(global["webpackJsonp"] = global["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([ ["pages/index/groupCompany/cost/addCost"], { 1748: function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; n.r(t); var i = n("8a20"), o = n.n(i); for (var s in i)["default"].indexOf(s) < 0 && function(e) { n.d(t, e, (function() { return i[e] })) }(s); t["default"] = o.a }, 2366: function(e, t, n) {}, "47b9": function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; n.d(t, "b", (function() { return o })), n.d(t, "c", (function() { return s })), n.d(t, "a", (function() { return i })); var i = { uActionSheet: function() { return n.e("uview-ui/components/u-action-sheet/u-action-sheet").then(n.bind(null, "b13b")) } }, o = function() { var e = this.$createElement, t = (this._self._c, this.imgList.length), n = this.fileList.length; this.$mp.data = Object.assign({}, { $root: { g0: t, g1: n } }) }, s = [] }, "51e1": function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; n.r(t); var i = n("47b9"), o = n("1748"); for (var s in o)["default"].indexOf(s) < 0 && function(e) { n.d(t, e, (function() { return o[e] })) }(s); n("f416"); var c = n("f0c5"), u = Object(c["a"])(o["default"], i["b"], i["c"], !1, null, null, null, !1, i["a"], void 0); t["default"] = u.exports }, "7b73": function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; (function(e, t) { var i = n("4ea4"); n("8886"); i(n("66fd")); var o = i(n("51e1")); e.__webpack_require_UNI_MP_PLUGIN__ = n, t(o.default) }).call(this, n("bc2e")["default"], n("543d")["createPage"]) }, "8a20": function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; (function(e, i) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.default = void 0; var o = n("76dd"), s = n("dc92"), c = n("0c59"), u = n("8683"), a = { mixins: [u.commonF], components: { fixedApproval: function() { n.e("components/fixedApproval").then(function() { return resolve(n("d3f7")) }.bind(null, n)).catch(n.oe) }, selectCustomer: function() { Promise.all([n.e("common/vendor"), n.e("components/selectCustomer")]).then(function() { return resolve(n("5bcd")) }.bind(null, n)).catch(n.oe) } }, data: function() { return { noClick: !0, customer_id: "", consume_time: "", consume_type: "", money: "", theme:"", remark: "", file_ids: "", BASE_IMG_URL: c.BASE_IMG_URL, typeList: [], index: null, DefaultRemind: [], remindPeople: [], remindType: "consume", imgList: [], fileList: [], uploadShow: !1, uploadActions: [{ id: 1, text: "拍照", color: "#03aa96" }, { id: 2, text: "从相册中选择", color: "#03aa96" }], customerList: [], customerIndex: null, customerObj: {}, approvalPro: {}, isRequired: !1, BASE_URL:c.BASE_URL, agreement:[], //关联合同名称 agreementList:[],//关联合同 agreementIndex:0, agreementId:'', } }, onLoad: function(e) { var that = this; console.log(e) e.kehuid && (this.customer_id = e.kehuid, this.getKehu()), this.getType(), this.getProcess(),this.getAgreement(); setTimeout(function(){ if(e.agreementId) { that.agreementId = e.agreementId that.getAgreementId(); } },400) }, methods: { changeRequired: function(e) { this.isRequired = e.detail.value }, getProcess: function() { var e = this; (0, s.netApprovalProcess)({ type: "consume" }).then((function(t) { e.approvalPro = t.data })) }, getKehu: function() { var e = this; (0, o.netPrevCustomer)().then((function(t) { e.customerList = t.data, e.customer_id && e.customerList.forEach((function(t, n) { t.id == e.customer_id && (e.customerObj = t) })) })) }, changeCustomer: function(e) { this.$refs.customerChild.init() }, getCustomerinfo: function(e) { this.customerObj = e }, getType: function() { var e = this; (0, o.netSelect)().then((function(t) { e.typeList = t.data["消费方式"] })) }, changeTime: function(e) { this.consume_time = e.detail.value }, changeType: function(e) { this.consume_type = this.typeList[e.detail.value] }, uploadClick: function() { this.uploadShow = !0 }, onCancel: function() { this.uploadShow = !1 }, uploadType: function(t) { var n = this; 0 == t ? e.chooseImage({ sourceType: ["camera"], sizeType: ["compressed"], success: function(e) { var t = e.tempFilePaths; t.forEach((function(e) { n.uploadFile(e, 1) })) } }) : 1 == t ? e.chooseImage({ sourceType: ["album"], sizeType: ["compressed"], success: function(e) { var t = e.tempFilePaths; t.forEach((function(e) { n.uploadFile(e, 1) })) } }) : i.chooseMessageFile({ count: 1, type: "file", success: function(e) { var t = e.tempFiles[0]; n.uploadFile(t, 2) }, fail: function(e) { console.log(e) } }) }, uploadFile: function(t, n) { var i = this; e.uploadFile({ url: s.uploadUrl, name: "file", header: { token: e.getStorageSync("token") }, filePath: 1 == n ? t : t.path, success: function(o) { var s = JSON.parse(o.data); i.uploadShow = !1, 1 == s.code ? 1 == n ? i.imgList.push(s.data) : (t = Object.assign({}, t, s.data), i.fileList.push(t)) : e.showToast({ title: "上传失败", icon: "none" }) }, fail: function(e) { console.log(e) } }) }, delImg: function(e) { this.imgList.splice(e, 1) }, delFile: function(e) { this.fileList.splice(e, 1) }, moreClick: function() { e.navigateTo({ url: "/pagesA/crm/selectMember/selectMember" }) }, // 获取所有关联合同 getAgreement: function() { let that = this; wx.request({ url: that.BASE_URL + 'bill/getContractList', data: {}, header: { 'content-type': 'application/json', // 默认值 'token': wx.getStorageSync('token'), }, success (res) { console.log(res.data,'合同列表') let agreement = res.data.data.map(item => { return item.name }) that.agreement = agreement; that.agreementList = res.data.data; that.agreementId = that.agreementList[that.agreementIndex].id; } }) }, // 选择关联合同 bindAgreement: function(e) { let that = this; let value = e.detail.value; that.agreementIndex = value; that.agreementId = that.agreementList[e.detail.value].id; }, // 获取合同过来的合同名称并选中 getAgreementId: function() { let that = this; let agreementId = Number(that.agreementId); let agreementIdList = that.agreementList.map(item => { return item.id }) let index = agreementIdList.indexOf(agreementId); that.agreementIndex = index; }, saveFollow: function() { var i = this.money, theme = this.theme, agreementId = this.agreementId, s = this.remark, c = this.imgList, u = (this.fileList, this.remindPeople); if (i) if (u && 0 != u.length || 0 != this.approvalPro.status) { var a = []; c.forEach((function(e) { a.push(e.id) })); var r = a.join(","), l = []; u.forEach((function(e) { l.push(e.id) })); var f = { customer_id: 0, // consume_time: t, consume_type: n, theme:theme, contract_id:agreementId, money: i, remark: s, file_ids: r, flow_staff_ids: 0 == this.approvalPro.status ? l.join(",") : "" }; (0, o.netAddCost)(f).then((function(t) { e.showToast({ title: t.msg, icon: "none" }), setTimeout((function() { e.navigateBack({ delta: 1 }) }), 2e3) })) } else e.showToast({ title: "请选择流程审批人", icon: "none" }); else e.showToast({ title: "请填写消费金额", icon: "none" }); } } }; t.default = a }).call(this, n("543d")["default"], n("bc2e")["default"]) }, f416: function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = n("2366"), o = n.n(i); o.a } }, [ ["7b73", "common/runtime", "common/vendor"] ], ]);