
Doctrine Annotations allows to implement custom annotation
functionality for PHP classes and functions.

.. code-block:: php

    class Foo
         * @MyAnnotation(myProperty="value")
        private $bar;

Annotations aren't implemented in PHP itself which is why this component
offers a way to use the PHP doc-blocks as a place for the well known
annotation syntax using the ``@`` char.

Annotations in Doctrine are used for the ORM configuration to build the
class mapping, but it can be used in other projects for other purposes


You can install the Annotation component with composer:

.. code-block::

    $ composer require doctrine/annotations

Create an annotation class

An annotation class is a representation of the later used annotation
configuration in classes. The annotation class of the previous example
looks like this:

.. code-block:: php

     * @Annotation
    final class MyAnnotation
        public $myProperty;

The annotation class is declared as an annotation by ``@Annotation``.

:ref:`Read more about custom annotations. <custom>`

Reading annotations

The access to the annotations happens by reflection of the class or function
containing them. There are multiple reader-classes implementing the
``Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader`` interface, that can access the
annotations of a class. A common one is

.. code-block:: php

    use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader;
    use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry;

    // Deprecated and will be removed in 2.0 but currently needed

    $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass(Foo::class);
    $property = $reflectionClass->getProperty('bar');

    $reader = new AnnotationReader();
    $myAnnotation = $reader->getPropertyAnnotation(

    echo $myAnnotation->myProperty; // result: "value"

Note that ``AnnotationRegistry::registerLoader('class_exists')`` only works
if you already have an autoloader configured (i.e. composer autoloader).
Otherwise, :ref:`please take a look to the other annotation autoload mechanisms <annotations>`.

A reader has multiple methods to access the annotations of a class or

:ref:`Read more about handling annotations. <annotations>`

IDE Support

Some IDEs already provide support for annotations:

- Eclipse via the `Symfony2 Plugin <>`_
- PhpStorm via the `PHP Annotations Plugin <>`_ or the `Symfony Plugin <>`_

.. _Read more about handling annotations.: annotations
.. _Read more about custom annotations.: custom