chen pushed to master at chen/flying-monkey
- 66030571ba line-height替换为display:flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;兼容微信居中
chen pushed to master at chen/flying-monkey
- 34341b9128 解决pages.json冲突
- 066e471515 新增个人中心、个人信息、电子证件、服务范围
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chen pushed to master at chen/flying-monkey
- ab5d7053a0 pages.json冲突解决
- 2dab997258 新增个人中心、个人信息、电子证件、我要评价、我的账户、服务范围、设置
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chen pushed to master at chen/flying-monkey
- 511ca20faf 引导页、验证码登录、账号登录、注册页面、找回密码、首页(业务员、工程师、客服、客户)
chen pushed to master at chen/hengmei-two
- 306949fc25 修改列表收藏与点赞图标、商品详情链接兼容病种id
chen created repository chen/flying-monkey
chen created repository chen/uni-app-applet
chen pushed to master at chen/hengmei-two
- 701e1ef06d 1、医生列表、医生详情图片更改;2、订单列表、订单详情状态修改;3、进入分类选中分类调整;4、病种列表点赞、收藏调整;5、商品详情活动结束判断
chen pushed to master at chen/hengmei-two
- 547eb371cf 订单支付方式调整
- 570ae6e826 1、后台配置小程序模块路径反斜杠问题已做兼容
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chen pushed to master at chen/perry-mall
- 826c9bf12e 首页限时优惠图改成方图,修改轮播图是否点击跳转