/* * Name: skuTable * Author: cshaptx4869 * Project: https://github.com/cshaptx4869/skuTable */ layui.define(['jquery', 'form', 'upload', 'layer', 'sortable'], function (exports) { "use strict"; var $ = layui.jquery, form = layui.form, upload = layui.upload, layer = layui.layer, sortable = layui.sortable, MOD_NAME = 'skuTable'; //工具类 class Util { static config = { shade: [0.02, '#000'], time: 2000 }; static msg = { // 成功消息 success: function (msg, callback = null) { return layer.msg(msg, { icon: 1, shade: Util.config.shade, scrollbar: false, time: Util.config.time, shadeClose: true }, callback); }, // 失败消息 error: function (msg, callback = null) { return layer.msg(msg, { icon: 2, shade: Util.config.shade, scrollbar: false, time: Util.config.time, shadeClose: true }, callback); }, // 警告消息框 alert: function (msg, callback = null) { return layer.alert(msg, {end: callback, scrollbar: false}); }, // 对话框 confirm: function (msg, ok, no) { var index = layer.confirm(msg, {title: '操作确认', btn: ['确认', '取消']}, function () { typeof ok === 'function' && ok.call(this); }, function () { typeof no === 'function' && no.call(this); Util.msg.close(index); }); return index; }, // 消息提示 tips: function (msg, callback = null) { return layer.msg(msg, { time: Util.config.time, shade: Util.config.shade, end: callback, shadeClose: true }); }, // 加载中提示 loading: function (msg, callback = null) { return msg ? layer.msg(msg, { icon: 16, scrollbar: false, shade: Util.config.shade, time: 0, end: callback }) : layer.load(2, {time: 0, scrollbar: false, shade: Util.config.shade, end: callback}); }, // 输入框 prompt: function (option, callback = null) { return layer.prompt(option, callback); }, // 关闭消息框 close: function (index) { return layer.close(index); } }; static request = { post: function (option, ok, no, ex) { return Util.request.ajax('post', option, ok, no, ex); }, get: function (option, ok, no, ex) { return Util.request.ajax('get', option, ok, no, ex); }, ajax: function (type, option, ok, no, ex) { type = type || 'get'; option.url = option.url || ''; option.data = option.data || {}; option.statusName = option.statusName || 'code'; option.statusCode = option.statusCode || 200; ok = ok || function (res) { }; no = no || function (res) { var msg = res.msg == undefined ? '返回数据格式有误' : res.msg; Util.msg.error(msg); return false; }; ex = ex || function (res) { }; if (option.url == '') { Util.msg.error('请求地址不能为空'); return false; } var index = Util.msg.loading('加载中'); $.ajax({ url: option.url, type: type, contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", dataType: "json", data: option.data, timeout: 60000, success: function (res) { Util.msg.close(index); if (res[option.statusName] == option.statusCode) { return ok(res); } else { return no(res); } }, error: function (xhr, textstatus, thrown) { Util.msg.error('Status:' + xhr.status + ',' + xhr.statusText + ',请稍后再试!', function () { ex(xhr); }); return false; } }); } }; } class SkuTable { data = { attributeData: [], specData: [], skuData: {}, productId: '', productTypeId: '', specDataDelete: false, }; options = { mode: 0, isAttributeElemId: 'fairy-is-attribute', productTypeElemId: 'fairy-product-type', attributeTableElemId: 'fairy-attribute-table', specTableElemId: 'fairy-spec-table', skuTableElemId: 'fairy-sku-table', singleSkuTableConfig: { thead: [ {title: '销售价(元)', icon: 'layui-icon-cols'}, {title: '市场价(元)', icon: 'layui-icon-cols'}, {title: '成本价(元)', icon: 'layui-icon-cols'}, {title: '库存', icon: 'layui-icon-cols'}, {title: '状态', icon: ''}, ], tbody: [ {type: 'input', field: 'price', value: '0', verify: 'required|number', reqtext: '销售价不能为空'}, {type: 'input', field: 'market_price', value: '0', verify: 'required|number', reqtext: '市场价不能为空'}, {type: 'input', field: 'cost_price', value: '0', verify: 'required|number', reqtext: '成本价不能为空'}, {type: 'input', field: 'stock', value: '0', verify: 'required|number', reqtext: '库存不能为空'}, {type: 'select', field: 'status', option: [{key: '启用', value: '1'}, {key: '禁用', value: '0'}], verify: 'required', reqtext: '状态不能为空'}, ] }, skuNameType: 0, skuNameDelimiter: '-', multipleSkuTableConfig: { thead: [ {title: '图片', icon: ''}, {title: '销售价(元)', icon: 'layui-icon-cols'}, {title: '市场价(元)', icon: 'layui-icon-cols'}, {title: '成本价(元)', icon: 'layui-icon-cols'}, {title: '库存', icon: 'layui-icon-cols'}, {title: '状态', icon: ''}, ], tbody: [ {type: 'image', field: 'picture', value: '', verify: '', reqtext: ''}, {type: 'input', field: 'price', value: '0', verify: 'required|number', reqtext: '销售价不能为空'}, {type: 'input', field: 'market_price', value: '0', verify: 'required|number', reqtext: '市场价不能为空'}, {type: 'input', field: 'cost_price', value: '0', verify: 'required|number', reqtext: '成本价不能为空'}, {type: 'input', field: 'stock', value: '0', verify: 'required|number', reqtext: '库存不能为空'}, { type: 'select', field: 'status', option: [{key: '启用', value: '1'}, {key: '禁用', value: '0'}], verify: '', reqtext: '' }, ] }, uploadUrl: '', attrSpecUrl: '', productTypeUrl: '', specCreateUrl: '', specDeleteUrl: '', specValueCreateUrl: '', specValueDeleteUrl: '', rowspan: false, skuIcon: '', }; constructor(options) { this.options = $.extend(this.options, options); if (this.options.productId) { this.data.productId = this.options.productId; } if (this.options.productTypeId) { this.data.productTypeId = this.options.productTypeId; } if (this.options.skuDataUrl) { Util.request.get({url: this.options.skuDataUrl, data: {product_id: this.data.productId}}, (res) => { this.data.skuData = res.data; this.render();// 从下面挪上来 }); } this.css(); // this.render(); 放到上面同步执行,否则单规格的时候 无法获取到值 this.listen(); } css() { $('head').append(`` ); } render() { var mode = String(this.options.mode); this.resetRender(); this.renderIsAttribute(mode); mode === '0' ? this.renderSingleSkuTable() : this.renderProductType(); } resetRender(targets = []) { if (targets.length) { targets.forEach((item) => { $(`#${item}`).parents('.layui-form-item').replaceWith(`
`); }) } else { $(`#${this.options.isAttributeElemId}`).parents('.layui-form-item').replaceWith(`
`); $(`#${this.options.productTypeElemId}`).parents('.layui-form-item').replaceWith(`
`); $(`#${this.options.attributeTableElemId}`).parents('.layui-form-item').replaceWith(`
`); $(`#${this.options.specTableElemId}`).parents('.layui-form-item').replaceWith(`
`); $(`#${this.options.skuTableElemId}`).parents('.layui-form-item').replaceWith(`
`); } } listen() { var that = this; /** * 监听规格类型选择 */ form.on('radio(fairy-is-attribute)', function (data) { that.options.mode = data.value; that.render(); }); /** * 监听商品类型选择 */ form.on('select(fairy-product-type)', function (data) { that.data.productTypeId = data.value; if (data.value === '') { that.resetRender([that.options.attributeTableElemId, that.options.specTableElemId, that.options.skuTableElemId]); that.data.attributeData = []; that.data.specData = []; } else { Util.request.get({url: that.options.attrSpecUrl, data: {product_type_id: data.value}}, (res) => { that.resetRender([that.options.attributeTableElemId, that.options.specTableElemId, that.options.skuTableElemId]); that.data.attributeData = res.data.attribute; that.data.specData = res.data.spec; that.renderAttributeTable(); that.renderSpecTable(); that.renderMultipleSkuTable(); }); } }); /** * 监听所选规格值的变化 */ form.on('checkbox(fairy-spec-filter)', function (data) { var specData = []; $.each($(`#${that.options.specTableElemId} tbody tr`), function () { var options = [], value = []; $.each($(this).find('input[type=checkbox]'), function () { $(this).is(':checked') && value.push($(this).val()); options.push({id: $(this).val(), title: $(this).attr('title')}); }); specData.push({ id: $(this).find('td').eq(0).data('id'), title: $(this).find('td').eq(0).text(), options: options, value: value }); }); that.data.specData = specData; that.data.skuData = $.extend(that.data.skuData, that.getFormSkuData()); that.resetRender([that.options.skuTableElemId]); that.renderMultipleSkuTable(); }); /** * 监听批量赋值 */ $(document).on('click', `#${this.options.skuTableElemId} thead tr th i`, function () { var thisI = this; Util.msg.prompt({title: $(thisI).parent().text().trim() + '批量赋值'}, function (value, index, elem) { $.each($(`#${that.options.skuTableElemId} tbody tr`), function () { var index = that.options.rowspan ? $(thisI).parent().index() - ($(`#${that.options.skuTableElemId} thead th.fairy-spec-name`).length - $(this).children('td.fairy-spec-value').length) : $(thisI).parent().index(); $(this).find('td').eq(index).children('input').val(value); }); Util.msg.close(index); }); }); /** * 监听添加规格 */ $(document).on('click', `#${this.options.specTableElemId} .fairy-spec-create`, function () { layer.prompt({title: '规格'}, function (value, index, elem) { Util.request.post( {url: that.options.specCreateUrl, data: {title: value, product_type_id: that.data.productTypeId}}, function (res) { that.data.specData.push({id: res.data.id, title: value, options: [], value: []}); that.resetRender([that.options.specTableElemId]); that.renderSpecTable(); }); Util.msg.close(index); }); }); /** * 监听添加规格值 */ $(document).on('click', `#${this.options.specTableElemId} .fairy-spec-value-create`, function () { var specId = $(this).parent('td').prev().data('id'); layer.prompt({title: '规格值'}, function (value, index, elem) { Util.request.post( {url: that.options.specValueCreateUrl, data: {spec_id: specId, title: value}}, function (res) { that.data.specData.forEach(function (v, i) { if (v.id == specId) { v.options.push({id: res.data.id, title: value}); } }); that.resetRender([that.options.specTableElemId]); that.renderSpecTable(); }); Util.msg.close(index); }); }); /** * 监听删除规格/规格值 */ $(document).on('click', `#${this.options.specTableElemId} i.layui-icon-delete`, function () { if (typeof $(this).attr('data-spec-id') !== "undefined") { var specId = $(this).attr('data-spec-id'); if (that.options.specDeleteUrl) { Util.request.post({ url: that.options.specDeleteUrl, data: {id: specId} }, function (res) { that.deleteSpec(specId); }); } else { that.deleteSpec(specId); } } else if (typeof $(this).attr('data-spec-value-id') !== "undefined") { var specValueId = $(this).attr('data-spec-value-id'); if (that.options.specValueDeleteUrl) { Util.request.post({ url: that.options.specValueDeleteUrl, data: {id: specValueId} }, function (res) { that.deleteSpecValue(specValueId); }); } else { that.deleteSpecValue(specValueId) } } }); /** * 监听规格表是否开启删除 */ form.on('checkbox(fairy-spec-delete-filter)', function (data) { that.data.specDataDelete = data.elem.checked; if (data.elem.checked) { $(`#${that.options.specTableElemId} tbody tr i.layui-icon-delete`).removeClass('layui-hide'); } else { $(`#${that.options.specTableElemId} tbody tr i.layui-icon-delete`).addClass('layui-hide') } }); /** * 图片移入放大/移出恢复 */ var imgLayerIndex = null; $(document).on('mouseenter', '.fairy-sku-img', function () { imgLayerIndex = layer.tips('', this, { tips: [2, 'rgba(41,41,41,.5)'], time: 0 }); }).on('mouseleave', '.fairy-sku-img', function () { layer.close(imgLayerIndex); }) } deleteSpec(specId) { this.data.specData.forEach((item, index) => { if (item.id == specId) { this.data.specData.splice(index, 1); } }); this.resetRender([this.options.specTableElemId, this.options.skuTableElemId]); this.renderSpecTable(); this.renderMultipleSkuTable(); } deleteSpecValue(specValueId) { this.data.specData.forEach((item, index) => { item.options.forEach((value, key) => { if (value.id == specValueId) { if (item.value.includes(specValueId)) { item.value.splice(item.value.indexOf(specValueId), 1); } item.options.splice(key, 1); } }) }); this.resetRender([this.options.specTableElemId, this.options.skuTableElemId]); this.renderSpecTable(); this.renderMultipleSkuTable(); } renderFormItem(label, content, target) { var html = ''; html += '
'; html += ``; html += '
'; html += content; html += '
'; html += '
'; $(`#${target}`).replaceWith(html); form.render(); } renderIsAttribute(type) { var html = ''; html += ``; html += ``; this.renderFormItem('商品规格', html, this.options.isAttributeElemId); } renderProductType() { Util.request.get({url: this.options.productTypeUrl}, (res) => { var html = ''; html += `'; this.renderFormItem('商品类型', html, this.options.productTypeElemId); if (this.data.productTypeId) { Util.request.get({url: this.options.attrSpecUrl, data: {product_type_id: this.data.productTypeId}}, (res) => { this.data.attributeData = res.data.attribute; this.data.specData = res.data.spec; this.renderAttributeTable(); this.renderSpecTable(); this.renderMultipleSkuTable(); }); } }); } /** * 渲染属性表 */ renderAttributeTable() { var table = ''; table += ``; this.data.attributeData.forEach((item) => { table += ''; table += ''; switch (item.type) { case '1': table += ``; break; case '2': table += ''; break; case '3': var checkedOptions = item.value.split(','); table += ''; break; } table += ''; }); table += ''; table += '
属性名 属性值
' + item.title + ''; item.options.forEach((option) => { table += ``; }); table += ''; item.options.forEach((option) => { table += ``; }); table += '
'; this.renderFormItem('商品属性', table, this.options.attributeTableElemId); } /** * 渲染规格表 */ renderSpecTable() { var that = this, table = ``; $.each(this.data.specData, function (index, item) { table += ``; table += ``; table += ''; table += ''; }); table += ''; table += ''; table += '
${item.title} '; $.each(item.options, function (key, value) { table += ` `; }); that.options.specValueCreateUrl && (table += '
'); table += '
'; table += ``; if (this.options.specCreateUrl) { table += `
`; } table += '
'; this.renderFormItem('商品规格', table, this.options.specTableElemId); /** * 拖拽 */ var sortableObj = sortable.create($(`#${this.options.specTableElemId} tbody`)[0], { animation: 1000, onEnd: (evt) => { //获取拖动后的排序 var sortArr = sortableObj.toArray(), sortSpecData = []; this.data.specData.forEach((item) => { sortSpecData[sortArr.indexOf(String(item.id))] = item; }); this.data.specData = sortSpecData; this.resetRender([this.options.skuTableElemId]); this.renderMultipleSkuTable(); }, }); } renderSingleSkuTable() { var that = this, table = ``; table += ''; table += ''; this.options.singleSkuTableConfig.thead.forEach((item) => { table += ``; }); table += ''; table += ''; table += ''; table += ''; that.options.singleSkuTableConfig.tbody.forEach(function (item) { switch (item.type) { case "select": table += ''; break; case "input": default: table += ''; break; } }); table += ''; table += ''; table += '
'; table += `'; table += ''; table += ``; table += '
'; this.renderFormItem('', table, this.options.skuTableElemId); } /** * 渲染sku表 */ renderMultipleSkuTable() { var that = this, table = ``; if ($(`#${this.options.specTableElemId} tbody input[type=checkbox]:checked`).length) { var prependThead = [], prependTbody = []; $.each(this.data.specData, function (index, item) { var isShow = item.options.some(function (option, index, array) { return item.value.includes(option.id); }); if (isShow) { prependThead.push(item.title); var prependTbodyItem = []; $.each(item.options, function (key, option) { if (item.value.includes(option.id)) { prependTbodyItem.push({id: option.id, title: option.title}); } }); prependTbody.push(prependTbodyItem); } }); table += '' + ''.repeat(prependThead.length + 1) + ''; table += ''; if (prependThead.length > 0) { var theadTr = ''; theadTr += prependThead.map(function (t, i, a) { return ''; }).join(''); this.options.multipleSkuTableConfig.thead.forEach(function (item) { theadTr += ''; }); theadTr += ''; table += theadTr; } table += ''; if (this.options.rowspan) { var skuRowspanArr = []; prependTbody.forEach(function (v, i, a) { var num = 1, index = i; while (index < a.length - 1) { num *= a[index + 1].length; index++; } skuRowspanArr.push(num); }); } var prependTbodyTrs = []; prependTbody.reduce(function (prev, cur, index, array) { var tmp = []; prev.forEach(function (a) { cur.forEach(function (b) { tmp.push({id: a.id + that.options.skuNameDelimiter + b.id, title: a.title + that.options.skuNameDelimiter + b.title}); }) }); return tmp; }).forEach(function (item, index, array) { var tr = ''; tr += item.title.split(that.options.skuNameDelimiter).map(function (t, i, a) { if (that.options.rowspan) { if (index % skuRowspanArr[i] === 0 && skuRowspanArr[i] > 1) { return ''; } else if (skuRowspanArr[i] === 1) { return ''; } else { return ''; } } else { return ''; } }).join(''); that.options.multipleSkuTableConfig.tbody.forEach(function (c) { switch (c.type) { // TODO 此处新增hide类型 以便传递某些不需要展示又必须的字段如id case "hide": tr += ''; break; case "image": tr += ''; break; case "select": tr += ''; break; case "input": default: tr += ''; break; } }); tr += ''; tr && prependTbodyTrs.push(tr); }); table += ''; if (prependTbodyTrs.length > 0) { table += prependTbodyTrs.join(''); } table += ''; } else { table += ''; } table += '
' + t + '' + item.title + (item.icon ? ' ' : '') + '
' + t + '' + t + '' + t + '' + c.field + '图片
'; this.renderFormItem('商品库存', table, this.options.skuTableElemId); upload.render({ elem: '.fairy-sku-img', url: this.options.uploadUrl, exts: 'png|jpg|ico|jpeg|gif', accept: 'images', acceptMime: 'image/*', multiple: false, done: function (res) { if (res.code === 200) { var url = res.data.url; $(this.item).attr('src', url).prev().val(url); Util.msg.success(res.msg); } else { var msg = res.msg == undefined ? '返回数据格式有误' : res.msg; Util.msg.error(msg); } return false; } }); } makeSkuName(sku, conf) { return 'skus[' + (this.options.skuNameType === 0 ? sku.id : sku.title) + '][' + conf.field + ']'; } getFormFilter() { var fariyForm = $('form.fairy-form'); if (!fariyForm.attr('lay-filter')) { fariyForm.attr('lay-filter', 'fairy-form-filter'); } return fariyForm.attr('lay-filter'); } getFormSkuData() { var skuData = {}; $.each(form.val(this.getFormFilter()), function (key, value) { if (key.startsWith('skus')) { skuData[key] = value; } }); return skuData; } getMode() { return this.options.mode; } } exports(MOD_NAME, { render: function (options) { return new SkuTable(options); } }) });