// pages/index/groupCompany/bills/addBills.js const app = getApp(); //全局app Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { BASE_IMG_URL: app.globalData.BASE_IMG_URL, BASE_URL:app.globalData.BASE_URL, reviseId:'', //修改过来的ID agreementId:'',//从合同里面过来的ID corporation:[], //关联公司名称 corporationList:[], //关联公司 corporationIndex:0, agreement:[], //关联合同名称 agreementList:[],//关联合同 agreementIndex:0, billsObj:{ corporation_id:'', //开票公司ID contract_id:'', //关联合同ID money:'', remark:'' } //提交的数据 }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad(options) { console.log(options) let that = this; this.getCorporation(); this.getAgreement(); setTimeout(function(){ if(options.id) { that.setData({ reviseId:options.id }) that.getRevise(); } if(options.agreementId) { that.setData({ agreementId:options.agreementId }) console.log(that.data.agreementId) that.getAgreementId(); } },400) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 */ onReady() { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow() { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏 */ onHide() { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载 */ onUnload() { }, /** * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 */ onPullDownRefresh() { }, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom() { }, // 获取所有关联公司 getCorporation() { let that = this; wx.request({ url: this.data.BASE_URL + '/addons/crmx/bill/getCorporationList', data: {}, header: { 'content-type': 'application/json', // 默认值 'token': wx.getStorageSync('token'), }, success (res) { console.log(res.data,'公司列表') let corporation = res.data.data.map(item => { return item.name }) that.setData({ corporation:corporation, corporationList:res.data.data, }) that.data.billsObj.corporation_id = res.data.data[that.data.corporationIndex].id; } }) }, // 获取所有关联合同 getAgreement() { let that = this; wx.request({ url: this.data.BASE_URL + '/addons/crmx/bill/getContractList', data: {}, header: { 'content-type': 'application/json', // 默认值 'token': wx.getStorageSync('token'), }, success (res) { console.log(res.data,'合同列表') let agreement = res.data.data.map(item => { return item.name }) that.setData({ agreement:agreement, agreementList:res.data.data, }) that.data.billsObj.contract_id = that.data.agreementList[that.data.agreementIndex].id; } }) }, // 选择关联公司 bindCorporation(e){ let value = e.detail.value; this.setData({ corporationIndex:value, }) this.data.billsObj.corporation_id = this.data.corporationList[e.detail.value].id; }, // 选择关联合同 bindAgreement(e){ let value = e.detail.value; this.setData({ agreementIndex:value, }) this.data.billsObj.contract_id = this.data.agreementList[e.detail.value].id; }, // 发票金额 bindMoney(e) { let that = this; that.data.billsObj.money = e.detail.value; }, // 备注 bindRemark(e) { let that = this; that.data.billsObj.remark = e.detail.value; }, // 添加按钮 addBills() { console.log(this.data.billsObj,'aaaa') let that = this; let pargms = that.data.billsObj; if(pargms.money == '') { wx.showToast({ title:"请填写发票金额", icon: 'error', duration: 1000, mask: false, }) }else { wx.request({ url: this.data.BASE_URL + '/addons/crmx/bill/addBill', method:'POST', data: { contract_id:pargms.contract_id, money:pargms.money, corporation_id:pargms.corporation_id, remark:pargms.remark }, header: { 'content-type': 'application/json', // 默认值 'token': wx.getStorageSync('token'), }, success (res) { if(res.data.code == 1) { console.log(res.data,'提交成功') wx.showToast({ title:"保存成功", icon: 'success', duration: 1500, mask: false, }) setTimeout(function(){ wx.navigateBack({ delta: 1 }); },1700) } } }) } }, // 修改的内容 getRevise() { let that = this; wx.request({ url: this.data.BASE_URL + '/addons/crmx/bill/billInfo', data: { id:that.data.reviseId }, header: { 'content-type': 'application/json', // 默认值 'token': wx.getStorageSync('token'), }, success (res) { console.log(res.data,'修改列表') let corporation_name = res.data.data.corporation.name; let agreement_name = res.data.data.contract.name; let index = that.data.corporation.indexOf(corporation_name); let index2 = that.data.agreement.indexOf(agreement_name); that.setData({ corporationIndex:index, agreementIndex:index2, billsObj:{ corporation_id:that.data.corporationList[index].id, //开票公司ID contract_id:that.data.agreementList[index2].id, //关联合同ID money:res.data.data.money, remark:res.data.data.remark } }) console.log(that.data.corporationIndex,that.data.agreementIndex,'默认') } }) }, //修改按钮 reviseBills() { console.log(this.data.billsObj,'bbb') let that = this; let pargms = that.data.billsObj; wx.request({ url: this.data.BASE_URL + '/addons/crmx/bill/editBill', method:'POST', data: { contract_id:pargms.contract_id, money:pargms.money, corporation_id:pargms.corporation_id, remark:pargms.remark, id:that.data.reviseId, }, header: { 'content-type': 'application/json', // 默认值 'token': wx.getStorageSync('token'), }, success (res) { if(res.data.code == 1) { console.log(res.data,'修改成功') wx.showToast({ title:"修改成功", icon: 'success',//图标,支持"success"、"loading" duration: 1200,//提示的延迟时间,单位毫秒,默认:1500 mask: false,//是否显示透明蒙层,防止触摸穿透,默认:false }) setTimeout(function(){ wx.navigateBack({ delta: 1 }); },1250) } } }) }, // 获取合同过来的合同名称并选中 getAgreementId() { let that = this; let agreementId = Number(that.data.agreementId); let agreementIdList = that.data.agreementList.map(item => { return item.id }) let index = agreementIdList.indexOf(agreementId); that.setData({ agreementIndex:index, }); that.data.billsObj.corporation_id = that.data.corporationList[that.data.corporationIndex].id; //开票公司ID that.data.billsObj.contract_id = that.data.agreementList[index].id; //关联合同ID } })