
zwesy 2021-11-25 18:54:59 +08:00
parent a93dc86036
commit c5429ca5bc
5 changed files with 210 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -683,4 +683,87 @@ if (!function_exists('generateDefaultNickName')) {
return '用户'.generateRand('6', 'mix');
* 根据当前坐标和范围距离计算方形范围内的经纬度坐标取值范围
* $curLat double类型 当前坐标纬度
* $curLng double类型 当前坐标经度
* $distance double类型 查询范围单位km,当前坐标所在园的半径,与此范围正方形内切
* 相关数学知识半正矢公式Haversine公式、正/反弦函数和正/反切函数等三角函数
* 平均地球半径6371km
* 经度范围:-180 ~ 180 注意差值180度限制时的计算
* 纬度范围:-90 ~ 90
if (!function_exists('getEarthSquareRangePoint')) {
function getEarthSquareRangePoint($curLat, $curLng, $distance)
$list = [];
$earthRadius = 6371; // 地球平均半径 6371km
$disLat = rad2deg($distance / $earthRadius);
$disLng = rad2deg(2 * asin(sin($distance / (2 * $earthRadius) / cos(deg2rad($curLat)))));
$disLat = abs($disLat);
$disLng = abs($disLng);
$list['cur_lat'] = $curLat;
$list['cur_lng'] = $curLng;
$list['dis_lat'] = $disLat;
$list['dis_lng'] = $disLng;
$latTop = $curLat + $disLat;
$latBottom = $curLat - $disLat;
$lngLeft = $curLng - $disLng;
$lngRight = $curLng + $disLng;
$checkLatTopRem = abs(fmod(floatval($latTop), 180));
$checkLatTop = abs(fmod(intval($latTop / 90), 4));
if ($latTop >= 0) {
$latTop = floatval($checkLatTopRem > 90 ? (180 - $checkLatTopRem) : $checkLatTopRem);
$latTop = $checkLatTop >= 2 ? (-$latTop) : $latTop; // 南半球为负数
} else {
$latTop = floatval($checkLatTopRem > 90 ? (180 - $checkLatTopRem) : $checkLatTopRem);
$latTop = $checkLatTop < 2 ? (-$latTop) : $latTop; // 南半球为负数
$checkLatBottomRem = abs(fmod(floatval($latBottom) ,180));
$checkLatBottom = abs(intval($latBottom / 90) % 4);
if ($latBottom >= 0) {
$latBottom = floatval($checkLatBottomRem > 90 ? (180 - $checkLatBottomRem) : $checkLatBottomRem);
$latBottom = $checkLatBottom >= 2 ? (-$latBottom) : $latBottom; // 南半球为负数
} else {
$latBottom = floatval($checkLatBottomRem > 90 ? (180 - $checkLatBottomRem) : $checkLatBottomRem);
$latBottom = $checkLatBottom < 2 ? (-$latBottom) : $latBottom; // 南半球为负数
$list['lat_min'] = min([$latTop, $curLat, $latBottom]);
$list['lat_max'] = max([$latTop, $curLat, $latBottom]);
$checkLngLeftRem = abs(fmod(floatval($lngLeft), 360));
if ($lngLeft >= 0) {
$lngLeft = floatval($checkLngLeftRem > 180 ? -(360 - $checkLngLeftRem) : $checkLngLeftRem); // 西半球为负数
} else {
$lngLeft = floatval($checkLngLeftRem > 180 ? (360 - $checkLngLeftRem) : (-$checkLngLeftRem)); // 西半球为负数
$checkLngRightRem = abs(fmod(floatval($lngRight), 360));
if ($lngRight >= 0) {
$lngRight = floatval($checkLngRightRem > 180 ? -(360 - $checkLngRightRem) : $checkLngRightRem); // 西半球为负数
} else {
$lngRight = floatval($checkLngRightRem > 180 ? (360 - $checkLngRightRem) : (-$checkLngRightRem)); // 西半球为负数
$list['lng_min'] = min([$lngLeft, $curLng, $lngRight]);
$list['lng_max'] = max([$lngLeft, $curLng, $lngRight]);
$list['lat_top'] = $latTop;
$list['lat_bottom'] = $latBottom;
$list['lng_left'] = $lngLeft;
$list['lng_right'] = $lngRight;
return $list;

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
namespace app\controller\api;
* 商家端:商家
* Class Business
* @package app\controller\api
class Business extends Base

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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
namespace app\controller\api;
use app\model\CouponMain;
use app\repository\CouponRepository;
use think\Collection;
* 消费者端:游客、普通用户
* Class Consumer
* @package app\controller\api
class Consumer extends Base
protected $noNeedLogin = [
public function home()
$params = [
'businessType' => $this->request->param('businessType/d', 0), // 商家类型
'couponType' => $this->request->param('couponType/d', 0), // 优惠卷类型
'dis' => $this->request->param('dis/d', -1), // 距离,单位为km
'lng' => $this->request->param('lng/f', 0), // 经度 104.752890
'lat' => $this->request->param('lat/f', 0), // 纬度 31.465040
'keyword' => $this->request->param('key/s', ''), // 关键词查询
'page' => $this->request->param('page/d', 1),
'size' => $this->request->param('size/d', 10),
try {
$repo = CouponRepository::getInstance();
$nowDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$sumPoint = $params['lng'] + $params['lat'];
$lngRange = [];
$latRange = [];
$whereMap = [];
$sortOrder = ['dislatlng'=> 'asc', 'start_time'=>'asc'];
$whereMap[] = ['status', '=', CouponMain::status_on];
$whereMap[] = ['on_shelf', '=', CouponMain::on_shelf_on];
$whereMap[] = ['start_time', '> TIME', $nowDate];
$whereMap[] = ['end_time', '< TIME', $nowDate];
$whereMap[] = ['using_count', '>', 0];
if (!empty($params['keyword'])) {
$whereMap[] = ['name', 'like', "%{$params['keyword']}%"];
if ($params['businessType'] > 0) {
$whereMap[] = ['business_type', '=', $params['businessType']];
if ($params['couponType'] > 0) {
$whereMap[] = ['type', '=', $params['couponType']];
if ($params['dis'] > 0) {
$pointList = getEarthSquareRangePoint($params['lat'],$params['lng'], $params['dis']);
$latRange[] = ['lat', 'BETWEEN', [$pointList['lat_min'], $pointList['lat_max']]];
if (abs($pointList['cur_lng'] - $pointList['lng_min']) != $pointList['dis_lng'] && $pointList['lng_min'] < 0) {
$lngRange[] = ['lng', 'BETWEEN' , [-180, $pointList['lng_min']]];
$lngRange[] = ['lng', 'BETWEEN' , [($pointList['cur_lng'] - $pointList['dis_lng']), 180]];
} else {
$lngRange[] = ['lng', 'BETWEEN' , [$pointList['lng_min'], $pointList['lng_max']]];
$res = $repo->findCouponMainList($whereMap, [], $params['page'], $params['size'], function ($q) use($lngRange, $latRange, $sumPoint) {
return $q->when(!empty($lngRange) && !empty($latRange), function($query) use($lngRange, $latRange){
$query->where(function ($queryB) use($lngRange) {
->field("*, abs(IFNULL(lat,0) + IFNULL(lng,0) - {$sumPoint})as dislatlng");
}, $sortOrder);
return $this->json(0, 'success', $res);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return $this->json(0, 'success', [
"total" => 0,
"current" => $params['page'],
"size" => $params['size'],
"list" => new Collection()

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@ -117,4 +117,9 @@ class User extends Base
public function test()

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ namespace app\repository;
use app\exception\RepositoryException;
use app\model\CouponMain;
use app\service\Repository;
use Exception;
use think\Model;
@ -29,4 +30,21 @@ class CouponRepository extends Repository
return CouponMain::where($where);
* 查询商家发布的优惠卷列表
* @param array $where
* @param array $fields
* @param int $page
* @param int $size
* @param callable|null $call
* @param array $sortOrder
* @return array
* @throws Exception
public function findCouponMainList(array $where, array $fields = [], int $page=1, int $size = 0, callable $call=null, array $sortOrder= []): array
return CouponMain::findList($where, $fields, $page, $size, $call, $sortOrder);