name = $name; $this->class = $class; $this->faker = $faker; $this->states = $states; $this->definitions = $definitions; $this->afterMaking = $afterMaking; $this->afterCreating = $afterCreating; } /** * Set the amount of models you wish to create / make. * * @param int $amount * @return $this */ public function times($amount) { $this->amount = $amount; return $this; } /** * Set the state to be applied to the model. * * @param string $state * @return $this */ public function state($state) { return $this->states([$state]); } /** * Set the states to be applied to the model. * * @param array|mixed $states * @return $this */ public function states($states) { $this->activeStates = is_array($states) ? $states : func_get_args(); return $this; } /** * Set the database connection on which the model instance should be persisted. * * @param string $name * @return $this */ public function connection($name) { $this->connection = $name; return $this; } /** * Create a model and persist it in the database if requested. * * @param array $attributes * @return \Closure */ public function lazy(array $attributes = []) { return function () use ($attributes) { return $this->create($attributes); }; } /** * Create a collection of models and persist them to the database. * * @param array $attributes * @return mixed */ public function create(array $attributes = []) { $results = $this->make($attributes); if ($results instanceof Model) { $this->store(new Collection([$results])); $this->callAfterCreating(new Collection([$results])); } else { $this->store($results); $this->callAfterCreating($results); } return $results; } /** * Set the connection name on the results and store them. * * @param Collection $results * @return void */ protected function store($results) { $results->each(function (Model $model) { $model->save(); }); } /** * Create a collection of models. * * @param array $attributes * @return mixed */ public function make(array $attributes = []) { if ($this->amount === null) { return tap($this->makeInstance($attributes), function ($instance) { $this->callAfterMaking(new Collection([$instance])); }); } if ($this->amount < 1) { return (new $this->class)->toCollection(); } $instances = (new $this->class)->toCollection(array_map(function () use ($attributes) { return $this->makeInstance($attributes); }, range(1, $this->amount))); $this->callAfterMaking($instances); return $instances; } /** * Create an array of raw attribute arrays. * * @param array $attributes * @return mixed */ public function raw(array $attributes = []) { if ($this->amount === null) { return $this->getRawAttributes($attributes); } if ($this->amount < 1) { return []; } return array_map(function () use ($attributes) { return $this->getRawAttributes($attributes); }, range(1, $this->amount)); } /** * Get a raw attributes array for the model. * * @param array $attributes * @return mixed * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ protected function getRawAttributes(array $attributes = []) { if (!isset($this->definitions[$this->class][$this->name])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unable to locate factory with name [{$this->name}] [{$this->class}]."); } $definition = call_user_func( $this->definitions[$this->class][$this->name], $this->faker, $attributes ); return $this->expandAttributes( array_merge($this->applyStates($definition, $attributes), $attributes) ); } /** * Make an instance of the model with the given attributes. * * @param array $attributes * @return Model */ protected function makeInstance(array $attributes = []) { return new $this->class( $this->getRawAttributes($attributes) ); } /** * Apply the active states to the model definition array. * * @param array $definition * @param array $attributes * @return array */ protected function applyStates(array $definition, array $attributes = []) { foreach ($this->activeStates as $state) { if (!isset($this->states[$this->class][$state])) { if ($this->stateHasAfterCallback($state)) { continue; } throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unable to locate [{$state}] state for [{$this->class}]."); } $definition = array_merge( $definition, $this->stateAttributes($state, $attributes) ); } return $definition; } /** * Get the state attributes. * * @param string $state * @param array $attributes * @return array */ protected function stateAttributes($state, array $attributes) { $stateAttributes = $this->states[$this->class][$state]; if (!is_callable($stateAttributes)) { return $stateAttributes; } return call_user_func( $stateAttributes, $this->faker, $attributes ); } /** * Expand all attributes to their underlying values. * * @param array $attributes * @return array */ protected function expandAttributes(array $attributes) { foreach ($attributes as &$attribute) { if (is_callable($attribute) && !is_string($attribute) && !is_array($attribute)) { $attribute = $attribute($attributes); } if ($attribute instanceof static) { $attribute = $attribute->create()->getKey(); } if ($attribute instanceof Model) { $attribute = $attribute->getKey(); } } return $attributes; } /** * Run after making callbacks on a collection of models. * * @param Collection $models * @return void */ public function callAfterMaking($models) { $this->callAfter($this->afterMaking, $models); } /** * Run after creating callbacks on a collection of models. * * @param Collection $models * @return void */ public function callAfterCreating($models) { $this->callAfter($this->afterCreating, $models); } /** * Call after callbacks for each model and state. * * @param array $afterCallbacks * @param Collection $models * @return void */ protected function callAfter(array $afterCallbacks, $models) { $states = array_merge([$this->name], $this->activeStates); $models->each(function ($model) use ($states, $afterCallbacks) { foreach ($states as $state) { $this->callAfterCallbacks($afterCallbacks, $model, $state); } }); } /** * Call after callbacks for each model and state. * * @param array $afterCallbacks * @param Model $model * @param string $state * @return void */ protected function callAfterCallbacks(array $afterCallbacks, $model, $state) { if (!isset($afterCallbacks[$this->class][$state])) { return; } foreach ($afterCallbacks[$this->class][$state] as $callback) { $callback($model, $this->faker); } } /** * Determine if the given state has an "after" callback. * * @param string $state * @return bool */ protected function stateHasAfterCallback($state) { return isset($this->afterMaking[$this->class][$state]) || isset($this->afterCreating[$this->class][$state]); } }