getDbConfig(); $adapter = AdapterFactory::instance()->getAdapter($options['adapter'], $options); if ($adapter->hasOption('table_prefix') || $adapter->hasOption('table_suffix')) { $adapter = AdapterFactory::instance()->getWrapper('prefix', $adapter); } $this->setAdapter( $adapter); } /** * 获取数据库配置 * @return array */ protected function getDbConfig(): array { $default = config('tauthz.database.connection') ?: config('database.default'); $config = config("database.connections.{$default}"); if (0 == $config['deploy']) { $dbConfig = [ 'adapter' => $config['type'], 'host' => $config['hostname'], 'name' => $config['database'], 'user' => $config['username'], 'pass' => $config['password'], 'port' => $config['hostport'], 'charset' => $config['charset'], 'table_prefix' => $config['prefix'], ]; } else { $dbConfig = [ 'adapter' => explode(',', $config['type'])[0], 'host' => explode(',', $config['hostname'])[0], 'name' => explode(',', $config['database'])[0], 'user' => explode(',', $config['username'])[0], 'pass' => explode(',', $config['password'])[0], 'port' => explode(',', $config['hostport'])[0], 'charset' => explode(',', $config['charset'])[0], 'table_prefix' => explode(',', $config['prefix'])[0], ]; } $table = config('database.migration_table', 'migrations'); $dbConfig['default_migration_table'] = $dbConfig['table_prefix'] . $table; return $dbConfig; } /** * Change Method. * * Write your reversible migrations using this method. * * More information on writing migrations is available here: * * * The following commands can be used in this method and Phinx will * automatically reverse them when rolling back: * * createTable * renameTable * addColumn * renameColumn * addIndex * addForeignKey * * Remember to call "create()" or "update()" and NOT "save()" when working * with the Table class. */ public function up() { $default = config('tauthz.default'); $table = $this->table(config('tauthz.enforcers.'.$default.'.database.rules_name')); $table->addColumn('ptype', 'string', ['null' => true]) ->addColumn('v0', 'string', ['null' => true]) ->addColumn('v1', 'string', ['null' => true]) ->addColumn('v2', 'string', ['null' => true]) ->addColumn('v3', 'string', ['null' => true]) ->addColumn('v4', 'string', ['null' => true]) ->addColumn('v5', 'string', ['null' => true]) ->create(); } public function down() { $default = config('tauthz.default'); $table = $this->table(config('tauthz.enforcers.'.$default.'.database.rules_name')); $table->drop(); } }