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namespace app\controller\manager\mall;
use app\controller\manager\Base;
use app\exception\RepositoryException;
use app\exception\TraitException;
use app\model\OrderSku;
use app\model\Express;
use app\repository\OrderRepository;
use app\service\Math;
use Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\IOFactory;
use \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Date as PDate;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Alignment; //设置对齐方式
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Color;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Writer\Xlsx;
use think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException;
use think\db\exception\DbException;
use think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException;
use think\exception\ValidateException;
use think\facade\Db;
use app\model\Order as OrderModel;
use think\facade\Filesystem;
use think\response\Json;
use think\response\View;
class Order extends Base
protected $noNeedLogin = ['getOrderSpu', 'checkSku', 'exportOrderList', 'importOrder'];
* @throws Exception
public function index()
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$page = $this->request->param('page/d', 1);
$size = $this->request->param('size/d', 20);
$searchParams = $this->request->param('searchParams/a', []);
$searchParams["status"]= input("get.status/s");
$res = $this->getOrderList($searchParams, $page, $size);
return $this->json(0, 'success', $res);
$this->data['dataUrl'] = "/manager/mall/order/index?status=" . input("get.status/s");
$this->data['statusList'] = OrderModel::statusTextList();
return $this->view();
* 积分订单
* @throws Exception
public function score()
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$page = $this->request->param('page/d', 1);
$size = $this->request->param('size/d', 20);
$searchParams = $this->request->param('searchParams/a', []);
$searchParams['is_score'] = OrderModel::COMMON_ON;
$res = $this->getOrderList($searchParams, $page, $size);
return $this->json(0, 'success', $res);
$this->data['statusList'] = OrderModel::statusTextList();
$this->data['dataUrl'] = '/manager/mall/order/score';
$this->data['isScore'] = OrderModel::COMMON_ON;
return $this->view('manager/mall/order/index');
* @param array $searchParams
* @param int $page
* @param int $size
* @return array
* @throws Exception
protected function getOrderList(array $searchParams, int $page, int $size): array
// 主动触发:自动检测处理过期订单
// OrderRepository::getInstance()->autoCheckInvalidOrders();
$status = $searchParams['status'] ?? '';
$startAt = $searchParams['start_at'] ?? '';
$endAt = $searchParams['end_at'] ?? '';
$hasVirtual = $searchParams['has_virtual'] ?? '';
$isScore = $searchParams['is_score'] ?? 0;
$whereMap = [];
$order = ['id' => 'desc'];
$whereMap[] = ['is_score', '=', $isScore];
if (!empty($status) && in_array($status, array_keys(OrderRepository::getInstance()->orderStatusTextList()))) {
$whereMap[] = ['status', '=', $status];
if ($hasVirtual != '') {
$whereMap[] = ['has_virtual', '=', $hasVirtual];
if (!empty($startAt) && strtotime($startAt)) {
$whereMap[] = ['created_at', '>= TIME', $startAt];
if (!empty($endAt) && strtotime($endAt)) {
$whereMap[] = ['created_at', '<= TIME', $endAt];
if (isset($searchParams['coding']) && !empty($searchParams['coding'])) {
$whereMap[] = ['coding', '=', $searchParams['coding']];
if (isset($searchParams['contacts']) && !empty($searchParams['contacts'])) {
$whereMap[] = ['contacts', 'like', "%".$searchParams['contacts']."%"];
if (isset($searchParams['phone']) && !empty($searchParams['phone'])) {
$whereMap[] = ['phone', 'like', "%".$searchParams['phone']."%"];
$res = OrderModel::findList($whereMap, [], $page, $size, function ($q) {
return $q->with(['account']);
}, $order);
$res['list'] = $res['list']->each(function ($item) {
$item->status_text = OrderModel::statusTextList()[$item->status] ?? '';
$item->price = Math::fen2Yuan($item->price);
$item->nickname = $item->account->nickname ?? '';
$item->real_name = $item->account->real_name ?? '';
$item->pick_self_text = $item->pick_self == 1 ? '自提' : '邮寄';
$item->is_score_text = $item->is_score == 1 ? '是' : '否';
return $res;
* 获取订单商品列表
* @return Json
* @throws Exception
public function getOrderSpu(): Json
$coding = input('coding/s', '');
$where = [];
$where[] = ['order_coding', '=', $coding];
$res = OrderSku::findList($where);
$res['list'] = $res['list']->each(function ($item) {
$item->activity_text = \app\model\Spu::activityTextList()[$item->activity_type] ?? '';
return $this->json(0, '操作成功', $res);
* 核销订单
* @return Json
* @throws RepositoryException
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
public function checkSku(): Json
$coding = input('coding/s', '');
$id = input('id/d', 0);
$num = input('num/d', 1);
try {
$checkUserInfo = sprintf("ID:%d 昵称:%s", $this->auth['user_id'], $this->auth['nickname']);
OrderRepository::getInstance()->checkBase($coding, $id, $num, $checkUserInfo, OrderModel::CHECK_TYPE_BACKEND);
event('OrderSpuCheck', $coding);
return $this->json(0, '核销成功');
} catch (ValidateException $e) {
return $this->json(4001, $e->getError());
* 订单发货、重发(填写快递信息)
* 已有快递记录则覆盖
public function send()
$repo = OrderRepository::getInstance();
$orderId = $this->request->param('id/d', 0);
try {
$order = $repo->findByid($orderId, [], function ($q) {
return $q->with([
'account', 'skus' => function ($qr) {
if (empty($order)) {
return $this->json(4004, '没有相关的订单信息!');
} catch (RepositoryException $e) {
return $this->json(4004, '没有相关的订单信息!');
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$data = [
'express_number' => trim($this->request->param('express_number/s', '')),
'express_id' => $this->request->param('express_id/d', 0),
'business_remarks' => trim($this->request->param('business_remarks/s', ''))
try {
$nowDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
if ($order->pick_self == 1) {
$sendData = [
'shipped_at' => $nowDate,
'business_remarks' => $data['business_remarks'],
if (empty($order['shipped_at'])) {
$sendData['shipped_at'] = $nowDate;
$sendData['status'] = OrderModel::STATUS_SHIPPED;
} else {
$this->validate($data, [
'express_number|快递单号' => 'require|max:100',
'express_id|快递公司' => 'require|gt:0',
'business_remarks|卖家备注' => 'max:2000',
if (!$express = Express::findById($data['express_id'])) {
throw new ValidateException('没有相关的快递配置信息');
if (!in_array($order['status'], [OrderModel::STATUS_PAID, OrderModel::STATUS_SHIPPED])) {
throw new ValidateException('该订单当前状态不支持配送信息的录入');
$sendData = [
'express_number' => $data['express_number'],
'express_code' => $express['code'],
'express_name' => $express['name'],
'business_remarks' => $data['business_remarks'],
if (empty($order['shipped_at']) || $order['express_number'] != $data['express_number']) {
$sendData['shipped_at'] = $nowDate;
if ($order['status'] == OrderModel::STATUS_PAID) {
$sendData['status'] = OrderModel::STATUS_SHIPPED;
} catch (ValidateException $e) {
return $this->json(4001, $e->getMessage());
} catch (TraitException | RepositoryException $e) {
return $this->json(4002, '配送信息保存失败!');
return $this->json();
$this->data['id'] = $orderId;
$this->data['item'] = $order;
$this->data['expressJson'] = $this->handleXmExpress([$order->express_code]);
$this->data['statusList'] = OrderModel::statusTextList();
return $this->view();
* 订单详情
* @return Json|View
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
public function info()
$id = input('id/d', 0);
$item = OrderModel::findById($id, [], function ($q) {
return $q->with(['account', 'skus']);
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$data = input("item/a",[]);
return $this->json();
$this->data['id'] = $id;
$this->data['item'] = $item;
$this->data['statusList'] = OrderModel::statusTextList();
return $this->view();
private function handleXmOrderStatus(array $selected = [], array $disabled = [])
$list = [];
$statusList = OrderRepository::getInstance()->orderStatusTextList();
foreach ($statusList as $key => $val) {
$list[] = [
'name' => $val,
'value' => $key,
'selected' => in_array($key, $selected),
'disabled' => in_array($key, $disabled),
return json_encode($list, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
private function handleXmExpress(array $selected = [], array $disabled = [])
$selected = array_filter($selected);
$disabled = array_filter($disabled);
$list = [];
$items = OrderRepository::getInstance()->allExpress();
foreach ($items as $item) {
$list[] = [
'name' => $item->name,
'value' => $item->id,
'selected' => in_array($item->code, $selected),
'disabled' => in_array($item->code, $disabled),
return json_encode($list, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
* 导出订单列表
* @return Json
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
public function exportOrderList(): Json
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$ids = input('ids/a', []);
$type = input('type/s', 'all');
$isScore = input('is_score/d', 0);
$where = [];
$where[] = ['status', '=', OrderModel::STATUS_PAID];
$where[] = ['pick_self', '=', OrderModel::COMMON_OFF];
if ($type !== 'all') {
$where[] = ['id', 'in', $ids];
$where[] = ['is_score', '=', $isScore];
$list = OrderModel::where($where)->order('id', 'desc')->select();
$result['header'] = [
'订单编号', '订单状态', '下单时间', '付款时间', '配送方式', '收货信息', '买家选择快递', '快递编码', '快递单号', '注1.若快递公司变更,请一定更改快递编码 2.上传物流时请直接在快递单号一栏填写,切勿变更列的顺序'
if ($list->isEmpty()) {
return $this->json(200, '没有相应订单');
$result['data'] = [];
$statusList = OrderModel::statusTextList();
$list->each(function ($item) use (&$result, $statusList) {
$arr = [
$statusList[$item['status']] ?? '其他',//订单状态
$item['pick_self'] == 1 ? '自提' : '邮寄',//配送方式
$item['pick_self'] == 1 ? '自提' : $item['address'],//收货信息
$item['pick_self'] == 1 ? '自提' : $item['express_name'],//买家选择的快递公司
"'".$item['pick_self'] == 1 ? '' : $item['express_code'],//买家选择等快递编码
$result['data'][] = $arr;
return $this->json(0, 'success', $result);
return $this->json(4000, '请求错误');
* 导入物流
* @return Json
* @throws DataNotFoundException
* @throws DbException
* @throws ModelNotFoundException
public function importOrder(): Json
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$fileSrc = input('file/s', '');
$path = public_path().$fileSrc;
if (!file_exists($path)) {
return $this->json(4000, '文件地址错误'.$path);
$inputFileType = IOFactory::identify($path);
$reader = IOFactory::createReader($inputFileType);
$spreadsheet = $reader->load($path);
$expressList = Express::column('name', 'code');//快递公司列表
$expressCodeList = array_keys($expressList);//快递编号列表
$sheetData = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->removeRow(1)->toArray(null, true, true, true);
$orderCodingList = [];
$update = [];
$now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
foreach ($sheetData as $key => $data) {
$currentKey = $key + 1;
if (!isset($data['A']) || empty($data['A'])) {
return $this->json(4000, '第'.$currentKey.'行记录订单号不存在');
if (!isset($data['H']) || !in_array($data['H'], $expressCodeList)) {
return $this->json(4000, '第'.$currentKey.'行快递公司编号不存在');
if (!isset($data['I']) || empty($data['I'])) {
// 快递单号不存在则不更新
// return $this->json(4000, '第'.$currentKey.'行快递单号不存在');
$orderCoding = $data['A'];
$expressCode = $data['H'];
$expressNumber = $data['I'];
$orderCodingList[] = $orderCoding;
$update[$orderCoding] = [
'coding' => $orderCoding,
'status' => OrderModel::STATUS_SHIPPED,
'express_code' => $expressCode,
'express_number' => $expressNumber,
'shipped_at' => $now,
'express_name' => $expressList[$expressCode] ?? '',
$orderList = OrderModel::whereIn('coding', $orderCodingList)->column('id,coding,status', 'coding');
$notUpdateStatus = [];//不更新状态都记录
$existCodings = array_keys($orderList);//数据库存在的订单编号
$coding2Id = [];
// 仅修改快递信息,不修改订单状态的列表 即仅状态=付款的订单修改状态
foreach ($orderList as $order) {
if ($order['status'] != OrderModel::STATUS_PAID) {
$notUpdateStatus[] = $order['coding'];
$coding2Id[$order['coding']] = $order['id'];
// 存在差异的订单号(数据库不存在的)
$diff = array_diff($orderCodingList, $existCodings);
foreach ($update as $coding => $item) {
if (in_array($coding, $diff) || !isset($coding2Id[$coding])) {
$update[$coding]['id'] = $coding2Id[$coding];
if (in_array($coding, $notUpdateStatus)) {
(new OrderModel())->saveAll($update);
return $this->json(0, '操作成功', ['count' => count($update)]);
return $this->json(4000, '请求错误');
* 修改订单里面的sku信息
* @return Json
* @throws Exception
public function editOrderSku(): Json
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$item = input('post.');
$validate = $this->validateByApi($item, [
'id' => 'require',
'field' => 'require',
'value' => 'require',
if ($validate !== true) {
return $validate;
$orderRep = OrderRepository::getInstance();
if (!$orderSkuInfo = $orderRep->getOrderSku($item['id'])) {
return $this->json(4001, '订单商品记录不存在');
if (!$order = OrderModel::findOne([["coding","=",$orderSkuInfo["order_coding"]]])) {
return $this->json(4001, '订单记录不存在');
try {
$orderSkuInfo[$item['field']] = $item['value'];
//如果是 修改的字段时 数量或者单价 就要调整
$orderSkuInfo["subtotal"] = $orderSkuInfo["num"] * $orderSkuInfo["price"];
$orderOriginalPrice = $orderRep->getOrderOriginalPrice($orderSkuInfo["order_coding"],$orderSkuInfo["coding"]);
$orderOriginalPrice += $orderSkuInfo["subtotal"];
return $this->json(0,"修改成功",["original_price"=>$orderOriginalPrice]);
} catch (ValidateException $e) {
return $this->json(4001, $e->getError());
return $this->json(4000, '非法请求');
* 修改订单里面的sku信息
* @return Json
* @throws Exception
public function editStatus()
$id = input('id/d');
if(!$order = OrderModel::findById($id)){
return $this->json(4001,"订单不存在");
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$status = input("status/s");
try {
return $this->json();
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $this->json(4001, $e->getError());
$this->data['statusList'] = OrderModel::statusTextList();
$this->data['status'] = $order["status"];
$this->data['id'] = $id;
return $this->view();
* 导出订单信息
* */
public function exportOrderInfo()
$id = input("id/d");
$type = input("type/s","save");
$order = OrderModel::findById($id, [], function ($q) {
return $q->with([ 'skus']);
// 水平居中对齐
$styleArray = [
'alignment' => [
'horizontal' => Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER,
'vertical' => Alignment::VERTICAL_CENTER,
// Create new Spreadsheet object
$spreadsheet = new Spreadsheet();
$sheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
//需要设置单元格 上下 水平居中的单元格
$needSetapplyFromArray = [
// 需要设置的单元格宽度
$setColWidth = [
foreach ($setColWidth as $key=>$citem){
$sheet->setCellValue('A1', "日 期 : ".$order->created_at);
$sheet->setCellValue('C1', "订单号 : ");
$sheet->setCellValue('D1', " " . $order->coding);
$sheet->setCellValue('A2', "商 品 名称");
$sheet->setCellValue('B2', "单 位");
$sheet->setCellValue('C2', "数 量");
$sheet->setCellValue('D2', "单 价");
$sheet->setCellValue('E2', "小 计");
$startRow = 3;//从第四行开始写入
$skusCount = count($order->skus->toArray());
foreach ($order->skus as $key => $item){
$sheet->setCellValue('A'.($startRow+$key), $item["spu_name"]);
$sheet->setCellValue('B'.($startRow+$key), $item["sku_unit"]);
$sheet->setCellValue('C'.($startRow+$key), $item["num"]);
$sheet->setCellValue('D'.($startRow+$key), $item["price"]);
$sheet->setCellValue('E'.($startRow+$key), $item["subtotal"]);
$needSetapplyFromArray[] = 'D' . ($startRow + $skusCount);
$needSetapplyFromArray[] = 'E' . ($startRow + $skusCount);
$sheet->setCellValue('D' . ($startRow + $skusCount), "合 计");
$sheet->setCellValue('E' . ($startRow + $skusCount), $order->original_price);
// getStyle 获取单元格样式
// getFont 获取单元格文字样式
// setBold 设置文字粗细
// setName 设置文字字体
// setSize 设置文字大小
$sheet->getStyle('D' . ($startRow + $skusCount))->getFont()->setBold(true)->setSize(18);
$sheet->getStyle('E' . ($startRow + $skusCount))->getFont()->setBold(true)->setSize(18);
$sheet->getStyle('C3:E' . ($startRow + $skusCount - 1))->getFont()->setBold(true);
$sheet->getStyle('A1:E' . ($startRow + $skusCount - 1))->getFont()->setSize(12);
$sheet->getStyle('A' . (($startRow + $skusCount + 1)))->getFont()->setSize(12);
$sheet->getStyle('D' . ($startRow + $skusCount))->getFont()->getColor()->setARGB(Color::COLOR_RED);
$sheet->getStyle('E' . ($startRow + $skusCount))->getFont()->getColor()->setARGB(Color::COLOR_RED);
$spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->mergeCells('A' . ($startRow + $skusCount + 1) . ":" . 'E'.($startRow + $skusCount + 2));
$sheet->setCellValue('A' . (($startRow + $skusCount + 1)),
"婚 期:" . $order->wedding_date
. " ,希望到货时间:" . $order->expected_delivery_date
. " ,收 货 地 址:" . $order->address
. " ,联 系 人 :" . $order->contacts
. " ,联 系 人 电 话:" . $order->phone
$needSetapplyFromArray[] = 'A' . (($startRow + $skusCount + 1));
//设置单元格 上下 水平居中
foreach ($needSetapplyFromArray as $key => $item) {
$writer = new Xlsx($spreadsheet);
$path = "storage/order_excel/" ;
return $this->json(4001,"上传文件夹需要写入权限");
$downloadFileName = $order->contacts . "_" . $order->phone . "_" . $order->coding ;
$fileName = $downloadFileName . ".xlsx";
$filepath = public_path().$path. $fileName;
if($type =="save"){
return download($filepath,$downloadFileName );
return $this->json(0,"success",["url"=>$path.$fileName]);
* 导出订单信息
* */
public function exportOrderInfoZip()
$urls = input("urls/s",'');
$urls = array_filter(explode(",", $urls));
return $this->json("4001","空的文件");
} if(count($urls)>10){
return $this->json("4001","最多支持10个文件");
$zipdir = date("Ymd_His_") .randomStr();
$downloadZipFilename = $zipdir. '.zip';
$zipFilename = public_path() . 'storage/order_excel_zip/' . $downloadZipFilename;
$zip = new \ZipArchive();
// 打开一个zip文档ZipArchive::OVERWRITE如果存在这样的文档则覆盖ZipArchive::CREATE如果不存在则创建
$res = $zip->open($zipFilename, $zip::OVERWRITE | $zip::CREATE);
foreach ($urls as $url) {
$filrnamearr = explode("/",$url);
$filrname = end($filrnamearr);
$zip->addFile(public_path() . $url, $zipdir . "/" . $filrname);
return download($zipFilename, $downloadZipFilename);
return $this->json(5001,"创建压缩文件失败");