/** 树形表格3.x Created by wangfan on 2020-05-12 https://gitee.com/whvse/treetable-lay */
layui.define(['laytpl', 'form', 'util'], function (exports) {
var $ = layui.jquery;
var laytpl = layui.laytpl;
var form = layui.form;
var util = layui.util;
var device = layui.device();
var MOD_NAME = 'treeTable'; // 模块名
var _instances = {}; // 记录所有实例
/* 表格默认参数 */
var defaultOption = {
elem: undefined, // 容器
cols: undefined, // 列参数
url: undefined, // url模式请求
method: undefined, // url模式请求方式
where: undefined, // url模式请求条件
contentType: undefined, // url模式请求类型
headers: undefined, // url模式请求headers
parseData: undefined, // url模式处理请求数据
request: {pidName: 'pid'}, // url模式请求字段自定义
toolbar: undefined, // 表头工具栏
defaultToolbar: undefined, // 表头工具栏右侧按钮
width: undefined, // 容器宽度
height: undefined, // 容器高度
cellMinWidth: 90, // 单元格最小宽度
done: undefined, // 数据处理完回调
data: undefined, // 直接赋值数据
title: undefined, // 定义table大标题,文件导出会用到
skin: undefined, // 表格风格
even: undefined, // 是否开启隔行变色
size: undefined, // 表格尺寸
statusCode: 0, // 数据返回值代码
text: {
none: '无数据' // 空数据提示
reqData: undefined, // 自定义加载数据方法
useAdmin: false, // 是否使用admin.ajax
tree: {
idName: 'id', // id的字段名
pidName: 'pid', // pid的字段名
childName: 'children', // children的字段名
haveChildName: 'haveChild', // 是否有children标识的字段名
haveChildReverse: false, // 是否将children标识的字段取反
openName: 'open', // 是否默认展开的字段名
iconIndex: 0, // 图标列的索引
arrowType: undefined, // 折叠箭头类型
onlyIconControl: undefined, // 仅点击图标控制展开折叠
getIcon: function (d) { // 自定义图标
var haveChild = d[this.haveChildName];
if (haveChild !== undefined) {
haveChild = haveChild === true || haveChild === 'true';
if (this.haveChildReverse) haveChild = !haveChild;
else if (d[this.childName]) haveChild = d[this.childName].length > 0;
if (haveChild) return '';
else return '';
/* 列默认参数 */
var colDefaultOption = {
field: undefined, // 字段名
title: undefined, // 标题
width: undefined, // 宽度
minWidth: undefined, // 最小宽度
type: 'normal', // 列类型
fixed: undefined, // 固定列
hide: undefined, // 是否初始隐藏列
unresize: undefined, // 禁用拖拽列宽
style: undefined, // 单元格样式
align: undefined, // 对齐方式
colspan: undefined, // 单元格所占的列数
rowspan: undefined, // 单元格所占的行数
templet: undefined, // 自定义模板
toolbar: undefined, // 工具列
'class': undefined, // 单元格class
singleLine: undefined // 是否一行显示
/** TreeTable类构造方法 */
var TreeTable = function (options) {
_instances[options.elem.substring(1)] = this;
* 根据ID查找数据
* @param id 数据条目的ID
TreeTable.prototype.findDataById = function (id) {
var options = this.options;
function each(data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i][options.tree.idName] === id) return data[i];
if (data[i][options.tree.childName]) {
var res = each(data[i][options.tree.childName]);
if (res) return res;
return each(options.data);
/** 参数设置 */
TreeTable.prototype.initOptions = function (opt) {
var that = this;
// 处理特殊列
function initCol(item) {
if (!item.INIT_OK) item = $.extend({INIT_OK: true}, colDefaultOption, item);
// 特殊列处理
if (item.type === 'space') { // 空列
if (!item.width) item.width = 15;
item.minWidth = item.width;
} else if (item.type === 'numbers') { // 序号列
if (!item.width) item.width = 40;
item.minWidth = item.width;
if (!item.singleLine) item.singleLine = false;
if (!item.unresize) item.unresize = true;
if (!item.align) item.align = 'center';
} else if (item.type === 'checkbox' || item.type === 'radio') { // 复/单选框列
if (!item.width) item.width = 48;
item.minWidth = item.width;
if (!item.singleLine) item.singleLine = false;
if (!item.unresize) item.unresize = true;
if (!item.align) item.align = 'center';
if (item.toolbar) item.type = 'tool';
return item;
// 初始化列参数
if ('Array' !== isClass(opt.cols[0])) opt.cols = [opt.cols];
// 恢复cols参数初始状态
for (var m = 0; m < opt.cols.length; m++) {
for (var n = 0; n < opt.cols[m].length; n++) {
opt.cols[m][n].INIT_OK = undefined;
opt.cols[m][n].key = undefined;
opt.cols[m][n].colGroup = undefined;
opt.cols[m][n].HAS_PARENT = undefined;
opt.cols[m][n].parentKey = undefined;
opt.cols[m][n].PARENT_COL_INDEX = undefined;
// cols参数处理
var colArrays = [], colIndex = 0;
for (var i1 = 0; i1 < opt.cols.length; i1++) {
var item1 = opt.cols[i1];
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < item1.length; i2++) {
var item2 = item1[i2];
if (!item2) {
item1.splice(i2, 1);
item2 = initCol(item2);
// 合并单元格处理
item2.key = i1 + '-' + i2;
var CHILD_COLS = undefined;
if (item2.colGroup || item2.colspan > 1) {
item2.colGroup = true;
item2.type = 'group';
var childIndex = 0;
for (var i22 = 0; i22 < opt.cols[i1 + 1].length; i22++) {
var item22 = $.extend({INIT_OK: true}, colDefaultOption, opt.cols[i1 + 1][i22]);
if (item22.HAS_PARENT || (childIndex > 1 && childIndex == item2.colspan)) {
opt.cols[i1 + 1][i22] = item22;
item22.HAS_PARENT = true;
item22.parentKey = i1 + '-' + i2;
item22.key = (i1 + 1) + '-' + i22;
item22.PARENT_COL_INDEX = colIndex;
item22 = initCol(item22);
childIndex = childIndex + parseInt(item22.colspan > 1 ? item22.colspan : 1);
opt.cols[i1 + 1][i22] = item22;
if (!item2.PARENT_COL_INDEX) colArrays.push(item2);
opt.cols[i1][i2] = item2;
this.options = $.extend(true, {}, defaultOption, opt);
this.options.colArrays = colArrays;
// url加载模式转为reqData模式
if (this.options.url) {
this.options.reqData = function (data, callback) {
if (!that.options.where) that.options.where = {};
if (data) that.options.where[that.options.request.pidName] = data[that.options.tree.idName];
(that.options.useAdmin ? layui.admin : $).ajax({
url: that.options.url,
data: that.options.contentType && that.options.contentType.indexOf('application/json') === 0 ? JSON.stringify(that.options.where) : that.options.where,
headers: that.options.headers,
type: that.options.method,
dataType: 'json',
contentType: that.options.contentType,
success: function (res) {
if (that.options.parseData) res = that.options.parseData(res);
if (res.code == that.options.statusCode) callback(res.data);
else callback(res.msg || '加载失败');
error: function (xhr) {
callback(xhr.status + ' - ' + xhr.statusText);
} else if (this.options.data && this.options.data.length > 0 && this.options.tree.isPidData) { // pid形式数据转children形式
this.options.data = tt.pidToChildren(this.options.data, this.options.tree.idName, this.options.tree.pidName, this.options.tree.childName);
// toolbar参数处理
if ('default' === this.options.toolbar) {
this.options.toolbar = [
' ',
' ',
' ',
if (this.options.defaultToolbar === undefined) this.options.defaultToolbar = ['filter', 'exports', 'print'];
// 自定义图标参数处理
if (typeof this.options.tree.getIcon === 'string') {
var icon = this.options.tree.getIcon;
this.options.tree.getIcon = function (d) {
if (icon !== 'ew-tree-icon-style2') return icon;
var haveChild = d[this.haveChildName];
if (haveChild !== undefined) {
haveChild = haveChild === true || haveChild === 'true';
if (this.haveChildReverse) haveChild = !haveChild;
else if (d[this.childName]) haveChild = d[this.childName].length > 0;
if (haveChild) return '';
else return '';
/** 初始化表格 */
TreeTable.prototype.init = function () {
var options = this.options;
var $elem = $(options.elem); // 原始表格
var tbFilter = options.elem.substring(1); // 表格的filter
// 第一次生成树表格dom
if ($elem.next('.ew-tree-table').length === 0) {
$elem.css('display', 'none');
// 获取各个组件
var components = this.getComponents();
// 基础参数设置
if (options.skin) components.$table.attr('lay-skin', options.skin);
if (options.size) components.$table.attr('lay-size', options.size);
if (options.even) components.$table.attr('lay-even', options.even);
// 头部工具栏
if (options.toolbar === false || options.toolbar === undefined) {
} else {
if (typeof options.toolbar === 'string') {
laytpl($(options.toolbar).html()).render({}, function (html) {
components.$toolbar.html('' + html + '
var tbRights = ['');
// 固定宽度
if (options.width) {
components.$view.css('width', options.width);
components.$tHeadGroup.css('width', options.width);
components.$tBodyGroup.css('width', options.width);
// 表格尺寸设置
var colgroupHtml = this.resize(true);
// 生成thead
var headHtml = '' + this.renderBodyTh() + '';
// 渲染表头及空的表主体的结构
if (options.height) { // 固定表头
components.$tHead.html(colgroupHtml + headHtml);
components.$tBody.html(colgroupHtml + '');
if (options.height.indexOf('full-') === 0) { // 差值高度
var h = parseFloat(options.height.substring(5)) + components.$toolbar.outerHeight()
+ components.$tHeadGroup.outerHeight() + 1;
components.$tBodyGroup.data('full', h);
components.$tBodyGroup.css('height', '');
} else { // 固定高度
components.$tBodyGroup.css('height', options.height);
components.$tBodyGroup.data('full', '');
} else {
var trH = {lg: 50, sm: 30, md: 38};
components.$tBody.html(colgroupHtml + headHtml + '');
form.render('checkbox', tbFilter); // 渲染表头的表单元素
// 默认隐藏列修正colspan
function patchHide($tr) {
var parentKey = $tr.data('parent'), pCol;
if (!parentKey) return;
var $parent = components.$table.children('thead').children('tr').children('[data-key="' + parentKey + '"]');
var colspan = $parent.attr('colspan') - 1;
$parent.attr('colspan', colspan);
if (colspan === 0) $parent.addClass('layui-hide');
components.$table.children('thead').children('tr').children('th.layui-hide').each(function () {
// 渲染数据
if (options.reqData) { // 异步加载
this.options.data = undefined;
} else if (options.data && options.data.length > 0) {
} else {
/** 绑定各项事件 */
TreeTable.prototype.bindEvents = function () {
var that = this;
var options = this.options;
var components = this.getComponents();
var $allBody = components.$table.children('tbody');
/* 行事件公共返回对象 */
var member = function (ext) {
// 获取行dom
var $tr = $(this);
if (!$tr.is('tr')) {
var $temp = $tr.parent('tr');
if ($temp.length > 0) $tr = $temp;
else $tr = $tr.parentsUntil('tr').last().parent();
var data = that.getDataByTr($tr); // 行对应数据
var obj = {
tr: $tr,
data: data,
del: function () { // 删除行
var index = $tr.data('index');
var indent = parseInt($tr.data('indent'));
// 删除子级
$tr.nextAll('tr').each(function () {
if (parseInt($(this).data('indent')) <= indent) return false;
// 更新后面同辈的index
var indexLength = (typeof index === 'number' ? 1 : index.split('-').length);
$tr.nextAll('tr').each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if (parseInt($this.data('indent')) < indent) return false;
var _index = $this.data('index').toString().split('-');
_index[indexLength - 1] = parseInt(_index[indexLength - 1]) - 1;
$this.data('index', _index.join('-'));
// 删除当前行
var $pTr = $tr.prevAll('tr');
that.del(undefined, index);
that.renderNumberCol(); // 渲染序号列
// 联动父级多选框
$pTr.each(function () {
var tInd = parseInt($(this).data('indent'));
if (tInd >= indent) return true;
indent = tInd;
that.checkChooseAllCB(); // 联动全选框
if (options.data.length === 0) components.$empty.show();
updateFixedTbHead(components.$view); // 更新滚动条补丁
update: function (fields) { // 修改行
data = $.extend(true, data, fields);
var indent = parseInt($tr.data('indent'));
that.renderBodyTr(data, indent, undefined, $tr); // 更新界面
form.render(null, components.filter); // 渲染表单元素
that.renderNumberCol(); // 渲染序号列
// 联动父级多选框
$tr.prevAll('tr').each(function () {
var tInd = parseInt($(this).data('indent'));
if (tInd >= indent) return true;
indent = tInd;
that.checkChooseAllCB(); // 联动全选框
return $.extend(obj, ext);
// 绑定折叠展开事件
$allBody.off('click.fold').on('click.fold', '.ew-tree-pack', function (e) {
var $tr = $(this).parentsUntil('tr').last().parent();
if ($tr.hasClass('ew-tree-table-loading')) return; // 已是加载中
var haveChild = $tr.data('have-child');
if (haveChild !== true && haveChild !== 'true') return; // 子节点
var open = $tr.hasClass('ew-tree-table-open');
var data = that.getDataByTr($tr);
if (!open && !data[options.tree.childName]) {
that.renderBodyAsync(data, $tr);
} else {
data[options.tree.openName] = toggleRow($tr);
// 绑定lay-event事件
$allBody.off('click.tool').on('click.tool', '*[lay-event]', function (e) {
var $this = $(this);
layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'tool(' + components.filter + ')', member.call(this, {
event: $this.attr('lay-event')
// 绑定单选框事件
form.on('radio(' + components.radioFilter + ')', function (data) {
var d = that.getDataByTr($(data.elem).parentsUntil('tr').last().parent());
d.LAY_CHECKED = true; // 同时更新数据
layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'checkbox(' + components.filter + ')',
{checked: true, data: d, type: 'one'});
// 绑定复选框事件
form.on('checkbox(' + components.checkboxFilter + ')', function (data) {
var checked = data.elem.checked;
var $cb = $(data.elem);
var $layCb = $cb.next('.layui-form-checkbox');
// 如果是半选状态,点击全选
if (!checked && $cb.hasClass('ew-form-indeterminate')) {
checked = true;
$cb.prop('checked', checked);
var $tr = $cb.parentsUntil('tr').last().parent();
var d = that.getDataByTr($tr);
d.LAY_CHECKED = checked; // 同时更新数据
// 联动操作
if (d[options.tree.childName] && d[options.tree.childName].length > 0) {
that.checkSubCB($tr, checked); // 联动子级
var indent = parseInt($tr.data('indent'));
$tr.prevAll('tr').each(function () {
var tInd = parseInt($(this).data('indent'));
if (tInd < indent) {
that.checkParentCB($(this)); // 联动父级
indent = tInd;
that.checkChooseAllCB(); // 联动全选框
// 回调事件
layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'checkbox(' + components.filter + ')',
{checked: checked, data: d, type: 'more'});
// 绑定全选复选框事件
form.on('checkbox(' + components.chooseAllFilter + ')', function (data) {
var checked = data.elem.checked;
var $cb = $(data.elem);
var $layCb = $cb.next('.layui-form-checkbox');
if (!options.data || options.data.length === 0) { // 如果数据为空
$cb.prop('checked', false);
// 如果是半选状态,点击全选
if (!checked && $cb.hasClass('ew-form-indeterminate')) {
checked = true;
$cb.prop('checked', checked);
layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'checkbox(' + components.filter + ')', {checked: checked, type: 'all'});
that.checkSubCB(components.$tBody.children('tbody'), checked); // 联动操作
// 绑定行单击事件
$allBody.off('click.row').on('click.row', 'tr', function () {
layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'row(' + components.filter + ')', member.call(this, {}));
// 绑定行双击事件
$allBody.off('dblclick.rowDouble').on('dblclick.rowDouble', 'tr', function () {
layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'rowDouble(' + components.filter + ')', member.call(this, {}));
// 绑定单元格点击事件
$allBody.off('click.cell').on('click.cell', 'td', function (e) {
var $td = $(this);
var type = $td.data('type');
// 判断是否是复选框、单选框列
if (type === 'checkbox' || type === 'radio') return layui.stope(e);
var edit = $td.data('edit');
var field = $td.data('field');
if (edit) { // 开启了单元格编辑
if ($allBody.find('.ew-tree-table-edit').length > 0) return;
var index = $td.data('index');
var indent = $td.find('.ew-tree-table-indent').length;
var d = that.getDataByTr($td.parent());
if ('text' === edit || 'number' === edit) { // 文本框
var $input = $('');
$input[0].value = d[field];
$input.blur(function () {
var value = $(this).val();
if (value == d[field]) return $(this).remove();
var rs = layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'edit(' + components.filter + ')', member.call(this,
{value: value, field: field}));
if (rs === false) {
} else {
d[field] = value; // 同步更新数据
var keys = $td.data('key').split('-');
that.renderBodyTd(d, indent, index, $td, options.cols[keys[0]][keys[1]]); // 更新单元格
} else {
console.error('不支持的单元格编辑类型:' + edit);
} else { // 回调单元格点击事件
var rs = layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'cell(' + components.filter + ')', member.call(this,
{td: $td, field: field}));
if (rs === false) layui.stope(e);
// 绑定单元格双击事件
$allBody.off('dblclick.cellDouble').on('dblclick.cellDouble', 'td', function (e) {
var $td = $(this);
var type = $td.data('type');
// 判断是否是复选框、单选框列
if (type === 'checkbox' || type === 'radio') return layui.stope(e);
var edit = $td.data('edit');
var field = $td.data('field');
if (edit) return layui.stope(e); // 开启了单元格编辑
// 回调单元格双击事件
var rs = layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'cellDouble(' + components.filter + ')', member.call(this,
{td: $td, field: field}));
if (rs === false) layui.stope(e);
// 绑定头部工具栏事件
components.$toolbar.off('click.toolbar').on('click.toolbar', '*[lay-event]', function (e) {
var $this = $(this);
var event = $this.attr('lay-event');
if ('LAYTABLE_COLS' === event) that.toggleCol();
else if ('LAYTABLE_EXPORT' === event) that.exportData('show');
else if ('LAYTABLE_PRINT' === event) that.printTable();
else layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'toolbar(' + components.filter + ')', {event: event, elem: $this});
// 同步滚动条
components.$tBodyGroup.on('scroll', function () {
var $this = $(this);
// 导出数据
components.$toolbar.off('click.export').on('click.export', '.layui-table-tool-panel>[data-type]', function () {
var type = $(this).data('type');
if ('csv' === type || 'xls' === type) that.exportData(type);
components.$toolbar.off('click.panel').on('click.panel', '.layui-table-tool-panel', function (e) {
// 筛选列
form.on('checkbox(' + components.colsToggleFilter + ')', function (data) {
that.toggleCol(data.elem.checked, undefined, data.value);
/** 获取各个组件 */
TreeTable.prototype.getComponents = function () {
var $view = $(this.options.elem).next('.ew-tree-table'); // 容器
var filter = $view.attr('lay-filter'); // 容器filter
var $tHeadGroup = $view.children('.ew-tree-table-head'); // 表头部分容器
var $tBodyGroup = $view.children('.ew-tree-table-box'); // 主体部分容器
return {
$view: $view,
filter: filter,
$tHeadGroup: $tHeadGroup,
$tBodyGroup: $tBodyGroup,
$tHead: $tHeadGroup.children('.layui-table'), // 表头表格
$tBody: $tBodyGroup.children('.layui-table'), // 主体表格
$table: $view.find('.layui-table'), // 所有表格
$toolbar: $view.children('.ew-tree-table-tool'), // 头部工具栏
$empty: $tBodyGroup.children('.ew-tree-table-empty'), // 空视图
$loading: $tBodyGroup.children('.ew-tree-table-loading'), // 加载视图
checkboxFilter: 'ew_tb_checkbox_' + filter, // 复选框filter
radioFilter: 'ew_tb_radio_' + filter, // 单选框filter
chooseAllFilter: 'ew_tb_choose_all_' + filter, // 全选按钮filter
colsToggleFilter: 'ew_tb_toggle_cols' + filter // 筛选列的filter
* 遍历表头
* @param callback
* @param obj
TreeTable.prototype.eachCols = function (callback, obj) {
if (!obj) obj = this.options.colArrays;
for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
var item = obj[i];
callback && callback(i, item);
if (item.CHILD_COLS) this.eachCols(callback, item.CHILD_COLS);
* 遍历数据
* @param callback
* @param data
TreeTable.prototype.eachData = function (callback, data) {
if (!data) data = this.options.data;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var item = data[i];
callback && callback(i, item);
if (item[this.options.tree.childName]) this.eachData(callback, item[this.options.tree.childName]);
* 异步加载渲染
* @param d 父级数据
* @param $tr 父级dom
TreeTable.prototype.renderBodyAsync = function (d, $tr) {
var that = this;
var options = this.options;
var components = this.getComponents();
// 显示loading
if ($tr) {
$tr.find('.ew-tree-pack').children('.ew-tree-table-arrow').addClass('layui-anim layui-anim-rotate layui-anim-loop');
} else {
if (options.data && options.data.length > 0) components.$loading.addClass('ew-loading-float');
// 请求数据
options.reqData(d, function (data) {
if (typeof data !== 'string' && data && data.length > 0 && options.tree.isPidData) {
data = tt.pidToChildren(data, options.tree.idName, options.tree.pidName, options.tree.childName);
that.renderBodyData(data, d, $tr); // 渲染内容
* 根据数据渲染body
* @param data 数据集合
* @param d 父级数据
* @param $tr 父级dom
TreeTable.prototype.renderBodyData = function (data, d, $tr) {
var msg;
if (typeof data === 'string') {
msg = data;
data = [];
var that = this;
var options = this.options;
var components = this.getComponents();
// 更新到数据
if (d === undefined) options.data = data;
else d[options.tree.childName] = data;
var indent;
if (d && $tr) {
indent = parseInt($tr.data('indent')) + 1;
d[options.tree.openName] = true;
var htmlStr = this.renderBody(data, indent, d);
if (d && $tr) {
// 移除旧dom
$tr.nextAll('tr').each(function () {
if (parseInt($(this).data('indent')) <= (indent - 1)) return false;
// 渲染新dom
} else {
form.render(null, components.filter); // 渲染表单元素
this.renderNumberCol(); // 渲染序号列
if (d && $tr) {
// 更新父级复选框状态
$tr.prevAll('tr').each(function () {
var tInd = parseInt($(this).data('indent'));
if (tInd < (indent - 1)) {
indent = tInd + 1;
// 移除loading
var $arrow = $tr.find('.ew-tree-pack').children('.ew-tree-table-arrow');
$arrow.removeClass('layui-anim layui-anim-rotate layui-anim-loop');
if (msg) { // 加载失败
} else if (data && data.length === 0) { // 无子集
d[options.tree.haveChildName] = !!options.tree.haveChildReverse;
$tr.data('have-child', false);
} else {
// 移除loading
// 显示空视图
if (data && data.length > 0) {
} else {
if (msg) components.$empty.text(msg);
else components.$empty.html(options.text.none);
this.checkChooseAllCB(); // 联动全选框
updateFixedTbHead(components.$view); // 滚动条补丁
options.done && options.done(data);
* 递归渲染表格主体部分
* @param data 数据列表
* @param indent 缩进大小
* @param parent 父级
* @param h 父级是否隐藏
* @returns {string}
TreeTable.prototype.renderBody = function (data, indent, parent, h) {
var options = this.options;
if (!indent) indent = 0;
var html = '';
if (!data || data.length === 0) return html;
var hide = parent ? !parent[options.tree.openName] : undefined;
if (h) hide = h;//当所有父级存在隐藏时,隐藏所有子集
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var d = data[i];
d.LAY_INDEX = (parent ? parent.LAY_INDEX + '-' : '') + i;
html += this.renderBodyTr(d, indent, hide);
// 递归渲染子集
html += this.renderBody(d[options.tree.childName], indent + 1, d, h);
return html;
* 渲染每一行数据
* @param d 行数据
* @param indent 缩进大小
* @param hide 是否隐藏
* @param $tr
* @returns {string}
TreeTable.prototype.renderBodyTr = function (d, indent, hide, $tr) {
var that = this;
var options = this.options;
if (!indent) indent = 0;
var haveChild = d[options.tree.haveChildName];
if (options.tree.haveChildReverse) haveChild = !haveChild;
if (haveChild === undefined) haveChild = d[options.tree.childName] && d[options.tree.childName].length > 0;
if ($tr) {
$tr.data('have-child', haveChild ? 'true' : 'false');
$tr.data('indent', indent);
var html = '');
var index = 0;
this.eachCols(function (i, col) {
if (col.colGroup) return;
html += that.renderBodyTd(d, indent, index, $tr ? $tr.children('td').eq(index) : undefined, col);
html += '
return html;
* 渲染每一个单元格数据
* @param d 行数据
* @param indent 缩进大小
* @param index 第几列
* @param $td
* @param col
* @returns {string}
TreeTable.prototype.renderBodyTd = function (d, indent, index, $td, col) {
if (!col||col.colGroup) return '';
var options = this.options;
var components = this.getComponents();
if (!indent) indent = 0;
// 内容填充
var content = '', cell = '', icon = '';
if (col.type === 'numbers') { // 序号列
content = '';
} else if (col.type === 'checkbox') { // 复选框列
content = [
} else if (col.type === 'radio') { // 单选框列
content = [
} else if (col.templet) { // 自定义模板
if (typeof col.templet === 'function') {
content = col.templet(d);
} else if (typeof col.templet === 'string') {
laytpl($(col.templet).html()).render(d, function (html) {
content = html;
} else if (col.toolbar) { // 操作列
if (typeof col.toolbar === 'function') {
content = col.toolbar(d);
} else if (typeof col.toolbar === 'string') {
laytpl($(col.toolbar).html()).render(d, function (html) {
content = html;
} else if (col.field && d[col.field] !== undefined && d[col.field] !== null) { // 普通字段
content = util.escape(d[col.field] === 0 ? '0' : d[col.field]);
// 图标列处理
if (index === options.tree.iconIndex) {
// 缩进
for (var i = 0; i < indent; i++) icon += '';
icon += '';
// 加箭头
var haveChild = d[options.tree.haveChildName];
if (options.tree.haveChildReverse) haveChild = !haveChild;
if (haveChild === undefined) haveChild = d[options.tree.childName] && d[options.tree.childName].length > 0;
icon += ('');
// 加图标
icon += options.tree.getIcon(d);
content = '' + content + '';
if (options.tree.onlyIconControl) content = icon + '' + content;
else content = icon + content + '';
cell = [
', content, '
if ($td) $td.html(cell);
var html = '' + cell + ' | ');
return html;
* 渲染表头
* @returns {string}
TreeTable.prototype.renderBodyTh = function () {
var options = this.options;
var components = this.getComponents();
var html = [];
$.each(options.cols, function (i1, item1) {
$.each(item1, function (i2, item2) {
html.push(' ');
// 标题
var ca = '';
if (item2.type === 'checkbox') html.push(ca);
else html.push(item2.title || '');
html.push(' ');
// 列宽拖拽
if (!item2.colGroup && !item2.unresize) html.push('');
html.push(' | ');
return html.join('');
/** 重置表格尺寸 */
TreeTable.prototype.resize = function (returnColgroup) {
// 计算表格宽度、最小宽度、百分比宽度
var options = this.options;
var components = this.getComponents();
var minWidth = 1, width = 1, needSetWidth = true, mwPercent = 0;
this.eachCols(function (i, item) {
if (item.colGroup || item.hide) return;
if (item.width) {
width += (item.width + 1);
if (item.minWidth) {
if (item.width < item.minWidth) item.width = item.minWidth;
} else if (item.width < options.cellMinWidth) item.width = options.cellMinWidth;
} else needSetWidth = false;
if (item.width) minWidth += (item.width + 1);
else if (item.minWidth) {
minWidth += (item.minWidth + 1);
mwPercent += item.minWidth;
} else {
minWidth += (options.cellMinWidth + 1);
mwPercent += options.cellMinWidth;
if (minWidth) {
components.$tHead.css('min-width', minWidth);
components.$tBody.css('min-width', minWidth);
} else {
components.$tHead.css('min-width', 'auto');
components.$tBody.css('min-width', 'auto');
if (needSetWidth) {
components.$tHead.css('width', width);
components.$tBody.css('width', width);
} else {
components.$tHead.css('width', '100%');
components.$tBody.css('width', '100%');
// 生成colgroup
var colgroupHtml = [];
this.eachCols(function (i, item) {
if (item.colGroup || item.hide) return;
colgroupHtml = colgroupHtml.join('');
if (returnColgroup) return '' + colgroupHtml + '';
/** 获取行对应数据 */
TreeTable.prototype.getDataByTr = function ($tr) {
var data, index;
if (typeof $tr !== 'string' && typeof $tr !== 'number') {
if ($tr) index = $tr.data('index');
} else index = $tr;
if (index === undefined) return;
if (typeof index === 'number') index = [index];
else index = index.split('-');
for (var i = 0; i < index.length; i++) {
if (data) data = data[this.options.tree.childName][index[i]];
else data = this.options.data[index[i]];
return data;
* 联动子级复选框状态
* @param $tr 当前tr的dom
* @param checked
TreeTable.prototype.checkSubCB = function ($tr, checked) {
var that = this;
var components = this.getComponents();
var indent = -1, $trList;
if ($tr.is('tbody')) {
$trList = $tr.children('tr');
} else {
indent = parseInt($tr.data('indent'));
$trList = $tr.nextAll('tr');
$trList.each(function () {
if (parseInt($(this).data('indent')) <= indent) return false;
var $cb = $(this).children('td').find('input[lay-filter="' + components.checkboxFilter + '"]');
$cb.prop('checked', checked);
if (checked) $cb.next('.layui-form-checkbox').addClass('layui-form-checked');
else $cb.next('.layui-form-checkbox').removeClass('layui-form-checked');
var d = that.getDataByTr($(this));
d.LAY_CHECKED = checked; // 同步更新数据
* 联动父级复选框状态
* @param $tr 父级的dom
TreeTable.prototype.checkParentCB = function ($tr) {
var options = this.options;
var components = this.getComponents();
var d = this.getDataByTr($tr);
var ckNum = 0, unCkNum = 0;
if (d[options.tree.childName]) {
function checkNum(data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i].LAY_CHECKED) ckNum++;
else unCkNum++;
if (data[i][options.tree.childName]) checkNum(data[i][options.tree.childName]);
var $cb = $tr.children('td').find('input[lay-filter="' + components.checkboxFilter + '"]');
if (ckNum > 0 && unCkNum === 0) { // 全选
$cb.prop('checked', true);
d.LAY_CHECKED = true; // 同步更新数据
} else if (ckNum === 0 && unCkNum > 0) { // 全不选
$cb.prop('checked', false);
d.LAY_CHECKED = false; // 同步更新数据
} else if (ckNum > 0 && unCkNum > 0) { // 半选
$cb.prop('checked', true);
$cb.data('indeterminate', 'true');
d.LAY_CHECKED = true; // 同步更新数据
/** 联动全选复选框 */
TreeTable.prototype.checkChooseAllCB = function () {
var options = this.options;
var components = this.getComponents();
var ckNum = 0, unCkNum = 0;
function checkNum(data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i].LAY_CHECKED) ckNum++;
else unCkNum++;
if (data[i][options.tree.childName]) checkNum(data[i][options.tree.childName]);
var $cb = components.$view.find('input[lay-filter="' + components.chooseAllFilter + '"]');
if (ckNum > 0 && unCkNum === 0) { // 全选
$cb.prop('checked', true);
} else if ((ckNum === 0 && unCkNum > 0) || (ckNum === 0 && unCkNum === 0)) { // 全不选
$cb.prop('checked', false);
} else if (ckNum > 0 && unCkNum > 0) { // 半选
$cb.prop('checked', true);
/** 填充序号列 */
TreeTable.prototype.renderNumberCol = function () {
this.getComponents().$tBody.children('tbody').children('tr').each(function (i) {
$(this).children('td').find('.ew-tree-table-numbers').text(i + 1);
/** 根据id获取tr的index */
TreeTable.prototype.getIndexById = function (id) {
var options = this.options;
function each(data, pi) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i][options.tree.idName] === id) return pi !== undefined ? pi + '-' + i : i;
if (data[i][options.tree.childName]) {
var res = each(data[i][options.tree.childName], pi !== undefined ? pi + '-' + i : i);
if (res) return res;
return each(options.data);
/** 展开指定行 */
TreeTable.prototype.expand = function (id, cascade) {
var components = this.getComponents();
var $tr = components.$table.children('tbody').children('tr[data-index="' + this.getIndexById(id) + '"]');
if (!$tr.hasClass('ew-tree-table-open')) $tr.children('td').find('.ew-tree-pack').trigger('click');
if (cascade === false) return;
// 联动父级
var indent = parseInt($tr.data('indent'));
$tr.prevAll('tr').each(function () {
var tInd = parseInt($(this).data('indent'));
if (tInd < indent) {
if (!$(this).hasClass('ew-tree-table-open')) {
indent = tInd;
/** 折叠指定行 */
TreeTable.prototype.fold = function (id) {
var components = this.getComponents();
var $tr = components.$table.children('tbody').children('tr[data-index="' + this.getIndexById(id) + '"]');
if ($tr.hasClass('ew-tree-table-open')) $tr.children('td').find('.ew-tree-pack').trigger('click');
/** 全部展开 */
TreeTable.prototype.expandAll = function () {
this.getComponents().$table.children('tbody').children('tr').each(function () {
if (!$(this).hasClass('ew-tree-table-open')) $(this).children('td').find('.ew-tree-pack').trigger('click');
/** 全部折叠 */
TreeTable.prototype.foldAll = function () {
this.getComponents().$table.children('tbody').children('tr').each(function () {
if ($(this).hasClass('ew-tree-table-open')) $(this).children('td').find('.ew-tree-pack').trigger('click');
/** 获取当前数据 */
TreeTable.prototype.getData = function () {
return this.options.data;
/** 重载表格 */
TreeTable.prototype.reload = function (opt) {
this.initOptions(this.options ? $.extend(true, this.options, opt) : opt);
this.init(); // 初始化表格
this.bindEvents(); // 绑定事件
/** 获取当前选中行 */
TreeTable.prototype.checkStatus = function (needIndeterminate) {
if (needIndeterminate === undefined) needIndeterminate = true;
var list = [];
this.eachData(function (i, item) {
if ((needIndeterminate || !item.LAY_INDETERMINATE) && item.LAY_CHECKED)
list.push($.extend({isIndeterminate: item.LAY_INDETERMINATE}, item));
return list;
/** 设置复/单选框选中 */
TreeTable.prototype.setChecked = function (ids) {
var that = this;
var components = this.getComponents();
var $radio = components.$table.find('input[lay-filter="' + components.radioFilter + '"]');
if ($radio.length > 0) { // 开启了单选框
$radio.each(function () {
var d = that.getDataByTr($(this).parentsUntil('tr').parent());
if (d && ids[ids.length - 1] == d[that.options.tree.idName]) {
return false;
} else { // 开启了复选框
components.$table.find('input[lay-filter="' + components.checkboxFilter + '"]').each(function () {
var $cb = $(this);
var $layCb = $cb.next('.layui-form-checkbox');
var checked = $cb.prop('checked');
var indeterminate = $cb.hasClass('ew-form-indeterminate');
var d = that.getDataByTr($cb.parentsUntil('tr').parent());
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
if (d && ids[i] == d[that.options.tree.idName]) {
if (d[that.options.tree.childName] && d[that.options.tree.childName].length > 0) continue;
if (!checked || indeterminate) $layCb.trigger('click');
/** 移除全部选中 */
TreeTable.prototype.removeAllChecked = function () {
this.checkSubCB(this.getComponents().$table.children('tbody'), false);
/** 导出 */
TreeTable.prototype.exportData = function (type) {
var components = this.getComponents();
if ('show' === type) {
} else {
if (device.ie) return layer.msg('不支持ie导出');
if (!type) type = 'xls';
var head = [], body = [];
this.eachCols(function (i, item) {
if (item.type !== 'normal' || item.hide) return;
head.push(item.title || '');
components.$tBody.children('tbody').children('tr').each(function () {
var items = [];
$(this).children('td').each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data('type') !== 'normal' || $this.hasClass('layui-hide')) return true;
items.push($this.text().trim().replace(/,/g, ','));
// 创建下载文件的a标签
var alink = document.createElement('a');
var content = encodeURIComponent(head.join(',') + '\r\n' + body.join('\r\n'));
var contentType = ({csv: 'text/csv', xls: 'application/vnd.ms-excel'})[type];
alink.href = 'data:' + contentType + ';charset=utf-8,\ufeff' + content;
alink.download = (this.options.title || 'table') + '.' + type;
/** 打印 */
TreeTable.prototype.printTable = function () {
var components = this.getComponents();
var head = components.$tHead.children('thead').html();
if (!head) head = components.$tBody.children('thead').html();
var body = components.$tBody.children('tbody').html();
var colgroup = components.$tBody.children('colgroup').html();
var $html = $([
' ', colgroup, '',
' ', head, '',
' ', body, '',
// 隐藏特殊列
function hideCol($temp) {
var parentKey = $temp.data('parent'), pCol;
if (!parentKey) return;
var $parent = $html.children('thead').children('tr').children('[data-key="' + parentKey + '"]');
var colspan = parseInt($parent.attr('colspan')) - 1;
$parent.attr('colspan', colspan);
if (colspan === 0) $parent.remove();
$html.find('th[data-type="checkbox"],th[data-type="radio"],th[data-type="tool"]').each(function () {
// 打印内容样式
var style = [
var pWindow = window.open('', '_blank');
var pDocument = pWindow.document;
pDocument.write($html[0].outerHTML + style);
/** 筛选列 */
TreeTable.prototype.toggleCol = function (show, field, key) {
var components = this.getComponents();
if (show === undefined) {
var cols = ['');
form.render('checkbox', components.filter);
} else {
if (key) {
var $td = components.$table.children('tbody').children('tr').children('[data-key="' + key + '"]');
var $th = components.$table.children('thead').children('tr').children('[data-key="' + key + '"]');
if (show) {
} else {
// 同步更新数据
var ks = key.split('-');
var col = this.options.cols[ks[0]][ks[1]];
col.hide = !show;
// 更新colspan数据
function changeParent($temp) {
var parentKey = $temp.data('parent'), pCol;
if (!parentKey) return;
var $parent = components.$table.children('thead').children('tr').children('[data-key="' + parentKey + '"]');
var colspan = $parent.attr('colspan');
show ? colspan++ : colspan--;
$parent.attr('colspan', colspan);
if (colspan === 0) $parent.addClass('layui-hide');
else $parent.removeClass('layui-hide');
// 同步eachCols数据
this.eachCols(function (i, item) {
if (item.key === key) item.hide = col.hide;
this.resize(); // 更新表格尺寸
* 搜索数据
* @param ids 关键字或数据id集合
TreeTable.prototype.filterData = function (ids) {
var components = this.getComponents();
if (this.options.data.length > 0) components.$loading.addClass('ew-loading-float');
var $trList = components.$table.children('tbody').children('tr');
var indexList = [];
if (typeof ids === 'string') { // 关键字
$trList.each(function () {
var index = $(this).data('index');
$(this).children('td').each(function () {
if ($(this).text().indexOf(ids) !== -1) {
return false;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < indexList.length; j++) {
var $tr = $trList.filter('[data-index="' + indexList[j] + '"]');
var indent = parseInt($tr.data('indent'));
// 联动子级
$tr.nextAll('tr').each(function () {
if (parseInt($(this).data('indent')) <= indent) return false;
if ($tr.hasClass('ew-tree-table-open')) toggleRow($tr);
// 联动父级
$tr.prevAll('tr').each(function () {
var tInd = parseInt($(this).data('indent'));
if (tInd < indent) {
if (!$(this).hasClass('ew-tree-table-open')) toggleRow($(this));
indent = tInd;
// 最后再检查一遍
/*$trList.not('.ew-tree-table-filter-hide').not('.ew-tree-tb-hide').each(function () {
var index = $(this).data('index'), hide = true;
for (var k = 0; k < indexList.length; k++) {
if (indexList[k] === index) hide = false;
if (hide) $(this).addClass('ew-tree-table-filter-hide');
if (indexList.length === 0) components.$empty.show();
updateFixedTbHead(components.$view); // 更新滚动条补丁
/** 重置搜索 */
TreeTable.prototype.clearFilter = function () {
var components = this.getComponents();
if (this.options.data.length > 0) components.$empty.hide();
updateFixedTbHead(components.$view); // 更新滚动条补丁
* 刷新指定父级下的节点
* @param id 父级id,空则全部刷新
* @param data 非异步模式替换的数据
TreeTable.prototype.refresh = function (id, data) {
if (isClass(id) === 'Array') {
data = id;
id = undefined;
var components = this.getComponents();
var d, $tr;
if (id !== undefined) {
$tr = components.$table.children('tbody').children('tr[data-index="' + this.getIndexById(id) + '"]');
d = this.getDataByTr($tr);
if (data) { // 数据模式
if (data.length > 0) components.$loading.addClass('ew-loading-float');
if (data.length > 0 && this.options.tree.isPidData) { // pid形式数据
this.renderBodyData(tt.pidToChildren(data, this.options.tree.idName, this.options.tree.pidName, this.options.tree.childName), d, $tr);
} else {
this.renderBodyData(data, d, $tr);
} else { // 异步模式
this.renderBodyAsync(d, $tr);
/** 删除数据 */
TreeTable.prototype.del = function (id, index) {
if (index === undefined) index = this.getIndexById(id);
var indexList = (typeof index === 'number' ? [index] : index.split('-'));
var d = this.options.data;
if (indexList.length > 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < indexList.length - 1; i++) {
d = d[parseInt(indexList[i])][this.options.tree.childName];
d.splice(indexList[indexList.length - 1], 1);
/** 更新数据 */
TreeTable.prototype.update = function (id, fields) {
$.extend(true, this.getDataByTr(this.getIndexById(id)), fields);
/** 折叠/展开行 */
function toggleRow($tr) {
var indent = parseInt($tr.data('indent'));
var open = $tr.hasClass('ew-tree-table-open');
if (open) { // 折叠
$tr.nextAll('tr').each(function () {
if (parseInt($(this).data('indent')) <= indent) return false;
} else { // 展开
var hideInd;
$tr.nextAll('tr').each(function () {
var ind = parseInt($(this).data('indent'));
if (ind <= indent) return false;
if (hideInd !== undefined && ind > hideInd) return true;
if (!$(this).hasClass('ew-tree-table-open')) hideInd = parseInt($(this).data('indent'));
else hideInd = undefined;
return open;
/** 固定表头滚动条补丁 */
function updateFixedTbHead($view) {
var $headBox = $view.children('.ew-tree-table-head');
var $tbBox = $view.children('.ew-tree-table-box');
var sWidth = $headBox.width() - $tbBox.prop('clientWidth');
$headBox.css('border-right', (sWidth > 0 ? sWidth : 0) + 'px solid #f2f2f2');
// 监听窗口大小改变
$(window).resize(function () {
$('.ew-tree-table').each(function () {
var $tbBox = $(this).children('.ew-tree-table-box');
var full = $tbBox.data('full');
if (full && device.ie && device.ie < 10) {
$tbBox.css('height', getPageHeight() - full);
/** 表格溢出点击展开功能 */
$(document).on('mouseenter', '.ew-tree-table-cell.single-line', function () {
var $content = $(this).children('.ew-tree-table-cell-content');
if ($content.prop('scrollWidth') > $content.outerWidth()) $(this).children('.layui-table-grid-down').show();
}).on('mouseleave', '.ew-tree-table-cell.single-line', function () {
// 点击箭头展开
$(document).on('click', '.ew-tree-table-cell>.layui-table-grid-down', function (e) {
var $cell = $(this).parent();
var tw = $cell.parent().outerWidth() + 4;
if ($cell.outerWidth() < tw) $cell.children('.ew-tree-table-cell-content').css({'width': tw, 'max-width': tw});
var $box = $cell.parents().filter('.ew-tree-table-box');
if ($box.length === 0) $box = $cell.parents().filter('.ew-tree-table-head');
if ($box.length === 0) return;
if (($cell.outerWidth() + $cell.offset().left) + 20 > $box.offset().left + $box.outerWidth()) {
if (($cell.outerHeight() + $cell.offset().top + 10) > $box.offset().top + $box.outerHeight()) {
// 点击关闭按钮关闭
$(document).on('click', '.ew-tree-table-cell>.ew-tree-tips-c', function () {
// 点击空白部分关闭
$(document).on('click', function () {
$('.ew-tree-table .layui-table-tool-panel').remove();
$(document).on('click', '.ew-tree-table-cell.ew-tree-tips-open', function (e) {
/* 关闭所有单元格溢出提示框 */
function hideAllTdTips() {
$('.ew-tree-table-cell').removeClass('ew-tree-tips-open ew-show-left ew-show-bottom');
$('.ew-tree-table-cell>.ew-tree-table-cell-content').css({'width': '', 'max-width': ''});
/** 拖拽调整列宽 */
$(document).on('mousedown', '.ew-tb-resize', function (e) {
var $this = $(this);
$this.attr('move', 'true');
var key = $this.parent().data('key');
$this.data('x', e.clientX);
var w = $this.parent().parent().parent().parent().children('colgroup').children('col[data-key="' + key + '"]').attr('width');
if (!w || w.toString().indexOf('%') !== -1) w = $this.parent().outerWidth();
$this.data('width', w);
}).on('mousemove', function (e) {
var $rs = $('.ew-tree-table .ew-tb-resize[move="true"]');
if ($rs.length === 0) return;
var x = $rs.data('x');
var w = $rs.data('width');
var nw = parseFloat(w) + e.clientX - parseFloat(x);
if (nw <= 0) nw = 1;
// 更新实例options中的宽度
var ins = _instances[$rs.parentsUntil('.ew-tree-table').last().parent().attr('lay-filter')];
var key = $rs.parent().data('key');
var ks = key.split('-');
ins.options.cols[ks[0]][ks[1]].width = nw;
ins.eachCols(function (i, item) {
if (item.key === key) item.width = nw;
}).on('mouseup', function (e) {
$('.ew-tree-table .ew-tb-resize[move="true"]').attr('move', 'false');
}).on('mouseleave', function (e) {
$('.ew-tree-table .ew-tb-resize[move="true"]').attr('move', 'false');
/** 获取顶级的pId */
function getPids(data, idName, pidName) {
var pids = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var hasPid = false;
for (var j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
if (data[i][pidName] == data[j][idName]) {
hasPid = true;
if (!hasPid) pids.push(data[i][pidName]);
return pids;
/** 判断pId是否相等 */
function pidEquals(pId, pIds) {
if (isClass(pIds) === 'Array') {
for (var i = 0; i < pIds.length; i++)
if (pId == pIds[i]) return true;
return pId == pIds;
/** 获取变量类型 */
function isClass(o) {
if (o === null) return 'Null';
if (o === undefined) return 'Undefined';
return Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1);
/** 获取浏览器高度 */
function getPageHeight() {
return document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;
/** 对外提供的方法 */
var tt = {
/* 渲染 */
render: function (options) {
return new TreeTable(options);
/* 重载 */
reload: function (id, opt) {
/* 事件监听 */
on: function (events, callback) {
return layui.onevent.call(this, MOD_NAME, events, callback);
/* pid转children形式 */
pidToChildren: function (data, idName, pidName, childName, pId) {
if (!childName) childName = 'children';
var newList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i][idName] == data[i][pidName])
return console.error('第' + i + '条数据的' + idName + '与' + pidName + '相同', data[i]);
if (pId === undefined) pId = getPids(data, idName, pidName);
if (pidEquals(data[i][pidName], pId)) {
var children = this.pidToChildren(data, idName, pidName, childName, data[i][idName]);
if (children.length > 0) data[i][childName] = children;
return newList;
/** 添加样式 */
exports('treeTable', tt);