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namespace app\controller\api\v1;
use app\controller\api\Base;
use app\exception\ApiException;
use app\exception\RepositoryException;
use app\model\Account;
use app\model\AccountRecord;
use app\model\AccountStar;
use app\model\ClockLog;
use app\model\PayLog;
use app\model\Worksite;
use app\repository\AccountRepository;
use app\service\File;
use app\service\Jwt;
use app\service\wx\WechatApplets;
use app\validate\User as UserValidate;
use EasyWeChat\Kernel\Exceptions\InvalidConfigException;
use Exception;
use think\Collection;
use think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException;
use think\db\exception\DbException;
use think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException;
use think\facade\Config;
use think\facade\Log;
use think\response\Json;
class User extends Base
protected $noNeedLogin = [
* 登录 成功返回token及用户信息
* @return Json
* @throws InvalidConfigException
public function login(): Json
$params = input();
$validate = new UserValidate();
if (!$validate->scene('wx_applets')->check($params)) {
return $this->json(4000, $validate->getError());
$minApp = WechatApplets::getInstance();
$jsCode = $params['code'];
$wxUser = $minApp->auth->session($jsCode);
if (isset($wxUser['errcode']) && $wxUser['errcode'] != 0) {
return $this->json(4001, $wxUser['errcode'].';'.$wxUser['errmsg'] ?? '登录失败');
// $wxUser success has [session_key, openid, unionid]
// 有效期2小时
$wxUser['expire_time'] = time() + 7200;
$wxUser['session_key'] = $wxUser['session_key'] ?? '';
$openID = $wxUser['openid'];
$unionid = $wxUser['unionid'] ?? '';
if (empty($openID) && empty($unionid)) {
return $this->json(4002, '登录失败');
$isActive = $params['is_active'] ?? 0;
$isActive = (is_numeric($isActive) && $isActive > 0) ? AccountRepository::BOOL_TRUE : AccountRepository::BOOL_FALSE;
$phoneActive = $params['phone_active'] ?? 0;
$phoneActive = (is_numeric($phoneActive) && $phoneActive > 0) ? AccountRepository::BOOL_TRUE : AccountRepository::BOOL_FALSE;
try {
$repo = AccountRepository::getInstance();
$account = $repo->findByOpenID($openID);
if (!$account && !empty($unionid)) {
$account = $repo->findByUnionId($unionid);
$now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
if (!$account) {
// 自动注册
$account = $repo->create([
'unionid' => $unionid ?? '',
'openid' => $openID,
'last_login' => $now,
'login_ip' => $this->request->ip(),
'created_at' => $now,
'nickname' => $params['nickname'] ?? '',
'headimgurl' => $params['headimgurl'] ?? '',
'mobile' => $params['mobile'] ?? '',
'status' => AccountRepository::STATUS_NORMAL,
'is_active' => $isActive,
'phone_active' => $phoneActive,
'session_key' => $wxUser['session_key'] ?? '',
} else {
$updateData = [
'last_login' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
'login_ip' => $this->request->ip(),
'session_key' => $wxUser['session_key'] ?? '',
// 更新资料
$modifyStringList = ['headimgurl', 'nickname', 'mobile'];
foreach ($modifyStringList as $modifyKey) {
if (isset($account[$modifyKey]) && empty($account[$modifyKey])) {
$updateData[$modifyKey] = $params[$modifyKey] ?? '';
if (empty($account['gender'])) {
$updateData['gender'] = $params['gender'] ?? 0;
if (isset($account['is_active']) && $account['is_active'] == AccountRepository::BOOL_FALSE) {
$updateData['is_active'] = $isActive;
if (isset($account['phone_active']) && $account['phone_active'] == AccountRepository::BOOL_FALSE) {
$updateData['phone_active'] = $phoneActive;
$repo->update($updateData, ['id' => $account['id']]);
$account = $repo->findById($account['id']);
} catch (RepositoryException | Exception $e) {
return $this->json(4003, '登录失败!'.$e->getMessage());
$account = $account->toArray();
$jwtData = [
'user_id' => $account['id'],
'open_id' => $openID,
'session_key' => $wxUser['session_key'],
'expire_time' => $wxUser['expire_time'],
$account['headimgurl'] = File::convertCompleteFileUrl($account['headimgurl']);
$fields = [
'coding', 'real_name', 'nickname', 'headimgurl', 'gender', 'mobile',
'status', 'is_active', 'phone_active'
$accountData = arrayKeysFilter($account, $fields);
$data = [
'account_id' => $account['id'],
'token' => Jwt::generate($jwtData),
'expire' => $wxUser['expire_time'],
'openid' => $openID,
$data = array_merge($data, $accountData);
return $this->json(0, 'success', $data);
* 获取用户信息
* @return Json
public function info(): Json
try {
$accountId = $this->request->user['user_id'] ?? 0;
$user = Account::getUser($accountId);
return $this->json(0, 'success', $user);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $this->json(4000, '没有相关的用户记录'.$e->getMessage());
* 修改用户信息
public function updateInfo(): Json
try {
$params = input('post.');
$rules = [
'field|修改项' => 'require|in:nickname',
'value|修改内容' => 'require',
$accountId = $this->request->user['user_id'] ?? 0;
$validate = $this->validateByApi($params, $rules, ['' => '参数错误']);
if ($validate !== true) {
return $validate;
if (!$customer = Account::findById($accountId)) {
return $this->json(4004, '用户不存在');
$params['field'] => $params['value']
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $this->json(5000, '修改失败!'.$e->getMessage());
return $this->json();
* 临时登录 通过openid登录 仅用于接口测试阶段
* @return Json
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
public function tempLogin(): Json
$params = $this->request->param();
if (!isset($params['openid'])) {
return $this->json(4001, '参数错误');
if (!$user = AccountRepository::getInstance()->findByOpenID($params['openid'])) {
return $this->json(4004, '账号不存在');
$data = [
'token' => Jwt::generate(['user_id' => $user['id'], 'nickname' => $user['nickname']]),
'expire' => Jwt::expire()
return $this->json(0, 'success', $data);
* 用户操作记录 分享、咨询
* @return Json
* @throws Exception
public function record(): Json
if (!$this->request->isPost()) {
return $this->json(4000, '无效请求');
$accountId = $this->request->user['user_id'] ?? 0;
$params = input('post.');
$rules = [
'type|操作类型' => 'require|in:content,other,spu,activity',
'action|操作' => 'require',
if (isset($params['type']) && $params['type'] == AccountRecord::TYPE_CONTENT) {
$rules['id|ID'] = 'require';
$validate = $this->validateByApi($params, $rules, ['' => '类型错误', 'id.require' => '此类型 ID必传']);
if ($validate !== true) {
return $validate;
try {
$relationId = $params['id'] ?? 0;
$relationId = is_numeric($relationId) ? $relationId : 0;
AccountRecord::record($accountId, $params['type'], $params['action'], $relationId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
AccountRepository::log('记录用户操作失败', $e);
return $this->json(5001, '操作失败');
return $this->json();
* 绑定手机
* @return bool|Json
* @throws Exception
public function bindPhone()
if (!$this->request->isPost()) {
return $this->json(4000, '无效请求');
$accountId = $this->request->user['user_id'] ?? 0;
$params = input('post.');
$rules = [
'encryptedData|加密数据' => 'require',
'iv|IV' => 'require',
$validate = $this->validateByApi($params, $rules);
if ($validate !== true) {
return $validate;
try {
if (!$account = Account::findById($accountId)) {
return $this->json(4000, '用户不存在');
// 解密手机相关数据 若存在手机则覆盖
$minApp = WechatApplets::getInstance();
$sessionKey = $this->request->user['session_key'] ?? '';
$decryptData = $minApp->encryptor->decryptData($sessionKey, $params['iv'], $params['encryptedData']);
$phone = $decryptData['phoneNumber'] ?? ''; // 通过iv和加密数据 解密出手机号
if (Account::where('id', '<>', $accountId)->where('mobile', $phone)->count() > 0) {
return $this->json(4000, '该手机已被绑定,若有绑定错误,请联系客服');
if ($phone) {
$account->save(['mobile' => $phone, 'phone_active' => Account::COMMON_ON]);
return $this->json(0, 'success', ['phone' => $phone]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
AccountRepository::log('手机绑定失败', $e);
return $this->json(5001, '手机绑定失败');
// 打卡页面信息
public function signInfo(): Json
$list = [];
$week = ['日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'];
$info = [
'today' => date('Y年m月d日'),
'week' => '星期'.$week[date('w')],
'now' => date('H:i:s'),
'is_sign' => (int) !empty($list),
return $this->json(0, 'success', ['info' => $info]);
* 今日打卡记录
* @return \think\response\Json
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function signToday(): Json
$accountId = $this->request->user['user_id'] ?? 0;
$day = input('day/s', '');
$day = $day ?: date('Y-m-d');
$worksiteId = input('worksite_id/d', 0);
$worksiteId = $worksiteId ?: 0;
$list = [];
$buttonColor = 'gray';
if ($accountId > 0) {
if (!$account = Account::findById($accountId)) {
return $this->json(6001, '请先登录');
$where = [];
$where[] = ['cl.created_at', '>', date($day.' 00:00:00')];
$where[] = ['cl.created_at', '<', date($day.' 23:59:59')];
$where[] = ['cl.account_id', '=', $accountId];
if ($worksiteId) {
$where[] = ['cl.worksite_id', '=', $worksiteId];
$where[] = ['cl.role', '=', $account['role']];
$limit = $account['role'] == Account::ROLE_NORMAL ? 4 : 0;//普通用户只展示最新4条 其他不限制
$list = \app\model\ClockLog::alias('cl')
->leftJoin('worksite w', ' = cl.worksite_id')
->field('cl.*, as worksite_name')
->order('', 'desc')
* 打卡按钮颜色 gray=灰色 orange=橙色 绿色=green
* 普通人 只有灰色 和 绿色 未打卡灰色 打卡>0为绿色
* 工人和负责人
* 灰色: 未打卡、(中途休息期间如12~14 未判断此条件)
* 橙色:上班卡数量>下班卡数量且>0
* 绿色1. 下班卡数量>= 上班卡数量 且下班卡数量>=1 或 2.下午下班卡打了后
if ($account['role'] == Account::ROLE_NORMAL) {
$buttonColor = $list->count() > 0 ? 'green' : 'gray';
} else {
$array = $list->whereIn('status', [0, 1])->column('type');
$onCount = 0;//上班卡数量
$offCount = 0;//下班卡数量
foreach ($array as $sign) {
if (strpos($sign, '_on')) {
if (strpos($sign, '_off')) {
if (($offCount >= $onCount && $offCount >= 1) || $onCount > 0) {
$buttonColor = 'orange';
if (in_array('afternoon_off', $array) || ($offCount >= $onCount && $offCount >= 1)) {
$buttonColor = 'green';
$list->each(function ($item) {
$item->type_text = ClockLog::typeText()[$item->type];
switch ($item->status) {
case 0:
$item->status_text = '待确认';
case 1:
$item->status_text = '已确认';
case -1:
$item->status_text = '不通过';
$item->time = date('H:i', $item->create_time);
$list = $list->toArray();
return $this->json(0, 'success', ['buttonColor' => $buttonColor, 'list' => $list]);
public function checkActive(): Json
try {
$openid = input('openid/s');
if (empty($openid)) {
return $this->json(0, 'success', ['status' => 0]);
$isActive = (int) Account::where('openid', $openid)->value('is_active');
return $this->json(0, 'success', ['status' => $isActive]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $this->json(4000, '检查账号是否微信授权是不'.$e->getMessage());
* 月度打卡记录
* {
* 'ok':[2,5,6,8,12],
* 'add':[4,7,11,22],
* 'no':[19,28]
* }
* @return \think\response\Json
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function monthSignLog(): Json
$accountId = $this->request->user['user_id'] ?? 0;
$date = input('date/s', '');
$worksiteId = input('worksite_id/d', 0);
$worksiteId = $worksiteId ?: 0;
$date = $date ?: date('Y-m');
$ym = str_replace('-', '', $date);
$res = [
'ok' => [], //正常打卡:普通用户当天有打卡=正常 工人和负责人打满4次=正常
'add' => [],// 补打卡:仅限工人和负责人 当天存在补卡
'no' => [],// 非正常打卡:仅限工人和负责人 4>打卡次数>0
if ($accountId > 0) {
if (!$account = Account::findById($accountId)) {
return $this->json(6001, '请先登录');
$where = [];
$where[] = ['', 'like', $ym.'%'];
$where[] = ['cl.account_id', '=', $accountId];
$where[] = ['cl.role', '=', $account['role']];
$where[] = ['cl.worksite_id', '=', $worksiteId];
$list = \app\model\ClockLog::alias('cl')
$signNum = [];//每日打卡次数
foreach ($list as $item) {
$day = (int) substr($item['day'], -2);
if (!isset($signNum[$day])) {
$signNum[$day] = 0;
if ($item['is_replenish'] == ClockLog::COMMON_ON) {
$res['add'][] = $day;
foreach ($signNum as $day => $count) {
if ($account['role'] == Account::ROLE_NORMAL) {
if ($count >= 1) {
$res['ok'][] = $day;
} else {
if ($count == 4) {
$res['ok'][] = $day;
} else {
$res['no'][] = $day;
$res['ok'] = array_unique($res['ok']);
$res['add'] = array_unique($res['add']);
$res['no'] = array_unique($res['no']);
return $this->json(0, 'success', $res);
* 打卡
* 普通用户打卡不需要任何参数
* 员工和负责人打卡 参数相同
public function sign(): Json
try {
$accountId = $this->request->user['user_id'] ?? 0;
if (!$customer = Account::findById($accountId)) {
return $this->json(6001, '请先登录');
$input = input('post.');
// 普通人打卡
if ($customer['role'] == Account::ROLE_NORMAL && $this->normalSign($accountId, $input['type'])) {
return $this->json();
$rules = [
'type|打卡类型' => 'require|in:morning_on,morning_off,afternoon_on,afternoon_off',
'lat|维度' => 'require',
'lng|经度' => 'require',
'worksite_id|工地' => 'require|number',
$validate = $this->validateByApi($input, $rules, ['' => '打卡类型错误']);
if ($validate !== true) {
return $validate;
Config::load('extra/base', 'base');
$baseConfig = config('base');
$signArea = $baseConfig['sign_area'] ?? 200;
$worksite = Worksite::getNearest($input['lng'], $input['lat'], $signArea);
if (empty($worksite) || $worksite['id'] != $input['worksite_id']) {
return $this->json(4004, '不在打卡范围!');
$time = time();
// $time = $time - 86401 * 3;
$now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time);
$day = date('Ymd', $time);
if (ClockLog::hasSign($accountId, $input['type'], $input['worksite_id'])) {
return $this->json(4001, '今日已打过此卡');
// 是否在打卡时间
if (!Worksite::checkSignTime($input['worksite_id'], $input['type'])) {
// return $this->json(4002, '不在打卡时间段!');
$data = [
'account_id' => $accountId,
'type' => $input['type'],
'worksite_id' => $input['worksite_id'],
'created_at' => $now,
'create_time' => $time,
'day' => $day,
'role' => $customer['role'],
'indexs' => $accountId.'-'.$input['worksite_id'].'-'.$day,
// 工人
if ($customer['role'] == Account::ROLE_WORKER) {
$data['need_statistic'] = Account::COMMON_ON;
// 负责人
if ($customer['role'] == Account::ROLE_MANAGER) {
$data['status'] = Account::COMMON_ON;
$data['need_statistic'] = Account::COMMON_OFF;
// 创建当日工资初始记录
PayLog::createWhenNotExists($accountId, $input['worksite_id'], $day);
} catch (ApiException $e) {
return $this->json(4000, $e->getMessage());
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $this->json(5000, '打卡失败!');
return $this->json();
* 提交补卡
public function replenish(): Json
try {
$input = input('post.');
$rules = [
'day|补卡日期' => 'require|date',
'type|补卡类型' => 'require|in:morning_on,morning_off,afternoon_on,afternoon_off',
'worksite_id|工地' => 'require|number',
$validate = $this->validateByApi($input, $rules, ['worksite_id.number' => '工地必传', '' => '补卡类型错误']);
if ($validate !== true) {
return $validate;
$accountId = $this->request->user['user_id'] ?? 0;
if (!$customer = Account::findById($accountId)) {
return $this->json(6001, '请先登录');
if (!in_array($customer['role'], [1, 2])) {
return $this->json(4003, '当前身份不能补卡');
$time = time();
$now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time);
$day = date('Ymd', strtotime($input['day']));
$where = [
'account_id' => $accountId,
'type' => $input['type'],
'worksite_id' => $input['worksite_id'],
'day' => $day,
'role' => $customer['role'],
'indexs' => $accountId.'-'.$input['worksite_id'].'-'.$day,
if (ClockLog::where($where)->whereIn('status', [0, 1])->count() > 0) {
return $this->json(4001, '记录存在,无需补卡!');
$data = [
'account_id' => $accountId,
'type' => $input['type'],
'worksite_id' => $input['worksite_id'],
'created_at' => $now,
'create_time' => $time,
'day' => $day,
'role' => $customer['role'],
'is_replenish' => ClockLog::COMMON_ON,
'need_statistic' => $customer['role'] == 1 ? ClockLog::COMMON_ON : ClockLog::COMMON_OFF,
'indexs' => $accountId.'-'.$input['worksite_id'].'-'.$day,
// 创建当日工资初始记录
PayLog::createWhenNotExists($accountId, $input['worksite_id'], $day);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $this->json(5000, '补卡申请失败!');
return $this->json();
* 评级列表
* @return \think\response\Json
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function starList(): Json
$accountId = input('account_id/d', 0);
$accountId = $accountId ?: 0;
$worksiteId = input('worksite_id/d', 0);
$worksiteId = $worksiteId ?: 0;
if (!$account = Account::findById($accountId)) {
return $this->json(4004, '用户不存在');
$where = [];
$where[] = ['account_id', '=', $accountId];
$worksiteId = $worksiteId ?: $account['worksite_id'];
$where[] = ['worksite_id', '=', $worksiteId];
$where[] = ['type', '=', AccountStar::TYPE_WORKER];
$list = \app\model\AccountStar::where($where)
->order('ym', 'desc')
$yearArr = $list->column('year');
$yearArr = array_unique($yearArr);
$starList = [];
foreach ($yearArr as $year) {
$starList[$year.'年'] = [];
foreach ($list as $val) {
$starList[$val['year'].'年'][] = [
'year' => $val['year'],
'month' => $val['month'],
'star' => $val['star'],
$firstStar = $list->first()['star'] ?? 0;
$info = [
'real_name' => $account['real_name'] ?? '',
'worksite_name' => Worksite::where('id', $account['worksite_id'])->value('name'),
'star' => $firstStar,
return $this->json(0, 'success', ['info' => $info, 'list' => $starList]);
* 用户详情
* @return Json
public function detail(): Json
try {
$accountId = input('id/d');
$user = Account::getUser($accountId);
return $this->json(0, 'success', $user);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $this->json(4000, '获取用户详情失败'.$e->getMessage());
* 普通用户打卡
* @param int $accountId
* @param string $type
* @return bool
* @throws \app\exception\ApiException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
private function normalSign(int $accountId, string $type): bool
$time = time();
// $time = $time - 86401 * 3;
$now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time);
$day = date('Ymd', $time);
if (ClockLog::checkRate($accountId, $type)) {
throw new ApiException('打卡频率过快!');
'account_id' => $accountId,
'type' => $type,
'created_at' => $now,
'create_time' => $time,
'day' => $day,
'status' => ClockLog::COMMON_ON,
return true;