'market_price' ] = $item [ 'price' ];
// SKU替换秒杀价
$item [ 'price' ] = $seckill_goods_info [ $item [ 'id' ]][ 'price' ];
$today_date = date ( 'Y-m-d' );
$goods [ 'activity' ] = [
'type' => 1 ,
'type_desc' => '秒杀商品' ,
'end_time' => strtotime ( $today_date . ' ' . $seckill_time [ 'end_time' ])
return $goods ;
* @ notes 获取商品分销信息
* @ param $goodsId
* @ param $userId
* @ return array
* @ throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @ throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @ throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @ author Tab
* @ date 2021 / 9 / 6 18 : 48
public static function getDistribution ( $goodsId , $userId )
$earnings = 0 ;
$goods = Goods :: findOrEmpty ( $goodsId ) -> toArray ();
$distributionGoods = DistributionGoods :: where ( 'goods_id' , $goodsId ) -> select () -> toArray ();
if ( ! empty ( $distributionGoods ) && $distributionGoods [ 0 ][ 'is_distribution' ] && $distributionGoods [ 0 ][ 'rule' ] == 2 ) {
foreach ( $distributionGoods as $item ) {
$earnings = max ( $earnings , round ( $goods [ 'max_price' ] * $item [ 'first_ratio' ] / 100 , 2 ));
$earnings = max ( $earnings , round ( $goods [ 'max_price' ] * $item [ 'second_ratio' ] / 100 , 2 ));
if ( ! empty ( $distributionGoods ) && $distributionGoods [ 0 ][ 'is_distribution' ] && $distributionGoods [ 0 ][ 'rule' ] == 1 ) {
$levels = DistributionLevel :: select () -> toArray ();
foreach ( $levels as $item ) {
$earnings = max ( $earnings , round ( $goods [ 'max_price' ] * $item [ 'first_ratio' ] / 100 , 2 ));
$earnings = max ( $earnings , round ( $goods [ 'max_price' ] * $item [ 'second_ratio' ] / 100 , 2 ));
// 详情页是否显示佣金
$isShow = ConfigServer :: get ( 'distribution' , 'is_show_earnings' , 0 );
if ( $isShow ) {
// 详情页佣金可见用户 0-全部用户 1-分销商
$scope = ConfigServer :: get ( 'distribution' , 'show_earnings_scope' , 0 );
$user = Distribution :: where ([ 'user_id' => $userId ]) -> findOrEmpty () -> toArray ();
if ( $scope && empty ( $user [ 'is_distribution' ])) {
$isShow = 0 ;
return [
'is_show' => $isShow ,
'earnings' => $earnings