2021-10-26 08:56:39 +00:00
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Chengdu Tianfu International Airport Branch of Sichuan Airport Group Co., Ltd. organizes and implements the recruitment work on its own, and does not entrust any third party to implement the recruitment program, and will not charge fare by any means from the job seekers during the recruitment process.
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< p > Jiuzhaigou Paradise< p >
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< p > Dramatic Landscape in Huanglong Scenic A< p >
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< p > Panda – China’ s National Treasure< p >
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< p > Tianfu Paradise< p >
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< p > 三星辉光< p >
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< p > 三星探秘< p >
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< p > Life & Culture in Ancient Shu Han< p >
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< p > The Jinsha Site< p >
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< p > 锦绣华彩< p >
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< p > 九寨春秋< p >
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< p > 青山绿水< p >
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< p > 蜀山脉动< p >
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< p > Heroes during the Three Kingdoms period< p >
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< p > 藏地旋风< p >
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< p > Sichuan Opera< p >
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< p > Cultural Sketch of Yi Ethnic Group< p >
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< p > Wall Arts of the Tianfu Lane< p >
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