This is the documentation for (older / unsupported) swagger-php v1.x
Go to the
swagger-php v3.x documentation
To avoid duplication swagger-php introduces partials.
Any swagger annotation can become a partial by addding the property “partial”.
* @SWG\Parameter(partial="path_id", name="id", paramType="path", type="integer")
* @SWG\ResponseMessage(partial="error404", code=404, message="Entity not found")
* @SWG\Operation(
* method="GET",
* nickname="partialDemo"
* @SWG\Partial("path_id"),
* @SWG\Partial("error404"),
* )
operations: [
method: "GET",
nickname: "partialDemo",
parameters: [
paramType: "path",
name: "id",
type: "integer"
responseMessages: [
code: 404,
message: "Entity not found"