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<view class="main" style="padding-bottom: 160rpx;">
<!-- 头部 -->
<status-nav :ifReturn="false" :ifTitle="false" :backgroudColor="backgroudColor"></status-nav>
<!-- 顶部按钮 -->
<view class="top-btns" :style="{top:statusHeight+'px'}">
<view class="left">
<view class="btn" @tap="backEv">
<image src="/static/icon/icon-arrow-top.png" mode="heightFix"
style="height: 28rpx;margin-right:4rpx"></image>
<!-- 内容区 -->
<view :style="{marginTop: -statusHeight-50+'px'}">
<!-- 轮播 -->
<view class="goods-banner">
<swiper-pu newRadius="0rpx" :bannerList="goodsInfo.images" :newHeight="goodsBannerHeight+'px'"
:newBottom="'18rpx'" :isplay="isplay" :isDot="false" :isNum="true"></swiper-pu>
<!-- 简介 -->
<view class="section-other goods-info" v-if="isLoading">
<view class="detail-price">
<view class="price" v-if="goodsInfo.price != 0">
<text class="amount">销量:{{goodsInfo.total_amount}}</text>
<view class="title">{{goodsInfo.name}}</view>
<view class="subtitle">{{goodsInfo.subtitle}}</view>
<!-- 选择 -->
<view class="section-other goods-chose" v-if="isLoading">
<view class="chose-item" @click="popupShow = true">
<view class="tit">
<view class="btn">
<u-icon color="#999" size="18" name="arrow-right"></u-icon>
<!-- 标题 -->
<view class="pull-title">商品详情</view>
<!-- 详情 -->
<view class="section-other goods-details" v-if="isLoading">
<view class="rich">
<rich-text :nodes="goodsInfo.content"></rich-text>
<!-- 标题 -->
<!-- <view class="pull-title">相关推荐</view>
<view class="relevant-goods">
<view class="content">
<waterfallsFlow :list="goodsList" ref="waterfallsFlow">
<view v-for="(item, index) of goodsList" :key="index" slot="slot{{index}}"></view>
</view> -->
<!-- 返回顶部 -->
<view class="back-top" :style="{zIndex:zIndex,opacity:zIndex==-1?0:1}" @tap="goTop">
<image src="/static/icon/icon-back-top.jpg" mode="widthFix"></image>
<!-- 尾部 -->
<view class="detail-foot">
<view class="collection-btn" @tap="goHome">
<u-icon name="home" color="#999" size="24"></u-icon>
<!-- <view class="collection-btn" @tap="recordEv" v-if="goodsInfo.collected==0">
<u-icon name="star" color="#999" size="24"></u-icon>
<view class="collection-btn" @tap="unRecordEv" v-if="goodsInfo.collected==1">
<u-icon name="star-fill" color="#bd1121" size="24"></u-icon>
<text style="color: #bd1121;">已收藏</text>
</view> -->
<view class="collection-btn pr">
<button open-type="contact" bindcontact="handleContact" session-from="sessionFrom"
<u-icon name="kefu-ermai" color="#999" size="24"></u-icon>
<view class="cart-btn">
<!-- <view class="btn" @tap="addCart">加入购物车</view> -->
<view class="btn" @tap="popupShow = true">立即购买</view>
<u-popup :show="popupShow" tui-popup-class="tui-popup" @close="close">
<view class="tui-popup-box">
<view class="tui-product-box tui-padding mb20">
<image :src="baseHttps + goodsInfo.cover" class="tui-popup-img"></image>
<view class="tui-popup-price goods-info">
<view class="title line-2">
<view class="detail-price m-t-10">
<view class="price">
<view class="selectSpec" v-if="specData.title">
<scroll-view scroll-y class="tui-popup-scroll tui-padding" style="max-height: 600rpx;">
<view v-for="(item,index) in goodsInfo.spec.spec">
<view class="tui-scrollview-box">
<view class="tui-attr-title">{{item.title}}</view>
<view :class="itemed.show ? 'tui-attr-active':'tui-attr-item'" v-for="(itemed,indexed) in item.children"
:key="indexed" @click.stop="speClick(index,itemed.id)">
<view class="tui-number-box tui-bold tui-attr-title">
<view class="tui-attr-title">数量</view>
<u-number-box :max="99" integer :min="1" v-model="sku_list.num"></u-number-box>
<view class="detail-foot">
<view class="cart-btn" style="width: 90%;margin: 0 auto;">
<view class="btn" @tap="byNow"></view>
import { getGoodsDetail, postCreate, getSpuList } from "@/api/index";
import swiperPu from '@/components/swipers/swiper-pu';
import waterfallsFlow from "@/components/maramlee-waterfalls-flow/maramlee-waterfalls-flow.vue";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
statusHeight: uni.getSystemInfoSync().statusBarHeight, //状态栏高度
baseHttps: `${getApp().globalData.hostapi}`, //接口链接
backgroudColor: 'none', //状态栏背景颜色
isplay: false, //是否自动轮播
playTimer: null, //间隔时间
goodsBannerHeight: 0, //轮播高度
zIndex: -1, //层级
goodsInfo: {}, //商品详情
id: 0, //商品id
isLoading: false,
address: '', //地址
goodsList: [], //相关商品
cartCount: 0, //购物车数量
userInfo: {}, //用户信息
popupShow: false,
}, //选择的规格参数
allSpecsList:[], //所有的规格列表
specData:{}, //最后选择的规格信息
onLoad(op) {
// 获取商品id
if (op.id) this.id = op.id;
// 判断是否有定位
if (uni.getStorageSync('baseAddress')) {
this.address = uni.getStorageSync('baseAddress');
// 获取商品信息
// 获取购物车数量
// this.getCartCount();
const query = wx.createSelectorQuery().in(this);
query.select('.goods-banner').boundingClientRect((rect) => {
this.goodsBannerHeight = rect.height;
onPageScroll(object) {
if (object.scrollTop >= 5) {
this.backgroudColor = '#f7f7f7';
if (object.scrollTop <= 0) {
this.backgroudColor = 'none';
if (object.scrollTop > uni.getSystemInfoSync().windowHeight) {
this.zIndex = 999;
} else {
this.zIndex = -1;
onShareAppMessage(res) {
return {
title: this.goodsInfo.name,
path: `${uni.getStorageSync('page-path-options')}?account_id=${uni.getStorageSync('accountId')}`,
onHide() {
this.isplay = false;
methods: {
analysis(val) {
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
let str = unescape(val);
str = str.split('account_id=')[1];
uni.setStorageSync('account_id', str);
// #endif
// 获取商品详情
getGoodsInfo() {
let pargams = {
id :this.id
getGoodsDetail(pargams).then(res => {
if (res.code == 0) {
let bannerArr = [];
res.data.images.forEach(item => {
let obj = {
imgSrc: this.baseHttps + item,
res.data.images = bannerArr;
// 给每个规格添加show 标签
if(res.data.spec.is_multi == 1) {
this.sku_list.sku_id = res.data.spec.sku.id; //多规格默认的id
res.data.spec.spec.map(item => {
item.children.map(itemed => {
itemed.show = false;
item.children[0].show = true
}else {
this.sku_list.sku_id = res.data.spec.sku.id //单规格默认的id
this.specData = res.data.spec.sku;
this.goodsInfo = res.data;
this.goodsInfo.content = this.$toolAll.tools.escape2Html(res.data.content);
this.allSpecsList = this.goodsInfo.spec.sku_list;
if(this.goodsInfo.spec.is_multi == 1) {
this.getPrice(); //初始获取价格
this.isLoading = true;
// 获取商品列表
// this.getGoodsList();
} else {
backEv() {
delta: 1,
fail: () => {
url: '/pages/home/home'
// 页面跳转
goPage(url) {
url: url
// 返回顶部
goTop() {
scrollTop: 0,
duration: 300
goHome() {
url: '/pages/home/home'
// 关闭弹框
close() {
this.popupShow = false;
// 选择规格 index 为第几个规格列表id 为当前规格列表的某个id
speClick(index,id) {
console.log(index,'当前id为: ' + id)
this.goodsInfo.spec.spec[index].children.forEach((item)=> {
if(item.id == id) {
item.show = true
}else {
item.show = false
// 获取多规格最终提交的id
getSkuId() {
let skuArr = [];
this.goodsInfo.spec.spec.forEach((item,index) => {
const filteredItems = item.children.filter(item => item.show);
const ids = filteredItems.map(item => item.id);
let sku_id = skuArr.join('-');
const foundPerson = this.goodsInfo.spec.sku_list.find(person => person.indexes === sku_id);
this.sku_list.sku_id = foundPerson.id;
// 多规格最终的id 的价格
getPrice() {
const filteredArray = this.goodsInfo.spec.sku_list.filter(item => {
return item.id == this.sku_list.sku_id;
this.specData = filteredArray[0];
// 立即购买
byNow() {
if (this.$toolAll.tools.judgeAuth()) {
let newData = {
sku_list: this.sku_list,
type: this.goodsInfo.type
let queryString = `?data=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(newData))}`;
url: `/pages/cart/orderConfirm${queryString}`
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