*/ class User { /** * @OA\Post( * path="/user", * tags={"user"}, * summary="Create user", * description="This can only be done by the logged in user.", * operationId="createUser", * @OA\Response( * response="default", * description="successful operation" * ), * @OA\RequestBody( * description="Create user object", * required=true, * @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/User") * ) * ) */ public function createUser() { } /** * @OA\Post( * path="/user/createWithArray", * tags={"user"}, * summary="Create list of users with given input array", * operationId="createUsersWithListInput", * @OA\Response( * response="default", * description="successful operation" * ), * @OA\RequestBody(ref="#/components/requestBodies/UserArray") * ) */ public function createUsersWithListInput() { } /** * @OA\Get( * path="/user/login", * tags={"user"}, * summary="Logs user into system", * operationId="loginUser", * @OA\Parameter( * name="username", * in="query", * description="The user name for login", * required=true, * @OA\Schema( * type="string" * ) * ), * @OA\Parameter( * name="password", * in="query", * required=true, * @OA\Schema( * type="string", * ) * ), * @OA\Response( * response=200, * description="successful operation", * @OA\Header( * header="X-Rate-Limit", * description="calls per hour allowed by the user", * @OA\Schema( * type="integer", * format="int32" * ) * ), * @OA\Header( * header="X-Expires-After", * description="date in UTC when token expires", * @OA\Schema( * type="string", * format="datetime" * ) * ), * @OA\JsonContent( * type="string" * ), * @OA\MediaType( * mediaType="application/xml", * @OA\Schema( * type="string" * ) * ) * ), * @OA\Response( * response=400, * description="Invalid username/password supplied" * ) * ) */ public function loginUser() { } /** * @OA\Get( * path="/user/logout", * tags={"user"}, * summary="Logs out current logged in user session", * operationId="logoutUser", * @OA\Response( * response="default", * description="successful operation" * ) * ) */ public function logoutUser() { } /** * @OA\Get( * path="/user/{username}", * summary="Get user by user name", * operationId="getUserByName", * @OA\Parameter( * name="username", * in="path", * required=true, * @OA\Schema( * type="string" * ) * ), * @OA\Response( * response=200, * description="successful operation", * @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/User"), * @OA\MediaType( * mediaType="application/xml", * @OA\Schema(ref="#/components/schemas/User") * ) * ), * @OA\Response( * response=400, * description="Invalid username supplied" * ), * @OA\Response( * response=404, * description="User not found" * ), * ) */ public function getUserByName() { } /** * @OA\Put( * path="/user/{username}", * summary="Updated user", * description="This can pnly be done by the logged in user.", * operationId="updateUser", * @OA\Parameter( * name="username", * in="path", * description="name that to be updated", * required=true, * @OA\Schema( * type="string" * ) * ), * @OA\Response( * response=400, * description="Invalid user supplied" * ), * @OA\Response( * response=404, * description="User not found" * ), * @OA\RequestBody( * description="Updated user object", * required=true, * @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/User") * ) * ) */ public function updateUser() { } /** * @OA\Delete( * path="/user/{username}", * summary="Delete user", * description="This can only be done by the logged in user.", * operationId="deleteUser", * @OA\Parameter( * name="username", * in="path", * description="The name that needs to be deleted", * required=true, * @OA\Schema( * type="string" * ) * ), * @OA\Response( * response=400, * description="Invalid username supplied", * ), * @OA\Response( * response=404, * description="User not found", * ) * ) */ public function deleteUser() { } }