From 752b59fcc4a94598f504026bc612979fe341d6b5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: chen <>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 20:18:00 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?=E6=96=B0=E5=A2=9E=E6=95=B0=E5=AD=97=E5=8A=A8?=
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
.../count-one/requestAnimationFrame.js | 46 +
.../count-animate/count-one/vue-countTo.vue | 191 +
components/picture-cut/code.vue | 60 +
.../picture-cut/vue-cropper/exif-js-min.js | 159 +
components/picture-cut/vue-cropper/index.js | 19 +
.../picture-cut/vue-cropper/vue-cropper.vue | 2053 +++
jsFile/base64.js | 94 +
jsFile/browser-use/cookie.js | 76 +
jsFile/browser-use/explorer.js | 89 +
jsFile/check-tool/check-tool.js | 87 +
jsFile/data/worldCountry.js | 1238 ++
jsFile/map/yaya-map.js | 2 +-
jsFile/md5.js | 214 +
jsFile/time/moment-china.js | 4703 +++++
jsFile/time/moment.js | 15305 ++++++++++++++++
jsFile/tools/index.js | 489 +
jsFile/tools/observer.js | 67 +
pages.json | 18 +
pages/tabbar/my/my.vue | 2 +-
pagesA/count-to/count-to.vue | 126 +
pagesA/picture-cut/picture-cut.vue | 806 +
21 files changed, 25842 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 components/count-animate/count-one/requestAnimationFrame.js
create mode 100644 components/count-animate/count-one/vue-countTo.vue
create mode 100644 components/picture-cut/code.vue
create mode 100644 components/picture-cut/vue-cropper/exif-js-min.js
create mode 100644 components/picture-cut/vue-cropper/index.js
create mode 100644 components/picture-cut/vue-cropper/vue-cropper.vue
create mode 100644 jsFile/base64.js
create mode 100644 jsFile/browser-use/cookie.js
create mode 100644 jsFile/browser-use/explorer.js
create mode 100644 jsFile/check-tool/check-tool.js
create mode 100644 jsFile/data/worldCountry.js
create mode 100644 jsFile/md5.js
create mode 100644 jsFile/time/moment-china.js
create mode 100644 jsFile/time/moment.js
create mode 100644 jsFile/tools/index.js
create mode 100644 jsFile/tools/observer.js
create mode 100644 pagesA/count-to/count-to.vue
create mode 100644 pagesA/picture-cut/picture-cut.vue
diff --git a/components/count-animate/count-one/requestAnimationFrame.js b/components/count-animate/count-one/requestAnimationFrame.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90d0954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/count-animate/count-one/requestAnimationFrame.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+let lastTime = 0
+const prefixes = 'webkit moz ms o'.split(' ') // 各浏览器前缀
+let requestAnimationFrame
+let cancelAnimationFrame
+const isServer = typeof window === 'undefined'
+if (isServer) {
+ requestAnimationFrame = function() {
+ return
+ }
+ cancelAnimationFrame = function() {
+ return
+ }
+} else {
+ requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame
+ cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame
+ let prefix
+ // 通过遍历各浏览器前缀,来得到requestAnimationFrame和cancelAnimationFrame在当前浏览器的实现形式
+ for (let i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
+ if (requestAnimationFrame && cancelAnimationFrame) { break }
+ prefix = prefixes[i]
+ requestAnimationFrame = requestAnimationFrame || window[prefix + 'RequestAnimationFrame']
+ cancelAnimationFrame = cancelAnimationFrame || window[prefix + 'CancelAnimationFrame'] || window[prefix + 'CancelRequestAnimationFrame']
+ }
+ // 如果当前浏览器不支持requestAnimationFrame和cancelAnimationFrame,则会退到setTimeout
+ if (!requestAnimationFrame || !cancelAnimationFrame) {
+ requestAnimationFrame = function(callback) {
+ const currTime = new Date().getTime()
+ // 为了使setTimteout的尽可能的接近每秒60帧的效果
+ const timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime))
+ const id = window.setTimeout(() => {
+ callback(currTime + timeToCall)
+ }, timeToCall)
+ lastTime = currTime + timeToCall
+ return id
+ }
+ cancelAnimationFrame = function(id) {
+ window.clearTimeout(id)
+ }
+ }
+export { requestAnimationFrame, cancelAnimationFrame }
diff --git a/components/count-animate/count-one/vue-countTo.vue b/components/count-animate/count-one/vue-countTo.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f33f880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/count-animate/count-one/vue-countTo.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+ {{displayValue}}
diff --git a/components/picture-cut/code.vue b/components/picture-cut/code.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d1be99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/picture-cut/code.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ all = !all">{{ msg }}
diff --git a/components/picture-cut/vue-cropper/exif-js-min.js b/components/picture-cut/vue-cropper/exif-js-min.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2f2b59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/picture-cut/vue-cropper/exif-js-min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+const Exif = {};
+Exif.getData = (img) => new Promise((reslove, reject) => {
+ let obj = {};
+ getImageData(img).then(data => {
+ obj.arrayBuffer = data;
+ obj.orientation = getOrientation(data);
+ reslove(obj)
+ }).catch(error => {
+ reject(error)
+ })
+// 这里的获取exif要将图片转ArrayBuffer对象,这里假设获取了图片的baes64
+// 步骤一
+// base64转ArrayBuffer对象
+function getImageData(img) {
+ let data = null;
+ return new Promise((reslove, reject) => {
+ if (img.src) {
+ if (/^data\:/i.test(img.src)) { // Data URI
+ data = base64ToArrayBuffer(img.src);
+ reslove(data)
+ } else if (/^blob\:/i.test(img.src)) { // Object URL
+ var fileReader = new FileReader();
+ fileReader.onload = function (e) {
+ data =;
+ reslove(data)
+ };
+ objectURLToBlob(img.src, function (blob) {
+ fileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(blob);
+ });
+ } else {
+ var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ http.onload = function () {
+ if (this.status == 200 || this.status === 0) {
+ data = http.response
+ reslove(data)
+ } else {
+ throw "Could not load image";
+ }
+ http = null;
+ };
+"GET", img.src, true);
+ http.responseType = "arraybuffer";
+ http.send(null);
+ }
+ } else {
+ reject('img error')
+ }
+ })
+function objectURLToBlob(url, callback) {
+ var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
+"GET", url, true);
+ http.responseType = "blob";
+ http.onload = function (e) {
+ if (this.status == 200 || this.status === 0) {
+ callback(this.response);
+ }
+ };
+ http.send();
+function base64ToArrayBuffer(base64) {
+ base64 = base64.replace(/^data\:([^\;]+)\;base64,/gmi, '');
+ var binary = atob(base64);
+ var len = binary.length;
+ var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(len);
+ var view = new Uint8Array(buffer);
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ view[i] = binary.charCodeAt(i);
+ }
+ return buffer;
+// 步骤二,Unicode码转字符串
+// ArrayBuffer对象 Unicode码转字符串
+function getStringFromCharCode(dataView, start, length) {
+ var str = '';
+ var i;
+ for (i = start, length += start; i < length; i++) {
+ str += String.fromCharCode(dataView.getUint8(i));
+ }
+ return str;
+// 步骤三,获取jpg图片的exif的角度(在ios体现最明显)
+function getOrientation(arrayBuffer) {
+ var dataView = new DataView(arrayBuffer);
+ var length = dataView.byteLength;
+ var orientation;
+ var exifIDCode;
+ var tiffOffset;
+ var firstIFDOffset;
+ var littleEndian;
+ var endianness;
+ var app1Start;
+ var ifdStart;
+ var offset;
+ var i;
+ // Only handle JPEG image (start by 0xFFD8)
+ if (dataView.getUint8(0) === 0xFF && dataView.getUint8(1) === 0xD8) {
+ offset = 2;
+ while (offset < length) {
+ if (dataView.getUint8(offset) === 0xFF && dataView.getUint8(offset + 1) === 0xE1) {
+ app1Start = offset;
+ break;
+ }
+ offset++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (app1Start) {
+ exifIDCode = app1Start + 4;
+ tiffOffset = app1Start + 10;
+ if (getStringFromCharCode(dataView, exifIDCode, 4) === 'Exif') {
+ endianness = dataView.getUint16(tiffOffset);
+ littleEndian = endianness === 0x4949;
+ if (littleEndian || endianness === 0x4D4D /* bigEndian */) {
+ if (dataView.getUint16(tiffOffset + 2, littleEndian) === 0x002A) {
+ firstIFDOffset = dataView.getUint32(tiffOffset + 4, littleEndian);
+ if (firstIFDOffset >= 0x00000008) {
+ ifdStart = tiffOffset + firstIFDOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ifdStart) {
+ length = dataView.getUint16(ifdStart, littleEndian);
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ offset = ifdStart + i * 12 + 2;
+ if (dataView.getUint16(offset, littleEndian) === 0x0112 /* Orientation */) {
+ // 8 is the offset of the current tag's value
+ offset += 8;
+ // Get the original orientation value
+ orientation = dataView.getUint16(offset, littleEndian);
+ // Override the orientation with its default value for Safari (#120)
+ // dataView.setUint16(offset, 1, littleEndian);
+ // }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return orientation;
+export default Exif
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/picture-cut/vue-cropper/index.js b/components/picture-cut/vue-cropper/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf7cc75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/picture-cut/vue-cropper/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import VueCropper from './vue-cropper'
+const install = function(Vue) {
+ Vue.component('VueCropper', VueCropper);
+/* istanbul ignore if */
+if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Vue) {
+ install(window.Vue);
+export { VueCropper }
+export default {
+ version: '0.5.8',
+ install,
+ VueCropper,
+ vueCropper: VueCropper
diff --git a/components/picture-cut/vue-cropper/vue-cropper.vue b/components/picture-cut/vue-cropper/vue-cropper.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e8c63a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/picture-cut/vue-cropper/vue-cropper.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,2053 @@
{{ cropInfo.width }} ×
+ {{ cropInfo.height }}
diff --git a/jsFile/base64.js b/jsFile/base64.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c635b43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jsFile/base64.js
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+export const Base64 = {
+ _keyStr: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=",
+ // Base64编码
+ encode: function(e) {
+ let t = "";
+ let n, r, i, s, o, u, a;
+ let f = 0;
+ e = Base64._utf8_encode(e);
+ while (f < e.length) {
+ n = e.charCodeAt(f++);
+ r = e.charCodeAt(f++);
+ i = e.charCodeAt(f++);
+ s = n >> 2;
+ o = (n & 3) << 4 | r >> 4;
+ u = (r & 15) << 2 | i >> 6;
+ a = i & 63;
+ if (isNaN(r)) {
+ u = a = 64
+ } else if (isNaN(i)) {
+ a = 64
+ }
+ t = t + this._keyStr.charAt(s) + this._keyStr.charAt(o) + this._keyStr.charAt(u) + this._keyStr.charAt(a)
+ }
+ return t
+ },
+ // Base64解码
+ decode: function(e) {
+ let t = "";
+ let n, r, i;
+ let s, o, u, a;
+ let f = 0;
+ e=e.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9+/=]/g,"");
+ while (f < e.length) {
+ s = this._keyStr.indexOf(e.charAt(f++));
+ o = this._keyStr.indexOf(e.charAt(f++));
+ u = this._keyStr.indexOf(e.charAt(f++));
+ a = this._keyStr.indexOf(e.charAt(f++));
+ n = s << 2 | o >> 4;
+ r = (o & 15) << 4 | u >> 2;
+ i = (u & 3) << 6 | a;
+ t = t + String.fromCharCode(n);
+ if (u != 64) {
+ t = t + String.fromCharCode(r)
+ }
+ if (a != 64) {
+ t = t + String.fromCharCode(i)
+ }
+ }
+ t = Base64._utf8_decode(t);
+ return t
+ },
+ _utf8_encode: function(e) {
+ e = e.replace(/rn/g, "n");
+ let t = "";
+ for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
+ let r = e.charCodeAt(n);
+ if (r < 128) {
+ t += String.fromCharCode(r)
+ } else if (r > 127 && r < 2048) {
+ t += String.fromCharCode(r >> 6 | 192);
+ t += String.fromCharCode(r & 63 | 128)
+ } else {
+ t += String.fromCharCode(r >> 12 | 224);
+ t += String.fromCharCode(r >> 6 & 63 | 128);
+ t += String.fromCharCode(r & 63 | 128)
+ }
+ }
+ return t
+ },
+ _utf8_decode: function(e) {
+ let t = "";
+ let n = 0;
+ let r = c1 = c2 = 0;
+ while (n < e.length) {
+ r = e.charCodeAt(n);
+ if (r < 128) {
+ t += String.fromCharCode(r);
+ n++
+ } else if (r > 191 && r < 224) {
+ c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1);
+ t += String.fromCharCode((r & 31) << 6 | c2 & 63);
+ n += 2
+ } else {
+ c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1);
+ c3 = e.charCodeAt(n + 2);
+ t += String.fromCharCode((r & 15) << 12 | (c2 & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63);
+ n += 3
+ }
+ }
+ return t
+ }
+export default Base64;
diff --git a/jsFile/browser-use/cookie.js b/jsFile/browser-use/cookie.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4346cf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jsFile/browser-use/cookie.js
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+const CookieUtil = (function () {
+ return {
+ set (name, value, attributes) {
+ let expires, path;
+ if (attributes) {
+ expires = attributes.expires || 0;
+ path = attributes.path || '/';
+ }
+ let date = + expires * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // cookie过期时间
+ date = new Date(date).toUTCString();
+ document.cookie = name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value) + ((!expires)?"":( "; expires=" + date)) + ";path=" + path + ";";
+ }, // 设置cookie
+ setCookies (obj){
+ for(let i = 0;i < obj.length;i++){
+ this.set(obj[i][0],obj[i][1],obj[i][2]);
+ }
+ }, // 批量设置cookie
+ get (name) {
+ if (document.cookie.length > 0) {
+ let start = document.cookie.indexOf(name + '=');
+ if (start !== -1) {
+ start = start + name.length + 1;
+ let end = document.cookie.indexOf(';', start);
+ if (end === -1) {
+ end = document.cookie.length;
+ }
+ return decodeURIComponent(document.cookie.substring(start, end))/* 获取解码后的cookie值 */
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ } else return null;
+ }, // 获取cookie
+ remove (name) {
+ this.set(name, '', -1);
+ }, // 清除特定cookie
+ clearCookies (obj) {
+ for (let i = obj.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ this.remove(obj[i]);
+ }
+ this.set(name, '', -1);
+ }, // 批量清除cookie
+ clearAllCookie: function () {
+ let keys = document.cookie.match(/[^ =;]+(?=\=)/g);
+ if (keys) {
+ for (let i = keys.length; i--;) {
+ document.cookie = keys[i] + '=0;expires=' + new Date(0).toUTCString();
+ }
+ }
+ },// 清除所有cookie
+ setCacheData (name, val, cacheDay) {
+ // 判断是否支持或开启localStorage
+ // 无痕模式下和ie安全模式下localStorage会被禁用
+ if (localStorage) {
+ localStorage.setItem(name, val);
+ } else {
+ this.set(name, val, cacheDay || 1000);
+ }
+ }, // 设置缓存
+ getCacheData (name) {
+ if (localStorage) {
+ return localStorage.getItem(name);
+ } else {
+ return this.get(name);
+ }
+ }, // 获取缓存
+ removeCacheData (name) {
+ if (localStorage) {
+ localStorage.removeItem(name);
+ } else {
+ this.remove(name);
+ }
+ } // 清除缓存
+ }
+export const Cookie = new CookieUtil();
+export default Cookie;
diff --git a/jsFile/browser-use/explorer.js b/jsFile/browser-use/explorer.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50a4e20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jsFile/browser-use/explorer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+// 获取URL参数
+const getUrlParam = function (name) {
+ let reg = new RegExp("(^|&)" + name + "=([^&]*)(&|$)"); //构造一个含有目标参数的正则表达式对象
+ let r =; //匹配目标参数
+ if (r != null)
+ return decodeURIComponent(r[2]);
+ return null; //返回参数值
+// 判断ie浏览器版本
+const IEVersion = function () {
+ let userAgent = navigator.userAgent; // 取得浏览器的userAgent字符串
+ let isIE = userAgent.indexOf("compatible") > -1 && userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > -1; //判断是否IE<11浏览器
+ let isEdge = userAgent.indexOf("Edge") > -1 && !isIE; // 判断是否IE的Edge浏览器
+ let isIE11 = userAgent.indexOf('Trident') > -1 && userAgent.indexOf("rv:11.0") > -1;
+ if(isIE) {
+ let reIE = new RegExp("MSIE (\\d+\\.\\d+);");
+ reIE.test(userAgent);
+ let fIEVersion = parseFloat(RegExp["$1"]);
+ if(fIEVersion == 7) {
+ return 7;
+ } else if(fIEVersion == 8) {
+ return 8;
+ } else if(fIEVersion == 9) {
+ return 9;
+ } else if(fIEVersion == 10) {
+ return 10;
+ } else {
+ return 6;//IE版本<=7
+ }
+ } else if(isEdge) {
+ return 'edge';//edge
+ } else if(isIE11) {
+ return 11; //IE11
+ } else {
+ return false;//不是ie浏览器
+ }
+// 浏览器滚动到底部时执行fn函数
+const ScrollBottom = function (fn) {
+ let $elem = document.documentElement;
+ let $body = document.body;
+ let scroll = $elem.scrollTop || $body.scrollTop; // 滚动条滚动的距离
+ let clientH = $elem.clientHeight || $body.clientHeight; // 可视窗口总高度
+ let scrollH = $elem.scrollHeight || $body.scrollHeight; // 窗口总高度
+ let stayBottom = fn() || function () {};
+ if (scroll >= scrollH - clientH) {
+ stayBottom();
+ }
+const explorerType = function () {
+ const u = navigator.userAgent;
+ const isAndroid = u.indexOf('Android') > -1 || u.indexOf('Adr') > -1;
+ const isiOS = !!u.match(/\(i[^;]+;( U;)? CPU.+Mac OS X/);
+ const isWeixin = u.indexOf('MicroMessenger') > -1;
+ const isQQ = u.match(/\sQQ/i) == " QQ";
+ return {
+ isAndroid, isiOS, isWeixin, isQQ
+ }
+const scrollToTop = function () {
+ let height = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
+ clearInterval(window.timer);
+ window.timer = null;
+ let target = 0;
+ window.timer = setInterval(function () {
+ target = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
+ target -= Math.ceil(target/10); // 做减速运动
+ window.scrollTo(0, target);
+ if (target == 0) {
+ clearInterval(timer);
+ window.timer = null;
+ }
+ }, 10);
+// 判断设备是否有网
+const validInternet = function() {
+ return window.navigator.onLine;
+export const Explorer = {
+ getUrlParam, IEVersion, ScrollBottom, explorerType, scrollToTop, validInternet
+export default Explorer;
diff --git a/jsFile/check-tool/check-tool.js b/jsFile/check-tool/check-tool.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5949c62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jsFile/check-tool/check-tool.js
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+/** 使用方法
+ *
+ * 在页面引入该js
+ * import ev from @/jsFile/check-tool/check-tool.js;
+ *
+ * 使用:
+ * console.log(ev.isPhone('1736692108'));//false
+ */
+// 大陆手机号判断
+const isPhone = (val)=>{
+ return /^1[3456789]\d{9}$/.test(val);
+* 全中文校验
+* */
+function ChineseWordValid (val) {
+ return /^[\u4E00-\u9FA5]+$/.test(val);
+// 英文和数字校验
+function wordNumValid(val) {
+ return /^[0-9A-Za-z]+$/.test(val);
+// emoji表情校验
+function emojiValid(val) {
+ const regStr = /[\uD83C|\uD83D|\uD83E][\uDC00-\uDFFF][\u200D|\uFE0F]|[\uD83C|\uD83D|\uD83E][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[0-9|*|#]\uFE0F\u20E3|[0-9|#]\u20E3|[\u203C-\u3299]\uFE0F\u200D|[\u203C-\u3299]\uFE0F|[\u2122-\u2B55]|\u303D|[\A9|\AE]\u3030|\uA9|\uAE|\u3030/ig;
+ return (regStr.test(val))
+// 邮箱校验
+function emailValid (val) {
+ return /^\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*$/.test(val);
+* 大陆身份证校验
+* */
+const IdentityCodeValid = function (code) {
+ let city = {
+ 11:"北京",12:"天津",13:"河北",14:"山西",15:"内蒙古",21:"辽宁",22:"吉林",23:"黑龙江 ",31:"上海",32:"江苏",
+ 33:"浙江",34:"安徽",35:"福建",36:"江西",37:"山东",41:"河南",42:"湖北 ",43:"湖南",44:"广东",45:"广西",46:"海南",
+ 50:"重庆",51:"四川",52:"贵州",53:"云南",54:"西藏 ",61:"陕西",62:"甘肃",63:"青海",64:"宁夏",65:"新疆",
+ 71:"台湾",81:"香港",82:"澳门",91:"国外 "
+ };
+ let tip = '';
+ let pass = true;
+ if(!code || !/^\d{6}(18|19|20)?\d{2}(0[1-9]|1[012])(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])\d{3}(\d|X)$/i.test(code)){
+ tip = "身份证号格式错误";
+ pass = false
+ } else if(!city[code.substr(0,2)]){
+ tip = "地址编码错误";
+ pass = false
+ } else{
+ // 18位身份证需要验证最后一位校验位
+ if(code.length == 18){
+ code = code.split('')
+ // ∑(ai×Wi)(mod 11)
+ // 加权因子
+ let factor = [ 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2 ]
+ // 校验位
+ let parity = [ 1, 0, 'X', 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 ]
+ let sum = 0
+ let ai = 0
+ let wi = 0
+ for (let i = 0; i < 17; i++)
+ {
+ ai = code[i]
+ wi = factor[i]
+ sum += ai * wi
+ }
+ let last = parity[sum % 11];
+ if(parity[sum % 11] != code[17]){
+ tip = "校验位错误"
+ pass = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return pass;
+export default {
+ isPhone, ChineseWordValid, wordNumValid, emojiValid, emailValid, IdentityCodeValid
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jsFile/data/worldCountry.js b/jsFile/data/worldCountry.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70bf002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jsFile/data/worldCountry.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1238 @@
+export const Country = [{
+ "name": "Andorra",
+ "cnName": "安道尔",
+ "abbr": "AD",
+ "code": "020"
+}, {
+ "name": "United Arab Emirates",
+ "cnName": "阿联酋",
+ "abbr": "AE",
+ "code": "784"
+}, {
+ "name": "Afghanistan",
+ "cnName": "阿富汗",
+ "abbr": "AF",
+ "code": "004"
+}, {
+ "name": "Antigua and Barbuda",
+ "cnName": "安提瓜和巴布达",
+ "abbr": "AG",
+ "code": "028"
+}, {
+ "name": "Anguilla",
+ "cnName": "安圭拉",
+ "abbr": "AI",
+ "code": "660"
+}, {
+ "name": "Albania",
+ "cnName": "阿尔巴尼亚",
+ "abbr": "AL",
+ "code": "008"
+}, {
+ "name": "Armenia",
+ "cnName": "亚美尼亚",
+ "abbr": "AM",
+ "code": "051"
+}, {
+ "name": "Angola",
+ "cnName": "安哥拉",
+ "abbr": "AO",
+ "code": "024"
+}, {
+ "name": "Antarctica",
+ "cnName": "南极洲",
+ "abbr": "AQ",
+ "code": "010"
+}, {
+ "name": "Argentina",
+ "cnName": "阿根廷",
+ "abbr": "AR",
+ "code": "032"
+}, {
+ "name": "American Samoa",
+ "cnName": "美属萨摩亚",
+ "abbr": "AS",
+ "code": "016"
+}, {
+ "name": "Austria",
+ "cnName": "奥地利",
+ "abbr": "AT",
+ "code": "040"
+}, {
+ "name": "Australia",
+ "cnName": "澳大利亚",
+ "abbr": "AU",
+ "code": "036"
+}, {
+ "name": "Aruba",
+ "cnName": "阿鲁巴",
+ "abbr": "AW",
+ "code": "533"
+}, {
+ "name": "Aland Island",
+ "cnName": "奥兰群岛",
+ "abbr": "AX",
+ "code": "248"
+}, {
+ "name": "Azerbaijan",
+ "cnName": "阿塞拜疆",
+ "abbr": "AZ",
+ "code": "031"
+}, {
+ "name": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
+ "cnName": "波黑",
+ "abbr": "BA",
+ "code": "070"
+}, {
+ "name": "Barbados",
+ "cnName": "巴巴多斯",
+ "abbr": "BB",
+ "code": "052"
+}, {
+ "name": "Bangladesh",
+ "cnName": "孟加拉",
+ "abbr": "BD",
+ "code": "050"
+}, {
+ "name": "Belgium",
+ "cnName": "比利时",
+ "abbr": "BE",
+ "code": "056"
+}, {
+ "name": "Burkina",
+ "cnName": "布基纳法索",
+ "abbr": "BF",
+ "code": "854"
+}, {
+ "name": "Bulgaria",
+ "cnName": "保加利亚",
+ "abbr": "BG",
+ "code": "100"
+}, {
+ "name": "Bahrain",
+ "cnName": "巴林",
+ "abbr": "BH",
+ "code": "048"
+}, {
+ "name": "Burundi",
+ "cnName": "布隆迪",
+ "abbr": "BI",
+ "code": "108"
+}, {
+ "name": "Benin",
+ "cnName": "贝宁",
+ "abbr": "BJ",
+ "code": "204"
+}, {
+ "name": "Saint Barthélemy",
+ "cnName": "圣巴泰勒米岛",
+ "abbr": "BL",
+ "code": "652"
+}, {
+ "name": "Bermuda",
+ "cnName": "百慕大",
+ "abbr": "BM",
+ "code": "060"
+}, {
+ "name": "Brunei",
+ "cnName": "文莱",
+ "abbr": "BN",
+ "code": "096"
+}, {
+ "name": "Bolivia",
+ "cnName": "玻利维亚",
+ "abbr": "BO",
+ "code": "068"
+}, {
+ "name": "Caribbean Netherlands",
+ "cnName": "荷兰加勒比区",
+ "abbr": "BQ",
+ "code": "535"
+}, {
+ "name": "Brazil",
+ "cnName": "巴西",
+ "abbr": "BR",
+ "code": "076"
+}, {
+ "name": "The Bahamas",
+ "cnName": "巴哈马",
+ "abbr": "BS",
+ "code": "044"
+}, {
+ "name": "Bhutan",
+ "cnName": "不丹",
+ "abbr": "BT",
+ "code": "064"
+}, {
+ "name": "Bouvet Island",
+ "cnName": "布韦岛",
+ "abbr": "BV",
+ "code": "074"
+}, {
+ "name": "Botswana",
+ "cnName": "博茨瓦纳",
+ "abbr": "BW",
+ "code": "072"
+}, {
+ "name": "Belarus",
+ "cnName": "白俄罗斯",
+ "abbr": "BY",
+ "code": "112"
+}, {
+ "name": "Belize",
+ "cnName": "伯利兹",
+ "abbr": "BZ",
+ "code": "084"
+}, {
+ "name": "Canada",
+ "cnName": "加拿大",
+ "abbr": "CA",
+ "code": "124"
+}, {
+ "name": "Cocos Keeling Islands",
+ "cnName": "科科斯群岛",
+ "abbr": "CC",
+ "code": "166"
+}, {
+ "name": "Central African Republic",
+ "cnName": "中非",
+ "abbr": "CF",
+ "code": "140"
+}, {
+ "name": "Switzerland",
+ "cnName": "瑞士",
+ "abbr": "CH",
+ "code": "756"
+}, {
+ "name": "Chile",
+ "cnName": "智利",
+ "abbr": "CL",
+ "code": "152"
+}, {
+ "name": "Cameroon",
+ "cnName": "喀麦隆",
+ "abbr": "CM",
+ "code": "120"
+}, {
+ "name": "Colombia",
+ "cnName": "哥伦比亚",
+ "abbr": "CO",
+ "code": "170"
+}, {
+ "name": "Costa Rica",
+ "cnName": "哥斯达黎加",
+ "abbr": "CR",
+ "code": "188"
+}, {
+ "name": "Cuba",
+ "cnName": "古巴",
+ "abbr": "CU",
+ "code": "192"
+}, {
+ "name": "Cape Verde",
+ "cnName": "佛得角",
+ "abbr": "CV",
+ "code": "132"
+}, {
+ "name": "Christmas Island",
+ "cnName": "圣诞岛",
+ "abbr": "CX",
+ "code": "162"
+}, {
+ "name": "Cyprus",
+ "cnName": "塞浦路斯",
+ "abbr": "CY",
+ "code": "196"
+}, {
+ "name": "Czech Republic",
+ "cnName": "捷克",
+ "abbr": "CZ",
+ "code": "203"
+}, {
+ "name": "Germany",
+ "cnName": "德国",
+ "abbr": "DE",
+ "code": "276"
+}, {
+ "name": "Djibouti",
+ "cnName": "吉布提",
+ "abbr": "DJ",
+ "code": "262"
+}, {
+ "name": "Denmark",
+ "cnName": "丹麦",
+ "abbr": "DK",
+ "code": "208"
+}, {
+ "name": "Dominica",
+ "cnName": "多米尼克",
+ "abbr": "DM",
+ "code": "212"
+}, {
+ "name": "Dominican Republic",
+ "cnName": "多米尼加",
+ "abbr": "DO",
+ "code": "214"
+}, {
+ "name": "Algeria",
+ "cnName": "阿尔及利亚",
+ "abbr": "DZ",
+ "code": "012"
+}, {
+ "name": "Ecuador",
+ "cnName": "厄瓜多尔",
+ "abbr": "EC",
+ "code": "218"
+}, {
+ "name": "Estonia",
+ "cnName": "爱沙尼亚",
+ "abbr": "EE",
+ "code": "233"
+}, {
+ "name": "Egypt",
+ "cnName": "埃及",
+ "abbr": "EG",
+ "code": "818"
+}, {
+ "name": "Western Sahara",
+ "cnName": "西撒哈拉",
+ "abbr": "EH",
+ "code": "732"
+}, {
+ "name": "Eritrea",
+ "cnName": "厄立特里亚",
+ "abbr": "ER",
+ "code": "232"
+}, {
+ "name": "Spain",
+ "cnName": "西班牙",
+ "abbr": "ES",
+ "code": "724"
+}, {
+ "name": "Finland",
+ "cnName": "芬兰",
+ "abbr": "FI",
+ "code": "246"
+}, {
+ "name": "Fiji",
+ "cnName": "斐济群岛",
+ "abbr": "FJ",
+ "code": "242"
+}, {
+ "name": "Falkland Islands",
+ "cnName": "马尔维纳斯群岛( 福克兰)",
+ "abbr": "FK",
+ "code": "238"
+}, {
+ "name": "Federated States of Micronesia",
+ "cnName": "密克罗尼西亚联邦",
+ "abbr": "FM",
+ "code": "583"
+}, {
+ "name": "Faroe Islands",
+ "cnName": "法罗群岛",
+ "abbr": "FO",
+ "code": "234"
+}, {
+ "name": "France",
+ "cnName": "法国",
+ "abbr": "FR",
+ "code": "250"
+}, {
+ "name": "Gabon",
+ "cnName": "加蓬",
+ "abbr": "GA",
+ "code": "266"
+}, {
+ "name": "Grenada",
+ "cnName": "格林纳达",
+ "abbr": "GD",
+ "code": "308"
+}, {
+ "name": "Georgia",
+ "cnName": "格鲁吉亚",
+ "abbr": "GE",
+ "code": "268"
+}, {
+ "name": "French Guiana",
+ "cnName": "法属圭亚那",
+ "abbr": "GF",
+ "code": "254"
+}, {
+ "name": "Ghana",
+ "cnName": "加纳",
+ "abbr": "GH",
+ "code": "288"
+}, {
+ "name": "Gibraltar",
+ "cnName": "直布罗陀",
+ "abbr": "GI",
+ "code": "292"
+}, {
+ "name": "Greenland",
+ "cnName": "格陵兰",
+ "abbr": "GL",
+ "code": "304"
+}, {
+ "name": "Guinea",
+ "cnName": "几内亚",
+ "abbr": "GN",
+ "code": "324"
+}, {
+ "name": "Guadeloupe",
+ "cnName": "瓜德罗普",
+ "abbr": "GP",
+ "code": "312"
+}, {
+ "name": "Equatorial Guinea",
+ "cnName": "赤道几内亚",
+ "abbr": "GQ",
+ "code": "226"
+}, {
+ "name": "Greece",
+ "cnName": "希腊",
+ "abbr": "GR",
+ "code": "300"
+}, {
+ "name": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
+ "cnName": "南乔治亚岛和南桑威奇群岛",
+ "abbr": "GS",
+ "code": "239"
+}, {
+ "name": "Guatemala",
+ "cnName": "危地马拉",
+ "abbr": "GT",
+ "code": "320"
+}, {
+ "name": "Guam",
+ "cnName": "关岛",
+ "abbr": "GU",
+ "code": "316"
+}, {
+ "name": "Guinea-Bissau",
+ "cnName": "几内亚比绍",
+ "abbr": "GW",
+ "code": "624"
+}, {
+ "name": "Guyana",
+ "cnName": "圭亚那",
+ "abbr": "GY",
+ "code": "328"
+}, {
+ "name": "Hong Kong",
+ "cnName": "香港",
+ "abbr": "HK",
+ "code": "344"
+}, {
+ "name": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands",
+ "cnName": "赫德岛和麦克唐纳群岛",
+ "abbr": "HM",
+ "code": "334"
+}, {
+ "name": "Honduras",
+ "cnName": "洪都拉斯",
+ "abbr": "HN",
+ "code": "340"
+}, {
+ "name": "Croatia",
+ "cnName": "克罗地亚",
+ "abbr": "HR",
+ "code": "191"
+}, {
+ "name": "Haiti",
+ "cnName": "海地",
+ "abbr": "HT",
+ "code": "332"
+}, {
+ "name": "Hungary",
+ "cnName": "匈牙利",
+ "abbr": "HU",
+ "code": "348"
+}, {
+ "name": "Indonesia",
+ "cnName": "印尼",
+ "abbr": "ID",
+ "code": "360"
+}, {
+ "name": "Ireland",
+ "cnName": "爱尔兰",
+ "abbr": "IE",
+ "code": "372"
+}, {
+ "name": "Israel",
+ "cnName": "以色列",
+ "abbr": "IL",
+ "code": "376"
+}, {
+ "name": "Isle of Man",
+ "cnName": "马恩岛",
+ "abbr": "IM",
+ "code": "833"
+}, {
+ "name": "India",
+ "cnName": "印度",
+ "abbr": "IN",
+ "code": "356"
+}, {
+ "name": "British Indian Ocean Territory",
+ "cnName": "英属印度洋领地",
+ "abbr": "IO",
+ "code": "086"
+}, {
+ "name": "Iraq",
+ "cnName": "伊拉克",
+ "abbr": "IQ",
+ "code": "368"
+}, {
+ "name": "Iran",
+ "cnName": "伊朗",
+ "abbr": "IR",
+ "code": "364"
+}, {
+ "name": "Iceland",
+ "cnName": "冰岛",
+ "abbr": "IS",
+ "code": "352"
+}, {
+ "name": "Italy",
+ "cnName": "意大利",
+ "abbr": "IT",
+ "code": "380"
+}, {
+ "name": "Jersey",
+ "cnName": "泽西岛",
+ "abbr": "JE",
+ "code": "832"
+}, {
+ "name": "Jamaica",
+ "cnName": "牙买加",
+ "abbr": "JM",
+ "code": "388"
+}, {
+ "name": "Jordan",
+ "cnName": "约旦",
+ "abbr": "JO",
+ "code": "400"
+}, {
+ "name": "Japan",
+ "cnName": "日本",
+ "abbr": "JP",
+ "code": "392"
+}, {
+ "name": "Cambodia",
+ "cnName": "柬埔寨",
+ "abbr": "KH",
+ "code": "116"
+}, {
+ "name": "Kiribati",
+ "cnName": "基里巴斯",
+ "abbr": "KI",
+ "code": "296"
+}, {
+ "name": "The Comoros",
+ "cnName": "科摩罗",
+ "abbr": "KM",
+ "code": "174"
+}, {
+ "name": "Kuwait",
+ "cnName": "科威特",
+ "abbr": "KW",
+ "code": "414"
+}, {
+ "name": "Cayman Islands",
+ "cnName": "开曼群岛",
+ "abbr": "KY",
+ "code": "136"
+}, {
+ "name": "Lebanon",
+ "cnName": "黎巴嫩",
+ "abbr": "LB",
+ "code": "422"
+}, {
+ "name": "Liechtenstein",
+ "cnName": "列支敦士登",
+ "abbr": "LI",
+ "code": "438"
+}, {
+ "name": "Sri Lanka",
+ "cnName": "斯里兰卡",
+ "abbr": "LK",
+ "code": "144"
+}, {
+ "name": "Liberia",
+ "cnName": "利比里亚",
+ "abbr": "LR",
+ "code": "430"
+}, {
+ "name": "Lesotho",
+ "cnName": "莱索托",
+ "abbr": "LS",
+ "code": "426"
+}, {
+ "name": "Lithuania",
+ "cnName": "立陶宛",
+ "abbr": "LT",
+ "code": "440"
+}, {
+ "name": "Luxembourg",
+ "cnName": "卢森堡",
+ "abbr": "LU",
+ "code": "442"
+}, {
+ "name": "Latvia",
+ "cnName": "拉脱维亚",
+ "abbr": "LV",
+ "code": "428"
+}, {
+ "name": "Libya",
+ "cnName": "利比亚",
+ "abbr": "LY",
+ "code": "434"
+}, {
+ "name": "Morocco",
+ "cnName": "摩洛哥",
+ "abbr": "MA",
+ "code": "504"
+}, {
+ "name": "Monaco",
+ "cnName": "摩纳哥",
+ "abbr": "MC",
+ "code": "492"
+}, {
+ "name": "Moldova",
+ "cnName": "摩尔多瓦",
+ "abbr": "MD",
+ "code": "498"
+}, {
+ "name": "Montenegro",
+ "cnName": "黑山",
+ "abbr": "ME",
+ "code": "499"
+}, {
+ "name": "Saint Martin",
+ "cnName": "法属圣马丁",
+ "abbr": "MF",
+ "code": "663"
+}, {
+ "name": "Madagascar",
+ "cnName": "马达加斯加",
+ "abbr": "MG",
+ "code": "450"
+}, {
+ "name": "Marshall islands",
+ "cnName": "马绍尔群岛",
+ "abbr": "MH",
+ "code": "584"
+}, {
+ "name": "Republic of Macedonia",
+ "cnName": "马其顿",
+ "abbr": "MK",
+ "code": "807"
+}, {
+ "name": "Mali",
+ "cnName": "马里",
+ "abbr": "ML",
+ "code": "466"
+}, {
+ "name": "Myanmar",
+ "cnName": "缅甸",
+ "abbr": "MM",
+ "code": "104"
+}, {
+ "name": "Macao",
+ "cnName": "澳门",
+ "abbr": "MO",
+ "code": "446"
+}, {
+ "name": "Martinique",
+ "cnName": "马提尼克",
+ "abbr": "MQ",
+ "code": "474"
+}, {
+ "name": "Mauritania",
+ "cnName": "毛里塔尼亚",
+ "abbr": "MR",
+ "code": "478"
+}, {
+ "name": "Montserrat",
+ "cnName": "蒙塞拉特岛",
+ "abbr": "MS",
+ "code": "500"
+}, {
+ "name": "Malta",
+ "cnName": "马耳他",
+ "abbr": "MT",
+ "code": "470"
+}, {
+ "name": "Maldives",
+ "cnName": "马尔代夫",
+ "abbr": "MV",
+ "code": "462"
+}, {
+ "name": "Malawi",
+ "cnName": "马拉维",
+ "abbr": "MW",
+ "code": "454"
+}, {
+ "name": "Mexico",
+ "cnName": "墨西哥",
+ "abbr": "MX",
+ "code": "484"
+}, {
+ "name": "Malaysia",
+ "cnName": "马来西亚",
+ "abbr": "MY",
+ "code": "458"
+}, {
+ "name": "Namibia",
+ "cnName": "纳米比亚",
+ "abbr": "NA",
+ "code": "516"
+}, {
+ "name": "Niger",
+ "cnName": "尼日尔",
+ "abbr": "NE",
+ "code": "562"
+}, {
+ "name": "Norfolk Island",
+ "cnName": "诺福克岛",
+ "abbr": "NF",
+ "code": "574"
+}, {
+ "name": "Nigeria",
+ "cnName": "尼日利亚",
+ "abbr": "NG",
+ "code": "566"
+}, {
+ "name": "Nicaragua",
+ "cnName": "尼加拉瓜",
+ "abbr": "NI",
+ "code": "558"
+}, {
+ "name": "Netherlands",
+ "cnName": "荷兰",
+ "abbr": "NL",
+ "code": "528"
+}, {
+ "name": "Norway",
+ "cnName": "挪威",
+ "abbr": "NO",
+ "code": "578"
+}, {
+ "name": "Nepal",
+ "cnName": "尼泊尔",
+ "abbr": "NP",
+ "code": "524"
+}, {
+ "name": "Nauru",
+ "cnName": "瑙鲁",
+ "abbr": "NR",
+ "code": "520"
+}, {
+ "name": "Oman",
+ "cnName": "阿曼",
+ "abbr": "OM",
+ "code": "512"
+}, {
+ "name": "Panama",
+ "cnName": "巴拿马",
+ "abbr": "PA",
+ "code": "591"
+}, {
+ "name": "Peru",
+ "cnName": "秘鲁",
+ "abbr": "PE",
+ "code": "604"
+}, {
+ "name": "French polynesia",
+ "cnName": "法属波利尼西亚",
+ "abbr": "PF",
+ "code": "258"
+}, {
+ "name": "Papua New Guinea",
+ "cnName": "巴布亚新几内亚",
+ "abbr": "PG",
+ "code": "598"
+}, {
+ "name": "The Philippines",
+ "cnName": "菲律宾",
+ "abbr": "PH",
+ "code": "608"
+}, {
+ "name": "Pakistan",
+ "cnName": "巴基斯坦",
+ "abbr": "PK",
+ "code": "586"
+}, {
+ "name": "Poland",
+ "cnName": "波兰",
+ "abbr": "PL",
+ "code": "616"
+}, {
+ "name": "Pitcairn Islands",
+ "cnName": "皮特凯恩群岛",
+ "abbr": "PN",
+ "code": "612"
+}, {
+ "name": "Puerto Rico",
+ "cnName": "波多黎各",
+ "abbr": "PR",
+ "code": "630"
+}, {
+ "name": "Palestinian territories",
+ "cnName": "巴勒斯坦",
+ "abbr": "PS",
+ "code": "275"
+}, {
+ "name": "Palau",
+ "cnName": "帕劳",
+ "abbr": "PW",
+ "code": "585"
+}, {
+ "name": "Paraguay",
+ "cnName": "巴拉圭",
+ "abbr": "PY",
+ "code": "600"
+}, {
+ "name": "Qatar",
+ "cnName": "卡塔尔",
+ "abbr": "QA",
+ "code": "634"
+}, {
+ "name": "Réunion",
+ "cnName": "留尼汪",
+ "abbr": "RE",
+ "code": "638"
+}, {
+ "name": "Romania",
+ "cnName": "罗马尼亚",
+ "abbr": "RO",
+ "code": "642"
+}, {
+ "name": "Serbia",
+ "cnName": "塞尔维亚",
+ "abbr": "RS",
+ "code": "688"
+}, {
+ "name": "Russia",
+ "cnName": "俄罗斯",
+ "abbr": "RU",
+ "code": "643"
+}, {
+ "name": "Rwanda",
+ "cnName": "卢旺达",
+ "abbr": "RW",
+ "code": "646"
+}, {
+ "name": "Solomon Islands",
+ "cnName": "所罗门群岛",
+ "abbr": "SB",
+ "code": "090"
+}, {
+ "name": "Seychelles",
+ "cnName": "塞舌尔",
+ "abbr": "SC",
+ "code": "690"
+}, {
+ "name": "Sudan",
+ "cnName": "苏丹",
+ "abbr": "SD",
+ "code": "729"
+}, {
+ "name": "Sweden",
+ "cnName": "瑞典",
+ "abbr": "SE",
+ "code": "752"
+}, {
+ "name": "Singapore",
+ "cnName": "新加坡",
+ "abbr": "SG",
+ "code": "702"
+}, {
+ "name": "Slovenia",
+ "cnName": "斯洛文尼亚",
+ "abbr": "SI",
+ "code": "705"
+}, {
+ "name": "Country data SJM Svalbard",
+ "cnName": "斯瓦尔巴群岛和 扬马延岛",
+ "abbr": "SJ",
+ "code": "744"
+}, {
+ "name": "Slovakia",
+ "cnName": "斯洛伐克",
+ "abbr": "SK",
+ "code": "703"
+}, {
+ "name": "Sierra Leone",
+ "cnName": "塞拉利昂",
+ "abbr": "SL",
+ "code": "694"
+}, {
+ "name": "San Marino",
+ "cnName": "圣马力诺",
+ "abbr": "SM",
+ "code": "674"
+}, {
+ "name": "Senegal",
+ "cnName": "塞内加尔",
+ "abbr": "SN",
+ "code": "686"
+}, {
+ "name": "Somalia",
+ "cnName": "索马里",
+ "abbr": "SO",
+ "code": "706"
+}, {
+ "name": "Suriname",
+ "cnName": "苏里南",
+ "abbr": "SR",
+ "code": "740"
+}, {
+ "name": "South Sudan",
+ "cnName": "南苏丹",
+ "abbr": "SS",
+ "code": "728"
+}, {
+ "name": "Sao Tome and Principe",
+ "cnName": "圣多美和普林西比",
+ "abbr": "ST",
+ "code": "678"
+}, {
+ "name": "El Salvador",
+ "cnName": "萨尔瓦多",
+ "abbr": "SV",
+ "code": "222"
+}, {
+ "name": "Syria",
+ "cnName": "叙利亚",
+ "abbr": "SY",
+ "code": "760"
+}, {
+ "name": "Swaziland",
+ "cnName": "斯威士兰",
+ "abbr": "SZ",
+ "code": "748"
+}, {
+ "name": "Turks and Caicos Islands",
+ "cnName": "特克斯和凯科斯群岛",
+ "abbr": "TC",
+ "code": "796"
+}, {
+ "name": "Chad",
+ "cnName": "乍得",
+ "abbr": "TD",
+ "code": "148"
+}, {
+ "name": "Togo",
+ "cnName": "多哥",
+ "abbr": "TG",
+ "code": "768"
+}, {
+ "name": "Thailand",
+ "cnName": "泰国",
+ "abbr": "TH",
+ "code": "764"
+}, {
+ "name": "Tokelau",
+ "cnName": "托克劳",
+ "abbr": "TK",
+ "code": "772"
+}, {
+ "name": "East Timor",
+ "cnName": "东帝汶",
+ "abbr": "TL",
+ "code": "626"
+}, {
+ "name": "Tunisia",
+ "cnName": "突尼斯",
+ "abbr": "TN",
+ "code": "788"
+}, {
+ "name": "Tonga",
+ "cnName": "汤加",
+ "abbr": "TO",
+ "code": "776"
+}, {
+ "name": "Turkey",
+ "cnName": "土耳其",
+ "abbr": "TR",
+ "code": "792"
+}, {
+ "name": "Tuvalu",
+ "cnName": "图瓦卢",
+ "abbr": "TV",
+ "code": "798"
+}, {
+ "name": "Tanzania",
+ "cnName": "坦桑尼亚",
+ "abbr": "TZ",
+ "code": "834"
+}, {
+ "name": "Ukraine",
+ "cnName": "乌克兰",
+ "abbr": "UA",
+ "code": "804"
+}, {
+ "name": "Uganda",
+ "cnName": "乌干达",
+ "abbr": "UG",
+ "code": "800"
+}, {
+ "name": "United States",
+ "cnName": "美国",
+ "abbr": "US",
+ "code": "840"
+}, {
+ "name": "Uruguay",
+ "cnName": "乌拉圭",
+ "abbr": "UY",
+ "code": "858"
+}, {
+ "name": "Vatican City",
+ "cnName": "梵蒂冈",
+ "abbr": "VA",
+ "code": "336"
+}, {
+ "name": "Venezuela",
+ "cnName": "委内瑞拉",
+ "abbr": "VE",
+ "code": "862"
+}, {
+ "name": "British Virgin Islands",
+ "cnName": "英属维尔京群岛",
+ "abbr": "VG",
+ "code": "092"
+}, {
+ "name": "United States Virgin Islands",
+ "cnName": "美属维尔京群岛",
+ "abbr": "VI",
+ "code": "850"
+}, {
+ "name": "Vietnam",
+ "cnName": "越南",
+ "abbr": "VN",
+ "code": "704"
+}, {
+ "name": "Wallis and Futuna",
+ "cnName": "瓦利斯和富图纳",
+ "abbr": "WF",
+ "code": "876"
+}, {
+ "name": "Samoa",
+ "cnName": "萨摩亚",
+ "abbr": "WS",
+ "code": "882"
+}, {
+ "name": "Yemen",
+ "cnName": "也门",
+ "abbr": "YE",
+ "code": "887"
+}, {
+ "name": "Mayotte",
+ "cnName": "马约特",
+ "abbr": "YT",
+ "code": "175"
+}, {
+ "name": "South Africa",
+ "cnName": "南非",
+ "abbr": "ZA",
+ "code": "710"
+}, {
+ "name": "Zambia",
+ "cnName": "赞比亚",
+ "abbr": "ZM",
+ "code": "894"
+}, {
+ "name": "Zimbabwe",
+ "cnName": "津巴布韦",
+ "abbr": "ZW",
+ "code": "716"
+}, {
+ "name": "China",
+ "cnName": "中国",
+ "abbr": "CN",
+ "code": "156"
+}, {
+ "name": "Republic of the Congo",
+ "cnName": "刚果(布)",
+ "abbr": "CG",
+ "code": "178"
+}, {
+ "name": "Democratic Republic of the Congo",
+ "cnName": "刚果(金)",
+ "abbr": "CD",
+ "code": "180"
+}, {
+ "name": "Mozambique",
+ "cnName": "莫桑比克",
+ "abbr": "MZ",
+ "code": "508"
+}, {
+ "name": "Guernsey",
+ "cnName": "根西岛",
+ "abbr": "GG",
+ "code": "831"
+}, {
+ "name": "Gambia",
+ "cnName": "冈比亚",
+ "abbr": "GM",
+ "code": "270"
+}, {
+ "name": "Northern Mariana Islands",
+ "cnName": "北马里亚纳群岛",
+ "abbr": "MP",
+ "code": "580"
+}, {
+ "name": "Ethiopia",
+ "cnName": "埃塞俄比亚",
+ "abbr": "ET",
+ "code": "231"
+}, {
+ "name": "New Caledonia",
+ "cnName": "新喀里多尼亚",
+ "abbr": "NC",
+ "code": "540"
+}, {
+ "name": "Vanuatu",
+ "cnName": "瓦努阿图",
+ "abbr": "VU",
+ "code": "548"
+}, {
+ "name": "French Southern Territories",
+ "cnName": "法属南部领地",
+ "abbr": "TF",
+ "code": "260"
+}, {
+ "name": "Niue",
+ "cnName": "纽埃",
+ "abbr": "NU",
+ "code": "570"
+}, {
+ "name": "United States Minor Outlying Islands",
+ "cnName": "美国本土外小岛屿",
+ "abbr": "UM",
+ "code": "581"
+}, {
+ "name": "Cook Islands",
+ "cnName": "库克群岛",
+ "abbr": "CK",
+ "code": "184"
+}, {
+ "name": "United Kingdom",
+ "cnName": "英国",
+ "abbr": "GB",
+ "code": "826"
+}, {
+ "name": "Trinidad and Tobago",
+ "cnName": "特立尼达和多巴哥",
+ "abbr": "TT",
+ "code": "780"
+}, {
+ "name": "St. Vincent and the Grenadines",
+ "cnName": "圣文森特和格林纳丁斯",
+ "abbr": "VC",
+ "code": "670"
+}, {
+ "name": "Taiwan",
+ "cnName": "中国台湾",
+ "abbr": "TW",
+ "code": "158"
+}, {
+ "name": "New Zealand",
+ "cnName": "新西兰",
+ "abbr": "NZ",
+ "code": "554"
+}, {
+ "name": "Saudi Arabia",
+ "cnName": "沙特阿拉伯",
+ "abbr": "SA",
+ "code": "682"
+}, {
+ "name": "Laos",
+ "cnName": "老挝",
+ "abbr": "LA",
+ "code": "418"
+}, {
+ "name": "North Korea",
+ "cnName": "朝鲜 北朝鲜",
+ "abbr": "KP",
+ "code": "408"
+}, {
+ "name": "South Korea",
+ "cnName": "韩国 南朝鲜",
+ "abbr": "KR",
+ "code": "410"
+}, {
+ "name": "Portugal",
+ "cnName": "葡萄牙",
+ "abbr": "PT",
+ "code": "620"
+}, {
+ "name": "Kyrgyzstan",
+ "cnName": "吉尔吉斯斯坦",
+ "abbr": "KG",
+ "code": "417"
+}, {
+ "name": "Kazakhstan",
+ "cnName": "哈萨克斯坦",
+ "abbr": "KZ",
+ "code": "398"
+}, {
+ "name": "Tajikistan",
+ "cnName": "塔吉克斯坦",
+ "abbr": "TJ",
+ "code": "762"
+}, {
+ "name": "Turkmenistan",
+ "cnName": "土库曼斯坦",
+ "abbr": "TM",
+ "code": "795"
+}, {
+ "name": "Uzbekistan",
+ "cnName": "乌兹别克斯坦",
+ "abbr": "UZ",
+ "code": "860"
+}, {
+ "name": "St. Kitts and Nevis",
+ "cnName": "圣基茨和尼维斯",
+ "abbr": "KN",
+ "code": "659"
+}, {
+ "name": "Saint-Pierre and Miquelon",
+ "cnName": "圣皮埃尔和密克隆",
+ "abbr": "PM",
+ "code": "666"
+}, {
+ "name": "St. Helena and Dependencies",
+ "cnName": "圣赫勒拿",
+ "abbr": "SH",
+ "code": "654"
+}, {
+ "name": "St. Lucia",
+ "cnName": "圣卢西亚",
+ "abbr": "LC",
+ "code": "662"
+}, {
+ "name": "Mauritius",
+ "cnName": "毛里求斯",
+ "abbr": "MU",
+ "code": "480"
+}, {
+ "name": "C?te d'Ivoire",
+ "cnName": "科特迪瓦",
+ "abbr": "CI",
+ "code": "384"
+}, {
+ "name": "Kenya",
+ "cnName": "肯尼亚",
+ "abbr": "KE",
+ "code": "404"
+}, {
+ "name": "Mongolia",
+ "cnName": "蒙古国 蒙古",
+ "abbr": "MN",
+ "code": "496"
+export default Country;
diff --git a/jsFile/map/yaya-map.js b/jsFile/map/yaya-map.js
index dbb3761..de970cb 100644
--- a/jsFile/map/yaya-map.js
+++ b/jsFile/map/yaya-map.js
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ const yayaMap = {
- }
+ },
* @description 地址===>经纬度
diff --git a/jsFile/md5.js b/jsFile/md5.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96cbcc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jsFile/md5.js
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+/** Md5加密
+ * 使用方法在页面引入
+ * import {Md5} from '@/jsFile/md5.js';
+ *
+ * 使用
+ * console.log(Md5("999999"));
+ */
+export const Md5 = function(string) {
+ function md5_RotateLeft(lValue, iShiftBits) {
+ return (lValue << iShiftBits) | (lValue >>> (32 - iShiftBits));
+ }
+ function md5_AddUnsigned(lX, lY) {
+ var lX4, lY4, lX8, lY8, lResult;
+ lX8 = (lX & 0x80000000);
+ lY8 = (lY & 0x80000000);
+ lX4 = (lX & 0x40000000);
+ lY4 = (lY & 0x40000000);
+ lResult = (lX & 0x3FFFFFFF) + (lY & 0x3FFFFFFF);
+ if (lX4 & lY4) {
+ return (lResult ^ 0x80000000 ^ lX8 ^ lY8);
+ }
+ if (lX4 | lY4) {
+ if (lResult & 0x40000000) {
+ return (lResult ^ 0xC0000000 ^ lX8 ^ lY8);
+ } else {
+ return (lResult ^ 0x40000000 ^ lX8 ^ lY8);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return (lResult ^ lX8 ^ lY8);
+ }
+ }
+ function md5_F(x, y, z) {
+ return (x & y) | ((~x) & z);
+ }
+ function md5_G(x, y, z) {
+ return (x & z) | (y & (~z));
+ }
+ function md5_H(x, y, z) {
+ return (x ^ y ^ z);
+ }
+ function md5_I(x, y, z) {
+ return (y ^ (x | (~z)));
+ }
+ function md5_FF(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) {
+ a = md5_AddUnsigned(a, md5_AddUnsigned(md5_AddUnsigned(md5_F(b, c, d), x), ac));
+ return md5_AddUnsigned(md5_RotateLeft(a, s), b);
+ };
+ function md5_GG(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) {
+ a = md5_AddUnsigned(a, md5_AddUnsigned(md5_AddUnsigned(md5_G(b, c, d), x), ac));
+ return md5_AddUnsigned(md5_RotateLeft(a, s), b);
+ };
+ function md5_HH(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) {
+ a = md5_AddUnsigned(a, md5_AddUnsigned(md5_AddUnsigned(md5_H(b, c, d), x), ac));
+ return md5_AddUnsigned(md5_RotateLeft(a, s), b);
+ };
+ function md5_II(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) {
+ a = md5_AddUnsigned(a, md5_AddUnsigned(md5_AddUnsigned(md5_I(b, c, d), x), ac));
+ return md5_AddUnsigned(md5_RotateLeft(a, s), b);
+ };
+ function md5_ConvertToWordArray(string) {
+ var lWordCount;
+ var lMessageLength = string.length;
+ var lNumberOfWords_temp1 = lMessageLength + 8;
+ var lNumberOfWords_temp2 = (lNumberOfWords_temp1 - (lNumberOfWords_temp1 % 64)) / 64;
+ var lNumberOfWords = (lNumberOfWords_temp2 + 1) * 16;
+ var lWordArray = Array(lNumberOfWords - 1);
+ var lBytePosition = 0;
+ var lByteCount = 0;
+ while (lByteCount < lMessageLength) {
+ lWordCount = (lByteCount - (lByteCount % 4)) / 4;
+ lBytePosition = (lByteCount % 4) * 8;
+ lWordArray[lWordCount] = (lWordArray[lWordCount] | (string.charCodeAt(lByteCount) << lBytePosition));
+ lByteCount++;
+ }
+ lWordCount = (lByteCount - (lByteCount % 4)) / 4;
+ lBytePosition = (lByteCount % 4) * 8;
+ lWordArray[lWordCount] = lWordArray[lWordCount] | (0x80 << lBytePosition);
+ lWordArray[lNumberOfWords - 2] = lMessageLength << 3;
+ lWordArray[lNumberOfWords - 1] = lMessageLength >>> 29;
+ return lWordArray;
+ };
+ function md5_WordToHex(lValue) {
+ var WordToHexValue = "",
+ WordToHexValue_temp = "",
+ lByte, lCount;
+ for (lCount = 0; lCount <= 3; lCount++) {
+ lByte = (lValue >>> (lCount * 8)) & 255;
+ WordToHexValue_temp = "0" + lByte.toString(16);
+ WordToHexValue = WordToHexValue + WordToHexValue_temp.substr(WordToHexValue_temp.length - 2, 2);
+ }
+ return WordToHexValue;
+ };
+ function md5_Utf8Encode(string) {
+ string = string.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
+ var utftext = "";
+ for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) {
+ var c = string.charCodeAt(n);
+ if (c < 128) {
+ utftext += String.fromCharCode(c);
+ } else if ((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) {
+ utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192);
+ utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
+ } else {
+ utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224);
+ utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128);
+ utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
+ }
+ }
+ return utftext;
+ };
+ var x = Array();
+ var k, AA, BB, CC, DD, a, b, c, d;
+ var S11 = 7,
+ S12 = 12,
+ S13 = 17,
+ S14 = 22;
+ var S21 = 5,
+ S22 = 9,
+ S23 = 14,
+ S24 = 20;
+ var S31 = 4,
+ S32 = 11,
+ S33 = 16,
+ S34 = 23;
+ var S41 = 6,
+ S42 = 10,
+ S43 = 15,
+ S44 = 21;
+ string = md5_Utf8Encode(string);
+ x = md5_ConvertToWordArray(string);
+ a = 0x67452301;
+ b = 0xEFCDAB89;
+ c = 0x98BADCFE;
+ d = 0x10325476;
+ for (k = 0; k < x.length; k += 16) {
+ AA = a;
+ BB = b;
+ CC = c;
+ DD = d;
+ a = md5_FF(a, b, c, d, x[k + 0], S11, 0xD76AA478);
+ d = md5_FF(d, a, b, c, x[k + 1], S12, 0xE8C7B756);
+ c = md5_FF(c, d, a, b, x[k + 2], S13, 0x242070DB);
+ b = md5_FF(b, c, d, a, x[k + 3], S14, 0xC1BDCEEE);
+ a = md5_FF(a, b, c, d, x[k + 4], S11, 0xF57C0FAF);
+ d = md5_FF(d, a, b, c, x[k + 5], S12, 0x4787C62A);
+ c = md5_FF(c, d, a, b, x[k + 6], S13, 0xA8304613);
+ b = md5_FF(b, c, d, a, x[k + 7], S14, 0xFD469501);
+ a = md5_FF(a, b, c, d, x[k + 8], S11, 0x698098D8);
+ d = md5_FF(d, a, b, c, x[k + 9], S12, 0x8B44F7AF);
+ c = md5_FF(c, d, a, b, x[k + 10], S13, 0xFFFF5BB1);
+ b = md5_FF(b, c, d, a, x[k + 11], S14, 0x895CD7BE);
+ a = md5_FF(a, b, c, d, x[k + 12], S11, 0x6B901122);
+ d = md5_FF(d, a, b, c, x[k + 13], S12, 0xFD987193);
+ c = md5_FF(c, d, a, b, x[k + 14], S13, 0xA679438E);
+ b = md5_FF(b, c, d, a, x[k + 15], S14, 0x49B40821);
+ a = md5_GG(a, b, c, d, x[k + 1], S21, 0xF61E2562);
+ d = md5_GG(d, a, b, c, x[k + 6], S22, 0xC040B340);
+ c = md5_GG(c, d, a, b, x[k + 11], S23, 0x265E5A51);
+ b = md5_GG(b, c, d, a, x[k + 0], S24, 0xE9B6C7AA);
+ a = md5_GG(a, b, c, d, x[k + 5], S21, 0xD62F105D);
+ d = md5_GG(d, a, b, c, x[k + 10], S22, 0x2441453);
+ c = md5_GG(c, d, a, b, x[k + 15], S23, 0xD8A1E681);
+ b = md5_GG(b, c, d, a, x[k + 4], S24, 0xE7D3FBC8);
+ a = md5_GG(a, b, c, d, x[k + 9], S21, 0x21E1CDE6);
+ d = md5_GG(d, a, b, c, x[k + 14], S22, 0xC33707D6);
+ c = md5_GG(c, d, a, b, x[k + 3], S23, 0xF4D50D87);
+ b = md5_GG(b, c, d, a, x[k + 8], S24, 0x455A14ED);
+ a = md5_GG(a, b, c, d, x[k + 13], S21, 0xA9E3E905);
+ d = md5_GG(d, a, b, c, x[k + 2], S22, 0xFCEFA3F8);
+ c = md5_GG(c, d, a, b, x[k + 7], S23, 0x676F02D9);
+ b = md5_GG(b, c, d, a, x[k + 12], S24, 0x8D2A4C8A);
+ a = md5_HH(a, b, c, d, x[k + 5], S31, 0xFFFA3942);
+ d = md5_HH(d, a, b, c, x[k + 8], S32, 0x8771F681);
+ c = md5_HH(c, d, a, b, x[k + 11], S33, 0x6D9D6122);
+ b = md5_HH(b, c, d, a, x[k + 14], S34, 0xFDE5380C);
+ a = md5_HH(a, b, c, d, x[k + 1], S31, 0xA4BEEA44);
+ d = md5_HH(d, a, b, c, x[k + 4], S32, 0x4BDECFA9);
+ c = md5_HH(c, d, a, b, x[k + 7], S33, 0xF6BB4B60);
+ b = md5_HH(b, c, d, a, x[k + 10], S34, 0xBEBFBC70);
+ a = md5_HH(a, b, c, d, x[k + 13], S31, 0x289B7EC6);
+ d = md5_HH(d, a, b, c, x[k + 0], S32, 0xEAA127FA);
+ c = md5_HH(c, d, a, b, x[k + 3], S33, 0xD4EF3085);
+ b = md5_HH(b, c, d, a, x[k + 6], S34, 0x4881D05);
+ a = md5_HH(a, b, c, d, x[k + 9], S31, 0xD9D4D039);
+ d = md5_HH(d, a, b, c, x[k + 12], S32, 0xE6DB99E5);
+ c = md5_HH(c, d, a, b, x[k + 15], S33, 0x1FA27CF8);
+ b = md5_HH(b, c, d, a, x[k + 2], S34, 0xC4AC5665);
+ a = md5_II(a, b, c, d, x[k + 0], S41, 0xF4292244);
+ d = md5_II(d, a, b, c, x[k + 7], S42, 0x432AFF97);
+ c = md5_II(c, d, a, b, x[k + 14], S43, 0xAB9423A7);
+ b = md5_II(b, c, d, a, x[k + 5], S44, 0xFC93A039);
+ a = md5_II(a, b, c, d, x[k + 12], S41, 0x655B59C3);
+ d = md5_II(d, a, b, c, x[k + 3], S42, 0x8F0CCC92);
+ c = md5_II(c, d, a, b, x[k + 10], S43, 0xFFEFF47D);
+ b = md5_II(b, c, d, a, x[k + 1], S44, 0x85845DD1);
+ a = md5_II(a, b, c, d, x[k + 8], S41, 0x6FA87E4F);
+ d = md5_II(d, a, b, c, x[k + 15], S42, 0xFE2CE6E0);
+ c = md5_II(c, d, a, b, x[k + 6], S43, 0xA3014314);
+ b = md5_II(b, c, d, a, x[k + 13], S44, 0x4E0811A1);
+ a = md5_II(a, b, c, d, x[k + 4], S41, 0xF7537E82);
+ d = md5_II(d, a, b, c, x[k + 11], S42, 0xBD3AF235);
+ c = md5_II(c, d, a, b, x[k + 2], S43, 0x2AD7D2BB);
+ b = md5_II(b, c, d, a, x[k + 9], S44, 0xEB86D391);
+ a = md5_AddUnsigned(a, AA);
+ b = md5_AddUnsigned(b, BB);
+ c = md5_AddUnsigned(c, CC);
+ d = md5_AddUnsigned(d, DD);
+ }
+ return (md5_WordToHex(a) + md5_WordToHex(b) + md5_WordToHex(c) + md5_WordToHex(d)).toLowerCase();
+export default Md5;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jsFile/time/moment-china.js b/jsFile/time/moment-china.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47f256c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jsFile/time/moment-china.js
@@ -0,0 +1,4703 @@
+//! moment.js
+(function(global, factory) {
+ typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
+ typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
+ global.moment = factory()
+}(this, (function() {
+ 'use strict';
+ var hookCallback;
+ function hooks() {
+ return hookCallback.apply(null, arguments);
+ }
+ // This is done to register the method called with moment()
+ // without creating circular dependencies.
+ function setHookCallback(callback) {
+ hookCallback = callback;
+ }
+ function isArray(input) {
+ return input instanceof Array || === '[object Array]';
+ }
+ function isObject(input) {
+ // IE8 will treat undefined and null as object if it wasn't for
+ // input != null
+ return input != null && === '[object Object]';
+ }
+ function isObjectEmpty(obj) {
+ if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames) {
+ return (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).length === 0);
+ } else {
+ var k;
+ for (k in obj) {
+ if (obj.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ function isUndefined(input) {
+ return input === void 0;
+ }
+ function isNumber(input) {
+ return typeof input === 'number' || === '[object Number]';
+ }
+ function isDate(input) {
+ return input instanceof Date || === '[object Date]';
+ }
+ function map(arr, fn) {
+ var res = [],
+ i;
+ for (i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
+ res.push(fn(arr[i], i));
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ function hasOwnProp(a, b) {
+ return, b);
+ }
+ function extend(a, b) {
+ for (var i in b) {
+ if (hasOwnProp(b, i)) {
+ a[i] = b[i];
+ }
+ }
+ if (hasOwnProp(b, 'toString')) {
+ a.toString = b.toString;
+ }
+ if (hasOwnProp(b, 'valueOf')) {
+ a.valueOf = b.valueOf;
+ }
+ return a;
+ }
+ function createUTC(input, format, locale, strict) {
+ return createLocalOrUTC(input, format, locale, strict, true).utc();
+ }
+ function defaultParsingFlags() {
+ // We need to deep clone this object.
+ return {
+ empty: false,
+ unusedTokens: [],
+ unusedInput: [],
+ overflow: -2,
+ charsLeftOver: 0,
+ nullInput: false,
+ invalidMonth: null,
+ invalidFormat: false,
+ userInvalidated: false,
+ iso: false,
+ parsedDateParts: [],
+ meridiem: null,
+ rfc2822: false,
+ weekdayMismatch: false
+ };
+ }
+ function getParsingFlags(m) {
+ if (m._pf == null) {
+ m._pf = defaultParsingFlags();
+ }
+ return m._pf;
+ }
+ var some;
+ if (Array.prototype.some) {
+ some = Array.prototype.some;
+ } else {
+ some = function(fun) {
+ var t = Object(this);
+ var len = t.length >>> 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (i in t &&, t[i], i, t)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ }
+ function isValid(m) {
+ if (m._isValid == null) {
+ var flags = getParsingFlags(m);
+ var parsedParts =, function(i) {
+ return i != null;
+ });
+ var isNowValid = !isNaN(m._d.getTime()) &&
+ flags.overflow < 0 &&
+ !flags.empty &&
+ !flags.invalidMonth &&
+ !flags.invalidWeekday &&
+ !flags.weekdayMismatch &&
+ !flags.nullInput &&
+ !flags.invalidFormat &&
+ !flags.userInvalidated &&
+ (!flags.meridiem || (flags.meridiem && parsedParts));
+ if (m._strict) {
+ isNowValid = isNowValid &&
+ flags.charsLeftOver === 0 &&
+ flags.unusedTokens.length === 0 &&
+ flags.bigHour === undefined;
+ }
+ if (Object.isFrozen == null || !Object.isFrozen(m)) {
+ m._isValid = isNowValid;
+ } else {
+ return isNowValid;
+ }
+ }
+ return m._isValid;
+ }
+ function createInvalid(flags) {
+ var m = createUTC(NaN);
+ if (flags != null) {
+ extend(getParsingFlags(m), flags);
+ } else {
+ getParsingFlags(m).userInvalidated = true;
+ }
+ return m;
+ }
+ // Plugins that add properties should also add the key here (null value),
+ // so we can properly clone ourselves.
+ var momentProperties = hooks.momentProperties = [];
+ function copyConfig(to, from) {
+ var i, prop, val;
+ if (!isUndefined(from._isAMomentObject)) {
+ to._isAMomentObject = from._isAMomentObject;
+ }
+ if (!isUndefined(from._i)) {
+ to._i = from._i;
+ }
+ if (!isUndefined(from._f)) {
+ to._f = from._f;
+ }
+ if (!isUndefined(from._l)) {
+ to._l = from._l;
+ }
+ if (!isUndefined(from._strict)) {
+ to._strict = from._strict;
+ }
+ if (!isUndefined(from._tzm)) {
+ to._tzm = from._tzm;
+ }
+ if (!isUndefined(from._isUTC)) {
+ to._isUTC = from._isUTC;
+ }
+ if (!isUndefined(from._offset)) {
+ to._offset = from._offset;
+ }
+ if (!isUndefined(from._pf)) {
+ to._pf = getParsingFlags(from);
+ }
+ if (!isUndefined(from._locale)) {
+ to._locale = from._locale;
+ }
+ if (momentProperties.length > 0) {
+ for (i = 0; i < momentProperties.length; i++) {
+ prop = momentProperties[i];
+ val = from[prop];
+ if (!isUndefined(val)) {
+ to[prop] = val;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return to;
+ }
+ var updateInProgress = false;
+ // Moment prototype object
+ function Moment(config) {
+ copyConfig(this, config);
+ this._d = new Date(config._d != null ? config._d.getTime() : NaN);
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ this._d = new Date(NaN);
+ }
+ // Prevent infinite loop in case updateOffset creates new moment
+ // objects.
+ if (updateInProgress === false) {
+ updateInProgress = true;
+ hooks.updateOffset(this);
+ updateInProgress = false;
+ }
+ }
+ function isMoment(obj) {
+ return obj instanceof Moment || (obj != null && obj._isAMomentObject != null);
+ }
+ function absFloor(number) {
+ if (number < 0) {
+ // -0 -> 0
+ return Math.ceil(number) || 0;
+ } else {
+ return Math.floor(number);
+ }
+ }
+ function toInt(argumentForCoercion) {
+ var coercedNumber = +argumentForCoercion,
+ value = 0;
+ if (coercedNumber !== 0 && isFinite(coercedNumber)) {
+ value = absFloor(coercedNumber);
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ // compare two arrays, return the number of differences
+ function compareArrays(array1, array2, dontConvert) {
+ var len = Math.min(array1.length, array2.length),
+ lengthDiff = Math.abs(array1.length - array2.length),
+ diffs = 0,
+ i;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if ((dontConvert && array1[i] !== array2[i]) ||
+ (!dontConvert && toInt(array1[i]) !== toInt(array2[i]))) {
+ diffs++;
+ }
+ }
+ return diffs + lengthDiff;
+ }
+ function warn(msg) {
+ if (hooks.suppressDeprecationWarnings === false &&
+ (typeof console !== 'undefined') && console.warn) {
+ console.warn('Deprecation warning: ' + msg);
+ }
+ }
+ function deprecate(msg, fn) {
+ var firstTime = true;
+ return extend(function() {
+ if (hooks.deprecationHandler != null) {
+ hooks.deprecationHandler(null, msg);
+ }
+ if (firstTime) {
+ var args = [];
+ var arg;
+ for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ arg = '';
+ if (typeof arguments[i] === 'object') {
+ arg += '\n[' + i + '] ';
+ for (var key in arguments[0]) {
+ arg += key + ': ' + arguments[0][key] + ', ';
+ }
+ arg = arg.slice(0, -2); // Remove trailing comma and space
+ } else {
+ arg = arguments[i];
+ }
+ args.push(arg);
+ }
+ warn(msg + '\nArguments: ' +'') + '\n' + (
+ new Error()).stack);
+ firstTime = false;
+ }
+ return fn.apply(this, arguments);
+ }, fn);
+ }
+ var deprecations = {};
+ function deprecateSimple(name, msg) {
+ if (hooks.deprecationHandler != null) {
+ hooks.deprecationHandler(name, msg);
+ }
+ if (!deprecations[name]) {
+ warn(msg);
+ deprecations[name] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ hooks.suppressDeprecationWarnings = false;
+ hooks.deprecationHandler = null;
+ function isFunction(input) {
+ return input instanceof Function || === '[object Function]';
+ }
+ function set(config) {
+ var prop, i;
+ for (i in config) {
+ prop = config[i];
+ if (isFunction(prop)) {
+ this[i] = prop;
+ } else {
+ this['_' + i] = prop;
+ }
+ }
+ this._config = config;
+ // Lenient ordinal parsing accepts just a number in addition to
+ // number + (possibly) stuff coming from _dayOfMonthOrdinalParse.
+ // TODO: Remove "ordinalParse" fallback in next major release.
+ this._dayOfMonthOrdinalParseLenient = new RegExp(
+ (this._dayOfMonthOrdinalParse.source || this._ordinalParse.source) +
+ '|' + (/\d{1,2}/).source);
+ }
+ function mergeConfigs(parentConfig, childConfig) {
+ var res = extend({}, parentConfig),
+ prop;
+ for (prop in childConfig) {
+ if (hasOwnProp(childConfig, prop)) {
+ if (isObject(parentConfig[prop]) && isObject(childConfig[prop])) {
+ res[prop] = {};
+ extend(res[prop], parentConfig[prop]);
+ extend(res[prop], childConfig[prop]);
+ } else if (childConfig[prop] != null) {
+ res[prop] = childConfig[prop];
+ } else {
+ delete res[prop];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (prop in parentConfig) {
+ if (hasOwnProp(parentConfig, prop) &&
+ !hasOwnProp(childConfig, prop) &&
+ isObject(parentConfig[prop])) {
+ // make sure changes to properties don't modify parent config
+ res[prop] = extend({}, res[prop]);
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ function Locale(config) {
+ if (config != null) {
+ this.set(config);
+ }
+ }
+ var keys;
+ if (Object.keys) {
+ keys = Object.keys;
+ } else {
+ keys = function(obj) {
+ var i, res = [];
+ for (i in obj) {
+ if (hasOwnProp(obj, i)) {
+ res.push(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ var defaultCalendar = {
+ sameDay: '[Today at] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Tomorrow at] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [at] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Yesterday at] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[Last] dddd [at] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ };
+ function calendar(key, mom, now) {
+ var output = this._calendar[key] || this._calendar['sameElse'];
+ return isFunction(output) ?, now) : output;
+ }
+ var defaultLongDateFormat = {
+ LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',
+ LT: 'h:mm A',
+ L: 'MM/DD/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A'
+ };
+ function longDateFormat(key) {
+ var format = this._longDateFormat[key],
+ formatUpper = this._longDateFormat[key.toUpperCase()];
+ if (format || !formatUpper) {
+ return format;
+ }
+ this._longDateFormat[key] = formatUpper.replace(/MMMM|MM|DD|dddd/g, function(val) {
+ return val.slice(1);
+ });
+ return this._longDateFormat[key];
+ }
+ var defaultInvalidDate = 'Invalid date';
+ function invalidDate() {
+ return this._invalidDate;
+ }
+ var defaultOrdinal = '%d';
+ var defaultDayOfMonthOrdinalParse = /\d{1,2}/;
+ function ordinal(number) {
+ return this._ordinal.replace('%d', number);
+ }
+ var defaultRelativeTime = {
+ future: 'in %s',
+ past: '%s ago',
+ s: 'a few seconds',
+ ss: '%d seconds',
+ m: 'a minute',
+ mm: '%d minutes',
+ h: 'an hour',
+ hh: '%d hours',
+ d: 'a day',
+ dd: '%d days',
+ M: 'a month',
+ MM: '%d months',
+ y: 'a year',
+ yy: '%d years'
+ };
+ function relativeTime(number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) {
+ var output = this._relativeTime[string];
+ return (isFunction(output)) ?
+ output(number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) :
+ output.replace(/%d/i, number);
+ }
+ function pastFuture(diff, output) {
+ var format = this._relativeTime[diff > 0 ? 'future' : 'past'];
+ return isFunction(format) ? format(output) : format.replace(/%s/i, output);
+ }
+ var aliases = {};
+ function addUnitAlias(unit, shorthand) {
+ var lowerCase = unit.toLowerCase();
+ aliases[lowerCase] = aliases[lowerCase + 's'] = aliases[shorthand] = unit;
+ }
+ function normalizeUnits(units) {
+ return typeof units === 'string' ? aliases[units] || aliases[units.toLowerCase()] : undefined;
+ }
+ function normalizeObjectUnits(inputObject) {
+ var normalizedInput = {},
+ normalizedProp,
+ prop;
+ for (prop in inputObject) {
+ if (hasOwnProp(inputObject, prop)) {
+ normalizedProp = normalizeUnits(prop);
+ if (normalizedProp) {
+ normalizedInput[normalizedProp] = inputObject[prop];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return normalizedInput;
+ }
+ var priorities = {};
+ function addUnitPriority(unit, priority) {
+ priorities[unit] = priority;
+ }
+ function getPrioritizedUnits(unitsObj) {
+ var units = [];
+ for (var u in unitsObj) {
+ units.push({
+ unit: u,
+ priority: priorities[u]
+ });
+ }
+ units.sort(function(a, b) {
+ return a.priority - b.priority;
+ });
+ return units;
+ }
+ function zeroFill(number, targetLength, forceSign) {
+ var absNumber = '' + Math.abs(number),
+ zerosToFill = targetLength - absNumber.length,
+ sign = number >= 0;
+ return (sign ? (forceSign ? '+' : '') : '-') +
+ Math.pow(10, Math.max(0, zerosToFill)).toString().substr(1) + absNumber;
+ }
+ var formattingTokens =
+ /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?([Hh]mm(ss)?|Mo|MM?M?M?|Do|DDDo|DD?D?D?|ddd?d?|do?|w[o|w]?|W[o|W]?|Qo?|YYYYYY|YYYYY|YYYY|YY|gg(ggg?)?|GG(GGG?)?|e|E|a|A|hh?|HH?|kk?|mm?|ss?|S{1,9}|x|X|zz?|ZZ?|.)/g;
+ var localFormattingTokens = /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(LTS|LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g;
+ var formatFunctions = {};
+ var formatTokenFunctions = {};
+ // token: 'M'
+ // padded: ['MM', 2]
+ // ordinal: 'Mo'
+ // callback: function () { this.month() + 1 }
+ function addFormatToken(token, padded, ordinal, callback) {
+ var func = callback;
+ if (typeof callback === 'string') {
+ func = function() {
+ return this[callback]();
+ };
+ }
+ if (token) {
+ formatTokenFunctions[token] = func;
+ }
+ if (padded) {
+ formatTokenFunctions[padded[0]] = function() {
+ return zeroFill(func.apply(this, arguments), padded[1], padded[2]);
+ };
+ }
+ if (ordinal) {
+ formatTokenFunctions[ordinal] = function() {
+ return this.localeData().ordinal(func.apply(this, arguments), token);
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ function removeFormattingTokens(input) {
+ if (input.match(/\[[\s\S]/)) {
+ return input.replace(/^\[|\]$/g, '');
+ }
+ return input.replace(/\\/g, '');
+ }
+ function makeFormatFunction(format) {
+ var array = format.match(formattingTokens),
+ i, length;
+ for (i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) {
+ if (formatTokenFunctions[array[i]]) {
+ array[i] = formatTokenFunctions[array[i]];
+ } else {
+ array[i] = removeFormattingTokens(array[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return function(mom) {
+ var output = '',
+ i;
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ output += isFunction(array[i]) ? array[i].call(mom, format) : array[i];
+ }
+ return output;
+ };
+ }
+ // format date using native date object
+ function formatMoment(m, format) {
+ if (!m.isValid()) {
+ return m.localeData().invalidDate();
+ }
+ format = expandFormat(format, m.localeData());
+ formatFunctions[format] = formatFunctions[format] || makeFormatFunction(format);
+ return formatFunctions[format](m);
+ }
+ function expandFormat(format, locale) {
+ var i = 5;
+ function replaceLongDateFormatTokens(input) {
+ return locale.longDateFormat(input) || input;
+ }
+ localFormattingTokens.lastIndex = 0;
+ while (i >= 0 && localFormattingTokens.test(format)) {
+ format = format.replace(localFormattingTokens, replaceLongDateFormatTokens);
+ localFormattingTokens.lastIndex = 0;
+ i -= 1;
+ }
+ return format;
+ }
+ var match1 = /\d/; // 0 - 9
+ var match2 = /\d\d/; // 00 - 99
+ var match3 = /\d{3}/; // 000 - 999
+ var match4 = /\d{4}/; // 0000 - 9999
+ var match6 = /[+-]?\d{6}/; // -999999 - 999999
+ var match1to2 = /\d\d?/; // 0 - 99
+ var match3to4 = /\d\d\d\d?/; // 999 - 9999
+ var match5to6 = /\d\d\d\d\d\d?/; // 99999 - 999999
+ var match1to3 = /\d{1,3}/; // 0 - 999
+ var match1to4 = /\d{1,4}/; // 0 - 9999
+ var match1to6 = /[+-]?\d{1,6}/; // -999999 - 999999
+ var matchUnsigned = /\d+/; // 0 - inf
+ var matchSigned = /[+-]?\d+/; // -inf - inf
+ var matchOffset = /Z|[+-]\d\d:?\d\d/gi; // +00:00 -00:00 +0000 -0000 or Z
+ var matchShortOffset = /Z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/gi; // +00 -00 +00:00 -00:00 +0000 -0000 or Z
+ var matchTimestamp = /[+-]?\d+(\.\d{1,3})?/; // 123456789 123456789.123
+ // any word (or two) characters or numbers including two/three word month in arabic.
+ // includes scottish gaelic two word and hyphenated months
+ var matchWord =
+ /[0-9]{0,256}['a-z\u00A0-\u05FF\u0700-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFF07\uFF10-\uFFEF]{1,256}|[\u0600-\u06FF\/]{1,256}(\s*?[\u0600-\u06FF]{1,256}){1,2}/i;
+ var regexes = {};
+ function addRegexToken(token, regex, strictRegex) {
+ regexes[token] = isFunction(regex) ? regex : function(isStrict, localeData) {
+ return (isStrict && strictRegex) ? strictRegex : regex;
+ };
+ }
+ function getParseRegexForToken(token, config) {
+ if (!hasOwnProp(regexes, token)) {
+ return new RegExp(unescapeFormat(token));
+ }
+ return regexes[token](config._strict, config._locale);
+ }
+ // Code from
+ function unescapeFormat(s) {
+ return regexEscape(s.replace('\\', '').replace(/\\(\[)|\\(\])|\[([^\]\[]*)\]|\\(.)/g, function(
+ matched, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
+ return p1 || p2 || p3 || p4;
+ }));
+ }
+ function regexEscape(s) {
+ return s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
+ }
+ var tokens = {};
+ function addParseToken(token, callback) {
+ var i, func = callback;
+ if (typeof token === 'string') {
+ token = [token];
+ }
+ if (isNumber(callback)) {
+ func = function(input, array) {
+ array[callback] = toInt(input);
+ };
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < token.length; i++) {
+ tokens[token[i]] = func;
+ }
+ }
+ function addWeekParseToken(token, callback) {
+ addParseToken(token, function(input, array, config, token) {
+ config._w = config._w || {};
+ callback(input, config._w, config, token);
+ });
+ }
+ function addTimeToArrayFromToken(token, input, config) {
+ if (input != null && hasOwnProp(tokens, token)) {
+ tokens[token](input, config._a, config, token);
+ }
+ }
+ var YEAR = 0;
+ var MONTH = 1;
+ var DATE = 2;
+ var HOUR = 3;
+ var MINUTE = 4;
+ var SECOND = 5;
+ var MILLISECOND = 6;
+ var WEEK = 7;
+ var WEEKDAY = 8;
+ addFormatToken('Y', 0, 0, function() {
+ var y = this.year();
+ return y <= 9999 ? '' + y : '+' + y;
+ });
+ addFormatToken(0, ['YY', 2], 0, function() {
+ return this.year() % 100;
+ });
+ addFormatToken(0, ['YYYY', 4], 0, 'year');
+ addFormatToken(0, ['YYYYY', 5], 0, 'year');
+ addFormatToken(0, ['YYYYYY', 6, true], 0, 'year');
+ addUnitAlias('year', 'y');
+ addUnitPriority('year', 1);
+ addRegexToken('Y', matchSigned);
+ addRegexToken('YY', match1to2, match2);
+ addRegexToken('YYYY', match1to4, match4);
+ addRegexToken('YYYYY', match1to6, match6);
+ addRegexToken('YYYYYY', match1to6, match6);
+ addParseToken(['YYYYY', 'YYYYYY'], YEAR);
+ addParseToken('YYYY', function(input, array) {
+ array[YEAR] = input.length === 2 ? hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input) : toInt(input);
+ });
+ addParseToken('YY', function(input, array) {
+ array[YEAR] = hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input);
+ });
+ addParseToken('Y', function(input, array) {
+ array[YEAR] = parseInt(input, 10);
+ });
+ function daysInYear(year) {
+ return isLeapYear(year) ? 366 : 365;
+ }
+ function isLeapYear(year) {
+ return (year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0;
+ }
+ // HOOKS
+ hooks.parseTwoDigitYear = function(input) {
+ return toInt(input) + (toInt(input) > 68 ? 1900 : 2000);
+ };
+ var getSetYear = makeGetSet('FullYear', true);
+ function getIsLeapYear() {
+ return isLeapYear(this.year());
+ }
+ function makeGetSet(unit, keepTime) {
+ return function(value) {
+ if (value != null) {
+ set$1(this, unit, value);
+ hooks.updateOffset(this, keepTime);
+ return this;
+ } else {
+ return get(this, unit);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ function get(mom, unit) {
+ return mom.isValid() ?
+ mom._d['get' + (mom._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '') + unit]() : NaN;
+ }
+ function set$1(mom, unit, value) {
+ if (mom.isValid() && !isNaN(value)) {
+ if (unit === 'FullYear' && isLeapYear(mom.year()) && mom.month() === 1 && === 29) {
+ mom._d['set' + (mom._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '') + unit](value, mom.month(), daysInMonth(value, mom
+ .month()));
+ } else {
+ mom._d['set' + (mom._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '') + unit](value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function stringGet(units) {
+ units = normalizeUnits(units);
+ if (isFunction(this[units])) {
+ return this[units]();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ function stringSet(units, value) {
+ if (typeof units === 'object') {
+ units = normalizeObjectUnits(units);
+ var prioritized = getPrioritizedUnits(units);
+ for (var i = 0; i < prioritized.length; i++) {
+ this[prioritized[i].unit](units[prioritized[i].unit]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ units = normalizeUnits(units);
+ if (isFunction(this[units])) {
+ return this[units](value);
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ function mod(n, x) {
+ return ((n % x) + x) % x;
+ }
+ var indexOf;
+ if (Array.prototype.indexOf) {
+ indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf;
+ } else {
+ indexOf = function(o) {
+ // I know
+ var i;
+ for (i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) {
+ if (this[i] === o) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ };
+ }
+ function daysInMonth(year, month) {
+ if (isNaN(year) || isNaN(month)) {
+ return NaN;
+ }
+ var modMonth = mod(month, 12);
+ year += (month - modMonth) / 12;
+ return modMonth === 1 ? (isLeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28) : (31 - modMonth % 7 % 2);
+ }
+ addFormatToken('M', ['MM', 2], 'Mo', function() {
+ return this.month() + 1;
+ });
+ addFormatToken('MMM', 0, 0, function(format) {
+ return this.localeData().monthsShort(this, format);
+ });
+ addFormatToken('MMMM', 0, 0, function(format) {
+ return this.localeData().months(this, format);
+ });
+ addUnitAlias('month', 'M');
+ addUnitPriority('month', 8);
+ addRegexToken('M', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('MM', match1to2, match2);
+ addRegexToken('MMM', function(isStrict, locale) {
+ return locale.monthsShortRegex(isStrict);
+ });
+ addRegexToken('MMMM', function(isStrict, locale) {
+ return locale.monthsRegex(isStrict);
+ });
+ addParseToken(['M', 'MM'], function(input, array) {
+ array[MONTH] = toInt(input) - 1;
+ });
+ addParseToken(['MMM', 'MMMM'], function(input, array, config, token) {
+ var month = config._locale.monthsParse(input, token, config._strict);
+ // if we didn't find a month name, mark the date as invalid.
+ if (month != null) {
+ array[MONTH] = month;
+ } else {
+ getParsingFlags(config).invalidMonth = input;
+ }
+ });
+ var MONTHS_IN_FORMAT = /D[oD]?(\[[^\[\]]*\]|\s)+MMMM?/;
+ var defaultLocaleMonths =
+ 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'.split('_');
+ function localeMonths(m, format) {
+ if (!m) {
+ return isArray(this._months) ? this._months :
+ this._months['standalone'];
+ }
+ return isArray(this._months) ? this._months[m.month()] :
+ this._months[(this._months.isFormat || MONTHS_IN_FORMAT).test(format) ? 'format' : 'standalone']
+ [m.month()];
+ }
+ var defaultLocaleMonthsShort = 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_');
+ function localeMonthsShort(m, format) {
+ if (!m) {
+ return isArray(this._monthsShort) ? this._monthsShort :
+ this._monthsShort['standalone'];
+ }
+ return isArray(this._monthsShort) ? this._monthsShort[m.month()] :
+ this._monthsShort[MONTHS_IN_FORMAT.test(format) ? 'format' : 'standalone'][m.month()];
+ }
+ function handleStrictParse(monthName, format, strict) {
+ var i, ii, mom, llc = monthName.toLocaleLowerCase();
+ if (!this._monthsParse) {
+ // this is not used
+ this._monthsParse = [];
+ this._longMonthsParse = [];
+ this._shortMonthsParse = [];
+ for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
+ mom = createUTC([2000, i]);
+ this._shortMonthsParse[i] = this.monthsShort(mom, '').toLocaleLowerCase();
+ this._longMonthsParse[i] = this.months(mom, '').toLocaleLowerCase();
+ }
+ }
+ if (strict) {
+ if (format === 'MMM') {
+ ii =, llc);
+ return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;
+ } else {
+ ii =, llc);
+ return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (format === 'MMM') {
+ ii =, llc);
+ if (ii !== -1) {
+ return ii;
+ }
+ ii =, llc);
+ return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;
+ } else {
+ ii =, llc);
+ if (ii !== -1) {
+ return ii;
+ }
+ ii =, llc);
+ return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function localeMonthsParse(monthName, format, strict) {
+ var i, mom, regex;
+ if (this._monthsParseExact) {
+ return, monthName, format, strict);
+ }
+ if (!this._monthsParse) {
+ this._monthsParse = [];
+ this._longMonthsParse = [];
+ this._shortMonthsParse = [];
+ }
+ // TODO: add sorting
+ // Sorting makes sure if one month (or abbr) is a prefix of another
+ // see sorting in computeMonthsParse
+ for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
+ // make the regex if we don't have it already
+ mom = createUTC([2000, i]);
+ if (strict && !this._longMonthsParse[i]) {
+ this._longMonthsParse[i] = new RegExp('^' + this.months(mom, '').replace('.', '') + '$',
+ 'i');
+ this._shortMonthsParse[i] = new RegExp('^' + this.monthsShort(mom, '').replace('.', '') +
+ '$', 'i');
+ }
+ if (!strict && !this._monthsParse[i]) {
+ regex = '^' + this.months(mom, '') + '|^' + this.monthsShort(mom, '');
+ this._monthsParse[i] = new RegExp(regex.replace('.', ''), 'i');
+ }
+ // test the regex
+ if (strict && format === 'MMMM' && this._longMonthsParse[i].test(monthName)) {
+ return i;
+ } else if (strict && format === 'MMM' && this._shortMonthsParse[i].test(monthName)) {
+ return i;
+ } else if (!strict && this._monthsParse[i].test(monthName)) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function setMonth(mom, value) {
+ var dayOfMonth;
+ if (!mom.isValid()) {
+ // No op
+ return mom;
+ }
+ if (typeof value === 'string') {
+ if (/^\d+$/.test(value)) {
+ value = toInt(value);
+ } else {
+ value = mom.localeData().monthsParse(value);
+ // TODO: Another silent failure?
+ if (!isNumber(value)) {
+ return mom;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dayOfMonth = Math.min(, daysInMonth(mom.year(), value));
+ mom._d['set' + (mom._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '') + 'Month'](value, dayOfMonth);
+ return mom;
+ }
+ function getSetMonth(value) {
+ if (value != null) {
+ setMonth(this, value);
+ hooks.updateOffset(this, true);
+ return this;
+ } else {
+ return get(this, 'Month');
+ }
+ }
+ function getDaysInMonth() {
+ return daysInMonth(this.year(), this.month());
+ }
+ var defaultMonthsShortRegex = matchWord;
+ function monthsShortRegex(isStrict) {
+ if (this._monthsParseExact) {
+ if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_monthsRegex')) {
+ }
+ if (isStrict) {
+ return this._monthsShortStrictRegex;
+ } else {
+ return this._monthsShortRegex;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_monthsShortRegex')) {
+ this._monthsShortRegex = defaultMonthsShortRegex;
+ }
+ return this._monthsShortStrictRegex && isStrict ?
+ this._monthsShortStrictRegex : this._monthsShortRegex;
+ }
+ }
+ var defaultMonthsRegex = matchWord;
+ function monthsRegex(isStrict) {
+ if (this._monthsParseExact) {
+ if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_monthsRegex')) {
+ }
+ if (isStrict) {
+ return this._monthsStrictRegex;
+ } else {
+ return this._monthsRegex;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_monthsRegex')) {
+ this._monthsRegex = defaultMonthsRegex;
+ }
+ return this._monthsStrictRegex && isStrict ?
+ this._monthsStrictRegex : this._monthsRegex;
+ }
+ }
+ function computeMonthsParse() {
+ function cmpLenRev(a, b) {
+ return b.length - a.length;
+ }
+ var shortPieces = [],
+ longPieces = [],
+ mixedPieces = [],
+ i, mom;
+ for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
+ // make the regex if we don't have it already
+ mom = createUTC([2000, i]);
+ shortPieces.push(this.monthsShort(mom, ''));
+ longPieces.push(this.months(mom, ''));
+ mixedPieces.push(this.months(mom, ''));
+ mixedPieces.push(this.monthsShort(mom, ''));
+ }
+ // Sorting makes sure if one month (or abbr) is a prefix of another it
+ // will match the longer piece.
+ shortPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);
+ longPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);
+ mixedPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);
+ for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
+ shortPieces[i] = regexEscape(shortPieces[i]);
+ longPieces[i] = regexEscape(longPieces[i]);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
+ mixedPieces[i] = regexEscape(mixedPieces[i]);
+ }
+ this._monthsRegex = new RegExp('^(' + mixedPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');
+ this._monthsShortRegex = this._monthsRegex;
+ this._monthsStrictRegex = new RegExp('^(' + longPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');
+ this._monthsShortStrictRegex = new RegExp('^(' + shortPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');
+ }
+ function createDate(y, m, d, h, M, s, ms) {
+ // can't just apply() to create a date:
+ //
+ var date;
+ // the date constructor remaps years 0-99 to 1900-1999
+ if (y < 100 && y >= 0) {
+ // preserve leap years using a full 400 year cycle, then reset
+ date = new Date(y + 400, m, d, h, M, s, ms);
+ if (isFinite(date.getFullYear())) {
+ date.setFullYear(y);
+ }
+ } else {
+ date = new Date(y, m, d, h, M, s, ms);
+ }
+ return date;
+ }
+ function createUTCDate(y) {
+ var date;
+ // the Date.UTC function remaps years 0-99 to 1900-1999
+ if (y < 100 && y >= 0) {
+ var args =;
+ // preserve leap years using a full 400 year cycle, then reset
+ args[0] = y + 400;
+ date = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, args));
+ if (isFinite(date.getUTCFullYear())) {
+ date.setUTCFullYear(y);
+ }
+ } else {
+ date = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, arguments));
+ }
+ return date;
+ }
+ // start-of-first-week - start-of-year
+ function firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy) {
+ var // first-week day -- which january is always in the first week (4 for iso, 1 for other)
+ fwd = 7 + dow - doy,
+ // first-week day local weekday -- which local weekday is fwd
+ fwdlw = (7 + createUTCDate(year, 0, fwd).getUTCDay() - dow) % 7;
+ return -fwdlw + fwd - 1;
+ }
+ //
+ function dayOfYearFromWeeks(year, week, weekday, dow, doy) {
+ var localWeekday = (7 + weekday - dow) % 7,
+ weekOffset = firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy),
+ dayOfYear = 1 + 7 * (week - 1) + localWeekday + weekOffset,
+ resYear, resDayOfYear;
+ if (dayOfYear <= 0) {
+ resYear = year - 1;
+ resDayOfYear = daysInYear(resYear) + dayOfYear;
+ } else if (dayOfYear > daysInYear(year)) {
+ resYear = year + 1;
+ resDayOfYear = dayOfYear - daysInYear(year);
+ } else {
+ resYear = year;
+ resDayOfYear = dayOfYear;
+ }
+ return {
+ year: resYear,
+ dayOfYear: resDayOfYear
+ };
+ }
+ function weekOfYear(mom, dow, doy) {
+ var weekOffset = firstWeekOffset(mom.year(), dow, doy),
+ week = Math.floor((mom.dayOfYear() - weekOffset - 1) / 7) + 1,
+ resWeek, resYear;
+ if (week < 1) {
+ resYear = mom.year() - 1;
+ resWeek = week + weeksInYear(resYear, dow, doy);
+ } else if (week > weeksInYear(mom.year(), dow, doy)) {
+ resWeek = week - weeksInYear(mom.year(), dow, doy);
+ resYear = mom.year() + 1;
+ } else {
+ resYear = mom.year();
+ resWeek = week;
+ }
+ return {
+ week: resWeek,
+ year: resYear
+ };
+ }
+ function weeksInYear(year, dow, doy) {
+ var weekOffset = firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy),
+ weekOffsetNext = firstWeekOffset(year + 1, dow, doy);
+ return (daysInYear(year) - weekOffset + weekOffsetNext) / 7;
+ }
+ addFormatToken('w', ['ww', 2], 'wo', 'week');
+ addFormatToken('W', ['WW', 2], 'Wo', 'isoWeek');
+ addUnitAlias('week', 'w');
+ addUnitAlias('isoWeek', 'W');
+ addUnitPriority('week', 5);
+ addUnitPriority('isoWeek', 5);
+ addRegexToken('w', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('ww', match1to2, match2);
+ addRegexToken('W', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('WW', match1to2, match2);
+ addWeekParseToken(['w', 'ww', 'W', 'WW'], function(input, week, config, token) {
+ week[token.substr(0, 1)] = toInt(input);
+ });
+ function localeWeek(mom) {
+ return weekOfYear(mom, this._week.dow, this._week.doy).week;
+ }
+ var defaultLocaleWeek = {
+ dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
+ };
+ function localeFirstDayOfWeek() {
+ return this._week.dow;
+ }
+ function localeFirstDayOfYear() {
+ return this._week.doy;
+ }
+ function getSetWeek(input) {
+ var week = this.localeData().week(this);
+ return input == null ? week : this.add((input - week) * 7, 'd');
+ }
+ function getSetISOWeek(input) {
+ var week = weekOfYear(this, 1, 4).week;
+ return input == null ? week : this.add((input - week) * 7, 'd');
+ }
+ addFormatToken('d', 0, 'do', 'day');
+ addFormatToken('dd', 0, 0, function(format) {
+ return this.localeData().weekdaysMin(this, format);
+ });
+ addFormatToken('ddd', 0, 0, function(format) {
+ return this.localeData().weekdaysShort(this, format);
+ });
+ addFormatToken('dddd', 0, 0, function(format) {
+ return this.localeData().weekdays(this, format);
+ });
+ addFormatToken('e', 0, 0, 'weekday');
+ addFormatToken('E', 0, 0, 'isoWeekday');
+ addUnitAlias('day', 'd');
+ addUnitAlias('weekday', 'e');
+ addUnitAlias('isoWeekday', 'E');
+ addUnitPriority('day', 11);
+ addUnitPriority('weekday', 11);
+ addUnitPriority('isoWeekday', 11);
+ addRegexToken('d', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('e', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('E', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('dd', function(isStrict, locale) {
+ return locale.weekdaysMinRegex(isStrict);
+ });
+ addRegexToken('ddd', function(isStrict, locale) {
+ return locale.weekdaysShortRegex(isStrict);
+ });
+ addRegexToken('dddd', function(isStrict, locale) {
+ return locale.weekdaysRegex(isStrict);
+ });
+ addWeekParseToken(['dd', 'ddd', 'dddd'], function(input, week, config, token) {
+ var weekday = config._locale.weekdaysParse(input, token, config._strict);
+ // if we didn't get a weekday name, mark the date as invalid
+ if (weekday != null) {
+ week.d = weekday;
+ } else {
+ getParsingFlags(config).invalidWeekday = input;
+ }
+ });
+ addWeekParseToken(['d', 'e', 'E'], function(input, week, config, token) {
+ week[token] = toInt(input);
+ });
+ function parseWeekday(input, locale) {
+ if (typeof input !== 'string') {
+ return input;
+ }
+ if (!isNaN(input)) {
+ return parseInt(input, 10);
+ }
+ input = locale.weekdaysParse(input);
+ if (typeof input === 'number') {
+ return input;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ function parseIsoWeekday(input, locale) {
+ if (typeof input === 'string') {
+ return locale.weekdaysParse(input) % 7 || 7;
+ }
+ return isNaN(input) ? null : input;
+ }
+ function shiftWeekdays(ws, n) {
+ return ws.slice(n, 7).concat(ws.slice(0, n));
+ }
+ var defaultLocaleWeekdays = 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split('_');
+ function localeWeekdays(m, format) {
+ var weekdays = isArray(this._weekdays) ? this._weekdays :
+ this._weekdays[(m && m !== true && this._weekdays.isFormat.test(format)) ? 'format' :
+ 'standalone'];
+ return (m === true) ? shiftWeekdays(weekdays, this._week.dow) :
+ (m) ? weekdays[] : weekdays;
+ }
+ var defaultLocaleWeekdaysShort = 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_');
+ function localeWeekdaysShort(m) {
+ return (m === true) ? shiftWeekdays(this._weekdaysShort, this._week.dow) :
+ (m) ? this._weekdaysShort[] : this._weekdaysShort;
+ }
+ var defaultLocaleWeekdaysMin = 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_');
+ function localeWeekdaysMin(m) {
+ return (m === true) ? shiftWeekdays(this._weekdaysMin, this._week.dow) :
+ (m) ? this._weekdaysMin[] : this._weekdaysMin;
+ }
+ function handleStrictParse$1(weekdayName, format, strict) {
+ var i, ii, mom, llc = weekdayName.toLocaleLowerCase();
+ if (!this._weekdaysParse) {
+ this._weekdaysParse = [];
+ this._shortWeekdaysParse = [];
+ this._minWeekdaysParse = [];
+ for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
+ mom = createUTC([2000, 1]).day(i);
+ this._minWeekdaysParse[i] = this.weekdaysMin(mom, '').toLocaleLowerCase();
+ this._shortWeekdaysParse[i] = this.weekdaysShort(mom, '').toLocaleLowerCase();
+ this._weekdaysParse[i] = this.weekdays(mom, '').toLocaleLowerCase();
+ }
+ }
+ if (strict) {
+ if (format === 'dddd') {
+ ii =, llc);
+ return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;
+ } else if (format === 'ddd') {
+ ii =, llc);
+ return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;
+ } else {
+ ii =, llc);
+ return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (format === 'dddd') {
+ ii =, llc);
+ if (ii !== -1) {
+ return ii;
+ }
+ ii =, llc);
+ if (ii !== -1) {
+ return ii;
+ }
+ ii =, llc);
+ return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;
+ } else if (format === 'ddd') {
+ ii =, llc);
+ if (ii !== -1) {
+ return ii;
+ }
+ ii =, llc);
+ if (ii !== -1) {
+ return ii;
+ }
+ ii =, llc);
+ return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;
+ } else {
+ ii =, llc);
+ if (ii !== -1) {
+ return ii;
+ }
+ ii =, llc);
+ if (ii !== -1) {
+ return ii;
+ }
+ ii =, llc);
+ return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function localeWeekdaysParse(weekdayName, format, strict) {
+ var i, mom, regex;
+ if (this._weekdaysParseExact) {
+ return handleStrictParse$, weekdayName, format, strict);
+ }
+ if (!this._weekdaysParse) {
+ this._weekdaysParse = [];
+ this._minWeekdaysParse = [];
+ this._shortWeekdaysParse = [];
+ this._fullWeekdaysParse = [];
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+ // make the regex if we don't have it already
+ mom = createUTC([2000, 1]).day(i);
+ if (strict && !this._fullWeekdaysParse[i]) {
+ this._fullWeekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp('^' + this.weekdays(mom, '').replace('.', '\\.?') +
+ '$', 'i');
+ this._shortWeekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp('^' + this.weekdaysShort(mom, '').replace('.',
+ '\\.?') + '$', 'i');
+ this._minWeekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp('^' + this.weekdaysMin(mom, '').replace('.',
+ '\\.?') + '$', 'i');
+ }
+ if (!this._weekdaysParse[i]) {
+ regex = '^' + this.weekdays(mom, '') + '|^' + this.weekdaysShort(mom, '') + '|^' + this
+ .weekdaysMin(mom, '');
+ this._weekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp(regex.replace('.', ''), 'i');
+ }
+ // test the regex
+ if (strict && format === 'dddd' && this._fullWeekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) {
+ return i;
+ } else if (strict && format === 'ddd' && this._shortWeekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) {
+ return i;
+ } else if (strict && format === 'dd' && this._minWeekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) {
+ return i;
+ } else if (!strict && this._weekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function getSetDayOfWeek(input) {
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return input != null ? this : NaN;
+ }
+ var day = this._isUTC ? this._d.getUTCDay() : this._d.getDay();
+ if (input != null) {
+ input = parseWeekday(input, this.localeData());
+ return this.add(input - day, 'd');
+ } else {
+ return day;
+ }
+ }
+ function getSetLocaleDayOfWeek(input) {
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return input != null ? this : NaN;
+ }
+ var weekday = ( + 7 - this.localeData()._week.dow) % 7;
+ return input == null ? weekday : this.add(input - weekday, 'd');
+ }
+ function getSetISODayOfWeek(input) {
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return input != null ? this : NaN;
+ }
+ // behaves the same as moment#day except
+ // as a getter, returns 7 instead of 0 (1-7 range instead of 0-6)
+ // as a setter, sunday should belong to the previous week.
+ if (input != null) {
+ var weekday = parseIsoWeekday(input, this.localeData());
+ return % 7 ? weekday : weekday - 7);
+ } else {
+ return || 7;
+ }
+ }
+ var defaultWeekdaysRegex = matchWord;
+ function weekdaysRegex(isStrict) {
+ if (this._weekdaysParseExact) {
+ if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysRegex')) {
+ }
+ if (isStrict) {
+ return this._weekdaysStrictRegex;
+ } else {
+ return this._weekdaysRegex;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysRegex')) {
+ this._weekdaysRegex = defaultWeekdaysRegex;
+ }
+ return this._weekdaysStrictRegex && isStrict ?
+ this._weekdaysStrictRegex : this._weekdaysRegex;
+ }
+ }
+ var defaultWeekdaysShortRegex = matchWord;
+ function weekdaysShortRegex(isStrict) {
+ if (this._weekdaysParseExact) {
+ if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysRegex')) {
+ }
+ if (isStrict) {
+ return this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex;
+ } else {
+ return this._weekdaysShortRegex;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysShortRegex')) {
+ this._weekdaysShortRegex = defaultWeekdaysShortRegex;
+ }
+ return this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex && isStrict ?
+ this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex : this._weekdaysShortRegex;
+ }
+ }
+ var defaultWeekdaysMinRegex = matchWord;
+ function weekdaysMinRegex(isStrict) {
+ if (this._weekdaysParseExact) {
+ if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysRegex')) {
+ }
+ if (isStrict) {
+ return this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex;
+ } else {
+ return this._weekdaysMinRegex;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysMinRegex')) {
+ this._weekdaysMinRegex = defaultWeekdaysMinRegex;
+ }
+ return this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex && isStrict ?
+ this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex : this._weekdaysMinRegex;
+ }
+ }
+ function computeWeekdaysParse() {
+ function cmpLenRev(a, b) {
+ return b.length - a.length;
+ }
+ var minPieces = [],
+ shortPieces = [],
+ longPieces = [],
+ mixedPieces = [],
+ i, mom, minp, shortp, longp;
+ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+ // make the regex if we don't have it already
+ mom = createUTC([2000, 1]).day(i);
+ minp = this.weekdaysMin(mom, '');
+ shortp = this.weekdaysShort(mom, '');
+ longp = this.weekdays(mom, '');
+ minPieces.push(minp);
+ shortPieces.push(shortp);
+ longPieces.push(longp);
+ mixedPieces.push(minp);
+ mixedPieces.push(shortp);
+ mixedPieces.push(longp);
+ }
+ // Sorting makes sure if one weekday (or abbr) is a prefix of another it
+ // will match the longer piece.
+ minPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);
+ shortPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);
+ longPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);
+ mixedPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);
+ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+ shortPieces[i] = regexEscape(shortPieces[i]);
+ longPieces[i] = regexEscape(longPieces[i]);
+ mixedPieces[i] = regexEscape(mixedPieces[i]);
+ }
+ this._weekdaysRegex = new RegExp('^(' + mixedPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');
+ this._weekdaysShortRegex = this._weekdaysRegex;
+ this._weekdaysMinRegex = this._weekdaysRegex;
+ this._weekdaysStrictRegex = new RegExp('^(' + longPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');
+ this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex = new RegExp('^(' + shortPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');
+ this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex = new RegExp('^(' + minPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');
+ }
+ function hFormat() {
+ return this.hours() % 12 || 12;
+ }
+ function kFormat() {
+ return this.hours() || 24;
+ }
+ addFormatToken('H', ['HH', 2], 0, 'hour');
+ addFormatToken('h', ['hh', 2], 0, hFormat);
+ addFormatToken('k', ['kk', 2], 0, kFormat);
+ addFormatToken('hmm', 0, 0, function() {
+ return '' + hFormat.apply(this) + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2);
+ });
+ addFormatToken('hmmss', 0, 0, function() {
+ return '' + hFormat.apply(this) + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2) +
+ zeroFill(this.seconds(), 2);
+ });
+ addFormatToken('Hmm', 0, 0, function() {
+ return '' + this.hours() + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2);
+ });
+ addFormatToken('Hmmss', 0, 0, function() {
+ return '' + this.hours() + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2) +
+ zeroFill(this.seconds(), 2);
+ });
+ function meridiem(token, lowercase) {
+ addFormatToken(token, 0, 0, function() {
+ return this.localeData().meridiem(this.hours(), this.minutes(), lowercase);
+ });
+ }
+ meridiem('a', true);
+ meridiem('A', false);
+ addUnitAlias('hour', 'h');
+ addUnitPriority('hour', 13);
+ function matchMeridiem(isStrict, locale) {
+ return locale._meridiemParse;
+ }
+ addRegexToken('a', matchMeridiem);
+ addRegexToken('A', matchMeridiem);
+ addRegexToken('H', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('h', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('k', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('HH', match1to2, match2);
+ addRegexToken('hh', match1to2, match2);
+ addRegexToken('kk', match1to2, match2);
+ addRegexToken('hmm', match3to4);
+ addRegexToken('hmmss', match5to6);
+ addRegexToken('Hmm', match3to4);
+ addRegexToken('Hmmss', match5to6);
+ addParseToken(['H', 'HH'], HOUR);
+ addParseToken(['k', 'kk'], function(input, array, config) {
+ var kInput = toInt(input);
+ array[HOUR] = kInput === 24 ? 0 : kInput;
+ });
+ addParseToken(['a', 'A'], function(input, array, config) {
+ config._isPm = config._locale.isPM(input);
+ config._meridiem = input;
+ });
+ addParseToken(['h', 'hh'], function(input, array, config) {
+ array[HOUR] = toInt(input);
+ getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = true;
+ });
+ addParseToken('hmm', function(input, array, config) {
+ var pos = input.length - 2;
+ array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos));
+ array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos));
+ getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = true;
+ });
+ addParseToken('hmmss', function(input, array, config) {
+ var pos1 = input.length - 4;
+ var pos2 = input.length - 2;
+ array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos1));
+ array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos1, 2));
+ array[SECOND] = toInt(input.substr(pos2));
+ getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = true;
+ });
+ addParseToken('Hmm', function(input, array, config) {
+ var pos = input.length - 2;
+ array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos));
+ array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos));
+ });
+ addParseToken('Hmmss', function(input, array, config) {
+ var pos1 = input.length - 4;
+ var pos2 = input.length - 2;
+ array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos1));
+ array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos1, 2));
+ array[SECOND] = toInt(input.substr(pos2));
+ });
+ function localeIsPM(input) {
+ // IE8 Quirks Mode & IE7 Standards Mode do not allow accessing strings like arrays
+ // Using charAt should be more compatible.
+ return ((input + '').toLowerCase().charAt(0) === 'p');
+ }
+ var defaultLocaleMeridiemParse = /[ap]\.?m?\.?/i;
+ function localeMeridiem(hours, minutes, isLower) {
+ if (hours > 11) {
+ return isLower ? 'pm' : 'PM';
+ } else {
+ return isLower ? 'am' : 'AM';
+ }
+ }
+ // Setting the hour should keep the time, because the user explicitly
+ // specified which hour they want. So trying to maintain the same hour (in
+ // a new timezone) makes sense. Adding/subtracting hours does not follow
+ // this rule.
+ var getSetHour = makeGetSet('Hours', true);
+ var baseConfig = {
+ calendar: defaultCalendar,
+ longDateFormat: defaultLongDateFormat,
+ invalidDate: defaultInvalidDate,
+ ordinal: defaultOrdinal,
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: defaultDayOfMonthOrdinalParse,
+ relativeTime: defaultRelativeTime,
+ months: defaultLocaleMonths,
+ monthsShort: defaultLocaleMonthsShort,
+ week: defaultLocaleWeek,
+ weekdays: defaultLocaleWeekdays,
+ weekdaysMin: defaultLocaleWeekdaysMin,
+ weekdaysShort: defaultLocaleWeekdaysShort,
+ meridiemParse: defaultLocaleMeridiemParse
+ };
+ // internal storage for locale config files
+ var locales = {};
+ var localeFamilies = {};
+ var globalLocale;
+ function normalizeLocale(key) {
+ return key ? key.toLowerCase().replace('_', '-') : key;
+ }
+ // pick the locale from the array
+ // try ['en-au', 'en-gb'] as 'en-au', 'en-gb', 'en', as in move through the list trying each
+ // substring from most specific to least, but move to the next array item if it's a more specific variant than the current root
+ function chooseLocale(names) {
+ var i = 0,
+ j, next, locale, split;
+ while (i < names.length) {
+ split = normalizeLocale(names[i]).split('-');
+ j = split.length;
+ next = normalizeLocale(names[i + 1]);
+ next = next ? next.split('-') : null;
+ while (j > 0) {
+ locale = loadLocale(split.slice(0, j).join('-'));
+ if (locale) {
+ return locale;
+ }
+ if (next && next.length >= j && compareArrays(split, next, true) >= j - 1) {
+ //the next array item is better than a shallower substring of this one
+ break;
+ }
+ j--;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ return globalLocale;
+ }
+ function loadLocale(name) {
+ var oldLocale = null;
+ // TODO: Find a better way to register and load all the locales in Node
+ if (!locales[name] && (typeof module !== 'undefined') &&
+ module && module.exports) {
+ try {
+ oldLocale = globalLocale._abbr;
+ var aliasedRequire = require;
+ aliasedRequire('./locale/' + name);
+ getSetGlobalLocale(oldLocale);
+ } catch (e) {}
+ }
+ return locales[name];
+ }
+ // This function will load locale and then set the global locale. If
+ // no arguments are passed in, it will simply return the current global
+ // locale key.
+ function getSetGlobalLocale(key, values) {
+ var data;
+ if (key) {
+ if (isUndefined(values)) {
+ data = getLocale(key);
+ } else {
+ data = defineLocale(key, values);
+ }
+ if (data) {
+ // moment.duration._locale = moment._locale = data;
+ globalLocale = data;
+ } else {
+ if ((typeof console !== 'undefined') && console.warn) {
+ //warn user if arguments are passed but the locale could not be set
+ console.warn('Locale ' + key + ' not found. Did you forget to load it?');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return globalLocale._abbr;
+ }
+ function defineLocale(name, config) {
+ if (config !== null) {
+ var locale, parentConfig = baseConfig;
+ config.abbr = name;
+ if (locales[name] != null) {
+ deprecateSimple('defineLocaleOverride',
+ 'use moment.updateLocale(localeName, config) to change ' +
+ 'an existing locale. moment.defineLocale(localeName, ' +
+ 'config) should only be used for creating a new locale ' +
+ 'See for more info.');
+ parentConfig = locales[name]._config;
+ } else if (config.parentLocale != null) {
+ if (locales[config.parentLocale] != null) {
+ parentConfig = locales[config.parentLocale]._config;
+ } else {
+ locale = loadLocale(config.parentLocale);
+ if (locale != null) {
+ parentConfig = locale._config;
+ } else {
+ if (!localeFamilies[config.parentLocale]) {
+ localeFamilies[config.parentLocale] = [];
+ }
+ localeFamilies[config.parentLocale].push({
+ name: name,
+ config: config
+ });
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ locales[name] = new Locale(mergeConfigs(parentConfig, config));
+ if (localeFamilies[name]) {
+ localeFamilies[name].forEach(function(x) {
+ defineLocale(, x.config);
+ });
+ }
+ // backwards compat for now: also set the locale
+ // make sure we set the locale AFTER all child locales have been
+ // created, so we won't end up with the child locale set.
+ getSetGlobalLocale(name);
+ return locales[name];
+ } else {
+ // useful for testing
+ delete locales[name];
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ function updateLocale(name, config) {
+ if (config != null) {
+ var locale, tmpLocale, parentConfig = baseConfig;
+ // MERGE
+ tmpLocale = loadLocale(name);
+ if (tmpLocale != null) {
+ parentConfig = tmpLocale._config;
+ }
+ config = mergeConfigs(parentConfig, config);
+ locale = new Locale(config);
+ locale.parentLocale = locales[name];
+ locales[name] = locale;
+ // backwards compat for now: also set the locale
+ getSetGlobalLocale(name);
+ } else {
+ // pass null for config to unupdate, useful for tests
+ if (locales[name] != null) {
+ if (locales[name].parentLocale != null) {
+ locales[name] = locales[name].parentLocale;
+ } else if (locales[name] != null) {
+ delete locales[name];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return locales[name];
+ }
+ // returns locale data
+ function getLocale(key) {
+ var locale;
+ if (key && key._locale && key._locale._abbr) {
+ key = key._locale._abbr;
+ }
+ if (!key) {
+ return globalLocale;
+ }
+ if (!isArray(key)) {
+ //short-circuit everything else
+ locale = loadLocale(key);
+ if (locale) {
+ return locale;
+ }
+ key = [key];
+ }
+ return chooseLocale(key);
+ }
+ function listLocales() {
+ return keys(locales);
+ }
+ function checkOverflow(m) {
+ var overflow;
+ var a = m._a;
+ if (a && getParsingFlags(m).overflow === -2) {
+ overflow =
+ a[MONTH] < 0 || a[MONTH] > 11 ? MONTH :
+ a[DATE] < 1 || a[DATE] > daysInMonth(a[YEAR], a[MONTH]) ? DATE :
+ a[HOUR] < 0 || a[HOUR] > 24 || (a[HOUR] === 24 && (a[MINUTE] !== 0 || a[SECOND] !== 0 || a[
+ MILLISECOND] !== 0)) ? HOUR :
+ a[MINUTE] < 0 || a[MINUTE] > 59 ? MINUTE :
+ a[SECOND] < 0 || a[SECOND] > 59 ? SECOND :
+ -1;
+ if (getParsingFlags(m)._overflowDayOfYear && (overflow < YEAR || overflow > DATE)) {
+ overflow = DATE;
+ }
+ if (getParsingFlags(m)._overflowWeeks && overflow === -1) {
+ overflow = WEEK;
+ }
+ if (getParsingFlags(m)._overflowWeekday && overflow === -1) {
+ overflow = WEEKDAY;
+ }
+ getParsingFlags(m).overflow = overflow;
+ }
+ return m;
+ }
+ // Pick the first defined of two or three arguments.
+ function defaults(a, b, c) {
+ if (a != null) {
+ return a;
+ }
+ if (b != null) {
+ return b;
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ function currentDateArray(config) {
+ // hooks is actually the exported moment object
+ var nowValue = new Date(;
+ if (config._useUTC) {
+ return [nowValue.getUTCFullYear(), nowValue.getUTCMonth(), nowValue.getUTCDate()];
+ }
+ return [nowValue.getFullYear(), nowValue.getMonth(), nowValue.getDate()];
+ }
+ // convert an array to a date.
+ // the array should mirror the parameters below
+ // note: all values past the year are optional and will default to the lowest possible value.
+ // [year, month, day , hour, minute, second, millisecond]
+ function configFromArray(config) {
+ var i, date, input = [],
+ currentDate, expectedWeekday, yearToUse;
+ if (config._d) {
+ return;
+ }
+ currentDate = currentDateArray(config);
+ //compute day of the year from weeks and weekdays
+ if (config._w && config._a[DATE] == null && config._a[MONTH] == null) {
+ dayOfYearFromWeekInfo(config);
+ }
+ //if the day of the year is set, figure out what it is
+ if (config._dayOfYear != null) {
+ yearToUse = defaults(config._a[YEAR], currentDate[YEAR]);
+ if (config._dayOfYear > daysInYear(yearToUse) || config._dayOfYear === 0) {
+ getParsingFlags(config)._overflowDayOfYear = true;
+ }
+ date = createUTCDate(yearToUse, 0, config._dayOfYear);
+ config._a[MONTH] = date.getUTCMonth();
+ config._a[DATE] = date.getUTCDate();
+ }
+ // Default to current date.
+ // * if no year, month, day of month are given, default to today
+ // * if day of month is given, default month and year
+ // * if month is given, default only year
+ // * if year is given, don't default anything
+ for (i = 0; i < 3 && config._a[i] == null; ++i) {
+ config._a[i] = input[i] = currentDate[i];
+ }
+ // Zero out whatever was not defaulted, including time
+ for (; i < 7; i++) {
+ config._a[i] = input[i] = (config._a[i] == null) ? (i === 2 ? 1 : 0) : config._a[i];
+ }
+ // Check for 24:00:00.000
+ if (config._a[HOUR] === 24 &&
+ config._a[MINUTE] === 0 &&
+ config._a[SECOND] === 0 &&
+ config._a[MILLISECOND] === 0) {
+ config._nextDay = true;
+ config._a[HOUR] = 0;
+ }
+ config._d = (config._useUTC ? createUTCDate : createDate).apply(null, input);
+ expectedWeekday = config._useUTC ? config._d.getUTCDay() : config._d.getDay();
+ // Apply timezone offset from input. The actual utcOffset can be changed
+ // with parseZone.
+ if (config._tzm != null) {
+ config._d.setUTCMinutes(config._d.getUTCMinutes() - config._tzm);
+ }
+ if (config._nextDay) {
+ config._a[HOUR] = 24;
+ }
+ // check for mismatching day of week
+ if (config._w && typeof config._w.d !== 'undefined' && config._w.d !== expectedWeekday) {
+ getParsingFlags(config).weekdayMismatch = true;
+ }
+ }
+ function dayOfYearFromWeekInfo(config) {
+ var w, weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy, temp, weekdayOverflow;
+ w = config._w;
+ if (w.GG != null || w.W != null || w.E != null) {
+ dow = 1;
+ doy = 4;
+ // TODO: We need to take the current isoWeekYear, but that depends on
+ // how we interpret now (local, utc, fixed offset). So create
+ // a now version of current config (take local/utc/offset flags, and
+ // create now).
+ weekYear = defaults(w.GG, config._a[YEAR], weekOfYear(createLocal(), 1, 4).year);
+ week = defaults(w.W, 1);
+ weekday = defaults(w.E, 1);
+ if (weekday < 1 || weekday > 7) {
+ weekdayOverflow = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ dow = config._locale._week.dow;
+ doy = config._locale._week.doy;
+ var curWeek = weekOfYear(createLocal(), dow, doy);
+ weekYear = defaults(, config._a[YEAR], curWeek.year);
+ // Default to current week.
+ week = defaults(w.w, curWeek.week);
+ if (w.d != null) {
+ // weekday -- low day numbers are considered next week
+ weekday = w.d;
+ if (weekday < 0 || weekday > 6) {
+ weekdayOverflow = true;
+ }
+ } else if (w.e != null) {
+ // local weekday -- counting starts from beginning of week
+ weekday = w.e + dow;
+ if (w.e < 0 || w.e > 6) {
+ weekdayOverflow = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // default to beginning of week
+ weekday = dow;
+ }
+ }
+ if (week < 1 || week > weeksInYear(weekYear, dow, doy)) {
+ getParsingFlags(config)._overflowWeeks = true;
+ } else if (weekdayOverflow != null) {
+ getParsingFlags(config)._overflowWeekday = true;
+ } else {
+ temp = dayOfYearFromWeeks(weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy);
+ config._a[YEAR] = temp.year;
+ config._dayOfYear = temp.dayOfYear;
+ }
+ }
+ // iso 8601 regex
+ // 0000-00-00 0000-W00 or 0000-W00-0 + T + 00 or 00:00 or 00:00:00 or 00:00:00.000 + +00:00 or +0000 or +00)
+ var extendedIsoRegex =
+ /^\s*((?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})-(?:\d\d-\d\d|W\d\d-\d|W\d\d|\d\d\d|\d\d))(?:(T| )(\d\d(?::\d\d(?::\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)?)?)([\+\-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/;
+ var basicIsoRegex =
+ /^\s*((?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})(?:\d\d\d\d|W\d\d\d|W\d\d|\d\d\d|\d\d))(?:(T| )(\d\d(?:\d\d(?:\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)?)?)([\+\-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/;
+ var tzRegex = /Z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/;
+ var isoDates = [
+ ['YYYYYY-MM-DD', /[+-]\d{6}-\d\d-\d\d/],
+ ['YYYY-MM-DD', /\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d/],
+ ['GGGG-[W]WW-E', /\d{4}-W\d\d-\d/],
+ ['GGGG-[W]WW', /\d{4}-W\d\d/, false],
+ ['YYYY-DDD', /\d{4}-\d{3}/],
+ ['YYYY-MM', /\d{4}-\d\d/, false],
+ ['YYYYYYMMDD', /[+-]\d{10}/],
+ ['YYYYMMDD', /\d{8}/],
+ // YYYYMM is NOT allowed by the standard
+ ['GGGG[W]WWE', /\d{4}W\d{3}/],
+ ['GGGG[W]WW', /\d{4}W\d{2}/, false],
+ ['YYYYDDD', /\d{7}/]
+ ];
+ // iso time formats and regexes
+ var isoTimes = [
+ ['HH:mm:ss.SSSS', /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+/],
+ ['HH:mm:ss,SSSS', /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d+/],
+ ['HH:mm:ss', /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/],
+ ['HH:mm', /\d\d:\d\d/],
+ ['HHmmss.SSSS', /\d\d\d\d\d\d\.\d+/],
+ ['HHmmss,SSSS', /\d\d\d\d\d\d,\d+/],
+ ['HHmmss', /\d\d\d\d\d\d/],
+ ['HHmm', /\d\d\d\d/],
+ ['HH', /\d\d/]
+ ];
+ var aspNetJsonRegex = /^\/?Date\((\-?\d+)/i;
+ // date from iso format
+ function configFromISO(config) {
+ var i, l,
+ string = config._i,
+ match = extendedIsoRegex.exec(string) || basicIsoRegex.exec(string),
+ allowTime, dateFormat, timeFormat, tzFormat;
+ if (match) {
+ getParsingFlags(config).iso = true;
+ for (i = 0, l = isoDates.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (isoDates[i][1].exec(match[1])) {
+ dateFormat = isoDates[i][0];
+ allowTime = isoDates[i][2] !== false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dateFormat == null) {
+ config._isValid = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (match[3]) {
+ for (i = 0, l = isoTimes.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (isoTimes[i][1].exec(match[3])) {
+ // match[2] should be 'T' or space
+ timeFormat = (match[2] || ' ') + isoTimes[i][0];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (timeFormat == null) {
+ config._isValid = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!allowTime && timeFormat != null) {
+ config._isValid = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (match[4]) {
+ if (tzRegex.exec(match[4])) {
+ tzFormat = 'Z';
+ } else {
+ config._isValid = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ config._f = dateFormat + (timeFormat || '') + (tzFormat || '');
+ configFromStringAndFormat(config);
+ } else {
+ config._isValid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // RFC 2822 regex: For details see
+ var rfc2822 =
+ /^(?:(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun),?\s)?(\d{1,2})\s(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\s(\d{2,4})\s(\d\d):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d))?\s(?:(UT|GMT|[ECMP][SD]T)|([Zz])|([+-]\d{4}))$/;
+ function extractFromRFC2822Strings(yearStr, monthStr, dayStr, hourStr, minuteStr, secondStr) {
+ var result = [
+ untruncateYear(yearStr),
+ defaultLocaleMonthsShort.indexOf(monthStr),
+ parseInt(dayStr, 10),
+ parseInt(hourStr, 10),
+ parseInt(minuteStr, 10)
+ ];
+ if (secondStr) {
+ result.push(parseInt(secondStr, 10));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ function untruncateYear(yearStr) {
+ var year = parseInt(yearStr, 10);
+ if (year <= 49) {
+ return 2000 + year;
+ } else if (year <= 999) {
+ return 1900 + year;
+ }
+ return year;
+ }
+ function preprocessRFC2822(s) {
+ // Remove comments and folding whitespace and replace multiple-spaces with a single space
+ return s.replace(/\([^)]*\)|[\n\t]/g, ' ').replace(/(\s\s+)/g, ' ').replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(
+ /\s\s*$/, '');
+ }
+ function checkWeekday(weekdayStr, parsedInput, config) {
+ if (weekdayStr) {
+ // TODO: Replace the vanilla JS Date object with an indepentent day-of-week check.
+ var weekdayProvided = defaultLocaleWeekdaysShort.indexOf(weekdayStr),
+ weekdayActual = new Date(parsedInput[0], parsedInput[1], parsedInput[2]).getDay();
+ if (weekdayProvided !== weekdayActual) {
+ getParsingFlags(config).weekdayMismatch = true;
+ config._isValid = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ var obsOffsets = {
+ UT: 0,
+ GMT: 0,
+ EDT: -4 * 60,
+ EST: -5 * 60,
+ CDT: -5 * 60,
+ CST: -6 * 60,
+ MDT: -6 * 60,
+ MST: -7 * 60,
+ PDT: -7 * 60,
+ PST: -8 * 60
+ };
+ function calculateOffset(obsOffset, militaryOffset, numOffset) {
+ if (obsOffset) {
+ return obsOffsets[obsOffset];
+ } else if (militaryOffset) {
+ // the only allowed military tz is Z
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ var hm = parseInt(numOffset, 10);
+ var m = hm % 100,
+ h = (hm - m) / 100;
+ return h * 60 + m;
+ }
+ }
+ // date and time from ref 2822 format
+ function configFromRFC2822(config) {
+ var match = rfc2822.exec(preprocessRFC2822(config._i));
+ if (match) {
+ var parsedArray = extractFromRFC2822Strings(match[4], match[3], match[2], match[5], match[6],
+ match[7]);
+ if (!checkWeekday(match[1], parsedArray, config)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ config._a = parsedArray;
+ config._tzm = calculateOffset(match[8], match[9], match[10]);
+ config._d = createUTCDate.apply(null, config._a);
+ config._d.setUTCMinutes(config._d.getUTCMinutes() - config._tzm);
+ getParsingFlags(config).rfc2822 = true;
+ } else {
+ config._isValid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // date from iso format or fallback
+ function configFromString(config) {
+ var matched = aspNetJsonRegex.exec(config._i);
+ if (matched !== null) {
+ config._d = new Date(+matched[1]);
+ return;
+ }
+ configFromISO(config);
+ if (config._isValid === false) {
+ delete config._isValid;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ configFromRFC2822(config);
+ if (config._isValid === false) {
+ delete config._isValid;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Final attempt, use Input Fallback
+ hooks.createFromInputFallback(config);
+ }
+ hooks.createFromInputFallback = deprecate(
+ 'value provided is not in a recognized RFC2822 or ISO format. moment construction falls back to js Date(), ' +
+ 'which is not reliable across all browsers and versions. Non RFC2822/ISO date formats are ' +
+ 'discouraged and will be removed in an upcoming major release. Please refer to ' +
+ ' for more info.',
+ function(config) {
+ config._d = new Date(config._i + (config._useUTC ? ' UTC' : ''));
+ }
+ );
+ // constant that refers to the ISO standard
+ hooks.ISO_8601 = function() {};
+ // constant that refers to the RFC 2822 form
+ hooks.RFC_2822 = function() {};
+ // date from string and format string
+ function configFromStringAndFormat(config) {
+ // TODO: Move this to another part of the creation flow to prevent circular deps
+ if (config._f === hooks.ISO_8601) {
+ configFromISO(config);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (config._f === hooks.RFC_2822) {
+ configFromRFC2822(config);
+ return;
+ }
+ config._a = [];
+ getParsingFlags(config).empty = true;
+ // This array is used to make a Date, either with `new Date` or `Date.UTC`
+ var string = '' + config._i,
+ i, parsedInput, tokens, token, skipped,
+ stringLength = string.length,
+ totalParsedInputLength = 0;
+ tokens = expandFormat(config._f, config._locale).match(formattingTokens) || [];
+ for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
+ token = tokens[i];
+ parsedInput = (string.match(getParseRegexForToken(token, config)) || [])[0];
+ // console.log('token', token, 'parsedInput', parsedInput,
+ // 'regex', getParseRegexForToken(token, config));
+ if (parsedInput) {
+ skipped = string.substr(0, string.indexOf(parsedInput));
+ if (skipped.length > 0) {
+ getParsingFlags(config).unusedInput.push(skipped);
+ }
+ string = string.slice(string.indexOf(parsedInput) + parsedInput.length);
+ totalParsedInputLength += parsedInput.length;
+ }
+ // don't parse if it's not a known token
+ if (formatTokenFunctions[token]) {
+ if (parsedInput) {
+ getParsingFlags(config).empty = false;
+ } else {
+ getParsingFlags(config).unusedTokens.push(token);
+ }
+ addTimeToArrayFromToken(token, parsedInput, config);
+ } else if (config._strict && !parsedInput) {
+ getParsingFlags(config).unusedTokens.push(token);
+ }
+ }
+ // add remaining unparsed input length to the string
+ getParsingFlags(config).charsLeftOver = stringLength - totalParsedInputLength;
+ if (string.length > 0) {
+ getParsingFlags(config).unusedInput.push(string);
+ }
+ // clear _12h flag if hour is <= 12
+ if (config._a[HOUR] <= 12 &&
+ getParsingFlags(config).bigHour === true &&
+ config._a[HOUR] > 0) {
+ getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = undefined;
+ }
+ getParsingFlags(config).parsedDateParts = config._a.slice(0);
+ getParsingFlags(config).meridiem = config._meridiem;
+ // handle meridiem
+ config._a[HOUR] = meridiemFixWrap(config._locale, config._a[HOUR], config._meridiem);
+ configFromArray(config);
+ checkOverflow(config);
+ }
+ function meridiemFixWrap(locale, hour, meridiem) {
+ var isPm;
+ if (meridiem == null) {
+ // nothing to do
+ return hour;
+ }
+ if (locale.meridiemHour != null) {
+ return locale.meridiemHour(hour, meridiem);
+ } else if (locale.isPM != null) {
+ // Fallback
+ isPm = locale.isPM(meridiem);
+ if (isPm && hour < 12) {
+ hour += 12;
+ }
+ if (!isPm && hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ return hour;
+ } else {
+ // this is not supposed to happen
+ return hour;
+ }
+ }
+ // date from string and array of format strings
+ function configFromStringAndArray(config) {
+ var tempConfig,
+ bestMoment,
+ scoreToBeat,
+ i,
+ currentScore;
+ if (config._f.length === 0) {
+ getParsingFlags(config).invalidFormat = true;
+ config._d = new Date(NaN);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < config._f.length; i++) {
+ currentScore = 0;
+ tempConfig = copyConfig({}, config);
+ if (config._useUTC != null) {
+ tempConfig._useUTC = config._useUTC;
+ }
+ tempConfig._f = config._f[i];
+ configFromStringAndFormat(tempConfig);
+ if (!isValid(tempConfig)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // if there is any input that was not parsed add a penalty for that format
+ currentScore += getParsingFlags(tempConfig).charsLeftOver;
+ //or tokens
+ currentScore += getParsingFlags(tempConfig).unusedTokens.length * 10;
+ getParsingFlags(tempConfig).score = currentScore;
+ if (scoreToBeat == null || currentScore < scoreToBeat) {
+ scoreToBeat = currentScore;
+ bestMoment = tempConfig;
+ }
+ }
+ extend(config, bestMoment || tempConfig);
+ }
+ function configFromObject(config) {
+ if (config._d) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var i = normalizeObjectUnits(config._i);
+ config._a = map([i.year, i.month, ||, i.hour, i.minute, i.second, i.millisecond],
+ function(obj) {
+ return obj && parseInt(obj, 10);
+ });
+ configFromArray(config);
+ }
+ function createFromConfig(config) {
+ var res = new Moment(checkOverflow(prepareConfig(config)));
+ if (res._nextDay) {
+ // Adding is smart enough around DST
+ res.add(1, 'd');
+ res._nextDay = undefined;
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ function prepareConfig(config) {
+ var input = config._i,
+ format = config._f;
+ config._locale = config._locale || getLocale(config._l);
+ if (input === null || (format === undefined && input === '')) {
+ return createInvalid({
+ nullInput: true
+ });
+ }
+ if (typeof input === 'string') {
+ config._i = input = config._locale.preparse(input);
+ }
+ if (isMoment(input)) {
+ return new Moment(checkOverflow(input));
+ } else if (isDate(input)) {
+ config._d = input;
+ } else if (isArray(format)) {
+ configFromStringAndArray(config);
+ } else if (format) {
+ configFromStringAndFormat(config);
+ } else {
+ configFromInput(config);
+ }
+ if (!isValid(config)) {
+ config._d = null;
+ }
+ return config;
+ }
+ function configFromInput(config) {
+ var input = config._i;
+ if (isUndefined(input)) {
+ config._d = new Date(;
+ } else if (isDate(input)) {
+ config._d = new Date(input.valueOf());
+ } else if (typeof input === 'string') {
+ configFromString(config);
+ } else if (isArray(input)) {
+ config._a = map(input.slice(0), function(obj) {
+ return parseInt(obj, 10);
+ });
+ configFromArray(config);
+ } else if (isObject(input)) {
+ configFromObject(config);
+ } else if (isNumber(input)) {
+ // from milliseconds
+ config._d = new Date(input);
+ } else {
+ hooks.createFromInputFallback(config);
+ }
+ }
+ function createLocalOrUTC(input, format, locale, strict, isUTC) {
+ var c = {};
+ if (locale === true || locale === false) {
+ strict = locale;
+ locale = undefined;
+ }
+ if ((isObject(input) && isObjectEmpty(input)) ||
+ (isArray(input) && input.length === 0)) {
+ input = undefined;
+ }
+ // object construction must be done this way.
+ //
+ c._isAMomentObject = true;
+ c._useUTC = c._isUTC = isUTC;
+ c._l = locale;
+ c._i = input;
+ c._f = format;
+ c._strict = strict;
+ return createFromConfig(c);
+ }
+ function createLocal(input, format, locale, strict) {
+ return createLocalOrUTC(input, format, locale, strict, false);
+ }
+ var prototypeMin = deprecate(
+ 'moment().min is deprecated, use moment.max instead.',
+ function() {
+ var other = createLocal.apply(null, arguments);
+ if (this.isValid() && other.isValid()) {
+ return other < this ? this : other;
+ } else {
+ return createInvalid();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ var prototypeMax = deprecate(
+ 'moment().max is deprecated, use moment.min instead.',
+ function() {
+ var other = createLocal.apply(null, arguments);
+ if (this.isValid() && other.isValid()) {
+ return other > this ? this : other;
+ } else {
+ return createInvalid();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ // Pick a moment m from moments so that m[fn](other) is true for all
+ // other. This relies on the function fn to be transitive.
+ //
+ // moments should either be an array of moment objects or an array, whose
+ // first element is an array of moment objects.
+ function pickBy(fn, moments) {
+ var res, i;
+ if (moments.length === 1 && isArray(moments[0])) {
+ moments = moments[0];
+ }
+ if (!moments.length) {
+ return createLocal();
+ }
+ res = moments[0];
+ for (i = 1; i < moments.length; ++i) {
+ if (!moments[i].isValid() || moments[i][fn](res)) {
+ res = moments[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ // TODO: Use [].sort instead?
+ function min() {
+ var args = [], 0);
+ return pickBy('isBefore', args);
+ }
+ function max() {
+ var args = [], 0);
+ return pickBy('isAfter', args);
+ }
+ var now = function() {
+ return ? : +(new Date());
+ };
+ var ordering = ['year', 'quarter', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'millisecond'];
+ function isDurationValid(m) {
+ for (var key in m) {
+ if (!(, key) !== -1 && (m[key] == null || !isNaN(m[key])))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ var unitHasDecimal = false;
+ for (var i = 0; i < ordering.length; ++i) {
+ if (m[ordering[i]]) {
+ if (unitHasDecimal) {
+ return false; // only allow non-integers for smallest unit
+ }
+ if (parseFloat(m[ordering[i]]) !== toInt(m[ordering[i]])) {
+ unitHasDecimal = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function isValid$1() {
+ return this._isValid;
+ }
+ function createInvalid$1() {
+ return createDuration(NaN);
+ }
+ function Duration(duration) {
+ var normalizedInput = normalizeObjectUnits(duration),
+ years = normalizedInput.year || 0,
+ quarters = normalizedInput.quarter || 0,
+ months = normalizedInput.month || 0,
+ weeks = normalizedInput.week || normalizedInput.isoWeek || 0,
+ days = || 0,
+ hours = normalizedInput.hour || 0,
+ minutes = normalizedInput.minute || 0,
+ seconds = normalizedInput.second || 0,
+ milliseconds = normalizedInput.millisecond || 0;
+ this._isValid = isDurationValid(normalizedInput);
+ // representation for dateAddRemove
+ this._milliseconds = +milliseconds +
+ seconds * 1e3 + // 1000
+ minutes * 6e4 + // 1000 * 60
+ hours * 1000 * 60 *
+ 60; //using 1000 * 60 * 60 instead of 36e5 to avoid floating point rounding errors
+ // Because of dateAddRemove treats 24 hours as different from a
+ // day when working around DST, we need to store them separately
+ this._days = +days +
+ weeks * 7;
+ // It is impossible to translate months into days without knowing
+ // which months you are are talking about, so we have to store
+ // it separately.
+ this._months = +months +
+ quarters * 3 +
+ years * 12;
+ this._data = {};
+ this._locale = getLocale();
+ this._bubble();
+ }
+ function isDuration(obj) {
+ return obj instanceof Duration;
+ }
+ function absRound(number) {
+ if (number < 0) {
+ return Math.round(-1 * number) * -1;
+ } else {
+ return Math.round(number);
+ }
+ }
+ function offset(token, separator) {
+ addFormatToken(token, 0, 0, function() {
+ var offset = this.utcOffset();
+ var sign = '+';
+ if (offset < 0) {
+ offset = -offset;
+ sign = '-';
+ }
+ return sign + zeroFill(~~(offset / 60), 2) + separator + zeroFill(~~(offset) % 60, 2);
+ });
+ }
+ offset('Z', ':');
+ offset('ZZ', '');
+ addRegexToken('Z', matchShortOffset);
+ addRegexToken('ZZ', matchShortOffset);
+ addParseToken(['Z', 'ZZ'], function(input, array, config) {
+ config._useUTC = true;
+ config._tzm = offsetFromString(matchShortOffset, input);
+ });
+ // timezone chunker
+ // '+10:00' > ['10', '00']
+ // '-1530' > ['-15', '30']
+ var chunkOffset = /([\+\-]|\d\d)/gi;
+ function offsetFromString(matcher, string) {
+ var matches = (string || '').match(matcher);
+ if (matches === null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var chunk = matches[matches.length - 1] || [];
+ var parts = (chunk + '').match(chunkOffset) || ['-', 0, 0];
+ var minutes = +(parts[1] * 60) + toInt(parts[2]);
+ return minutes === 0 ?
+ 0 :
+ parts[0] === '+' ? minutes : -minutes;
+ }
+ // Return a moment from input, that is local/utc/zone equivalent to model.
+ function cloneWithOffset(input, model) {
+ var res, diff;
+ if (model._isUTC) {
+ res = model.clone();
+ diff = (isMoment(input) || isDate(input) ? input.valueOf() : createLocal(input).valueOf()) - res
+ .valueOf();
+ // Use low-level api, because this fn is low-level api.
+ res._d.setTime(res._d.valueOf() + diff);
+ hooks.updateOffset(res, false);
+ return res;
+ } else {
+ return createLocal(input).local();
+ }
+ }
+ function getDateOffset(m) {
+ // On Firefox.24 Date#getTimezoneOffset returns a floating point.
+ //
+ return -Math.round(m._d.getTimezoneOffset() / 15) * 15;
+ }
+ // HOOKS
+ // This function will be called whenever a moment is mutated.
+ // It is intended to keep the offset in sync with the timezone.
+ hooks.updateOffset = function() {};
+ // keepLocalTime = true means only change the timezone, without
+ // affecting the local hour. So 5:31:26 +0300 --[utcOffset(2, true)]-->
+ // 5:31:26 +0200 It is possible that 5:31:26 doesn't exist with offset
+ // +0200, so we adjust the time as needed, to be valid.
+ //
+ // Keeping the time actually adds/subtracts (one hour)
+ // from the actual represented time. That is why we call updateOffset
+ // a second time. In case it wants us to change the offset again
+ // _changeInProgress == true case, then we have to adjust, because
+ // there is no such time in the given timezone.
+ function getSetOffset(input, keepLocalTime, keepMinutes) {
+ var offset = this._offset || 0,
+ localAdjust;
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return input != null ? this : NaN;
+ }
+ if (input != null) {
+ if (typeof input === 'string') {
+ input = offsetFromString(matchShortOffset, input);
+ if (input === null) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ } else if (Math.abs(input) < 16 && !keepMinutes) {
+ input = input * 60;
+ }
+ if (!this._isUTC && keepLocalTime) {
+ localAdjust = getDateOffset(this);
+ }
+ this._offset = input;
+ this._isUTC = true;
+ if (localAdjust != null) {
+ this.add(localAdjust, 'm');
+ }
+ if (offset !== input) {
+ if (!keepLocalTime || this._changeInProgress) {
+ addSubtract(this, createDuration(input - offset, 'm'), 1, false);
+ } else if (!this._changeInProgress) {
+ this._changeInProgress = true;
+ hooks.updateOffset(this, true);
+ this._changeInProgress = null;
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ } else {
+ return this._isUTC ? offset : getDateOffset(this);
+ }
+ }
+ function getSetZone(input, keepLocalTime) {
+ if (input != null) {
+ if (typeof input !== 'string') {
+ input = -input;
+ }
+ this.utcOffset(input, keepLocalTime);
+ return this;
+ } else {
+ return -this.utcOffset();
+ }
+ }
+ function setOffsetToUTC(keepLocalTime) {
+ return this.utcOffset(0, keepLocalTime);
+ }
+ function setOffsetToLocal(keepLocalTime) {
+ if (this._isUTC) {
+ this.utcOffset(0, keepLocalTime);
+ this._isUTC = false;
+ if (keepLocalTime) {
+ this.subtract(getDateOffset(this), 'm');
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ function setOffsetToParsedOffset() {
+ if (this._tzm != null) {
+ this.utcOffset(this._tzm, false, true);
+ } else if (typeof this._i === 'string') {
+ var tZone = offsetFromString(matchOffset, this._i);
+ if (tZone != null) {
+ this.utcOffset(tZone);
+ } else {
+ this.utcOffset(0, true);
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ function hasAlignedHourOffset(input) {
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ input = input ? createLocal(input).utcOffset() : 0;
+ return (this.utcOffset() - input) % 60 === 0;
+ }
+ function isDaylightSavingTime() {
+ return (
+ this.utcOffset() > this.clone().month(0).utcOffset() ||
+ this.utcOffset() > this.clone().month(5).utcOffset()
+ );
+ }
+ function isDaylightSavingTimeShifted() {
+ if (!isUndefined(this._isDSTShifted)) {
+ return this._isDSTShifted;
+ }
+ var c = {};
+ copyConfig(c, this);
+ c = prepareConfig(c);
+ if (c._a) {
+ var other = c._isUTC ? createUTC(c._a) : createLocal(c._a);
+ this._isDSTShifted = this.isValid() &&
+ compareArrays(c._a, other.toArray()) > 0;
+ } else {
+ this._isDSTShifted = false;
+ }
+ return this._isDSTShifted;
+ }
+ function isLocal() {
+ return this.isValid() ? !this._isUTC : false;
+ }
+ function isUtcOffset() {
+ return this.isValid() ? this._isUTC : false;
+ }
+ function isUtc() {
+ return this.isValid() ? this._isUTC && this._offset === 0 : false;
+ }
+ // ASP.NET json date format regex
+ var aspNetRegex = /^(\-|\+)?(?:(\d*)[. ])?(\d+)\:(\d+)(?:\:(\d+)(\.\d*)?)?$/;
+ // from
+ // somewhat more in line with 2004 spec, but allows decimal anywhere
+ // and further modified to allow for strings containing both week and day
+ var isoRegex =
+ /^(-|\+)?P(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)W)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)H)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)S)?)?$/;
+ function createDuration(input, key) {
+ var duration = input,
+ // matching against regexp is expensive, do it on demand
+ match = null,
+ sign,
+ ret,
+ diffRes;
+ if (isDuration(input)) {
+ duration = {
+ ms: input._milliseconds,
+ d: input._days,
+ M: input._months
+ };
+ } else if (isNumber(input)) {
+ duration = {};
+ if (key) {
+ duration[key] = input;
+ } else {
+ duration.milliseconds = input;
+ }
+ } else if (!!(match = aspNetRegex.exec(input))) {
+ sign = (match[1] === '-') ? -1 : 1;
+ duration = {
+ y: 0,
+ d: toInt(match[DATE]) * sign,
+ h: toInt(match[HOUR]) * sign,
+ m: toInt(match[MINUTE]) * sign,
+ s: toInt(match[SECOND]) * sign,
+ ms: toInt(absRound(match[MILLISECOND] * 1000)) *
+ sign // the millisecond decimal point is included in the match
+ };
+ } else if (!!(match = isoRegex.exec(input))) {
+ sign = (match[1] === '-') ? -1 : 1;
+ duration = {
+ y: parseIso(match[2], sign),
+ M: parseIso(match[3], sign),
+ w: parseIso(match[4], sign),
+ d: parseIso(match[5], sign),
+ h: parseIso(match[6], sign),
+ m: parseIso(match[7], sign),
+ s: parseIso(match[8], sign)
+ };
+ } else if (duration == null) { // checks for null or undefined
+ duration = {};
+ } else if (typeof duration === 'object' && ('from' in duration || 'to' in duration)) {
+ diffRes = momentsDifference(createLocal(duration.from), createLocal(;
+ duration = {};
+ = diffRes.milliseconds;
+ duration.M = diffRes.months;
+ }
+ ret = new Duration(duration);
+ if (isDuration(input) && hasOwnProp(input, '_locale')) {
+ ret._locale = input._locale;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ createDuration.fn = Duration.prototype;
+ createDuration.invalid = createInvalid$1;
+ function parseIso(inp, sign) {
+ // We'd normally use ~~inp for this, but unfortunately it also
+ // converts floats to ints.
+ // inp may be undefined, so careful calling replace on it.
+ var res = inp && parseFloat(inp.replace(',', '.'));
+ // apply sign while we're at it
+ return (isNaN(res) ? 0 : res) * sign;
+ }
+ function positiveMomentsDifference(base, other) {
+ var res = {};
+ res.months = other.month() - base.month() +
+ (other.year() - base.year()) * 12;
+ if (base.clone().add(res.months, 'M').isAfter(other)) {
+ --res.months;
+ }
+ res.milliseconds = +other - +(base.clone().add(res.months, 'M'));
+ return res;
+ }
+ function momentsDifference(base, other) {
+ var res;
+ if (!(base.isValid() && other.isValid())) {
+ return {
+ milliseconds: 0,
+ months: 0
+ };
+ }
+ other = cloneWithOffset(other, base);
+ if (base.isBefore(other)) {
+ res = positiveMomentsDifference(base, other);
+ } else {
+ res = positiveMomentsDifference(other, base);
+ res.milliseconds = -res.milliseconds;
+ res.months = -res.months;
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ // TODO: remove 'name' arg after deprecation is removed
+ function createAdder(direction, name) {
+ return function(val, period) {
+ var dur, tmp;
+ //invert the arguments, but complain about it
+ if (period !== null && !isNaN(+period)) {
+ deprecateSimple(name, 'moment().' + name +
+ '(period, number) is deprecated. Please use moment().' + name +
+ '(number, period). ' +
+ 'See for more info.');
+ tmp = val;
+ val = period;
+ period = tmp;
+ }
+ val = typeof val === 'string' ? +val : val;
+ dur = createDuration(val, period);
+ addSubtract(this, dur, direction);
+ return this;
+ };
+ }
+ function addSubtract(mom, duration, isAdding, updateOffset) {
+ var milliseconds = duration._milliseconds,
+ days = absRound(duration._days),
+ months = absRound(duration._months);
+ if (!mom.isValid()) {
+ // No op
+ return;
+ }
+ updateOffset = updateOffset == null ? true : updateOffset;
+ if (months) {
+ setMonth(mom, get(mom, 'Month') + months * isAdding);
+ }
+ if (days) {
+ set$1(mom, 'Date', get(mom, 'Date') + days * isAdding);
+ }
+ if (milliseconds) {
+ mom._d.setTime(mom._d.valueOf() + milliseconds * isAdding);
+ }
+ if (updateOffset) {
+ hooks.updateOffset(mom, days || months);
+ }
+ }
+ var add = createAdder(1, 'add');
+ var subtract = createAdder(-1, 'subtract');
+ function getCalendarFormat(myMoment, now) {
+ var diff = myMoment.diff(now, 'days', true);
+ return diff < -6 ? 'sameElse' :
+ diff < -1 ? 'lastWeek' :
+ diff < 0 ? 'lastDay' :
+ diff < 1 ? 'sameDay' :
+ diff < 2 ? 'nextDay' :
+ diff < 7 ? 'nextWeek' : 'sameElse';
+ }
+ function calendar$1(time, formats) {
+ // We want to compare the start of today, vs this.
+ // Getting start-of-today depends on whether we're local/utc/offset or not.
+ var now = time || createLocal(),
+ sod = cloneWithOffset(now, this).startOf('day'),
+ format = hooks.calendarFormat(this, sod) || 'sameElse';
+ var output = formats && (isFunction(formats[format]) ? formats[format].call(this, now) : formats[
+ format]);
+ return this.format(output || this.localeData().calendar(format, this, createLocal(now)));
+ }
+ function clone() {
+ return new Moment(this);
+ }
+ function isAfter(input, units) {
+ var localInput = isMoment(input) ? input : createLocal(input);
+ if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ units = normalizeUnits(units) || 'millisecond';
+ if (units === 'millisecond') {
+ return this.valueOf() > localInput.valueOf();
+ } else {
+ return localInput.valueOf() < this.clone().startOf(units).valueOf();
+ }
+ }
+ function isBefore(input, units) {
+ var localInput = isMoment(input) ? input : createLocal(input);
+ if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ units = normalizeUnits(units) || 'millisecond';
+ if (units === 'millisecond') {
+ return this.valueOf() < localInput.valueOf();
+ } else {
+ return this.clone().endOf(units).valueOf() < localInput.valueOf();
+ }
+ }
+ function isBetween(from, to, units, inclusivity) {
+ var localFrom = isMoment(from) ? from : createLocal(from),
+ localTo = isMoment(to) ? to : createLocal(to);
+ if (!(this.isValid() && localFrom.isValid() && localTo.isValid())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ inclusivity = inclusivity || '()';
+ return (inclusivity[0] === '(' ? this.isAfter(localFrom, units) : !this.isBefore(localFrom,
+ units)) &&
+ (inclusivity[1] === ')' ? this.isBefore(localTo, units) : !this.isAfter(localTo, units));
+ }
+ function isSame(input, units) {
+ var localInput = isMoment(input) ? input : createLocal(input),
+ inputMs;
+ if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ units = normalizeUnits(units) || 'millisecond';
+ if (units === 'millisecond') {
+ return this.valueOf() === localInput.valueOf();
+ } else {
+ inputMs = localInput.valueOf();
+ return this.clone().startOf(units).valueOf() <= inputMs && inputMs <= this.clone().endOf(units)
+ .valueOf();
+ }
+ }
+ function isSameOrAfter(input, units) {
+ return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isAfter(input, units);
+ }
+ function isSameOrBefore(input, units) {
+ return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isBefore(input, units);
+ }
+ function diff(input, units, asFloat) {
+ var that,
+ zoneDelta,
+ output;
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return NaN;
+ }
+ that = cloneWithOffset(input, this);
+ if (!that.isValid()) {
+ return NaN;
+ }
+ zoneDelta = (that.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * 6e4;
+ units = normalizeUnits(units);
+ switch (units) {
+ case 'year':
+ output = monthDiff(this, that) / 12;
+ break;
+ case 'month':
+ output = monthDiff(this, that);
+ break;
+ case 'quarter':
+ output = monthDiff(this, that) / 3;
+ break;
+ case 'second':
+ output = (this - that) / 1e3;
+ break; // 1000
+ case 'minute':
+ output = (this - that) / 6e4;
+ break; // 1000 * 60
+ case 'hour':
+ output = (this - that) / 36e5;
+ break; // 1000 * 60 * 60
+ case 'day':
+ output = (this - that - zoneDelta) / 864e5;
+ break; // 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, negate dst
+ case 'week':
+ output = (this - that - zoneDelta) / 6048e5;
+ break; // 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, negate dst
+ default:
+ output = this - that;
+ }
+ return asFloat ? output : absFloor(output);
+ }
+ function monthDiff(a, b) {
+ // difference in months
+ var wholeMonthDiff = ((b.year() - a.year()) * 12) + (b.month() - a.month()),
+ // b is in (anchor - 1 month, anchor + 1 month)
+ anchor = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff, 'months'),
+ anchor2, adjust;
+ if (b - anchor < 0) {
+ anchor2 = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff - 1, 'months');
+ // linear across the month
+ adjust = (b - anchor) / (anchor - anchor2);
+ } else {
+ anchor2 = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff + 1, 'months');
+ // linear across the month
+ adjust = (b - anchor) / (anchor2 - anchor);
+ }
+ //check for negative zero, return zero if negative zero
+ return -(wholeMonthDiff + adjust) || 0;
+ }
+ hooks.defaultFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ';
+ hooks.defaultFormatUtc = 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]';
+ function toString() {
+ return this.clone().locale('en').format('ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ');
+ }
+ function toISOString(keepOffset) {
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var utc = keepOffset !== true;
+ var m = utc ? this.clone().utc() : this;
+ if (m.year() < 0 || m.year() > 9999) {
+ return formatMoment(m, utc ? 'YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]' : 'YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSSZ');
+ }
+ if (isFunction(Date.prototype.toISOString)) {
+ // native implementation is ~50x faster, use it when we can
+ if (utc) {
+ return this.toDate().toISOString();
+ } else {
+ return new Date(this.valueOf() + this.utcOffset() * 60 * 1000).toISOString().replace('Z',
+ formatMoment(m, 'Z'));
+ }
+ }
+ return formatMoment(m, utc ? 'YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]' : 'YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSSZ');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return a human readable representation of a moment that can
+ * also be evaluated to get a new moment which is the same
+ *
+ * @link
+ */
+ function inspect() {
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return 'moment.invalid(/* ' + this._i + ' */)';
+ }
+ var func = 'moment';
+ var zone = '';
+ if (!this.isLocal()) {
+ func = this.utcOffset() === 0 ? 'moment.utc' : 'moment.parseZone';
+ zone = 'Z';
+ }
+ var prefix = '[' + func + '("]';
+ var year = (0 <= this.year() && this.year() <= 9999) ? 'YYYY' : 'YYYYYY';
+ var datetime = '-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS';
+ var suffix = zone + '[")]';
+ return this.format(prefix + year + datetime + suffix);
+ }
+ function format(inputString) {
+ if (!inputString) {
+ inputString = this.isUtc() ? hooks.defaultFormatUtc : hooks.defaultFormat;
+ }
+ var output = formatMoment(this, inputString);
+ return this.localeData().postformat(output);
+ }
+ function from(time, withoutSuffix) {
+ if (this.isValid() &&
+ ((isMoment(time) && time.isValid()) ||
+ createLocal(time).isValid())) {
+ return createDuration({
+ to: this,
+ from: time
+ }).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!withoutSuffix);
+ } else {
+ return this.localeData().invalidDate();
+ }
+ }
+ function fromNow(withoutSuffix) {
+ return this.from(createLocal(), withoutSuffix);
+ }
+ function to(time, withoutSuffix) {
+ if (this.isValid() &&
+ ((isMoment(time) && time.isValid()) ||
+ createLocal(time).isValid())) {
+ return createDuration({
+ from: this,
+ to: time
+ }).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!withoutSuffix);
+ } else {
+ return this.localeData().invalidDate();
+ }
+ }
+ function toNow(withoutSuffix) {
+ return, withoutSuffix);
+ }
+ // If passed a locale key, it will set the locale for this
+ // instance. Otherwise, it will return the locale configuration
+ // variables for this instance.
+ function locale(key) {
+ var newLocaleData;
+ if (key === undefined) {
+ return this._locale._abbr;
+ } else {
+ newLocaleData = getLocale(key);
+ if (newLocaleData != null) {
+ this._locale = newLocaleData;
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ var lang = deprecate(
+ 'moment().lang() is deprecated. Instead, use moment().localeData() to get the language configuration. Use moment().locale() to change languages.',
+ function(key) {
+ if (key === undefined) {
+ return this.localeData();
+ } else {
+ return this.locale(key);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ function localeData() {
+ return this._locale;
+ }
+ var MS_PER_SECOND = 1000;
+ var MS_PER_400_YEARS = (365 * 400 + 97) * 24 * MS_PER_HOUR;
+ // actual modulo - handles negative numbers (for dates before 1970):
+ function mod$1(dividend, divisor) {
+ return (dividend % divisor + divisor) % divisor;
+ }
+ function localStartOfDate(y, m, d) {
+ // the date constructor remaps years 0-99 to 1900-1999
+ if (y < 100 && y >= 0) {
+ // preserve leap years using a full 400 year cycle, then reset
+ return new Date(y + 400, m, d) - MS_PER_400_YEARS;
+ } else {
+ return new Date(y, m, d).valueOf();
+ }
+ }
+ function utcStartOfDate(y, m, d) {
+ // Date.UTC remaps years 0-99 to 1900-1999
+ if (y < 100 && y >= 0) {
+ // preserve leap years using a full 400 year cycle, then reset
+ return Date.UTC(y + 400, m, d) - MS_PER_400_YEARS;
+ } else {
+ return Date.UTC(y, m, d);
+ }
+ }
+ function startOf(units) {
+ var time;
+ units = normalizeUnits(units);
+ if (units === undefined || units === 'millisecond' || !this.isValid()) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ var startOfDate = this._isUTC ? utcStartOfDate : localStartOfDate;
+ switch (units) {
+ case 'year':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year(), 0, 1);
+ break;
+ case 'quarter':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month() - this.month() % 3, 1);
+ break;
+ case 'month':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(), 1);
+ break;
+ case 'week':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(), - this.weekday());
+ break;
+ case 'isoWeek':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(), - (this.isoWeekday() - 1));
+ break;
+ case 'day':
+ case 'date':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(),;
+ break;
+ case 'hour':
+ time = this._d.valueOf();
+ time -= mod$1(time + (this._isUTC ? 0 : this.utcOffset() * MS_PER_MINUTE), MS_PER_HOUR);
+ break;
+ case 'minute':
+ time = this._d.valueOf();
+ time -= mod$1(time, MS_PER_MINUTE);
+ break;
+ case 'second':
+ time = this._d.valueOf();
+ time -= mod$1(time, MS_PER_SECOND);
+ break;
+ }
+ this._d.setTime(time);
+ hooks.updateOffset(this, true);
+ return this;
+ }
+ function endOf(units) {
+ var time;
+ units = normalizeUnits(units);
+ if (units === undefined || units === 'millisecond' || !this.isValid()) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ var startOfDate = this._isUTC ? utcStartOfDate : localStartOfDate;
+ switch (units) {
+ case 'year':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year() + 1, 0, 1) - 1;
+ break;
+ case 'quarter':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month() - this.month() % 3 + 3, 1) - 1;
+ break;
+ case 'month':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month() + 1, 1) - 1;
+ break;
+ case 'week':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(), - this.weekday() + 7) - 1;
+ break;
+ case 'isoWeek':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(), - (this.isoWeekday() - 1) + 7) -
+ 1;
+ break;
+ case 'day':
+ case 'date':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(), + 1) - 1;
+ break;
+ case 'hour':
+ time = this._d.valueOf();
+ time += MS_PER_HOUR - mod$1(time + (this._isUTC ? 0 : this.utcOffset() * MS_PER_MINUTE),
+ MS_PER_HOUR) - 1;
+ break;
+ case 'minute':
+ time = this._d.valueOf();
+ time += MS_PER_MINUTE - mod$1(time, MS_PER_MINUTE) - 1;
+ break;
+ case 'second':
+ time = this._d.valueOf();
+ time += MS_PER_SECOND - mod$1(time, MS_PER_SECOND) - 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ this._d.setTime(time);
+ hooks.updateOffset(this, true);
+ return this;
+ }
+ function valueOf() {
+ return this._d.valueOf() - ((this._offset || 0) * 60000);
+ }
+ function unix() {
+ return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1000);
+ }
+ function toDate() {
+ return new Date(this.valueOf());
+ }
+ function toArray() {
+ var m = this;
+ return [m.year(), m.month(),, m.hour(), m.minute(), m.second(), m.millisecond()];
+ }
+ function toObject() {
+ var m = this;
+ return {
+ years: m.year(),
+ months: m.month(),
+ date:,
+ hours: m.hours(),
+ minutes: m.minutes(),
+ seconds: m.seconds(),
+ milliseconds: m.milliseconds()
+ };
+ }
+ function toJSON() {
+ // new Date(NaN).toJSON() === null
+ return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null;
+ }
+ function isValid$2() {
+ return isValid(this);
+ }
+ function parsingFlags() {
+ return extend({}, getParsingFlags(this));
+ }
+ function invalidAt() {
+ return getParsingFlags(this).overflow;
+ }
+ function creationData() {
+ return {
+ input: this._i,
+ format: this._f,
+ locale: this._locale,
+ isUTC: this._isUTC,
+ strict: this._strict
+ };
+ }
+ addFormatToken(0, ['gg', 2], 0, function() {
+ return this.weekYear() % 100;
+ });
+ addFormatToken(0, ['GG', 2], 0, function() {
+ return this.isoWeekYear() % 100;
+ });
+ function addWeekYearFormatToken(token, getter) {
+ addFormatToken(0, [token, token.length], 0, getter);
+ }
+ addWeekYearFormatToken('gggg', 'weekYear');
+ addWeekYearFormatToken('ggggg', 'weekYear');
+ addWeekYearFormatToken('GGGG', 'isoWeekYear');
+ addWeekYearFormatToken('GGGGG', 'isoWeekYear');
+ addUnitAlias('weekYear', 'gg');
+ addUnitAlias('isoWeekYear', 'GG');
+ addUnitPriority('weekYear', 1);
+ addUnitPriority('isoWeekYear', 1);
+ addRegexToken('G', matchSigned);
+ addRegexToken('g', matchSigned);
+ addRegexToken('GG', match1to2, match2);
+ addRegexToken('gg', match1to2, match2);
+ addRegexToken('GGGG', match1to4, match4);
+ addRegexToken('gggg', match1to4, match4);
+ addRegexToken('GGGGG', match1to6, match6);
+ addRegexToken('ggggg', match1to6, match6);
+ addWeekParseToken(['gggg', 'ggggg', 'GGGG', 'GGGGG'], function(input, week, config, token) {
+ week[token.substr(0, 2)] = toInt(input);
+ });
+ addWeekParseToken(['gg', 'GG'], function(input, week, config, token) {
+ week[token] = hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input);
+ });
+ function getSetWeekYear(input) {
+ return,
+ input,
+ this.week(),
+ this.weekday(),
+ this.localeData()._week.dow,
+ this.localeData()._week.doy);
+ }
+ function getSetISOWeekYear(input) {
+ return,
+ input, this.isoWeek(), this.isoWeekday(), 1, 4);
+ }
+ function getISOWeeksInYear() {
+ return weeksInYear(this.year(), 1, 4);
+ }
+ function getWeeksInYear() {
+ var weekInfo = this.localeData()._week;
+ return weeksInYear(this.year(), weekInfo.dow, weekInfo.doy);
+ }
+ function getSetWeekYearHelper(input, week, weekday, dow, doy) {
+ var weeksTarget;
+ if (input == null) {
+ return weekOfYear(this, dow, doy).year;
+ } else {
+ weeksTarget = weeksInYear(input, dow, doy);
+ if (week > weeksTarget) {
+ week = weeksTarget;
+ }
+ return, input, week, weekday, dow, doy);
+ }
+ }
+ function setWeekAll(weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy) {
+ var dayOfYearData = dayOfYearFromWeeks(weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy),
+ date = createUTCDate(dayOfYearData.year, 0, dayOfYearData.dayOfYear);
+ this.year(date.getUTCFullYear());
+ this.month(date.getUTCMonth());
+ return this;
+ }
+ addFormatToken('Q', 0, 'Qo', 'quarter');
+ addUnitAlias('quarter', 'Q');
+ addUnitPriority('quarter', 7);
+ addRegexToken('Q', match1);
+ addParseToken('Q', function(input, array) {
+ array[MONTH] = (toInt(input) - 1) * 3;
+ });
+ function getSetQuarter(input) {
+ return input == null ? Math.ceil((this.month() + 1) / 3) : this.month((input - 1) * 3 + this
+ .month() % 3);
+ }
+ addFormatToken('D', ['DD', 2], 'Do', 'date');
+ addUnitAlias('date', 'D');
+ addUnitPriority('date', 9);
+ addRegexToken('D', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('DD', match1to2, match2);
+ addRegexToken('Do', function(isStrict, locale) {
+ // TODO: Remove "ordinalParse" fallback in next major release.
+ return isStrict ?
+ (locale._dayOfMonthOrdinalParse || locale._ordinalParse) :
+ locale._dayOfMonthOrdinalParseLenient;
+ });
+ addParseToken(['D', 'DD'], DATE);
+ addParseToken('Do', function(input, array) {
+ array[DATE] = toInt(input.match(match1to2)[0]);
+ });
+ var getSetDayOfMonth = makeGetSet('Date', true);
+ addFormatToken('DDD', ['DDDD', 3], 'DDDo', 'dayOfYear');
+ addUnitAlias('dayOfYear', 'DDD');
+ addUnitPriority('dayOfYear', 4);
+ addRegexToken('DDD', match1to3);
+ addRegexToken('DDDD', match3);
+ addParseToken(['DDD', 'DDDD'], function(input, array, config) {
+ config._dayOfYear = toInt(input);
+ });
+ function getSetDayOfYear(input) {
+ var dayOfYear = Math.round((this.clone().startOf('day') - this.clone().startOf('year')) / 864e5) +
+ 1;
+ return input == null ? dayOfYear : this.add((input - dayOfYear), 'd');
+ }
+ addFormatToken('m', ['mm', 2], 0, 'minute');
+ addUnitAlias('minute', 'm');
+ addUnitPriority('minute', 14);
+ addRegexToken('m', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('mm', match1to2, match2);
+ addParseToken(['m', 'mm'], MINUTE);
+ var getSetMinute = makeGetSet('Minutes', false);
+ addFormatToken('s', ['ss', 2], 0, 'second');
+ addUnitAlias('second', 's');
+ addUnitPriority('second', 15);
+ addRegexToken('s', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('ss', match1to2, match2);
+ addParseToken(['s', 'ss'], SECOND);
+ var getSetSecond = makeGetSet('Seconds', false);
+ addFormatToken('S', 0, 0, function() {
+ return ~~(this.millisecond() / 100);
+ });
+ addFormatToken(0, ['SS', 2], 0, function() {
+ return ~~(this.millisecond() / 10);
+ });
+ addFormatToken(0, ['SSS', 3], 0, 'millisecond');
+ addFormatToken(0, ['SSSS', 4], 0, function() {
+ return this.millisecond() * 10;
+ });
+ addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSS', 5], 0, function() {
+ return this.millisecond() * 100;
+ });
+ addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSSS', 6], 0, function() {
+ return this.millisecond() * 1000;
+ });
+ addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSSSS', 7], 0, function() {
+ return this.millisecond() * 10000;
+ });
+ addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSSSSS', 8], 0, function() {
+ return this.millisecond() * 100000;
+ });
+ addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSSSSSS', 9], 0, function() {
+ return this.millisecond() * 1000000;
+ });
+ addUnitAlias('millisecond', 'ms');
+ addUnitPriority('millisecond', 16);
+ addRegexToken('S', match1to3, match1);
+ addRegexToken('SS', match1to3, match2);
+ addRegexToken('SSS', match1to3, match3);
+ var token;
+ for (token = 'SSSS'; token.length <= 9; token += 'S') {
+ addRegexToken(token, matchUnsigned);
+ }
+ function parseMs(input, array) {
+ array[MILLISECOND] = toInt(('0.' + input) * 1000);
+ }
+ for (token = 'S'; token.length <= 9; token += 'S') {
+ addParseToken(token, parseMs);
+ }
+ var getSetMillisecond = makeGetSet('Milliseconds', false);
+ addFormatToken('z', 0, 0, 'zoneAbbr');
+ addFormatToken('zz', 0, 0, 'zoneName');
+ function getZoneAbbr() {
+ return this._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '';
+ }
+ function getZoneName() {
+ return this._isUTC ? 'Coordinated Universal Time' : '';
+ }
+ var proto = Moment.prototype;
+ proto.add = add;
+ proto.calendar = calendar$1;
+ proto.clone = clone;
+ proto.diff = diff;
+ proto.endOf = endOf;
+ proto.format = format;
+ proto.from = from;
+ proto.fromNow = fromNow;
+ = to;
+ proto.toNow = toNow;
+ proto.get = stringGet;
+ proto.invalidAt = invalidAt;
+ proto.isAfter = isAfter;
+ proto.isBefore = isBefore;
+ proto.isBetween = isBetween;
+ proto.isSame = isSame;
+ proto.isSameOrAfter = isSameOrAfter;
+ proto.isSameOrBefore = isSameOrBefore;
+ proto.isValid = isValid$2;
+ proto.lang = lang;
+ proto.locale = locale;
+ proto.localeData = localeData;
+ proto.max = prototypeMax;
+ proto.min = prototypeMin;
+ proto.parsingFlags = parsingFlags;
+ proto.set = stringSet;
+ proto.startOf = startOf;
+ proto.subtract = subtract;
+ proto.toArray = toArray;
+ proto.toObject = toObject;
+ proto.toDate = toDate;
+ proto.toISOString = toISOString;
+ proto.inspect = inspect;
+ proto.toJSON = toJSON;
+ proto.toString = toString;
+ proto.unix = unix;
+ proto.valueOf = valueOf;
+ proto.creationData = creationData;
+ proto.year = getSetYear;
+ proto.isLeapYear = getIsLeapYear;
+ proto.weekYear = getSetWeekYear;
+ proto.isoWeekYear = getSetISOWeekYear;
+ proto.quarter = proto.quarters = getSetQuarter;
+ proto.month = getSetMonth;
+ proto.daysInMonth = getDaysInMonth;
+ proto.week = proto.weeks = getSetWeek;
+ proto.isoWeek = proto.isoWeeks = getSetISOWeek;
+ proto.weeksInYear = getWeeksInYear;
+ proto.isoWeeksInYear = getISOWeeksInYear;
+ = getSetDayOfMonth;
+ = proto.days = getSetDayOfWeek;
+ proto.weekday = getSetLocaleDayOfWeek;
+ proto.isoWeekday = getSetISODayOfWeek;
+ proto.dayOfYear = getSetDayOfYear;
+ proto.hour = proto.hours = getSetHour;
+ proto.minute = proto.minutes = getSetMinute;
+ proto.second = proto.seconds = getSetSecond;
+ proto.millisecond = proto.milliseconds = getSetMillisecond;
+ proto.utcOffset = getSetOffset;
+ proto.utc = setOffsetToUTC;
+ proto.local = setOffsetToLocal;
+ proto.parseZone = setOffsetToParsedOffset;
+ proto.hasAlignedHourOffset = hasAlignedHourOffset;
+ proto.isDST = isDaylightSavingTime;
+ proto.isLocal = isLocal;
+ proto.isUtcOffset = isUtcOffset;
+ proto.isUtc = isUtc;
+ proto.isUTC = isUtc;
+ proto.zoneAbbr = getZoneAbbr;
+ proto.zoneName = getZoneName;
+ proto.dates = deprecate('dates accessor is deprecated. Use date instead.', getSetDayOfMonth);
+ proto.months = deprecate('months accessor is deprecated. Use month instead', getSetMonth);
+ proto.years = deprecate('years accessor is deprecated. Use year instead', getSetYear);
+ = deprecate(
+ 'moment().zone is deprecated, use moment().utcOffset instead.',
+ getSetZone);
+ proto.isDSTShifted = deprecate(
+ 'isDSTShifted is deprecated. See for more information',
+ isDaylightSavingTimeShifted);
+ function createUnix(input) {
+ return createLocal(input * 1000);
+ }
+ function createInZone() {
+ return createLocal.apply(null, arguments).parseZone();
+ }
+ function preParsePostFormat(string) {
+ return string;
+ }
+ var proto$1 = Locale.prototype;
+ proto$1.calendar = calendar;
+ proto$1.longDateFormat = longDateFormat;
+ proto$1.invalidDate = invalidDate;
+ proto$1.ordinal = ordinal;
+ proto$1.preparse = preParsePostFormat;
+ proto$1.postformat = preParsePostFormat;
+ proto$1.relativeTime = relativeTime;
+ proto$1.pastFuture = pastFuture;
+ proto$1.set = set;
+ proto$1.months = localeMonths;
+ proto$1.monthsShort = localeMonthsShort;
+ proto$1.monthsParse = localeMonthsParse;
+ proto$1.monthsRegex = monthsRegex;
+ proto$1.monthsShortRegex = monthsShortRegex;
+ proto$1.week = localeWeek;
+ proto$1.firstDayOfYear = localeFirstDayOfYear;
+ proto$1.firstDayOfWeek = localeFirstDayOfWeek;
+ proto$1.weekdays = localeWeekdays;
+ proto$1.weekdaysMin = localeWeekdaysMin;
+ proto$1.weekdaysShort = localeWeekdaysShort;
+ proto$1.weekdaysParse = localeWeekdaysParse;
+ proto$1.weekdaysRegex = weekdaysRegex;
+ proto$1.weekdaysShortRegex = weekdaysShortRegex;
+ proto$1.weekdaysMinRegex = weekdaysMinRegex;
+ proto$1.isPM = localeIsPM;
+ proto$1.meridiem = localeMeridiem;
+ function get$1(format, index, field, setter) {
+ var locale = getLocale();
+ var utc = createUTC().set(setter, index);
+ return locale[field](utc, format);
+ }
+ function listMonthsImpl(format, index, field) {
+ if (isNumber(format)) {
+ index = format;
+ format = undefined;
+ }
+ format = format || '';
+ if (index != null) {
+ return get$1(format, index, field, 'month');
+ }
+ var i;
+ var out = [];
+ for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
+ out[i] = get$1(format, i, field, 'month');
+ }
+ return out;
+ }
+ // ()
+ // (5)
+ // (fmt, 5)
+ // (fmt)
+ // (true)
+ // (true, 5)
+ // (true, fmt, 5)
+ // (true, fmt)
+ function listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, field) {
+ if (typeof localeSorted === 'boolean') {
+ if (isNumber(format)) {
+ index = format;
+ format = undefined;
+ }
+ format = format || '';
+ } else {
+ format = localeSorted;
+ index = format;
+ localeSorted = false;
+ if (isNumber(format)) {
+ index = format;
+ format = undefined;
+ }
+ format = format || '';
+ }
+ var locale = getLocale(),
+ shift = localeSorted ? locale._week.dow : 0;
+ if (index != null) {
+ return get$1(format, (index + shift) % 7, field, 'day');
+ }
+ var i;
+ var out = [];
+ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+ out[i] = get$1(format, (i + shift) % 7, field, 'day');
+ }
+ return out;
+ }
+ function listMonths(format, index) {
+ return listMonthsImpl(format, index, 'months');
+ }
+ function listMonthsShort(format, index) {
+ return listMonthsImpl(format, index, 'monthsShort');
+ }
+ function listWeekdays(localeSorted, format, index) {
+ return listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, 'weekdays');
+ }
+ function listWeekdaysShort(localeSorted, format, index) {
+ return listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, 'weekdaysShort');
+ }
+ function listWeekdaysMin(localeSorted, format, index) {
+ return listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, 'weekdaysMin');
+ }
+ getSetGlobalLocale('en', {
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ var b = number % 10,
+ output = (toInt(number % 100 / 10) === 1) ? 'th' :
+ (b === 1) ? 'st' :
+ (b === 2) ? 'nd' :
+ (b === 3) ? 'rd' : 'th';
+ return number + output;
+ }
+ });
+ // Side effect imports
+ hooks.lang = deprecate('moment.lang is deprecated. Use moment.locale instead.', getSetGlobalLocale);
+ hooks.langData = deprecate('moment.langData is deprecated. Use moment.localeData instead.', getLocale);
+ var mathAbs = Math.abs;
+ function abs() {
+ var data = this._data;
+ this._milliseconds = mathAbs(this._milliseconds);
+ this._days = mathAbs(this._days);
+ this._months = mathAbs(this._months);
+ data.milliseconds = mathAbs(data.milliseconds);
+ data.seconds = mathAbs(data.seconds);
+ data.minutes = mathAbs(data.minutes);
+ data.hours = mathAbs(data.hours);
+ data.months = mathAbs(data.months);
+ data.years = mathAbs(data.years);
+ return this;
+ }
+ function addSubtract$1(duration, input, value, direction) {
+ var other = createDuration(input, value);
+ duration._milliseconds += direction * other._milliseconds;
+ duration._days += direction * other._days;
+ duration._months += direction * other._months;
+ return duration._bubble();
+ }
+ // supports only 2.0-style add(1, 's') or add(duration)
+ function add$1(input, value) {
+ return addSubtract$1(this, input, value, 1);
+ }
+ // supports only 2.0-style subtract(1, 's') or subtract(duration)
+ function subtract$1(input, value) {
+ return addSubtract$1(this, input, value, -1);
+ }
+ function absCeil(number) {
+ if (number < 0) {
+ return Math.floor(number);
+ } else {
+ return Math.ceil(number);
+ }
+ }
+ function bubble() {
+ var milliseconds = this._milliseconds;
+ var days = this._days;
+ var months = this._months;
+ var data = this._data;
+ var seconds, minutes, hours, years, monthsFromDays;
+ // if we have a mix of positive and negative values, bubble down first
+ // check:
+ if (!((milliseconds >= 0 && days >= 0 && months >= 0) ||
+ (milliseconds <= 0 && days <= 0 && months <= 0))) {
+ milliseconds += absCeil(monthsToDays(months) + days) * 864e5;
+ days = 0;
+ months = 0;
+ }
+ // The following code bubbles up values, see the tests for
+ // examples of what that means.
+ data.milliseconds = milliseconds % 1000;
+ seconds = absFloor(milliseconds / 1000);
+ data.seconds = seconds % 60;
+ minutes = absFloor(seconds / 60);
+ data.minutes = minutes % 60;
+ hours = absFloor(minutes / 60);
+ data.hours = hours % 24;
+ days += absFloor(hours / 24);
+ // convert days to months
+ monthsFromDays = absFloor(daysToMonths(days));
+ months += monthsFromDays;
+ days -= absCeil(monthsToDays(monthsFromDays));
+ // 12 months -> 1 year
+ years = absFloor(months / 12);
+ months %= 12;
+ data.days = days;
+ data.months = months;
+ data.years = years;
+ return this;
+ }
+ function daysToMonths(days) {
+ // 400 years have 146097 days (taking into account leap year rules)
+ // 400 years have 12 months === 4800
+ return days * 4800 / 146097;
+ }
+ function monthsToDays(months) {
+ // the reverse of daysToMonths
+ return months * 146097 / 4800;
+ }
+ function as(units) {
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return NaN;
+ }
+ var days;
+ var months;
+ var milliseconds = this._milliseconds;
+ units = normalizeUnits(units);
+ if (units === 'month' || units === 'quarter' || units === 'year') {
+ days = this._days + milliseconds / 864e5;
+ months = this._months + daysToMonths(days);
+ switch (units) {
+ case 'month':
+ return months;
+ case 'quarter':
+ return months / 3;
+ case 'year':
+ return months / 12;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // handle milliseconds separately because of floating point math errors (issue #1867)
+ days = this._days + Math.round(monthsToDays(this._months));
+ switch (units) {
+ case 'week':
+ return days / 7 + milliseconds / 6048e5;
+ case 'day':
+ return days + milliseconds / 864e5;
+ case 'hour':
+ return days * 24 + milliseconds / 36e5;
+ case 'minute':
+ return days * 1440 + milliseconds / 6e4;
+ case 'second':
+ return days * 86400 + milliseconds / 1000;
+ // Math.floor prevents floating point math errors here
+ case 'millisecond':
+ return Math.floor(days * 864e5) + milliseconds;
+ default:
+ throw new Error('Unknown unit ' + units);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: Use'ms')?
+ function valueOf$1() {
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return NaN;
+ }
+ return (
+ this._milliseconds +
+ this._days * 864e5 +
+ (this._months % 12) * 2592e6 +
+ toInt(this._months / 12) * 31536e6
+ );
+ }
+ function makeAs(alias) {
+ return function() {
+ return;
+ };
+ }
+ var asMilliseconds = makeAs('ms');
+ var asSeconds = makeAs('s');
+ var asMinutes = makeAs('m');
+ var asHours = makeAs('h');
+ var asDays = makeAs('d');
+ var asWeeks = makeAs('w');
+ var asMonths = makeAs('M');
+ var asQuarters = makeAs('Q');
+ var asYears = makeAs('y');
+ function clone$1() {
+ return createDuration(this);
+ }
+ function get$2(units) {
+ units = normalizeUnits(units);
+ return this.isValid() ? this[units + 's']() : NaN;
+ }
+ function makeGetter(name) {
+ return function() {
+ return this.isValid() ? this._data[name] : NaN;
+ };
+ }
+ var milliseconds = makeGetter('milliseconds');
+ var seconds = makeGetter('seconds');
+ var minutes = makeGetter('minutes');
+ var hours = makeGetter('hours');
+ var days = makeGetter('days');
+ var months = makeGetter('months');
+ var years = makeGetter('years');
+ function weeks() {
+ return absFloor(this.days() / 7);
+ }
+ var round = Math.round;
+ var thresholds = {
+ ss: 44, // a few seconds to seconds
+ s: 45, // seconds to minute
+ m: 45, // minutes to hour
+ h: 22, // hours to day
+ d: 26, // days to month
+ M: 11 // months to year
+ };
+ // helper function for moment.fn.from, moment.fn.fromNow, and moment.duration.fn.humanize
+ function substituteTimeAgo(string, number, withoutSuffix, isFuture, locale) {
+ return locale.relativeTime(number || 1, !!withoutSuffix, string, isFuture);
+ }
+ function relativeTime$1(posNegDuration, withoutSuffix, locale) {
+ var duration = createDuration(posNegDuration).abs();
+ var seconds = round('s'));
+ var minutes = round('m'));
+ var hours = round('h'));
+ var days = round('d'));
+ var months = round('M'));
+ var years = round('y'));
+ var a = seconds <= && ['s', seconds] ||
+ seconds < thresholds.s && ['ss', seconds] ||
+ minutes <= 1 && ['m'] ||
+ minutes < thresholds.m && ['mm', minutes] ||
+ hours <= 1 && ['h'] ||
+ hours < thresholds.h && ['hh', hours] ||
+ days <= 1 && ['d'] ||
+ days < thresholds.d && ['dd', days] ||
+ months <= 1 && ['M'] ||
+ months < thresholds.M && ['MM', months] ||
+ years <= 1 && ['y'] || ['yy', years];
+ a[2] = withoutSuffix;
+ a[3] = +posNegDuration > 0;
+ a[4] = locale;
+ return substituteTimeAgo.apply(null, a);
+ }
+ // This function allows you to set the rounding function for relative time strings
+ function getSetRelativeTimeRounding(roundingFunction) {
+ if (roundingFunction === undefined) {
+ return round;
+ }
+ if (typeof(roundingFunction) === 'function') {
+ round = roundingFunction;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // This function allows you to set a threshold for relative time strings
+ function getSetRelativeTimeThreshold(threshold, limit) {
+ if (thresholds[threshold] === undefined) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (limit === undefined) {
+ return thresholds[threshold];
+ }
+ thresholds[threshold] = limit;
+ if (threshold === 's') {
+ = limit - 1;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function humanize(withSuffix) {
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return this.localeData().invalidDate();
+ }
+ var locale = this.localeData();
+ var output = relativeTime$1(this, !withSuffix, locale);
+ if (withSuffix) {
+ output = locale.pastFuture(+this, output);
+ }
+ return locale.postformat(output);
+ }
+ var abs$1 = Math.abs;
+ function sign(x) {
+ return ((x > 0) - (x < 0)) || +x;
+ }
+ function toISOString$1() {
+ // for ISO strings we do not use the normal bubbling rules:
+ // * milliseconds bubble up until they become hours
+ // * days do not bubble at all
+ // * months bubble up until they become years
+ // This is because there is no context-free conversion between hours and days
+ // (think of clock changes)
+ // and also not between days and months (28-31 days per month)
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return this.localeData().invalidDate();
+ }
+ var seconds = abs$1(this._milliseconds) / 1000;
+ var days = abs$1(this._days);
+ var months = abs$1(this._months);
+ var minutes, hours, years;
+ // 3600 seconds -> 60 minutes -> 1 hour
+ minutes = absFloor(seconds / 60);
+ hours = absFloor(minutes / 60);
+ seconds %= 60;
+ minutes %= 60;
+ // 12 months -> 1 year
+ years = absFloor(months / 12);
+ months %= 12;
+ // inspired by
+ var Y = years;
+ var M = months;
+ var D = days;
+ var h = hours;
+ var m = minutes;
+ var s = seconds ? seconds.toFixed(3).replace(/\.?0+$/, '') : '';
+ var total = this.asSeconds();
+ if (!total) {
+ // this is the same as C#'s (Noda) and python (isodate)...
+ // but not other JS (
+ return 'P0D';
+ }
+ var totalSign = total < 0 ? '-' : '';
+ var ymSign = sign(this._months) !== sign(total) ? '-' : '';
+ var daysSign = sign(this._days) !== sign(total) ? '-' : '';
+ var hmsSign = sign(this._milliseconds) !== sign(total) ? '-' : '';
+ return totalSign + 'P' +
+ (Y ? ymSign + Y + 'Y' : '') +
+ (M ? ymSign + M + 'M' : '') +
+ (D ? daysSign + D + 'D' : '') +
+ ((h || m || s) ? 'T' : '') +
+ (h ? hmsSign + h + 'H' : '') +
+ (m ? hmsSign + m + 'M' : '') +
+ (s ? hmsSign + s + 'S' : '');
+ }
+ var proto$2 = Duration.prototype;
+ proto$2.isValid = isValid$1;
+ proto$2.abs = abs;
+ proto$2.add = add$1;
+ proto$2.subtract = subtract$1;
+ proto$ = as;
+ proto$2.asMilliseconds = asMilliseconds;
+ proto$2.asSeconds = asSeconds;
+ proto$2.asMinutes = asMinutes;
+ proto$2.asHours = asHours;
+ proto$2.asDays = asDays;
+ proto$2.asWeeks = asWeeks;
+ proto$2.asMonths = asMonths;
+ proto$2.asQuarters = asQuarters;
+ proto$2.asYears = asYears;
+ proto$2.valueOf = valueOf$1;
+ proto$2._bubble = bubble;
+ proto$2.clone = clone$1;
+ proto$2.get = get$2;
+ proto$2.milliseconds = milliseconds;
+ proto$2.seconds = seconds;
+ proto$2.minutes = minutes;
+ proto$2.hours = hours;
+ proto$2.days = days;
+ proto$2.weeks = weeks;
+ proto$2.months = months;
+ proto$2.years = years;
+ proto$2.humanize = humanize;
+ proto$2.toISOString = toISOString$1;
+ proto$2.toString = toISOString$1;
+ proto$2.toJSON = toISOString$1;
+ proto$2.locale = locale;
+ proto$2.localeData = localeData;
+ proto$2.toIsoString = deprecate(
+ 'toIsoString() is deprecated. Please use toISOString() instead (notice the capitals)',
+ toISOString$1);
+ proto$2.lang = lang;
+ // Side effect imports
+ addFormatToken('X', 0, 0, 'unix');
+ addFormatToken('x', 0, 0, 'valueOf');
+ addRegexToken('x', matchSigned);
+ addRegexToken('X', matchTimestamp);
+ addParseToken('X', function(input, array, config) {
+ config._d = new Date(parseFloat(input, 10) * 1000);
+ });
+ addParseToken('x', function(input, array, config) {
+ config._d = new Date(toInt(input));
+ });
+ // Side effect imports
+ hooks.version = '2.24.0';
+ setHookCallback(createLocal);
+ hooks.fn = proto;
+ hooks.min = min;
+ hooks.max = max;
+ = now;
+ hooks.utc = createUTC;
+ hooks.unix = createUnix;
+ hooks.months = listMonths;
+ hooks.isDate = isDate;
+ hooks.locale = getSetGlobalLocale;
+ hooks.invalid = createInvalid;
+ hooks.duration = createDuration;
+ hooks.isMoment = isMoment;
+ hooks.weekdays = listWeekdays;
+ hooks.parseZone = createInZone;
+ hooks.localeData = getLocale;
+ hooks.isDuration = isDuration;
+ hooks.monthsShort = listMonthsShort;
+ hooks.weekdaysMin = listWeekdaysMin;
+ hooks.defineLocale = defineLocale;
+ hooks.updateLocale = updateLocale;
+ hooks.locales = listLocales;
+ hooks.weekdaysShort = listWeekdaysShort;
+ hooks.normalizeUnits = normalizeUnits;
+ hooks.relativeTimeRounding = getSetRelativeTimeRounding;
+ hooks.relativeTimeThreshold = getSetRelativeTimeThreshold;
+ hooks.calendarFormat = getCalendarFormat;
+ hooks.prototype = proto;
+ // currently HTML5 input type only supports 24-hour formats
+ hooks.HTML5_FMT = {
+ DATE: 'YYYY-MM-DD', //
+ TIME: 'HH:mm', //
+ TIME_SECONDS: 'HH:mm:ss', //
+ TIME_MS: 'HH:mm:ss.SSS', //
+ WEEK: 'GGGG-[W]WW', //
+ };
+ return hooks;
diff --git a/jsFile/time/moment.js b/jsFile/time/moment.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9ed149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jsFile/time/moment.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15305 @@
+(function(global, factory) {
+ typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
+ typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
+ global.moment = factory()
+}(this, (function() {
+ 'use strict';
+ var hookCallback;
+ function hooks() {
+ return hookCallback.apply(null, arguments);
+ }
+ // This is done to register the method called with moment()
+ // without creating circular dependencies.
+ function setHookCallback(callback) {
+ hookCallback = callback;
+ }
+ function isArray(input) {
+ return input instanceof Array || === '[object Array]';
+ }
+ function isObject(input) {
+ // IE8 will treat undefined and null as object if it wasn't for
+ // input != null
+ return input != null && === '[object Object]';
+ }
+ function isObjectEmpty(obj) {
+ if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames) {
+ return (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).length === 0);
+ } else {
+ var k;
+ for (k in obj) {
+ if (obj.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ function isUndefined(input) {
+ return input === void 0;
+ }
+ function isNumber(input) {
+ return typeof input === 'number' || === '[object Number]';
+ }
+ function isDate(input) {
+ return input instanceof Date || === '[object Date]';
+ }
+ function map(arr, fn) {
+ var res = [],
+ i;
+ for (i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
+ res.push(fn(arr[i], i));
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ function hasOwnProp(a, b) {
+ return, b);
+ }
+ function extend(a, b) {
+ for (var i in b) {
+ if (hasOwnProp(b, i)) {
+ a[i] = b[i];
+ }
+ }
+ if (hasOwnProp(b, 'toString')) {
+ a.toString = b.toString;
+ }
+ if (hasOwnProp(b, 'valueOf')) {
+ a.valueOf = b.valueOf;
+ }
+ return a;
+ }
+ function createUTC(input, format, locale, strict) {
+ return createLocalOrUTC(input, format, locale, strict, true).utc();
+ }
+ function defaultParsingFlags() {
+ // We need to deep clone this object.
+ return {
+ empty: false,
+ unusedTokens: [],
+ unusedInput: [],
+ overflow: -2,
+ charsLeftOver: 0,
+ nullInput: false,
+ invalidMonth: null,
+ invalidFormat: false,
+ userInvalidated: false,
+ iso: false,
+ parsedDateParts: [],
+ meridiem: null,
+ rfc2822: false,
+ weekdayMismatch: false
+ };
+ }
+ function getParsingFlags(m) {
+ if (m._pf == null) {
+ m._pf = defaultParsingFlags();
+ }
+ return m._pf;
+ }
+ var some;
+ if (Array.prototype.some) {
+ some = Array.prototype.some;
+ } else {
+ some = function(fun) {
+ var t = Object(this);
+ var len = t.length >>> 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (i in t &&, t[i], i, t)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ }
+ function isValid(m) {
+ if (m._isValid == null) {
+ var flags = getParsingFlags(m);
+ var parsedParts =, function(i) {
+ return i != null;
+ });
+ var isNowValid = !isNaN(m._d.getTime()) &&
+ flags.overflow < 0 &&
+ !flags.empty &&
+ !flags.invalidMonth &&
+ !flags.invalidWeekday &&
+ !flags.weekdayMismatch &&
+ !flags.nullInput &&
+ !flags.invalidFormat &&
+ !flags.userInvalidated &&
+ (!flags.meridiem || (flags.meridiem && parsedParts));
+ if (m._strict) {
+ isNowValid = isNowValid &&
+ flags.charsLeftOver === 0 &&
+ flags.unusedTokens.length === 0 &&
+ flags.bigHour === undefined;
+ }
+ if (Object.isFrozen == null || !Object.isFrozen(m)) {
+ m._isValid = isNowValid;
+ } else {
+ return isNowValid;
+ }
+ }
+ return m._isValid;
+ }
+ function createInvalid(flags) {
+ var m = createUTC(NaN);
+ if (flags != null) {
+ extend(getParsingFlags(m), flags);
+ } else {
+ getParsingFlags(m).userInvalidated = true;
+ }
+ return m;
+ }
+ // Plugins that add properties should also add the key here (null value),
+ // so we can properly clone ourselves.
+ var momentProperties = hooks.momentProperties = [];
+ function copyConfig(to, from) {
+ var i, prop, val;
+ if (!isUndefined(from._isAMomentObject)) {
+ to._isAMomentObject = from._isAMomentObject;
+ }
+ if (!isUndefined(from._i)) {
+ to._i = from._i;
+ }
+ if (!isUndefined(from._f)) {
+ to._f = from._f;
+ }
+ if (!isUndefined(from._l)) {
+ to._l = from._l;
+ }
+ if (!isUndefined(from._strict)) {
+ to._strict = from._strict;
+ }
+ if (!isUndefined(from._tzm)) {
+ to._tzm = from._tzm;
+ }
+ if (!isUndefined(from._isUTC)) {
+ to._isUTC = from._isUTC;
+ }
+ if (!isUndefined(from._offset)) {
+ to._offset = from._offset;
+ }
+ if (!isUndefined(from._pf)) {
+ to._pf = getParsingFlags(from);
+ }
+ if (!isUndefined(from._locale)) {
+ to._locale = from._locale;
+ }
+ if (momentProperties.length > 0) {
+ for (i = 0; i < momentProperties.length; i++) {
+ prop = momentProperties[i];
+ val = from[prop];
+ if (!isUndefined(val)) {
+ to[prop] = val;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return to;
+ }
+ var updateInProgress = false;
+ // Moment prototype object
+ function Moment(config) {
+ copyConfig(this, config);
+ this._d = new Date(config._d != null ? config._d.getTime() : NaN);
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ this._d = new Date(NaN);
+ }
+ // Prevent infinite loop in case updateOffset creates new moment
+ // objects.
+ if (updateInProgress === false) {
+ updateInProgress = true;
+ hooks.updateOffset(this);
+ updateInProgress = false;
+ }
+ }
+ function isMoment(obj) {
+ return obj instanceof Moment || (obj != null && obj._isAMomentObject != null);
+ }
+ function absFloor(number) {
+ if (number < 0) {
+ // -0 -> 0
+ return Math.ceil(number) || 0;
+ } else {
+ return Math.floor(number);
+ }
+ }
+ function toInt(argumentForCoercion) {
+ var coercedNumber = +argumentForCoercion,
+ value = 0;
+ if (coercedNumber !== 0 && isFinite(coercedNumber)) {
+ value = absFloor(coercedNumber);
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ // compare two arrays, return the number of differences
+ function compareArrays(array1, array2, dontConvert) {
+ var len = Math.min(array1.length, array2.length),
+ lengthDiff = Math.abs(array1.length - array2.length),
+ diffs = 0,
+ i;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if ((dontConvert && array1[i] !== array2[i]) ||
+ (!dontConvert && toInt(array1[i]) !== toInt(array2[i]))) {
+ diffs++;
+ }
+ }
+ return diffs + lengthDiff;
+ }
+ function warn(msg) {
+ if (hooks.suppressDeprecationWarnings === false &&
+ (typeof console !== 'undefined') && console.warn) {
+ console.warn('Deprecation warning: ' + msg);
+ }
+ }
+ function deprecate(msg, fn) {
+ var firstTime = true;
+ return extend(function() {
+ if (hooks.deprecationHandler != null) {
+ hooks.deprecationHandler(null, msg);
+ }
+ if (firstTime) {
+ var args = [];
+ var arg;
+ for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ arg = '';
+ if (typeof arguments[i] === 'object') {
+ arg += '\n[' + i + '] ';
+ for (var key in arguments[0]) {
+ arg += key + ': ' + arguments[0][key] + ', ';
+ }
+ arg = arg.slice(0, -2); // Remove trailing comma and space
+ } else {
+ arg = arguments[i];
+ }
+ args.push(arg);
+ }
+ warn(msg + '\nArguments: ' +'') + '\n' + (
+ new Error()).stack);
+ firstTime = false;
+ }
+ return fn.apply(this, arguments);
+ }, fn);
+ }
+ var deprecations = {};
+ function deprecateSimple(name, msg) {
+ if (hooks.deprecationHandler != null) {
+ hooks.deprecationHandler(name, msg);
+ }
+ if (!deprecations[name]) {
+ warn(msg);
+ deprecations[name] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ hooks.suppressDeprecationWarnings = false;
+ hooks.deprecationHandler = null;
+ function isFunction(input) {
+ return input instanceof Function || === '[object Function]';
+ }
+ function set(config) {
+ var prop, i;
+ for (i in config) {
+ prop = config[i];
+ if (isFunction(prop)) {
+ this[i] = prop;
+ } else {
+ this['_' + i] = prop;
+ }
+ }
+ this._config = config;
+ // Lenient ordinal parsing accepts just a number in addition to
+ // number + (possibly) stuff coming from _dayOfMonthOrdinalParse.
+ // TODO: Remove "ordinalParse" fallback in next major release.
+ this._dayOfMonthOrdinalParseLenient = new RegExp(
+ (this._dayOfMonthOrdinalParse.source || this._ordinalParse.source) +
+ '|' + (/\d{1,2}/).source);
+ }
+ function mergeConfigs(parentConfig, childConfig) {
+ var res = extend({}, parentConfig),
+ prop;
+ for (prop in childConfig) {
+ if (hasOwnProp(childConfig, prop)) {
+ if (isObject(parentConfig[prop]) && isObject(childConfig[prop])) {
+ res[prop] = {};
+ extend(res[prop], parentConfig[prop]);
+ extend(res[prop], childConfig[prop]);
+ } else if (childConfig[prop] != null) {
+ res[prop] = childConfig[prop];
+ } else {
+ delete res[prop];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (prop in parentConfig) {
+ if (hasOwnProp(parentConfig, prop) &&
+ !hasOwnProp(childConfig, prop) &&
+ isObject(parentConfig[prop])) {
+ // make sure changes to properties don't modify parent config
+ res[prop] = extend({}, res[prop]);
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ function Locale(config) {
+ if (config != null) {
+ this.set(config);
+ }
+ }
+ var keys;
+ if (Object.keys) {
+ keys = Object.keys;
+ } else {
+ keys = function(obj) {
+ var i, res = [];
+ for (i in obj) {
+ if (hasOwnProp(obj, i)) {
+ res.push(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ };
+ }
+ var defaultCalendar = {
+ sameDay: '[Today at] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Tomorrow at] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [at] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Yesterday at] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[Last] dddd [at] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ };
+ function calendar(key, mom, now) {
+ var output = this._calendar[key] || this._calendar['sameElse'];
+ return isFunction(output) ?, now) : output;
+ }
+ var defaultLongDateFormat = {
+ LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',
+ LT: 'h:mm A',
+ L: 'MM/DD/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A'
+ };
+ function longDateFormat(key) {
+ var format = this._longDateFormat[key],
+ formatUpper = this._longDateFormat[key.toUpperCase()];
+ if (format || !formatUpper) {
+ return format;
+ }
+ this._longDateFormat[key] = formatUpper.replace(/MMMM|MM|DD|dddd/g, function(val) {
+ return val.slice(1);
+ });
+ return this._longDateFormat[key];
+ }
+ var defaultInvalidDate = 'Invalid date';
+ function invalidDate() {
+ return this._invalidDate;
+ }
+ var defaultOrdinal = '%d';
+ var defaultDayOfMonthOrdinalParse = /\d{1,2}/;
+ function ordinal(number) {
+ return this._ordinal.replace('%d', number);
+ }
+ var defaultRelativeTime = {
+ future: 'in %s',
+ past: '%s ago',
+ s: 'a few seconds',
+ ss: '%d seconds',
+ m: 'a minute',
+ mm: '%d minutes',
+ h: 'an hour',
+ hh: '%d hours',
+ d: 'a day',
+ dd: '%d days',
+ M: 'a month',
+ MM: '%d months',
+ y: 'a year',
+ yy: '%d years'
+ };
+ function relativeTime(number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) {
+ var output = this._relativeTime[string];
+ return (isFunction(output)) ?
+ output(number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) :
+ output.replace(/%d/i, number);
+ }
+ function pastFuture(diff, output) {
+ var format = this._relativeTime[diff > 0 ? 'future' : 'past'];
+ return isFunction(format) ? format(output) : format.replace(/%s/i, output);
+ }
+ var aliases = {};
+ function addUnitAlias(unit, shorthand) {
+ var lowerCase = unit.toLowerCase();
+ aliases[lowerCase] = aliases[lowerCase + 's'] = aliases[shorthand] = unit;
+ }
+ function normalizeUnits(units) {
+ return typeof units === 'string' ? aliases[units] || aliases[units.toLowerCase()] : undefined;
+ }
+ function normalizeObjectUnits(inputObject) {
+ var normalizedInput = {},
+ normalizedProp,
+ prop;
+ for (prop in inputObject) {
+ if (hasOwnProp(inputObject, prop)) {
+ normalizedProp = normalizeUnits(prop);
+ if (normalizedProp) {
+ normalizedInput[normalizedProp] = inputObject[prop];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return normalizedInput;
+ }
+ var priorities = {};
+ function addUnitPriority(unit, priority) {
+ priorities[unit] = priority;
+ }
+ function getPrioritizedUnits(unitsObj) {
+ var units = [];
+ for (var u in unitsObj) {
+ units.push({
+ unit: u,
+ priority: priorities[u]
+ });
+ }
+ units.sort(function(a, b) {
+ return a.priority - b.priority;
+ });
+ return units;
+ }
+ function zeroFill(number, targetLength, forceSign) {
+ var absNumber = '' + Math.abs(number),
+ zerosToFill = targetLength - absNumber.length,
+ sign = number >= 0;
+ return (sign ? (forceSign ? '+' : '') : '-') +
+ Math.pow(10, Math.max(0, zerosToFill)).toString().substr(1) + absNumber;
+ }
+ var formattingTokens =
+ /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?([Hh]mm(ss)?|Mo|MM?M?M?|Do|DDDo|DD?D?D?|ddd?d?|do?|w[o|w]?|W[o|W]?|Qo?|YYYYYY|YYYYY|YYYY|YY|gg(ggg?)?|GG(GGG?)?|e|E|a|A|hh?|HH?|kk?|mm?|ss?|S{1,9}|x|X|zz?|ZZ?|.)/g;
+ var localFormattingTokens = /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(LTS|LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g;
+ var formatFunctions = {};
+ var formatTokenFunctions = {};
+ // token: 'M'
+ // padded: ['MM', 2]
+ // ordinal: 'Mo'
+ // callback: function () { this.month() + 1 }
+ function addFormatToken(token, padded, ordinal, callback) {
+ var func = callback;
+ if (typeof callback === 'string') {
+ func = function() {
+ return this[callback]();
+ };
+ }
+ if (token) {
+ formatTokenFunctions[token] = func;
+ }
+ if (padded) {
+ formatTokenFunctions[padded[0]] = function() {
+ return zeroFill(func.apply(this, arguments), padded[1], padded[2]);
+ };
+ }
+ if (ordinal) {
+ formatTokenFunctions[ordinal] = function() {
+ return this.localeData().ordinal(func.apply(this, arguments), token);
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ function removeFormattingTokens(input) {
+ if (input.match(/\[[\s\S]/)) {
+ return input.replace(/^\[|\]$/g, '');
+ }
+ return input.replace(/\\/g, '');
+ }
+ function makeFormatFunction(format) {
+ var array = format.match(formattingTokens),
+ i, length;
+ for (i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) {
+ if (formatTokenFunctions[array[i]]) {
+ array[i] = formatTokenFunctions[array[i]];
+ } else {
+ array[i] = removeFormattingTokens(array[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return function(mom) {
+ var output = '',
+ i;
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ output += isFunction(array[i]) ? array[i].call(mom, format) : array[i];
+ }
+ return output;
+ };
+ }
+ // format date using native date object
+ function formatMoment(m, format) {
+ if (!m.isValid()) {
+ return m.localeData().invalidDate();
+ }
+ format = expandFormat(format, m.localeData());
+ formatFunctions[format] = formatFunctions[format] || makeFormatFunction(format);
+ return formatFunctions[format](m);
+ }
+ function expandFormat(format, locale) {
+ var i = 5;
+ function replaceLongDateFormatTokens(input) {
+ return locale.longDateFormat(input) || input;
+ }
+ localFormattingTokens.lastIndex = 0;
+ while (i >= 0 && localFormattingTokens.test(format)) {
+ format = format.replace(localFormattingTokens, replaceLongDateFormatTokens);
+ localFormattingTokens.lastIndex = 0;
+ i -= 1;
+ }
+ return format;
+ }
+ var match1 = /\d/; // 0 - 9
+ var match2 = /\d\d/; // 00 - 99
+ var match3 = /\d{3}/; // 000 - 999
+ var match4 = /\d{4}/; // 0000 - 9999
+ var match6 = /[+-]?\d{6}/; // -999999 - 999999
+ var match1to2 = /\d\d?/; // 0 - 99
+ var match3to4 = /\d\d\d\d?/; // 999 - 9999
+ var match5to6 = /\d\d\d\d\d\d?/; // 99999 - 999999
+ var match1to3 = /\d{1,3}/; // 0 - 999
+ var match1to4 = /\d{1,4}/; // 0 - 9999
+ var match1to6 = /[+-]?\d{1,6}/; // -999999 - 999999
+ var matchUnsigned = /\d+/; // 0 - inf
+ var matchSigned = /[+-]?\d+/; // -inf - inf
+ var matchOffset = /Z|[+-]\d\d:?\d\d/gi; // +00:00 -00:00 +0000 -0000 or Z
+ var matchShortOffset = /Z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/gi; // +00 -00 +00:00 -00:00 +0000 -0000 or Z
+ var matchTimestamp = /[+-]?\d+(\.\d{1,3})?/; // 123456789 123456789.123
+ // any word (or two) characters or numbers including two/three word month in arabic.
+ // includes scottish gaelic two word and hyphenated months
+ var matchWord =
+ /[0-9]{0,256}['a-z\u00A0-\u05FF\u0700-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFF07\uFF10-\uFFEF]{1,256}|[\u0600-\u06FF\/]{1,256}(\s*?[\u0600-\u06FF]{1,256}){1,2}/i;
+ var regexes = {};
+ function addRegexToken(token, regex, strictRegex) {
+ regexes[token] = isFunction(regex) ? regex : function(isStrict, localeData) {
+ return (isStrict && strictRegex) ? strictRegex : regex;
+ };
+ }
+ function getParseRegexForToken(token, config) {
+ if (!hasOwnProp(regexes, token)) {
+ return new RegExp(unescapeFormat(token));
+ }
+ return regexes[token](config._strict, config._locale);
+ }
+ // Code from
+ function unescapeFormat(s) {
+ return regexEscape(s.replace('\\', '').replace(/\\(\[)|\\(\])|\[([^\]\[]*)\]|\\(.)/g, function(
+ matched, p1, p2, p3, p4) {
+ return p1 || p2 || p3 || p4;
+ }));
+ }
+ function regexEscape(s) {
+ return s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
+ }
+ var tokens = {};
+ function addParseToken(token, callback) {
+ var i, func = callback;
+ if (typeof token === 'string') {
+ token = [token];
+ }
+ if (isNumber(callback)) {
+ func = function(input, array) {
+ array[callback] = toInt(input);
+ };
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < token.length; i++) {
+ tokens[token[i]] = func;
+ }
+ }
+ function addWeekParseToken(token, callback) {
+ addParseToken(token, function(input, array, config, token) {
+ config._w = config._w || {};
+ callback(input, config._w, config, token);
+ });
+ }
+ function addTimeToArrayFromToken(token, input, config) {
+ if (input != null && hasOwnProp(tokens, token)) {
+ tokens[token](input, config._a, config, token);
+ }
+ }
+ var YEAR = 0;
+ var MONTH = 1;
+ var DATE = 2;
+ var HOUR = 3;
+ var MINUTE = 4;
+ var SECOND = 5;
+ var MILLISECOND = 6;
+ var WEEK = 7;
+ var WEEKDAY = 8;
+ addFormatToken('Y', 0, 0, function() {
+ var y = this.year();
+ return y <= 9999 ? '' + y : '+' + y;
+ });
+ addFormatToken(0, ['YY', 2], 0, function() {
+ return this.year() % 100;
+ });
+ addFormatToken(0, ['YYYY', 4], 0, 'year');
+ addFormatToken(0, ['YYYYY', 5], 0, 'year');
+ addFormatToken(0, ['YYYYYY', 6, true], 0, 'year');
+ addUnitAlias('year', 'y');
+ addUnitPriority('year', 1);
+ addRegexToken('Y', matchSigned);
+ addRegexToken('YY', match1to2, match2);
+ addRegexToken('YYYY', match1to4, match4);
+ addRegexToken('YYYYY', match1to6, match6);
+ addRegexToken('YYYYYY', match1to6, match6);
+ addParseToken(['YYYYY', 'YYYYYY'], YEAR);
+ addParseToken('YYYY', function(input, array) {
+ array[YEAR] = input.length === 2 ? hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input) : toInt(input);
+ });
+ addParseToken('YY', function(input, array) {
+ array[YEAR] = hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input);
+ });
+ addParseToken('Y', function(input, array) {
+ array[YEAR] = parseInt(input, 10);
+ });
+ function daysInYear(year) {
+ return isLeapYear(year) ? 366 : 365;
+ }
+ function isLeapYear(year) {
+ return (year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0;
+ }
+ // HOOKS
+ hooks.parseTwoDigitYear = function(input) {
+ return toInt(input) + (toInt(input) > 68 ? 1900 : 2000);
+ };
+ var getSetYear = makeGetSet('FullYear', true);
+ function getIsLeapYear() {
+ return isLeapYear(this.year());
+ }
+ function makeGetSet(unit, keepTime) {
+ return function(value) {
+ if (value != null) {
+ set$1(this, unit, value);
+ hooks.updateOffset(this, keepTime);
+ return this;
+ } else {
+ return get(this, unit);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ function get(mom, unit) {
+ return mom.isValid() ?
+ mom._d['get' + (mom._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '') + unit]() : NaN;
+ }
+ function set$1(mom, unit, value) {
+ if (mom.isValid() && !isNaN(value)) {
+ if (unit === 'FullYear' && isLeapYear(mom.year()) && mom.month() === 1 && === 29) {
+ mom._d['set' + (mom._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '') + unit](value, mom.month(), daysInMonth(value, mom
+ .month()));
+ } else {
+ mom._d['set' + (mom._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '') + unit](value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function stringGet(units) {
+ units = normalizeUnits(units);
+ if (isFunction(this[units])) {
+ return this[units]();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ function stringSet(units, value) {
+ if (typeof units === 'object') {
+ units = normalizeObjectUnits(units);
+ var prioritized = getPrioritizedUnits(units);
+ for (var i = 0; i < prioritized.length; i++) {
+ this[prioritized[i].unit](units[prioritized[i].unit]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ units = normalizeUnits(units);
+ if (isFunction(this[units])) {
+ return this[units](value);
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ function mod(n, x) {
+ return ((n % x) + x) % x;
+ }
+ var indexOf;
+ if (Array.prototype.indexOf) {
+ indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf;
+ } else {
+ indexOf = function(o) {
+ // I know
+ var i;
+ for (i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) {
+ if (this[i] === o) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ };
+ }
+ function daysInMonth(year, month) {
+ if (isNaN(year) || isNaN(month)) {
+ return NaN;
+ }
+ var modMonth = mod(month, 12);
+ year += (month - modMonth) / 12;
+ return modMonth === 1 ? (isLeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28) : (31 - modMonth % 7 % 2);
+ }
+ addFormatToken('M', ['MM', 2], 'Mo', function() {
+ return this.month() + 1;
+ });
+ addFormatToken('MMM', 0, 0, function(format) {
+ return this.localeData().monthsShort(this, format);
+ });
+ addFormatToken('MMMM', 0, 0, function(format) {
+ return this.localeData().months(this, format);
+ });
+ addUnitAlias('month', 'M');
+ addUnitPriority('month', 8);
+ addRegexToken('M', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('MM', match1to2, match2);
+ addRegexToken('MMM', function(isStrict, locale) {
+ return locale.monthsShortRegex(isStrict);
+ });
+ addRegexToken('MMMM', function(isStrict, locale) {
+ return locale.monthsRegex(isStrict);
+ });
+ addParseToken(['M', 'MM'], function(input, array) {
+ array[MONTH] = toInt(input) - 1;
+ });
+ addParseToken(['MMM', 'MMMM'], function(input, array, config, token) {
+ var month = config._locale.monthsParse(input, token, config._strict);
+ // if we didn't find a month name, mark the date as invalid.
+ if (month != null) {
+ array[MONTH] = month;
+ } else {
+ getParsingFlags(config).invalidMonth = input;
+ }
+ });
+ var MONTHS_IN_FORMAT = /D[oD]?(\[[^\[\]]*\]|\s)+MMMM?/;
+ var defaultLocaleMonths =
+ 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'.split('_');
+ function localeMonths(m, format) {
+ if (!m) {
+ return isArray(this._months) ? this._months :
+ this._months['standalone'];
+ }
+ return isArray(this._months) ? this._months[m.month()] :
+ this._months[(this._months.isFormat || MONTHS_IN_FORMAT).test(format) ? 'format' : 'standalone']
+ [m.month()];
+ }
+ var defaultLocaleMonthsShort = 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_');
+ function localeMonthsShort(m, format) {
+ if (!m) {
+ return isArray(this._monthsShort) ? this._monthsShort :
+ this._monthsShort['standalone'];
+ }
+ return isArray(this._monthsShort) ? this._monthsShort[m.month()] :
+ this._monthsShort[MONTHS_IN_FORMAT.test(format) ? 'format' : 'standalone'][m.month()];
+ }
+ function handleStrictParse(monthName, format, strict) {
+ var i, ii, mom, llc = monthName.toLocaleLowerCase();
+ if (!this._monthsParse) {
+ // this is not used
+ this._monthsParse = [];
+ this._longMonthsParse = [];
+ this._shortMonthsParse = [];
+ for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
+ mom = createUTC([2000, i]);
+ this._shortMonthsParse[i] = this.monthsShort(mom, '').toLocaleLowerCase();
+ this._longMonthsParse[i] = this.months(mom, '').toLocaleLowerCase();
+ }
+ }
+ if (strict) {
+ if (format === 'MMM') {
+ ii =, llc);
+ return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;
+ } else {
+ ii =, llc);
+ return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (format === 'MMM') {
+ ii =, llc);
+ if (ii !== -1) {
+ return ii;
+ }
+ ii =, llc);
+ return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;
+ } else {
+ ii =, llc);
+ if (ii !== -1) {
+ return ii;
+ }
+ ii =, llc);
+ return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function localeMonthsParse(monthName, format, strict) {
+ var i, mom, regex;
+ if (this._monthsParseExact) {
+ return, monthName, format, strict);
+ }
+ if (!this._monthsParse) {
+ this._monthsParse = [];
+ this._longMonthsParse = [];
+ this._shortMonthsParse = [];
+ }
+ // TODO: add sorting
+ // Sorting makes sure if one month (or abbr) is a prefix of another
+ // see sorting in computeMonthsParse
+ for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
+ // make the regex if we don't have it already
+ mom = createUTC([2000, i]);
+ if (strict && !this._longMonthsParse[i]) {
+ this._longMonthsParse[i] = new RegExp('^' + this.months(mom, '').replace('.', '') + '$',
+ 'i');
+ this._shortMonthsParse[i] = new RegExp('^' + this.monthsShort(mom, '').replace('.', '') +
+ '$', 'i');
+ }
+ if (!strict && !this._monthsParse[i]) {
+ regex = '^' + this.months(mom, '') + '|^' + this.monthsShort(mom, '');
+ this._monthsParse[i] = new RegExp(regex.replace('.', ''), 'i');
+ }
+ // test the regex
+ if (strict && format === 'MMMM' && this._longMonthsParse[i].test(monthName)) {
+ return i;
+ } else if (strict && format === 'MMM' && this._shortMonthsParse[i].test(monthName)) {
+ return i;
+ } else if (!strict && this._monthsParse[i].test(monthName)) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function setMonth(mom, value) {
+ var dayOfMonth;
+ if (!mom.isValid()) {
+ // No op
+ return mom;
+ }
+ if (typeof value === 'string') {
+ if (/^\d+$/.test(value)) {
+ value = toInt(value);
+ } else {
+ value = mom.localeData().monthsParse(value);
+ // TODO: Another silent failure?
+ if (!isNumber(value)) {
+ return mom;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dayOfMonth = Math.min(, daysInMonth(mom.year(), value));
+ mom._d['set' + (mom._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '') + 'Month'](value, dayOfMonth);
+ return mom;
+ }
+ function getSetMonth(value) {
+ if (value != null) {
+ setMonth(this, value);
+ hooks.updateOffset(this, true);
+ return this;
+ } else {
+ return get(this, 'Month');
+ }
+ }
+ function getDaysInMonth() {
+ return daysInMonth(this.year(), this.month());
+ }
+ var defaultMonthsShortRegex = matchWord;
+ function monthsShortRegex(isStrict) {
+ if (this._monthsParseExact) {
+ if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_monthsRegex')) {
+ }
+ if (isStrict) {
+ return this._monthsShortStrictRegex;
+ } else {
+ return this._monthsShortRegex;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_monthsShortRegex')) {
+ this._monthsShortRegex = defaultMonthsShortRegex;
+ }
+ return this._monthsShortStrictRegex && isStrict ?
+ this._monthsShortStrictRegex : this._monthsShortRegex;
+ }
+ }
+ var defaultMonthsRegex = matchWord;
+ function monthsRegex(isStrict) {
+ if (this._monthsParseExact) {
+ if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_monthsRegex')) {
+ }
+ if (isStrict) {
+ return this._monthsStrictRegex;
+ } else {
+ return this._monthsRegex;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_monthsRegex')) {
+ this._monthsRegex = defaultMonthsRegex;
+ }
+ return this._monthsStrictRegex && isStrict ?
+ this._monthsStrictRegex : this._monthsRegex;
+ }
+ }
+ function computeMonthsParse() {
+ function cmpLenRev(a, b) {
+ return b.length - a.length;
+ }
+ var shortPieces = [],
+ longPieces = [],
+ mixedPieces = [],
+ i, mom;
+ for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
+ // make the regex if we don't have it already
+ mom = createUTC([2000, i]);
+ shortPieces.push(this.monthsShort(mom, ''));
+ longPieces.push(this.months(mom, ''));
+ mixedPieces.push(this.months(mom, ''));
+ mixedPieces.push(this.monthsShort(mom, ''));
+ }
+ // Sorting makes sure if one month (or abbr) is a prefix of another it
+ // will match the longer piece.
+ shortPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);
+ longPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);
+ mixedPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);
+ for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
+ shortPieces[i] = regexEscape(shortPieces[i]);
+ longPieces[i] = regexEscape(longPieces[i]);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
+ mixedPieces[i] = regexEscape(mixedPieces[i]);
+ }
+ this._monthsRegex = new RegExp('^(' + mixedPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');
+ this._monthsShortRegex = this._monthsRegex;
+ this._monthsStrictRegex = new RegExp('^(' + longPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');
+ this._monthsShortStrictRegex = new RegExp('^(' + shortPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');
+ }
+ function createDate(y, m, d, h, M, s, ms) {
+ // can't just apply() to create a date:
+ //
+ var date;
+ // the date constructor remaps years 0-99 to 1900-1999
+ if (y < 100 && y >= 0) {
+ // preserve leap years using a full 400 year cycle, then reset
+ date = new Date(y + 400, m, d, h, M, s, ms);
+ if (isFinite(date.getFullYear())) {
+ date.setFullYear(y);
+ }
+ } else {
+ date = new Date(y, m, d, h, M, s, ms);
+ }
+ return date;
+ }
+ function createUTCDate(y) {
+ var date;
+ // the Date.UTC function remaps years 0-99 to 1900-1999
+ if (y < 100 && y >= 0) {
+ var args =;
+ // preserve leap years using a full 400 year cycle, then reset
+ args[0] = y + 400;
+ date = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, args));
+ if (isFinite(date.getUTCFullYear())) {
+ date.setUTCFullYear(y);
+ }
+ } else {
+ date = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, arguments));
+ }
+ return date;
+ }
+ // start-of-first-week - start-of-year
+ function firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy) {
+ var // first-week day -- which january is always in the first week (4 for iso, 1 for other)
+ fwd = 7 + dow - doy,
+ // first-week day local weekday -- which local weekday is fwd
+ fwdlw = (7 + createUTCDate(year, 0, fwd).getUTCDay() - dow) % 7;
+ return -fwdlw + fwd - 1;
+ }
+ //
+ function dayOfYearFromWeeks(year, week, weekday, dow, doy) {
+ var localWeekday = (7 + weekday - dow) % 7,
+ weekOffset = firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy),
+ dayOfYear = 1 + 7 * (week - 1) + localWeekday + weekOffset,
+ resYear, resDayOfYear;
+ if (dayOfYear <= 0) {
+ resYear = year - 1;
+ resDayOfYear = daysInYear(resYear) + dayOfYear;
+ } else if (dayOfYear > daysInYear(year)) {
+ resYear = year + 1;
+ resDayOfYear = dayOfYear - daysInYear(year);
+ } else {
+ resYear = year;
+ resDayOfYear = dayOfYear;
+ }
+ return {
+ year: resYear,
+ dayOfYear: resDayOfYear
+ };
+ }
+ function weekOfYear(mom, dow, doy) {
+ var weekOffset = firstWeekOffset(mom.year(), dow, doy),
+ week = Math.floor((mom.dayOfYear() - weekOffset - 1) / 7) + 1,
+ resWeek, resYear;
+ if (week < 1) {
+ resYear = mom.year() - 1;
+ resWeek = week + weeksInYear(resYear, dow, doy);
+ } else if (week > weeksInYear(mom.year(), dow, doy)) {
+ resWeek = week - weeksInYear(mom.year(), dow, doy);
+ resYear = mom.year() + 1;
+ } else {
+ resYear = mom.year();
+ resWeek = week;
+ }
+ return {
+ week: resWeek,
+ year: resYear
+ };
+ }
+ function weeksInYear(year, dow, doy) {
+ var weekOffset = firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy),
+ weekOffsetNext = firstWeekOffset(year + 1, dow, doy);
+ return (daysInYear(year) - weekOffset + weekOffsetNext) / 7;
+ }
+ addFormatToken('w', ['ww', 2], 'wo', 'week');
+ addFormatToken('W', ['WW', 2], 'Wo', 'isoWeek');
+ addUnitAlias('week', 'w');
+ addUnitAlias('isoWeek', 'W');
+ addUnitPriority('week', 5);
+ addUnitPriority('isoWeek', 5);
+ addRegexToken('w', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('ww', match1to2, match2);
+ addRegexToken('W', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('WW', match1to2, match2);
+ addWeekParseToken(['w', 'ww', 'W', 'WW'], function(input, week, config, token) {
+ week[token.substr(0, 1)] = toInt(input);
+ });
+ function localeWeek(mom) {
+ return weekOfYear(mom, this._week.dow, this._week.doy).week;
+ }
+ var defaultLocaleWeek = {
+ dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
+ };
+ function localeFirstDayOfWeek() {
+ return this._week.dow;
+ }
+ function localeFirstDayOfYear() {
+ return this._week.doy;
+ }
+ function getSetWeek(input) {
+ var week = this.localeData().week(this);
+ return input == null ? week : this.add((input - week) * 7, 'd');
+ }
+ function getSetISOWeek(input) {
+ var week = weekOfYear(this, 1, 4).week;
+ return input == null ? week : this.add((input - week) * 7, 'd');
+ }
+ addFormatToken('d', 0, 'do', 'day');
+ addFormatToken('dd', 0, 0, function(format) {
+ return this.localeData().weekdaysMin(this, format);
+ });
+ addFormatToken('ddd', 0, 0, function(format) {
+ return this.localeData().weekdaysShort(this, format);
+ });
+ addFormatToken('dddd', 0, 0, function(format) {
+ return this.localeData().weekdays(this, format);
+ });
+ addFormatToken('e', 0, 0, 'weekday');
+ addFormatToken('E', 0, 0, 'isoWeekday');
+ addUnitAlias('day', 'd');
+ addUnitAlias('weekday', 'e');
+ addUnitAlias('isoWeekday', 'E');
+ addUnitPriority('day', 11);
+ addUnitPriority('weekday', 11);
+ addUnitPriority('isoWeekday', 11);
+ addRegexToken('d', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('e', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('E', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('dd', function(isStrict, locale) {
+ return locale.weekdaysMinRegex(isStrict);
+ });
+ addRegexToken('ddd', function(isStrict, locale) {
+ return locale.weekdaysShortRegex(isStrict);
+ });
+ addRegexToken('dddd', function(isStrict, locale) {
+ return locale.weekdaysRegex(isStrict);
+ });
+ addWeekParseToken(['dd', 'ddd', 'dddd'], function(input, week, config, token) {
+ var weekday = config._locale.weekdaysParse(input, token, config._strict);
+ // if we didn't get a weekday name, mark the date as invalid
+ if (weekday != null) {
+ week.d = weekday;
+ } else {
+ getParsingFlags(config).invalidWeekday = input;
+ }
+ });
+ addWeekParseToken(['d', 'e', 'E'], function(input, week, config, token) {
+ week[token] = toInt(input);
+ });
+ function parseWeekday(input, locale) {
+ if (typeof input !== 'string') {
+ return input;
+ }
+ if (!isNaN(input)) {
+ return parseInt(input, 10);
+ }
+ input = locale.weekdaysParse(input);
+ if (typeof input === 'number') {
+ return input;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ function parseIsoWeekday(input, locale) {
+ if (typeof input === 'string') {
+ return locale.weekdaysParse(input) % 7 || 7;
+ }
+ return isNaN(input) ? null : input;
+ }
+ function shiftWeekdays(ws, n) {
+ return ws.slice(n, 7).concat(ws.slice(0, n));
+ }
+ var defaultLocaleWeekdays = 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split('_');
+ function localeWeekdays(m, format) {
+ var weekdays = isArray(this._weekdays) ? this._weekdays :
+ this._weekdays[(m && m !== true && this._weekdays.isFormat.test(format)) ? 'format' :
+ 'standalone'];
+ return (m === true) ? shiftWeekdays(weekdays, this._week.dow) :
+ (m) ? weekdays[] : weekdays;
+ }
+ var defaultLocaleWeekdaysShort = 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_');
+ function localeWeekdaysShort(m) {
+ return (m === true) ? shiftWeekdays(this._weekdaysShort, this._week.dow) :
+ (m) ? this._weekdaysShort[] : this._weekdaysShort;
+ }
+ var defaultLocaleWeekdaysMin = 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_');
+ function localeWeekdaysMin(m) {
+ return (m === true) ? shiftWeekdays(this._weekdaysMin, this._week.dow) :
+ (m) ? this._weekdaysMin[] : this._weekdaysMin;
+ }
+ function handleStrictParse$1(weekdayName, format, strict) {
+ var i, ii, mom, llc = weekdayName.toLocaleLowerCase();
+ if (!this._weekdaysParse) {
+ this._weekdaysParse = [];
+ this._shortWeekdaysParse = [];
+ this._minWeekdaysParse = [];
+ for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
+ mom = createUTC([2000, 1]).day(i);
+ this._minWeekdaysParse[i] = this.weekdaysMin(mom, '').toLocaleLowerCase();
+ this._shortWeekdaysParse[i] = this.weekdaysShort(mom, '').toLocaleLowerCase();
+ this._weekdaysParse[i] = this.weekdays(mom, '').toLocaleLowerCase();
+ }
+ }
+ if (strict) {
+ if (format === 'dddd') {
+ ii =, llc);
+ return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;
+ } else if (format === 'ddd') {
+ ii =, llc);
+ return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;
+ } else {
+ ii =, llc);
+ return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (format === 'dddd') {
+ ii =, llc);
+ if (ii !== -1) {
+ return ii;
+ }
+ ii =, llc);
+ if (ii !== -1) {
+ return ii;
+ }
+ ii =, llc);
+ return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;
+ } else if (format === 'ddd') {
+ ii =, llc);
+ if (ii !== -1) {
+ return ii;
+ }
+ ii =, llc);
+ if (ii !== -1) {
+ return ii;
+ }
+ ii =, llc);
+ return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;
+ } else {
+ ii =, llc);
+ if (ii !== -1) {
+ return ii;
+ }
+ ii =, llc);
+ if (ii !== -1) {
+ return ii;
+ }
+ ii =, llc);
+ return ii !== -1 ? ii : null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function localeWeekdaysParse(weekdayName, format, strict) {
+ var i, mom, regex;
+ if (this._weekdaysParseExact) {
+ return handleStrictParse$, weekdayName, format, strict);
+ }
+ if (!this._weekdaysParse) {
+ this._weekdaysParse = [];
+ this._minWeekdaysParse = [];
+ this._shortWeekdaysParse = [];
+ this._fullWeekdaysParse = [];
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+ // make the regex if we don't have it already
+ mom = createUTC([2000, 1]).day(i);
+ if (strict && !this._fullWeekdaysParse[i]) {
+ this._fullWeekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp('^' + this.weekdays(mom, '').replace('.', '\\.?') +
+ '$', 'i');
+ this._shortWeekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp('^' + this.weekdaysShort(mom, '').replace('.',
+ '\\.?') + '$', 'i');
+ this._minWeekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp('^' + this.weekdaysMin(mom, '').replace('.',
+ '\\.?') + '$', 'i');
+ }
+ if (!this._weekdaysParse[i]) {
+ regex = '^' + this.weekdays(mom, '') + '|^' + this.weekdaysShort(mom, '') + '|^' + this
+ .weekdaysMin(mom, '');
+ this._weekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp(regex.replace('.', ''), 'i');
+ }
+ // test the regex
+ if (strict && format === 'dddd' && this._fullWeekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) {
+ return i;
+ } else if (strict && format === 'ddd' && this._shortWeekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) {
+ return i;
+ } else if (strict && format === 'dd' && this._minWeekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) {
+ return i;
+ } else if (!strict && this._weekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function getSetDayOfWeek(input) {
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return input != null ? this : NaN;
+ }
+ var day = this._isUTC ? this._d.getUTCDay() : this._d.getDay();
+ if (input != null) {
+ input = parseWeekday(input, this.localeData());
+ return this.add(input - day, 'd');
+ } else {
+ return day;
+ }
+ }
+ function getSetLocaleDayOfWeek(input) {
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return input != null ? this : NaN;
+ }
+ var weekday = ( + 7 - this.localeData()._week.dow) % 7;
+ return input == null ? weekday : this.add(input - weekday, 'd');
+ }
+ function getSetISODayOfWeek(input) {
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return input != null ? this : NaN;
+ }
+ // behaves the same as moment#day except
+ // as a getter, returns 7 instead of 0 (1-7 range instead of 0-6)
+ // as a setter, sunday should belong to the previous week.
+ if (input != null) {
+ var weekday = parseIsoWeekday(input, this.localeData());
+ return % 7 ? weekday : weekday - 7);
+ } else {
+ return || 7;
+ }
+ }
+ var defaultWeekdaysRegex = matchWord;
+ function weekdaysRegex(isStrict) {
+ if (this._weekdaysParseExact) {
+ if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysRegex')) {
+ }
+ if (isStrict) {
+ return this._weekdaysStrictRegex;
+ } else {
+ return this._weekdaysRegex;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysRegex')) {
+ this._weekdaysRegex = defaultWeekdaysRegex;
+ }
+ return this._weekdaysStrictRegex && isStrict ?
+ this._weekdaysStrictRegex : this._weekdaysRegex;
+ }
+ }
+ var defaultWeekdaysShortRegex = matchWord;
+ function weekdaysShortRegex(isStrict) {
+ if (this._weekdaysParseExact) {
+ if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysRegex')) {
+ }
+ if (isStrict) {
+ return this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex;
+ } else {
+ return this._weekdaysShortRegex;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysShortRegex')) {
+ this._weekdaysShortRegex = defaultWeekdaysShortRegex;
+ }
+ return this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex && isStrict ?
+ this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex : this._weekdaysShortRegex;
+ }
+ }
+ var defaultWeekdaysMinRegex = matchWord;
+ function weekdaysMinRegex(isStrict) {
+ if (this._weekdaysParseExact) {
+ if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysRegex')) {
+ }
+ if (isStrict) {
+ return this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex;
+ } else {
+ return this._weekdaysMinRegex;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!hasOwnProp(this, '_weekdaysMinRegex')) {
+ this._weekdaysMinRegex = defaultWeekdaysMinRegex;
+ }
+ return this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex && isStrict ?
+ this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex : this._weekdaysMinRegex;
+ }
+ }
+ function computeWeekdaysParse() {
+ function cmpLenRev(a, b) {
+ return b.length - a.length;
+ }
+ var minPieces = [],
+ shortPieces = [],
+ longPieces = [],
+ mixedPieces = [],
+ i, mom, minp, shortp, longp;
+ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+ // make the regex if we don't have it already
+ mom = createUTC([2000, 1]).day(i);
+ minp = this.weekdaysMin(mom, '');
+ shortp = this.weekdaysShort(mom, '');
+ longp = this.weekdays(mom, '');
+ minPieces.push(minp);
+ shortPieces.push(shortp);
+ longPieces.push(longp);
+ mixedPieces.push(minp);
+ mixedPieces.push(shortp);
+ mixedPieces.push(longp);
+ }
+ // Sorting makes sure if one weekday (or abbr) is a prefix of another it
+ // will match the longer piece.
+ minPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);
+ shortPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);
+ longPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);
+ mixedPieces.sort(cmpLenRev);
+ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+ shortPieces[i] = regexEscape(shortPieces[i]);
+ longPieces[i] = regexEscape(longPieces[i]);
+ mixedPieces[i] = regexEscape(mixedPieces[i]);
+ }
+ this._weekdaysRegex = new RegExp('^(' + mixedPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');
+ this._weekdaysShortRegex = this._weekdaysRegex;
+ this._weekdaysMinRegex = this._weekdaysRegex;
+ this._weekdaysStrictRegex = new RegExp('^(' + longPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');
+ this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex = new RegExp('^(' + shortPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');
+ this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex = new RegExp('^(' + minPieces.join('|') + ')', 'i');
+ }
+ function hFormat() {
+ return this.hours() % 12 || 12;
+ }
+ function kFormat() {
+ return this.hours() || 24;
+ }
+ addFormatToken('H', ['HH', 2], 0, 'hour');
+ addFormatToken('h', ['hh', 2], 0, hFormat);
+ addFormatToken('k', ['kk', 2], 0, kFormat);
+ addFormatToken('hmm', 0, 0, function() {
+ return '' + hFormat.apply(this) + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2);
+ });
+ addFormatToken('hmmss', 0, 0, function() {
+ return '' + hFormat.apply(this) + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2) +
+ zeroFill(this.seconds(), 2);
+ });
+ addFormatToken('Hmm', 0, 0, function() {
+ return '' + this.hours() + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2);
+ });
+ addFormatToken('Hmmss', 0, 0, function() {
+ return '' + this.hours() + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2) +
+ zeroFill(this.seconds(), 2);
+ });
+ function meridiem(token, lowercase) {
+ addFormatToken(token, 0, 0, function() {
+ return this.localeData().meridiem(this.hours(), this.minutes(), lowercase);
+ });
+ }
+ meridiem('a', true);
+ meridiem('A', false);
+ addUnitAlias('hour', 'h');
+ addUnitPriority('hour', 13);
+ function matchMeridiem(isStrict, locale) {
+ return locale._meridiemParse;
+ }
+ addRegexToken('a', matchMeridiem);
+ addRegexToken('A', matchMeridiem);
+ addRegexToken('H', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('h', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('k', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('HH', match1to2, match2);
+ addRegexToken('hh', match1to2, match2);
+ addRegexToken('kk', match1to2, match2);
+ addRegexToken('hmm', match3to4);
+ addRegexToken('hmmss', match5to6);
+ addRegexToken('Hmm', match3to4);
+ addRegexToken('Hmmss', match5to6);
+ addParseToken(['H', 'HH'], HOUR);
+ addParseToken(['k', 'kk'], function(input, array, config) {
+ var kInput = toInt(input);
+ array[HOUR] = kInput === 24 ? 0 : kInput;
+ });
+ addParseToken(['a', 'A'], function(input, array, config) {
+ config._isPm = config._locale.isPM(input);
+ config._meridiem = input;
+ });
+ addParseToken(['h', 'hh'], function(input, array, config) {
+ array[HOUR] = toInt(input);
+ getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = true;
+ });
+ addParseToken('hmm', function(input, array, config) {
+ var pos = input.length - 2;
+ array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos));
+ array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos));
+ getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = true;
+ });
+ addParseToken('hmmss', function(input, array, config) {
+ var pos1 = input.length - 4;
+ var pos2 = input.length - 2;
+ array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos1));
+ array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos1, 2));
+ array[SECOND] = toInt(input.substr(pos2));
+ getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = true;
+ });
+ addParseToken('Hmm', function(input, array, config) {
+ var pos = input.length - 2;
+ array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos));
+ array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos));
+ });
+ addParseToken('Hmmss', function(input, array, config) {
+ var pos1 = input.length - 4;
+ var pos2 = input.length - 2;
+ array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos1));
+ array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos1, 2));
+ array[SECOND] = toInt(input.substr(pos2));
+ });
+ function localeIsPM(input) {
+ // IE8 Quirks Mode & IE7 Standards Mode do not allow accessing strings like arrays
+ // Using charAt should be more compatible.
+ return ((input + '').toLowerCase().charAt(0) === 'p');
+ }
+ var defaultLocaleMeridiemParse = /[ap]\.?m?\.?/i;
+ function localeMeridiem(hours, minutes, isLower) {
+ if (hours > 11) {
+ return isLower ? 'pm' : 'PM';
+ } else {
+ return isLower ? 'am' : 'AM';
+ }
+ }
+ // Setting the hour should keep the time, because the user explicitly
+ // specified which hour they want. So trying to maintain the same hour (in
+ // a new timezone) makes sense. Adding/subtracting hours does not follow
+ // this rule.
+ var getSetHour = makeGetSet('Hours', true);
+ var baseConfig = {
+ calendar: defaultCalendar,
+ longDateFormat: defaultLongDateFormat,
+ invalidDate: defaultInvalidDate,
+ ordinal: defaultOrdinal,
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: defaultDayOfMonthOrdinalParse,
+ relativeTime: defaultRelativeTime,
+ months: defaultLocaleMonths,
+ monthsShort: defaultLocaleMonthsShort,
+ week: defaultLocaleWeek,
+ weekdays: defaultLocaleWeekdays,
+ weekdaysMin: defaultLocaleWeekdaysMin,
+ weekdaysShort: defaultLocaleWeekdaysShort,
+ meridiemParse: defaultLocaleMeridiemParse
+ };
+ // internal storage for locale config files
+ var locales = {};
+ var localeFamilies = {};
+ var globalLocale;
+ function normalizeLocale(key) {
+ return key ? key.toLowerCase().replace('_', '-') : key;
+ }
+ // pick the locale from the array
+ // try ['en-au', 'en-gb'] as 'en-au', 'en-gb', 'en', as in move through the list trying each
+ // substring from most specific to least, but move to the next array item if it's a more specific variant than the current root
+ function chooseLocale(names) {
+ var i = 0,
+ j, next, locale, split;
+ while (i < names.length) {
+ split = normalizeLocale(names[i]).split('-');
+ j = split.length;
+ next = normalizeLocale(names[i + 1]);
+ next = next ? next.split('-') : null;
+ while (j > 0) {
+ locale = loadLocale(split.slice(0, j).join('-'));
+ if (locale) {
+ return locale;
+ }
+ if (next && next.length >= j && compareArrays(split, next, true) >= j - 1) {
+ //the next array item is better than a shallower substring of this one
+ break;
+ }
+ j--;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ return globalLocale;
+ }
+ function loadLocale(name) {
+ var oldLocale = null;
+ // TODO: Find a better way to register and load all the locales in Node
+ if (!locales[name] && (typeof module !== 'undefined') &&
+ module && module.exports) {
+ try {
+ oldLocale = globalLocale._abbr;
+ var aliasedRequire = require;
+ aliasedRequire('./locale/' + name);
+ getSetGlobalLocale(oldLocale);
+ } catch (e) {}
+ }
+ return locales[name];
+ }
+ // This function will load locale and then set the global locale. If
+ // no arguments are passed in, it will simply return the current global
+ // locale key.
+ function getSetGlobalLocale(key, values) {
+ var data;
+ if (key) {
+ if (isUndefined(values)) {
+ data = getLocale(key);
+ } else {
+ data = defineLocale(key, values);
+ }
+ if (data) {
+ // moment.duration._locale = moment._locale = data;
+ globalLocale = data;
+ } else {
+ if ((typeof console !== 'undefined') && console.warn) {
+ //warn user if arguments are passed but the locale could not be set
+ console.warn('Locale ' + key + ' not found. Did you forget to load it?');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return globalLocale._abbr;
+ }
+ function defineLocale(name, config) {
+ if (config !== null) {
+ var locale, parentConfig = baseConfig;
+ config.abbr = name;
+ if (locales[name] != null) {
+ deprecateSimple('defineLocaleOverride',
+ 'use moment.updateLocale(localeName, config) to change ' +
+ 'an existing locale. moment.defineLocale(localeName, ' +
+ 'config) should only be used for creating a new locale ' +
+ 'See for more info.');
+ parentConfig = locales[name]._config;
+ } else if (config.parentLocale != null) {
+ if (locales[config.parentLocale] != null) {
+ parentConfig = locales[config.parentLocale]._config;
+ } else {
+ locale = loadLocale(config.parentLocale);
+ if (locale != null) {
+ parentConfig = locale._config;
+ } else {
+ if (!localeFamilies[config.parentLocale]) {
+ localeFamilies[config.parentLocale] = [];
+ }
+ localeFamilies[config.parentLocale].push({
+ name: name,
+ config: config
+ });
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ locales[name] = new Locale(mergeConfigs(parentConfig, config));
+ if (localeFamilies[name]) {
+ localeFamilies[name].forEach(function(x) {
+ defineLocale(, x.config);
+ });
+ }
+ // backwards compat for now: also set the locale
+ // make sure we set the locale AFTER all child locales have been
+ // created, so we won't end up with the child locale set.
+ getSetGlobalLocale(name);
+ return locales[name];
+ } else {
+ // useful for testing
+ delete locales[name];
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ function updateLocale(name, config) {
+ if (config != null) {
+ var locale, tmpLocale, parentConfig = baseConfig;
+ // MERGE
+ tmpLocale = loadLocale(name);
+ if (tmpLocale != null) {
+ parentConfig = tmpLocale._config;
+ }
+ config = mergeConfigs(parentConfig, config);
+ locale = new Locale(config);
+ locale.parentLocale = locales[name];
+ locales[name] = locale;
+ // backwards compat for now: also set the locale
+ getSetGlobalLocale(name);
+ } else {
+ // pass null for config to unupdate, useful for tests
+ if (locales[name] != null) {
+ if (locales[name].parentLocale != null) {
+ locales[name] = locales[name].parentLocale;
+ } else if (locales[name] != null) {
+ delete locales[name];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return locales[name];
+ }
+ // returns locale data
+ function getLocale(key) {
+ var locale;
+ if (key && key._locale && key._locale._abbr) {
+ key = key._locale._abbr;
+ }
+ if (!key) {
+ return globalLocale;
+ }
+ if (!isArray(key)) {
+ //short-circuit everything else
+ locale = loadLocale(key);
+ if (locale) {
+ return locale;
+ }
+ key = [key];
+ }
+ return chooseLocale(key);
+ }
+ function listLocales() {
+ return keys(locales);
+ }
+ function checkOverflow(m) {
+ var overflow;
+ var a = m._a;
+ if (a && getParsingFlags(m).overflow === -2) {
+ overflow =
+ a[MONTH] < 0 || a[MONTH] > 11 ? MONTH :
+ a[DATE] < 1 || a[DATE] > daysInMonth(a[YEAR], a[MONTH]) ? DATE :
+ a[HOUR] < 0 || a[HOUR] > 24 || (a[HOUR] === 24 && (a[MINUTE] !== 0 || a[SECOND] !== 0 || a[
+ MILLISECOND] !== 0)) ? HOUR :
+ a[MINUTE] < 0 || a[MINUTE] > 59 ? MINUTE :
+ a[SECOND] < 0 || a[SECOND] > 59 ? SECOND :
+ -1;
+ if (getParsingFlags(m)._overflowDayOfYear && (overflow < YEAR || overflow > DATE)) {
+ overflow = DATE;
+ }
+ if (getParsingFlags(m)._overflowWeeks && overflow === -1) {
+ overflow = WEEK;
+ }
+ if (getParsingFlags(m)._overflowWeekday && overflow === -1) {
+ overflow = WEEKDAY;
+ }
+ getParsingFlags(m).overflow = overflow;
+ }
+ return m;
+ }
+ // Pick the first defined of two or three arguments.
+ function defaults(a, b, c) {
+ if (a != null) {
+ return a;
+ }
+ if (b != null) {
+ return b;
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ function currentDateArray(config) {
+ // hooks is actually the exported moment object
+ var nowValue = new Date(;
+ if (config._useUTC) {
+ return [nowValue.getUTCFullYear(), nowValue.getUTCMonth(), nowValue.getUTCDate()];
+ }
+ return [nowValue.getFullYear(), nowValue.getMonth(), nowValue.getDate()];
+ }
+ // convert an array to a date.
+ // the array should mirror the parameters below
+ // note: all values past the year are optional and will default to the lowest possible value.
+ // [year, month, day , hour, minute, second, millisecond]
+ function configFromArray(config) {
+ var i, date, input = [],
+ currentDate, expectedWeekday, yearToUse;
+ if (config._d) {
+ return;
+ }
+ currentDate = currentDateArray(config);
+ //compute day of the year from weeks and weekdays
+ if (config._w && config._a[DATE] == null && config._a[MONTH] == null) {
+ dayOfYearFromWeekInfo(config);
+ }
+ //if the day of the year is set, figure out what it is
+ if (config._dayOfYear != null) {
+ yearToUse = defaults(config._a[YEAR], currentDate[YEAR]);
+ if (config._dayOfYear > daysInYear(yearToUse) || config._dayOfYear === 0) {
+ getParsingFlags(config)._overflowDayOfYear = true;
+ }
+ date = createUTCDate(yearToUse, 0, config._dayOfYear);
+ config._a[MONTH] = date.getUTCMonth();
+ config._a[DATE] = date.getUTCDate();
+ }
+ // Default to current date.
+ // * if no year, month, day of month are given, default to today
+ // * if day of month is given, default month and year
+ // * if month is given, default only year
+ // * if year is given, don't default anything
+ for (i = 0; i < 3 && config._a[i] == null; ++i) {
+ config._a[i] = input[i] = currentDate[i];
+ }
+ // Zero out whatever was not defaulted, including time
+ for (; i < 7; i++) {
+ config._a[i] = input[i] = (config._a[i] == null) ? (i === 2 ? 1 : 0) : config._a[i];
+ }
+ // Check for 24:00:00.000
+ if (config._a[HOUR] === 24 &&
+ config._a[MINUTE] === 0 &&
+ config._a[SECOND] === 0 &&
+ config._a[MILLISECOND] === 0) {
+ config._nextDay = true;
+ config._a[HOUR] = 0;
+ }
+ config._d = (config._useUTC ? createUTCDate : createDate).apply(null, input);
+ expectedWeekday = config._useUTC ? config._d.getUTCDay() : config._d.getDay();
+ // Apply timezone offset from input. The actual utcOffset can be changed
+ // with parseZone.
+ if (config._tzm != null) {
+ config._d.setUTCMinutes(config._d.getUTCMinutes() - config._tzm);
+ }
+ if (config._nextDay) {
+ config._a[HOUR] = 24;
+ }
+ // check for mismatching day of week
+ if (config._w && typeof config._w.d !== 'undefined' && config._w.d !== expectedWeekday) {
+ getParsingFlags(config).weekdayMismatch = true;
+ }
+ }
+ function dayOfYearFromWeekInfo(config) {
+ var w, weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy, temp, weekdayOverflow;
+ w = config._w;
+ if (w.GG != null || w.W != null || w.E != null) {
+ dow = 1;
+ doy = 4;
+ // TODO: We need to take the current isoWeekYear, but that depends on
+ // how we interpret now (local, utc, fixed offset). So create
+ // a now version of current config (take local/utc/offset flags, and
+ // create now).
+ weekYear = defaults(w.GG, config._a[YEAR], weekOfYear(createLocal(), 1, 4).year);
+ week = defaults(w.W, 1);
+ weekday = defaults(w.E, 1);
+ if (weekday < 1 || weekday > 7) {
+ weekdayOverflow = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ dow = config._locale._week.dow;
+ doy = config._locale._week.doy;
+ var curWeek = weekOfYear(createLocal(), dow, doy);
+ weekYear = defaults(, config._a[YEAR], curWeek.year);
+ // Default to current week.
+ week = defaults(w.w, curWeek.week);
+ if (w.d != null) {
+ // weekday -- low day numbers are considered next week
+ weekday = w.d;
+ if (weekday < 0 || weekday > 6) {
+ weekdayOverflow = true;
+ }
+ } else if (w.e != null) {
+ // local weekday -- counting starts from beginning of week
+ weekday = w.e + dow;
+ if (w.e < 0 || w.e > 6) {
+ weekdayOverflow = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // default to beginning of week
+ weekday = dow;
+ }
+ }
+ if (week < 1 || week > weeksInYear(weekYear, dow, doy)) {
+ getParsingFlags(config)._overflowWeeks = true;
+ } else if (weekdayOverflow != null) {
+ getParsingFlags(config)._overflowWeekday = true;
+ } else {
+ temp = dayOfYearFromWeeks(weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy);
+ config._a[YEAR] = temp.year;
+ config._dayOfYear = temp.dayOfYear;
+ }
+ }
+ // iso 8601 regex
+ // 0000-00-00 0000-W00 or 0000-W00-0 + T + 00 or 00:00 or 00:00:00 or 00:00:00.000 + +00:00 or +0000 or +00)
+ var extendedIsoRegex =
+ /^\s*((?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})-(?:\d\d-\d\d|W\d\d-\d|W\d\d|\d\d\d|\d\d))(?:(T| )(\d\d(?::\d\d(?::\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)?)?)([\+\-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/;
+ var basicIsoRegex =
+ /^\s*((?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})(?:\d\d\d\d|W\d\d\d|W\d\d|\d\d\d|\d\d))(?:(T| )(\d\d(?:\d\d(?:\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)?)?)([\+\-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/;
+ var tzRegex = /Z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/;
+ var isoDates = [
+ ['YYYYYY-MM-DD', /[+-]\d{6}-\d\d-\d\d/],
+ ['YYYY-MM-DD', /\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d/],
+ ['GGGG-[W]WW-E', /\d{4}-W\d\d-\d/],
+ ['GGGG-[W]WW', /\d{4}-W\d\d/, false],
+ ['YYYY-DDD', /\d{4}-\d{3}/],
+ ['YYYY-MM', /\d{4}-\d\d/, false],
+ ['YYYYYYMMDD', /[+-]\d{10}/],
+ ['YYYYMMDD', /\d{8}/],
+ // YYYYMM is NOT allowed by the standard
+ ['GGGG[W]WWE', /\d{4}W\d{3}/],
+ ['GGGG[W]WW', /\d{4}W\d{2}/, false],
+ ['YYYYDDD', /\d{7}/]
+ ];
+ // iso time formats and regexes
+ var isoTimes = [
+ ['HH:mm:ss.SSSS', /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+/],
+ ['HH:mm:ss,SSSS', /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d+/],
+ ['HH:mm:ss', /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/],
+ ['HH:mm', /\d\d:\d\d/],
+ ['HHmmss.SSSS', /\d\d\d\d\d\d\.\d+/],
+ ['HHmmss,SSSS', /\d\d\d\d\d\d,\d+/],
+ ['HHmmss', /\d\d\d\d\d\d/],
+ ['HHmm', /\d\d\d\d/],
+ ['HH', /\d\d/]
+ ];
+ var aspNetJsonRegex = /^\/?Date\((\-?\d+)/i;
+ // date from iso format
+ function configFromISO(config) {
+ var i, l,
+ string = config._i,
+ match = extendedIsoRegex.exec(string) || basicIsoRegex.exec(string),
+ allowTime, dateFormat, timeFormat, tzFormat;
+ if (match) {
+ getParsingFlags(config).iso = true;
+ for (i = 0, l = isoDates.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (isoDates[i][1].exec(match[1])) {
+ dateFormat = isoDates[i][0];
+ allowTime = isoDates[i][2] !== false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dateFormat == null) {
+ config._isValid = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (match[3]) {
+ for (i = 0, l = isoTimes.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (isoTimes[i][1].exec(match[3])) {
+ // match[2] should be 'T' or space
+ timeFormat = (match[2] || ' ') + isoTimes[i][0];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (timeFormat == null) {
+ config._isValid = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!allowTime && timeFormat != null) {
+ config._isValid = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (match[4]) {
+ if (tzRegex.exec(match[4])) {
+ tzFormat = 'Z';
+ } else {
+ config._isValid = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ config._f = dateFormat + (timeFormat || '') + (tzFormat || '');
+ configFromStringAndFormat(config);
+ } else {
+ config._isValid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // RFC 2822 regex: For details see
+ var rfc2822 =
+ /^(?:(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun),?\s)?(\d{1,2})\s(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\s(\d{2,4})\s(\d\d):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d))?\s(?:(UT|GMT|[ECMP][SD]T)|([Zz])|([+-]\d{4}))$/;
+ function extractFromRFC2822Strings(yearStr, monthStr, dayStr, hourStr, minuteStr, secondStr) {
+ var result = [
+ untruncateYear(yearStr),
+ defaultLocaleMonthsShort.indexOf(monthStr),
+ parseInt(dayStr, 10),
+ parseInt(hourStr, 10),
+ parseInt(minuteStr, 10)
+ ];
+ if (secondStr) {
+ result.push(parseInt(secondStr, 10));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ function untruncateYear(yearStr) {
+ var year = parseInt(yearStr, 10);
+ if (year <= 49) {
+ return 2000 + year;
+ } else if (year <= 999) {
+ return 1900 + year;
+ }
+ return year;
+ }
+ function preprocessRFC2822(s) {
+ // Remove comments and folding whitespace and replace multiple-spaces with a single space
+ return s.replace(/\([^)]*\)|[\n\t]/g, ' ').replace(/(\s\s+)/g, ' ').replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(
+ /\s\s*$/, '');
+ }
+ function checkWeekday(weekdayStr, parsedInput, config) {
+ if (weekdayStr) {
+ // TODO: Replace the vanilla JS Date object with an indepentent day-of-week check.
+ var weekdayProvided = defaultLocaleWeekdaysShort.indexOf(weekdayStr),
+ weekdayActual = new Date(parsedInput[0], parsedInput[1], parsedInput[2]).getDay();
+ if (weekdayProvided !== weekdayActual) {
+ getParsingFlags(config).weekdayMismatch = true;
+ config._isValid = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ var obsOffsets = {
+ UT: 0,
+ GMT: 0,
+ EDT: -4 * 60,
+ EST: -5 * 60,
+ CDT: -5 * 60,
+ CST: -6 * 60,
+ MDT: -6 * 60,
+ MST: -7 * 60,
+ PDT: -7 * 60,
+ PST: -8 * 60
+ };
+ function calculateOffset(obsOffset, militaryOffset, numOffset) {
+ if (obsOffset) {
+ return obsOffsets[obsOffset];
+ } else if (militaryOffset) {
+ // the only allowed military tz is Z
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ var hm = parseInt(numOffset, 10);
+ var m = hm % 100,
+ h = (hm - m) / 100;
+ return h * 60 + m;
+ }
+ }
+ // date and time from ref 2822 format
+ function configFromRFC2822(config) {
+ var match = rfc2822.exec(preprocessRFC2822(config._i));
+ if (match) {
+ var parsedArray = extractFromRFC2822Strings(match[4], match[3], match[2], match[5], match[6],
+ match[7]);
+ if (!checkWeekday(match[1], parsedArray, config)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ config._a = parsedArray;
+ config._tzm = calculateOffset(match[8], match[9], match[10]);
+ config._d = createUTCDate.apply(null, config._a);
+ config._d.setUTCMinutes(config._d.getUTCMinutes() - config._tzm);
+ getParsingFlags(config).rfc2822 = true;
+ } else {
+ config._isValid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // date from iso format or fallback
+ function configFromString(config) {
+ var matched = aspNetJsonRegex.exec(config._i);
+ if (matched !== null) {
+ config._d = new Date(+matched[1]);
+ return;
+ }
+ configFromISO(config);
+ if (config._isValid === false) {
+ delete config._isValid;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ configFromRFC2822(config);
+ if (config._isValid === false) {
+ delete config._isValid;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Final attempt, use Input Fallback
+ hooks.createFromInputFallback(config);
+ }
+ hooks.createFromInputFallback = deprecate(
+ 'value provided is not in a recognized RFC2822 or ISO format. moment construction falls back to js Date(), ' +
+ 'which is not reliable across all browsers and versions. Non RFC2822/ISO date formats are ' +
+ 'discouraged and will be removed in an upcoming major release. Please refer to ' +
+ ' for more info.',
+ function(config) {
+ config._d = new Date(config._i + (config._useUTC ? ' UTC' : ''));
+ }
+ );
+ // constant that refers to the ISO standard
+ hooks.ISO_8601 = function() {};
+ // constant that refers to the RFC 2822 form
+ hooks.RFC_2822 = function() {};
+ // date from string and format string
+ function configFromStringAndFormat(config) {
+ // TODO: Move this to another part of the creation flow to prevent circular deps
+ if (config._f === hooks.ISO_8601) {
+ configFromISO(config);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (config._f === hooks.RFC_2822) {
+ configFromRFC2822(config);
+ return;
+ }
+ config._a = [];
+ getParsingFlags(config).empty = true;
+ // This array is used to make a Date, either with `new Date` or `Date.UTC`
+ var string = '' + config._i,
+ i, parsedInput, tokens, token, skipped,
+ stringLength = string.length,
+ totalParsedInputLength = 0;
+ tokens = expandFormat(config._f, config._locale).match(formattingTokens) || [];
+ for (i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
+ token = tokens[i];
+ parsedInput = (string.match(getParseRegexForToken(token, config)) || [])[0];
+ // console.log('token', token, 'parsedInput', parsedInput,
+ // 'regex', getParseRegexForToken(token, config));
+ if (parsedInput) {
+ skipped = string.substr(0, string.indexOf(parsedInput));
+ if (skipped.length > 0) {
+ getParsingFlags(config).unusedInput.push(skipped);
+ }
+ string = string.slice(string.indexOf(parsedInput) + parsedInput.length);
+ totalParsedInputLength += parsedInput.length;
+ }
+ // don't parse if it's not a known token
+ if (formatTokenFunctions[token]) {
+ if (parsedInput) {
+ getParsingFlags(config).empty = false;
+ } else {
+ getParsingFlags(config).unusedTokens.push(token);
+ }
+ addTimeToArrayFromToken(token, parsedInput, config);
+ } else if (config._strict && !parsedInput) {
+ getParsingFlags(config).unusedTokens.push(token);
+ }
+ }
+ // add remaining unparsed input length to the string
+ getParsingFlags(config).charsLeftOver = stringLength - totalParsedInputLength;
+ if (string.length > 0) {
+ getParsingFlags(config).unusedInput.push(string);
+ }
+ // clear _12h flag if hour is <= 12
+ if (config._a[HOUR] <= 12 &&
+ getParsingFlags(config).bigHour === true &&
+ config._a[HOUR] > 0) {
+ getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = undefined;
+ }
+ getParsingFlags(config).parsedDateParts = config._a.slice(0);
+ getParsingFlags(config).meridiem = config._meridiem;
+ // handle meridiem
+ config._a[HOUR] = meridiemFixWrap(config._locale, config._a[HOUR], config._meridiem);
+ configFromArray(config);
+ checkOverflow(config);
+ }
+ function meridiemFixWrap(locale, hour, meridiem) {
+ var isPm;
+ if (meridiem == null) {
+ // nothing to do
+ return hour;
+ }
+ if (locale.meridiemHour != null) {
+ return locale.meridiemHour(hour, meridiem);
+ } else if (locale.isPM != null) {
+ // Fallback
+ isPm = locale.isPM(meridiem);
+ if (isPm && hour < 12) {
+ hour += 12;
+ }
+ if (!isPm && hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ return hour;
+ } else {
+ // this is not supposed to happen
+ return hour;
+ }
+ }
+ // date from string and array of format strings
+ function configFromStringAndArray(config) {
+ var tempConfig,
+ bestMoment,
+ scoreToBeat,
+ i,
+ currentScore;
+ if (config._f.length === 0) {
+ getParsingFlags(config).invalidFormat = true;
+ config._d = new Date(NaN);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < config._f.length; i++) {
+ currentScore = 0;
+ tempConfig = copyConfig({}, config);
+ if (config._useUTC != null) {
+ tempConfig._useUTC = config._useUTC;
+ }
+ tempConfig._f = config._f[i];
+ configFromStringAndFormat(tempConfig);
+ if (!isValid(tempConfig)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // if there is any input that was not parsed add a penalty for that format
+ currentScore += getParsingFlags(tempConfig).charsLeftOver;
+ //or tokens
+ currentScore += getParsingFlags(tempConfig).unusedTokens.length * 10;
+ getParsingFlags(tempConfig).score = currentScore;
+ if (scoreToBeat == null || currentScore < scoreToBeat) {
+ scoreToBeat = currentScore;
+ bestMoment = tempConfig;
+ }
+ }
+ extend(config, bestMoment || tempConfig);
+ }
+ function configFromObject(config) {
+ if (config._d) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var i = normalizeObjectUnits(config._i);
+ config._a = map([i.year, i.month, ||, i.hour, i.minute, i.second, i.millisecond],
+ function(obj) {
+ return obj && parseInt(obj, 10);
+ });
+ configFromArray(config);
+ }
+ function createFromConfig(config) {
+ var res = new Moment(checkOverflow(prepareConfig(config)));
+ if (res._nextDay) {
+ // Adding is smart enough around DST
+ res.add(1, 'd');
+ res._nextDay = undefined;
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ function prepareConfig(config) {
+ var input = config._i,
+ format = config._f;
+ config._locale = config._locale || getLocale(config._l);
+ if (input === null || (format === undefined && input === '')) {
+ return createInvalid({
+ nullInput: true
+ });
+ }
+ if (typeof input === 'string') {
+ config._i = input = config._locale.preparse(input);
+ }
+ if (isMoment(input)) {
+ return new Moment(checkOverflow(input));
+ } else if (isDate(input)) {
+ config._d = input;
+ } else if (isArray(format)) {
+ configFromStringAndArray(config);
+ } else if (format) {
+ configFromStringAndFormat(config);
+ } else {
+ configFromInput(config);
+ }
+ if (!isValid(config)) {
+ config._d = null;
+ }
+ return config;
+ }
+ function configFromInput(config) {
+ var input = config._i;
+ if (isUndefined(input)) {
+ config._d = new Date(;
+ } else if (isDate(input)) {
+ config._d = new Date(input.valueOf());
+ } else if (typeof input === 'string') {
+ configFromString(config);
+ } else if (isArray(input)) {
+ config._a = map(input.slice(0), function(obj) {
+ return parseInt(obj, 10);
+ });
+ configFromArray(config);
+ } else if (isObject(input)) {
+ configFromObject(config);
+ } else if (isNumber(input)) {
+ // from milliseconds
+ config._d = new Date(input);
+ } else {
+ hooks.createFromInputFallback(config);
+ }
+ }
+ function createLocalOrUTC(input, format, locale, strict, isUTC) {
+ var c = {};
+ if (locale === true || locale === false) {
+ strict = locale;
+ locale = undefined;
+ }
+ if ((isObject(input) && isObjectEmpty(input)) ||
+ (isArray(input) && input.length === 0)) {
+ input = undefined;
+ }
+ // object construction must be done this way.
+ //
+ c._isAMomentObject = true;
+ c._useUTC = c._isUTC = isUTC;
+ c._l = locale;
+ c._i = input;
+ c._f = format;
+ c._strict = strict;
+ return createFromConfig(c);
+ }
+ function createLocal(input, format, locale, strict) {
+ return createLocalOrUTC(input, format, locale, strict, false);
+ }
+ var prototypeMin = deprecate(
+ 'moment().min is deprecated, use moment.max instead.',
+ function() {
+ var other = createLocal.apply(null, arguments);
+ if (this.isValid() && other.isValid()) {
+ return other < this ? this : other;
+ } else {
+ return createInvalid();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ var prototypeMax = deprecate(
+ 'moment().max is deprecated, use moment.min instead.',
+ function() {
+ var other = createLocal.apply(null, arguments);
+ if (this.isValid() && other.isValid()) {
+ return other > this ? this : other;
+ } else {
+ return createInvalid();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ // Pick a moment m from moments so that m[fn](other) is true for all
+ // other. This relies on the function fn to be transitive.
+ //
+ // moments should either be an array of moment objects or an array, whose
+ // first element is an array of moment objects.
+ function pickBy(fn, moments) {
+ var res, i;
+ if (moments.length === 1 && isArray(moments[0])) {
+ moments = moments[0];
+ }
+ if (!moments.length) {
+ return createLocal();
+ }
+ res = moments[0];
+ for (i = 1; i < moments.length; ++i) {
+ if (!moments[i].isValid() || moments[i][fn](res)) {
+ res = moments[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ // TODO: Use [].sort instead?
+ function min() {
+ var args = [], 0);
+ return pickBy('isBefore', args);
+ }
+ function max() {
+ var args = [], 0);
+ return pickBy('isAfter', args);
+ }
+ var now = function() {
+ return ? : +(new Date());
+ };
+ var ordering = ['year', 'quarter', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'millisecond'];
+ function isDurationValid(m) {
+ for (var key in m) {
+ if (!(, key) !== -1 && (m[key] == null || !isNaN(m[key])))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ var unitHasDecimal = false;
+ for (var i = 0; i < ordering.length; ++i) {
+ if (m[ordering[i]]) {
+ if (unitHasDecimal) {
+ return false; // only allow non-integers for smallest unit
+ }
+ if (parseFloat(m[ordering[i]]) !== toInt(m[ordering[i]])) {
+ unitHasDecimal = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function isValid$1() {
+ return this._isValid;
+ }
+ function createInvalid$1() {
+ return createDuration(NaN);
+ }
+ function Duration(duration) {
+ var normalizedInput = normalizeObjectUnits(duration),
+ years = normalizedInput.year || 0,
+ quarters = normalizedInput.quarter || 0,
+ months = normalizedInput.month || 0,
+ weeks = normalizedInput.week || normalizedInput.isoWeek || 0,
+ days = || 0,
+ hours = normalizedInput.hour || 0,
+ minutes = normalizedInput.minute || 0,
+ seconds = normalizedInput.second || 0,
+ milliseconds = normalizedInput.millisecond || 0;
+ this._isValid = isDurationValid(normalizedInput);
+ // representation for dateAddRemove
+ this._milliseconds = +milliseconds +
+ seconds * 1e3 + // 1000
+ minutes * 6e4 + // 1000 * 60
+ hours * 1000 * 60 *
+ 60; //using 1000 * 60 * 60 instead of 36e5 to avoid floating point rounding errors
+ // Because of dateAddRemove treats 24 hours as different from a
+ // day when working around DST, we need to store them separately
+ this._days = +days +
+ weeks * 7;
+ // It is impossible to translate months into days without knowing
+ // which months you are are talking about, so we have to store
+ // it separately.
+ this._months = +months +
+ quarters * 3 +
+ years * 12;
+ this._data = {};
+ this._locale = getLocale();
+ this._bubble();
+ }
+ function isDuration(obj) {
+ return obj instanceof Duration;
+ }
+ function absRound(number) {
+ if (number < 0) {
+ return Math.round(-1 * number) * -1;
+ } else {
+ return Math.round(number);
+ }
+ }
+ function offset(token, separator) {
+ addFormatToken(token, 0, 0, function() {
+ var offset = this.utcOffset();
+ var sign = '+';
+ if (offset < 0) {
+ offset = -offset;
+ sign = '-';
+ }
+ return sign + zeroFill(~~(offset / 60), 2) + separator + zeroFill(~~(offset) % 60, 2);
+ });
+ }
+ offset('Z', ':');
+ offset('ZZ', '');
+ addRegexToken('Z', matchShortOffset);
+ addRegexToken('ZZ', matchShortOffset);
+ addParseToken(['Z', 'ZZ'], function(input, array, config) {
+ config._useUTC = true;
+ config._tzm = offsetFromString(matchShortOffset, input);
+ });
+ // timezone chunker
+ // '+10:00' > ['10', '00']
+ // '-1530' > ['-15', '30']
+ var chunkOffset = /([\+\-]|\d\d)/gi;
+ function offsetFromString(matcher, string) {
+ var matches = (string || '').match(matcher);
+ if (matches === null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var chunk = matches[matches.length - 1] || [];
+ var parts = (chunk + '').match(chunkOffset) || ['-', 0, 0];
+ var minutes = +(parts[1] * 60) + toInt(parts[2]);
+ return minutes === 0 ?
+ 0 :
+ parts[0] === '+' ? minutes : -minutes;
+ }
+ // Return a moment from input, that is local/utc/zone equivalent to model.
+ function cloneWithOffset(input, model) {
+ var res, diff;
+ if (model._isUTC) {
+ res = model.clone();
+ diff = (isMoment(input) || isDate(input) ? input.valueOf() : createLocal(input).valueOf()) - res
+ .valueOf();
+ // Use low-level api, because this fn is low-level api.
+ res._d.setTime(res._d.valueOf() + diff);
+ hooks.updateOffset(res, false);
+ return res;
+ } else {
+ return createLocal(input).local();
+ }
+ }
+ function getDateOffset(m) {
+ // On Firefox.24 Date#getTimezoneOffset returns a floating point.
+ //
+ return -Math.round(m._d.getTimezoneOffset() / 15) * 15;
+ }
+ // HOOKS
+ // This function will be called whenever a moment is mutated.
+ // It is intended to keep the offset in sync with the timezone.
+ hooks.updateOffset = function() {};
+ // keepLocalTime = true means only change the timezone, without
+ // affecting the local hour. So 5:31:26 +0300 --[utcOffset(2, true)]-->
+ // 5:31:26 +0200 It is possible that 5:31:26 doesn't exist with offset
+ // +0200, so we adjust the time as needed, to be valid.
+ //
+ // Keeping the time actually adds/subtracts (one hour)
+ // from the actual represented time. That is why we call updateOffset
+ // a second time. In case it wants us to change the offset again
+ // _changeInProgress == true case, then we have to adjust, because
+ // there is no such time in the given timezone.
+ function getSetOffset(input, keepLocalTime, keepMinutes) {
+ var offset = this._offset || 0,
+ localAdjust;
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return input != null ? this : NaN;
+ }
+ if (input != null) {
+ if (typeof input === 'string') {
+ input = offsetFromString(matchShortOffset, input);
+ if (input === null) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ } else if (Math.abs(input) < 16 && !keepMinutes) {
+ input = input * 60;
+ }
+ if (!this._isUTC && keepLocalTime) {
+ localAdjust = getDateOffset(this);
+ }
+ this._offset = input;
+ this._isUTC = true;
+ if (localAdjust != null) {
+ this.add(localAdjust, 'm');
+ }
+ if (offset !== input) {
+ if (!keepLocalTime || this._changeInProgress) {
+ addSubtract(this, createDuration(input - offset, 'm'), 1, false);
+ } else if (!this._changeInProgress) {
+ this._changeInProgress = true;
+ hooks.updateOffset(this, true);
+ this._changeInProgress = null;
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ } else {
+ return this._isUTC ? offset : getDateOffset(this);
+ }
+ }
+ function getSetZone(input, keepLocalTime) {
+ if (input != null) {
+ if (typeof input !== 'string') {
+ input = -input;
+ }
+ this.utcOffset(input, keepLocalTime);
+ return this;
+ } else {
+ return -this.utcOffset();
+ }
+ }
+ function setOffsetToUTC(keepLocalTime) {
+ return this.utcOffset(0, keepLocalTime);
+ }
+ function setOffsetToLocal(keepLocalTime) {
+ if (this._isUTC) {
+ this.utcOffset(0, keepLocalTime);
+ this._isUTC = false;
+ if (keepLocalTime) {
+ this.subtract(getDateOffset(this), 'm');
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ function setOffsetToParsedOffset() {
+ if (this._tzm != null) {
+ this.utcOffset(this._tzm, false, true);
+ } else if (typeof this._i === 'string') {
+ var tZone = offsetFromString(matchOffset, this._i);
+ if (tZone != null) {
+ this.utcOffset(tZone);
+ } else {
+ this.utcOffset(0, true);
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ function hasAlignedHourOffset(input) {
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ input = input ? createLocal(input).utcOffset() : 0;
+ return (this.utcOffset() - input) % 60 === 0;
+ }
+ function isDaylightSavingTime() {
+ return (
+ this.utcOffset() > this.clone().month(0).utcOffset() ||
+ this.utcOffset() > this.clone().month(5).utcOffset()
+ );
+ }
+ function isDaylightSavingTimeShifted() {
+ if (!isUndefined(this._isDSTShifted)) {
+ return this._isDSTShifted;
+ }
+ var c = {};
+ copyConfig(c, this);
+ c = prepareConfig(c);
+ if (c._a) {
+ var other = c._isUTC ? createUTC(c._a) : createLocal(c._a);
+ this._isDSTShifted = this.isValid() &&
+ compareArrays(c._a, other.toArray()) > 0;
+ } else {
+ this._isDSTShifted = false;
+ }
+ return this._isDSTShifted;
+ }
+ function isLocal() {
+ return this.isValid() ? !this._isUTC : false;
+ }
+ function isUtcOffset() {
+ return this.isValid() ? this._isUTC : false;
+ }
+ function isUtc() {
+ return this.isValid() ? this._isUTC && this._offset === 0 : false;
+ }
+ // ASP.NET json date format regex
+ var aspNetRegex = /^(\-|\+)?(?:(\d*)[. ])?(\d+)\:(\d+)(?:\:(\d+)(\.\d*)?)?$/;
+ // from
+ // somewhat more in line with 2004 spec, but allows decimal anywhere
+ // and further modified to allow for strings containing both week and day
+ var isoRegex =
+ /^(-|\+)?P(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)W)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)H)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)S)?)?$/;
+ function createDuration(input, key) {
+ var duration = input,
+ // matching against regexp is expensive, do it on demand
+ match = null,
+ sign,
+ ret,
+ diffRes;
+ if (isDuration(input)) {
+ duration = {
+ ms: input._milliseconds,
+ d: input._days,
+ M: input._months
+ };
+ } else if (isNumber(input)) {
+ duration = {};
+ if (key) {
+ duration[key] = input;
+ } else {
+ duration.milliseconds = input;
+ }
+ } else if (!!(match = aspNetRegex.exec(input))) {
+ sign = (match[1] === '-') ? -1 : 1;
+ duration = {
+ y: 0,
+ d: toInt(match[DATE]) * sign,
+ h: toInt(match[HOUR]) * sign,
+ m: toInt(match[MINUTE]) * sign,
+ s: toInt(match[SECOND]) * sign,
+ ms: toInt(absRound(match[MILLISECOND] * 1000)) *
+ sign // the millisecond decimal point is included in the match
+ };
+ } else if (!!(match = isoRegex.exec(input))) {
+ sign = (match[1] === '-') ? -1 : 1;
+ duration = {
+ y: parseIso(match[2], sign),
+ M: parseIso(match[3], sign),
+ w: parseIso(match[4], sign),
+ d: parseIso(match[5], sign),
+ h: parseIso(match[6], sign),
+ m: parseIso(match[7], sign),
+ s: parseIso(match[8], sign)
+ };
+ } else if (duration == null) { // checks for null or undefined
+ duration = {};
+ } else if (typeof duration === 'object' && ('from' in duration || 'to' in duration)) {
+ diffRes = momentsDifference(createLocal(duration.from), createLocal(;
+ duration = {};
+ = diffRes.milliseconds;
+ duration.M = diffRes.months;
+ }
+ ret = new Duration(duration);
+ if (isDuration(input) && hasOwnProp(input, '_locale')) {
+ ret._locale = input._locale;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ createDuration.fn = Duration.prototype;
+ createDuration.invalid = createInvalid$1;
+ function parseIso(inp, sign) {
+ // We'd normally use ~~inp for this, but unfortunately it also
+ // converts floats to ints.
+ // inp may be undefined, so careful calling replace on it.
+ var res = inp && parseFloat(inp.replace(',', '.'));
+ // apply sign while we're at it
+ return (isNaN(res) ? 0 : res) * sign;
+ }
+ function positiveMomentsDifference(base, other) {
+ var res = {};
+ res.months = other.month() - base.month() +
+ (other.year() - base.year()) * 12;
+ if (base.clone().add(res.months, 'M').isAfter(other)) {
+ --res.months;
+ }
+ res.milliseconds = +other - +(base.clone().add(res.months, 'M'));
+ return res;
+ }
+ function momentsDifference(base, other) {
+ var res;
+ if (!(base.isValid() && other.isValid())) {
+ return {
+ milliseconds: 0,
+ months: 0
+ };
+ }
+ other = cloneWithOffset(other, base);
+ if (base.isBefore(other)) {
+ res = positiveMomentsDifference(base, other);
+ } else {
+ res = positiveMomentsDifference(other, base);
+ res.milliseconds = -res.milliseconds;
+ res.months = -res.months;
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ // TODO: remove 'name' arg after deprecation is removed
+ function createAdder(direction, name) {
+ return function(val, period) {
+ var dur, tmp;
+ //invert the arguments, but complain about it
+ if (period !== null && !isNaN(+period)) {
+ deprecateSimple(name, 'moment().' + name +
+ '(period, number) is deprecated. Please use moment().' + name +
+ '(number, period). ' +
+ 'See for more info.');
+ tmp = val;
+ val = period;
+ period = tmp;
+ }
+ val = typeof val === 'string' ? +val : val;
+ dur = createDuration(val, period);
+ addSubtract(this, dur, direction);
+ return this;
+ };
+ }
+ function addSubtract(mom, duration, isAdding, updateOffset) {
+ var milliseconds = duration._milliseconds,
+ days = absRound(duration._days),
+ months = absRound(duration._months);
+ if (!mom.isValid()) {
+ // No op
+ return;
+ }
+ updateOffset = updateOffset == null ? true : updateOffset;
+ if (months) {
+ setMonth(mom, get(mom, 'Month') + months * isAdding);
+ }
+ if (days) {
+ set$1(mom, 'Date', get(mom, 'Date') + days * isAdding);
+ }
+ if (milliseconds) {
+ mom._d.setTime(mom._d.valueOf() + milliseconds * isAdding);
+ }
+ if (updateOffset) {
+ hooks.updateOffset(mom, days || months);
+ }
+ }
+ var add = createAdder(1, 'add');
+ var subtract = createAdder(-1, 'subtract');
+ function getCalendarFormat(myMoment, now) {
+ var diff = myMoment.diff(now, 'days', true);
+ return diff < -6 ? 'sameElse' :
+ diff < -1 ? 'lastWeek' :
+ diff < 0 ? 'lastDay' :
+ diff < 1 ? 'sameDay' :
+ diff < 2 ? 'nextDay' :
+ diff < 7 ? 'nextWeek' : 'sameElse';
+ }
+ function calendar$1(time, formats) {
+ // We want to compare the start of today, vs this.
+ // Getting start-of-today depends on whether we're local/utc/offset or not.
+ var now = time || createLocal(),
+ sod = cloneWithOffset(now, this).startOf('day'),
+ format = hooks.calendarFormat(this, sod) || 'sameElse';
+ var output = formats && (isFunction(formats[format]) ? formats[format].call(this, now) : formats[
+ format]);
+ return this.format(output || this.localeData().calendar(format, this, createLocal(now)));
+ }
+ function clone() {
+ return new Moment(this);
+ }
+ function isAfter(input, units) {
+ var localInput = isMoment(input) ? input : createLocal(input);
+ if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ units = normalizeUnits(units) || 'millisecond';
+ if (units === 'millisecond') {
+ return this.valueOf() > localInput.valueOf();
+ } else {
+ return localInput.valueOf() < this.clone().startOf(units).valueOf();
+ }
+ }
+ function isBefore(input, units) {
+ var localInput = isMoment(input) ? input : createLocal(input);
+ if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ units = normalizeUnits(units) || 'millisecond';
+ if (units === 'millisecond') {
+ return this.valueOf() < localInput.valueOf();
+ } else {
+ return this.clone().endOf(units).valueOf() < localInput.valueOf();
+ }
+ }
+ function isBetween(from, to, units, inclusivity) {
+ var localFrom = isMoment(from) ? from : createLocal(from),
+ localTo = isMoment(to) ? to : createLocal(to);
+ if (!(this.isValid() && localFrom.isValid() && localTo.isValid())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ inclusivity = inclusivity || '()';
+ return (inclusivity[0] === '(' ? this.isAfter(localFrom, units) : !this.isBefore(localFrom,
+ units)) &&
+ (inclusivity[1] === ')' ? this.isBefore(localTo, units) : !this.isAfter(localTo, units));
+ }
+ function isSame(input, units) {
+ var localInput = isMoment(input) ? input : createLocal(input),
+ inputMs;
+ if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ units = normalizeUnits(units) || 'millisecond';
+ if (units === 'millisecond') {
+ return this.valueOf() === localInput.valueOf();
+ } else {
+ inputMs = localInput.valueOf();
+ return this.clone().startOf(units).valueOf() <= inputMs && inputMs <= this.clone().endOf(units)
+ .valueOf();
+ }
+ }
+ function isSameOrAfter(input, units) {
+ return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isAfter(input, units);
+ }
+ function isSameOrBefore(input, units) {
+ return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isBefore(input, units);
+ }
+ function diff(input, units, asFloat) {
+ var that,
+ zoneDelta,
+ output;
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return NaN;
+ }
+ that = cloneWithOffset(input, this);
+ if (!that.isValid()) {
+ return NaN;
+ }
+ zoneDelta = (that.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * 6e4;
+ units = normalizeUnits(units);
+ switch (units) {
+ case 'year':
+ output = monthDiff(this, that) / 12;
+ break;
+ case 'month':
+ output = monthDiff(this, that);
+ break;
+ case 'quarter':
+ output = monthDiff(this, that) / 3;
+ break;
+ case 'second':
+ output = (this - that) / 1e3;
+ break; // 1000
+ case 'minute':
+ output = (this - that) / 6e4;
+ break; // 1000 * 60
+ case 'hour':
+ output = (this - that) / 36e5;
+ break; // 1000 * 60 * 60
+ case 'day':
+ output = (this - that - zoneDelta) / 864e5;
+ break; // 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, negate dst
+ case 'week':
+ output = (this - that - zoneDelta) / 6048e5;
+ break; // 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, negate dst
+ default:
+ output = this - that;
+ }
+ return asFloat ? output : absFloor(output);
+ }
+ function monthDiff(a, b) {
+ // difference in months
+ var wholeMonthDiff = ((b.year() - a.year()) * 12) + (b.month() - a.month()),
+ // b is in (anchor - 1 month, anchor + 1 month)
+ anchor = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff, 'months'),
+ anchor2, adjust;
+ if (b - anchor < 0) {
+ anchor2 = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff - 1, 'months');
+ // linear across the month
+ adjust = (b - anchor) / (anchor - anchor2);
+ } else {
+ anchor2 = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff + 1, 'months');
+ // linear across the month
+ adjust = (b - anchor) / (anchor2 - anchor);
+ }
+ //check for negative zero, return zero if negative zero
+ return -(wholeMonthDiff + adjust) || 0;
+ }
+ hooks.defaultFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ';
+ hooks.defaultFormatUtc = 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]';
+ function toString() {
+ return this.clone().locale('en').format('ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ');
+ }
+ function toISOString(keepOffset) {
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var utc = keepOffset !== true;
+ var m = utc ? this.clone().utc() : this;
+ if (m.year() < 0 || m.year() > 9999) {
+ return formatMoment(m, utc ? 'YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]' : 'YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSSZ');
+ }
+ if (isFunction(Date.prototype.toISOString)) {
+ // native implementation is ~50x faster, use it when we can
+ if (utc) {
+ return this.toDate().toISOString();
+ } else {
+ return new Date(this.valueOf() + this.utcOffset() * 60 * 1000).toISOString().replace('Z',
+ formatMoment(m, 'Z'));
+ }
+ }
+ return formatMoment(m, utc ? 'YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]' : 'YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSSZ');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return a human readable representation of a moment that can
+ * also be evaluated to get a new moment which is the same
+ *
+ * @link
+ */
+ function inspect() {
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return 'moment.invalid(/* ' + this._i + ' */)';
+ }
+ var func = 'moment';
+ var zone = '';
+ if (!this.isLocal()) {
+ func = this.utcOffset() === 0 ? 'moment.utc' : 'moment.parseZone';
+ zone = 'Z';
+ }
+ var prefix = '[' + func + '("]';
+ var year = (0 <= this.year() && this.year() <= 9999) ? 'YYYY' : 'YYYYYY';
+ var datetime = '-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS';
+ var suffix = zone + '[")]';
+ return this.format(prefix + year + datetime + suffix);
+ }
+ function format(inputString) {
+ if (!inputString) {
+ inputString = this.isUtc() ? hooks.defaultFormatUtc : hooks.defaultFormat;
+ }
+ var output = formatMoment(this, inputString);
+ return this.localeData().postformat(output);
+ }
+ function from(time, withoutSuffix) {
+ if (this.isValid() &&
+ ((isMoment(time) && time.isValid()) ||
+ createLocal(time).isValid())) {
+ return createDuration({
+ to: this,
+ from: time
+ }).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!withoutSuffix);
+ } else {
+ return this.localeData().invalidDate();
+ }
+ }
+ function fromNow(withoutSuffix) {
+ return this.from(createLocal(), withoutSuffix);
+ }
+ function to(time, withoutSuffix) {
+ if (this.isValid() &&
+ ((isMoment(time) && time.isValid()) ||
+ createLocal(time).isValid())) {
+ return createDuration({
+ from: this,
+ to: time
+ }).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!withoutSuffix);
+ } else {
+ return this.localeData().invalidDate();
+ }
+ }
+ function toNow(withoutSuffix) {
+ return, withoutSuffix);
+ }
+ // If passed a locale key, it will set the locale for this
+ // instance. Otherwise, it will return the locale configuration
+ // variables for this instance.
+ function locale(key) {
+ var newLocaleData;
+ if (key === undefined) {
+ return this._locale._abbr;
+ } else {
+ newLocaleData = getLocale(key);
+ if (newLocaleData != null) {
+ this._locale = newLocaleData;
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ var lang = deprecate(
+ 'moment().lang() is deprecated. Instead, use moment().localeData() to get the language configuration. Use moment().locale() to change languages.',
+ function(key) {
+ if (key === undefined) {
+ return this.localeData();
+ } else {
+ return this.locale(key);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ function localeData() {
+ return this._locale;
+ }
+ var MS_PER_SECOND = 1000;
+ var MS_PER_400_YEARS = (365 * 400 + 97) * 24 * MS_PER_HOUR;
+ // actual modulo - handles negative numbers (for dates before 1970):
+ function mod$1(dividend, divisor) {
+ return (dividend % divisor + divisor) % divisor;
+ }
+ function localStartOfDate(y, m, d) {
+ // the date constructor remaps years 0-99 to 1900-1999
+ if (y < 100 && y >= 0) {
+ // preserve leap years using a full 400 year cycle, then reset
+ return new Date(y + 400, m, d) - MS_PER_400_YEARS;
+ } else {
+ return new Date(y, m, d).valueOf();
+ }
+ }
+ function utcStartOfDate(y, m, d) {
+ // Date.UTC remaps years 0-99 to 1900-1999
+ if (y < 100 && y >= 0) {
+ // preserve leap years using a full 400 year cycle, then reset
+ return Date.UTC(y + 400, m, d) - MS_PER_400_YEARS;
+ } else {
+ return Date.UTC(y, m, d);
+ }
+ }
+ function startOf(units) {
+ var time;
+ units = normalizeUnits(units);
+ if (units === undefined || units === 'millisecond' || !this.isValid()) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ var startOfDate = this._isUTC ? utcStartOfDate : localStartOfDate;
+ switch (units) {
+ case 'year':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year(), 0, 1);
+ break;
+ case 'quarter':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month() - this.month() % 3, 1);
+ break;
+ case 'month':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(), 1);
+ break;
+ case 'week':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(), - this.weekday());
+ break;
+ case 'isoWeek':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(), - (this.isoWeekday() - 1));
+ break;
+ case 'day':
+ case 'date':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(),;
+ break;
+ case 'hour':
+ time = this._d.valueOf();
+ time -= mod$1(time + (this._isUTC ? 0 : this.utcOffset() * MS_PER_MINUTE), MS_PER_HOUR);
+ break;
+ case 'minute':
+ time = this._d.valueOf();
+ time -= mod$1(time, MS_PER_MINUTE);
+ break;
+ case 'second':
+ time = this._d.valueOf();
+ time -= mod$1(time, MS_PER_SECOND);
+ break;
+ }
+ this._d.setTime(time);
+ hooks.updateOffset(this, true);
+ return this;
+ }
+ function endOf(units) {
+ var time;
+ units = normalizeUnits(units);
+ if (units === undefined || units === 'millisecond' || !this.isValid()) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ var startOfDate = this._isUTC ? utcStartOfDate : localStartOfDate;
+ switch (units) {
+ case 'year':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year() + 1, 0, 1) - 1;
+ break;
+ case 'quarter':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month() - this.month() % 3 + 3, 1) - 1;
+ break;
+ case 'month':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month() + 1, 1) - 1;
+ break;
+ case 'week':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(), - this.weekday() + 7) - 1;
+ break;
+ case 'isoWeek':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(), - (this.isoWeekday() - 1) + 7) -
+ 1;
+ break;
+ case 'day':
+ case 'date':
+ time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(), + 1) - 1;
+ break;
+ case 'hour':
+ time = this._d.valueOf();
+ time += MS_PER_HOUR - mod$1(time + (this._isUTC ? 0 : this.utcOffset() * MS_PER_MINUTE),
+ MS_PER_HOUR) - 1;
+ break;
+ case 'minute':
+ time = this._d.valueOf();
+ time += MS_PER_MINUTE - mod$1(time, MS_PER_MINUTE) - 1;
+ break;
+ case 'second':
+ time = this._d.valueOf();
+ time += MS_PER_SECOND - mod$1(time, MS_PER_SECOND) - 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ this._d.setTime(time);
+ hooks.updateOffset(this, true);
+ return this;
+ }
+ function valueOf() {
+ return this._d.valueOf() - ((this._offset || 0) * 60000);
+ }
+ function unix() {
+ return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1000);
+ }
+ function toDate() {
+ return new Date(this.valueOf());
+ }
+ function toArray() {
+ var m = this;
+ return [m.year(), m.month(),, m.hour(), m.minute(), m.second(), m.millisecond()];
+ }
+ function toObject() {
+ var m = this;
+ return {
+ years: m.year(),
+ months: m.month(),
+ date:,
+ hours: m.hours(),
+ minutes: m.minutes(),
+ seconds: m.seconds(),
+ milliseconds: m.milliseconds()
+ };
+ }
+ function toJSON() {
+ // new Date(NaN).toJSON() === null
+ return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null;
+ }
+ function isValid$2() {
+ return isValid(this);
+ }
+ function parsingFlags() {
+ return extend({}, getParsingFlags(this));
+ }
+ function invalidAt() {
+ return getParsingFlags(this).overflow;
+ }
+ function creationData() {
+ return {
+ input: this._i,
+ format: this._f,
+ locale: this._locale,
+ isUTC: this._isUTC,
+ strict: this._strict
+ };
+ }
+ addFormatToken(0, ['gg', 2], 0, function() {
+ return this.weekYear() % 100;
+ });
+ addFormatToken(0, ['GG', 2], 0, function() {
+ return this.isoWeekYear() % 100;
+ });
+ function addWeekYearFormatToken(token, getter) {
+ addFormatToken(0, [token, token.length], 0, getter);
+ }
+ addWeekYearFormatToken('gggg', 'weekYear');
+ addWeekYearFormatToken('ggggg', 'weekYear');
+ addWeekYearFormatToken('GGGG', 'isoWeekYear');
+ addWeekYearFormatToken('GGGGG', 'isoWeekYear');
+ addUnitAlias('weekYear', 'gg');
+ addUnitAlias('isoWeekYear', 'GG');
+ addUnitPriority('weekYear', 1);
+ addUnitPriority('isoWeekYear', 1);
+ addRegexToken('G', matchSigned);
+ addRegexToken('g', matchSigned);
+ addRegexToken('GG', match1to2, match2);
+ addRegexToken('gg', match1to2, match2);
+ addRegexToken('GGGG', match1to4, match4);
+ addRegexToken('gggg', match1to4, match4);
+ addRegexToken('GGGGG', match1to6, match6);
+ addRegexToken('ggggg', match1to6, match6);
+ addWeekParseToken(['gggg', 'ggggg', 'GGGG', 'GGGGG'], function(input, week, config, token) {
+ week[token.substr(0, 2)] = toInt(input);
+ });
+ addWeekParseToken(['gg', 'GG'], function(input, week, config, token) {
+ week[token] = hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input);
+ });
+ function getSetWeekYear(input) {
+ return,
+ input,
+ this.week(),
+ this.weekday(),
+ this.localeData()._week.dow,
+ this.localeData()._week.doy);
+ }
+ function getSetISOWeekYear(input) {
+ return,
+ input, this.isoWeek(), this.isoWeekday(), 1, 4);
+ }
+ function getISOWeeksInYear() {
+ return weeksInYear(this.year(), 1, 4);
+ }
+ function getWeeksInYear() {
+ var weekInfo = this.localeData()._week;
+ return weeksInYear(this.year(), weekInfo.dow, weekInfo.doy);
+ }
+ function getSetWeekYearHelper(input, week, weekday, dow, doy) {
+ var weeksTarget;
+ if (input == null) {
+ return weekOfYear(this, dow, doy).year;
+ } else {
+ weeksTarget = weeksInYear(input, dow, doy);
+ if (week > weeksTarget) {
+ week = weeksTarget;
+ }
+ return, input, week, weekday, dow, doy);
+ }
+ }
+ function setWeekAll(weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy) {
+ var dayOfYearData = dayOfYearFromWeeks(weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy),
+ date = createUTCDate(dayOfYearData.year, 0, dayOfYearData.dayOfYear);
+ this.year(date.getUTCFullYear());
+ this.month(date.getUTCMonth());
+ return this;
+ }
+ addFormatToken('Q', 0, 'Qo', 'quarter');
+ addUnitAlias('quarter', 'Q');
+ addUnitPriority('quarter', 7);
+ addRegexToken('Q', match1);
+ addParseToken('Q', function(input, array) {
+ array[MONTH] = (toInt(input) - 1) * 3;
+ });
+ function getSetQuarter(input) {
+ return input == null ? Math.ceil((this.month() + 1) / 3) : this.month((input - 1) * 3 + this
+ .month() % 3);
+ }
+ addFormatToken('D', ['DD', 2], 'Do', 'date');
+ addUnitAlias('date', 'D');
+ addUnitPriority('date', 9);
+ addRegexToken('D', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('DD', match1to2, match2);
+ addRegexToken('Do', function(isStrict, locale) {
+ // TODO: Remove "ordinalParse" fallback in next major release.
+ return isStrict ?
+ (locale._dayOfMonthOrdinalParse || locale._ordinalParse) :
+ locale._dayOfMonthOrdinalParseLenient;
+ });
+ addParseToken(['D', 'DD'], DATE);
+ addParseToken('Do', function(input, array) {
+ array[DATE] = toInt(input.match(match1to2)[0]);
+ });
+ var getSetDayOfMonth = makeGetSet('Date', true);
+ addFormatToken('DDD', ['DDDD', 3], 'DDDo', 'dayOfYear');
+ addUnitAlias('dayOfYear', 'DDD');
+ addUnitPriority('dayOfYear', 4);
+ addRegexToken('DDD', match1to3);
+ addRegexToken('DDDD', match3);
+ addParseToken(['DDD', 'DDDD'], function(input, array, config) {
+ config._dayOfYear = toInt(input);
+ });
+ function getSetDayOfYear(input) {
+ var dayOfYear = Math.round((this.clone().startOf('day') - this.clone().startOf('year')) / 864e5) +
+ 1;
+ return input == null ? dayOfYear : this.add((input - dayOfYear), 'd');
+ }
+ addFormatToken('m', ['mm', 2], 0, 'minute');
+ addUnitAlias('minute', 'm');
+ addUnitPriority('minute', 14);
+ addRegexToken('m', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('mm', match1to2, match2);
+ addParseToken(['m', 'mm'], MINUTE);
+ var getSetMinute = makeGetSet('Minutes', false);
+ addFormatToken('s', ['ss', 2], 0, 'second');
+ addUnitAlias('second', 's');
+ addUnitPriority('second', 15);
+ addRegexToken('s', match1to2);
+ addRegexToken('ss', match1to2, match2);
+ addParseToken(['s', 'ss'], SECOND);
+ var getSetSecond = makeGetSet('Seconds', false);
+ addFormatToken('S', 0, 0, function() {
+ return ~~(this.millisecond() / 100);
+ });
+ addFormatToken(0, ['SS', 2], 0, function() {
+ return ~~(this.millisecond() / 10);
+ });
+ addFormatToken(0, ['SSS', 3], 0, 'millisecond');
+ addFormatToken(0, ['SSSS', 4], 0, function() {
+ return this.millisecond() * 10;
+ });
+ addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSS', 5], 0, function() {
+ return this.millisecond() * 100;
+ });
+ addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSSS', 6], 0, function() {
+ return this.millisecond() * 1000;
+ });
+ addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSSSS', 7], 0, function() {
+ return this.millisecond() * 10000;
+ });
+ addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSSSSS', 8], 0, function() {
+ return this.millisecond() * 100000;
+ });
+ addFormatToken(0, ['SSSSSSSSS', 9], 0, function() {
+ return this.millisecond() * 1000000;
+ });
+ addUnitAlias('millisecond', 'ms');
+ addUnitPriority('millisecond', 16);
+ addRegexToken('S', match1to3, match1);
+ addRegexToken('SS', match1to3, match2);
+ addRegexToken('SSS', match1to3, match3);
+ var token;
+ for (token = 'SSSS'; token.length <= 9; token += 'S') {
+ addRegexToken(token, matchUnsigned);
+ }
+ function parseMs(input, array) {
+ array[MILLISECOND] = toInt(('0.' + input) * 1000);
+ }
+ for (token = 'S'; token.length <= 9; token += 'S') {
+ addParseToken(token, parseMs);
+ }
+ var getSetMillisecond = makeGetSet('Milliseconds', false);
+ addFormatToken('z', 0, 0, 'zoneAbbr');
+ addFormatToken('zz', 0, 0, 'zoneName');
+ function getZoneAbbr() {
+ return this._isUTC ? 'UTC' : '';
+ }
+ function getZoneName() {
+ return this._isUTC ? 'Coordinated Universal Time' : '';
+ }
+ var proto = Moment.prototype;
+ proto.add = add;
+ proto.calendar = calendar$1;
+ proto.clone = clone;
+ proto.diff = diff;
+ proto.endOf = endOf;
+ proto.format = format;
+ proto.from = from;
+ proto.fromNow = fromNow;
+ = to;
+ proto.toNow = toNow;
+ proto.get = stringGet;
+ proto.invalidAt = invalidAt;
+ proto.isAfter = isAfter;
+ proto.isBefore = isBefore;
+ proto.isBetween = isBetween;
+ proto.isSame = isSame;
+ proto.isSameOrAfter = isSameOrAfter;
+ proto.isSameOrBefore = isSameOrBefore;
+ proto.isValid = isValid$2;
+ proto.lang = lang;
+ proto.locale = locale;
+ proto.localeData = localeData;
+ proto.max = prototypeMax;
+ proto.min = prototypeMin;
+ proto.parsingFlags = parsingFlags;
+ proto.set = stringSet;
+ proto.startOf = startOf;
+ proto.subtract = subtract;
+ proto.toArray = toArray;
+ proto.toObject = toObject;
+ proto.toDate = toDate;
+ proto.toISOString = toISOString;
+ proto.inspect = inspect;
+ proto.toJSON = toJSON;
+ proto.toString = toString;
+ proto.unix = unix;
+ proto.valueOf = valueOf;
+ proto.creationData = creationData;
+ proto.year = getSetYear;
+ proto.isLeapYear = getIsLeapYear;
+ proto.weekYear = getSetWeekYear;
+ proto.isoWeekYear = getSetISOWeekYear;
+ proto.quarter = proto.quarters = getSetQuarter;
+ proto.month = getSetMonth;
+ proto.daysInMonth = getDaysInMonth;
+ proto.week = proto.weeks = getSetWeek;
+ proto.isoWeek = proto.isoWeeks = getSetISOWeek;
+ proto.weeksInYear = getWeeksInYear;
+ proto.isoWeeksInYear = getISOWeeksInYear;
+ = getSetDayOfMonth;
+ = proto.days = getSetDayOfWeek;
+ proto.weekday = getSetLocaleDayOfWeek;
+ proto.isoWeekday = getSetISODayOfWeek;
+ proto.dayOfYear = getSetDayOfYear;
+ proto.hour = proto.hours = getSetHour;
+ proto.minute = proto.minutes = getSetMinute;
+ proto.second = proto.seconds = getSetSecond;
+ proto.millisecond = proto.milliseconds = getSetMillisecond;
+ proto.utcOffset = getSetOffset;
+ proto.utc = setOffsetToUTC;
+ proto.local = setOffsetToLocal;
+ proto.parseZone = setOffsetToParsedOffset;
+ proto.hasAlignedHourOffset = hasAlignedHourOffset;
+ proto.isDST = isDaylightSavingTime;
+ proto.isLocal = isLocal;
+ proto.isUtcOffset = isUtcOffset;
+ proto.isUtc = isUtc;
+ proto.isUTC = isUtc;
+ proto.zoneAbbr = getZoneAbbr;
+ proto.zoneName = getZoneName;
+ proto.dates = deprecate('dates accessor is deprecated. Use date instead.', getSetDayOfMonth);
+ proto.months = deprecate('months accessor is deprecated. Use month instead', getSetMonth);
+ proto.years = deprecate('years accessor is deprecated. Use year instead', getSetYear);
+ = deprecate(
+ 'moment().zone is deprecated, use moment().utcOffset instead.',
+ getSetZone);
+ proto.isDSTShifted = deprecate(
+ 'isDSTShifted is deprecated. See for more information',
+ isDaylightSavingTimeShifted);
+ function createUnix(input) {
+ return createLocal(input * 1000);
+ }
+ function createInZone() {
+ return createLocal.apply(null, arguments).parseZone();
+ }
+ function preParsePostFormat(string) {
+ return string;
+ }
+ var proto$1 = Locale.prototype;
+ proto$1.calendar = calendar;
+ proto$1.longDateFormat = longDateFormat;
+ proto$1.invalidDate = invalidDate;
+ proto$1.ordinal = ordinal;
+ proto$1.preparse = preParsePostFormat;
+ proto$1.postformat = preParsePostFormat;
+ proto$1.relativeTime = relativeTime;
+ proto$1.pastFuture = pastFuture;
+ proto$1.set = set;
+ proto$1.months = localeMonths;
+ proto$1.monthsShort = localeMonthsShort;
+ proto$1.monthsParse = localeMonthsParse;
+ proto$1.monthsRegex = monthsRegex;
+ proto$1.monthsShortRegex = monthsShortRegex;
+ proto$1.week = localeWeek;
+ proto$1.firstDayOfYear = localeFirstDayOfYear;
+ proto$1.firstDayOfWeek = localeFirstDayOfWeek;
+ proto$1.weekdays = localeWeekdays;
+ proto$1.weekdaysMin = localeWeekdaysMin;
+ proto$1.weekdaysShort = localeWeekdaysShort;
+ proto$1.weekdaysParse = localeWeekdaysParse;
+ proto$1.weekdaysRegex = weekdaysRegex;
+ proto$1.weekdaysShortRegex = weekdaysShortRegex;
+ proto$1.weekdaysMinRegex = weekdaysMinRegex;
+ proto$1.isPM = localeIsPM;
+ proto$1.meridiem = localeMeridiem;
+ function get$1(format, index, field, setter) {
+ var locale = getLocale();
+ var utc = createUTC().set(setter, index);
+ return locale[field](utc, format);
+ }
+ function listMonthsImpl(format, index, field) {
+ if (isNumber(format)) {
+ index = format;
+ format = undefined;
+ }
+ format = format || '';
+ if (index != null) {
+ return get$1(format, index, field, 'month');
+ }
+ var i;
+ var out = [];
+ for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
+ out[i] = get$1(format, i, field, 'month');
+ }
+ return out;
+ }
+ // ()
+ // (5)
+ // (fmt, 5)
+ // (fmt)
+ // (true)
+ // (true, 5)
+ // (true, fmt, 5)
+ // (true, fmt)
+ function listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, field) {
+ if (typeof localeSorted === 'boolean') {
+ if (isNumber(format)) {
+ index = format;
+ format = undefined;
+ }
+ format = format || '';
+ } else {
+ format = localeSorted;
+ index = format;
+ localeSorted = false;
+ if (isNumber(format)) {
+ index = format;
+ format = undefined;
+ }
+ format = format || '';
+ }
+ var locale = getLocale(),
+ shift = localeSorted ? locale._week.dow : 0;
+ if (index != null) {
+ return get$1(format, (index + shift) % 7, field, 'day');
+ }
+ var i;
+ var out = [];
+ for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
+ out[i] = get$1(format, (i + shift) % 7, field, 'day');
+ }
+ return out;
+ }
+ function listMonths(format, index) {
+ return listMonthsImpl(format, index, 'months');
+ }
+ function listMonthsShort(format, index) {
+ return listMonthsImpl(format, index, 'monthsShort');
+ }
+ function listWeekdays(localeSorted, format, index) {
+ return listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, 'weekdays');
+ }
+ function listWeekdaysShort(localeSorted, format, index) {
+ return listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, 'weekdaysShort');
+ }
+ function listWeekdaysMin(localeSorted, format, index) {
+ return listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format, index, 'weekdaysMin');
+ }
+ getSetGlobalLocale('en', {
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ var b = number % 10,
+ output = (toInt(number % 100 / 10) === 1) ? 'th' :
+ (b === 1) ? 'st' :
+ (b === 2) ? 'nd' :
+ (b === 3) ? 'rd' : 'th';
+ return number + output;
+ }
+ });
+ // Side effect imports
+ hooks.lang = deprecate('moment.lang is deprecated. Use moment.locale instead.', getSetGlobalLocale);
+ hooks.langData = deprecate('moment.langData is deprecated. Use moment.localeData instead.', getLocale);
+ var mathAbs = Math.abs;
+ function abs() {
+ var data = this._data;
+ this._milliseconds = mathAbs(this._milliseconds);
+ this._days = mathAbs(this._days);
+ this._months = mathAbs(this._months);
+ data.milliseconds = mathAbs(data.milliseconds);
+ data.seconds = mathAbs(data.seconds);
+ data.minutes = mathAbs(data.minutes);
+ data.hours = mathAbs(data.hours);
+ data.months = mathAbs(data.months);
+ data.years = mathAbs(data.years);
+ return this;
+ }
+ function addSubtract$1(duration, input, value, direction) {
+ var other = createDuration(input, value);
+ duration._milliseconds += direction * other._milliseconds;
+ duration._days += direction * other._days;
+ duration._months += direction * other._months;
+ return duration._bubble();
+ }
+ // supports only 2.0-style add(1, 's') or add(duration)
+ function add$1(input, value) {
+ return addSubtract$1(this, input, value, 1);
+ }
+ // supports only 2.0-style subtract(1, 's') or subtract(duration)
+ function subtract$1(input, value) {
+ return addSubtract$1(this, input, value, -1);
+ }
+ function absCeil(number) {
+ if (number < 0) {
+ return Math.floor(number);
+ } else {
+ return Math.ceil(number);
+ }
+ }
+ function bubble() {
+ var milliseconds = this._milliseconds;
+ var days = this._days;
+ var months = this._months;
+ var data = this._data;
+ var seconds, minutes, hours, years, monthsFromDays;
+ // if we have a mix of positive and negative values, bubble down first
+ // check:
+ if (!((milliseconds >= 0 && days >= 0 && months >= 0) ||
+ (milliseconds <= 0 && days <= 0 && months <= 0))) {
+ milliseconds += absCeil(monthsToDays(months) + days) * 864e5;
+ days = 0;
+ months = 0;
+ }
+ // The following code bubbles up values, see the tests for
+ // examples of what that means.
+ data.milliseconds = milliseconds % 1000;
+ seconds = absFloor(milliseconds / 1000);
+ data.seconds = seconds % 60;
+ minutes = absFloor(seconds / 60);
+ data.minutes = minutes % 60;
+ hours = absFloor(minutes / 60);
+ data.hours = hours % 24;
+ days += absFloor(hours / 24);
+ // convert days to months
+ monthsFromDays = absFloor(daysToMonths(days));
+ months += monthsFromDays;
+ days -= absCeil(monthsToDays(monthsFromDays));
+ // 12 months -> 1 year
+ years = absFloor(months / 12);
+ months %= 12;
+ data.days = days;
+ data.months = months;
+ data.years = years;
+ return this;
+ }
+ function daysToMonths(days) {
+ // 400 years have 146097 days (taking into account leap year rules)
+ // 400 years have 12 months === 4800
+ return days * 4800 / 146097;
+ }
+ function monthsToDays(months) {
+ // the reverse of daysToMonths
+ return months * 146097 / 4800;
+ }
+ function as(units) {
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return NaN;
+ }
+ var days;
+ var months;
+ var milliseconds = this._milliseconds;
+ units = normalizeUnits(units);
+ if (units === 'month' || units === 'quarter' || units === 'year') {
+ days = this._days + milliseconds / 864e5;
+ months = this._months + daysToMonths(days);
+ switch (units) {
+ case 'month':
+ return months;
+ case 'quarter':
+ return months / 3;
+ case 'year':
+ return months / 12;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // handle milliseconds separately because of floating point math errors (issue #1867)
+ days = this._days + Math.round(monthsToDays(this._months));
+ switch (units) {
+ case 'week':
+ return days / 7 + milliseconds / 6048e5;
+ case 'day':
+ return days + milliseconds / 864e5;
+ case 'hour':
+ return days * 24 + milliseconds / 36e5;
+ case 'minute':
+ return days * 1440 + milliseconds / 6e4;
+ case 'second':
+ return days * 86400 + milliseconds / 1000;
+ // Math.floor prevents floating point math errors here
+ case 'millisecond':
+ return Math.floor(days * 864e5) + milliseconds;
+ default:
+ throw new Error('Unknown unit ' + units);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: Use'ms')?
+ function valueOf$1() {
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return NaN;
+ }
+ return (
+ this._milliseconds +
+ this._days * 864e5 +
+ (this._months % 12) * 2592e6 +
+ toInt(this._months / 12) * 31536e6
+ );
+ }
+ function makeAs(alias) {
+ return function() {
+ return;
+ };
+ }
+ var asMilliseconds = makeAs('ms');
+ var asSeconds = makeAs('s');
+ var asMinutes = makeAs('m');
+ var asHours = makeAs('h');
+ var asDays = makeAs('d');
+ var asWeeks = makeAs('w');
+ var asMonths = makeAs('M');
+ var asQuarters = makeAs('Q');
+ var asYears = makeAs('y');
+ function clone$1() {
+ return createDuration(this);
+ }
+ function get$2(units) {
+ units = normalizeUnits(units);
+ return this.isValid() ? this[units + 's']() : NaN;
+ }
+ function makeGetter(name) {
+ return function() {
+ return this.isValid() ? this._data[name] : NaN;
+ };
+ }
+ var milliseconds = makeGetter('milliseconds');
+ var seconds = makeGetter('seconds');
+ var minutes = makeGetter('minutes');
+ var hours = makeGetter('hours');
+ var days = makeGetter('days');
+ var months = makeGetter('months');
+ var years = makeGetter('years');
+ function weeks() {
+ return absFloor(this.days() / 7);
+ }
+ var round = Math.round;
+ var thresholds = {
+ ss: 44, // a few seconds to seconds
+ s: 45, // seconds to minute
+ m: 45, // minutes to hour
+ h: 22, // hours to day
+ d: 26, // days to month
+ M: 11 // months to year
+ };
+ // helper function for moment.fn.from, moment.fn.fromNow, and moment.duration.fn.humanize
+ function substituteTimeAgo(string, number, withoutSuffix, isFuture, locale) {
+ return locale.relativeTime(number || 1, !!withoutSuffix, string, isFuture);
+ }
+ function relativeTime$1(posNegDuration, withoutSuffix, locale) {
+ var duration = createDuration(posNegDuration).abs();
+ var seconds = round('s'));
+ var minutes = round('m'));
+ var hours = round('h'));
+ var days = round('d'));
+ var months = round('M'));
+ var years = round('y'));
+ var a = seconds <= && ['s', seconds] ||
+ seconds < thresholds.s && ['ss', seconds] ||
+ minutes <= 1 && ['m'] ||
+ minutes < thresholds.m && ['mm', minutes] ||
+ hours <= 1 && ['h'] ||
+ hours < thresholds.h && ['hh', hours] ||
+ days <= 1 && ['d'] ||
+ days < thresholds.d && ['dd', days] ||
+ months <= 1 && ['M'] ||
+ months < thresholds.M && ['MM', months] ||
+ years <= 1 && ['y'] || ['yy', years];
+ a[2] = withoutSuffix;
+ a[3] = +posNegDuration > 0;
+ a[4] = locale;
+ return substituteTimeAgo.apply(null, a);
+ }
+ // This function allows you to set the rounding function for relative time strings
+ function getSetRelativeTimeRounding(roundingFunction) {
+ if (roundingFunction === undefined) {
+ return round;
+ }
+ if (typeof(roundingFunction) === 'function') {
+ round = roundingFunction;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // This function allows you to set a threshold for relative time strings
+ function getSetRelativeTimeThreshold(threshold, limit) {
+ if (thresholds[threshold] === undefined) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (limit === undefined) {
+ return thresholds[threshold];
+ }
+ thresholds[threshold] = limit;
+ if (threshold === 's') {
+ = limit - 1;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function humanize(withSuffix) {
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return this.localeData().invalidDate();
+ }
+ var locale = this.localeData();
+ var output = relativeTime$1(this, !withSuffix, locale);
+ if (withSuffix) {
+ output = locale.pastFuture(+this, output);
+ }
+ return locale.postformat(output);
+ }
+ var abs$1 = Math.abs;
+ function sign(x) {
+ return ((x > 0) - (x < 0)) || +x;
+ }
+ function toISOString$1() {
+ // for ISO strings we do not use the normal bubbling rules:
+ // * milliseconds bubble up until they become hours
+ // * days do not bubble at all
+ // * months bubble up until they become years
+ // This is because there is no context-free conversion between hours and days
+ // (think of clock changes)
+ // and also not between days and months (28-31 days per month)
+ if (!this.isValid()) {
+ return this.localeData().invalidDate();
+ }
+ var seconds = abs$1(this._milliseconds) / 1000;
+ var days = abs$1(this._days);
+ var months = abs$1(this._months);
+ var minutes, hours, years;
+ // 3600 seconds -> 60 minutes -> 1 hour
+ minutes = absFloor(seconds / 60);
+ hours = absFloor(minutes / 60);
+ seconds %= 60;
+ minutes %= 60;
+ // 12 months -> 1 year
+ years = absFloor(months / 12);
+ months %= 12;
+ // inspired by
+ var Y = years;
+ var M = months;
+ var D = days;
+ var h = hours;
+ var m = minutes;
+ var s = seconds ? seconds.toFixed(3).replace(/\.?0+$/, '') : '';
+ var total = this.asSeconds();
+ if (!total) {
+ // this is the same as C#'s (Noda) and python (isodate)...
+ // but not other JS (
+ return 'P0D';
+ }
+ var totalSign = total < 0 ? '-' : '';
+ var ymSign = sign(this._months) !== sign(total) ? '-' : '';
+ var daysSign = sign(this._days) !== sign(total) ? '-' : '';
+ var hmsSign = sign(this._milliseconds) !== sign(total) ? '-' : '';
+ return totalSign + 'P' +
+ (Y ? ymSign + Y + 'Y' : '') +
+ (M ? ymSign + M + 'M' : '') +
+ (D ? daysSign + D + 'D' : '') +
+ ((h || m || s) ? 'T' : '') +
+ (h ? hmsSign + h + 'H' : '') +
+ (m ? hmsSign + m + 'M' : '') +
+ (s ? hmsSign + s + 'S' : '');
+ }
+ var proto$2 = Duration.prototype;
+ proto$2.isValid = isValid$1;
+ proto$2.abs = abs;
+ proto$2.add = add$1;
+ proto$2.subtract = subtract$1;
+ proto$ = as;
+ proto$2.asMilliseconds = asMilliseconds;
+ proto$2.asSeconds = asSeconds;
+ proto$2.asMinutes = asMinutes;
+ proto$2.asHours = asHours;
+ proto$2.asDays = asDays;
+ proto$2.asWeeks = asWeeks;
+ proto$2.asMonths = asMonths;
+ proto$2.asQuarters = asQuarters;
+ proto$2.asYears = asYears;
+ proto$2.valueOf = valueOf$1;
+ proto$2._bubble = bubble;
+ proto$2.clone = clone$1;
+ proto$2.get = get$2;
+ proto$2.milliseconds = milliseconds;
+ proto$2.seconds = seconds;
+ proto$2.minutes = minutes;
+ proto$2.hours = hours;
+ proto$2.days = days;
+ proto$2.weeks = weeks;
+ proto$2.months = months;
+ proto$2.years = years;
+ proto$2.humanize = humanize;
+ proto$2.toISOString = toISOString$1;
+ proto$2.toString = toISOString$1;
+ proto$2.toJSON = toISOString$1;
+ proto$2.locale = locale;
+ proto$2.localeData = localeData;
+ proto$2.toIsoString = deprecate(
+ 'toIsoString() is deprecated. Please use toISOString() instead (notice the capitals)',
+ toISOString$1);
+ proto$2.lang = lang;
+ // Side effect imports
+ addFormatToken('X', 0, 0, 'unix');
+ addFormatToken('x', 0, 0, 'valueOf');
+ addRegexToken('x', matchSigned);
+ addRegexToken('X', matchTimestamp);
+ addParseToken('X', function(input, array, config) {
+ config._d = new Date(parseFloat(input, 10) * 1000);
+ });
+ addParseToken('x', function(input, array, config) {
+ config._d = new Date(toInt(input));
+ });
+ // Side effect imports
+ //! moment.js
+ hooks.version = '2.24.0';
+ setHookCallback(createLocal);
+ hooks.fn = proto;
+ hooks.min = min;
+ hooks.max = max;
+ = now;
+ hooks.utc = createUTC;
+ hooks.unix = createUnix;
+ hooks.months = listMonths;
+ hooks.isDate = isDate;
+ hooks.locale = getSetGlobalLocale;
+ hooks.invalid = createInvalid;
+ hooks.duration = createDuration;
+ hooks.isMoment = isMoment;
+ hooks.weekdays = listWeekdays;
+ hooks.parseZone = createInZone;
+ hooks.localeData = getLocale;
+ hooks.isDuration = isDuration;
+ hooks.monthsShort = listMonthsShort;
+ hooks.weekdaysMin = listWeekdaysMin;
+ hooks.defineLocale = defineLocale;
+ hooks.updateLocale = updateLocale;
+ hooks.locales = listLocales;
+ hooks.weekdaysShort = listWeekdaysShort;
+ hooks.normalizeUnits = normalizeUnits;
+ hooks.relativeTimeRounding = getSetRelativeTimeRounding;
+ hooks.relativeTimeThreshold = getSetRelativeTimeThreshold;
+ hooks.calendarFormat = getCalendarFormat;
+ hooks.prototype = proto;
+ // currently HTML5 input type only supports 24-hour formats
+ hooks.HTML5_FMT = {
+ DATE: 'YYYY-MM-DD', //
+ TIME: 'HH:mm', //
+ TIME_SECONDS: 'HH:mm:ss', //
+ TIME_MS: 'HH:mm:ss.SSS', //
+ WEEK: 'GGGG-[W]WW', //
+ };
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('af', {
+ months: 'Januarie_Februarie_Maart_April_Mei_Junie_Julie_Augustus_September_Oktober_November_Desember'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mrt_Apr_Mei_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Okt_Nov_Des'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Sondag_Maandag_Dinsdag_Woensdag_Donderdag_Vrydag_Saterdag'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Son_Maa_Din_Woe_Don_Vry_Sat'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'So_Ma_Di_Wo_Do_Vr_Sa'.split('_'),
+ meridiemParse: /vm|nm/i,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return /^nm$/i.test(input);
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hours, minutes, isLower) {
+ if (hours < 12) {
+ return isLower ? 'vm' : 'VM';
+ } else {
+ return isLower ? 'nm' : 'NM';
+ }
+ },
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Vandag om] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Môre om] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [om] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Gister om] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[Laas] dddd [om] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'oor %s',
+ past: '%s gelede',
+ s: '\'n paar sekondes',
+ ss: '%d sekondes',
+ m: '\'n minuut',
+ mm: '%d minute',
+ h: '\'n uur',
+ hh: '%d ure',
+ d: '\'n dag',
+ dd: '%d dae',
+ M: '\'n maand',
+ MM: '%d maande',
+ y: '\'n jaar',
+ yy: '%d jaar'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(ste|de)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ return number + ((number === 1 || number === 8 || number >= 20) ? 'ste' :
+ 'de'); // Thanks to Joris Röling :
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Maandag is die eerste dag van die week.
+ doy: 4 // Die week wat die 4de Januarie bevat is die eerste week van die jaar.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('ar-dz', {
+ months: 'جانÙÙŠ_ÙÙŠÙري_مارس_Ø£Ùريل_ماي_جوان_جويلية_أوت_سبتمبر_أكتوبر_نوÙمبر_ديسمبر'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'جانÙÙŠ_ÙÙŠÙري_مارس_Ø£Ùريل_ماي_جوان_جويلية_أوت_سبتمبر_أكتوبر_نوÙمبر_ديسمبر'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'الأØد_الإثنين_الثلاثاء_الأربعاء_الخميس_الجمعة_السبت'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'اØد_اثنين_ثلاثاء_اربعاء_خميس_جمعة_سبت'.split(
+ '_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Ø£Ø_إث_ثلا_أر_خم_جم_سب'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[اليوم على الساعة] LT',
+ nextDay: '[غدا على الساعة] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [على الساعة] LT',
+ lastDay: '[أمس على الساعة] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [على الساعة] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'ÙÙŠ %s',
+ past: 'منذ %s',
+ s: 'ثوان',
+ ss: '%d ثانية',
+ m: 'دقيقة',
+ mm: '%d دقائق',
+ h: 'ساعة',
+ hh: '%d ساعات',
+ d: 'يوم',
+ dd: '%d أيام',
+ M: 'شهر',
+ MM: '%d أشهر',
+ y: 'سنة',
+ yy: '%d سنوات'
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('ar-kw', {
+ months: 'يناير_Ùبراير_مارس_أبريل_ماي_يونيو_يوليوز_غشت_شتنبر_أكتوبر_نونبر_دجنبر'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'يناير_Ùبراير_مارس_أبريل_ماي_يونيو_يوليوز_غشت_شتنبر_أكتوبر_نونبر_دجنبر'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'الأØد_الإتنين_الثلاثاء_الأربعاء_الخميس_الجمعة_السبت'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'اØد_اتنين_ثلاثاء_اربعاء_خميس_جمعة_سبت'.split(
+ '_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Ø_Ù†_Ø«_ر_Ø®_ج_س'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[اليوم على الساعة] LT',
+ nextDay: '[غدا على الساعة] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [على الساعة] LT',
+ lastDay: '[أمس على الساعة] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [على الساعة] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'ÙÙŠ %s',
+ past: 'منذ %s',
+ s: 'ثوان',
+ ss: '%d ثانية',
+ m: 'دقيقة',
+ mm: '%d دقائق',
+ h: 'ساعة',
+ hh: '%d ساعات',
+ d: 'يوم',
+ dd: '%d أيام',
+ M: 'شهر',
+ MM: '%d أشهر',
+ y: 'سنة',
+ yy: '%d سنوات'
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var symbolMap = {
+ '1': '1',
+ '2': '2',
+ '3': '3',
+ '4': '4',
+ '5': '5',
+ '6': '6',
+ '7': '7',
+ '8': '8',
+ '9': '9',
+ '0': '0'
+ },
+ pluralForm = function(n) {
+ return n === 0 ? 0 : n === 1 ? 1 : n === 2 ? 2 : n % 100 >= 3 && n % 100 <= 10 ? 3 : n % 100 >=
+ 11 ? 4 : 5;
+ },
+ plurals = {
+ s: ['أقل من ثانية', 'ثانية واØدة', ['ثانيتان', 'ثانيتين'],
+ '%d ثوان', '%d ثانية', '%d ثانية'
+ ],
+ m: ['أقل من دقيقة', 'دقيقة واØدة', ['دقيقتان', 'دقيقتين'],
+ '%d دقائق', '%d دقيقة', '%d دقيقة'
+ ],
+ h: ['أقل من ساعة', 'ساعة واØدة', ['ساعتان', 'ساعتين'],
+ '%d ساعات', '%d ساعة', '%d ساعة'
+ ],
+ d: ['أقل من يوم', 'يوم واØد', ['يومان', 'يومين'], '%d أيام',
+ '%d يومًا', '%d يوم'
+ ],
+ M: ['أقل من شهر', 'شهر واØد', ['شهران', 'شهرين'], '%d أشهر',
+ '%d شهرا', '%d شهر'
+ ],
+ y: ['أقل من عام', 'عام واØد', ['عامان', 'عامين'], '%d أعوام',
+ '%d عامًا', '%d عام'
+ ]
+ },
+ pluralize = function(u) {
+ return function(number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) {
+ var f = pluralForm(number),
+ str = plurals[u][pluralForm(number)];
+ if (f === 2) {
+ str = str[withoutSuffix ? 0 : 1];
+ }
+ return str.replace(/%d/i, number);
+ };
+ },
+ months$1 = [
+ 'يناير',
+ 'Ùبراير',
+ 'مارس',
+ 'أبريل',
+ 'مايو',
+ 'يونيو',
+ 'يوليو',
+ 'أغسطس',
+ 'سبتمبر',
+ 'أكتوبر',
+ 'نوÙمبر',
+ 'ديسمبر'
+ ];
+ hooks.defineLocale('ar-ly', {
+ months: months$1,
+ monthsShort: months$1,
+ weekdays: 'الأØد_الإثنين_الثلاثاء_الأربعاء_الخميس_الجمعة_السبت'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Ø£Øد_إثنين_ثلاثاء_أربعاء_خميس_جمعة_سبت'.split(
+ '_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Ø_Ù†_Ø«_ر_Ø®_ج_س'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'D/\u200FM/\u200FYYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /ص|م/,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return 'Ù…' === input;
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 12) {
+ return 'ص';
+ } else {
+ return 'Ù…';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[اليوم عند الساعة] LT',
+ nextDay: '[غدًا عند الساعة] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [عند الساعة] LT',
+ lastDay: '[أمس عند الساعة] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [عند الساعة] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'بعد %s',
+ past: 'منذ %s',
+ s: pluralize('s'),
+ ss: pluralize('s'),
+ m: pluralize('m'),
+ mm: pluralize('m'),
+ h: pluralize('h'),
+ hh: pluralize('h'),
+ d: pluralize('d'),
+ dd: pluralize('d'),
+ M: pluralize('M'),
+ MM: pluralize('M'),
+ y: pluralize('y'),
+ yy: pluralize('y')
+ },
+ preparse: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/،/g, ',');
+ },
+ postformat: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/\d/g, function(match) {
+ return symbolMap[match];
+ }).replace(/,/g, '،');
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('ar-ma', {
+ months: 'يناير_Ùبراير_مارس_أبريل_ماي_يونيو_يوليوز_غشت_شتنبر_أكتوبر_نونبر_دجنبر'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'يناير_Ùبراير_مارس_أبريل_ماي_يونيو_يوليوز_غشت_شتنبر_أكتوبر_نونبر_دجنبر'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'الأØد_الإتنين_الثلاثاء_الأربعاء_الخميس_الجمعة_السبت'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'اØد_اتنين_ثلاثاء_اربعاء_خميس_جمعة_سبت'.split(
+ '_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Ø_Ù†_Ø«_ر_Ø®_ج_س'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[اليوم على الساعة] LT',
+ nextDay: '[غدا على الساعة] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [على الساعة] LT',
+ lastDay: '[أمس على الساعة] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [على الساعة] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'ÙÙŠ %s',
+ past: 'منذ %s',
+ s: 'ثوان',
+ ss: '%d ثانية',
+ m: 'دقيقة',
+ mm: '%d دقائق',
+ h: 'ساعة',
+ hh: '%d ساعات',
+ d: 'يوم',
+ dd: '%d أيام',
+ M: 'شهر',
+ MM: '%d أشهر',
+ y: 'سنة',
+ yy: '%d سنوات'
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var symbolMap$1 = {
+ '1': 'Ù¡',
+ '2': 'Ù¢',
+ '3': 'Ù£',
+ '4': 'Ù¤',
+ '5': 'Ù¥',
+ '6': 'Ù¦',
+ '7': 'Ù§',
+ '8': 'Ù¨',
+ '9': 'Ù©',
+ '0': 'Ù '
+ },
+ numberMap = {
+ 'Ù¡': '1',
+ 'Ù¢': '2',
+ 'Ù£': '3',
+ 'Ù¤': '4',
+ 'Ù¥': '5',
+ 'Ù¦': '6',
+ 'Ù§': '7',
+ 'Ù¨': '8',
+ 'Ù©': '9',
+ 'Ù ': '0'
+ };
+ hooks.defineLocale('ar-sa', {
+ months: 'يناير_Ùبراير_مارس_أبريل_مايو_يونيو_يوليو_أغسطس_سبتمبر_أكتوبر_نوÙمبر_ديسمبر'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'يناير_Ùبراير_مارس_أبريل_مايو_يونيو_يوليو_أغسطس_سبتمبر_أكتوبر_نوÙمبر_ديسمبر'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'الأØد_الإثنين_الثلاثاء_الأربعاء_الخميس_الجمعة_السبت'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Ø£Øد_إثنين_ثلاثاء_أربعاء_خميس_جمعة_سبت'.split(
+ '_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Ø_Ù†_Ø«_ر_Ø®_ج_س'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /ص|م/,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return 'Ù…' === input;
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 12) {
+ return 'ص';
+ } else {
+ return 'Ù…';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[اليوم على الساعة] LT',
+ nextDay: '[غدا على الساعة] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [على الساعة] LT',
+ lastDay: '[أمس على الساعة] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [على الساعة] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'ÙÙŠ %s',
+ past: 'منذ %s',
+ s: 'ثوان',
+ ss: '%d ثانية',
+ m: 'دقيقة',
+ mm: '%d دقائق',
+ h: 'ساعة',
+ hh: '%d ساعات',
+ d: 'يوم',
+ dd: '%d أيام',
+ M: 'شهر',
+ MM: '%d أشهر',
+ y: 'سنة',
+ yy: '%d سنوات'
+ },
+ preparse: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/[١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠]/g, function(match) {
+ return numberMap[match];
+ }).replace(/،/g, ',');
+ },
+ postformat: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/\d/g, function(match) {
+ return symbolMap$1[match];
+ }).replace(/,/g, '،');
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('ar-tn', {
+ months: 'جانÙÙŠ_ÙÙŠÙري_مارس_Ø£Ùريل_ماي_جوان_جويلية_أوت_سبتمبر_أكتوبر_نوÙمبر_ديسمبر'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'جانÙÙŠ_ÙÙŠÙري_مارس_Ø£Ùريل_ماي_جوان_جويلية_أوت_سبتمبر_أكتوبر_نوÙمبر_ديسمبر'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'الأØد_الإثنين_الثلاثاء_الأربعاء_الخميس_الجمعة_السبت'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Ø£Øد_إثنين_ثلاثاء_أربعاء_خميس_جمعة_سبت'.split(
+ '_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Ø_Ù†_Ø«_ر_Ø®_ج_س'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[اليوم على الساعة] LT',
+ nextDay: '[غدا على الساعة] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [على الساعة] LT',
+ lastDay: '[أمس على الساعة] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [على الساعة] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'ÙÙŠ %s',
+ past: 'منذ %s',
+ s: 'ثوان',
+ ss: '%d ثانية',
+ m: 'دقيقة',
+ mm: '%d دقائق',
+ h: 'ساعة',
+ hh: '%d ساعات',
+ d: 'يوم',
+ dd: '%d أيام',
+ M: 'شهر',
+ MM: '%d أشهر',
+ y: 'سنة',
+ yy: '%d سنوات'
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var symbolMap$2 = {
+ '1': 'Ù¡',
+ '2': 'Ù¢',
+ '3': 'Ù£',
+ '4': 'Ù¤',
+ '5': 'Ù¥',
+ '6': 'Ù¦',
+ '7': 'Ù§',
+ '8': 'Ù¨',
+ '9': 'Ù©',
+ '0': 'Ù '
+ },
+ numberMap$1 = {
+ 'Ù¡': '1',
+ 'Ù¢': '2',
+ 'Ù£': '3',
+ 'Ù¤': '4',
+ 'Ù¥': '5',
+ 'Ù¦': '6',
+ 'Ù§': '7',
+ 'Ù¨': '8',
+ 'Ù©': '9',
+ 'Ù ': '0'
+ },
+ pluralForm$1 = function(n) {
+ return n === 0 ? 0 : n === 1 ? 1 : n === 2 ? 2 : n % 100 >= 3 && n % 100 <= 10 ? 3 : n % 100 >=
+ 11 ? 4 : 5;
+ },
+ plurals$1 = {
+ s: ['أقل من ثانية', 'ثانية واØدة', ['ثانيتان', 'ثانيتين'],
+ '%d ثوان', '%d ثانية', '%d ثانية'
+ ],
+ m: ['أقل من دقيقة', 'دقيقة واØدة', ['دقيقتان', 'دقيقتين'],
+ '%d دقائق', '%d دقيقة', '%d دقيقة'
+ ],
+ h: ['أقل من ساعة', 'ساعة واØدة', ['ساعتان', 'ساعتين'],
+ '%d ساعات', '%d ساعة', '%d ساعة'
+ ],
+ d: ['أقل من يوم', 'يوم واØد', ['يومان', 'يومين'], '%d أيام',
+ '%d يومًا', '%d يوم'
+ ],
+ M: ['أقل من شهر', 'شهر واØد', ['شهران', 'شهرين'], '%d أشهر',
+ '%d شهرا', '%d شهر'
+ ],
+ y: ['أقل من عام', 'عام واØد', ['عامان', 'عامين'], '%d أعوام',
+ '%d عامًا', '%d عام'
+ ]
+ },
+ pluralize$1 = function(u) {
+ return function(number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) {
+ var f = pluralForm$1(number),
+ str = plurals$1[u][pluralForm$1(number)];
+ if (f === 2) {
+ str = str[withoutSuffix ? 0 : 1];
+ }
+ return str.replace(/%d/i, number);
+ };
+ },
+ months$2 = [
+ 'يناير',
+ 'Ùبراير',
+ 'مارس',
+ 'أبريل',
+ 'مايو',
+ 'يونيو',
+ 'يوليو',
+ 'أغسطس',
+ 'سبتمبر',
+ 'أكتوبر',
+ 'نوÙمبر',
+ 'ديسمبر'
+ ];
+ hooks.defineLocale('ar', {
+ months: months$2,
+ monthsShort: months$2,
+ weekdays: 'الأØد_الإثنين_الثلاثاء_الأربعاء_الخميس_الجمعة_السبت'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Ø£Øد_إثنين_ثلاثاء_أربعاء_خميس_جمعة_سبت'.split(
+ '_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Ø_Ù†_Ø«_ر_Ø®_ج_س'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'D/\u200FM/\u200FYYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /ص|م/,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return 'Ù…' === input;
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 12) {
+ return 'ص';
+ } else {
+ return 'Ù…';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[اليوم عند الساعة] LT',
+ nextDay: '[غدًا عند الساعة] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [عند الساعة] LT',
+ lastDay: '[أمس عند الساعة] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [عند الساعة] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'بعد %s',
+ past: 'منذ %s',
+ s: pluralize$1('s'),
+ ss: pluralize$1('s'),
+ m: pluralize$1('m'),
+ mm: pluralize$1('m'),
+ h: pluralize$1('h'),
+ hh: pluralize$1('h'),
+ d: pluralize$1('d'),
+ dd: pluralize$1('d'),
+ M: pluralize$1('M'),
+ MM: pluralize$1('M'),
+ y: pluralize$1('y'),
+ yy: pluralize$1('y')
+ },
+ preparse: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/[١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠]/g, function(match) {
+ return numberMap$1[match];
+ }).replace(/،/g, ',');
+ },
+ postformat: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/\d/g, function(match) {
+ return symbolMap$2[match];
+ }).replace(/,/g, '،');
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var suffixes = {
+ 1: '-inci',
+ 5: '-inci',
+ 8: '-inci',
+ 70: '-inci',
+ 80: '-inci',
+ 2: '-nci',
+ 7: '-nci',
+ 20: '-nci',
+ 50: '-nci',
+ 3: '-üncü',
+ 4: '-üncü',
+ 100: '-üncü',
+ 6: '-ncı',
+ 9: '-uncu',
+ 10: '-uncu',
+ 30: '-uncu',
+ 60: '-ıncı',
+ 90: '-ıncı'
+ };
+ hooks.defineLocale('az', {
+ months: 'yanvar_fevral_mart_aprel_may_iyun_iyul_avqust_sentyabr_oktyabr_noyabr_dekabr'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'yan_fev_mar_apr_may_iyn_iyl_avq_sen_okt_noy_dek'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Bazar_Bazar ertəsi_Çərşənbə axşamı_Çərşənbə_Cümə axşamı_Cümə_Şənbə'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Baz_BzE_ÇAx_Çər_CAx_Cüm_Şən'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Bz_BE_ÇA_Çə_CA_Cü_Şə'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[bugün saat] LT',
+ nextDay: '[sabah saat] LT',
+ nextWeek: '[gələn həftə] dddd [saat] LT',
+ lastDay: '[dünən] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[keçən həftə] dddd [saat] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s sonra',
+ past: '%s əvvəl',
+ s: 'birneçə saniyə',
+ ss: '%d saniyÉ™',
+ m: 'bir dəqiqə',
+ mm: '%d dəqiqə',
+ h: 'bir saat',
+ hh: '%d saat',
+ d: 'bir gün',
+ dd: '%d gün',
+ M: 'bir ay',
+ MM: '%d ay',
+ y: 'bir il',
+ yy: '%d il'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /gecə|səhər|gündüz|axşam/,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return /^(gündüz|axşam)$/.test(input);
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 4) {
+ return 'gecÉ™';
+ } else if (hour < 12) {
+ return 'səhər';
+ } else if (hour < 17) {
+ return 'gündüz';
+ } else {
+ return 'axÅŸam';
+ }
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-(ıncı|inci|nci|üncü|ncı|uncu)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ if (number === 0) { // special case for zero
+ return number + '-ıncı';
+ }
+ var a = number % 10,
+ b = number % 100 - a,
+ c = number >= 100 ? 100 : null;
+ return number + (suffixes[a] || suffixes[b] || suffixes[c]);
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ function plural(word, num) {
+ var forms = word.split('_');
+ return num % 10 === 1 && num % 100 !== 11 ? forms[0] : (num % 10 >= 2 && num % 10 <= 4 && (num %
+ 100 < 10 || num % 100 >= 20) ? forms[1] : forms[2]);
+ }
+ function relativeTimeWithPlural(number, withoutSuffix, key) {
+ var format = {
+ 'ss': withoutSuffix ? 'Ñекунда_Ñекунды_Ñекунд' :
+ 'Ñекунду_Ñекунды_Ñекунд',
+ 'mm': withoutSuffix ? 'хвіліна_хвіліны_хвілін' :
+ 'хвіліну_хвіліны_хвілін',
+ 'hh': withoutSuffix ? 'гадзіна_гадзіны_гадзін' :
+ 'гадзіну_гадзіны_гадзін',
+ 'dd': 'дзень_дні_дзён',
+ 'MM': 'меÑÑц_меÑÑцы_меÑÑцаў',
+ 'yy': 'год_гады_гадоў'
+ };
+ if (key === 'm') {
+ return withoutSuffix ? 'хвіліна' : 'хвіліну';
+ } else if (key === 'h') {
+ return withoutSuffix ? 'гадзіна' : 'гадзіну';
+ } else {
+ return number + ' ' + plural(format[key], +number);
+ }
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('be', {
+ months: {
+ format: 'ÑтудзенÑ_лютага_Ñакавіка_краÑавіка_траўнÑ_чÑрвенÑ_ліпенÑ_жніўнÑ_вераÑнÑ_каÑтрычніка_ліÑтапада_ÑнежнÑ'
+ .split('_'),
+ standalone: 'Ñтудзень_люты_Ñакавік_краÑавік_травень_чÑрвень_ліпень_жнівень_вераÑень_каÑтрычнік_ліÑтапад_Ñнежань'
+ .split('_')
+ },
+ monthsShort: 'Ñтуд_лют_Ñак_краÑ_трав_чÑрв_ліп_жнів_вер_каÑÑ‚_ліÑÑ‚_Ñнеж'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: {
+ format: 'нÑдзелю_панÑдзелак_аўторак_Ñераду_чацвер_пÑтніцу_Ñуботу'
+ .split('_'),
+ standalone: 'нÑдзелÑ_панÑдзелак_аўторак_Ñерада_чацвер_пÑтніца_Ñубота'
+ .split('_'),
+ isFormat: /\[ ?[Ууў] ?(?:мінулую|наÑтупную)? ?\] ?dddd/
+ },
+ weekdaysShort: 'нд_пн_ат_ÑÑ€_чц_пт_Ñб'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'нд_пн_ат_ÑÑ€_чц_пт_Ñб'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LL: 'D MMMM YYYY г.',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY г., HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY г., HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Ð¡Ñ‘Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñž] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Заўтра ў] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Учора ў] LT',
+ nextWeek: function() {
+ return '[У] dddd [ў] LT';
+ },
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ case 3:
+ case 5:
+ case 6:
+ return '[У мінулую] dddd [ў] LT';
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 4:
+ return '[У мінулы] dddd [ў] LT';
+ }
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'праз %s',
+ past: '%s таму',
+ s: 'некалькі Ñекунд',
+ m: relativeTimeWithPlural,
+ mm: relativeTimeWithPlural,
+ h: relativeTimeWithPlural,
+ hh: relativeTimeWithPlural,
+ d: 'дзень',
+ dd: relativeTimeWithPlural,
+ M: 'меÑÑц',
+ MM: relativeTimeWithPlural,
+ y: 'год',
+ yy: relativeTimeWithPlural
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /ночы|раніцы|днÑ|вечара/,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return /^(днÑ|вечара)$/.test(input);
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 4) {
+ return 'ночы';
+ } else if (hour < 12) {
+ return 'раніцы';
+ } else if (hour < 17) {
+ return 'днÑ';
+ } else {
+ return 'вечара';
+ }
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-(і|ы|га)/,
+ ordinal: function(number, period) {
+ switch (period) {
+ case 'M':
+ case 'd':
+ case 'DDD':
+ case 'w':
+ case 'W':
+ return (number % 10 === 2 || number % 10 === 3) && (number % 100 !== 12 &&
+ number % 100 !== 13) ? number + '-Ñ–' : number + '-Ñ‹';
+ case 'D':
+ return number + '-га';
+ default:
+ return number;
+ }
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('bg', {
+ months: 'Ñнуари_февруари_март_април_май_юни_юли_авгуÑÑ‚_Ñептември_октомври_ноември_декември'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Ñнр_фев_мар_апр_май_юни_юли_авг_Ñеп_окт_ное_дек'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'неделÑ_понеделник_вторник_ÑÑ€Ñда_четвъртък_петък_Ñъбота'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'нед_пон_вто_ÑÑ€Ñ_чет_пет_Ñъб'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'нд_пн_вт_ÑÑ€_чт_пт_Ñб'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'H:mm',
+ LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
+ L: 'D.MM.YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY H:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY H:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Ð”Ð½ÐµÑ Ð²] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Утре в] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [в] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Вчера в] LT',
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ case 3:
+ case 6:
+ return '[В изминалата] dddd [в] LT';
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ return '[Ð’ изминалиÑ] dddd [в] LT';
+ }
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'Ñлед %s',
+ past: 'преди %s',
+ s: 'нÑколко Ñекунди',
+ ss: '%d Ñекунди',
+ m: 'минута',
+ mm: '%d минути',
+ h: 'чаÑ',
+ hh: '%d чаÑа',
+ d: 'ден',
+ dd: '%d дни',
+ M: 'меÑец',
+ MM: '%d меÑеца',
+ y: 'година',
+ yy: '%d години'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-(ев|ен|ти|ви|ри|ми)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ var lastDigit = number % 10,
+ last2Digits = number % 100;
+ if (number === 0) {
+ return number + '-ев';
+ } else if (last2Digits === 0) {
+ return number + '-ен';
+ } else if (last2Digits > 10 && last2Digits < 20) {
+ return number + '-ти';
+ } else if (lastDigit === 1) {
+ return number + '-ви';
+ } else if (lastDigit === 2) {
+ return number + '-ри';
+ } else if (lastDigit === 7 || lastDigit === 8) {
+ return number + '-ми';
+ } else {
+ return number + '-ти';
+ }
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('bm', {
+ months: 'Zanwuyekalo_Fewuruyekalo_Marisikalo_Awirilikalo_Mɛkalo_Zuwɛnkalo_Zuluyekalo_Utikalo_Sɛtanburukalo_ɔkutɔburukalo_Nowanburukalo_Desanburukalo'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Zan_Few_Mar_Awi_Mɛ_Zuw_Zul_Uti_Sɛt_ɔku_Now_Des'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Kari_Ntɛnɛn_Tarata_Araba_Alamisa_Juma_Sibiri'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Kar_Ntɛ_Tar_Ara_Ala_Jum_Sib'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Ka_Nt_Ta_Ar_Al_Ju_Si'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LL: 'MMMM [tile] D [san] YYYY',
+ LLL: 'MMMM [tile] D [san] YYYY [lɛrɛ] HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd MMMM [tile] D [san] YYYY [lɛrɛ] HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Bi lɛrɛ] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Sini lɛrɛ] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [don lɛrɛ] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Kunu lɛrɛ] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [tɛmɛnen lɛrɛ] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s kɔnɔ',
+ past: 'a bÉ› %s bÉ”',
+ s: 'sanga dama dama',
+ ss: 'sekondi %d',
+ m: 'miniti kelen',
+ mm: 'miniti %d',
+ h: 'lɛrɛ kelen',
+ hh: 'lɛrɛ %d',
+ d: 'tile kelen',
+ dd: 'tile %d',
+ M: 'kalo kelen',
+ MM: 'kalo %d',
+ y: 'san kelen',
+ yy: 'san %d'
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var symbolMap$3 = {
+ '1': '১',
+ '2': '২',
+ '3': '৩',
+ '4': '৪',
+ '5': '৫',
+ '6': '৬',
+ '7': 'à§',
+ '8': '৮',
+ '9': '৯',
+ '0': '০'
+ },
+ numberMap$2 = {
+ '১': '1',
+ '২': '2',
+ '৩': '3',
+ '৪': '4',
+ '৫': '5',
+ '৬': '6',
+ 'à§': '7',
+ '৮': '8',
+ '৯': '9',
+ '০': '0'
+ };
+ hooks.defineLocale('bn', {
+ months: 'জানà§à§Ÿà¦¾à¦°à§€_ফেবà§à¦°à§à§Ÿà¦¾à¦°à¦¿_মারà§à¦š_à¦à¦ªà§à¦°à¦¿à¦²_মে_জà§à¦¨_জà§à¦²à¦¾à¦‡_আগসà§à¦Ÿ_সেপà§à¦Ÿà§‡à¦®à§à¦¬à¦°_অকà§à¦Ÿà§‹à¦¬à¦°_নà¦à§‡à¦®à§à¦¬à¦°_ডিসেমà§à¦¬à¦°'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'জানà§_ফেব_মারà§à¦š_à¦à¦ªà§à¦°_মে_জà§à¦¨_জà§à¦²_আগ_সেপà§à¦Ÿ_অকà§à¦Ÿà§‹_নà¦à§‡_ডিসে'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'রবিবার_সোমবার_মঙà§à¦—লবার_বà§à¦§à¦¬à¦¾à¦°_বৃহসà§à¦ªà¦¤à¦¿à¦¬à¦¾à¦°_শà§à¦•à§à¦°à¦¬à¦¾à¦°_শনিবার'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'রবি_সোম_মঙà§à¦—ল_বà§à¦§_বৃহসà§à¦ªà¦¤à¦¿_শà§à¦•à§à¦°_শনি'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'রবি_সোম_মঙà§à¦—_বà§à¦§_বৃহঃ_শà§à¦•à§à¦°_শনি'
+ .split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'A h:mm সময়',
+ LTS: 'A h:mm:ss সময়',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm সময়',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm সময়'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[আজ] LT',
+ nextDay: '[আগামীকাল] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd, LT',
+ lastDay: '[গতকাল] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[গত] dddd, LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s পরে',
+ past: '%s আগে',
+ s: 'কয়েক সেকেনà§à¦¡',
+ ss: '%d সেকেনà§à¦¡',
+ m: 'à¦à¦• মিনিট',
+ mm: '%d মিনিট',
+ h: 'à¦à¦• ঘনà§à¦Ÿà¦¾',
+ hh: '%d ঘনà§à¦Ÿà¦¾',
+ d: 'à¦à¦• দিন',
+ dd: '%d দিন',
+ M: 'à¦à¦• মাস',
+ MM: '%d মাস',
+ y: 'à¦à¦• বছর',
+ yy: '%d বছর'
+ },
+ preparse: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/[১২৩৪৫৬à§à§®à§¯à§¦]/g, function(match) {
+ return numberMap$2[match];
+ });
+ },
+ postformat: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/\d/g, function(match) {
+ return symbolMap$3[match];
+ });
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /রাত|সকাল|দà§à¦ªà§à¦°|বিকাল|রাত/,
+ meridiemHour: function(hour, meridiem) {
+ if (hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ if ((meridiem === 'রাত' && hour >= 4) ||
+ (meridiem === 'দà§à¦ªà§à¦°' && hour < 5) ||
+ meridiem === 'বিকাল') {
+ return hour + 12;
+ } else {
+ return hour;
+ }
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 4) {
+ return 'রাত';
+ } else if (hour < 10) {
+ return 'সকাল';
+ } else if (hour < 17) {
+ return 'দà§à¦ªà§à¦°';
+ } else if (hour < 20) {
+ return 'বিকাল';
+ } else {
+ return 'রাত';
+ }
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var symbolMap$4 = {
+ '1': '༡',
+ '2': '༢',
+ '3': '༣',
+ '4': '༤',
+ '5': '༥',
+ '6': '༦',
+ '7': '༧',
+ '8': '༨',
+ '9': '༩',
+ '0': '༠'
+ },
+ numberMap$3 = {
+ '༡': '1',
+ '༢': '2',
+ '༣': '3',
+ '༤': '4',
+ '༥': '5',
+ '༦': '6',
+ '༧': '7',
+ '༨': '8',
+ '༩': '9',
+ '༠': '0'
+ };
+ hooks.defineLocale('bo', {
+ months: 'ཟླ་བ་དང་པོ_ཟླ་བ་གཉིས་པ_ཟླ་བ་གསུམ་པ_ཟླ་བ་བཞི་པ_ཟླ་བ་ལྔ་པ_ཟླ་བ་དྲུག་པ_ཟླ་བ་བདུན་པ_ཟླ་བ་བརྒྱད་པ_ཟླ་བ་དགུ་པ_ཟླ་བ་བཅུ་པ_ཟླ་བ་བཅུ་གཅིག་པ_ཟླ་བ་བཅུ་གཉིས་པ'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'ཟླ་བ་དང་པོ_ཟླ་བ་གཉིས་པ_ཟླ་བ་གསུམ་པ_ཟླ་བ་བཞི་པ_ཟླ་བ་ལྔ་པ_ཟླ་བ་དྲུག་པ_ཟླ་བ་བདུན་པ_ཟླ་བ་བརྒྱད་པ_ཟླ་བ་དགུ་པ_ཟླ་བ་བཅུ་པ_ཟླ་བ་བཅུ་གཅིག་པ_ཟླ་བ་བཅུ་གཉིས་པ'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'གཟའ་ཉི་མ་_གཟའ་ཟླ་བ་_གཟའ་མིག་དམར་_གཟའ་ལྷག་པ་_གཟའ་ཕུར་བུ_གཟའ་པ་སངས་_གཟའ་སྤེན་པ་'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'ཉི་མ་_ཟླ་བ་_མིག་དམར་_ལྷག་པ་_ཕུར་བུ_པ་སངས་_སྤེན་པ་'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'ཉི་མ་_ཟླ་བ་_མིག་དམར་_ལྷག་པ་_ཕུར་བུ_པ་སངས་_སྤེན་པ་'
+ .split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'A h:mm',
+ LTS: 'A h:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[དི་རིང] LT',
+ nextDay: '[སང་ཉིན] LT',
+ nextWeek: '[བདུན་ཕྲག་རྗེས་མ], LT',
+ lastDay: '[à½à¼‹à½¦à½„] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[བདུན་ཕྲག་མà½à½ ་མ] dddd, LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s ལ་',
+ past: '%s སྔན་ལ',
+ s: 'ལམ་སང',
+ ss: '%d སà¾à½¢à¼‹à½†à¼',
+ m: 'སà¾à½¢à¼‹à½˜à¼‹à½‚ཅིག',
+ mm: '%d སà¾à½¢à¼‹à½˜',
+ h: 'ཆུ་ཚོད་གཅིག',
+ hh: '%d ཆུ་ཚོད',
+ d: 'ཉིན་གཅིག',
+ dd: '%d ཉིན་',
+ M: 'ཟླ་བ་གཅིག',
+ MM: '%d ཟླ་བ',
+ y: 'ལོ་གཅིག',
+ yy: '%d ལོ'
+ },
+ preparse: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/[༡༢༣༤༥༦༧༨༩༠]/g, function(match) {
+ return numberMap$3[match];
+ });
+ },
+ postformat: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/\d/g, function(match) {
+ return symbolMap$4[match];
+ });
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /མཚན་མོ|ཞོགས་ཀས|ཉིན་གུང|དགོང་དག|མཚན་མོ/,
+ meridiemHour: function(hour, meridiem) {
+ if (hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ if ((meridiem === 'མཚན་མོ' && hour >= 4) ||
+ (meridiem === 'ཉིན་གུང' && hour < 5) ||
+ meridiem === 'དགོང་དག') {
+ return hour + 12;
+ } else {
+ return hour;
+ }
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 4) {
+ return 'མཚན་མོ';
+ } else if (hour < 10) {
+ return 'ཞོགས་ཀས';
+ } else if (hour < 17) {
+ return 'ཉིན་གུང';
+ } else if (hour < 20) {
+ return 'དགོང་དག';
+ } else {
+ return 'མཚན་མོ';
+ }
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ function relativeTimeWithMutation(number, withoutSuffix, key) {
+ var format = {
+ 'mm': 'munutenn',
+ 'MM': 'miz',
+ 'dd': 'devezh'
+ };
+ return number + ' ' + mutation(format[key], number);
+ }
+ function specialMutationForYears(number) {
+ switch (lastNumber(number)) {
+ case 1:
+ case 3:
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ case 9:
+ return number + ' bloaz';
+ default:
+ return number + ' vloaz';
+ }
+ }
+ function lastNumber(number) {
+ if (number > 9) {
+ return lastNumber(number % 10);
+ }
+ return number;
+ }
+ function mutation(text, number) {
+ if (number === 2) {
+ return softMutation(text);
+ }
+ return text;
+ }
+ function softMutation(text) {
+ var mutationTable = {
+ 'm': 'v',
+ 'b': 'v',
+ 'd': 'z'
+ };
+ if (mutationTable[text.charAt(0)] === undefined) {
+ return text;
+ }
+ return mutationTable[text.charAt(0)] + text.substring(1);
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('br', {
+ months: 'Genver_C\'hwevrer_Meurzh_Ebrel_Mae_Mezheven_Gouere_Eost_Gwengolo_Here_Du_Kerzu'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Gen_C\'hwe_Meu_Ebr_Mae_Eve_Gou_Eos_Gwe_Her_Du_Ker'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Sul_Lun_Meurzh_Merc\'her_Yaou_Gwener_Sadorn'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Sul_Lun_Meu_Mer_Yao_Gwe_Sad'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Su_Lu_Me_Mer_Ya_Gw_Sa'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'h[e]mm A',
+ LTS: 'h[e]mm:ss A',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LL: 'D [a viz] MMMM YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D [a viz] MMMM YYYY h[e]mm A',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D [a viz] MMMM YYYY h[e]mm A'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Hiziv da] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Warc\'hoazh da] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [da] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Dec\'h da] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [paset da] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'a-benn %s',
+ past: '%s \'zo',
+ s: 'un nebeud segondennoù',
+ ss: '%d eilenn',
+ m: 'ur vunutenn',
+ mm: relativeTimeWithMutation,
+ h: 'un eur',
+ hh: '%d eur',
+ d: 'un devezh',
+ dd: relativeTimeWithMutation,
+ M: 'ur miz',
+ MM: relativeTimeWithMutation,
+ y: 'ur bloaz',
+ yy: specialMutationForYears
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(añ|vet)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ var output = (number === 1) ? 'añ' : 'vet';
+ return number + output;
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ function translate(number, withoutSuffix, key) {
+ var result = number + ' ';
+ switch (key) {
+ case 'ss':
+ if (number === 1) {
+ result += 'sekunda';
+ } else if (number === 2 || number === 3 || number === 4) {
+ result += 'sekunde';
+ } else {
+ result += 'sekundi';
+ }
+ return result;
+ case 'm':
+ return withoutSuffix ? 'jedna minuta' : 'jedne minute';
+ case 'mm':
+ if (number === 1) {
+ result += 'minuta';
+ } else if (number === 2 || number === 3 || number === 4) {
+ result += 'minute';
+ } else {
+ result += 'minuta';
+ }
+ return result;
+ case 'h':
+ return withoutSuffix ? 'jedan sat' : 'jednog sata';
+ case 'hh':
+ if (number === 1) {
+ result += 'sat';
+ } else if (number === 2 || number === 3 || number === 4) {
+ result += 'sata';
+ } else {
+ result += 'sati';
+ }
+ return result;
+ case 'dd':
+ if (number === 1) {
+ result += 'dan';
+ } else {
+ result += 'dana';
+ }
+ return result;
+ case 'MM':
+ if (number === 1) {
+ result += 'mjesec';
+ } else if (number === 2 || number === 3 || number === 4) {
+ result += 'mjeseca';
+ } else {
+ result += 'mjeseci';
+ }
+ return result;
+ case 'yy':
+ if (number === 1) {
+ result += 'godina';
+ } else if (number === 2 || number === 3 || number === 4) {
+ result += 'godine';
+ } else {
+ result += 'godina';
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('bs', {
+ months: 'januar_februar_mart_april_maj_juni_juli_august_septembar_oktobar_novembar_decembar'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'jan._feb._mar._apr._maj._jun._jul._aug._sep._okt._nov._dec.'.split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'nedjelja_ponedjeljak_utorak_srijeda_Äetvrtak_petak_subota'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'ned._pon._uto._sri._Äet._pet._sub.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'ne_po_ut_sr_Äe_pe_su'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'H:mm',
+ LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D. MMMM YYYY H:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D. MMMM YYYY H:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[danas u] LT',
+ nextDay: '[sutra u] LT',
+ nextWeek: function() {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ return '[u] [nedjelju] [u] LT';
+ case 3:
+ return '[u] [srijedu] [u] LT';
+ case 6:
+ return '[u] [subotu] [u] LT';
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ return '[u] dddd [u] LT';
+ }
+ },
+ lastDay: '[juÄer u] LT',
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ case 3:
+ return '[prošlu] dddd [u] LT';
+ case 6:
+ return '[prošle] [subote] [u] LT';
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ return '[prošli] dddd [u] LT';
+ }
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'za %s',
+ past: 'prije %s',
+ s: 'par sekundi',
+ ss: translate,
+ m: translate,
+ mm: translate,
+ h: translate,
+ hh: translate,
+ d: 'dan',
+ dd: translate,
+ M: 'mjesec',
+ MM: translate,
+ y: 'godinu',
+ yy: translate
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('ca', {
+ months: {
+ standalone: 'gener_febrer_març_abril_maig_juny_juliol_agost_setembre_octubre_novembre_desembre'
+ .split('_'),
+ format: 'de gener_de febrer_de març_d\'abril_de maig_de juny_de juliol_d\'agost_de setembre_d\'octubre_de novembre_de desembre'
+ .split('_'),
+ isFormat: /D[oD]?(\s)+MMMM/
+ },
+ monthsShort: 'gen._febr._març_abr._maig_juny_jul._ag._set._oct._nov._des.'.split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'diumenge_dilluns_dimarts_dimecres_dijous_divendres_dissabte'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'dg._dl._dt._dc._dj._dv._ds.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'dg_dl_dt_dc_dj_dv_ds'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'H:mm',
+ LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LL: 'D MMMM [de] YYYY',
+ ll: 'D MMM YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM [de] YYYY [a les] H:mm',
+ lll: 'D MMM YYYY, H:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM [de] YYYY [a les] H:mm',
+ llll: 'ddd D MMM YYYY, H:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: function() {
+ return '[avui a ' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 'les' : 'la') + '] LT';
+ },
+ nextDay: function() {
+ return '[demà a ' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 'les' : 'la') + '] LT';
+ },
+ nextWeek: function() {
+ return 'dddd [a ' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 'les' : 'la') + '] LT';
+ },
+ lastDay: function() {
+ return '[ahir a ' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 'les' : 'la') + '] LT';
+ },
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ return '[el] dddd [passat a ' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 'les' : 'la') + '] LT';
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'd\'aquà %s',
+ past: 'fa %s',
+ s: 'uns segons',
+ ss: '%d segons',
+ m: 'un minut',
+ mm: '%d minuts',
+ h: 'una hora',
+ hh: '%d hores',
+ d: 'un dia',
+ dd: '%d dies',
+ M: 'un mes',
+ MM: '%d mesos',
+ y: 'un any',
+ yy: '%d anys'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(r|n|t|è|a)/,
+ ordinal: function(number, period) {
+ var output = (number === 1) ? 'r' :
+ (number === 2) ? 'n' :
+ (number === 3) ? 'r' :
+ (number === 4) ? 't' : 'è';
+ if (period === 'w' || period === 'W') {
+ output = 'a';
+ }
+ return number + output;
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var months$3 =
+ 'leden_únor_bÅ™ezen_duben_kvÄ›ten_Äerven_Äervenec_srpen_zářÃ_Å™Ãjen_listopad_prosinec'.split(
+ '_'),
+ monthsShort = 'led_úno_bÅ™e_dub_kvÄ›_Ävn_Ävc_srp_zář_Å™Ãj_lis_pro'.split('_');
+ var monthsParse = [/^led/i, /^úno/i, /^bÅ™e/i, /^dub/i, /^kvÄ›/i, /^(Ävn|Äerven$|Äervna)/i,
+ /^(Ävc|Äervenec|Äervence)/i, /^srp/i, /^zář/i, /^Å™Ãj/i, /^lis/i, /^pro/i
+ ];
+ // NOTE: 'Äerven' is substring of 'Äervenec'; therefore 'Äervenec' must precede 'Äerven' in the regex to be fully matched.
+ // Otherwise parser matches '1. Äervenec' as '1. Äerven' + 'ec'.
+ var monthsRegex$1 =
+ /^(leden|únor|bÅ™ezen|duben|kvÄ›ten|Äervenec|Äervence|Äerven|Äervna|srpen|zářÃ|Å™Ãjen|listopad|prosinec|led|úno|bÅ™e|dub|kvÄ›|Ävn|Ävc|srp|zář|Å™Ãj|lis|pro)/i;
+ function plural$1(n) {
+ return (n > 1) && (n < 5) && (~~(n / 10) !== 1);
+ }
+ function translate$1(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
+ var result = number + ' ';
+ switch (key) {
+ case 's': // a few seconds / in a few seconds / a few seconds ago
+ return (withoutSuffix || isFuture) ? 'pár sekund' : 'pár sekundami';
+ case 'ss': // 9 seconds / in 9 seconds / 9 seconds ago
+ if (withoutSuffix || isFuture) {
+ return result + (plural$1(number) ? 'sekundy' : 'sekund');
+ } else {
+ return result + 'sekundami';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'm': // a minute / in a minute / a minute ago
+ return withoutSuffix ? 'minuta' : (isFuture ? 'minutu' : 'minutou');
+ case 'mm': // 9 minutes / in 9 minutes / 9 minutes ago
+ if (withoutSuffix || isFuture) {
+ return result + (plural$1(number) ? 'minuty' : 'minut');
+ } else {
+ return result + 'minutami';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'h': // an hour / in an hour / an hour ago
+ return withoutSuffix ? 'hodina' : (isFuture ? 'hodinu' : 'hodinou');
+ case 'hh': // 9 hours / in 9 hours / 9 hours ago
+ if (withoutSuffix || isFuture) {
+ return result + (plural$1(number) ? 'hodiny' : 'hodin');
+ } else {
+ return result + 'hodinami';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'd': // a day / in a day / a day ago
+ return (withoutSuffix || isFuture) ? 'den' : 'dnem';
+ case 'dd': // 9 days / in 9 days / 9 days ago
+ if (withoutSuffix || isFuture) {
+ return result + (plural$1(number) ? 'dny' : 'dnÃ');
+ } else {
+ return result + 'dny';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'M': // a month / in a month / a month ago
+ return (withoutSuffix || isFuture) ? 'mÄ›sÃc' : 'mÄ›sÃcem';
+ case 'MM': // 9 months / in 9 months / 9 months ago
+ if (withoutSuffix || isFuture) {
+ return result + (plural$1(number) ? 'mÄ›sÃce' : 'mÄ›sÃců');
+ } else {
+ return result + 'mÄ›sÃci';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'y': // a year / in a year / a year ago
+ return (withoutSuffix || isFuture) ? 'rok' : 'rokem';
+ case 'yy': // 9 years / in 9 years / 9 years ago
+ if (withoutSuffix || isFuture) {
+ return result + (plural$1(number) ? 'roky' : 'let');
+ } else {
+ return result + 'lety';
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('cs', {
+ months: months$3,
+ monthsShort: monthsShort,
+ monthsRegex: monthsRegex$1,
+ monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex$1,
+ // NOTE: 'Äerven' is substring of 'Äervenec'; therefore 'Äervenec' must precede 'Äerven' in the regex to be fully matched.
+ // Otherwise parser matches '1. Äervenec' as '1. Äerven' + 'ec'.
+ monthsStrictRegex: /^(leden|ledna|února|únor|bÅ™ezen|bÅ™ezna|duben|dubna|kvÄ›ten|kvÄ›tna|Äervenec|Äervence|Äerven|Äervna|srpen|srpna|zářÃ|Å™Ãjen|Å™Ãjna|listopadu|listopad|prosinec|prosince)/i,
+ monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(led|úno|bÅ™e|dub|kvÄ›|Ävn|Ävc|srp|zář|Å™Ãj|lis|pro)/i,
+ monthsParse: monthsParse,
+ longMonthsParse: monthsParse,
+ shortMonthsParse: monthsParse,
+ weekdays: 'nedÄ›le_pondÄ›lÃ_úterý_stÅ™eda_Ätvrtek_pátek_sobota'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'ne_po_út_st_Ät_pá_so'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'ne_po_út_st_Ät_pá_so'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'H:mm',
+ LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D. MMMM YYYY H:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D. MMMM YYYY H:mm',
+ l: 'D. M. YYYY'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[dnes v] LT',
+ nextDay: '[zÃtra v] LT',
+ nextWeek: function() {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ return '[v neděli v] LT';
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ return '[v] dddd [v] LT';
+ case 3:
+ return '[ve středu v] LT';
+ case 4:
+ return '[ve Ätvrtek v] LT';
+ case 5:
+ return '[v pátek v] LT';
+ case 6:
+ return '[v sobotu v] LT';
+ }
+ },
+ lastDay: '[vÄera v] LT',
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ return '[minulou neděli v] LT';
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ return '[minulé] dddd [v] LT';
+ case 3:
+ return '[minulou středu v] LT';
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ return '[minulý] dddd [v] LT';
+ case 6:
+ return '[minulou sobotu v] LT';
+ }
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'za %s',
+ past: 'před %s',
+ s: translate$1,
+ ss: translate$1,
+ m: translate$1,
+ mm: translate$1,
+ h: translate$1,
+ hh: translate$1,
+ d: translate$1,
+ dd: translate$1,
+ M: translate$1,
+ MM: translate$1,
+ y: translate$1,
+ yy: translate$1
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('cv', {
+ months: 'кӑрлач_нарӑÑ_пуш_ака_май_ҫӗртме_утӑ_ҫурла_авӑн_юпа_чӳк_раштав'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'кӑр_нар_пуш_ака_май_ҫӗр_утӑ_ҫур_авн_юпа_чӳк_раш'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'вырÑарникун_тунтикун_ытларикун_юнкун_кӗҫнерникун_Ñрнекун_шӑматкун'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'выр_тун_ытл_юн_кӗҫ_Ñрн_шӑм'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'вр_тн_Ñ‹Ñ‚_юн_кҫ_ÑÑ€_шм'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD-MM-YYYY',
+ LL: 'YYYY [ҫулхи] MMMM [уйӑхӗн] D[-мӗшӗ]',
+ LLL: 'YYYY [ҫулхи] MMMM [уйӑхӗн] D[-мӗшӗ], HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, YYYY [ҫулхи] MMMM [уйӑхӗн] D[-мӗшӗ], HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[ПаÑн] LT [Ñехетре]',
+ nextDay: '[Ыран] LT [Ñехетре]',
+ lastDay: '[Ӗнер] LT [Ñехетре]',
+ nextWeek: '[ҪитеÑ] dddd LT [Ñехетре]',
+ lastWeek: '[Иртнӗ] dddd LT [Ñехетре]',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: function(output) {
+ var affix = /Ñехет$/i.exec(output) ? 'рен' : /ҫул$/i.exec(output) ?
+ 'тан' : 'ран';
+ return output + affix;
+ },
+ past: '%s каÑлла',
+ s: 'пӗр-ик ҫеккунт',
+ ss: '%d ҫеккунт',
+ m: 'пӗр минут',
+ mm: '%d минут',
+ h: 'пӗр Ñехет',
+ hh: '%d Ñехет',
+ d: 'пӗр кун',
+ dd: '%d кун',
+ M: 'пӗр уйӑх',
+ MM: '%d уйӑх',
+ y: 'пӗр ҫул',
+ yy: '%d ҫул'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-мӗш/,
+ ordinal: '%d-мӗш',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('cy', {
+ months: 'Ionawr_Chwefror_Mawrth_Ebrill_Mai_Mehefin_Gorffennaf_Awst_Medi_Hydref_Tachwedd_Rhagfyr'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Ion_Chwe_Maw_Ebr_Mai_Meh_Gor_Aws_Med_Hyd_Tach_Rhag'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Dydd Sul_Dydd Llun_Dydd Mawrth_Dydd Mercher_Dydd Iau_Dydd Gwener_Dydd Sadwrn'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Sul_Llun_Maw_Mer_Iau_Gwe_Sad'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Su_Ll_Ma_Me_Ia_Gw_Sa'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ // time formats are the same as en-gb
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Heddiw am] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Yfory am] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [am] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Ddoe am] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [diwethaf am] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'mewn %s',
+ past: '%s yn ôl',
+ s: 'ychydig eiliadau',
+ ss: '%d eiliad',
+ m: 'munud',
+ mm: '%d munud',
+ h: 'awr',
+ hh: '%d awr',
+ d: 'diwrnod',
+ dd: '%d diwrnod',
+ M: 'mis',
+ MM: '%d mis',
+ y: 'blwyddyn',
+ yy: '%d flynedd'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(fed|ain|af|il|ydd|ed|eg)/,
+ // traditional ordinal numbers above 31 are not commonly used in colloquial Welsh
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ var b = number,
+ output = '',
+ lookup = [
+ '', 'af', 'il', 'ydd', 'ydd', 'ed', 'ed', 'ed', 'fed', 'fed',
+ 'fed', // 1af to 10fed
+ 'eg', 'fed', 'eg', 'eg', 'fed', 'eg', 'eg', 'fed', 'eg',
+ 'fed' // 11eg to 20fed
+ ];
+ if (b > 20) {
+ if (b === 40 || b === 50 || b === 60 || b === 80 || b === 100) {
+ output = 'fed'; // not 30ain, 70ain or 90ain
+ } else {
+ output = 'ain';
+ }
+ } else if (b > 0) {
+ output = lookup[b];
+ }
+ return number + output;
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('da', {
+ months: 'januar_februar_marts_april_maj_juni_juli_august_september_oktober_november_december'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'jan_feb_mar_apr_maj_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'søndag_mandag_tirsdag_onsdag_torsdag_fredag_lørdag'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'søn_man_tir_ons_tor_fre_lør'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'sø_ma_ti_on_to_fr_lø'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd [d.] D. MMMM YYYY [kl.] HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[i dag kl.] LT',
+ nextDay: '[i morgen kl.] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'på dddd [kl.] LT',
+ lastDay: '[i går kl.] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[i] dddd[s kl.] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'om %s',
+ past: '%s siden',
+ s: 'få sekunder',
+ ss: '%d sekunder',
+ m: 'et minut',
+ mm: '%d minutter',
+ h: 'en time',
+ hh: '%d timer',
+ d: 'en dag',
+ dd: '%d dage',
+ M: 'en måned',
+ MM: '%d måneder',
+ y: 'et år',
+ yy: '%d år'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ function processRelativeTime(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
+ var format = {
+ 'm': ['eine Minute', 'einer Minute'],
+ 'h': ['eine Stunde', 'einer Stunde'],
+ 'd': ['ein Tag', 'einem Tag'],
+ 'dd': [number + ' Tage', number + ' Tagen'],
+ 'M': ['ein Monat', 'einem Monat'],
+ 'MM': [number + ' Monate', number + ' Monaten'],
+ 'y': ['ein Jahr', 'einem Jahr'],
+ 'yy': [number + ' Jahre', number + ' Jahren']
+ };
+ return withoutSuffix ? format[key][0] : format[key][1];
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('de-at', {
+ months: 'Jänner_Februar_März_April_Mai_Juni_Juli_August_September_Oktober_November_Dezember'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jän._Feb._März_Apr._Mai_Juni_Juli_Aug._Sep._Okt._Nov._Dez.'.split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'Sonntag_Montag_Dienstag_Mittwoch_Donnerstag_Freitag_Samstag'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'So._Mo._Di._Mi._Do._Fr._Sa.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'So_Mo_Di_Mi_Do_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[heute um] LT [Uhr]',
+ sameElse: 'L',
+ nextDay: '[morgen um] LT [Uhr]',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [um] LT [Uhr]',
+ lastDay: '[gestern um] LT [Uhr]',
+ lastWeek: '[letzten] dddd [um] LT [Uhr]'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'in %s',
+ past: 'vor %s',
+ s: 'ein paar Sekunden',
+ ss: '%d Sekunden',
+ m: processRelativeTime,
+ mm: '%d Minuten',
+ h: processRelativeTime,
+ hh: '%d Stunden',
+ d: processRelativeTime,
+ dd: processRelativeTime,
+ M: processRelativeTime,
+ MM: processRelativeTime,
+ y: processRelativeTime,
+ yy: processRelativeTime
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ function processRelativeTime$1(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
+ var format = {
+ 'm': ['eine Minute', 'einer Minute'],
+ 'h': ['eine Stunde', 'einer Stunde'],
+ 'd': ['ein Tag', 'einem Tag'],
+ 'dd': [number + ' Tage', number + ' Tagen'],
+ 'M': ['ein Monat', 'einem Monat'],
+ 'MM': [number + ' Monate', number + ' Monaten'],
+ 'y': ['ein Jahr', 'einem Jahr'],
+ 'yy': [number + ' Jahre', number + ' Jahren']
+ };
+ return withoutSuffix ? format[key][0] : format[key][1];
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('de-ch', {
+ months: 'Januar_Februar_März_April_Mai_Juni_Juli_August_September_Oktober_November_Dezember'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan._Feb._März_Apr._Mai_Juni_Juli_Aug._Sep._Okt._Nov._Dez.'.split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'Sonntag_Montag_Dienstag_Mittwoch_Donnerstag_Freitag_Samstag'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'So_Mo_Di_Mi_Do_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'So_Mo_Di_Mi_Do_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[heute um] LT [Uhr]',
+ sameElse: 'L',
+ nextDay: '[morgen um] LT [Uhr]',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [um] LT [Uhr]',
+ lastDay: '[gestern um] LT [Uhr]',
+ lastWeek: '[letzten] dddd [um] LT [Uhr]'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'in %s',
+ past: 'vor %s',
+ s: 'ein paar Sekunden',
+ ss: '%d Sekunden',
+ m: processRelativeTime$1,
+ mm: '%d Minuten',
+ h: processRelativeTime$1,
+ hh: '%d Stunden',
+ d: processRelativeTime$1,
+ dd: processRelativeTime$1,
+ M: processRelativeTime$1,
+ MM: processRelativeTime$1,
+ y: processRelativeTime$1,
+ yy: processRelativeTime$1
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ function processRelativeTime$2(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
+ var format = {
+ 'm': ['eine Minute', 'einer Minute'],
+ 'h': ['eine Stunde', 'einer Stunde'],
+ 'd': ['ein Tag', 'einem Tag'],
+ 'dd': [number + ' Tage', number + ' Tagen'],
+ 'M': ['ein Monat', 'einem Monat'],
+ 'MM': [number + ' Monate', number + ' Monaten'],
+ 'y': ['ein Jahr', 'einem Jahr'],
+ 'yy': [number + ' Jahre', number + ' Jahren']
+ };
+ return withoutSuffix ? format[key][0] : format[key][1];
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('de', {
+ months: 'Januar_Februar_März_April_Mai_Juni_Juli_August_September_Oktober_November_Dezember'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan._Feb._März_Apr._Mai_Juni_Juli_Aug._Sep._Okt._Nov._Dez.'.split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'Sonntag_Montag_Dienstag_Mittwoch_Donnerstag_Freitag_Samstag'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'So._Mo._Di._Mi._Do._Fr._Sa.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'So_Mo_Di_Mi_Do_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D. MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[heute um] LT [Uhr]',
+ sameElse: 'L',
+ nextDay: '[morgen um] LT [Uhr]',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [um] LT [Uhr]',
+ lastDay: '[gestern um] LT [Uhr]',
+ lastWeek: '[letzten] dddd [um] LT [Uhr]'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'in %s',
+ past: 'vor %s',
+ s: 'ein paar Sekunden',
+ ss: '%d Sekunden',
+ m: processRelativeTime$2,
+ mm: '%d Minuten',
+ h: processRelativeTime$2,
+ hh: '%d Stunden',
+ d: processRelativeTime$2,
+ dd: processRelativeTime$2,
+ M: processRelativeTime$2,
+ MM: processRelativeTime$2,
+ y: processRelativeTime$2,
+ yy: processRelativeTime$2
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var months$4 = [
+ 'Þ–Þ¬Þ‚ÞªÞ‡Þ¦ÞƒÞ©',
+ 'ÞŠÞ¬Þ„Þ°ÞƒÞªÞ‡Þ¦ÞƒÞ©',
+ 'Þ‰Þ§ÞƒÞ¨Þ—Þª',
+ 'Þ‡ÞÞ•Þ°ÞƒÞ©ÞÞª',
+ 'Þ‰Þ',
+ 'Þ–Þ«Þ‚Þ°',
+ 'Þ–ÞªÞÞ¦Þ‡Þ¨',
+ 'Þ‡Þ¯ÞŽÞ¦ÞÞ°Þ“Þª',
+ 'ÞÞ¬Þ•Þ°Þ“Þ¬Þ‰Þ°Þ„Þ¦ÞƒÞª',
+ 'Þ‡Þ®Þ†Þ°Þ“Þ¯Þ„Þ¦ÞƒÞª',
+ 'Þ‚Þ®ÞˆÞ¬Þ‰Þ°Þ„Þ¦ÞƒÞª',
+ 'Þ‘Þ¨ÞÞ¬Þ‰Þ°Þ„Þ¦ÞƒÞª'
+ ],
+ weekdays = [
+ 'އާދިއްތަ',
+ 'Þ€Þ¯Þ‰Þ¦',
+ 'Þ‡Þ¦Þ‚Þ°ÞŽÞ§ÞƒÞ¦',
+ 'Þ„ÞªÞ‹Þ¦',
+ 'Þ„ÞªÞƒÞ§Þްފަތި',
+ 'Þ€ÞªÞ†ÞªÞƒÞª',
+ 'Þ€Þ®Þ‚Þ¨Þ€Þ¨ÞƒÞª'
+ ];
+ hooks.defineLocale('dv', {
+ months: months$4,
+ monthsShort: months$4,
+ weekdays: weekdays,
+ weekdaysShort: weekdays,
+ weekdaysMin: 'Þ‡Þ§Þ‹Þ¨_Þ€Þ¯Þ‰Þ¦_Þ‡Þ¦Þ‚Þ°_Þ„ÞªÞ‹Þ¦_Þ„ÞªÞƒÞ§_Þ€ÞªÞ†Þª_Þ€Þ®Þ‚Þ¨'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'D/M/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /Þ‰Þ†|Þ‰ÞŠ/,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return 'Þ‰ÞŠ' === input;
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 12) {
+ return 'Þ‰Þ†';
+ } else {
+ return 'Þ‰ÞŠ';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Þ‰Þ¨Þ‡Þ¦Þ‹Þª] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Þ‰Þ§Þ‹Þ¦Þ‰Þ§] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd LT',
+ lastDay: '[Þ‡Þ¨Þ‡Þ°Þ”Þ¬] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[ފާއިތުވި] dddd LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'ތެރÞÞŽÞ¦Þ‡Þ¨ %s',
+ past: 'Þ†ÞªÞƒÞ¨Þ‚Þ° %s',
+ s: 'Þިކުންތުކޮޅެއް',
+ ss: 'd% Þިކުންތު',
+ m: 'Þ‰Þ¨Þ‚Þ¨Þ“Þ¬Þ‡Þ°',
+ mm: 'Þ‰Þ¨Þ‚Þ¨Þ“Þª %d',
+ h: 'ÞŽÞ¦Þ‘Þ¨Þ‡Þ¨ÞƒÞ¬Þ‡Þ°',
+ hh: 'ÞŽÞ¦Þ‘Þ¨Þ‡Þ¨ÞƒÞª %d',
+ d: 'Þ‹ÞªÞˆÞ¦Þ€Þ¬Þ‡Þ°',
+ dd: 'Þ‹ÞªÞˆÞ¦ÞÞ° %d',
+ M: 'Þ‰Þ¦Þ€Þ¬Þ‡Þ°',
+ MM: 'Þ‰Þ¦ÞÞ° %d',
+ y: 'Þ‡Þ¦Þ€Þ¦ÞƒÞ¬Þ‡Þ°',
+ yy: 'Þ‡Þ¦Þ€Þ¦ÞƒÞª %d'
+ },
+ preparse: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/،/g, ',');
+ },
+ postformat: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/,/g, '،');
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 7, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('el', {
+ monthsNominativeEl: 'ΙανουάÏιος_ΦεβÏουάÏιος_ΜάÏτιος_ΑπÏίλιος_Μάιος_ΙοÏνιος_ΙοÏλιος_ΑÏγουστος_ΣεπτÎμβÏιος_ΟκτώβÏιος_ÎοÎμβÏιος_ΔεκÎμβÏιος'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsGenitiveEl: 'ΙανουαÏίου_ΦεβÏουαÏίου_ΜαÏτίου_ΑπÏιλίου_ΜαÎου_Ιουνίου_Ιουλίου_ΑυγοÏστου_ΣεπτεμβÏίου_ΟκτωβÏίου_ÎοεμβÏίου_ΔεκεμβÏίου'
+ .split('_'),
+ months: function(momentToFormat, format) {
+ if (!momentToFormat) {
+ return this._monthsNominativeEl;
+ } else if (typeof format === 'string' && /D/.test(format.substring(0, format
+ .indexOf('MMMM')))) { // if there is a day number before 'MMMM'
+ return this._monthsGenitiveEl[momentToFormat.month()];
+ } else {
+ return this._monthsNominativeEl[momentToFormat.month()];
+ }
+ },
+ monthsShort: 'Ιαν_Φεβ_ΜαÏ_ΑπÏ_Μαϊ_Ιουν_Ιουλ_Αυγ_Σεπ_Οκτ_Îοε_Δεκ'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'ΚυÏιακή_ΔευτÎÏα_ΤÏίτη_ΤετάÏτη_Î Îμπτη_ΠαÏασκευή_Σάββατο'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'ΚυÏ_Δευ_ΤÏι_Τετ_Πεμ_ΠαÏ_Σαβ'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Κυ_Δε_ΤÏ_Τε_Πε_Πα_Σα'.split('_'),
+ meridiem: function(hours, minutes, isLower) {
+ if (hours > 11) {
+ return isLower ? 'μμ' : 'ΜΜ';
+ } else {
+ return isLower ? 'πμ' : 'ΠΜ';
+ }
+ },
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return ((input + '').toLowerCase()[0] === 'μ');
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /[ΠΜ]\.?Μ?\.?/i,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'h:mm A',
+ LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY h:mm A',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY h:mm A'
+ },
+ calendarEl: {
+ sameDay: '[ΣήμεÏα {}] LT',
+ nextDay: '[ΑÏÏιο {}] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [{}] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Χθες {}] LT',
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ switch ( {
+ case 6:
+ return '[το Ï€ÏοηγοÏμενο] dddd [{}] LT';
+ default:
+ return '[την Ï€ÏοηγοÏμενη] dddd [{}] LT';
+ }
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ calendar: function(key, mom) {
+ var output = this._calendarEl[key],
+ hours = mom && mom.hours();
+ if (isFunction(output)) {
+ output = output.apply(mom);
+ }
+ return output.replace('{}', (hours % 12 === 1 ? 'στη' : 'στις'));
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'σε %s',
+ past: '%s Ï€Ïιν',
+ s: 'λίγα δευτεÏόλεπτα',
+ ss: '%d δευτεÏόλεπτα',
+ m: 'Îνα λεπτό',
+ mm: '%d λεπτά',
+ h: 'μία ÏŽÏα',
+ hh: '%d ÏŽÏες',
+ d: 'μία μÎÏα',
+ dd: '%d μÎÏες',
+ M: 'Îνας μήνας',
+ MM: '%d μήνες',
+ y: 'Îνας χÏόνος',
+ yy: '%d χÏόνια'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}η/,
+ ordinal: '%dη',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4st is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('en-SG', {
+ months: 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Today at] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Tomorrow at] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [at] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Yesterday at] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[Last] dddd [at] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'in %s',
+ past: '%s ago',
+ s: 'a few seconds',
+ ss: '%d seconds',
+ m: 'a minute',
+ mm: '%d minutes',
+ h: 'an hour',
+ hh: '%d hours',
+ d: 'a day',
+ dd: '%d days',
+ M: 'a month',
+ MM: '%d months',
+ y: 'a year',
+ yy: '%d years'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ var b = number % 10,
+ output = (~~(number % 100 / 10) === 1) ? 'th' :
+ (b === 1) ? 'st' :
+ (b === 2) ? 'nd' :
+ (b === 3) ? 'rd' : 'th';
+ return number + output;
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('en-au', {
+ months: 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'h:mm A',
+ LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY h:mm A',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY h:mm A'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Today at] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Tomorrow at] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [at] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Yesterday at] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[Last] dddd [at] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'in %s',
+ past: '%s ago',
+ s: 'a few seconds',
+ ss: '%d seconds',
+ m: 'a minute',
+ mm: '%d minutes',
+ h: 'an hour',
+ hh: '%d hours',
+ d: 'a day',
+ dd: '%d days',
+ M: 'a month',
+ MM: '%d months',
+ y: 'a year',
+ yy: '%d years'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ var b = number % 10,
+ output = (~~(number % 100 / 10) === 1) ? 'th' :
+ (b === 1) ? 'st' :
+ (b === 2) ? 'nd' :
+ (b === 3) ? 'rd' : 'th';
+ return number + output;
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('en-ca', {
+ months: 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'h:mm A',
+ LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',
+ L: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
+ LLL: 'MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Today at] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Tomorrow at] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [at] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Yesterday at] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[Last] dddd [at] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'in %s',
+ past: '%s ago',
+ s: 'a few seconds',
+ ss: '%d seconds',
+ m: 'a minute',
+ mm: '%d minutes',
+ h: 'an hour',
+ hh: '%d hours',
+ d: 'a day',
+ dd: '%d days',
+ M: 'a month',
+ MM: '%d months',
+ y: 'a year',
+ yy: '%d years'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ var b = number % 10,
+ output = (~~(number % 100 / 10) === 1) ? 'th' :
+ (b === 1) ? 'st' :
+ (b === 2) ? 'nd' :
+ (b === 3) ? 'rd' : 'th';
+ return number + output;
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('en-gb', {
+ months: 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Today at] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Tomorrow at] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [at] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Yesterday at] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[Last] dddd [at] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'in %s',
+ past: '%s ago',
+ s: 'a few seconds',
+ ss: '%d seconds',
+ m: 'a minute',
+ mm: '%d minutes',
+ h: 'an hour',
+ hh: '%d hours',
+ d: 'a day',
+ dd: '%d days',
+ M: 'a month',
+ MM: '%d months',
+ y: 'a year',
+ yy: '%d years'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ var b = number % 10,
+ output = (~~(number % 100 / 10) === 1) ? 'th' :
+ (b === 1) ? 'st' :
+ (b === 2) ? 'nd' :
+ (b === 3) ? 'rd' : 'th';
+ return number + output;
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('en-ie', {
+ months: 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Today at] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Tomorrow at] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [at] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Yesterday at] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[Last] dddd [at] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'in %s',
+ past: '%s ago',
+ s: 'a few seconds',
+ ss: '%d seconds',
+ m: 'a minute',
+ mm: '%d minutes',
+ h: 'an hour',
+ hh: '%d hours',
+ d: 'a day',
+ dd: '%d days',
+ M: 'a month',
+ MM: '%d months',
+ y: 'a year',
+ yy: '%d years'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ var b = number % 10,
+ output = (~~(number % 100 / 10) === 1) ? 'th' :
+ (b === 1) ? 'st' :
+ (b === 2) ? 'nd' :
+ (b === 3) ? 'rd' : 'th';
+ return number + output;
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('en-il', {
+ months: 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Today at] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Tomorrow at] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [at] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Yesterday at] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[Last] dddd [at] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'in %s',
+ past: '%s ago',
+ s: 'a few seconds',
+ m: 'a minute',
+ mm: '%d minutes',
+ h: 'an hour',
+ hh: '%d hours',
+ d: 'a day',
+ dd: '%d days',
+ M: 'a month',
+ MM: '%d months',
+ y: 'a year',
+ yy: '%d years'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ var b = number % 10,
+ output = (~~(number % 100 / 10) === 1) ? 'th' :
+ (b === 1) ? 'st' :
+ (b === 2) ? 'nd' :
+ (b === 3) ? 'rd' : 'th';
+ return number + output;
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('en-nz', {
+ months: 'January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'h:mm A',
+ LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY h:mm A',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY h:mm A'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Today at] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Tomorrow at] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [at] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Yesterday at] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[Last] dddd [at] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'in %s',
+ past: '%s ago',
+ s: 'a few seconds',
+ ss: '%d seconds',
+ m: 'a minute',
+ mm: '%d minutes',
+ h: 'an hour',
+ hh: '%d hours',
+ d: 'a day',
+ dd: '%d days',
+ M: 'a month',
+ MM: '%d months',
+ y: 'a year',
+ yy: '%d years'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ var b = number % 10,
+ output = (~~(number % 100 / 10) === 1) ? 'th' :
+ (b === 1) ? 'st' :
+ (b === 2) ? 'nd' :
+ (b === 3) ? 'rd' : 'th';
+ return number + output;
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('eo', {
+ months: 'januaro_februaro_marto_aprilo_majo_junio_julio_aÅgusto_septembro_oktobro_novembro_decembro'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'jan_feb_mar_apr_maj_jun_jul_aÅg_sep_okt_nov_dec'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'dimanĉo_lundo_mardo_merkredo_ĵaÅdo_vendredo_sabato'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'dim_lun_mard_merk_ĵaÅ_ven_sab'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'di_lu_ma_me_ĵa_ve_sa'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
+ LL: 'D[-a de] MMMM, YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D[-a de] MMMM, YYYY HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, [la] D[-a de] MMMM, YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /[ap]\.t\.m/i,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return input.charAt(0).toLowerCase() === 'p';
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hours, minutes, isLower) {
+ if (hours > 11) {
+ return isLower ? 'p.t.m.' : 'P.T.M.';
+ } else {
+ return isLower ? 'a.t.m.' : 'A.T.M.';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[HodiaÅ je] LT',
+ nextDay: '[MorgaÅ je] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [je] LT',
+ lastDay: '[HieraÅ je] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[pasinta] dddd [je] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'post %s',
+ past: 'antaÅ %s',
+ s: 'sekundoj',
+ ss: '%d sekundoj',
+ m: 'minuto',
+ mm: '%d minutoj',
+ h: 'horo',
+ hh: '%d horoj',
+ d: 'tago', //ne 'diurno', ĉar estas uzita por proksimumo
+ dd: '%d tagoj',
+ M: 'monato',
+ MM: '%d monatoj',
+ y: 'jaro',
+ yy: '%d jaroj'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}a/,
+ ordinal: '%da',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var monthsShortDot = 'ene._feb._mar._abr._may._jun._jul._ago._sep._oct._nov._dic.'.split('_'),
+ monthsShort$1 = 'ene_feb_mar_abr_may_jun_jul_ago_sep_oct_nov_dic'.split('_');
+ var monthsParse$1 = [/^ene/i, /^feb/i, /^mar/i, /^abr/i, /^may/i, /^jun/i, /^jul/i, /^ago/i, /^sep/i,
+ /^oct/i, /^nov/i, /^dic/i
+ ];
+ var monthsRegex$2 =
+ /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre|ene\.?|feb\.?|mar\.?|abr\.?|may\.?|jun\.?|jul\.?|ago\.?|sep\.?|oct\.?|nov\.?|dic\.?)/i;
+ hooks.defineLocale('es-do', {
+ months: 'enero_febrero_marzo_abril_mayo_junio_julio_agosto_septiembre_octubre_noviembre_diciembre'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: function(m, format) {
+ if (!m) {
+ return monthsShortDot;
+ } else if (/-MMM-/.test(format)) {
+ return monthsShort$1[m.month()];
+ } else {
+ return monthsShortDot[m.month()];
+ }
+ },
+ monthsRegex: monthsRegex$2,
+ monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex$2,
+ monthsStrictRegex: /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre)/i,
+ monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(ene\.?|feb\.?|mar\.?|abr\.?|may\.?|jun\.?|jul\.?|ago\.?|sep\.?|oct\.?|nov\.?|dic\.?)/i,
+ monthsParse: monthsParse$1,
+ longMonthsParse: monthsParse$1,
+ shortMonthsParse: monthsParse$1,
+ weekdays: 'domingo_lunes_martes_miércoles_jueves_viernes_sábado'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'dom._lun._mar._mié._jue._vie._sáb.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'do_lu_ma_mi_ju_vi_sá'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'h:mm A',
+ LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY h:mm A',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY h:mm A'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: function() {
+ return '[hoy a la' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
+ },
+ nextDay: function() {
+ return '[mañana a la' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
+ },
+ nextWeek: function() {
+ return 'dddd [a la' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
+ },
+ lastDay: function() {
+ return '[ayer a la' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
+ },
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ return '[el] dddd [pasado a la' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'en %s',
+ past: 'hace %s',
+ s: 'unos segundos',
+ ss: '%d segundos',
+ m: 'un minuto',
+ mm: '%d minutos',
+ h: 'una hora',
+ hh: '%d horas',
+ d: 'un dÃa',
+ dd: '%d dÃas',
+ M: 'un mes',
+ MM: '%d meses',
+ y: 'un año',
+ yy: '%d años'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}º/,
+ ordinal: '%dº',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var monthsShortDot$1 = 'ene._feb._mar._abr._may._jun._jul._ago._sep._oct._nov._dic.'.split('_'),
+ monthsShort$2 = 'ene_feb_mar_abr_may_jun_jul_ago_sep_oct_nov_dic'.split('_');
+ var monthsParse$2 = [/^ene/i, /^feb/i, /^mar/i, /^abr/i, /^may/i, /^jun/i, /^jul/i, /^ago/i, /^sep/i,
+ /^oct/i, /^nov/i, /^dic/i
+ ];
+ var monthsRegex$3 =
+ /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre|ene\.?|feb\.?|mar\.?|abr\.?|may\.?|jun\.?|jul\.?|ago\.?|sep\.?|oct\.?|nov\.?|dic\.?)/i;
+ hooks.defineLocale('es-us', {
+ months: 'enero_febrero_marzo_abril_mayo_junio_julio_agosto_septiembre_octubre_noviembre_diciembre'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: function(m, format) {
+ if (!m) {
+ return monthsShortDot$1;
+ } else if (/-MMM-/.test(format)) {
+ return monthsShort$2[m.month()];
+ } else {
+ return monthsShortDot$1[m.month()];
+ }
+ },
+ monthsRegex: monthsRegex$3,
+ monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex$3,
+ monthsStrictRegex: /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre)/i,
+ monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(ene\.?|feb\.?|mar\.?|abr\.?|may\.?|jun\.?|jul\.?|ago\.?|sep\.?|oct\.?|nov\.?|dic\.?)/i,
+ monthsParse: monthsParse$2,
+ longMonthsParse: monthsParse$2,
+ shortMonthsParse: monthsParse$2,
+ weekdays: 'domingo_lunes_martes_miércoles_jueves_viernes_sábado'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'dom._lun._mar._mié._jue._vie._sáb.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'do_lu_ma_mi_ju_vi_sá'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'h:mm A',
+ LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',
+ L: 'MM/DD/YYYY',
+ LL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY h:mm A',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY h:mm A'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: function() {
+ return '[hoy a la' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
+ },
+ nextDay: function() {
+ return '[mañana a la' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
+ },
+ nextWeek: function() {
+ return 'dddd [a la' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
+ },
+ lastDay: function() {
+ return '[ayer a la' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
+ },
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ return '[el] dddd [pasado a la' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'en %s',
+ past: 'hace %s',
+ s: 'unos segundos',
+ ss: '%d segundos',
+ m: 'un minuto',
+ mm: '%d minutos',
+ h: 'una hora',
+ hh: '%d horas',
+ d: 'un dÃa',
+ dd: '%d dÃas',
+ M: 'un mes',
+ MM: '%d meses',
+ y: 'un año',
+ yy: '%d años'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}º/,
+ ordinal: '%dº',
+ week: {
+ dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var monthsShortDot$2 = 'ene._feb._mar._abr._may._jun._jul._ago._sep._oct._nov._dic.'.split('_'),
+ monthsShort$3 = 'ene_feb_mar_abr_may_jun_jul_ago_sep_oct_nov_dic'.split('_');
+ var monthsParse$3 = [/^ene/i, /^feb/i, /^mar/i, /^abr/i, /^may/i, /^jun/i, /^jul/i, /^ago/i, /^sep/i,
+ /^oct/i, /^nov/i, /^dic/i
+ ];
+ var monthsRegex$4 =
+ /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre|ene\.?|feb\.?|mar\.?|abr\.?|may\.?|jun\.?|jul\.?|ago\.?|sep\.?|oct\.?|nov\.?|dic\.?)/i;
+ hooks.defineLocale('es', {
+ months: 'enero_febrero_marzo_abril_mayo_junio_julio_agosto_septiembre_octubre_noviembre_diciembre'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: function(m, format) {
+ if (!m) {
+ return monthsShortDot$2;
+ } else if (/-MMM-/.test(format)) {
+ return monthsShort$3[m.month()];
+ } else {
+ return monthsShortDot$2[m.month()];
+ }
+ },
+ monthsRegex: monthsRegex$4,
+ monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex$4,
+ monthsStrictRegex: /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre)/i,
+ monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(ene\.?|feb\.?|mar\.?|abr\.?|may\.?|jun\.?|jul\.?|ago\.?|sep\.?|oct\.?|nov\.?|dic\.?)/i,
+ monthsParse: monthsParse$3,
+ longMonthsParse: monthsParse$3,
+ shortMonthsParse: monthsParse$3,
+ weekdays: 'domingo_lunes_martes_miércoles_jueves_viernes_sábado'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'dom._lun._mar._mié._jue._vie._sáb.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'do_lu_ma_mi_ju_vi_sá'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'H:mm',
+ LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY H:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY H:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: function() {
+ return '[hoy a la' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
+ },
+ nextDay: function() {
+ return '[mañana a la' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
+ },
+ nextWeek: function() {
+ return 'dddd [a la' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
+ },
+ lastDay: function() {
+ return '[ayer a la' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
+ },
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ return '[el] dddd [pasado a la' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 's' : '') + '] LT';
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'en %s',
+ past: 'hace %s',
+ s: 'unos segundos',
+ ss: '%d segundos',
+ m: 'un minuto',
+ mm: '%d minutos',
+ h: 'una hora',
+ hh: '%d horas',
+ d: 'un dÃa',
+ dd: '%d dÃas',
+ M: 'un mes',
+ MM: '%d meses',
+ y: 'un año',
+ yy: '%d años'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}º/,
+ ordinal: '%dº',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ function processRelativeTime$3(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
+ var format = {
+ 's': ['mõne sekundi', 'mõni sekund', 'paar sekundit'],
+ 'ss': [number + 'sekundi', number + 'sekundit'],
+ 'm': ['ühe minuti', 'üks minut'],
+ 'mm': [number + ' minuti', number + ' minutit'],
+ 'h': ['ühe tunni', 'tund aega', 'üks tund'],
+ 'hh': [number + ' tunni', number + ' tundi'],
+ 'd': ['ühe päeva', 'üks päev'],
+ 'M': ['kuu aja', 'kuu aega', 'üks kuu'],
+ 'MM': [number + ' kuu', number + ' kuud'],
+ 'y': ['ühe aasta', 'aasta', 'üks aasta'],
+ 'yy': [number + ' aasta', number + ' aastat']
+ };
+ if (withoutSuffix) {
+ return format[key][2] ? format[key][2] : format[key][1];
+ }
+ return isFuture ? format[key][0] : format[key][1];
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('et', {
+ months: 'jaanuar_veebruar_märts_aprill_mai_juuni_juuli_august_september_oktoober_november_detsember'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'jaan_veebr_märts_apr_mai_juuni_juuli_aug_sept_okt_nov_dets'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'pühapäev_esmaspäev_teisipäev_kolmapäev_neljapäev_reede_laupäev'.split(
+ '_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'P_E_T_K_N_R_L'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'P_E_T_K_N_R_L'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'H:mm',
+ LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D. MMMM YYYY H:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D. MMMM YYYY H:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Täna,] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Homme,] LT',
+ nextWeek: '[Järgmine] dddd LT',
+ lastDay: '[Eile,] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[Eelmine] dddd LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s pärast',
+ past: '%s tagasi',
+ s: processRelativeTime$3,
+ ss: processRelativeTime$3,
+ m: processRelativeTime$3,
+ mm: processRelativeTime$3,
+ h: processRelativeTime$3,
+ hh: processRelativeTime$3,
+ d: processRelativeTime$3,
+ dd: '%d päeva',
+ M: processRelativeTime$3,
+ MM: processRelativeTime$3,
+ y: processRelativeTime$3,
+ yy: processRelativeTime$3
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('eu', {
+ months: 'urtarrila_otsaila_martxoa_apirila_maiatza_ekaina_uztaila_abuztua_iraila_urria_azaroa_abendua'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'urt._ots._mar._api._mai._eka._uzt._abu._ira._urr._aza._abe.'.split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'igandea_astelehena_asteartea_asteazkena_osteguna_ostirala_larunbata'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'ig._al._ar._az._og._ol._lr.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'ig_al_ar_az_og_ol_lr'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
+ LL: 'YYYY[ko] MMMM[ren] D[a]',
+ LLL: 'YYYY[ko] MMMM[ren] D[a] HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, YYYY[ko] MMMM[ren] D[a] HH:mm',
+ l: 'YYYY-M-D',
+ ll: 'YYYY[ko] MMM D[a]',
+ lll: 'YYYY[ko] MMM D[a] HH:mm',
+ llll: 'ddd, YYYY[ko] MMM D[a] HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[gaur] LT[etan]',
+ nextDay: '[bihar] LT[etan]',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd LT[etan]',
+ lastDay: '[atzo] LT[etan]',
+ lastWeek: '[aurreko] dddd LT[etan]',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s barru',
+ past: 'duela %s',
+ s: 'segundo batzuk',
+ ss: '%d segundo',
+ m: 'minutu bat',
+ mm: '%d minutu',
+ h: 'ordu bat',
+ hh: '%d ordu',
+ d: 'egun bat',
+ dd: '%d egun',
+ M: 'hilabete bat',
+ MM: '%d hilabete',
+ y: 'urte bat',
+ yy: '%d urte'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var symbolMap$5 = {
+ '1': 'Û±',
+ '2': 'Û²',
+ '3': 'Û³',
+ '4': 'Û´',
+ '5': 'Ûµ',
+ '6': 'Û¶',
+ '7': 'Û·',
+ '8': 'Û¸',
+ '9': 'Û¹',
+ '0': 'Û°'
+ },
+ numberMap$4 = {
+ 'Û±': '1',
+ 'Û²': '2',
+ 'Û³': '3',
+ 'Û´': '4',
+ 'Ûµ': '5',
+ 'Û¶': '6',
+ 'Û·': '7',
+ 'Û¸': '8',
+ 'Û¹': '9',
+ 'Û°': '0'
+ };
+ hooks.defineLocale('fa', {
+ months: 'ژانویه_Ùوریه_مارس_آوریل_مه_ژوئن_ژوئیه_اوت_سپتامبر_اکتبر_نوامبر_دسامبر'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'ژانویه_Ùوریه_مارس_آوریل_مه_ژوئن_ژوئیه_اوت_سپتامبر_اکتبر_نوامبر_دسامبر'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'یک\u200cشنبه_دوشنبه_سه\u200cشنبه_چهارشنبه_پنج\u200cشنبه_جمعه_شنبه'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'یک\u200cشنبه_دوشنبه_سه\u200cشنبه_چهارشنبه_پنج\u200cشنبه_جمعه_شنبه'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'ی_د_س_چ_پ_ج_ش'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /قبل از ظهر|بعد از ظهر/,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return /بعد از ظهر/.test(input);
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 12) {
+ return 'قبل از ظهر';
+ } else {
+ return 'بعد از ظهر';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[امروز ساعت] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Ùردا ساعت] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [ساعت] LT',
+ lastDay: '[دیروز ساعت] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [پیش] [ساعت] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'در %s',
+ past: '%s پیش',
+ s: 'چند ثانیه',
+ ss: 'ثانیه d%',
+ m: 'یک دقیقه',
+ mm: '%d دقیقه',
+ h: 'یک ساعت',
+ hh: '%d ساعت',
+ d: 'یک روز',
+ dd: '%d روز',
+ M: 'یک ماه',
+ MM: '%d ماه',
+ y: 'یک سال',
+ yy: '%d سال'
+ },
+ preparse: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/[Û°-Û¹]/g, function(match) {
+ return numberMap$4[match];
+ }).replace(/،/g, ',');
+ },
+ postformat: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/\d/g, function(match) {
+ return symbolMap$5[match];
+ }).replace(/,/g, '،');
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}Ù…/,
+ ordinal: '%dÙ…',
+ week: {
+ dow: 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var numbersPast = 'nolla yksi kaksi kolme neljä viisi kuusi seitsemän kahdeksan yhdeksän'.split(' '),
+ numbersFuture = [
+ 'nolla', 'yhden', 'kahden', 'kolmen', 'neljän', 'viiden', 'kuuden',
+ numbersPast[7], numbersPast[8], numbersPast[9]
+ ];
+ function translate$2(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
+ var result = '';
+ switch (key) {
+ case 's':
+ return isFuture ? 'muutaman sekunnin' : 'muutama sekunti';
+ case 'ss':
+ return isFuture ? 'sekunnin' : 'sekuntia';
+ case 'm':
+ return isFuture ? 'minuutin' : 'minuutti';
+ case 'mm':
+ result = isFuture ? 'minuutin' : 'minuuttia';
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ return isFuture ? 'tunnin' : 'tunti';
+ case 'hh':
+ result = isFuture ? 'tunnin' : 'tuntia';
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ return isFuture ? 'päivän' : 'päivä';
+ case 'dd':
+ result = isFuture ? 'päivän' : 'päivää';
+ break;
+ case 'M':
+ return isFuture ? 'kuukauden' : 'kuukausi';
+ case 'MM':
+ result = isFuture ? 'kuukauden' : 'kuukautta';
+ break;
+ case 'y':
+ return isFuture ? 'vuoden' : 'vuosi';
+ case 'yy':
+ result = isFuture ? 'vuoden' : 'vuotta';
+ break;
+ }
+ result = verbalNumber(number, isFuture) + ' ' + result;
+ return result;
+ }
+ function verbalNumber(number, isFuture) {
+ return number < 10 ? (isFuture ? numbersFuture[number] : numbersPast[number]) : number;
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('fi', {
+ months: 'tammikuu_helmikuu_maaliskuu_huhtikuu_toukokuu_kesäkuu_heinäkuu_elokuu_syyskuu_lokakuu_marraskuu_joulukuu'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'tammi_helmi_maalis_huhti_touko_kesä_heinä_elo_syys_loka_marras_joulu'.split(
+ '_'),
+ weekdays: 'sunnuntai_maanantai_tiistai_keskiviikko_torstai_perjantai_lauantai'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'su_ma_ti_ke_to_pe_la'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'su_ma_ti_ke_to_pe_la'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: '',
+ LTS: '',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LL: 'Do MMMM[ta] YYYY',
+ LLL: 'Do MMMM[ta] YYYY, [klo]',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, Do MMMM[ta] YYYY, [klo]',
+ l: 'D.M.YYYY',
+ ll: 'Do MMM YYYY',
+ lll: 'Do MMM YYYY, [klo]',
+ llll: 'ddd, Do MMM YYYY, [klo]'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[tänään] [klo] LT',
+ nextDay: '[huomenna] [klo] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [klo] LT',
+ lastDay: '[eilen] [klo] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[viime] dddd[na] [klo] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s päästä',
+ past: '%s sitten',
+ s: translate$2,
+ ss: translate$2,
+ m: translate$2,
+ mm: translate$2,
+ h: translate$2,
+ hh: translate$2,
+ d: translate$2,
+ dd: translate$2,
+ M: translate$2,
+ MM: translate$2,
+ y: translate$2,
+ yy: translate$2
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('fo', {
+ months: 'januar_februar_mars_aprÃl_mai_juni_juli_august_september_oktober_november_desember'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'jan_feb_mar_apr_mai_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_des'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'sunnudagur_mánadagur_týsdagur_mikudagur_hósdagur_frÃggjadagur_leygardagur'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'sun_mán_týs_mik_hós_frÃ_ley'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'su_má_tý_mi_hó_fr_le'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D. MMMM, YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Ã dag kl.] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Ã morgin kl.] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [kl.] LT',
+ lastDay: '[à gjár kl.] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[sÃðstu] dddd [kl] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'um %s',
+ past: '%s sÃðani',
+ s: 'fá sekund',
+ ss: '%d sekundir',
+ m: 'ein minuttur',
+ mm: '%d minuttir',
+ h: 'ein tÃmi',
+ hh: '%d tÃmar',
+ d: 'ein dagur',
+ dd: '%d dagar',
+ M: 'ein mánaður',
+ MM: '%d mánaðir',
+ y: 'eitt ár',
+ yy: '%d ár'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('fr-ca', {
+ months: 'janvier_février_mars_avril_mai_juin_juillet_août_septembre_octobre_novembre_décembre'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'janv._févr._mars_avr._mai_juin_juil._août_sept._oct._nov._déc.'.split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'dimanche_lundi_mardi_mercredi_jeudi_vendredi_samedi'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'dim._lun._mar._mer._jeu._ven._sam.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'di_lu_ma_me_je_ve_sa'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Aujourd’hui à ] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Demain à ] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [Ã ] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Hier à ] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [dernier à ] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'dans %s',
+ past: 'il y a %s',
+ s: 'quelques secondes',
+ ss: '%d secondes',
+ m: 'une minute',
+ mm: '%d minutes',
+ h: 'une heure',
+ hh: '%d heures',
+ d: 'un jour',
+ dd: '%d jours',
+ M: 'un mois',
+ MM: '%d mois',
+ y: 'un an',
+ yy: '%d ans'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(er|e)/,
+ ordinal: function(number, period) {
+ switch (period) {
+ // Words with masculine grammatical gender: mois, trimestre, jour
+ default:
+ case 'M':
+ case 'Q':
+ case 'D':
+ case 'DDD':
+ case 'd':
+ return number + (number === 1 ? 'er' : 'e');
+ // Words with feminine grammatical gender: semaine
+ case 'w':
+ case 'W':
+ return number + (number === 1 ? 're' : 'e');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('fr-ch', {
+ months: 'janvier_février_mars_avril_mai_juin_juillet_août_septembre_octobre_novembre_décembre'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'janv._févr._mars_avr._mai_juin_juil._août_sept._oct._nov._déc.'.split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'dimanche_lundi_mardi_mercredi_jeudi_vendredi_samedi'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'dim._lun._mar._mer._jeu._ven._sam.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'di_lu_ma_me_je_ve_sa'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Aujourd’hui à ] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Demain à ] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [Ã ] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Hier à ] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [dernier à ] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'dans %s',
+ past: 'il y a %s',
+ s: 'quelques secondes',
+ ss: '%d secondes',
+ m: 'une minute',
+ mm: '%d minutes',
+ h: 'une heure',
+ hh: '%d heures',
+ d: 'un jour',
+ dd: '%d jours',
+ M: 'un mois',
+ MM: '%d mois',
+ y: 'un an',
+ yy: '%d ans'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(er|e)/,
+ ordinal: function(number, period) {
+ switch (period) {
+ // Words with masculine grammatical gender: mois, trimestre, jour
+ default:
+ case 'M':
+ case 'Q':
+ case 'D':
+ case 'DDD':
+ case 'd':
+ return number + (number === 1 ? 'er' : 'e');
+ // Words with feminine grammatical gender: semaine
+ case 'w':
+ case 'W':
+ return number + (number === 1 ? 're' : 'e');
+ }
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('fr', {
+ months: 'janvier_février_mars_avril_mai_juin_juillet_août_septembre_octobre_novembre_décembre'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'janv._févr._mars_avr._mai_juin_juil._août_sept._oct._nov._déc.'.split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'dimanche_lundi_mardi_mercredi_jeudi_vendredi_samedi'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'dim._lun._mar._mer._jeu._ven._sam.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'di_lu_ma_me_je_ve_sa'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Aujourd’hui à ] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Demain à ] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [Ã ] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Hier à ] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [dernier à ] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'dans %s',
+ past: 'il y a %s',
+ s: 'quelques secondes',
+ ss: '%d secondes',
+ m: 'une minute',
+ mm: '%d minutes',
+ h: 'une heure',
+ hh: '%d heures',
+ d: 'un jour',
+ dd: '%d jours',
+ M: 'un mois',
+ MM: '%d mois',
+ y: 'un an',
+ yy: '%d ans'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(er|)/,
+ ordinal: function(number, period) {
+ switch (period) {
+ // TODO: Return 'e' when day of month > 1. Move this case inside
+ // block for masculine words below.
+ // See
+ case 'D':
+ return number + (number === 1 ? 'er' : '');
+ // Words with masculine grammatical gender: mois, trimestre, jour
+ default:
+ case 'M':
+ case 'Q':
+ case 'DDD':
+ case 'd':
+ return number + (number === 1 ? 'er' : 'e');
+ // Words with feminine grammatical gender: semaine
+ case 'w':
+ case 'W':
+ return number + (number === 1 ? 're' : 'e');
+ }
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var monthsShortWithDots = 'jan._feb._mrt._apr._mai_jun._jul._aug._sep._okt._nov._des.'.split('_'),
+ monthsShortWithoutDots = 'jan_feb_mrt_apr_mai_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_des'.split('_');
+ hooks.defineLocale('fy', {
+ months: 'jannewaris_febrewaris_maart_april_maaie_juny_july_augustus_septimber_oktober_novimber_desimber'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: function(m, format) {
+ if (!m) {
+ return monthsShortWithDots;
+ } else if (/-MMM-/.test(format)) {
+ return monthsShortWithoutDots[m.month()];
+ } else {
+ return monthsShortWithDots[m.month()];
+ }
+ },
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'snein_moandei_tiisdei_woansdei_tongersdei_freed_sneon'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'si._mo._ti._wo._to._fr._so.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Si_Mo_Ti_Wo_To_Fr_So'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD-MM-YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[hjoed om] LT',
+ nextDay: '[moarn om] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [om] LT',
+ lastDay: '[juster om] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[ôfrûne] dddd [om] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'oer %s',
+ past: '%s lyn',
+ s: 'in pear sekonden',
+ ss: '%d sekonden',
+ m: 'ien minút',
+ mm: '%d minuten',
+ h: 'ien oere',
+ hh: '%d oeren',
+ d: 'ien dei',
+ dd: '%d dagen',
+ M: 'ien moanne',
+ MM: '%d moannen',
+ y: 'ien jier',
+ yy: '%d jierren'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(ste|de)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ return number + ((number === 1 || number === 8 || number >= 20) ? 'ste' : 'de');
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var months$5 = [
+ 'Eanáir', 'Feabhra', 'Márta', 'Aibreán', 'Bealtaine', 'Méitheamh', 'Iúil', 'Lúnasa',
+ 'Meán Fómhair', 'Deaireadh Fómhair', 'Samhain', 'Nollaig'
+ ];
+ var monthsShort$4 = ['Eaná', 'Feab', 'Márt', 'Aibr', 'Beal', 'Méit', 'Iúil', 'Lúna', 'Meán',
+ 'Deai', 'Samh', 'Noll'
+ ];
+ var weekdays$1 = ['Dé Domhnaigh', 'Dé Luain', 'Dé Máirt', 'Dé Céadaoin', 'Déardaoin',
+ 'Dé hAoine', 'Dé Satharn'
+ ];
+ var weekdaysShort = ['Dom', 'Lua', 'Mái', 'Céa', 'Déa', 'hAo', 'Sat'];
+ var weekdaysMin = ['Do', 'Lu', 'Má', 'Ce', 'Dé', 'hA', 'Sa'];
+ hooks.defineLocale('ga', {
+ months: months$5,
+ monthsShort: monthsShort$4,
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: weekdays$1,
+ weekdaysShort: weekdaysShort,
+ weekdaysMin: weekdaysMin,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Inniu ag] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Amárach ag] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [ag] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Inné aig] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [seo caite] [ag] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'i %s',
+ past: '%s ó shin',
+ s: 'cúpla soicind',
+ ss: '%d soicind',
+ m: 'nóiméad',
+ mm: '%d nóiméad',
+ h: 'uair an chloig',
+ hh: '%d uair an chloig',
+ d: 'lá',
+ dd: '%d lá',
+ M: 'mÃ',
+ MM: '%d mÃ',
+ y: 'bliain',
+ yy: '%d bliain'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(d|na|mh)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ var output = number === 1 ? 'd' : number % 10 === 2 ? 'na' : 'mh';
+ return number + output;
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var months$6 = [
+ 'Am Faoilleach', 'An Gearran', 'Am Mà rt', 'An Giblean', 'An Cèitean', 'An t-Ògmhios',
+ 'An t-Iuchar', 'An Lùnastal', 'An t-Sultain', 'An Dà mhair', 'An t-Samhain', 'An Dùbhlachd'
+ ];
+ var monthsShort$5 = ['Faoi', 'Gear', 'Mà rt', 'Gibl', 'Cèit', 'Ògmh', 'Iuch', 'Lùn', 'Sult', 'Dà mh',
+ 'Samh', 'Dùbh'
+ ];
+ var weekdays$2 = ['Didòmhnaich', 'Diluain', 'Dimà irt', 'Diciadain', 'Diardaoin', 'Dihaoine',
+ 'Disathairne'
+ ];
+ var weekdaysShort$1 = ['Did', 'Dil', 'Dim', 'Dic', 'Dia', 'Dih', 'Dis'];
+ var weekdaysMin$1 = ['Dò', 'Lu', 'Mà ', 'Ci', 'Ar', 'Ha', 'Sa'];
+ hooks.defineLocale('gd', {
+ months: months$6,
+ monthsShort: monthsShort$5,
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: weekdays$2,
+ weekdaysShort: weekdaysShort$1,
+ weekdaysMin: weekdaysMin$1,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[An-diugh aig] LT',
+ nextDay: '[A-mà ireach aig] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [aig] LT',
+ lastDay: '[An-dè aig] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [seo chaidh] [aig] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'ann an %s',
+ past: 'bho chionn %s',
+ s: 'beagan diogan',
+ ss: '%d diogan',
+ m: 'mionaid',
+ mm: '%d mionaidean',
+ h: 'uair',
+ hh: '%d uairean',
+ d: 'latha',
+ dd: '%d latha',
+ M: 'mìos',
+ MM: '%d mìosan',
+ y: 'bliadhna',
+ yy: '%d bliadhna'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(d|na|mh)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ var output = number === 1 ? 'd' : number % 10 === 2 ? 'na' : 'mh';
+ return number + output;
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('gl', {
+ months: 'xaneiro_febreiro_marzo_abril_maio_xuño_xullo_agosto_setembro_outubro_novembro_decembro'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'xan._feb._mar._abr._mai._xuñ._xul._ago._set._out._nov._dec.'.split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'domingo_luns_martes_mércores_xoves_venres_sábado'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'dom._lun._mar._mér._xov._ven._sáb.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'do_lu_ma_mé_xo_ve_sá'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'H:mm',
+ LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY H:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY H:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: function() {
+ return '[hoxe ' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 'ás' : 'á') + '] LT';
+ },
+ nextDay: function() {
+ return '[mañá ' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 'ás' : 'á') + '] LT';
+ },
+ nextWeek: function() {
+ return 'dddd [' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 'ás' : 'a') + '] LT';
+ },
+ lastDay: function() {
+ return '[onte ' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 'á' : 'a') + '] LT';
+ },
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ return '[o] dddd [pasado ' + ((this.hours() !== 1) ? 'ás' : 'a') + '] LT';
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: function(str) {
+ if (str.indexOf('un') === 0) {
+ return 'n' + str;
+ }
+ return 'en ' + str;
+ },
+ past: 'hai %s',
+ s: 'uns segundos',
+ ss: '%d segundos',
+ m: 'un minuto',
+ mm: '%d minutos',
+ h: 'unha hora',
+ hh: '%d horas',
+ d: 'un dÃa',
+ dd: '%d dÃas',
+ M: 'un mes',
+ MM: '%d meses',
+ y: 'un ano',
+ yy: '%d anos'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}º/,
+ ordinal: '%dº',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ function processRelativeTime$4(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
+ var format = {
+ 's': ['thodde secondanim', 'thodde second'],
+ 'ss': [number + ' secondanim', number + ' second'],
+ 'm': ['eka mintan', 'ek minute'],
+ 'mm': [number + ' mintanim', number + ' mintam'],
+ 'h': ['eka voran', 'ek vor'],
+ 'hh': [number + ' voranim', number + ' voram'],
+ 'd': ['eka disan', 'ek dis'],
+ 'dd': [number + ' disanim', number + ' dis'],
+ 'M': ['eka mhoinean', 'ek mhoino'],
+ 'MM': [number + ' mhoineanim', number + ' mhoine'],
+ 'y': ['eka vorsan', 'ek voros'],
+ 'yy': [number + ' vorsanim', number + ' vorsam']
+ };
+ return withoutSuffix ? format[key][0] : format[key][1];
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('gom-latn', {
+ months: 'Janer_Febrer_Mars_Abril_Mai_Jun_Julai_Agost_Setembr_Otubr_Novembr_Dezembr'.split(
+ '_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan._Feb._Mars_Abr._Mai_Jun_Jul._Ago._Set._Otu._Nov._Dez.'.split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'Aitar_Somar_Mongllar_Budvar_Brestar_Sukrar_Son\'var'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Ait._Som._Mon._Bud._Bre._Suk._Son.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Ai_Sm_Mo_Bu_Br_Su_Sn'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'A h:mm [vazta]',
+ LTS: 'A h:mm:ss [vazta]',
+ L: 'DD-MM-YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY A h:mm [vazta]',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, MMMM[achea] Do, YYYY, A h:mm [vazta]',
+ llll: 'ddd, D MMM YYYY, A h:mm [vazta]'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Aiz] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Faleam] LT',
+ nextWeek: '[Ieta to] dddd[,] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Kal] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[Fatlo] dddd[,] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s',
+ past: '%s adim',
+ s: processRelativeTime$4,
+ ss: processRelativeTime$4,
+ m: processRelativeTime$4,
+ mm: processRelativeTime$4,
+ h: processRelativeTime$4,
+ hh: processRelativeTime$4,
+ d: processRelativeTime$4,
+ dd: processRelativeTime$4,
+ M: processRelativeTime$4,
+ MM: processRelativeTime$4,
+ y: processRelativeTime$4,
+ yy: processRelativeTime$4
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(er)/,
+ ordinal: function(number, period) {
+ switch (period) {
+ // the ordinal 'er' only applies to day of the month
+ case 'D':
+ return number + 'er';
+ default:
+ case 'M':
+ case 'Q':
+ case 'DDD':
+ case 'd':
+ case 'w':
+ case 'W':
+ return number;
+ }
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /rati|sokalli|donparam|sanje/,
+ meridiemHour: function(hour, meridiem) {
+ if (hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ if (meridiem === 'rati') {
+ return hour < 4 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'sokalli') {
+ return hour;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'donparam') {
+ return hour > 12 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'sanje') {
+ return hour + 12;
+ }
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 4) {
+ return 'rati';
+ } else if (hour < 12) {
+ return 'sokalli';
+ } else if (hour < 16) {
+ return 'donparam';
+ } else if (hour < 20) {
+ return 'sanje';
+ } else {
+ return 'rati';
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var symbolMap$6 = {
+ '1': '૧',
+ '2': '૨',
+ '3': 'à«©',
+ '4': '૪',
+ '5': 'à««',
+ '6': '૬',
+ '7': 'à«',
+ '8': 'à«®',
+ '9': '૯',
+ '0': '૦'
+ },
+ numberMap$5 = {
+ '૧': '1',
+ '૨': '2',
+ 'à«©': '3',
+ '૪': '4',
+ 'à««': '5',
+ '૬': '6',
+ 'à«': '7',
+ 'à«®': '8',
+ '૯': '9',
+ '૦': '0'
+ };
+ hooks.defineLocale('gu', {
+ months: 'જાનà«àª¯à«àª†àª°à«€_ફેબà«àª°à«àª†àª°à«€_મારà«àªš_àªàªªà«àª°àª¿àª²_મે_જૂન_જà«àª²àª¾àªˆ_ઑગસà«àªŸ_સપà«àªŸà«‡àª®à«àª¬àª°_ઑકà«àªŸà«àª¬àª°_નવેમà«àª¬àª°_ડિસેમà«àª¬àª°'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'જાનà«àª¯à«._ફેબà«àª°à«._મારà«àªš_àªàªªà«àª°àª¿._મે_જૂન_જà«àª²àª¾._ઑગ._સપà«àªŸà«‡._ઑકà«àªŸà«._નવે._ડિસે.'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'રવિવાર_સોમવાર_મંગળવાર_બà«àª§à«àªµàª¾àª°_ગà«àª°à«àªµàª¾àª°_શà«àª•à«àª°àªµàª¾àª°_શનિવાર'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'રવિ_સોમ_મંગળ_બà«àª§à«_ગà«àª°à«_શà«àª•à«àª°_શનિ'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'ર_સો_મં_બà«_ગà«_શà«_શ'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'A h:mm વાગà«àª¯à«‡',
+ LTS: 'A h:mm:ss વાગà«àª¯à«‡',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm વાગà«àª¯à«‡',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm વાગà«àª¯à«‡'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[આજ] LT',
+ nextDay: '[કાલે] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd, LT',
+ lastDay: '[ગઇકાલે] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[પાછલા] dddd, LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s મા',
+ past: '%s પેહલા',
+ s: 'અમà«àª• પળો',
+ ss: '%d સેકંડ',
+ m: 'àªàª• મિનિટ',
+ mm: '%d મિનિટ',
+ h: 'àªàª• કલાક',
+ hh: '%d કલાક',
+ d: 'àªàª• દિવસ',
+ dd: '%d દિવસ',
+ M: 'àªàª• મહિનો',
+ MM: '%d મહિનો',
+ y: 'àªàª• વરà«àª·',
+ yy: '%d વરà«àª·'
+ },
+ preparse: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/[૧૨૩૪૫૬à«à«®à«¯à«¦]/g, function(match) {
+ return numberMap$5[match];
+ });
+ },
+ postformat: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/\d/g, function(match) {
+ return symbolMap$6[match];
+ });
+ },
+ // Gujarati notation for meridiems are quite fuzzy in practice. While there exists
+ // a rigid notion of a 'Pahar' it is not used as rigidly in modern Gujarati.
+ meridiemParse: /રાત|બપોર|સવાર|સાંજ/,
+ meridiemHour: function(hour, meridiem) {
+ if (hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ if (meridiem === 'રાત') {
+ return hour < 4 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'સવાર') {
+ return hour;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'બપોર') {
+ return hour >= 10 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'સાંજ') {
+ return hour + 12;
+ }
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 4) {
+ return 'રાત';
+ } else if (hour < 10) {
+ return 'સવાર';
+ } else if (hour < 17) {
+ return 'બપોર';
+ } else if (hour < 20) {
+ return 'સાંજ';
+ } else {
+ return 'રાત';
+ }
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('he', {
+ months: '×™× ×•×ר_פברו×ר_מרץ_×פריל_מ××™_×™×•× ×™_יולי_×וגוסט_ספטמבר_×וקטובר_× ×•×‘×ž×‘×¨_דצמבר'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: '×™× ×•×³_פבר׳_מרץ_×פר׳_מ××™_×™×•× ×™_יולי_×וג׳_ספט׳_×וק׳_× ×•×‘×³_דצמ׳'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'ר×שון_×©× ×™_שלישי_רביעי_חמישי_שישי_שבת'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: '×׳_ב׳_ג׳_ד׳_ה׳_ו׳_ש׳'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: '×_ב_×’_ד_×”_ו_ש'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LL: 'D [ב]MMMM YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D [ב]MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D [ב]MMMM YYYY HH:mm',
+ l: 'D/M/YYYY',
+ ll: 'D MMM YYYY',
+ lll: 'D MMM YYYY HH:mm',
+ llll: 'ddd, D MMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[×”×™×•× ×‘Ö¾]LT',
+ nextDay: '[מחר ב־]LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [בשעה] LT',
+ lastDay: '[×תמול ב־]LT',
+ lastWeek: '[ביו×] dddd [×”×חרון בשעה] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'בעוד %s',
+ past: '×œ×¤× ×™ %s',
+ s: 'מספר ×©× ×™×•×ª',
+ ss: '%d ×©× ×™×•×ª',
+ m: 'דקה',
+ mm: '%d דקות',
+ h: 'שעה',
+ hh: function(number) {
+ if (number === 2) {
+ return 'שעתיי×';
+ }
+ return number + ' שעות';
+ },
+ d: 'יו×',
+ dd: function(number) {
+ if (number === 2) {
+ return 'יומיי×';
+ }
+ return number + ' ימי×';
+ },
+ M: 'חודש',
+ MM: function(number) {
+ if (number === 2) {
+ return 'חודשיי×';
+ }
+ return number + ' חודשי×';
+ },
+ y: '×©× ×”',
+ yy: function(number) {
+ if (number === 2) {
+ return '×©× ×ª×™×™×';
+ } else if (number % 10 === 0 && number !== 10) {
+ return number + ' ×©× ×”';
+ }
+ return number + ' ×©× ×™×';
+ }
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /××—×”"צ|×œ×¤× ×”"צ|×חרי הצהריי×|×œ×¤× ×™ הצהריי×|×œ×¤× ×•×ª בוקר|בבוקר|בערב/i,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return /^(××—×”"צ|×חרי הצהריי×|בערב)$/.test(input);
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 5) {
+ return '×œ×¤× ×•×ª בוקר';
+ } else if (hour < 10) {
+ return 'בבוקר';
+ } else if (hour < 12) {
+ return isLower ? '×œ×¤× ×”"צ' : '×œ×¤× ×™ הצהריי×';
+ } else if (hour < 18) {
+ return isLower ? '××—×”"צ' : '×חרי הצהריי×';
+ } else {
+ return 'בערב';
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var symbolMap$7 = {
+ '1': '१',
+ '2': '२',
+ '3': '३',
+ '4': '४',
+ '5': '५',
+ '6': '६',
+ '7': 'à¥',
+ '8': '८',
+ '9': '९',
+ '0': '०'
+ },
+ numberMap$6 = {
+ '१': '1',
+ '२': '2',
+ '३': '3',
+ '४': '4',
+ '५': '5',
+ '६': '6',
+ 'à¥': '7',
+ '८': '8',
+ '९': '9',
+ '०': '0'
+ };
+ hooks.defineLocale('hi', {
+ months: 'जनवरी_फ़रवरी_मारà¥à¤š_अपà¥à¤°à¥ˆà¤²_मई_जून_जà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤ˆ_अगसà¥à¤¤_सितमà¥à¤¬à¤°_अकà¥à¤Ÿà¥‚बर_नवमà¥à¤¬à¤°_दिसमà¥à¤¬à¤°'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'जन._फ़र._मारà¥à¤š_अपà¥à¤°à¥ˆ._मई_जून_जà¥à¤²._अग._सित._अकà¥à¤Ÿà¥‚._नव._दिस.'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'रविवार_सोमवार_मंगलवार_बà¥à¤§à¤µà¤¾à¤°_गà¥à¤°à¥‚वार_शà¥à¤•à¥à¤°à¤µà¤¾à¤°_शनिवार'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'रवि_सोम_मंगल_बà¥à¤§_गà¥à¤°à¥‚_शà¥à¤•à¥à¤°_शनि'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'र_सो_मं_बà¥_गà¥_शà¥_श'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'A h:mm बजे',
+ LTS: 'A h:mm:ss बजे',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm बजे',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm बजे'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[आज] LT',
+ nextDay: '[कल] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd, LT',
+ lastDay: '[कल] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[पिछले] dddd, LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s में',
+ past: '%s पहले',
+ s: 'कà¥à¤› ही कà¥à¤·à¤£',
+ ss: '%d सेकंड',
+ m: 'à¤à¤• मिनट',
+ mm: '%d मिनट',
+ h: 'à¤à¤• घंटा',
+ hh: '%d घंटे',
+ d: 'à¤à¤• दिन',
+ dd: '%d दिन',
+ M: 'à¤à¤• महीने',
+ MM: '%d महीने',
+ y: 'à¤à¤• वरà¥à¤·',
+ yy: '%d वरà¥à¤·'
+ },
+ preparse: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/[१२३४५६à¥à¥®à¥¯à¥¦]/g, function(match) {
+ return numberMap$6[match];
+ });
+ },
+ postformat: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/\d/g, function(match) {
+ return symbolMap$7[match];
+ });
+ },
+ // Hindi notation for meridiems are quite fuzzy in practice. While there exists
+ // a rigid notion of a 'Pahar' it is not used as rigidly in modern Hindi.
+ meridiemParse: /रात|सà¥à¤¬à¤¹|दोपहर|शाम/,
+ meridiemHour: function(hour, meridiem) {
+ if (hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ if (meridiem === 'रात') {
+ return hour < 4 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'सà¥à¤¬à¤¹') {
+ return hour;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'दोपहर') {
+ return hour >= 10 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'शाम') {
+ return hour + 12;
+ }
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 4) {
+ return 'रात';
+ } else if (hour < 10) {
+ return 'सà¥à¤¬à¤¹';
+ } else if (hour < 17) {
+ return 'दोपहर';
+ } else if (hour < 20) {
+ return 'शाम';
+ } else {
+ return 'रात';
+ }
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ function translate$3(number, withoutSuffix, key) {
+ var result = number + ' ';
+ switch (key) {
+ case 'ss':
+ if (number === 1) {
+ result += 'sekunda';
+ } else if (number === 2 || number === 3 || number === 4) {
+ result += 'sekunde';
+ } else {
+ result += 'sekundi';
+ }
+ return result;
+ case 'm':
+ return withoutSuffix ? 'jedna minuta' : 'jedne minute';
+ case 'mm':
+ if (number === 1) {
+ result += 'minuta';
+ } else if (number === 2 || number === 3 || number === 4) {
+ result += 'minute';
+ } else {
+ result += 'minuta';
+ }
+ return result;
+ case 'h':
+ return withoutSuffix ? 'jedan sat' : 'jednog sata';
+ case 'hh':
+ if (number === 1) {
+ result += 'sat';
+ } else if (number === 2 || number === 3 || number === 4) {
+ result += 'sata';
+ } else {
+ result += 'sati';
+ }
+ return result;
+ case 'dd':
+ if (number === 1) {
+ result += 'dan';
+ } else {
+ result += 'dana';
+ }
+ return result;
+ case 'MM':
+ if (number === 1) {
+ result += 'mjesec';
+ } else if (number === 2 || number === 3 || number === 4) {
+ result += 'mjeseca';
+ } else {
+ result += 'mjeseci';
+ }
+ return result;
+ case 'yy':
+ if (number === 1) {
+ result += 'godina';
+ } else if (number === 2 || number === 3 || number === 4) {
+ result += 'godine';
+ } else {
+ result += 'godina';
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('hr', {
+ months: {
+ format: 'sijeÄnja_veljaÄe_ožujka_travnja_svibnja_lipnja_srpnja_kolovoza_rujna_listopada_studenoga_prosinca'
+ .split('_'),
+ standalone: 'sijeÄanj_veljaÄa_ožujak_travanj_svibanj_lipanj_srpanj_kolovoz_rujan_listopad_studeni_prosinac'
+ .split('_')
+ },
+ monthsShort: 'sij._velj._ožu._tra._svi._lip._srp._kol._ruj._lis._stu._pro.'.split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'nedjelja_ponedjeljak_utorak_srijeda_Äetvrtak_petak_subota'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'ned._pon._uto._sri._Äet._pet._sub.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'ne_po_ut_sr_Äe_pe_su'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'H:mm',
+ LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D. MMMM YYYY H:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D. MMMM YYYY H:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[danas u] LT',
+ nextDay: '[sutra u] LT',
+ nextWeek: function() {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ return '[u] [nedjelju] [u] LT';
+ case 3:
+ return '[u] [srijedu] [u] LT';
+ case 6:
+ return '[u] [subotu] [u] LT';
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ return '[u] dddd [u] LT';
+ }
+ },
+ lastDay: '[juÄer u] LT',
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ case 3:
+ return '[prošlu] dddd [u] LT';
+ case 6:
+ return '[prošle] [subote] [u] LT';
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ return '[prošli] dddd [u] LT';
+ }
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'za %s',
+ past: 'prije %s',
+ s: 'par sekundi',
+ ss: translate$3,
+ m: translate$3,
+ mm: translate$3,
+ h: translate$3,
+ hh: translate$3,
+ d: 'dan',
+ dd: translate$3,
+ M: 'mjesec',
+ MM: translate$3,
+ y: 'godinu',
+ yy: translate$3
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var weekEndings = 'vasárnap hétfőn kedden szerdán csütörtökön pénteken szombaton'.split(' ');
+ function translate$4(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
+ var num = number;
+ switch (key) {
+ case 's':
+ return (isFuture || withoutSuffix) ? 'néhány másodperc' : 'néhány másodperce';
+ case 'ss':
+ return num + (isFuture || withoutSuffix) ? ' másodperc' : ' másodperce';
+ case 'm':
+ return 'egy' + (isFuture || withoutSuffix ? ' perc' : ' perce');
+ case 'mm':
+ return num + (isFuture || withoutSuffix ? ' perc' : ' perce');
+ case 'h':
+ return 'egy' + (isFuture || withoutSuffix ? ' óra' : ' órája');
+ case 'hh':
+ return num + (isFuture || withoutSuffix ? ' óra' : ' órája');
+ case 'd':
+ return 'egy' + (isFuture || withoutSuffix ? ' nap' : ' napja');
+ case 'dd':
+ return num + (isFuture || withoutSuffix ? ' nap' : ' napja');
+ case 'M':
+ return 'egy' + (isFuture || withoutSuffix ? ' hónap' : ' hónapja');
+ case 'MM':
+ return num + (isFuture || withoutSuffix ? ' hónap' : ' hónapja');
+ case 'y':
+ return 'egy' + (isFuture || withoutSuffix ? ' év' : ' éve');
+ case 'yy':
+ return num + (isFuture || withoutSuffix ? ' év' : ' éve');
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
+ function week(isFuture) {
+ return (isFuture ? '' : '[múlt] ') + '[' + weekEndings[] + '] LT[-kor]';
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('hu', {
+ months: 'január_február_március_április_május_június_július_augusztus_szeptember_október_november_december'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'jan_feb_márc_ápr_máj_jún_júl_aug_szept_okt_nov_dec'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'vasárnap_hétfő_kedd_szerda_csütörtök_péntek_szombat'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'vas_hét_kedd_sze_csüt_pén_szo'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'v_h_k_sze_cs_p_szo'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'H:mm',
+ LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
+ L: 'YYYY.MM.DD.',
+ LL: 'YYYY. MMMM D.',
+ LLL: 'YYYY. MMMM D. H:mm',
+ LLLL: 'YYYY. MMMM D., dddd H:mm'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /de|du/i,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === 'u';
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hours, minutes, isLower) {
+ if (hours < 12) {
+ return isLower === true ? 'de' : 'DE';
+ } else {
+ return isLower === true ? 'du' : 'DU';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[ma] LT[-kor]',
+ nextDay: '[holnap] LT[-kor]',
+ nextWeek: function() {
+ return, true);
+ },
+ lastDay: '[tegnap] LT[-kor]',
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ return, false);
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s múlva',
+ past: '%s',
+ s: translate$4,
+ ss: translate$4,
+ m: translate$4,
+ mm: translate$4,
+ h: translate$4,
+ hh: translate$4,
+ d: translate$4,
+ dd: translate$4,
+ M: translate$4,
+ MM: translate$4,
+ y: translate$4,
+ yy: translate$4
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('hy-am', {
+ months: {
+ format: 'Õ°Õ¸Ö‚Õ¶Õ¾Õ¡Ö€Õ«_ÖƒÕ¥Õ¿Ö€Õ¾Õ¡Ö€Õ«_Õ´Õ¡Ö€Õ¿Õ«_Õ¡ÕºÖ€Õ«Õ¬Õ«_Õ´Õ¡ÕµÕ«Õ½Õ«_Õ°Õ¸Ö‚Õ¶Õ«Õ½Õ«_Õ°Õ¸Ö‚Õ¬Õ«Õ½Õ«_Ö…Õ£Õ¸Õ½Õ¿Õ¸Õ½Õ«_Õ½Õ¥ÕºÕ¿Õ¥Õ´Õ¢Õ¥Ö€Õ«_Õ°Õ¸Õ¯Õ¿Õ¥Õ´Õ¢Õ¥Ö€Õ«_Õ¶Õ¸ÕµÕ¥Õ´Õ¢Õ¥Ö€Õ«_Õ¤Õ¥Õ¯Õ¿Õ¥Õ´Õ¢Õ¥Ö€Õ«'
+ .split('_'),
+ standalone: 'Õ°Õ¸Ö‚Õ¶Õ¾Õ¡Ö€_ÖƒÕ¥Õ¿Ö€Õ¾Õ¡Ö€_Õ´Õ¡Ö€Õ¿_Õ¡ÕºÖ€Õ«Õ¬_Õ´Õ¡ÕµÕ«Õ½_Õ°Õ¸Ö‚Õ¶Õ«Õ½_Õ°Õ¸Ö‚Õ¬Õ«Õ½_Ö…Õ£Õ¸Õ½Õ¿Õ¸Õ½_Õ½Õ¥ÕºÕ¿Õ¥Õ´Õ¢Õ¥Ö€_Õ°Õ¸Õ¯Õ¿Õ¥Õ´Õ¢Õ¥Ö€_Õ¶Õ¸ÕµÕ¥Õ´Õ¢Õ¥Ö€_Õ¤Õ¥Õ¯Õ¿Õ¥Õ´Õ¢Õ¥Ö€'
+ .split('_')
+ },
+ monthsShort: 'Õ°Õ¶Õ¾_ÖƒÕ¿Ö€_Õ´Ö€Õ¿_Õ¡ÕºÖ€_Õ´ÕµÕ½_Õ°Õ¶Õ½_Õ°Õ¬Õ½_Ö…Õ£Õ½_Õ½ÕºÕ¿_Õ°Õ¯Õ¿_Õ¶Õ´Õ¢_Õ¤Õ¯Õ¿'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Õ¯Õ«Ö€Õ¡Õ¯Õ«_Õ¥Ö€Õ¯Õ¸Ö‚Õ·Õ¡Õ¢Õ©Õ«_Õ¥Ö€Õ¥Ö„Õ·Õ¡Õ¢Õ©Õ«_Õ¹Õ¸Ö€Õ¥Ö„Õ·Õ¡Õ¢Õ©Õ«_Õ°Õ«Õ¶Õ£Õ·Õ¡Õ¢Õ©Õ«_Õ¸Ö‚Ö€Õ¢Õ¡Õ©_Õ·Õ¡Õ¢Õ¡Õ©'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Õ¯Ö€Õ¯_Õ¥Ö€Õ¯_Õ¥Ö€Ö„_Õ¹Ö€Ö„_Õ°Õ¶Õ£_Õ¸Ö‚Ö€Õ¢_Õ·Õ¢Õ©'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Õ¯Ö€Õ¯_Õ¥Ö€Õ¯_Õ¥Ö€Ö„_Õ¹Ö€Ö„_Õ°Õ¶Õ£_Õ¸Ö‚Ö€Õ¢_Õ·Õ¢Õ©'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LL: 'D MMMM YYYY Õ©.',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY Õ©., HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY Õ©., HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Õ¡ÕµÕ½Ö…Ö€] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Õ¾Õ¡Õ²Õ¨] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Õ¥Ö€Õ¥Õ¯] LT',
+ nextWeek: function() {
+ return 'dddd [Ö…Ö€Õ¨ ÕªÕ¡Õ´Õ¨] LT';
+ },
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ return '[Õ¡Õ¶ÖÕ¡Õ®] dddd [Ö…Ö€Õ¨ ÕªÕ¡Õ´Õ¨] LT';
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s Õ°Õ¥Õ¿Õ¸',
+ past: '%s Õ¡Õ¼Õ¡Õ»',
+ s: 'Õ´Õ« Ö„Õ¡Õ¶Õ« Õ¾Õ¡ÕµÖ€Õ¯ÕµÕ¡Õ¶',
+ ss: '%d Õ¾Õ¡ÕµÖ€Õ¯ÕµÕ¡Õ¶',
+ m: 'Ö€Õ¸ÕºÕ¥',
+ mm: '%d Ö€Õ¸ÕºÕ¥',
+ h: 'ÕªÕ¡Õ´',
+ hh: '%d ÕªÕ¡Õ´',
+ d: 'Ö…Ö€',
+ dd: '%d Ö…Ö€',
+ M: 'Õ¡Õ´Õ«Õ½',
+ MM: '%d Õ¡Õ´Õ«Õ½',
+ y: 'Õ¿Õ¡Ö€Õ«',
+ yy: '%d Õ¿Õ¡Ö€Õ«'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /Õ£Õ«Õ·Õ¥Ö€Õ¾Õ¡|Õ¡Õ¼Õ¡Õ¾Õ¸Õ¿Õ¾Õ¡|ÖÕ¥Ö€Õ¥Õ¯Õ¾Õ¡|Õ¥Ö€Õ¥Õ¯Õ¸ÕµÕ¡Õ¶/,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return /^(ÖÕ¥Ö€Õ¥Õ¯Õ¾Õ¡|Õ¥Ö€Õ¥Õ¯Õ¸ÕµÕ¡Õ¶)$/.test(input);
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour) {
+ if (hour < 4) {
+ return 'Õ£Õ«Õ·Õ¥Ö€Õ¾Õ¡';
+ } else if (hour < 12) {
+ return 'Õ¡Õ¼Õ¡Õ¾Õ¸Õ¿Õ¾Õ¡';
+ } else if (hour < 17) {
+ return 'ÖÕ¥Ö€Õ¥Õ¯Õ¾Õ¡';
+ } else {
+ return 'Õ¥Ö€Õ¥Õ¯Õ¸ÕµÕ¡Õ¶';
+ }
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}|\d{1,2}-(Õ«Õ¶|Ö€Õ¤)/,
+ ordinal: function(number, period) {
+ switch (period) {
+ case 'DDD':
+ case 'w':
+ case 'W':
+ case 'DDDo':
+ if (number === 1) {
+ return number + '-Õ«Õ¶';
+ }
+ return number + '-Ö€Õ¤';
+ default:
+ return number;
+ }
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('id', {
+ months: 'Januari_Februari_Maret_April_Mei_Juni_Juli_Agustus_September_Oktober_November_Desember'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_Mei_Jun_Jul_Agt_Sep_Okt_Nov_Des'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Minggu_Senin_Selasa_Rabu_Kamis_Jumat_Sabtu'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Min_Sen_Sel_Rab_Kam_Jum_Sab'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Mg_Sn_Sl_Rb_Km_Jm_Sb'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: '',
+ LTS: '',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY [pukul]',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY [pukul]'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /pagi|siang|sore|malam/,
+ meridiemHour: function(hour, meridiem) {
+ if (hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ if (meridiem === 'pagi') {
+ return hour;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'siang') {
+ return hour >= 11 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'sore' || meridiem === 'malam') {
+ return hour + 12;
+ }
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hours, minutes, isLower) {
+ if (hours < 11) {
+ return 'pagi';
+ } else if (hours < 15) {
+ return 'siang';
+ } else if (hours < 19) {
+ return 'sore';
+ } else {
+ return 'malam';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Hari ini pukul] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Besok pukul] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [pukul] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Kemarin pukul] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [lalu pukul] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'dalam %s',
+ past: '%s yang lalu',
+ s: 'beberapa detik',
+ ss: '%d detik',
+ m: 'semenit',
+ mm: '%d menit',
+ h: 'sejam',
+ hh: '%d jam',
+ d: 'sehari',
+ dd: '%d hari',
+ M: 'sebulan',
+ MM: '%d bulan',
+ y: 'setahun',
+ yy: '%d tahun'
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ function plural$2(n) {
+ if (n % 100 === 11) {
+ return true;
+ } else if (n % 10 === 1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function translate$5(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
+ var result = number + ' ';
+ switch (key) {
+ case 's':
+ return withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'nokkrar sekúndur' : 'nokkrum sekúndum';
+ case 'ss':
+ if (plural$2(number)) {
+ return result + (withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'sekúndur' : 'sekúndum');
+ }
+ return result + 'sekúnda';
+ case 'm':
+ return withoutSuffix ? 'mÃnúta' : 'mÃnútu';
+ case 'mm':
+ if (plural$2(number)) {
+ return result + (withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'mÃnútur' : 'mÃnútum');
+ } else if (withoutSuffix) {
+ return result + 'mÃnúta';
+ }
+ return result + 'mÃnútu';
+ case 'hh':
+ if (plural$2(number)) {
+ return result + (withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'klukkustundir' : 'klukkustundum');
+ }
+ return result + 'klukkustund';
+ case 'd':
+ if (withoutSuffix) {
+ return 'dagur';
+ }
+ return isFuture ? 'dag' : 'degi';
+ case 'dd':
+ if (plural$2(number)) {
+ if (withoutSuffix) {
+ return result + 'dagar';
+ }
+ return result + (isFuture ? 'daga' : 'dögum');
+ } else if (withoutSuffix) {
+ return result + 'dagur';
+ }
+ return result + (isFuture ? 'dag' : 'degi');
+ case 'M':
+ if (withoutSuffix) {
+ return 'mánuður';
+ }
+ return isFuture ? 'mánuð' : 'mánuði';
+ case 'MM':
+ if (plural$2(number)) {
+ if (withoutSuffix) {
+ return result + 'mánuðir';
+ }
+ return result + (isFuture ? 'mánuði' : 'mánuðum');
+ } else if (withoutSuffix) {
+ return result + 'mánuður';
+ }
+ return result + (isFuture ? 'mánuð' : 'mánuði');
+ case 'y':
+ return withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'ár' : 'ári';
+ case 'yy':
+ if (plural$2(number)) {
+ return result + (withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'ár' : 'árum');
+ }
+ return result + (withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'ár' : 'ári');
+ }
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('is', {
+ months: 'janúar_febrúar_mars_aprÃl_maÃ_júnÃ_júlÃ_ágúst_september_október_nóvember_desember'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'jan_feb_mar_apr_maÃ_jún_júl_ágú_sep_okt_nóv_des'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'sunnudagur_mánudagur_þriðjudagur_miðvikudagur_fimmtudagur_föstudagur_laugardagur'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'sun_mán_þri_mið_fim_fös_lau'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Su_Má_Þr_Mi_Fi_Fö_La'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'H:mm',
+ LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D. MMMM YYYY [kl.] H:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D. MMMM YYYY [kl.] H:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Ã dag kl.] LT',
+ nextDay: '[á morgun kl.] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [kl.] LT',
+ lastDay: '[à gær kl.] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[sÃðasta] dddd [kl.] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'eftir %s',
+ past: 'fyrir %s sÃðan',
+ s: translate$5,
+ ss: translate$5,
+ m: translate$5,
+ mm: translate$5,
+ h: 'klukkustund',
+ hh: translate$5,
+ d: translate$5,
+ dd: translate$5,
+ M: translate$5,
+ MM: translate$5,
+ y: translate$5,
+ yy: translate$5
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('it-ch', {
+ months: 'gennaio_febbraio_marzo_aprile_maggio_giugno_luglio_agosto_settembre_ottobre_novembre_dicembre'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'gen_feb_mar_apr_mag_giu_lug_ago_set_ott_nov_dic'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'domenica_lunedì_martedì_mercoledì_giovedì_venerdì_sabato'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'dom_lun_mar_mer_gio_ven_sab'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'do_lu_ma_me_gi_ve_sa'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Oggi alle] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Domani alle] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [alle] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Ieri alle] LT',
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ return '[la scorsa] dddd [alle] LT';
+ default:
+ return '[lo scorso] dddd [alle] LT';
+ }
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: function(s) {
+ return ((/^[0-9].+$/).test(s) ? 'tra' : 'in') + ' ' + s;
+ },
+ past: '%s fa',
+ s: 'alcuni secondi',
+ ss: '%d secondi',
+ m: 'un minuto',
+ mm: '%d minuti',
+ h: 'un\'ora',
+ hh: '%d ore',
+ d: 'un giorno',
+ dd: '%d giorni',
+ M: 'un mese',
+ MM: '%d mesi',
+ y: 'un anno',
+ yy: '%d anni'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}º/,
+ ordinal: '%dº',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('it', {
+ months: 'gennaio_febbraio_marzo_aprile_maggio_giugno_luglio_agosto_settembre_ottobre_novembre_dicembre'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'gen_feb_mar_apr_mag_giu_lug_ago_set_ott_nov_dic'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'domenica_lunedì_martedì_mercoledì_giovedì_venerdì_sabato'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'dom_lun_mar_mer_gio_ven_sab'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'do_lu_ma_me_gi_ve_sa'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Oggi alle] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Domani alle] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [alle] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Ieri alle] LT',
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ return '[la scorsa] dddd [alle] LT';
+ default:
+ return '[lo scorso] dddd [alle] LT';
+ }
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: function(s) {
+ return ((/^[0-9].+$/).test(s) ? 'tra' : 'in') + ' ' + s;
+ },
+ past: '%s fa',
+ s: 'alcuni secondi',
+ ss: '%d secondi',
+ m: 'un minuto',
+ mm: '%d minuti',
+ h: 'un\'ora',
+ hh: '%d ore',
+ d: 'un giorno',
+ dd: '%d giorni',
+ M: 'un mese',
+ MM: '%d mesi',
+ y: 'un anno',
+ yy: '%d anni'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}º/,
+ ordinal: '%dº',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('ja', {
+ months: '一月_二月_三月_四月_五月_å…月_七月_八月_ä¹æœˆ_å月_å一月_å二月'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: '1月_2月_3月_4月_5月_6月_7月_8月_9月_10月_11月_12月'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: '日曜日_月曜日_ç«æ›œæ—¥_水曜日_木曜日_金曜日_土曜日'.split(
+ '_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'æ—¥_月_ç«_æ°´_木_金_土'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'æ—¥_月_ç«_æ°´_木_金_土'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'YYYY/MM/DD',
+ LL: 'YYYY年M月D日',
+ LLL: 'YYYY年M月D日 HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'YYYY年M月D日 dddd HH:mm',
+ l: 'YYYY/MM/DD',
+ ll: 'YYYY年M月D日',
+ lll: 'YYYY年M月D日 HH:mm',
+ llll: 'YYYY年M月D日(ddd) HH:mm'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /åˆå‰|åˆå¾Œ/i,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return input === 'åˆå¾Œ';
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 12) {
+ return 'åˆå‰';
+ } else {
+ return 'åˆå¾Œ';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[今日] LT',
+ nextDay: '[明日] LT',
+ nextWeek: function(now) {
+ if (now.week() < this.week()) {
+ return '[æ¥é€±]dddd LT';
+ } else {
+ return 'dddd LT';
+ }
+ },
+ lastDay: '[昨日] LT',
+ lastWeek: function(now) {
+ if (this.week() < now.week()) {
+ return '[先週]dddd LT';
+ } else {
+ return 'dddd LT';
+ }
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}æ—¥/,
+ ordinal: function(number, period) {
+ switch (period) {
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ case 'DDD':
+ return number + 'æ—¥';
+ default:
+ return number;
+ }
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s後',
+ past: '%så‰',
+ s: '数秒',
+ ss: '%d秒',
+ m: '1分',
+ mm: '%d分',
+ h: '1時間',
+ hh: '%d時間',
+ d: '1æ—¥',
+ dd: '%dæ—¥',
+ M: '1ヶ月',
+ MM: '%dヶ月',
+ y: '1å¹´',
+ yy: '%då¹´'
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('jv', {
+ months: 'Januari_Februari_Maret_April_Mei_Juni_Juli_Agustus_September_Oktober_Nopember_Desember'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_Mei_Jun_Jul_Ags_Sep_Okt_Nop_Des'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Minggu_Senen_Seloso_Rebu_Kemis_Jemuwah_Septu'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Min_Sen_Sel_Reb_Kem_Jem_Sep'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Mg_Sn_Sl_Rb_Km_Jm_Sp'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: '',
+ LTS: '',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY [pukul]',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY [pukul]'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /enjing|siyang|sonten|ndalu/,
+ meridiemHour: function(hour, meridiem) {
+ if (hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ if (meridiem === 'enjing') {
+ return hour;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'siyang') {
+ return hour >= 11 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'sonten' || meridiem === 'ndalu') {
+ return hour + 12;
+ }
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hours, minutes, isLower) {
+ if (hours < 11) {
+ return 'enjing';
+ } else if (hours < 15) {
+ return 'siyang';
+ } else if (hours < 19) {
+ return 'sonten';
+ } else {
+ return 'ndalu';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Dinten puniko pukul] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Mbenjang pukul] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [pukul] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Kala wingi pukul] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [kepengker pukul] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'wonten ing %s',
+ past: '%s ingkang kepengker',
+ s: 'sawetawis detik',
+ ss: '%d detik',
+ m: 'setunggal menit',
+ mm: '%d menit',
+ h: 'setunggal jam',
+ hh: '%d jam',
+ d: 'sedinten',
+ dd: '%d dinten',
+ M: 'sewulan',
+ MM: '%d wulan',
+ y: 'setaun',
+ yy: '%d taun'
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('ka', {
+ months: {
+ standalone: 'იáƒáƒœáƒ•áƒáƒ ი_თებერვáƒáƒšáƒ˜_მáƒáƒ ტი_áƒáƒžáƒ ილი_მáƒáƒ˜áƒ¡áƒ˜_ივნისი_ივლისი_áƒáƒ’ვისტáƒ_სექტემბერი_áƒáƒ¥áƒ¢áƒáƒ›áƒ‘ერი_ნáƒáƒ”მბერი_დეკემბერი'
+ .split('_'),
+ format: 'იáƒáƒœáƒ•áƒáƒ ს_თებერვáƒáƒšáƒ¡_მáƒáƒ ტს_áƒáƒžáƒ ილის_მáƒáƒ˜áƒ¡áƒ¡_ივნისს_ივლისს_áƒáƒ’ვისტს_სექტემბერს_áƒáƒ¥áƒ¢áƒáƒ›áƒ‘ერს_ნáƒáƒ”მბერს_დეკემბერს'
+ .split('_')
+ },
+ monthsShort: 'იáƒáƒœ_თებ_მáƒáƒ _áƒáƒžáƒ _მáƒáƒ˜_ივნ_ივლ_áƒáƒ’ვ_სექ_áƒáƒ¥áƒ¢_ნáƒáƒ”_დეკ'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: {
+ standalone: 'კვირáƒ_áƒáƒ შáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი_სáƒáƒ›áƒ¨áƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი_áƒáƒ—ხშáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი_ხუთშáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი_პáƒáƒ áƒáƒ¡áƒ™áƒ”ვი_შáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ი'
+ .split('_'),
+ format: 'კვირáƒáƒ¡_áƒáƒ შáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ს_სáƒáƒ›áƒ¨áƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ს_áƒáƒ—ხშáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ს_ხუთშáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ს_პáƒáƒ áƒáƒ¡áƒ™áƒ”ვს_შáƒáƒ‘áƒáƒ—ს'
+ .split('_'),
+ isFormat: /(წინáƒ|შემდეგ)/
+ },
+ weekdaysShort: 'კვი_áƒáƒ შ_სáƒáƒ›_áƒáƒ—ხ_ხუთ_პáƒáƒ _შáƒáƒ‘'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'კვ_áƒáƒ _სáƒ_áƒáƒ—_ხუ_პáƒ_შáƒ'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'h:mm A',
+ LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY h:mm A',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY h:mm A'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[დღეს] LT[-ზე]',
+ nextDay: '[ხვáƒáƒš] LT[-ზე]',
+ lastDay: '[გუშინ] LT[-ზე]',
+ nextWeek: '[შემდეგ] dddd LT[-ზე]',
+ lastWeek: '[წინáƒ] dddd LT-ზე',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: function(s) {
+ return (/(წáƒáƒ›áƒ˜|წუთი|სáƒáƒáƒ—ი|წელი)/).test(s) ?
+ s.replace(/ი$/, 'ში') :
+ s + 'ში';
+ },
+ past: function(s) {
+ if ((/(წáƒáƒ›áƒ˜|წუთი|სáƒáƒáƒ—ი|დღე|თვე)/).test(
+ s)) {
+ return s.replace(/(ი|ე)$/, 'ის წინ');
+ }
+ if ((/წელი/).test(s)) {
+ return s.replace(/წელი$/, 'წლის წინ');
+ }
+ },
+ s: 'რáƒáƒ›áƒ“ენიმე წáƒáƒ›áƒ˜',
+ ss: '%d წáƒáƒ›áƒ˜',
+ m: 'წუთი',
+ mm: '%d წუთი',
+ h: 'სáƒáƒáƒ—ი',
+ hh: '%d სáƒáƒáƒ—ი',
+ d: 'დღე',
+ dd: '%d დღე',
+ M: 'თვე',
+ MM: '%d თვე',
+ y: 'წელი',
+ yy: '%d წელი'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /0|1-ლი|მე-\d{1,2}|\d{1,2}-ე/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ if (number === 0) {
+ return number;
+ }
+ if (number === 1) {
+ return number + '-ლი';
+ }
+ if ((number < 20) || (number <= 100 && (number % 20 === 0)) || (number % 100 ===
+ 0)) {
+ return 'მე-' + number;
+ }
+ return number + '-ე';
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1,
+ doy: 7
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var suffixes$1 = {
+ 0: '-ші',
+ 1: '-ші',
+ 2: '-ші',
+ 3: '-ші',
+ 4: '-ші',
+ 5: '-ші',
+ 6: '-шы',
+ 7: '-ші',
+ 8: '-ші',
+ 9: '-шы',
+ 10: '-шы',
+ 20: '-шы',
+ 30: '-шы',
+ 40: '-шы',
+ 50: '-ші',
+ 60: '-шы',
+ 70: '-ші',
+ 80: '-ші',
+ 90: '-шы',
+ 100: '-ші'
+ };
+ hooks.defineLocale('kk', {
+ months: 'қаңтар_ақпан_наурыз_Ñәуір_мамыр_мауÑым_шілде_тамыз_қыркүйек_қазан_қараша_желтоқÑан'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'қаң_ақп_нау_Ñәу_мам_мау_шіл_там_қыр_қаз_қар_жел'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'жекÑенбі_дүйÑенбі_ÑейÑенбі_ÑәрÑенбі_бейÑенбі_жұма_Ñенбі'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'жек_дүй_Ñей_Ñәр_бей_жұм_Ñен'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'жк_дй_Ñй_ÑÑ€_бй_жм_Ñн'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Бүгін Ñағат] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Ертең Ñағат] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [Ñағат] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Кеше Ñағат] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[Өткен аптаның] dddd [Ñағат] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s ішінде',
+ past: '%s бұрын',
+ s: 'бірнеше Ñекунд',
+ ss: '%d Ñекунд',
+ m: 'бір минут',
+ mm: '%d минут',
+ h: 'бір Ñағат',
+ hh: '%d Ñағат',
+ d: 'бір күн',
+ dd: '%d күн',
+ M: 'бір ай',
+ MM: '%d ай',
+ y: 'бір жыл',
+ yy: '%d жыл'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-(ші|шы)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ var a = number % 10,
+ b = number >= 100 ? 100 : null;
+ return number + (suffixes$1[number] || suffixes$1[a] || suffixes$1[b]);
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var symbolMap$8 = {
+ '1': '១',
+ '2': '២',
+ '3': '៣',
+ '4': '៤',
+ '5': '៥',
+ '6': '៦',
+ '7': '៧',
+ '8': '៨',
+ '9': '៩',
+ '0': '០'
+ },
+ numberMap$7 = {
+ '១': '1',
+ '២': '2',
+ '៣': '3',
+ '៤': '4',
+ '៥': '5',
+ '៦': '6',
+ '៧': '7',
+ '៨': '8',
+ '៩': '9',
+ '០': '0'
+ };
+ hooks.defineLocale('km', {
+ months: 'មករា_កុម្ភៈ_មីនា_មáŸážŸáž¶_ឧសភា_មិážáž»áž“ា_កក្កដា_សីហា_កញ្ញា_ážáž»áž›áž¶_វិច្ឆិកា_ធ្នូ'
+ .split(
+ '_'
+ ),
+ monthsShort: 'មករា_កុម្ភៈ_មីនា_មáŸážŸáž¶_ឧសភា_មិážáž»áž“ា_កក្កដា_សីហា_កញ្ញា_ážáž»áž›áž¶_វិច្ឆិកា_ធ្នូ'
+ .split(
+ '_'
+ ),
+ weekdays: 'អាទិážáŸ’áž™_áž…áŸáž“្ទ_អង្គារ_ពុធ_ព្រហស្បážáž·áŸ_សុក្រ_សៅរáŸ'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'អា_ច_អ_ព_ព្រ_សុ_ស'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'អា_ច_អ_ព_ព្រ_សុ_ស'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /ព្រឹក|ល្ងាច/,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return input === 'ល្ងាច';
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 12) {
+ return 'ព្រឹក';
+ } else {
+ return 'ល្ងាច';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[ážáŸ’ងៃនáŸáŸ‡ ម៉ោង] LT',
+ nextDay: '[ស្អែក ម៉ោង] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [ម៉ោង] LT',
+ lastDay: '[ម្សិលមិញ ម៉ោង] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [សប្ážáž¶áž áŸáž˜áž»áž“] [ម៉ោង] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%sទៀáž',
+ past: '%sមុន',
+ s: 'ប៉ុន្មានវិនាទី',
+ ss: '%d វិនាទី',
+ m: 'មួយនាទី',
+ mm: '%d នាទី',
+ h: 'មួយម៉ោង',
+ hh: '%d ម៉ោង',
+ d: 'មួយážáŸ’ងៃ',
+ dd: '%d ážáŸ’ងៃ',
+ M: 'មួយážáŸ‚',
+ MM: '%d ážáŸ‚',
+ y: 'មួយឆ្នាំ',
+ yy: '%d ឆ្នាំ'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /ទី\d{1,2}/,
+ ordinal: 'ទី%d',
+ preparse: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/[១២៣៤៥៦៧៨៩០]/g, function(match) {
+ return numberMap$7[match];
+ });
+ },
+ postformat: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/\d/g, function(match) {
+ return symbolMap$8[match];
+ });
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var symbolMap$9 = {
+ '1': '೧',
+ '2': '೨',
+ '3': '೩',
+ '4': '೪',
+ '5': '೫',
+ '6': '೬',
+ '7': 'à³',
+ '8': 'à³®',
+ '9': '೯',
+ '0': '೦'
+ },
+ numberMap$8 = {
+ '೧': '1',
+ '೨': '2',
+ '೩': '3',
+ '೪': '4',
+ '೫': '5',
+ '೬': '6',
+ 'à³': '7',
+ 'à³®': '8',
+ '೯': '9',
+ '೦': '0'
+ };
+ hooks.defineLocale('kn', {
+ months: 'ಜನವರಿ_ಫೆಬà³à²°à²µà²°à²¿_ಮಾರà³à²šà³_à²à²ªà³à²°à²¿à²²à³_ಮೇ_ಜೂನà³_ಜà³à²²à³†à³–_ಆಗಸà³à²Ÿà³_ಸೆಪà³à²Ÿà³†à²‚ಬರà³_ಅಕà³à²Ÿà³†à³‚ೕಬರà³_ನವೆಂಬರà³_ಡಿಸೆಂಬರà³'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'ಜನ_ಫೆಬà³à²°_ಮಾರà³à²šà³_à²à²ªà³à²°à²¿à²²à³_ಮೇ_ಜೂನà³_ಜà³à²²à³†à³–_ಆಗಸà³à²Ÿà³_ಸೆಪà³à²Ÿà³†à²‚_ಅಕà³à²Ÿà³†à³‚ೕ_ನವೆಂ_ಡಿಸೆಂ'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'à²à²¾à²¨à³à²µà²¾à²°_ಸೋಮವಾರ_ಮಂಗಳವಾರ_ಬà³à²§à²µà²¾à²°_ಗà³à²°à³à²µà²¾à²°_ಶà³à²•à³à²°à²µà²¾à²°_ಶನಿವಾರ'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'à²à²¾à²¨à³_ಸೋಮ_ಮಂಗಳ_ಬà³à²§_ಗà³à²°à³_ಶà³à²•à³à²°_ಶನಿ'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'à²à²¾_ಸೋ_ಮಂ_ಬà³_ಗà³_ಶà³_ಶ'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'A h:mm',
+ LTS: 'A h:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[ಇಂದà³] LT',
+ nextDay: '[ನಾಳೆ] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd, LT',
+ lastDay: '[ನಿನà³à²¨à³†] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[ಕೊನೆಯ] dddd, LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s ನಂತರ',
+ past: '%s ಹಿಂದೆ',
+ s: 'ಕೆಲವೠಕà³à²·à²£à²—ಳà³',
+ ss: '%d ಸೆಕೆಂಡà³à²—ಳà³',
+ m: 'ಒಂದೠನಿಮಿಷ',
+ mm: '%d ನಿಮಿಷ',
+ h: 'ಒಂದೠಗಂಟೆ',
+ hh: '%d ಗಂಟೆ',
+ d: 'ಒಂದೠದಿನ',
+ dd: '%d ದಿನ',
+ M: 'ಒಂದೠತಿಂಗಳà³',
+ MM: '%d ತಿಂಗಳà³',
+ y: 'ಒಂದೠವರà³à²·',
+ yy: '%d ವರà³à²·'
+ },
+ preparse: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/[೧೨೩೪೫೬à³à³®à³¯à³¦]/g, function(match) {
+ return numberMap$8[match];
+ });
+ },
+ postformat: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/\d/g, function(match) {
+ return symbolMap$9[match];
+ });
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /ರಾತà³à²°à²¿|ಬೆಳಿಗà³à²—ೆ|ಮಧà³à²¯à²¾à²¹à³à²¨|ಸಂಜೆ/,
+ meridiemHour: function(hour, meridiem) {
+ if (hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ if (meridiem === 'ರಾತà³à²°à²¿') {
+ return hour < 4 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'ಬೆಳಿಗà³à²—ೆ') {
+ return hour;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'ಮಧà³à²¯à²¾à²¹à³à²¨') {
+ return hour >= 10 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'ಸಂಜೆ') {
+ return hour + 12;
+ }
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 4) {
+ return 'ರಾತà³à²°à²¿';
+ } else if (hour < 10) {
+ return 'ಬೆಳಿಗà³à²—ೆ';
+ } else if (hour < 17) {
+ return 'ಮಧà³à²¯à²¾à²¹à³à²¨';
+ } else if (hour < 20) {
+ return 'ಸಂಜೆ';
+ } else {
+ return 'ರಾತà³à²°à²¿';
+ }
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(ನೇ)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ return number + 'ನೇ';
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('ko', {
+ months: '1ì›”_2ì›”_3ì›”_4ì›”_5ì›”_6ì›”_7ì›”_8ì›”_9ì›”_10ì›”_11ì›”_12ì›”'.split('_'),
+ monthsShort: '1ì›”_2ì›”_3ì›”_4ì›”_5ì›”_6ì›”_7ì›”_8ì›”_9ì›”_10ì›”_11ì›”_12ì›”'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'ì¼ìš”ì¼_월요ì¼_화요ì¼_수요ì¼_목요ì¼_금요ì¼_í† ìš”ì¼'.split(
+ '_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'ì¼_ì›”_í™”_수_목_금_í† '.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'ì¼_ì›”_í™”_수_목_금_í† '.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'A h:mm',
+ LTS: 'A h:mm:ss',
+ L: 'YYYY.MM.DD.',
+ LL: 'YYYYë…„ MMMM Dì¼',
+ LLL: 'YYYYë…„ MMMM Dì¼ A h:mm',
+ LLLL: 'YYYYë…„ MMMM Dì¼ dddd A h:mm',
+ l: 'YYYY.MM.DD.',
+ ll: 'YYYYë…„ MMMM Dì¼',
+ lll: 'YYYYë…„ MMMM Dì¼ A h:mm',
+ llll: 'YYYYë…„ MMMM Dì¼ dddd A h:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '오늘 LT',
+ nextDay: 'ë‚´ì¼ LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd LT',
+ lastDay: 'ì–´ì œ LT',
+ lastWeek: '지난주 dddd LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s 후',
+ past: '%s ì „',
+ s: '몇 초',
+ ss: '%dì´ˆ',
+ m: '1분',
+ mm: '%d분',
+ h: '한 시간',
+ hh: '%d시간',
+ d: '하루',
+ dd: '%dì¼',
+ M: '한 달',
+ MM: '%d달',
+ y: 'ì¼ ë…„',
+ yy: '%dë…„'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(ì¼|ì›”|주)/,
+ ordinal: function(number, period) {
+ switch (period) {
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ case 'DDD':
+ return number + 'ì¼';
+ case 'M':
+ return number + 'ì›”';
+ case 'w':
+ case 'W':
+ return number + '주';
+ default:
+ return number;
+ }
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /ì˜¤ì „|오후/,
+ isPM: function(token) {
+ return token === '오후';
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isUpper) {
+ return hour < 12 ? 'ì˜¤ì „' : '오후';
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var symbolMap$a = {
+ '1': 'Ù¡',
+ '2': 'Ù¢',
+ '3': 'Ù£',
+ '4': 'Ù¤',
+ '5': 'Ù¥',
+ '6': 'Ù¦',
+ '7': 'Ù§',
+ '8': 'Ù¨',
+ '9': 'Ù©',
+ '0': 'Ù '
+ },
+ numberMap$9 = {
+ 'Ù¡': '1',
+ 'Ù¢': '2',
+ 'Ù£': '3',
+ 'Ù¤': '4',
+ 'Ù¥': '5',
+ 'Ù¦': '6',
+ 'Ù§': '7',
+ 'Ù¨': '8',
+ 'Ù©': '9',
+ 'Ù ': '0'
+ },
+ months$7 = [
+ 'کانونی دووەم',
+ 'شوبات',
+ 'ئازار',
+ 'نیسان',
+ 'ئایار',
+ 'Øوزەیران',
+ 'تەمموز',
+ 'ئاب',
+ 'ئەیلوول',
+ 'تشرینی یەكەم',
+ 'تشرینی دووەم',
+ 'كانونی یەکەم'
+ ];
+ hooks.defineLocale('ku', {
+ months: months$7,
+ monthsShort: months$7,
+ weekdays: 'یه‌كشه‌ممه‌_دووشه‌ممه‌_سێشه‌ممه‌_چوارشه‌ممه‌_پێنجشه‌ممه‌_هه‌ینی_شه‌ممه‌'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'یه‌كشه‌م_دووشه‌م_سێشه‌م_چوارشه‌م_پێنجشه‌م_هه‌ینی_شه‌ممه‌'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'ی_د_س_چ_پ_ه_ش'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /ئێواره‌|به‌یانی/,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return /ئێواره‌/.test(input);
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 12) {
+ return 'به‌یانی';
+ } else {
+ return 'ئێواره‌';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[ئه‌مرۆ كاتژمێر] LT',
+ nextDay: '[به‌یانی كاتژمێر] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [كاتژمێر] LT',
+ lastDay: '[دوێنێ كاتژمێر] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [كاتژمێر] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'له‌ %s',
+ past: '%s',
+ s: 'چه‌ند چركه‌یه‌ك',
+ ss: 'چركه‌ %d',
+ m: 'یه‌ك خوله‌ك',
+ mm: '%d خوله‌ك',
+ h: 'یه‌ك كاتژمێر',
+ hh: '%d كاتژمێر',
+ d: 'یه‌ك ڕۆژ',
+ dd: '%d Ú•Û†Ú˜',
+ M: 'یه‌ك مانگ',
+ MM: '%d مانگ',
+ y: 'یه‌ك ساڵ',
+ yy: '%d ساڵ'
+ },
+ preparse: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/[١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠]/g, function(match) {
+ return numberMap$9[match];
+ }).replace(/،/g, ',');
+ },
+ postformat: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/\d/g, function(match) {
+ return symbolMap$a[match];
+ }).replace(/,/g, '،');
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var suffixes$2 = {
+ 0: '-чү',
+ 1: '-чи',
+ 2: '-чи',
+ 3: '-чү',
+ 4: '-чү',
+ 5: '-чи',
+ 6: '-чы',
+ 7: '-чи',
+ 8: '-чи',
+ 9: '-чу',
+ 10: '-чу',
+ 20: '-чы',
+ 30: '-чу',
+ 40: '-чы',
+ 50: '-чү',
+ 60: '-чы',
+ 70: '-чи',
+ 80: '-чи',
+ 90: '-чу',
+ 100: '-чү'
+ };
+ hooks.defineLocale('ky', {
+ months: 'Ñнварь_февраль_март_апрель_май_июнь_июль_авгуÑÑ‚_ÑентÑбрь_октÑбрь_ноÑбрь_декабрь'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Ñнв_фев_март_апр_май_июнь_июль_авг_Ñен_окт_ноÑ_дек'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Жекшемби_Дүйшөмбү_Шейшемби_Шаршемби_Бейшемби_Жума_Ишемби'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Жек_Дүй_Шей_Шар_Бей_Жум_Ише'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Жк_Дй_Шй_Шр_Бй_Жм_Иш'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Бүгүн Ñаат] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Ðртең Ñаат] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [Ñаат] LT',
+ lastDay: '[КечÑÑ Ñаат] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[Өткөн аптанын] dddd [күнү] [Ñаат] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s ичинде',
+ past: '%s мурун',
+ s: 'бирнече Ñекунд',
+ ss: '%d Ñекунд',
+ m: 'бир мүнөт',
+ mm: '%d мүнөт',
+ h: 'бир Ñаат',
+ hh: '%d Ñаат',
+ d: 'бир күн',
+ dd: '%d күн',
+ M: 'бир ай',
+ MM: '%d ай',
+ y: 'бир жыл',
+ yy: '%d жыл'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-(чи|чы|чү|чу)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ var a = number % 10,
+ b = number >= 100 ? 100 : null;
+ return number + (suffixes$2[number] || suffixes$2[a] || suffixes$2[b]);
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ function processRelativeTime$5(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
+ var format = {
+ 'm': ['eng Minutt', 'enger Minutt'],
+ 'h': ['eng Stonn', 'enger Stonn'],
+ 'd': ['een Dag', 'engem Dag'],
+ 'M': ['ee Mount', 'engem Mount'],
+ 'y': ['ee Joer', 'engem Joer']
+ };
+ return withoutSuffix ? format[key][0] : format[key][1];
+ }
+ function processFutureTime(string) {
+ var number = string.substr(0, string.indexOf(' '));
+ if (eifelerRegelAppliesToNumber(number)) {
+ return 'a ' + string;
+ }
+ return 'an ' + string;
+ }
+ function processPastTime(string) {
+ var number = string.substr(0, string.indexOf(' '));
+ if (eifelerRegelAppliesToNumber(number)) {
+ return 'viru ' + string;
+ }
+ return 'virun ' + string;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the word before the given number loses the '-n' ending.
+ * e.g. 'an 10 Deeg' but 'a 5 Deeg'
+ *
+ * @param number {integer}
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+ function eifelerRegelAppliesToNumber(number) {
+ number = parseInt(number, 10);
+ if (isNaN(number)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (number < 0) {
+ // Negative Number --> always true
+ return true;
+ } else if (number < 10) {
+ // Only 1 digit
+ if (4 <= number && number <= 7) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ } else if (number < 100) {
+ // 2 digits
+ var lastDigit = number % 10,
+ firstDigit = number / 10;
+ if (lastDigit === 0) {
+ return eifelerRegelAppliesToNumber(firstDigit);
+ }
+ return eifelerRegelAppliesToNumber(lastDigit);
+ } else if (number < 10000) {
+ // 3 or 4 digits --> recursively check first digit
+ while (number >= 10) {
+ number = number / 10;
+ }
+ return eifelerRegelAppliesToNumber(number);
+ } else {
+ // Anything larger than 4 digits: recursively check first n-3 digits
+ number = number / 1000;
+ return eifelerRegelAppliesToNumber(number);
+ }
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('lb', {
+ months: 'Januar_Februar_Mäerz_Abrëll_Mee_Juni_Juli_August_September_Oktober_November_Dezember'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan._Febr._Mrz._Abr._Mee_Jun._Jul._Aug._Sept._Okt._Nov._Dez.'.split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'Sonndeg_Méindeg_Dënschdeg_Mëttwoch_Donneschdeg_Freideg_Samschdeg'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'So._Mé._Dë._Më._Do._Fr._Sa.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'So_Mé_Dë_Më_Do_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'H:mm [Auer]',
+ LTS: 'H:mm:ss [Auer]',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D. MMMM YYYY H:mm [Auer]',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D. MMMM YYYY H:mm [Auer]'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Haut um] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L',
+ nextDay: '[Muer um] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [um] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Gëschter um] LT',
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ // Different date string for 'Dënschdeg' (Tuesday) and 'Donneschdeg' (Thursday) due to phonological rule
+ switch ( {
+ case 2:
+ case 4:
+ return '[Leschten] dddd [um] LT';
+ default:
+ return '[Leschte] dddd [um] LT';
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: processFutureTime,
+ past: processPastTime,
+ s: 'e puer Sekonnen',
+ ss: '%d Sekonnen',
+ m: processRelativeTime$5,
+ mm: '%d Minutten',
+ h: processRelativeTime$5,
+ hh: '%d Stonnen',
+ d: processRelativeTime$5,
+ dd: '%d Deeg',
+ M: processRelativeTime$5,
+ MM: '%d Méint',
+ y: processRelativeTime$5,
+ yy: '%d Joer'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('lo', {
+ months: 'ມັງàºàºàº™_àºàº¸àº¡àºžàº²_ມີນາ_ເມສາ_ພຶດສະພາ_ມິຖຸນາ_àºà»àº¥àº°àºàº»àº”_ສິງຫາ_àºàº±àº™àºàº²_ຕຸລາ_ພະຈິàº_ທັນວາ'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'ມັງàºàºàº™_àºàº¸àº¡àºžàº²_ມີນາ_ເມສາ_ພຶດສະພາ_ມິຖຸນາ_àºà»àº¥àº°àºàº»àº”_ສິງຫາ_àºàº±àº™àºàº²_ຕຸລາ_ພະຈິàº_ທັນວາ'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'àºàº²àº—ິດ_ຈັນ_àºàº±àº‡àº„ານ_ພຸດ_ພະຫັດ_ສຸàº_ເສົາ'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'ທິດ_ຈັນ_àºàº±àº‡àº„ານ_ພຸດ_ພະຫັດ_ສຸàº_ເສົາ'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'ທ_ຈ_àºàº„_ພ_ພຫ_ສàº_ສ'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'ວັນdddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /ຕàºàº™à»€àºŠàº»à»‰àº²|ຕàºàº™à»àº¥àº‡/,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return input === 'ຕàºàº™à»àº¥àº‡';
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 12) {
+ return 'ຕàºàº™à»€àºŠàº»à»‰àº²';
+ } else {
+ return 'ຕàºàº™à»àº¥àº‡';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[ມື້ນີ້ເວລາ] LT',
+ nextDay: '[ມື້àºàº·à»ˆàº™à»€àº§àº¥àº²] LT',
+ nextWeek: '[ວັນ]dddd[ໜ້າເວລາ] LT',
+ lastDay: '[ມື້ວານນີ້ເວລາ] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[ວັນ]dddd[à»àº¥à»‰àº§àº™àºµà»‰à»€àº§àº¥àº²] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'àºàºµàº %s',
+ past: '%sຜ່ານມາ',
+ s: 'ບà»à»ˆà»€àº—ົ່າໃດວິນາທີ',
+ ss: '%d ວິນາທີ',
+ m: '1 ນາທີ',
+ mm: '%d ນາທີ',
+ h: '1 ຊົ່ວໂມງ',
+ hh: '%d ຊົ່ວໂມງ',
+ d: '1 ມື້',
+ dd: '%d ມື້',
+ M: '1 ເດືàºàº™',
+ MM: '%d ເດືàºàº™',
+ y: '1 ປີ',
+ yy: '%d ປີ'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /(ທີ່)\d{1,2}/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ return 'ທີ່' + number;
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var units = {
+ 'ss': 'sekundė_sekundžių_sekundes',
+ 'm': 'minutÄ—_minutÄ—s_minutÄ™',
+ 'mm': 'minutÄ—s_minuÄių_minutes',
+ 'h': 'valanda_valandos_valandÄ…',
+ 'hh': 'valandos_valandų_valandas',
+ 'd': 'diena_dienos_dienÄ…',
+ 'dd': 'dienos_dienų_dienas',
+ 'M': 'mėnuo_mėnesio_mėnesį',
+ 'MM': 'mėnesiai_mėnesių_mėnesius',
+ 'y': 'metai_metų_metus',
+ 'yy': 'metai_metų_metus'
+ };
+ function translateSeconds(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
+ if (withoutSuffix) {
+ return 'kelios sekundÄ—s';
+ } else {
+ return isFuture ? 'kelių sekundžių' : 'kelias sekundes';
+ }
+ }
+ function translateSingular(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
+ return withoutSuffix ? forms(key)[0] : (isFuture ? forms(key)[1] : forms(key)[2]);
+ }
+ function special(number) {
+ return number % 10 === 0 || (number > 10 && number < 20);
+ }
+ function forms(key) {
+ return units[key].split('_');
+ }
+ function translate$6(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
+ var result = number + ' ';
+ if (number === 1) {
+ return result + translateSingular(number, withoutSuffix, key[0], isFuture);
+ } else if (withoutSuffix) {
+ return result + (special(number) ? forms(key)[1] : forms(key)[0]);
+ } else {
+ if (isFuture) {
+ return result + forms(key)[1];
+ } else {
+ return result + (special(number) ? forms(key)[1] : forms(key)[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('lt', {
+ months: {
+ format: 'sausio_vasario_kovo_balandžio_gegužės_birželio_liepos_rugpjÅ«Äio_rugsÄ—jo_spalio_lapkriÄio_gruodžio'
+ .split('_'),
+ standalone: 'sausis_vasaris_kovas_balandis_gegužė_birželis_liepa_rugpjūtis_rugsėjis_spalis_lapkritis_gruodis'
+ .split('_'),
+ isFormat: /D[oD]?(\[[^\[\]]*\]|\s)+MMMM?|MMMM?(\[[^\[\]]*\]|\s)+D[oD]?/
+ },
+ monthsShort: 'sau_vas_kov_bal_geg_bir_lie_rgp_rgs_spa_lap_grd'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: {
+ format: 'sekmadienį_pirmadienį_antradienį_treÄiadienį_ketvirtadienį_penktadienį_Å¡eÅ¡tadienį'
+ .split('_'),
+ standalone: 'sekmadienis_pirmadienis_antradienis_treÄiadienis_ketvirtadienis_penktadienis_Å¡eÅ¡tadienis'
+ .split('_'),
+ isFormat: /dddd HH:mm/
+ },
+ weekdaysShort: 'Sek_Pir_Ant_Tre_Ket_Pen_Šeš'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'S_P_A_T_K_Pn_Å '.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
+ LL: 'YYYY [m.] MMMM D [d.]',
+ LLL: 'YYYY [m.] MMMM D [d.], HH:mm [val.]',
+ LLLL: 'YYYY [m.] MMMM D [d.], dddd, HH:mm [val.]',
+ l: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
+ ll: 'YYYY [m.] MMMM D [d.]',
+ lll: 'YYYY [m.] MMMM D [d.], HH:mm [val.]',
+ llll: 'YYYY [m.] MMMM D [d.], ddd, HH:mm [val.]'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Å iandien] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Rytoj] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd LT',
+ lastDay: '[Vakar] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[Praėjusį] dddd LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'po %s',
+ past: 'prieš %s',
+ s: translateSeconds,
+ ss: translate$6,
+ m: translateSingular,
+ mm: translate$6,
+ h: translateSingular,
+ hh: translate$6,
+ d: translateSingular,
+ dd: translate$6,
+ M: translateSingular,
+ MM: translate$6,
+ y: translateSingular,
+ yy: translate$6
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-oji/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ return number + '-oji';
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var units$1 = {
+ 'ss': 'sekundes_sekundēm_sekunde_sekundes'.split('_'),
+ 'm': 'minūtes_minūtēm_minūte_minūtes'.split('_'),
+ 'mm': 'minūtes_minūtēm_minūte_minūtes'.split('_'),
+ 'h': 'stundas_stundÄm_stunda_stundas'.split('_'),
+ 'hh': 'stundas_stundÄm_stunda_stundas'.split('_'),
+ 'd': 'dienas_dienÄm_diena_dienas'.split('_'),
+ 'dd': 'dienas_dienÄm_diena_dienas'.split('_'),
+ 'M': 'mēneša_mēnešiem_mēnesis_mēneši'.split('_'),
+ 'MM': 'mēneša_mēnešiem_mēnesis_mēneši'.split('_'),
+ 'y': 'gada_gadiem_gads_gadi'.split('_'),
+ 'yy': 'gada_gadiem_gads_gadi'.split('_')
+ };
+ /**
+ * @param withoutSuffix boolean true = a length of time; false = before/after a period of time.
+ */
+ function format$1(forms, number, withoutSuffix) {
+ if (withoutSuffix) {
+ // E.g. "21 minūte", "3 minūtes".
+ return number % 10 === 1 && number % 100 !== 11 ? forms[2] : forms[3];
+ } else {
+ // E.g. "21 minūtes" as in "pēc 21 minūtes".
+ // E.g. "3 minūtēm" as in "pēc 3 minūtēm".
+ return number % 10 === 1 && number % 100 !== 11 ? forms[0] : forms[1];
+ }
+ }
+ function relativeTimeWithPlural$1(number, withoutSuffix, key) {
+ return number + ' ' + format$1(units$1[key], number, withoutSuffix);
+ }
+ function relativeTimeWithSingular(number, withoutSuffix, key) {
+ return format$1(units$1[key], number, withoutSuffix);
+ }
+ function relativeSeconds(number, withoutSuffix) {
+ return withoutSuffix ? 'dažas sekundes' : 'dažÄm sekundÄ“m';
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('lv', {
+ months: 'janvÄris_februÄris_marts_aprÄ«lis_maijs_jÅ«nijs_jÅ«lijs_augusts_septembris_oktobris_novembris_decembris'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'jan_feb_mar_apr_mai_jūn_jūl_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'svētdiena_pirmdiena_otrdiena_trešdiena_ceturtdiena_piektdiena_sestdiena'.split(
+ '_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Sv_P_O_T_C_Pk_S'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Sv_P_O_T_C_Pk_S'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY.',
+ LL: 'YYYY. [gada] D. MMMM',
+ LLL: 'YYYY. [gada] D. MMMM, HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'YYYY. [gada] D. MMMM, dddd, HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Å odien pulksten] LT',
+ nextDay: '[RÄ«t pulksten] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [pulksten] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Vakar pulksten] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[PagÄjuÅ¡Ä] dddd [pulksten] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'pēc %s',
+ past: 'pirms %s',
+ s: relativeSeconds,
+ ss: relativeTimeWithPlural$1,
+ m: relativeTimeWithSingular,
+ mm: relativeTimeWithPlural$1,
+ h: relativeTimeWithSingular,
+ hh: relativeTimeWithPlural$1,
+ d: relativeTimeWithSingular,
+ dd: relativeTimeWithPlural$1,
+ M: relativeTimeWithSingular,
+ MM: relativeTimeWithPlural$1,
+ y: relativeTimeWithSingular,
+ yy: relativeTimeWithPlural$1
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var translator = {
+ words: { //Different grammatical cases
+ ss: ['sekund', 'sekunda', 'sekundi'],
+ m: ['jedan minut', 'jednog minuta'],
+ mm: ['minut', 'minuta', 'minuta'],
+ h: ['jedan sat', 'jednog sata'],
+ hh: ['sat', 'sata', 'sati'],
+ dd: ['dan', 'dana', 'dana'],
+ MM: ['mjesec', 'mjeseca', 'mjeseci'],
+ yy: ['godina', 'godine', 'godina']
+ },
+ correctGrammaticalCase: function(number, wordKey) {
+ return number === 1 ? wordKey[0] : (number >= 2 && number <= 4 ? wordKey[1] : wordKey[
+ 2]);
+ },
+ translate: function(number, withoutSuffix, key) {
+ var wordKey = translator.words[key];
+ if (key.length === 1) {
+ return withoutSuffix ? wordKey[0] : wordKey[1];
+ } else {
+ return number + ' ' + translator.correctGrammaticalCase(number, wordKey);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ hooks.defineLocale('me', {
+ months: 'januar_februar_mart_april_maj_jun_jul_avgust_septembar_oktobar_novembar_decembar'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'jan._feb._mar._apr._maj_jun_jul_avg._sep._okt._nov._dec.'.split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'nedjelja_ponedjeljak_utorak_srijeda_Äetvrtak_petak_subota'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'ned._pon._uto._sri._Äet._pet._sub.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'ne_po_ut_sr_Äe_pe_su'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'H:mm',
+ LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D. MMMM YYYY H:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D. MMMM YYYY H:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[danas u] LT',
+ nextDay: '[sjutra u] LT',
+ nextWeek: function() {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ return '[u] [nedjelju] [u] LT';
+ case 3:
+ return '[u] [srijedu] [u] LT';
+ case 6:
+ return '[u] [subotu] [u] LT';
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ return '[u] dddd [u] LT';
+ }
+ },
+ lastDay: '[juÄe u] LT',
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ var lastWeekDays = [
+ '[prošle] [nedjelje] [u] LT',
+ '[prošlog] [ponedjeljka] [u] LT',
+ '[prošlog] [utorka] [u] LT',
+ '[prošle] [srijede] [u] LT',
+ '[proÅ¡log] [Äetvrtka] [u] LT',
+ '[prošlog] [petka] [u] LT',
+ '[prošle] [subote] [u] LT'
+ ];
+ return lastWeekDays[];
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'za %s',
+ past: 'prije %s',
+ s: 'nekoliko sekundi',
+ ss: translator.translate,
+ m: translator.translate,
+ mm: translator.translate,
+ h: translator.translate,
+ hh: translator.translate,
+ d: 'dan',
+ dd: translator.translate,
+ M: 'mjesec',
+ MM: translator.translate,
+ y: 'godinu',
+ yy: translator.translate
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('mi', {
+ months: 'Kohi-tÄte_Hui-tanguru_PoutÅ«-te-rangi_Paenga-whÄwhÄ_Haratua_Pipiri_HÅngoingoi_Here-turi-kÅkÄ_Mahuru_Whiringa-Ä-nuku_Whiringa-Ä-rangi_Hakihea'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Kohi_Hui_Pou_Pae_Hara_Pipi_HÅngoi_Here_Mahu_Whi-nu_Whi-ra_Haki'.split('_'),
+ monthsRegex: /(?:['a-z\u0101\u014D\u016B]+\-?){1,3}/i,
+ monthsStrictRegex: /(?:['a-z\u0101\u014D\u016B]+\-?){1,3}/i,
+ monthsShortRegex: /(?:['a-z\u0101\u014D\u016B]+\-?){1,3}/i,
+ monthsShortStrictRegex: /(?:['a-z\u0101\u014D\u016B]+\-?){1,2}/i,
+ weekdays: 'RÄtapu_Mane_TÅ«rei_Wenerei_TÄite_Paraire_HÄtarei'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Ta_Ma_TÅ«_We_TÄi_Pa_HÄ'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Ta_Ma_TÅ«_We_TÄi_Pa_HÄ'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY [i] HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY [i] HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[i teie mahana, i] LT',
+ nextDay: '[apopo i] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [i] LT',
+ lastDay: '[inanahi i] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [whakamutunga i] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'i roto i %s',
+ past: '%s i mua',
+ s: 'te hēkona ruarua',
+ ss: '%d hēkona',
+ m: 'he meneti',
+ mm: '%d meneti',
+ h: 'te haora',
+ hh: '%d haora',
+ d: 'he ra',
+ dd: '%d ra',
+ M: 'he marama',
+ MM: '%d marama',
+ y: 'he tau',
+ yy: '%d tau'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}º/,
+ ordinal: '%dº',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('mk', {
+ months: 'јануари_февруари_март_април_мај_јуни_јули_авгуÑÑ‚_Ñептември_октомври_ноември_декември'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'јан_фев_мар_апр_мај_јун_јул_авг_Ñеп_окт_ное_дек'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'недела_понеделник_вторник_Ñреда_четврток_петок_Ñабота'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'нед_пон_вто_Ñре_чет_пет_Ñаб'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'нe_пo_вт_ÑÑ€_че_пе_Ña'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'H:mm',
+ LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
+ L: 'D.MM.YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY H:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY H:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Ð”ÐµÐ½ÐµÑ Ð²Ð¾] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Утре во] LT',
+ nextWeek: '[Во] dddd [во] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Вчера во] LT',
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ case 3:
+ case 6:
+ return '[Изминатата] dddd [во] LT';
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ return '[Изминатиот] dddd [во] LT';
+ }
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'поÑле %s',
+ past: 'пред %s',
+ s: 'неколку Ñекунди',
+ ss: '%d Ñекунди',
+ m: 'минута',
+ mm: '%d минути',
+ h: 'чаÑ',
+ hh: '%d чаÑа',
+ d: 'ден',
+ dd: '%d дена',
+ M: 'меÑец',
+ MM: '%d меÑеци',
+ y: 'година',
+ yy: '%d години'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-(ев|ен|ти|ви|ри|ми)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ var lastDigit = number % 10,
+ last2Digits = number % 100;
+ if (number === 0) {
+ return number + '-ев';
+ } else if (last2Digits === 0) {
+ return number + '-ен';
+ } else if (last2Digits > 10 && last2Digits < 20) {
+ return number + '-ти';
+ } else if (lastDigit === 1) {
+ return number + '-ви';
+ } else if (lastDigit === 2) {
+ return number + '-ри';
+ } else if (lastDigit === 7 || lastDigit === 8) {
+ return number + '-ми';
+ } else {
+ return number + '-ти';
+ }
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('ml', {
+ months: 'ജനàµà´µà´°à´¿_ഫെബàµà´°àµà´µà´°à´¿_മാർചàµà´šàµ_à´à´ªàµà´°à´¿àµ½_മേയàµ_ജൂൺ_ജൂലൈ_à´“à´—à´¸àµà´±àµà´±àµ_സെപàµà´±àµà´±à´‚ബർ_à´’à´•àµà´Ÿàµ‹à´¬àµ¼_നവംബർ_ഡിസംബർ'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'ജനàµ._ഫെബàµà´°àµ._മാർ._à´à´ªàµà´°à´¿._മേയàµ_ജൂൺ_ജൂലൈ._à´“à´—._സെപàµà´±àµà´±._à´’à´•àµà´Ÿàµ‹._നവം._ഡിസം.'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'ഞായറാഴàµà´š_തിങàµà´•à´³à´¾à´´àµà´š_ചൊവàµà´µà´¾à´´àµà´š_à´¬àµà´§à´¨à´¾à´´àµà´š_à´µàµà´¯à´¾à´´à´¾à´´àµà´š_വെളàµà´³à´¿à´¯à´¾à´´àµà´š_ശനിയാഴàµà´š'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'ഞായർ_തിങàµà´•àµ¾_ചൊവàµà´µ_à´¬àµà´§àµ»_à´µàµà´¯à´¾à´´à´‚_വെളàµà´³à´¿_ശനി'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'à´žà´¾_തി_ചൊ_à´¬àµ_à´µàµà´¯à´¾_വെ_à´¶'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'A h:mm -à´¨àµ',
+ LTS: 'A h:mm:ss -à´¨àµ',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm -à´¨àµ',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm -à´¨àµ'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[ഇനàµà´¨àµ] LT',
+ nextDay: '[നാളെ] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd, LT',
+ lastDay: '[ഇനàµà´¨à´²àµ†] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[à´•à´´à´¿à´žàµà´ž] dddd, LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s à´•à´´à´¿à´žàµà´žàµ',
+ past: '%s à´®àµàµ»à´ªàµ',
+ s: 'അൽപ നിമിഷങàµà´™àµ¾',
+ ss: '%d സെകàµà´•àµ»à´¡àµ',
+ m: 'ഒരൠമിനിറàµà´±àµ',
+ mm: '%d മിനിറàµà´±àµ',
+ h: 'ഒരൠമണികàµà´•àµ‚ർ',
+ hh: '%d മണികàµà´•àµ‚ർ',
+ d: 'ഒരൠദിവസം',
+ dd: '%d ദിവസം',
+ M: 'ഒരൠമാസം',
+ MM: '%d മാസം',
+ y: 'ഒരൠവർഷം',
+ yy: '%d വർഷം'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /രാതàµà´°à´¿|രാവിലെ|ഉചàµà´š à´•à´´à´¿à´žàµà´žàµ|വൈകàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ‡à´°à´‚|രാതàµà´°à´¿/i,
+ meridiemHour: function(hour, meridiem) {
+ if (hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ if ((meridiem === 'രാതàµà´°à´¿' && hour >= 4) ||
+ meridiem === 'ഉചàµà´š à´•à´´à´¿à´žàµà´žàµ' ||
+ meridiem === 'വൈകàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ‡à´°à´‚') {
+ return hour + 12;
+ } else {
+ return hour;
+ }
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 4) {
+ return 'രാതàµà´°à´¿';
+ } else if (hour < 12) {
+ return 'രാവിലെ';
+ } else if (hour < 17) {
+ return 'ഉചàµà´š à´•à´´à´¿à´žàµà´žàµ';
+ } else if (hour < 20) {
+ return 'വൈകàµà´¨àµà´¨àµ‡à´°à´‚';
+ } else {
+ return 'രാതàµà´°à´¿';
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ function translate$7(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
+ switch (key) {
+ case 's':
+ return withoutSuffix ? 'Ñ…ÑдхÑн Ñекунд' : 'Ñ…ÑдхÑн Ñекундын';
+ case 'ss':
+ return number + (withoutSuffix ? ' Ñекунд' : ' Ñекундын');
+ case 'm':
+ case 'mm':
+ return number + (withoutSuffix ? ' минут' : ' минутын');
+ case 'h':
+ case 'hh':
+ return number + (withoutSuffix ? ' цаг' : ' цагийн');
+ case 'd':
+ case 'dd':
+ return number + (withoutSuffix ? ' өдөр' : ' өдрийн');
+ case 'M':
+ case 'MM':
+ return number + (withoutSuffix ? ' Ñар' : ' Ñарын');
+ case 'y':
+ case 'yy':
+ return number + (withoutSuffix ? ' жил' : ' жилийн');
+ default:
+ return number;
+ }
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('mn', {
+ months: 'ÐÑгдүгÑÑÑ€ Ñар_Хоёрдугаар Ñар_Гуравдугаар Ñар_ДөрөвдүгÑÑÑ€ Ñар_Тавдугаар Ñар_Зургадугаар Ñар_Долдугаар Ñар_Ðаймдугаар Ñар_ЕÑдүгÑÑÑ€ Ñар_Ðравдугаар Ñар_Ðрван нÑгдүгÑÑÑ€ Ñар_Ðрван хоёрдугаар Ñар'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: '1 Ñар_2 Ñар_3 Ñар_4 Ñар_5 Ñар_6 Ñар_7 Ñар_8 Ñар_9 Ñар_10 Ñар_11 Ñар_12 Ñар'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'ÐÑм_Даваа_ÐœÑгмар_Лхагва_ПүрÑв_БааÑан_БÑмба'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'ÐÑм_Дав_ÐœÑг_Лха_Пүр_Баа_БÑм'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'ÐÑ_Да_ÐœÑ_Лх_Пү_Ба_БÑ'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
+ LL: 'YYYY оны MMMMын D',
+ LLL: 'YYYY оны MMMMын D HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, YYYY оны MMMMын D HH:mm'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /ҮӨ|ҮХ/i,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return input === 'ҮХ';
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 12) {
+ return 'Ò®Ó¨';
+ } else {
+ return 'ҮХ';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Өнөөдөр] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Маргааш] LT',
+ nextWeek: '[ИрÑÑ…] dddd LT',
+ lastDay: '[Өчигдөр] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[ӨнгөрÑөн] dddd LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s дараа',
+ past: '%s өмнө',
+ s: translate$7,
+ ss: translate$7,
+ m: translate$7,
+ mm: translate$7,
+ h: translate$7,
+ hh: translate$7,
+ d: translate$7,
+ dd: translate$7,
+ M: translate$7,
+ MM: translate$7,
+ y: translate$7,
+ yy: translate$7
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2} өдөр/,
+ ordinal: function(number, period) {
+ switch (period) {
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ case 'DDD':
+ return number + ' өдөр';
+ default:
+ return number;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var symbolMap$b = {
+ '1': '१',
+ '2': '२',
+ '3': '३',
+ '4': '४',
+ '5': '५',
+ '6': '६',
+ '7': 'à¥',
+ '8': '८',
+ '9': '९',
+ '0': '०'
+ },
+ numberMap$a = {
+ '१': '1',
+ '२': '2',
+ '३': '3',
+ '४': '4',
+ '५': '5',
+ '६': '6',
+ 'à¥': '7',
+ '८': '8',
+ '९': '9',
+ '०': '0'
+ };
+ function relativeTimeMr(number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) {
+ var output = '';
+ if (withoutSuffix) {
+ switch (string) {
+ case 's':
+ output = 'काही सेकंद';
+ break;
+ case 'ss':
+ output = '%d सेकंद';
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ output = 'à¤à¤• मिनिट';
+ break;
+ case 'mm':
+ output = '%d मिनिटे';
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ output = 'à¤à¤• तास';
+ break;
+ case 'hh':
+ output = '%d तास';
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ output = 'à¤à¤• दिवस';
+ break;
+ case 'dd':
+ output = '%d दिवस';
+ break;
+ case 'M':
+ output = 'à¤à¤• महिना';
+ break;
+ case 'MM':
+ output = '%d महिने';
+ break;
+ case 'y':
+ output = 'à¤à¤• वरà¥à¤·';
+ break;
+ case 'yy':
+ output = '%d वरà¥à¤·à¥‡';
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch (string) {
+ case 's':
+ output = 'काही सेकंदां';
+ break;
+ case 'ss':
+ output = '%d सेकंदां';
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ output = 'à¤à¤•à¤¾ मिनिटा';
+ break;
+ case 'mm':
+ output = '%d मिनिटां';
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ output = 'à¤à¤•à¤¾ तासा';
+ break;
+ case 'hh':
+ output = '%d तासां';
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ output = 'à¤à¤•à¤¾ दिवसा';
+ break;
+ case 'dd':
+ output = '%d दिवसां';
+ break;
+ case 'M':
+ output = 'à¤à¤•à¤¾ महिनà¥à¤¯à¤¾';
+ break;
+ case 'MM':
+ output = '%d महिनà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤‚';
+ break;
+ case 'y':
+ output = 'à¤à¤•à¤¾ वरà¥à¤·à¤¾';
+ break;
+ case 'yy':
+ output = '%d वरà¥à¤·à¤¾à¤‚';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return output.replace(/%d/i, number);
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('mr', {
+ months: 'जानेवारी_फेबà¥à¤°à¥à¤µà¤¾à¤°à¥€_मारà¥à¤š_à¤à¤ªà¥à¤°à¤¿à¤²_मे_जून_जà¥à¤²à¥ˆ_ऑगसà¥à¤Ÿ_सपà¥à¤Ÿà¥‡à¤‚बर_ऑकà¥à¤Ÿà¥‹à¤¬à¤°_नोवà¥à¤¹à¥‡à¤‚बर_डिसेंबर'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'जाने._फेबà¥à¤°à¥._मारà¥à¤š._à¤à¤ªà¥à¤°à¤¿._मे._जून._जà¥à¤²à¥ˆ._ऑग._सपà¥à¤Ÿà¥‡à¤‚._ऑकà¥à¤Ÿà¥‹._नोवà¥à¤¹à¥‡à¤‚._डिसें.'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'रविवार_सोमवार_मंगळवार_बà¥à¤§à¤µà¤¾à¤°_गà¥à¤°à¥‚वार_शà¥à¤•à¥à¤°à¤µà¤¾à¤°_शनिवार'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'रवि_सोम_मंगळ_बà¥à¤§_गà¥à¤°à¥‚_शà¥à¤•à¥à¤°_शनि'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'र_सो_मं_बà¥_गà¥_शà¥_श'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'A h:mm वाजता',
+ LTS: 'A h:mm:ss वाजता',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm वाजता',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm वाजता'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[आज] LT',
+ nextDay: '[उदà¥à¤¯à¤¾] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd, LT',
+ lastDay: '[काल] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[मागील] dddd, LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%sमधà¥à¤¯à¥‡',
+ past: '%sपूरà¥à¤µà¥€',
+ s: relativeTimeMr,
+ ss: relativeTimeMr,
+ m: relativeTimeMr,
+ mm: relativeTimeMr,
+ h: relativeTimeMr,
+ hh: relativeTimeMr,
+ d: relativeTimeMr,
+ dd: relativeTimeMr,
+ M: relativeTimeMr,
+ MM: relativeTimeMr,
+ y: relativeTimeMr,
+ yy: relativeTimeMr
+ },
+ preparse: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/[१२३४५६à¥à¥®à¥¯à¥¦]/g, function(match) {
+ return numberMap$a[match];
+ });
+ },
+ postformat: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/\d/g, function(match) {
+ return symbolMap$b[match];
+ });
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /रातà¥à¤°à¥€|सकाळी|दà¥à¤ªà¤¾à¤°à¥€|सायंकाळी/,
+ meridiemHour: function(hour, meridiem) {
+ if (hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ if (meridiem === 'रातà¥à¤°à¥€') {
+ return hour < 4 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'सकाळी') {
+ return hour;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'दà¥à¤ªà¤¾à¤°à¥€') {
+ return hour >= 10 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'सायंकाळी') {
+ return hour + 12;
+ }
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 4) {
+ return 'रातà¥à¤°à¥€';
+ } else if (hour < 10) {
+ return 'सकाळी';
+ } else if (hour < 17) {
+ return 'दà¥à¤ªà¤¾à¤°à¥€';
+ } else if (hour < 20) {
+ return 'सायंकाळी';
+ } else {
+ return 'रातà¥à¤°à¥€';
+ }
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('ms-my', {
+ months: 'Januari_Februari_Mac_April_Mei_Jun_Julai_Ogos_September_Oktober_November_Disember'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mac_Apr_Mei_Jun_Jul_Ogs_Sep_Okt_Nov_Dis'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Ahad_Isnin_Selasa_Rabu_Khamis_Jumaat_Sabtu'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Ahd_Isn_Sel_Rab_Kha_Jum_Sab'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Ah_Is_Sl_Rb_Km_Jm_Sb'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: '',
+ LTS: '',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY [pukul]',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY [pukul]'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /pagi|tengahari|petang|malam/,
+ meridiemHour: function(hour, meridiem) {
+ if (hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ if (meridiem === 'pagi') {
+ return hour;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'tengahari') {
+ return hour >= 11 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'petang' || meridiem === 'malam') {
+ return hour + 12;
+ }
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hours, minutes, isLower) {
+ if (hours < 11) {
+ return 'pagi';
+ } else if (hours < 15) {
+ return 'tengahari';
+ } else if (hours < 19) {
+ return 'petang';
+ } else {
+ return 'malam';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Hari ini pukul] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Esok pukul] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [pukul] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Kelmarin pukul] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [lepas pukul] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'dalam %s',
+ past: '%s yang lepas',
+ s: 'beberapa saat',
+ ss: '%d saat',
+ m: 'seminit',
+ mm: '%d minit',
+ h: 'sejam',
+ hh: '%d jam',
+ d: 'sehari',
+ dd: '%d hari',
+ M: 'sebulan',
+ MM: '%d bulan',
+ y: 'setahun',
+ yy: '%d tahun'
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('ms', {
+ months: 'Januari_Februari_Mac_April_Mei_Jun_Julai_Ogos_September_Oktober_November_Disember'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mac_Apr_Mei_Jun_Jul_Ogs_Sep_Okt_Nov_Dis'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Ahad_Isnin_Selasa_Rabu_Khamis_Jumaat_Sabtu'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Ahd_Isn_Sel_Rab_Kha_Jum_Sab'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Ah_Is_Sl_Rb_Km_Jm_Sb'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: '',
+ LTS: '',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY [pukul]',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY [pukul]'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /pagi|tengahari|petang|malam/,
+ meridiemHour: function(hour, meridiem) {
+ if (hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ if (meridiem === 'pagi') {
+ return hour;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'tengahari') {
+ return hour >= 11 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'petang' || meridiem === 'malam') {
+ return hour + 12;
+ }
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hours, minutes, isLower) {
+ if (hours < 11) {
+ return 'pagi';
+ } else if (hours < 15) {
+ return 'tengahari';
+ } else if (hours < 19) {
+ return 'petang';
+ } else {
+ return 'malam';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Hari ini pukul] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Esok pukul] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [pukul] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Kelmarin pukul] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [lepas pukul] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'dalam %s',
+ past: '%s yang lepas',
+ s: 'beberapa saat',
+ ss: '%d saat',
+ m: 'seminit',
+ mm: '%d minit',
+ h: 'sejam',
+ hh: '%d jam',
+ d: 'sehari',
+ dd: '%d hari',
+ M: 'sebulan',
+ MM: '%d bulan',
+ y: 'setahun',
+ yy: '%d tahun'
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('mt', {
+ months: 'Jannar_Frar_Marzu_April_Mejju_Ä unju_Lulju_Awwissu_Settembru_Ottubru_Novembru_DiÄ‹embru'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan_Fra_Mar_Apr_Mej_Ä un_Lul_Aww_Set_Ott_Nov_DiÄ‹'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Il-Ħadd_It-Tnejn_It-Tlieta_L-Erbgħa_Il-Ħamis_Il-Ä imgħa_Is-Sibt'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Ħad_Tne_Tli_Erb_Ħam_Ä im_Sib'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Ħa_Tn_Tl_Er_Ħa_Ä i_Si'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Illum fil-]LT',
+ nextDay: '[Għada fil-]LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [fil-]LT',
+ lastDay: '[Il-bieraħ fil-]LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [li għadda] [fil-]LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'f’ %s',
+ past: '%s ilu',
+ s: 'ftit sekondi',
+ ss: '%d sekondi',
+ m: 'minuta',
+ mm: '%d minuti',
+ h: 'siegħa',
+ hh: '%d siegħat',
+ d: 'Ä¡urnata',
+ dd: '%d Ä¡ranet',
+ M: 'xahar',
+ MM: '%d xhur',
+ y: 'sena',
+ yy: '%d sni'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}º/,
+ ordinal: '%dº',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var symbolMap$c = {
+ '1': 'á',
+ '2': 'á‚',
+ '3': 'áƒ',
+ '4': 'á„',
+ '5': 'á…',
+ '6': 'á†',
+ '7': 'á‡',
+ '8': 'áˆ',
+ '9': 'á‰',
+ '0': 'á€'
+ },
+ numberMap$b = {
+ 'á': '1',
+ 'á‚': '2',
+ 'áƒ': '3',
+ 'á„': '4',
+ 'á…': '5',
+ 'á†': '6',
+ 'á‡': '7',
+ 'áˆ': '8',
+ 'á‰': '9',
+ 'á€': '0'
+ };
+ hooks.defineLocale('my', {
+ months: 'ဇန်နá€á€«á€›á€®_ဖေဖော်á€á€«á€›á€®_မá€á€º_ဧပြီ_မေ_ဇွန်_ဇူလá€á€¯á€„်_သြဂုá€á€º_စက်á€á€„်ဘာ_အောက်á€á€á€¯á€˜á€¬_နá€á€¯á€á€„်ဘာ_ဒီဇင်ဘာ'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'ဇန်_ဖေ_မá€á€º_ပြီ_မေ_ဇွန်_လá€á€¯á€„်_သြ_စက်_အောက်_နá€á€¯_ဒီ'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'á€á€”င်္ဂနွေ_á€á€”င်္လာ_အင်္ဂါ_ဗုဒ္ဓဟူး_ကြာသပá€á€±á€¸_သောကြာ_စနေ'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'နွေ_လာ_ဂါ_ဟူး_ကြာ_သော_နေ'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'နွေ_လာ_ဂါ_ဟူး_ကြာ_သော_နေ'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[ယနေ.] LT [မှာ]',
+ nextDay: '[မနက်ဖြန်] LT [မှာ]',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd LT [မှာ]',
+ lastDay: '[မနေ.က] LT [မှာ]',
+ lastWeek: '[ပြီးá€á€²á€·á€žá€±á€¬] dddd LT [မှာ]',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'လာမည့် %s မှာ',
+ past: 'လွန်á€á€²á€·á€žá€±á€¬ %s က',
+ s: 'စက္ကန်.အနည်းငယ်',
+ ss: '%d စက္ကန့်',
+ m: 'á€á€…်မá€á€”စ်',
+ mm: '%d မá€á€”စ်',
+ h: 'á€á€…်နာရီ',
+ hh: '%d နာရီ',
+ d: 'á€á€…်ရက်',
+ dd: '%d ရက်',
+ M: 'á€á€…်လ',
+ MM: '%d လ',
+ y: 'á€á€…်နှစ်',
+ yy: '%d နှစ်'
+ },
+ preparse: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/[áá‚áƒá„á…á†á‡áˆá‰á€]/g, function(match) {
+ return numberMap$b[match];
+ });
+ },
+ postformat: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/\d/g, function(match) {
+ return symbolMap$c[match];
+ });
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('nb', {
+ months: 'januar_februar_mars_april_mai_juni_juli_august_september_oktober_november_desember'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'jan._feb._mars_april_mai_juni_juli_aug._sep._okt._nov._des.'.split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'søndag_mandag_tirsdag_onsdag_torsdag_fredag_lørdag'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'sø._ma._ti._on._to._fr._lø.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'sø_ma_ti_on_to_fr_lø'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D. MMMM YYYY [kl.] HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D. MMMM YYYY [kl.] HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[i dag kl.] LT',
+ nextDay: '[i morgen kl.] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [kl.] LT',
+ lastDay: '[i går kl.] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[forrige] dddd [kl.] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'om %s',
+ past: '%s siden',
+ s: 'noen sekunder',
+ ss: '%d sekunder',
+ m: 'ett minutt',
+ mm: '%d minutter',
+ h: 'en time',
+ hh: '%d timer',
+ d: 'en dag',
+ dd: '%d dager',
+ M: 'en måned',
+ MM: '%d måneder',
+ y: 'ett år',
+ yy: '%d år'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var symbolMap$d = {
+ '1': '१',
+ '2': '२',
+ '3': '३',
+ '4': '४',
+ '5': '५',
+ '6': '६',
+ '7': 'à¥',
+ '8': '८',
+ '9': '९',
+ '0': '०'
+ },
+ numberMap$c = {
+ '१': '1',
+ '२': '2',
+ '३': '3',
+ '४': '4',
+ '५': '5',
+ '६': '6',
+ 'à¥': '7',
+ '८': '8',
+ '९': '9',
+ '०': '0'
+ };
+ hooks.defineLocale('ne', {
+ months: 'जनवरी_फेबà¥à¤°à¥à¤µà¤°à¥€_मारà¥à¤š_अपà¥à¤°à¤¿à¤²_मई_जà¥à¤¨_जà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤ˆ_अगषà¥à¤Ÿ_सेपà¥à¤Ÿà¥‡à¤®à¥à¤¬à¤°_अकà¥à¤Ÿà¥‹à¤¬à¤°_नोà¤à¥‡à¤®à¥à¤¬à¤°_डिसेमà¥à¤¬à¤°'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'जन._फेबà¥à¤°à¥._मारà¥à¤š_अपà¥à¤°à¤¿._मई_जà¥à¤¨_जà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤ˆ._अग._सेपà¥à¤Ÿ._अकà¥à¤Ÿà¥‹._नोà¤à¥‡._डिसे.'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'आइतबार_सोमबार_मङà¥à¤—लबार_बà¥à¤§à¤¬à¤¾à¤°_बिहिबार_शà¥à¤•à¥à¤°à¤¬à¤¾à¤°_शनिबार'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'आइत._सोम._मङà¥à¤—ल._बà¥à¤§._बिहि._शà¥à¤•à¥à¤°._शनि.'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'आ._सो._मं._बà¥._बि._शà¥._श.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'Aको h:mm बजे',
+ LTS: 'Aको h:mm:ss बजे',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY, Aको h:mm बजे',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY, Aको h:mm बजे'
+ },
+ preparse: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/[१२३४५६à¥à¥®à¥¯à¥¦]/g, function(match) {
+ return numberMap$c[match];
+ });
+ },
+ postformat: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/\d/g, function(match) {
+ return symbolMap$d[match];
+ });
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /राति|बिहान|दिउà¤à¤¸à¥‹|साà¤à¤/,
+ meridiemHour: function(hour, meridiem) {
+ if (hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ if (meridiem === 'राति') {
+ return hour < 4 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'बिहान') {
+ return hour;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'दिउà¤à¤¸à¥‹') {
+ return hour >= 10 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'साà¤à¤') {
+ return hour + 12;
+ }
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 3) {
+ return 'राति';
+ } else if (hour < 12) {
+ return 'बिहान';
+ } else if (hour < 16) {
+ return 'दिउà¤à¤¸à¥‹';
+ } else if (hour < 20) {
+ return 'साà¤à¤';
+ } else {
+ return 'राति';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[आज] LT',
+ nextDay: '[à¤à¥‹à¤²à¤¿] LT',
+ nextWeek: '[आउà¤à¤¦à¥‹] dddd[,] LT',
+ lastDay: '[हिजो] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[गà¤à¤•à¥‹] dddd[,] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%sमा',
+ past: '%s अगाडि',
+ s: 'केही कà¥à¤·à¤£',
+ ss: '%d सेकेणà¥à¤¡',
+ m: 'à¤à¤• मिनेट',
+ mm: '%d मिनेट',
+ h: 'à¤à¤• घणà¥à¤Ÿà¤¾',
+ hh: '%d घणà¥à¤Ÿà¤¾',
+ d: 'à¤à¤• दिन',
+ dd: '%d दिन',
+ M: 'à¤à¤• महिना',
+ MM: '%d महिना',
+ y: 'à¤à¤• बरà¥à¤·',
+ yy: '%d बरà¥à¤·'
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var monthsShortWithDots$1 = 'jan._feb._mrt._apr._mei_jun._jul._aug._sep._okt._nov._dec.'.split('_'),
+ monthsShortWithoutDots$1 = 'jan_feb_mrt_apr_mei_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec'.split('_');
+ var monthsParse$4 = [/^jan/i, /^feb/i, /^maart|mrt.?$/i, /^apr/i, /^mei$/i, /^jun[i.]?$/i,
+ /^jul[i.]?$/i, /^aug/i, /^sep/i, /^okt/i, /^nov/i, /^dec/i
+ ];
+ var monthsRegex$5 =
+ /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december|jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i;
+ hooks.defineLocale('nl-be', {
+ months: 'januari_februari_maart_april_mei_juni_juli_augustus_september_oktober_november_december'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: function(m, format) {
+ if (!m) {
+ return monthsShortWithDots$1;
+ } else if (/-MMM-/.test(format)) {
+ return monthsShortWithoutDots$1[m.month()];
+ } else {
+ return monthsShortWithDots$1[m.month()];
+ }
+ },
+ monthsRegex: monthsRegex$5,
+ monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex$5,
+ monthsStrictRegex: /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december)/i,
+ monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|mei|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i,
+ monthsParse: monthsParse$4,
+ longMonthsParse: monthsParse$4,
+ shortMonthsParse: monthsParse$4,
+ weekdays: 'zondag_maandag_dinsdag_woensdag_donderdag_vrijdag_zaterdag'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'zo._ma._di._wo._do._vr._za.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'zo_ma_di_wo_do_vr_za'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[vandaag om] LT',
+ nextDay: '[morgen om] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [om] LT',
+ lastDay: '[gisteren om] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[afgelopen] dddd [om] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'over %s',
+ past: '%s geleden',
+ s: 'een paar seconden',
+ ss: '%d seconden',
+ m: 'één minuut',
+ mm: '%d minuten',
+ h: 'één uur',
+ hh: '%d uur',
+ d: 'één dag',
+ dd: '%d dagen',
+ M: 'één maand',
+ MM: '%d maanden',
+ y: 'één jaar',
+ yy: '%d jaar'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(ste|de)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ return number + ((number === 1 || number === 8 || number >= 20) ? 'ste' : 'de');
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var monthsShortWithDots$2 = 'jan._feb._mrt._apr._mei_jun._jul._aug._sep._okt._nov._dec.'.split('_'),
+ monthsShortWithoutDots$2 = 'jan_feb_mrt_apr_mei_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec'.split('_');
+ var monthsParse$5 = [/^jan/i, /^feb/i, /^maart|mrt.?$/i, /^apr/i, /^mei$/i, /^jun[i.]?$/i,
+ /^jul[i.]?$/i, /^aug/i, /^sep/i, /^okt/i, /^nov/i, /^dec/i
+ ];
+ var monthsRegex$6 =
+ /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december|jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i;
+ hooks.defineLocale('nl', {
+ months: 'januari_februari_maart_april_mei_juni_juli_augustus_september_oktober_november_december'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: function(m, format) {
+ if (!m) {
+ return monthsShortWithDots$2;
+ } else if (/-MMM-/.test(format)) {
+ return monthsShortWithoutDots$2[m.month()];
+ } else {
+ return monthsShortWithDots$2[m.month()];
+ }
+ },
+ monthsRegex: monthsRegex$6,
+ monthsShortRegex: monthsRegex$6,
+ monthsStrictRegex: /^(januari|februari|maart|april|mei|ju[nl]i|augustus|september|oktober|november|december)/i,
+ monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(jan\.?|feb\.?|mrt\.?|apr\.?|mei|ju[nl]\.?|aug\.?|sep\.?|okt\.?|nov\.?|dec\.?)/i,
+ monthsParse: monthsParse$5,
+ longMonthsParse: monthsParse$5,
+ shortMonthsParse: monthsParse$5,
+ weekdays: 'zondag_maandag_dinsdag_woensdag_donderdag_vrijdag_zaterdag'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'zo._ma._di._wo._do._vr._za.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'zo_ma_di_wo_do_vr_za'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD-MM-YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[vandaag om] LT',
+ nextDay: '[morgen om] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [om] LT',
+ lastDay: '[gisteren om] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[afgelopen] dddd [om] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'over %s',
+ past: '%s geleden',
+ s: 'een paar seconden',
+ ss: '%d seconden',
+ m: 'één minuut',
+ mm: '%d minuten',
+ h: 'één uur',
+ hh: '%d uur',
+ d: 'één dag',
+ dd: '%d dagen',
+ M: 'één maand',
+ MM: '%d maanden',
+ y: 'één jaar',
+ yy: '%d jaar'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(ste|de)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ return number + ((number === 1 || number === 8 || number >= 20) ? 'ste' : 'de');
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('nn', {
+ months: 'januar_februar_mars_april_mai_juni_juli_august_september_oktober_november_desember'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'jan_feb_mar_apr_mai_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_des'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'sundag_måndag_tysdag_onsdag_torsdag_fredag_laurdag'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'sun_mån_tys_ons_tor_fre_lau'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'su_må_ty_on_to_fr_lø'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D. MMMM YYYY [kl.] H:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D. MMMM YYYY [kl.] HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[I dag klokka] LT',
+ nextDay: '[I morgon klokka] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [klokka] LT',
+ lastDay: '[I går klokka] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[Føregåande] dddd [klokka] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'om %s',
+ past: '%s sidan',
+ s: 'nokre sekund',
+ ss: '%d sekund',
+ m: 'eit minutt',
+ mm: '%d minutt',
+ h: 'ein time',
+ hh: '%d timar',
+ d: 'ein dag',
+ dd: '%d dagar',
+ M: 'ein månad',
+ MM: '%d månader',
+ y: 'eit år',
+ yy: '%d år'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var symbolMap$e = {
+ '1': '੧',
+ '2': '੨',
+ '3': 'à©©',
+ '4': '੪',
+ '5': 'à©«',
+ '6': '੬',
+ '7': 'à©',
+ '8': 'à©®',
+ '9': '੯',
+ '0': '੦'
+ },
+ numberMap$d = {
+ '੧': '1',
+ '੨': '2',
+ 'à©©': '3',
+ '੪': '4',
+ 'à©«': '5',
+ '੬': '6',
+ 'à©': '7',
+ 'à©®': '8',
+ '੯': '9',
+ '੦': '0'
+ };
+ hooks.defineLocale('pa-in', {
+ // There are months name as per Nanakshahi Calendar but they are not used as rigidly in modern Punjabi.
+ months: 'ਜਨਵਰੀ_ਫ਼ਰਵਰੀ_ਮਾਰਚ_ਅਪà©à¨°à©ˆà¨²_ਮਈ_ਜੂਨ_ਜà©à¨²à¨¾à¨ˆ_ਅਗਸਤ_ਸਤੰਬਰ_ਅਕਤੂਬਰ_ਨਵੰਬਰ_ਦਸੰਬਰ'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'ਜਨਵਰੀ_ਫ਼ਰਵਰੀ_ਮਾਰਚ_ਅਪà©à¨°à©ˆà¨²_ਮਈ_ਜੂਨ_ਜà©à¨²à¨¾à¨ˆ_ਅਗਸਤ_ਸਤੰਬਰ_ਅਕਤੂਬਰ_ਨਵੰਬਰ_ਦਸੰਬਰ'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'à¨à¨¤à¨µà¨¾à¨°_ਸੋਮਵਾਰ_ਮੰਗਲਵਾਰ_ਬà©à¨§à¨µà¨¾à¨°_ਵੀਰਵਾਰ_ਸ਼à©à©±à¨•à¨°à¨µà¨¾à¨°_ਸ਼ਨੀਚਰਵਾਰ'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'à¨à¨¤_ਸੋਮ_ਮੰਗਲ_ਬà©à¨§_ਵੀਰ_ਸ਼à©à¨•à¨°_ਸ਼ਨੀ'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'à¨à¨¤_ਸੋਮ_ਮੰਗਲ_ਬà©à¨§_ਵੀਰ_ਸ਼à©à¨•à¨°_ਸ਼ਨੀ'
+ .split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'A h:mm ਵਜੇ',
+ LTS: 'A h:mm:ss ਵਜੇ',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm ਵਜੇ',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm ਵਜੇ'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[ਅਜ] LT',
+ nextDay: '[ਕਲ] LT',
+ nextWeek: '[ਅਗਲਾ] dddd, LT',
+ lastDay: '[ਕਲ] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[ਪਿਛਲੇ] dddd, LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s ਵਿੱਚ',
+ past: '%s ਪਿਛਲੇ',
+ s: 'ਕà©à¨ ਸਕਿੰਟ',
+ ss: '%d ਸਕਿੰਟ',
+ m: 'ਇਕ ਮਿੰਟ',
+ mm: '%d ਮਿੰਟ',
+ h: 'ਇੱਕ ਘੰਟਾ',
+ hh: '%d ਘੰਟੇ',
+ d: 'ਇੱਕ ਦਿਨ',
+ dd: '%d ਦਿਨ',
+ M: 'ਇੱਕ ਮਹੀਨਾ',
+ MM: '%d ਮਹੀਨੇ',
+ y: 'ਇੱਕ ਸਾਲ',
+ yy: '%d ਸਾਲ'
+ },
+ preparse: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/[੧੨੩੪੫੬à©à©®à©¯à©¦]/g, function(match) {
+ return numberMap$d[match];
+ });
+ },
+ postformat: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/\d/g, function(match) {
+ return symbolMap$e[match];
+ });
+ },
+ // Punjabi notation for meridiems are quite fuzzy in practice. While there exists
+ // a rigid notion of a 'Pahar' it is not used as rigidly in modern Punjabi.
+ meridiemParse: /ਰਾਤ|ਸਵੇਰ|ਦà©à¨ªà¨¹à¨¿à¨°|ਸ਼ਾਮ/,
+ meridiemHour: function(hour, meridiem) {
+ if (hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ if (meridiem === 'ਰਾਤ') {
+ return hour < 4 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'ਸਵੇਰ') {
+ return hour;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'ਦà©à¨ªà¨¹à¨¿à¨°') {
+ return hour >= 10 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'ਸ਼ਾਮ') {
+ return hour + 12;
+ }
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 4) {
+ return 'ਰਾਤ';
+ } else if (hour < 10) {
+ return 'ਸਵੇਰ';
+ } else if (hour < 17) {
+ return 'ਦà©à¨ªà¨¹à¨¿à¨°';
+ } else if (hour < 20) {
+ return 'ਸ਼ਾਮ';
+ } else {
+ return 'ਰਾਤ';
+ }
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var monthsNominative =
+ 'styczeń_luty_marzec_kwiecień_maj_czerwiec_lipiec_sierpień_wrzesień_październik_listopad_grudzień'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsSubjective =
+ 'stycznia_lutego_marca_kwietnia_maja_czerwca_lipca_sierpnia_września_października_listopada_grudnia'
+ .split('_');
+ function plural$3(n) {
+ return (n % 10 < 5) && (n % 10 > 1) && ((~~(n / 10) % 10) !== 1);
+ }
+ function translate$8(number, withoutSuffix, key) {
+ var result = number + ' ';
+ switch (key) {
+ case 'ss':
+ return result + (plural$3(number) ? 'sekundy' : 'sekund');
+ case 'm':
+ return withoutSuffix ? 'minuta' : 'minutÄ™';
+ case 'mm':
+ return result + (plural$3(number) ? 'minuty' : 'minut');
+ case 'h':
+ return withoutSuffix ? 'godzina' : 'godzinÄ™';
+ case 'hh':
+ return result + (plural$3(number) ? 'godziny' : 'godzin');
+ case 'MM':
+ return result + (plural$3(number) ? 'miesiące' : 'miesięcy');
+ case 'yy':
+ return result + (plural$3(number) ? 'lata' : 'lat');
+ }
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('pl', {
+ months: function(momentToFormat, format) {
+ if (!momentToFormat) {
+ return monthsNominative;
+ } else if (format === '') {
+ // Hack: if format empty we know this is used to generate
+ // RegExp by moment. Give then back both valid forms of months
+ // in RegExp ready format.
+ return '(' + monthsSubjective[momentToFormat.month()] + '|' + monthsNominative[
+ momentToFormat.month()] + ')';
+ } else if (/D MMMM/.test(format)) {
+ return monthsSubjective[momentToFormat.month()];
+ } else {
+ return monthsNominative[momentToFormat.month()];
+ }
+ },
+ monthsShort: 'sty_lut_mar_kwi_maj_cze_lip_sie_wrz_paź_lis_gru'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'niedziela_poniedziałek_wtorek_środa_czwartek_piątek_sobota'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'ndz_pon_wt_śr_czw_pt_sob'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Nd_Pn_Wt_Åšr_Cz_Pt_So'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[DziÅ› o] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Jutro o] LT',
+ nextWeek: function() {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ return '[W niedzielÄ™ o] LT';
+ case 2:
+ return '[We wtorek o] LT';
+ case 3:
+ return '[W środę o] LT';
+ case 6:
+ return '[W sobotÄ™ o] LT';
+ default:
+ return '[W] dddd [o] LT';
+ }
+ },
+ lastDay: '[Wczoraj o] LT',
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ return '[W zeszłą niedzielę o] LT';
+ case 3:
+ return '[W zeszłą środę o] LT';
+ case 6:
+ return '[W zeszłą sobotę o] LT';
+ default:
+ return '[W zeszły] dddd [o] LT';
+ }
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'za %s',
+ past: '%s temu',
+ s: 'kilka sekund',
+ ss: translate$8,
+ m: translate$8,
+ mm: translate$8,
+ h: translate$8,
+ hh: translate$8,
+ d: '1 dzień',
+ dd: '%d dni',
+ M: 'miesiÄ…c',
+ MM: translate$8,
+ y: 'rok',
+ yy: translate$8
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('pt-br', {
+ months: 'Janeiro_Fevereiro_Março_Abril_Maio_Junho_Julho_Agosto_Setembro_Outubro_Novembro_Dezembro'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan_Fev_Mar_Abr_Mai_Jun_Jul_Ago_Set_Out_Nov_Dez'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Domingo_Segunda-feira_Terça-feira_Quarta-feira_Quinta-feira_Sexta-feira_Sábado'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Dom_Seg_Ter_Qua_Qui_Sex_Sáb'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Do_2ª_3ª_4ª_5ª_6ª_Sá'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY [Ã s] HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY [Ã s] HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Hoje à s] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Amanhã à s] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [Ã s] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Ontem à s] LT',
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ return ( === 0 || === 6) ?
+ '[Último] dddd [à s] LT' : // Saturday + Sunday
+ '[Última] dddd [à s] LT'; // Monday - Friday
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'em %s',
+ past: 'há %s',
+ s: 'poucos segundos',
+ ss: '%d segundos',
+ m: 'um minuto',
+ mm: '%d minutos',
+ h: 'uma hora',
+ hh: '%d horas',
+ d: 'um dia',
+ dd: '%d dias',
+ M: 'um mês',
+ MM: '%d meses',
+ y: 'um ano',
+ yy: '%d anos'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}º/,
+ ordinal: '%dº'
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('pt', {
+ months: 'Janeiro_Fevereiro_Março_Abril_Maio_Junho_Julho_Agosto_Setembro_Outubro_Novembro_Dezembro'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan_Fev_Mar_Abr_Mai_Jun_Jul_Ago_Set_Out_Nov_Dez'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Domingo_Segunda-feira_Terça-feira_Quarta-feira_Quinta-feira_Sexta-feira_Sábado'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Dom_Seg_Ter_Qua_Qui_Sex_Sáb'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Do_2ª_3ª_4ª_5ª_6ª_Sá'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D [de] MMMM [de] YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Hoje à s] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Amanhã à s] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [Ã s] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Ontem à s] LT',
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ return ( === 0 || === 6) ?
+ '[Último] dddd [à s] LT' : // Saturday + Sunday
+ '[Última] dddd [à s] LT'; // Monday - Friday
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'em %s',
+ past: 'há %s',
+ s: 'segundos',
+ ss: '%d segundos',
+ m: 'um minuto',
+ mm: '%d minutos',
+ h: 'uma hora',
+ hh: '%d horas',
+ d: 'um dia',
+ dd: '%d dias',
+ M: 'um mês',
+ MM: '%d meses',
+ y: 'um ano',
+ yy: '%d anos'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}º/,
+ ordinal: '%dº',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ function relativeTimeWithPlural$2(number, withoutSuffix, key) {
+ var format = {
+ 'ss': 'secunde',
+ 'mm': 'minute',
+ 'hh': 'ore',
+ 'dd': 'zile',
+ 'MM': 'luni',
+ 'yy': 'ani'
+ },
+ separator = ' ';
+ if (number % 100 >= 20 || (number >= 100 && number % 100 === 0)) {
+ separator = ' de ';
+ }
+ return number + separator + format[key];
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('ro', {
+ months: 'ianuarie_februarie_martie_aprilie_mai_iunie_iulie_august_septembrie_octombrie_noiembrie_decembrie'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'ian._febr._mart._apr._mai_iun._iul._aug._sept._oct._nov._dec.'.split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'duminică_luni_marți_miercuri_joi_vineri_sâmbătă'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Dum_Lun_Mar_Mie_Joi_Vin_Sâm'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Du_Lu_Ma_Mi_Jo_Vi_Sâ'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'H:mm',
+ LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY H:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY H:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[azi la] LT',
+ nextDay: '[mâine la] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [la] LT',
+ lastDay: '[ieri la] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[fosta] dddd [la] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'peste %s',
+ past: '%s în urmă',
+ s: 'câteva secunde',
+ ss: relativeTimeWithPlural$2,
+ m: 'un minut',
+ mm: relativeTimeWithPlural$2,
+ h: 'o oră',
+ hh: relativeTimeWithPlural$2,
+ d: 'o zi',
+ dd: relativeTimeWithPlural$2,
+ M: 'o lună',
+ MM: relativeTimeWithPlural$2,
+ y: 'un an',
+ yy: relativeTimeWithPlural$2
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ function plural$4(word, num) {
+ var forms = word.split('_');
+ return num % 10 === 1 && num % 100 !== 11 ? forms[0] : (num % 10 >= 2 && num % 10 <= 4 && (num %
+ 100 < 10 || num % 100 >= 20) ? forms[1] : forms[2]);
+ }
+ function relativeTimeWithPlural$3(number, withoutSuffix, key) {
+ var format = {
+ 'ss': withoutSuffix ? 'Ñекунда_Ñекунды_Ñекунд' :
+ 'Ñекунду_Ñекунды_Ñекунд',
+ 'mm': withoutSuffix ? 'минута_минуты_минут' :
+ 'минуту_минуты_минут',
+ 'hh': 'чаÑ_чаÑа_чаÑов',
+ 'dd': 'день_днÑ_дней',
+ 'MM': 'меÑÑц_меÑÑца_меÑÑцев',
+ 'yy': 'год_года_лет'
+ };
+ if (key === 'm') {
+ return withoutSuffix ? 'минута' : 'минуту';
+ } else {
+ return number + ' ' + plural$4(format[key], +number);
+ }
+ }
+ var monthsParse$6 = [/^Ñнв/i, /^фев/i, /^мар/i, /^апр/i, /^ма[йÑ]/i, /^июн/i,
+ /^июл/i, /^авг/i, /^Ñен/i, /^окт/i, /^ноÑ/i, /^дек/i
+ ];
+ // : § 103
+ // Ð¡Ð¾ÐºÑ€Ð°Ñ‰ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¼ÐµÑÑцев:
+ // CLDR data:
+ hooks.defineLocale('ru', {
+ months: {
+ format: 'ÑнварÑ_февралÑ_марта_апрелÑ_маÑ_июнÑ_июлÑ_авгуÑта_ÑентÑбрÑ_октÑбрÑ_ноÑбрÑ_декабрÑ'
+ .split('_'),
+ standalone: 'Ñнварь_февраль_март_апрель_май_июнь_июль_авгуÑÑ‚_ÑентÑбрь_октÑбрь_ноÑбрь_декабрь'
+ .split('_')
+ },
+ monthsShort: {
+ // по CLDR именно "июл." и "июн.", но какой ÑмыÑл менÑÑ‚ÑŒ букву на точку ?
+ format: 'Ñнв._февр._мар._апр._маÑ_июнÑ_июлÑ_авг._Ñент._окт._ноÑб._дек.'
+ .split('_'),
+ standalone: 'Ñнв._февр._март_апр._май_июнь_июль_авг._Ñент._окт._ноÑб._дек.'
+ .split('_')
+ },
+ weekdays: {
+ standalone: 'воÑкреÑенье_понедельник_вторник_Ñреда_четверг_пÑтница_Ñуббота'
+ .split('_'),
+ format: 'воÑкреÑенье_понедельник_вторник_Ñреду_четверг_пÑтницу_Ñубботу'
+ .split('_'),
+ isFormat: /\[ ?[Вв] ?(?:прошлую|Ñледующую|Ñту)? ?\] ?dddd/
+ },
+ weekdaysShort: 'вÑ_пн_вт_ÑÑ€_чт_пт_Ñб'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'вÑ_пн_вт_ÑÑ€_чт_пт_Ñб'.split('_'),
+ monthsParse: monthsParse$6,
+ longMonthsParse: monthsParse$6,
+ shortMonthsParse: monthsParse$6,
+ // полные Ð½Ð°Ð·Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ¶Ð°Ð¼Ð¸, по три буквы, Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð½ÐµÐºÐ¾Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ñ‹Ñ…, по 4 буквы, ÑÐ¾ÐºÑ€Ð°Ñ‰ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ‡ÐºÐ¾Ð¹ и без точки
+ monthsRegex: /^(Ñнвар[ÑŒÑ]|Ñнв\.?|феврал[ÑŒÑ]|февр?\.?|марта?|мар\.?|апрел[ÑŒÑ]|апр\.?|ма[йÑ]|июн[ÑŒÑ]|июн\.?|июл[ÑŒÑ]|июл\.?|авгуÑта?|авг\.?|ÑентÑбр[ÑŒÑ]|Ñент?\.?|октÑбр[ÑŒÑ]|окт\.?|ноÑбр[ÑŒÑ]|ноÑб?\.?|декабр[ÑŒÑ]|дек\.?)/i,
+ // ÐºÐ¾Ð¿Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ñ‹Ð´ÑƒÑ‰ÐµÐ³Ð¾
+ monthsShortRegex: /^(Ñнвар[ÑŒÑ]|Ñнв\.?|феврал[ÑŒÑ]|февр?\.?|марта?|мар\.?|апрел[ÑŒÑ]|апр\.?|ма[йÑ]|июн[ÑŒÑ]|июн\.?|июл[ÑŒÑ]|июл\.?|авгуÑта?|авг\.?|ÑентÑбр[ÑŒÑ]|Ñент?\.?|октÑбр[ÑŒÑ]|окт\.?|ноÑбр[ÑŒÑ]|ноÑб?\.?|декабр[ÑŒÑ]|дек\.?)/i,
+ // полные Ð½Ð°Ð·Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ¶Ð°Ð¼Ð¸
+ monthsStrictRegex: /^(Ñнвар[ÑÑŒ]|феврал[ÑÑŒ]|марта?|апрел[ÑÑŒ]|ма[Ñй]|июн[ÑÑŒ]|июл[ÑÑŒ]|авгуÑта?|ÑентÑбр[ÑÑŒ]|октÑбр[ÑÑŒ]|ноÑбр[ÑÑŒ]|декабр[ÑÑŒ])/i,
+ // Выражение, которое ÑоотвеÑтвует только Ñокращённым формам
+ monthsShortStrictRegex: /^(Ñнв\.|февр?\.|мар[Ñ‚.]|апр\.|ма[Ñй]|июн[ÑŒÑ.]|июл[ÑŒÑ.]|авг\.|Ñент?\.|окт\.|ноÑб?\.|дек\.)/i,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'H:mm',
+ LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LL: 'D MMMM YYYY г.',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY г., H:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY г., H:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[СегоднÑ, в] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Завтра, в] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Вчера, в] LT',
+ nextWeek: function(now) {
+ if (now.week() !== this.week()) {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ return '[Ð’ Ñледующее] dddd, [в] LT';
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 4:
+ return '[Ð’ Ñледующий] dddd, [в] LT';
+ case 3:
+ case 5:
+ case 6:
+ return '[Ð’ Ñледующую] dddd, [в] LT';
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( === 2) {
+ return '[Во] dddd, [в] LT';
+ } else {
+ return '[В] dddd, [в] LT';
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ lastWeek: function(now) {
+ if (now.week() !== this.week()) {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ return '[В прошлое] dddd, [в] LT';
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 4:
+ return '[В прошлый] dddd, [в] LT';
+ case 3:
+ case 5:
+ case 6:
+ return '[В прошлую] dddd, [в] LT';
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( === 2) {
+ return '[Во] dddd, [в] LT';
+ } else {
+ return '[В] dddd, [в] LT';
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'через %s',
+ past: '%s назад',
+ s: 'неÑколько Ñекунд',
+ ss: relativeTimeWithPlural$3,
+ m: relativeTimeWithPlural$3,
+ mm: relativeTimeWithPlural$3,
+ h: 'чаÑ',
+ hh: relativeTimeWithPlural$3,
+ d: 'день',
+ dd: relativeTimeWithPlural$3,
+ M: 'меÑÑц',
+ MM: relativeTimeWithPlural$3,
+ y: 'год',
+ yy: relativeTimeWithPlural$3
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /ночи|утра|днÑ|вечера/i,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return /^(днÑ|вечера)$/.test(input);
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 4) {
+ return 'ночи';
+ } else if (hour < 12) {
+ return 'утра';
+ } else if (hour < 17) {
+ return 'днÑ';
+ } else {
+ return 'вечера';
+ }
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-(й|го|Ñ)/,
+ ordinal: function(number, period) {
+ switch (period) {
+ case 'M':
+ case 'd':
+ case 'DDD':
+ return number + '-й';
+ case 'D':
+ return number + '-го';
+ case 'w':
+ case 'W':
+ return number + '-Ñ';
+ default:
+ return number;
+ }
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var months$8 = [
+ 'جنوري',
+ 'Ùيبروري',
+ 'مارچ',
+ 'اپريل',
+ 'مئي',
+ 'جون',
+ 'جولاءÙ',
+ 'آگسٽ',
+ 'سيپٽمبر',
+ 'آڪٽوبر',
+ 'نومبر',
+ 'ڊسمبر'
+ ];
+ var days$1 = [
+ 'آچر',
+ 'سومر',
+ 'اڱارو',
+ 'اربع',
+ 'خميس',
+ 'جمع',
+ 'ڇنڇر'
+ ];
+ hooks.defineLocale('sd', {
+ months: months$8,
+ monthsShort: months$8,
+ weekdays: days$1,
+ weekdaysShort: days$1,
+ weekdaysMin: days$1,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd، D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /صبØ|شام/,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return 'شام' === input;
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 12) {
+ return 'صبØ';
+ }
+ return 'شام';
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[اڄ] LT',
+ nextDay: '[سڀاڻي] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [اڳين Ù‡Ùتي تي] LT',
+ lastDay: '[ڪالهه] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[گزريل Ù‡Ùتي] dddd [تي] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s پوء',
+ past: '%s اڳ',
+ s: 'چند سيڪنڊ',
+ ss: '%d سيڪنڊ',
+ m: 'هڪ منٽ',
+ mm: '%d منٽ',
+ h: 'هڪ ڪلاڪ',
+ hh: '%d ڪلاڪ',
+ d: 'Ù‡Úª Úينهن',
+ dd: '%d Úينهن',
+ M: 'هڪ مهينو',
+ MM: '%d مهينا',
+ y: 'هڪ سال',
+ yy: '%d سال'
+ },
+ preparse: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/،/g, ',');
+ },
+ postformat: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/,/g, '،');
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('se', {
+ months: 'oÄ‘Ä‘ajagemánnu_guovvamánnu_njukÄamánnu_cuoÅ‹ománnu_miessemánnu_geassemánnu_suoidnemánnu_borgemánnu_ÄakÄamánnu_golggotmánnu_skábmamánnu_juovlamánnu'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'oÄ‘Ä‘j_guov_njuk_cuo_mies_geas_suoi_borg_ÄakÄ_golg_skáb_juov'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'sotnabeaivi_vuossárga_maŋŋebárga_gaskavahkku_duorastat_bearjadat_lávvardat'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'sotn_vuos_maŋ_gask_duor_bear_láv'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 's_v_m_g_d_b_L'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LL: 'MMMM D. [b.] YYYY',
+ LLL: 'MMMM D. [b.] YYYY [ti.] HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, MMMM D. [b.] YYYY [ti.] HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[otne ti] LT',
+ nextDay: '[ihttin ti] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [ti] LT',
+ lastDay: '[ikte ti] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[ovddit] dddd [ti] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s geažes',
+ past: 'maŋit %s',
+ s: 'moadde sekunddat',
+ ss: '%d sekunddat',
+ m: 'okta minuhta',
+ mm: '%d minuhtat',
+ h: 'okta diimmu',
+ hh: '%d diimmut',
+ d: 'okta beaivi',
+ dd: '%d beaivvit',
+ M: 'okta mánnu',
+ MM: '%d mánut',
+ y: 'okta jahki',
+ yy: '%d jagit'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ /*jshint -W100*/
+ hooks.defineLocale('si', {
+ months: 'ජනවà·à¶»à·’_පෙබරවà·à¶»à·’_මà·à¶»à·Šà¶à·”_අප්â€à¶»à·šà¶½à·Š_මà·à¶ºà·’_ජූනි_ජූලි_අගà·à·ƒà·Šà¶à·”_à·ƒà·à¶´à·Šà¶à·à¶¸à·Šà¶¶à¶»à·Š_ඔක්à¶à·à¶¶à¶»à·Š_නොවà·à¶¸à·Šà¶¶à¶»à·Š_දෙසà·à¶¸à·Šà¶¶à¶»à·Š'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'ජන_පෙබ_මà·à¶»à·Š_අප්_මà·à¶ºà·’_ජූනි_ජූලි_අගà·_à·ƒà·à¶´à·Š_ඔක්_නොවà·_දෙසà·'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'ඉරිදà·_සඳුදà·_අඟහරුවà·à¶¯à·_බදà·à¶¯à·_බ්â€à¶»à·„ස්පà¶à·’න්දà·_සිකුරà·à¶¯à·_සෙනසුරà·à¶¯à·'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'ඉරි_සඳු_අඟ_බදà·_බ්â€à¶»à·„_සිකු_සෙන'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'ඉ_à·ƒ_අ_බ_බ්â€à¶»_සි_සෙ'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'a h:mm',
+ LTS: 'a h:mm:ss',
+ L: 'YYYY/MM/DD',
+ LLL: 'YYYY MMMM D, a h:mm',
+ LLLL: 'YYYY MMMM D [à·€à·à¶±à·’] dddd, a h:mm:ss'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[අද] LT[ට]',
+ nextDay: '[හෙට] LT[ට]',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd LT[ට]',
+ lastDay: '[ඊයේ] LT[ට]',
+ lastWeek: '[පසුගිය] dddd LT[ට]',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%sකින්',
+ past: '%sකට පෙර',
+ s: 'à¶à¶à·Šà¶´à¶» කිහිපය',
+ ss: 'à¶à¶à·Šà¶´à¶» %d',
+ m: 'මිනිà¶à·Šà¶à·”à·€',
+ mm: 'මිනිà¶à·Šà¶à·” %d',
+ h: 'පà·à¶º',
+ hh: 'පà·à¶º %d',
+ d: 'දිනය',
+ dd: 'දින %d',
+ M: 'මà·à·ƒà¶º',
+ MM: 'මà·à·ƒ %d',
+ y: 'වසර',
+ yy: 'වසර %d'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2} à·€à·à¶±à·’/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ return number + ' à·€à·à¶±à·’';
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /පෙර වරු|පස් වරු|පෙ.ව|ප.ව./,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return input === 'ප.ව.' || input === 'පස් වරු';
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hours, minutes, isLower) {
+ if (hours > 11) {
+ return isLower ? 'ප.ව.' : 'පස් වරු';
+ } else {
+ return isLower ? 'පෙ.ව.' : 'පෙර වරු';
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var months$9 =
+ 'január_február_marec_aprÃl_máj_jún_júl_august_september_október_november_december'.split(
+ '_'),
+ monthsShort$6 = 'jan_feb_mar_apr_máj_jún_júl_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec'.split('_');
+ function plural$5(n) {
+ return (n > 1) && (n < 5);
+ }
+ function translate$9(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
+ var result = number + ' ';
+ switch (key) {
+ case 's': // a few seconds / in a few seconds / a few seconds ago
+ return (withoutSuffix || isFuture) ? 'pár sekúnd' : 'pár sekundami';
+ case 'ss': // 9 seconds / in 9 seconds / 9 seconds ago
+ if (withoutSuffix || isFuture) {
+ return result + (plural$5(number) ? 'sekundy' : 'sekúnd');
+ } else {
+ return result + 'sekundami';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'm': // a minute / in a minute / a minute ago
+ return withoutSuffix ? 'minúta' : (isFuture ? 'minútu' : 'minútou');
+ case 'mm': // 9 minutes / in 9 minutes / 9 minutes ago
+ if (withoutSuffix || isFuture) {
+ return result + (plural$5(number) ? 'minúty' : 'minút');
+ } else {
+ return result + 'minútami';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'h': // an hour / in an hour / an hour ago
+ return withoutSuffix ? 'hodina' : (isFuture ? 'hodinu' : 'hodinou');
+ case 'hh': // 9 hours / in 9 hours / 9 hours ago
+ if (withoutSuffix || isFuture) {
+ return result + (plural$5(number) ? 'hodiny' : 'hodÃn');
+ } else {
+ return result + 'hodinami';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'd': // a day / in a day / a day ago
+ return (withoutSuffix || isFuture) ? 'deň' : 'dňom';
+ case 'dd': // 9 days / in 9 days / 9 days ago
+ if (withoutSuffix || isFuture) {
+ return result + (plural$5(number) ? 'dni' : 'dnÃ');
+ } else {
+ return result + 'dňami';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'M': // a month / in a month / a month ago
+ return (withoutSuffix || isFuture) ? 'mesiac' : 'mesiacom';
+ case 'MM': // 9 months / in 9 months / 9 months ago
+ if (withoutSuffix || isFuture) {
+ return result + (plural$5(number) ? 'mesiace' : 'mesiacov');
+ } else {
+ return result + 'mesiacmi';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'y': // a year / in a year / a year ago
+ return (withoutSuffix || isFuture) ? 'rok' : 'rokom';
+ case 'yy': // 9 years / in 9 years / 9 years ago
+ if (withoutSuffix || isFuture) {
+ return result + (plural$5(number) ? 'roky' : 'rokov');
+ } else {
+ return result + 'rokmi';
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('sk', {
+ months: months$9,
+ monthsShort: monthsShort$6,
+ weekdays: 'nedeľa_pondelok_utorok_streda_štvrtok_piatok_sobota'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'ne_po_ut_st_Å¡t_pi_so'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'ne_po_ut_st_Å¡t_pi_so'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'H:mm',
+ LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D. MMMM YYYY H:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D. MMMM YYYY H:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[dnes o] LT',
+ nextDay: '[zajtra o] LT',
+ nextWeek: function() {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ return '[v nedeľu o] LT';
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ return '[v] dddd [o] LT';
+ case 3:
+ return '[v stredu o] LT';
+ case 4:
+ return '[vo Å¡tvrtok o] LT';
+ case 5:
+ return '[v piatok o] LT';
+ case 6:
+ return '[v sobotu o] LT';
+ }
+ },
+ lastDay: '[vÄera o] LT',
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ return '[minulú nedeľu o] LT';
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ return '[minulý] dddd [o] LT';
+ case 3:
+ return '[minulú stredu o] LT';
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ return '[minulý] dddd [o] LT';
+ case 6:
+ return '[minulú sobotu o] LT';
+ }
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'za %s',
+ past: 'pred %s',
+ s: translate$9,
+ ss: translate$9,
+ m: translate$9,
+ mm: translate$9,
+ h: translate$9,
+ hh: translate$9,
+ d: translate$9,
+ dd: translate$9,
+ M: translate$9,
+ MM: translate$9,
+ y: translate$9,
+ yy: translate$9
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ function processRelativeTime$6(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
+ var result = number + ' ';
+ switch (key) {
+ case 's':
+ return withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'nekaj sekund' : 'nekaj sekundami';
+ case 'ss':
+ if (number === 1) {
+ result += withoutSuffix ? 'sekundo' : 'sekundi';
+ } else if (number === 2) {
+ result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'sekundi' : 'sekundah';
+ } else if (number < 5) {
+ result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'sekunde' : 'sekundah';
+ } else {
+ result += 'sekund';
+ }
+ return result;
+ case 'm':
+ return withoutSuffix ? 'ena minuta' : 'eno minuto';
+ case 'mm':
+ if (number === 1) {
+ result += withoutSuffix ? 'minuta' : 'minuto';
+ } else if (number === 2) {
+ result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'minuti' : 'minutama';
+ } else if (number < 5) {
+ result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'minute' : 'minutami';
+ } else {
+ result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'minut' : 'minutami';
+ }
+ return result;
+ case 'h':
+ return withoutSuffix ? 'ena ura' : 'eno uro';
+ case 'hh':
+ if (number === 1) {
+ result += withoutSuffix ? 'ura' : 'uro';
+ } else if (number === 2) {
+ result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'uri' : 'urama';
+ } else if (number < 5) {
+ result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'ure' : 'urami';
+ } else {
+ result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'ur' : 'urami';
+ }
+ return result;
+ case 'd':
+ return withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'en dan' : 'enim dnem';
+ case 'dd':
+ if (number === 1) {
+ result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'dan' : 'dnem';
+ } else if (number === 2) {
+ result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'dni' : 'dnevoma';
+ } else {
+ result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'dni' : 'dnevi';
+ }
+ return result;
+ case 'M':
+ return withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'en mesec' : 'enim mesecem';
+ case 'MM':
+ if (number === 1) {
+ result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'mesec' : 'mesecem';
+ } else if (number === 2) {
+ result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'meseca' : 'mesecema';
+ } else if (number < 5) {
+ result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'mesece' : 'meseci';
+ } else {
+ result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'mesecev' : 'meseci';
+ }
+ return result;
+ case 'y':
+ return withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'eno leto' : 'enim letom';
+ case 'yy':
+ if (number === 1) {
+ result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'leto' : 'letom';
+ } else if (number === 2) {
+ result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'leti' : 'letoma';
+ } else if (number < 5) {
+ result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'leta' : 'leti';
+ } else {
+ result += withoutSuffix || isFuture ? 'let' : 'leti';
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('sl', {
+ months: 'januar_februar_marec_april_maj_junij_julij_avgust_september_oktober_november_december'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'jan._feb._mar._apr._maj._jun._jul._avg._sep._okt._nov._dec.'.split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'nedelja_ponedeljek_torek_sreda_Äetrtek_petek_sobota'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'ned._pon._tor._sre._Äet._pet._sob.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'ne_po_to_sr_Äe_pe_so'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'H:mm',
+ LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D. MMMM YYYY H:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D. MMMM YYYY H:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[danes ob] LT',
+ nextDay: '[jutri ob] LT',
+ nextWeek: function() {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ return '[v] [nedeljo] [ob] LT';
+ case 3:
+ return '[v] [sredo] [ob] LT';
+ case 6:
+ return '[v] [soboto] [ob] LT';
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ return '[v] dddd [ob] LT';
+ }
+ },
+ lastDay: '[vÄeraj ob] LT',
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ return '[prejšnjo] [nedeljo] [ob] LT';
+ case 3:
+ return '[prejšnjo] [sredo] [ob] LT';
+ case 6:
+ return '[prejšnjo] [soboto] [ob] LT';
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ return '[prejšnji] dddd [ob] LT';
+ }
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'Äez %s',
+ past: 'pred %s',
+ s: processRelativeTime$6,
+ ss: processRelativeTime$6,
+ m: processRelativeTime$6,
+ mm: processRelativeTime$6,
+ h: processRelativeTime$6,
+ hh: processRelativeTime$6,
+ d: processRelativeTime$6,
+ dd: processRelativeTime$6,
+ M: processRelativeTime$6,
+ MM: processRelativeTime$6,
+ y: processRelativeTime$6,
+ yy: processRelativeTime$6
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('sq', {
+ months: 'Janar_Shkurt_Mars_Prill_Maj_Qershor_Korrik_Gusht_Shtator_Tetor_Nëntor_Dhjetor'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan_Shk_Mar_Pri_Maj_Qer_Kor_Gus_Sht_Tet_Nën_Dhj'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'E Diel_E Hënë_E Martë_E Mërkurë_E Enjte_E Premte_E Shtunë'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Die_Hën_Mar_Mër_Enj_Pre_Sht'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'D_H_Ma_Më_E_P_Sh'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ meridiemParse: /PD|MD/,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return input.charAt(0) === 'M';
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hours, minutes, isLower) {
+ return hours < 12 ? 'PD' : 'MD';
+ },
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Sot në] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Nesër në] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [në] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Dje në] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [e kaluar në] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'në %s',
+ past: '%s më parë',
+ s: 'disa sekonda',
+ ss: '%d sekonda',
+ m: 'një minutë',
+ mm: '%d minuta',
+ h: 'një orë',
+ hh: '%d orë',
+ d: 'një ditë',
+ dd: '%d ditë',
+ M: 'një muaj',
+ MM: '%d muaj',
+ y: 'një vit',
+ yy: '%d vite'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var translator$1 = {
+ words: { //Different grammatical cases
+ ss: ['Ñекунда', 'Ñекунде', 'Ñекунди'],
+ m: ['један минут', 'једне минуте'],
+ mm: ['минут', 'минуте', 'минута'],
+ h: ['један Ñат', 'једног Ñата'],
+ hh: ['Ñат', 'Ñата', 'Ñати'],
+ dd: ['дан', 'дана', 'дана'],
+ MM: ['меÑец', 'меÑеца', 'меÑеци'],
+ yy: ['година', 'године', 'година']
+ },
+ correctGrammaticalCase: function(number, wordKey) {
+ return number === 1 ? wordKey[0] : (number >= 2 && number <= 4 ? wordKey[1] : wordKey[
+ 2]);
+ },
+ translate: function(number, withoutSuffix, key) {
+ var wordKey = translator$1.words[key];
+ if (key.length === 1) {
+ return withoutSuffix ? wordKey[0] : wordKey[1];
+ } else {
+ return number + ' ' + translator$1.correctGrammaticalCase(number, wordKey);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ hooks.defineLocale('sr-cyrl', {
+ months: 'јануар_фебруар_март_април_мај_јун_јул_авгуÑÑ‚_Ñептембар_октобар_новембар_децембар'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'јан._феб._мар._апр._мај_јун_јул_авг._Ñеп._окт._нов._дец.'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'недеља_понедељак_уторак_Ñреда_четвртак_петак_Ñубота'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'нед._пон._уто._Ñре._чет._пет._Ñуб.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'не_по_ут_ÑÑ€_че_пе_Ñу'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'H:mm',
+ LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D. MMMM YYYY H:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D. MMMM YYYY H:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñƒ] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Ñутра у] LT',
+ nextWeek: function() {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ return '[у] [недељу] [у] LT';
+ case 3:
+ return '[у] [Ñреду] [у] LT';
+ case 6:
+ return '[у] [Ñуботу] [у] LT';
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ return '[у] dddd [у] LT';
+ }
+ },
+ lastDay: '[јуче у] LT',
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ var lastWeekDays = [
+ '[прошле] [недеље] [у] LT',
+ '[прошлог] [понедељка] [у] LT',
+ '[прошлог] [уторка] [у] LT',
+ '[прошле] [Ñреде] [у] LT',
+ '[прошлог] [четвртка] [у] LT',
+ '[прошлог] [петка] [у] LT',
+ '[прошле] [Ñуботе] [у] LT'
+ ];
+ return lastWeekDays[];
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'за %s',
+ past: 'пре %s',
+ s: 'неколико Ñекунди',
+ ss: translator$1.translate,
+ m: translator$1.translate,
+ mm: translator$1.translate,
+ h: translator$1.translate,
+ hh: translator$1.translate,
+ d: 'дан',
+ dd: translator$1.translate,
+ M: 'меÑец',
+ MM: translator$1.translate,
+ y: 'годину',
+ yy: translator$1.translate
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var translator$2 = {
+ words: { //Different grammatical cases
+ ss: ['sekunda', 'sekunde', 'sekundi'],
+ m: ['jedan minut', 'jedne minute'],
+ mm: ['minut', 'minute', 'minuta'],
+ h: ['jedan sat', 'jednog sata'],
+ hh: ['sat', 'sata', 'sati'],
+ dd: ['dan', 'dana', 'dana'],
+ MM: ['mesec', 'meseca', 'meseci'],
+ yy: ['godina', 'godine', 'godina']
+ },
+ correctGrammaticalCase: function(number, wordKey) {
+ return number === 1 ? wordKey[0] : (number >= 2 && number <= 4 ? wordKey[1] : wordKey[
+ 2]);
+ },
+ translate: function(number, withoutSuffix, key) {
+ var wordKey = translator$2.words[key];
+ if (key.length === 1) {
+ return withoutSuffix ? wordKey[0] : wordKey[1];
+ } else {
+ return number + ' ' + translator$2.correctGrammaticalCase(number, wordKey);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ hooks.defineLocale('sr', {
+ months: 'januar_februar_mart_april_maj_jun_jul_avgust_septembar_oktobar_novembar_decembar'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'jan._feb._mar._apr._maj_jun_jul_avg._sep._okt._nov._dec.'.split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'nedelja_ponedeljak_utorak_sreda_Äetvrtak_petak_subota'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'ned._pon._uto._sre._Äet._pet._sub.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'ne_po_ut_sr_Äe_pe_su'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'H:mm',
+ LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D. MMMM YYYY H:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D. MMMM YYYY H:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[danas u] LT',
+ nextDay: '[sutra u] LT',
+ nextWeek: function() {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ return '[u] [nedelju] [u] LT';
+ case 3:
+ return '[u] [sredu] [u] LT';
+ case 6:
+ return '[u] [subotu] [u] LT';
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ return '[u] dddd [u] LT';
+ }
+ },
+ lastDay: '[juÄe u] LT',
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ var lastWeekDays = [
+ '[prošle] [nedelje] [u] LT',
+ '[prošlog] [ponedeljka] [u] LT',
+ '[prošlog] [utorka] [u] LT',
+ '[prošle] [srede] [u] LT',
+ '[proÅ¡log] [Äetvrtka] [u] LT',
+ '[prošlog] [petka] [u] LT',
+ '[prošle] [subote] [u] LT'
+ ];
+ return lastWeekDays[];
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'za %s',
+ past: 'pre %s',
+ s: 'nekoliko sekundi',
+ ss: translator$2.translate,
+ m: translator$2.translate,
+ mm: translator$2.translate,
+ h: translator$2.translate,
+ hh: translator$2.translate,
+ d: 'dan',
+ dd: translator$2.translate,
+ M: 'mesec',
+ MM: translator$2.translate,
+ y: 'godinu',
+ yy: translator$2.translate
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('ss', {
+ months: "Bhimbidvwane_Indlovana_Indlov'lenkhulu_Mabasa_Inkhwekhweti_Inhlaba_Kholwane_Ingci_Inyoni_Imphala_Lweti_Ingongoni"
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Bhi_Ina_Inu_Mab_Ink_Inh_Kho_Igc_Iny_Imp_Lwe_Igo'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Lisontfo_Umsombuluko_Lesibili_Lesitsatfu_Lesine_Lesihlanu_Umgcibelo'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Lis_Umb_Lsb_Les_Lsi_Lsh_Umg'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Li_Us_Lb_Lt_Ls_Lh_Ug'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'h:mm A',
+ LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY h:mm A',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY h:mm A'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Namuhla nga] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Kusasa nga] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [nga] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Itolo nga] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [leliphelile] [nga] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'nga %s',
+ past: 'wenteka nga %s',
+ s: 'emizuzwana lomcane',
+ ss: '%d mzuzwana',
+ m: 'umzuzu',
+ mm: '%d emizuzu',
+ h: 'lihora',
+ hh: '%d emahora',
+ d: 'lilanga',
+ dd: '%d emalanga',
+ M: 'inyanga',
+ MM: '%d tinyanga',
+ y: 'umnyaka',
+ yy: '%d iminyaka'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /ekuseni|emini|entsambama|ebusuku/,
+ meridiem: function(hours, minutes, isLower) {
+ if (hours < 11) {
+ return 'ekuseni';
+ } else if (hours < 15) {
+ return 'emini';
+ } else if (hours < 19) {
+ return 'entsambama';
+ } else {
+ return 'ebusuku';
+ }
+ },
+ meridiemHour: function(hour, meridiem) {
+ if (hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ if (meridiem === 'ekuseni') {
+ return hour;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'emini') {
+ return hour >= 11 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'entsambama' || meridiem === 'ebusuku') {
+ if (hour === 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return hour + 12;
+ }
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}/,
+ ordinal: '%d',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('sv', {
+ months: 'januari_februari_mars_april_maj_juni_juli_augusti_september_oktober_november_december'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'jan_feb_mar_apr_maj_jun_jul_aug_sep_okt_nov_dec'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'söndag_måndag_tisdag_onsdag_torsdag_fredag_lördag'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'sön_mån_tis_ons_tor_fre_lör'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'sö_må_ti_on_to_fr_lö'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY [kl.] HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY [kl.] HH:mm',
+ lll: 'D MMM YYYY HH:mm',
+ llll: 'ddd D MMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Idag] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Imorgon] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Igår] LT',
+ nextWeek: '[PÃ¥] dddd LT',
+ lastWeek: '[I] dddd[s] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'om %s',
+ past: 'för %s sedan',
+ s: 'några sekunder',
+ ss: '%d sekunder',
+ m: 'en minut',
+ mm: '%d minuter',
+ h: 'en timme',
+ hh: '%d timmar',
+ d: 'en dag',
+ dd: '%d dagar',
+ M: 'en månad',
+ MM: '%d månader',
+ y: 'ett år',
+ yy: '%d år'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(e|a)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ var b = number % 10,
+ output = (~~(number % 100 / 10) === 1) ? 'e' :
+ (b === 1) ? 'a' :
+ (b === 2) ? 'a' :
+ (b === 3) ? 'e' : 'e';
+ return number + output;
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('sw', {
+ months: 'Januari_Februari_Machi_Aprili_Mei_Juni_Julai_Agosti_Septemba_Oktoba_Novemba_Desemba'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan_Feb_Mac_Apr_Mei_Jun_Jul_Ago_Sep_Okt_Nov_Des'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Jumapili_Jumatatu_Jumanne_Jumatano_Alhamisi_Ijumaa_Jumamosi'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Jpl_Jtat_Jnne_Jtan_Alh_Ijm_Jmos'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'J2_J3_J4_J5_Al_Ij_J1'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[leo saa] LT',
+ nextDay: '[kesho saa] LT',
+ nextWeek: '[wiki ijayo] dddd [saat] LT',
+ lastDay: '[jana] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[wiki iliyopita] dddd [saat] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s baadaye',
+ past: 'tokea %s',
+ s: 'hivi punde',
+ ss: 'sekunde %d',
+ m: 'dakika moja',
+ mm: 'dakika %d',
+ h: 'saa limoja',
+ hh: 'masaa %d',
+ d: 'siku moja',
+ dd: 'masiku %d',
+ M: 'mwezi mmoja',
+ MM: 'miezi %d',
+ y: 'mwaka mmoja',
+ yy: 'miaka %d'
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var symbolMap$f = {
+ '1': '௧',
+ '2': '௨',
+ '3': '௩',
+ '4': '௪',
+ '5': '௫',
+ '6': '௬',
+ '7': 'à¯',
+ '8': '௮',
+ '9': '௯',
+ '0': '௦'
+ },
+ numberMap$e = {
+ '௧': '1',
+ '௨': '2',
+ '௩': '3',
+ '௪': '4',
+ '௫': '5',
+ '௬': '6',
+ 'à¯': '7',
+ '௮': '8',
+ '௯': '9',
+ '௦': '0'
+ };
+ hooks.defineLocale('ta', {
+ months: 'ஜனவரி_பிபà¯à®°à®µà®°à®¿_மாரà¯à®šà¯_à®à®ªà¯à®°à®²à¯_மே_ஜூனà¯_ஜூலை_ஆகஸà¯à®Ÿà¯_செபà¯à®Ÿà¯†à®®à¯à®ªà®°à¯_அகà¯à®Ÿà¯‡à®¾à®ªà®°à¯_நவமà¯à®ªà®°à¯_டிசமà¯à®ªà®°à¯'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'ஜனவரி_பிபà¯à®°à®µà®°à®¿_மாரà¯à®šà¯_à®à®ªà¯à®°à®²à¯_மே_ஜூனà¯_ஜூலை_ஆகஸà¯à®Ÿà¯_செபà¯à®Ÿà¯†à®®à¯à®ªà®°à¯_அகà¯à®Ÿà¯‡à®¾à®ªà®°à¯_நவமà¯à®ªà®°à¯_டிசமà¯à®ªà®°à¯'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'ஞாயிறà¯à®±à¯à®•à¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ_திஙà¯à®•à®Ÿà¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ_செவà¯à®µà®¾à®¯à¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ_பà¯à®¤à®©à¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ_வியாழகà¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ_வெளà¯à®³à®¿à®•à¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ_சனிகà¯à®•à®¿à®´à®®à¯ˆ'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'ஞாயிறà¯_திஙà¯à®•à®³à¯_செவà¯à®µà®¾à®¯à¯_பà¯à®¤à®©à¯_வியாழனà¯_வெளà¯à®³à®¿_சனி'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'ஞா_தி_செ_பà¯_வி_வெ_ச'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY, HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY, HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[இனà¯à®±à¯] LT',
+ nextDay: '[நாளை] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd, LT',
+ lastDay: '[நேறà¯à®±à¯] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[கடநà¯à®¤ வாரமà¯] dddd, LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s இலà¯',
+ past: '%s à®®à¯à®©à¯',
+ s: 'ஒர௠சில விநாடிகளà¯',
+ ss: '%d விநாடிகளà¯',
+ m: 'ஒர௠நிமிடமà¯',
+ mm: '%d நிமிடஙà¯à®•à®³à¯',
+ h: 'ஒர௠மணி நேரமà¯',
+ hh: '%d மணி நேரமà¯',
+ d: 'ஒர௠நாளà¯',
+ dd: '%d நாடà¯à®•à®³à¯',
+ M: 'ஒர௠மாதமà¯',
+ MM: '%d மாதஙà¯à®•à®³à¯',
+ y: 'ஒர௠வரà¯à®Ÿà®®à¯',
+ yy: '%d ஆணà¯à®Ÿà¯à®•à®³à¯'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}வதà¯/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ return number + 'வதà¯';
+ },
+ preparse: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/[௧௨௩௪௫௬à¯à¯®à¯¯à¯¦]/g, function(match) {
+ return numberMap$e[match];
+ });
+ },
+ postformat: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/\d/g, function(match) {
+ return symbolMap$f[match];
+ });
+ },
+ // refer
+ meridiemParse: /யாமமà¯|வைகறை|காலை|நணà¯à®ªà®•à®²à¯|எறà¯à®ªà®¾à®Ÿà¯|மாலை/,
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 2) {
+ return ' யாமமà¯';
+ } else if (hour < 6) {
+ return ' வைகறை'; // வைகறை
+ } else if (hour < 10) {
+ return ' காலை'; // காலை
+ } else if (hour < 14) {
+ return ' நணà¯à®ªà®•à®²à¯'; // நணà¯à®ªà®•à®²à¯
+ } else if (hour < 18) {
+ return ' எறà¯à®ªà®¾à®Ÿà¯'; // எறà¯à®ªà®¾à®Ÿà¯
+ } else if (hour < 22) {
+ return ' மாலை'; // மாலை
+ } else {
+ return ' யாமமà¯';
+ }
+ },
+ meridiemHour: function(hour, meridiem) {
+ if (hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ if (meridiem === 'யாமமà¯') {
+ return hour < 2 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'வைகறை' || meridiem === 'காலை') {
+ return hour;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'நணà¯à®ªà®•à®²à¯') {
+ return hour >= 10 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else {
+ return hour + 12;
+ }
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('te', {
+ months: 'జనవరి_à°«à°¿à°¬à±à°°à°µà°°à°¿_మారà±à°šà°¿_à°à°ªà±à°°à°¿à°²à±_మే_జూనà±_à°œà±à°²à±ˆ_ఆగసà±à°Ÿà±_సెపà±à°Ÿà±†à°‚బరà±_à°…à°•à±à°Ÿà±‹à°¬à°°à±_నవంబరà±_డిసెంబరà±'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'జన._à°«à°¿à°¬à±à°°._మారà±à°šà°¿_à°à°ªà±à°°à°¿._మే_జూనà±_à°œà±à°²à±ˆ_ఆగ._సెపà±._à°…à°•à±à°Ÿà±‹._నవ._డిసె.'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'ఆదివారం_సోమవారం_మంగళవారం_à°¬à±à°§à°µà°¾à°°à°‚_à°—à±à°°à±à°µà°¾à°°à°‚_à°¶à±à°•à±à°°à°µà°¾à°°à°‚_శనివారం'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'ఆది_సోమ_మంగళ_à°¬à±à°§_à°—à±à°°à±_à°¶à±à°•à±à°°_శని'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'à°†_సో_మం_à°¬à±_à°—à±_à°¶à±_à°¶'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'A h:mm',
+ LTS: 'A h:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY, A h:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[నేడà±] LT',
+ nextDay: '[రేపà±] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd, LT',
+ lastDay: '[నినà±à°¨] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[à°—à°¤] dddd, LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s లో',
+ past: '%s à°•à±à°°à°¿à°¤à°‚',
+ s: 'కొనà±à°¨à°¿ à°•à±à°·à°£à°¾à°²à±',
+ ss: '%d సెకనà±à°²à±',
+ m: 'ఒక నిమిషం',
+ mm: '%d నిమిషాలà±',
+ h: 'à°’à°• à°—à°‚à°Ÿ',
+ hh: '%d à°—à°‚à°Ÿà°²à±',
+ d: 'à°’à°• రోజà±',
+ dd: '%d రోజà±à°²à±',
+ M: 'ఒక నెల',
+ MM: '%d నెలలà±',
+ y: 'à°’à°• సంవతà±à°¸à°°à°‚',
+ yy: '%d సంవతà±à°¸à°°à°¾à°²à±'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}à°µ/,
+ ordinal: '%dà°µ',
+ meridiemParse: /రాతà±à°°à°¿|ఉదయం|మధà±à°¯à°¾à°¹à±à°¨à°‚|సాయంతà±à°°à°‚/,
+ meridiemHour: function(hour, meridiem) {
+ if (hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ if (meridiem === 'రాతà±à°°à°¿') {
+ return hour < 4 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'ఉదయం') {
+ return hour;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'మధà±à°¯à°¾à°¹à±à°¨à°‚') {
+ return hour >= 10 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'సాయంతà±à°°à°‚') {
+ return hour + 12;
+ }
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 4) {
+ return 'రాతà±à°°à°¿';
+ } else if (hour < 10) {
+ return 'ఉదయం';
+ } else if (hour < 17) {
+ return 'మధà±à°¯à°¾à°¹à±à°¨à°‚';
+ } else if (hour < 20) {
+ return 'సాయంతà±à°°à°‚';
+ } else {
+ return 'రాతà±à°°à°¿';
+ }
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('tet', {
+ months: 'Janeiru_Fevereiru_Marsu_Abril_Maiu_Juñu_Jullu_Agustu_Setembru_Outubru_Novembru_Dezembru'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan_Fev_Mar_Abr_Mai_Jun_Jul_Ago_Set_Out_Nov_Dez'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Domingu_Segunda_Tersa_Kuarta_Kinta_Sesta_Sabadu'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Dom_Seg_Ters_Kua_Kint_Sest_Sab'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Do_Seg_Te_Ku_Ki_Ses_Sa'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Ohin iha] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Aban iha] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [iha] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Horiseik iha] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [semana kotuk] [iha] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'iha %s',
+ past: '%s liuba',
+ s: 'minutu balun',
+ ss: 'minutu %d',
+ m: 'minutu ida',
+ mm: 'minutu %d',
+ h: 'oras ida',
+ hh: 'oras %d',
+ d: 'loron ida',
+ dd: 'loron %d',
+ M: 'fulan ida',
+ MM: 'fulan %d',
+ y: 'tinan ida',
+ yy: 'tinan %d'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ var b = number % 10,
+ output = (~~(number % 100 / 10) === 1) ? 'th' :
+ (b === 1) ? 'st' :
+ (b === 2) ? 'nd' :
+ (b === 3) ? 'rd' : 'th';
+ return number + output;
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var suffixes$3 = {
+ 0: '-ум',
+ 1: '-ум',
+ 2: '-юм',
+ 3: '-юм',
+ 4: '-ум',
+ 5: '-ум',
+ 6: '-ум',
+ 7: '-ум',
+ 8: '-ум',
+ 9: '-ум',
+ 10: '-ум',
+ 12: '-ум',
+ 13: '-ум',
+ 20: '-ум',
+ 30: '-юм',
+ 40: '-ум',
+ 50: '-ум',
+ 60: '-ум',
+ 70: '-ум',
+ 80: '-ум',
+ 90: '-ум',
+ 100: '-ум'
+ };
+ hooks.defineLocale('tg', {
+ months: 'Ñнвар_феврал_март_апрел_май_июн_июл_авгуÑÑ‚_ÑентÑбр_октÑбр_ноÑбр_декабр'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Ñнв_фев_мар_апр_май_июн_июл_авг_Ñен_окт_ноÑ_дек'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Ñкшанбе_душанбе_Ñешанбе_чоршанбе_панҷшанбе_ҷумъа_шанбе'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Ñшб_дшб_Ñшб_чшб_пшб_ҷум_шнб'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Ñш_дш_Ñш_чш_пш_ҷм_шб'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Имрӯз Ñоати] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Пагоҳ Ñоати] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Дирӯз Ñоати] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd[и] [ҳафтаи оÑнда Ñоати] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd[и] [ҳафтаи гузашта Ñоати] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'баъди %s',
+ past: '%s пеш',
+ s: 'Ñкчанд ÑониÑ',
+ m: 'Ñк дақиқа',
+ mm: '%d дақиқа',
+ h: 'Ñк Ñоат',
+ hh: '%d Ñоат',
+ d: 'Ñк рӯз',
+ dd: '%d рӯз',
+ M: 'Ñк моҳ',
+ MM: '%d моҳ',
+ y: 'Ñк Ñол',
+ yy: '%d Ñол'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /шаб|Ñубҳ|рӯз|бегоҳ/,
+ meridiemHour: function(hour, meridiem) {
+ if (hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ if (meridiem === 'шаб') {
+ return hour < 4 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'Ñубҳ') {
+ return hour;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'рӯз') {
+ return hour >= 11 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'бегоҳ') {
+ return hour + 12;
+ }
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 4) {
+ return 'шаб';
+ } else if (hour < 11) {
+ return 'Ñубҳ';
+ } else if (hour < 16) {
+ return 'рӯз';
+ } else if (hour < 19) {
+ return 'бегоҳ';
+ } else {
+ return 'шаб';
+ }
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-(ум|юм)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ var a = number % 10,
+ b = number >= 100 ? 100 : null;
+ return number + (suffixes$3[number] || suffixes$3[a] || suffixes$3[b]);
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 1th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('th', {
+ months: 'มà¸à¸£à¸²à¸„ม_à¸à¸¸à¸¡à¸ าพันธ์_มีนาคม_เมษายน_พฤษภาคม_มิถุนายน_à¸à¸£à¸à¸Žà¸²à¸„ม_สิงหาคม_à¸à¸±à¸™à¸¢à¸²à¸¢à¸™_ตุลาคม_พฤศจิà¸à¸²à¸¢à¸™_ธันวาคม'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'ม.ค._à¸.พ._มี.ค._เม.ย._พ.ค._มิ.ย._à¸.ค._ส.ค._à¸.ย._ต.ค._พ.ย._ธ.ค.'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'à¸à¸²à¸—ิตย์_จันทร์_à¸à¸±à¸‡à¸„าร_พุธ_พฤหัสบดี_ศุà¸à¸£à¹Œ_เสาร์'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'à¸à¸²à¸—ิตย์_จันทร์_à¸à¸±à¸‡à¸„าร_พุธ_พฤหัส_ศุà¸à¸£à¹Œ_เสาร์'
+ .split('_'), // yes, three characters difference
+ weekdaysMin: 'à¸à¸²._จ._à¸._พ._พฤ._ศ._ส.'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'H:mm',
+ LTS: 'H:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY เวลา H:mm',
+ LLLL: 'วันddddที่ D MMMM YYYY เวลา H:mm'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /à¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™à¹€à¸—ี่ยง|หลังเที่ยง/,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return input === 'หลังเที่ยง';
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 12) {
+ return 'à¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™à¹€à¸—ี่ยง';
+ } else {
+ return 'หลังเที่ยง';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[วันนี้ เวลา] LT',
+ nextDay: '[พรุ่งนี้ เวลา] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd[หน้า เวลา] LT',
+ lastDay: '[เมื่à¸à¸§à¸²à¸™à¸™à¸µà¹‰ เวลา] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[วัน]dddd[ที่à¹à¸¥à¹‰à¸§ เวลา] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'à¸à¸µà¸ %s',
+ past: '%sที่à¹à¸¥à¹‰à¸§',
+ s: 'ไม่à¸à¸µà¹ˆà¸§à¸´à¸™à¸²à¸—ี',
+ ss: '%d วินาที',
+ m: '1 นาที',
+ mm: '%d นาที',
+ h: '1 ชั่วโมง',
+ hh: '%d ชั่วโมง',
+ d: '1 วัน',
+ dd: '%d วัน',
+ M: '1 เดืà¸à¸™',
+ MM: '%d เดืà¸à¸™',
+ y: '1 ปี',
+ yy: '%d ปี'
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('tl-ph', {
+ months: 'Enero_Pebrero_Marso_Abril_Mayo_Hunyo_Hulyo_Agosto_Setyembre_Oktubre_Nobyembre_Disyembre'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Ene_Peb_Mar_Abr_May_Hun_Hul_Ago_Set_Okt_Nob_Dis'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Linggo_Lunes_Martes_Miyerkules_Huwebes_Biyernes_Sabado'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Lin_Lun_Mar_Miy_Huw_Biy_Sab'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Li_Lu_Ma_Mi_Hu_Bi_Sab'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'MM/D/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'MMMM D, YYYY HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, MMMM DD, YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: 'LT [ngayong araw]',
+ nextDay: '[Bukas ng] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'LT [sa susunod na] dddd',
+ lastDay: 'LT [kahapon]',
+ lastWeek: 'LT [noong nakaraang] dddd',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'sa loob ng %s',
+ past: '%s ang nakalipas',
+ s: 'ilang segundo',
+ ss: '%d segundo',
+ m: 'isang minuto',
+ mm: '%d minuto',
+ h: 'isang oras',
+ hh: '%d oras',
+ d: 'isang araw',
+ dd: '%d araw',
+ M: 'isang buwan',
+ MM: '%d buwan',
+ y: 'isang taon',
+ yy: '%d taon'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ return number;
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var numbersNouns = 'pagh_wa’_cha’_wej_loS_vagh_jav_Soch_chorgh_Hut'.split('_');
+ function translateFuture(output) {
+ var time = output;
+ time = (output.indexOf('jaj') !== -1) ?
+ time.slice(0, -3) + 'leS' :
+ (output.indexOf('jar') !== -1) ?
+ time.slice(0, -3) + 'waQ' :
+ (output.indexOf('DIS') !== -1) ?
+ time.slice(0, -3) + 'nem' :
+ time + ' pIq';
+ return time;
+ }
+ function translatePast(output) {
+ var time = output;
+ time = (output.indexOf('jaj') !== -1) ?
+ time.slice(0, -3) + 'Hu’' :
+ (output.indexOf('jar') !== -1) ?
+ time.slice(0, -3) + 'wen' :
+ (output.indexOf('DIS') !== -1) ?
+ time.slice(0, -3) + 'ben' :
+ time + ' ret';
+ return time;
+ }
+ function translate$a(number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) {
+ var numberNoun = numberAsNoun(number);
+ switch (string) {
+ case 'ss':
+ return numberNoun + ' lup';
+ case 'mm':
+ return numberNoun + ' tup';
+ case 'hh':
+ return numberNoun + ' rep';
+ case 'dd':
+ return numberNoun + ' jaj';
+ case 'MM':
+ return numberNoun + ' jar';
+ case 'yy':
+ return numberNoun + ' DIS';
+ }
+ }
+ function numberAsNoun(number) {
+ var hundred = Math.floor((number % 1000) / 100),
+ ten = Math.floor((number % 100) / 10),
+ one = number % 10,
+ word = '';
+ if (hundred > 0) {
+ word += numbersNouns[hundred] + 'vatlh';
+ }
+ if (ten > 0) {
+ word += ((word !== '') ? ' ' : '') + numbersNouns[ten] + 'maH';
+ }
+ if (one > 0) {
+ word += ((word !== '') ? ' ' : '') + numbersNouns[one];
+ }
+ return (word === '') ? 'pagh' : word;
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('tlh', {
+ months: 'tera’ jar wa’_tera’ jar cha’_tera’ jar wej_tera’ jar loS_tera’ jar vagh_tera’ jar jav_tera’ jar Soch_tera’ jar chorgh_tera’ jar Hut_tera’ jar wa’maH_tera’ jar wa’maH wa’_tera’ jar wa’maH cha’'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'jar wa’_jar cha’_jar wej_jar loS_jar vagh_jar jav_jar Soch_jar chorgh_jar Hut_jar wa’maH_jar wa’maH wa’_jar wa’maH cha’'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'lojmItjaj_DaSjaj_povjaj_ghItlhjaj_loghjaj_buqjaj_ghInjaj'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'lojmItjaj_DaSjaj_povjaj_ghItlhjaj_loghjaj_buqjaj_ghInjaj'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'lojmItjaj_DaSjaj_povjaj_ghItlhjaj_loghjaj_buqjaj_ghInjaj'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[DaHjaj] LT',
+ nextDay: '[wa’leS] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'LLL',
+ lastDay: '[wa’Hu’] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'LLL',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: translateFuture,
+ past: translatePast,
+ s: 'puS lup',
+ ss: translate$a,
+ m: 'wa’ tup',
+ mm: translate$a,
+ h: 'wa’ rep',
+ hh: translate$a,
+ d: 'wa’ jaj',
+ dd: translate$a,
+ M: 'wa’ jar',
+ MM: translate$a,
+ y: 'wa’ DIS',
+ yy: translate$a
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ var suffixes$4 = {
+ 1: '\'inci',
+ 5: '\'inci',
+ 8: '\'inci',
+ 70: '\'inci',
+ 80: '\'inci',
+ 2: '\'nci',
+ 7: '\'nci',
+ 20: '\'nci',
+ 50: '\'nci',
+ 3: '\'üncü',
+ 4: '\'üncü',
+ 100: '\'üncü',
+ 6: '\'ncı',
+ 9: '\'uncu',
+ 10: '\'uncu',
+ 30: '\'uncu',
+ 60: '\'ıncı',
+ 90: '\'ıncı'
+ };
+ hooks.defineLocale('tr', {
+ months: 'Ocak_Şubat_Mart_Nisan_Mayıs_Haziran_Temmuz_Ağustos_Eylül_Ekim_Kasım_Aralık'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Oca_Åžub_Mar_Nis_May_Haz_Tem_AÄŸu_Eyl_Eki_Kas_Ara'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Pazar_Pazartesi_Salı_Çarşamba_Perşembe_Cuma_Cumartesi'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Paz_Pts_Sal_Çar_Per_Cum_Cts'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Pz_Pt_Sa_Ça_Pe_Cu_Ct'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[bugün saat] LT',
+ nextDay: '[yarın saat] LT',
+ nextWeek: '[gelecek] dddd [saat] LT',
+ lastDay: '[dün] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[geçen] dddd [saat] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s sonra',
+ past: '%s önce',
+ s: 'birkaç saniye',
+ ss: '%d saniye',
+ m: 'bir dakika',
+ mm: '%d dakika',
+ h: 'bir saat',
+ hh: '%d saat',
+ d: 'bir gün',
+ dd: '%d gün',
+ M: 'bir ay',
+ MM: '%d ay',
+ y: 'bir yıl',
+ yy: '%d yıl'
+ },
+ ordinal: function(number, period) {
+ switch (period) {
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ case 'Do':
+ case 'DD':
+ return number;
+ default:
+ if (number === 0) { // special case for zero
+ return number + '\'ıncı';
+ }
+ var a = number % 10,
+ b = number % 100 - a,
+ c = number >= 100 ? 100 : null;
+ return number + (suffixes$4[a] || suffixes$4[b] || suffixes$4[c]);
+ }
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ // After the year there should be a slash and the amount of years since December 26, 1979 in Roman numerals.
+ // This is currently too difficult (maybe even impossible) to add.
+ hooks.defineLocale('tzl', {
+ months: 'Januar_Fevraglh_Març_Avrïu_Mai_Gün_Julia_Guscht_Setemvar_Listopäts_Noemvar_Zecemvar'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Jan_Fev_Mar_Avr_Mai_Gün_Jul_Gus_Set_Lis_Noe_Zec'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Súladi_Lúneçi_Maitzi_Márcuri_Xhúadi_Viénerçi_Sáturi'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Súl_Lún_Mai_Már_Xhú_Vié_Sát'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Sú_Lú_Ma_Má_Xh_Vi_Sá'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: '',
+ LTS: '',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LL: 'D. MMMM [dallas] YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D. MMMM [dallas] YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, [li] D. MMMM [dallas] YYYY'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /d\'o|d\'a/i,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return 'd\'o' === input.toLowerCase();
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hours, minutes, isLower) {
+ if (hours > 11) {
+ return isLower ? 'd\'o' : 'D\'O';
+ } else {
+ return isLower ? 'd\'a' : 'D\'A';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[oxhi à ] LT',
+ nextDay: '[demà à ] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [Ã ] LT',
+ lastDay: '[ieiri à ] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[sür el] dddd [lasteu à ] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'osprei %s',
+ past: 'ja%s',
+ s: processRelativeTime$7,
+ ss: processRelativeTime$7,
+ m: processRelativeTime$7,
+ mm: processRelativeTime$7,
+ h: processRelativeTime$7,
+ hh: processRelativeTime$7,
+ d: processRelativeTime$7,
+ dd: processRelativeTime$7,
+ M: processRelativeTime$7,
+ MM: processRelativeTime$7,
+ y: processRelativeTime$7,
+ yy: processRelativeTime$7
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}\./,
+ ordinal: '%d.',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ function processRelativeTime$7(number, withoutSuffix, key, isFuture) {
+ var format = {
+ 's': ['viensas secunds', '\'iensas secunds'],
+ 'ss': [number + ' secunds', '' + number + ' secunds'],
+ 'm': ['\'n mÃut', '\'iens mÃut'],
+ 'mm': [number + ' mÃuts', '' + number + ' mÃuts'],
+ 'h': ['\'n þora', '\'iensa þora'],
+ 'hh': [number + ' þoras', '' + number + ' þoras'],
+ 'd': ['\'n ziua', '\'iensa ziua'],
+ 'dd': [number + ' ziuas', '' + number + ' ziuas'],
+ 'M': ['\'n mes', '\'iens mes'],
+ 'MM': [number + ' mesen', '' + number + ' mesen'],
+ 'y': ['\'n ar', '\'iens ar'],
+ 'yy': [number + ' ars', '' + number + ' ars']
+ };
+ return isFuture ? format[key][0] : (withoutSuffix ? format[key][0] : format[key][1]);
+ }
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('tzm-latn', {
+ months: 'innayr_brˤayrˤ_marˤsˤ_ibrir_mayyw_ywnyw_ywlywz_ɣwšt_šwtanbir_ktˤwbrˤ_nwwanbir_dwjnbir'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'innayr_brˤayrˤ_marˤsˤ_ibrir_mayyw_ywnyw_ywlywz_ɣwšt_šwtanbir_ktˤwbrˤ_nwwanbir_dwjnbir'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'asamas_aynas_asinas_akras_akwas_asimwas_asiá¸yas'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'asamas_aynas_asinas_akras_akwas_asimwas_asiá¸yas'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'asamas_aynas_asinas_akras_akwas_asimwas_asiá¸yas'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[asdkh g] LT',
+ nextDay: '[aska g] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [g] LT',
+ lastDay: '[assant g] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [g] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'dadkh s yan %s',
+ past: 'yan %s',
+ s: 'imik',
+ ss: '%d imik',
+ m: 'minuá¸',
+ mm: '%d minuá¸',
+ h: 'saɛa',
+ hh: '%d tassaɛin',
+ d: 'ass',
+ dd: '%d ossan',
+ M: 'ayowr',
+ MM: '%d iyyirn',
+ y: 'asgas',
+ yy: '%d isgasn'
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('tzm', {
+ months: 'ⵉâµâµâ´°âµ¢âµ”_ⴱⵕⴰⵢⵕ_ⵎⴰⵕⵚ_ⵉⴱⵔⵉⵔ_ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ_ⵢⵓâµâµ¢âµ“_ⵢⵓâµâµ¢âµ“âµ£_ⵖⵓⵛⵜ_ⵛⵓⵜⴰâµâ´±âµ‰âµ”_ⴽⵟⵓⴱⵕ_âµâµ“ⵡⴰâµâ´±âµ‰âµ”_ⴷⵓⵊâµâ´±âµ‰âµ”'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'ⵉâµâµâ´°âµ¢âµ”_ⴱⵕⴰⵢⵕ_ⵎⴰⵕⵚ_ⵉⴱⵔⵉⵔ_ⵎⴰⵢⵢⵓ_ⵢⵓâµâµ¢âµ“_ⵢⵓâµâµ¢âµ“âµ£_ⵖⵓⵛⵜ_ⵛⵓⵜⴰâµâ´±âµ‰âµ”_ⴽⵟⵓⴱⵕ_âµâµ“ⵡⴰâµâ´±âµ‰âµ”_ⴷⵓⵊâµâ´±âµ‰âµ”'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'ⴰⵙⴰⵎⴰⵙ_â´°âµ¢âµâ´°âµ™_ⴰⵙⵉâµâ´°âµ™_ⴰⴽⵔⴰⵙ_ⴰⴽⵡⴰⵙ_ⴰⵙⵉⵎⵡⴰⵙ_ⴰⵙⵉⴹⵢⴰⵙ'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'ⴰⵙⴰⵎⴰⵙ_â´°âµ¢âµâ´°âµ™_ⴰⵙⵉâµâ´°âµ™_ⴰⴽⵔⴰⵙ_ⴰⴽⵡⴰⵙ_ⴰⵙⵉⵎⵡⴰⵙ_ⴰⵙⵉⴹⵢⴰⵙ'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'ⴰⵙⴰⵎⴰⵙ_â´°âµ¢âµâ´°âµ™_ⴰⵙⵉâµâ´°âµ™_ⴰⴽⵔⴰⵙ_ⴰⴽⵡⴰⵙ_ⴰⵙⵉⵎⵡⴰⵙ_ⴰⵙⵉⴹⵢⴰⵙ'
+ .split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[ⴰⵙⴷⵅ ⴴ] LT',
+ nextDay: '[ⴰⵙⴽⴰ ⴴ] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [â´´] LT',
+ lastDay: '[ⴰⵚⴰâµâµœ â´´] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [â´´] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'ⴷⴰⴷⵅ ⵙ ⵢⴰⵠ%s',
+ past: 'ⵢⴰⵠ%s',
+ s: 'ⵉⵎⵉⴽ',
+ ss: '%d ⵉⵎⵉⴽ',
+ m: 'ⵎⵉâµâµ“â´º',
+ mm: '%d ⵎⵉâµâµ“â´º',
+ h: 'ⵙⴰⵄⴰ',
+ hh: '%d ⵜⴰⵙⵙⴰⵄⵉâµ',
+ d: 'ⴰⵙⵙ',
+ dd: '%d oⵙⵙⴰâµ',
+ M: 'ⴰⵢoⵓⵔ',
+ MM: '%d ⵉⵢⵢⵉⵔâµ',
+ y: 'ⴰⵙⴳⴰⵙ',
+ yy: '%d ⵉⵙⴳⴰⵙâµ'
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 6, // Saturday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 12 // The week that contains Jan 12th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js language configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('ug-cn', {
+ months: 'يانۋار_ÙÛۋرال_مارت_ئاپرÛÙ„_ماي_ئىيۇن_ئىيۇل_ئاۋغۇست_سÛنتەبىر_ئۆكتەبىر_نويابىر_دÛكابىر'
+ .split(
+ '_'
+ ),
+ monthsShort: 'يانۋار_ÙÛۋرال_مارت_ئاپرÛÙ„_ماي_ئىيۇن_ئىيۇل_ئاۋغۇست_سÛنتەبىر_ئۆكتەبىر_نويابىر_دÛكابىر'
+ .split(
+ '_'
+ ),
+ weekdays: 'يەكشەنبە_دۈشەنبە_سەيشەنبە_چارشەنبە_پەيشەنبە_جۈمە_شەنبە'
+ .split(
+ '_'
+ ),
+ weekdaysShort: 'يە_دۈ_سە_چا_پە_جۈ_شە'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'يە_دۈ_سە_چا_پە_جۈ_شە'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
+ LL: 'YYYY-يىلىM-ئاينىÚD-كۈنى',
+ LLL: 'YYYY-يىلىM-ئاينىÚD-كۈنى، HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'ddddØŒ YYYY-يىلىM-ئاينىÚD-كۈنى، HH:mm'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /ÙŠÛرىم ÙƒÛÚ†Û•|سەھەر|چۈشتىن بۇرۇن|چۈش|چۈشتىن ÙƒÛيىن|ÙƒÛ•Ú†/,
+ meridiemHour: function(hour, meridiem) {
+ if (hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ if (
+ meridiem === 'ÙŠÛرىم ÙƒÛÚ†Û•' ||
+ meridiem === 'سەھەر' ||
+ meridiem === 'چۈشتىن بۇرۇن'
+ ) {
+ return hour;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'چۈشتىن ÙƒÛيىن' || meridiem === 'ÙƒÛ•Ú†') {
+ return hour + 12;
+ } else {
+ return hour >= 11 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ }
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ var hm = hour * 100 + minute;
+ if (hm < 600) {
+ return 'ÙŠÛرىم ÙƒÛÚ†Û•';
+ } else if (hm < 900) {
+ return 'سەھەر';
+ } else if (hm < 1130) {
+ return 'چۈشتىن بۇرۇن';
+ } else if (hm < 1230) {
+ return 'چۈش';
+ } else if (hm < 1800) {
+ return 'چۈشتىن ÙƒÛيىن';
+ } else {
+ return 'ÙƒÛ•Ú†';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[بۈگۈن سائەت] LT',
+ nextDay: '[ئەتە سائەت] LT',
+ nextWeek: '[ÙƒÛلەركى] dddd [سائەت] LT',
+ lastDay: '[تۆنۈگۈن] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[ئالدىنقى] dddd [سائەت] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s ÙƒÛيىن',
+ past: '%s بۇرۇن',
+ s: 'Ù†Û•Ú†Ú†Û• سÛكونت',
+ ss: '%d سÛكونت',
+ m: 'بىر مىنۇت',
+ mm: '%d مىنۇت',
+ h: 'بىر سائەت',
+ hh: '%d سائەت',
+ d: 'بىر كۈن',
+ dd: '%d ÙƒÛˆÙ†',
+ M: 'بىر ئاي',
+ MM: '%d ئاي',
+ y: 'بىر يىل',
+ yy: '%d يىل'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(-كۈنى|-ئاي|-ھەپتە)/,
+ ordinal: function(number, period) {
+ switch (period) {
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ case 'DDD':
+ return number + '-كۈنى';
+ case 'w':
+ case 'W':
+ return number + '-ھەپتە';
+ default:
+ return number;
+ }
+ },
+ preparse: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/،/g, ',');
+ },
+ postformat: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/,/g, '،');
+ },
+ week: {
+ // GB/T 7408-1994《数æ®å…ƒå’Œäº¤æ¢æ ¼å¼Â·ä¿¡æ¯äº¤æ¢Â·æ—¥æœŸå’Œæ—¶é—´è¡¨ç¤ºæ³•ã€‹ä¸ŽISO 8601:1988ç‰æ•ˆ
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ function plural$6(word, num) {
+ var forms = word.split('_');
+ return num % 10 === 1 && num % 100 !== 11 ? forms[0] : (num % 10 >= 2 && num % 10 <= 4 && (num %
+ 100 < 10 || num % 100 >= 20) ? forms[1] : forms[2]);
+ }
+ function relativeTimeWithPlural$4(number, withoutSuffix, key) {
+ var format = {
+ 'ss': withoutSuffix ? 'Ñекунда_Ñекунди_Ñекунд' :
+ 'Ñекунду_Ñекунди_Ñекунд',
+ 'mm': withoutSuffix ? 'хвилина_хвилини_хвилин' :
+ 'хвилину_хвилини_хвилин',
+ 'hh': withoutSuffix ? 'година_години_годин' :
+ 'годину_години_годин',
+ 'dd': 'день_дні_днів',
+ 'MM': 'міÑÑць_міÑÑці_міÑÑців',
+ 'yy': 'рік_роки_років'
+ };
+ if (key === 'm') {
+ return withoutSuffix ? 'хвилина' : 'хвилину';
+ } else if (key === 'h') {
+ return withoutSuffix ? 'година' : 'годину';
+ } else {
+ return number + ' ' + plural$6(format[key], +number);
+ }
+ }
+ function weekdaysCaseReplace(m, format) {
+ var weekdays = {
+ 'nominative': 'неділÑ_понеділок_вівторок_Ñереда_четвер_п’ÑтницÑ_Ñубота'
+ .split('_'),
+ 'accusative': 'неділю_понеділок_вівторок_Ñереду_четвер_п’Ñтницю_Ñуботу'
+ .split('_'),
+ 'genitive': 'неділі_понеділка_вівторка_Ñереди_четверга_п’Ñтниці_Ñуботи'
+ .split('_')
+ };
+ if (m === true) {
+ return weekdays['nominative'].slice(1, 7).concat(weekdays['nominative'].slice(0, 1));
+ }
+ if (!m) {
+ return weekdays['nominative'];
+ }
+ var nounCase = (/(\[[ВвУу]\]) ?dddd/).test(format) ?
+ 'accusative' :
+ ((/\[?(?:минулої|наÑтупної)? ?\] ?dddd/).test(format) ?
+ 'genitive' :
+ 'nominative');
+ return weekdays[nounCase][];
+ }
+ function processHoursFunction(str) {
+ return function() {
+ return str + 'о' + (this.hours() === 11 ? 'б' : '') + '] LT';
+ };
+ }
+ hooks.defineLocale('uk', {
+ months: {
+ 'format': 'ÑічнÑ_лютого_березнÑ_квітнÑ_травнÑ_червнÑ_липнÑ_ÑерпнÑ_вереÑнÑ_жовтнÑ_лиÑтопада_груднÑ'
+ .split('_'),
+ 'standalone': 'Ñічень_лютий_березень_квітень_травень_червень_липень_Ñерпень_вереÑень_жовтень_лиÑтопад_грудень'
+ .split('_')
+ },
+ monthsShort: 'Ñіч_лют_бер_квіт_трав_черв_лип_Ñерп_вер_жовт_лиÑÑ‚_груд'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: weekdaysCaseReplace,
+ weekdaysShort: 'нд_пн_вт_ÑÑ€_чт_пт_Ñб'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'нд_пн_вт_ÑÑ€_чт_пт_Ñб'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD.MM.YYYY',
+ LL: 'D MMMM YYYY р.',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY р., HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY р., HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: processHoursFunction('[Сьогодні '),
+ nextDay: processHoursFunction('[Завтра '),
+ lastDay: processHoursFunction('[Вчора '),
+ nextWeek: processHoursFunction('[У] dddd ['),
+ lastWeek: function() {
+ switch ( {
+ case 0:
+ case 3:
+ case 5:
+ case 6:
+ return processHoursFunction('[Минулої] dddd [').call(this);
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 4:
+ return processHoursFunction('[Минулого] dddd [').call(this);
+ }
+ },
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'за %s',
+ past: '%s тому',
+ s: 'декілька Ñекунд',
+ ss: relativeTimeWithPlural$4,
+ m: relativeTimeWithPlural$4,
+ mm: relativeTimeWithPlural$4,
+ h: 'годину',
+ hh: relativeTimeWithPlural$4,
+ d: 'день',
+ dd: relativeTimeWithPlural$4,
+ M: 'міÑÑць',
+ MM: relativeTimeWithPlural$4,
+ y: 'рік',
+ yy: relativeTimeWithPlural$4
+ },
+ // M. E.: those two are virtually unused but a user might want to implement them for his/her website for some reason
+ meridiemParse: /ночі|ранку|днÑ|вечора/,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return /^(днÑ|вечора)$/.test(input);
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 4) {
+ return 'ночі';
+ } else if (hour < 12) {
+ return 'ранку';
+ } else if (hour < 17) {
+ return 'днÑ';
+ } else {
+ return 'вечора';
+ }
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}-(й|го)/,
+ ordinal: function(number, period) {
+ switch (period) {
+ case 'M':
+ case 'd':
+ case 'DDD':
+ case 'w':
+ case 'W':
+ return number + '-й';
+ case 'D':
+ return number + '-го';
+ default:
+ return number;
+ }
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ var months$a = [
+ 'جنوری',
+ 'Ùروری',
+ 'مارچ',
+ 'اپریل',
+ 'مئی',
+ 'جون',
+ 'جولائی',
+ 'اگست',
+ 'ستمبر',
+ 'اکتوبر',
+ 'نومبر',
+ 'دسمبر'
+ ];
+ var days$2 = [
+ 'اتوار',
+ 'پیر',
+ 'منگل',
+ 'بدھ',
+ 'جمعرات',
+ 'جمعÛ',
+ 'ÛÙتÛ'
+ ];
+ hooks.defineLocale('ur', {
+ months: months$a,
+ monthsShort: months$a,
+ weekdays: days$2,
+ weekdaysShort: days$2,
+ weekdaysMin: days$2,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd، D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /صبØ|شام/,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return 'شام' === input;
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ if (hour < 12) {
+ return 'صبØ';
+ }
+ return 'شام';
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[آج بوقت] LT',
+ nextDay: '[کل بوقت] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [بوقت] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Ú¯Ø°Ø´ØªÛ Ø±ÙˆØ² بوقت] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[گذشتÛ] dddd [بوقت] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s بعد',
+ past: '%s قبل',
+ s: 'چند سیکنڈ',
+ ss: '%d سیکنڈ',
+ m: 'ایک منٹ',
+ mm: '%d منٹ',
+ h: 'ایک گھنٹÛ',
+ hh: '%d گھنٹے',
+ d: 'ایک دن',
+ dd: '%d دن',
+ M: 'ایک ماÛ',
+ MM: '%d ماÛ',
+ y: 'ایک سال',
+ yy: '%d سال'
+ },
+ preparse: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/،/g, ',');
+ },
+ postformat: function(string) {
+ return string.replace(/,/g, '،');
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('uz-latn', {
+ months: 'Yanvar_Fevral_Mart_Aprel_May_Iyun_Iyul_Avgust_Sentabr_Oktabr_Noyabr_Dekabr'.split(
+ '_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Yan_Fev_Mar_Apr_May_Iyun_Iyul_Avg_Sen_Okt_Noy_Dek'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Yakshanba_Dushanba_Seshanba_Chorshanba_Payshanba_Juma_Shanba'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Yak_Dush_Sesh_Chor_Pay_Jum_Shan'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Ya_Du_Se_Cho_Pa_Ju_Sha'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'D MMMM YYYY, dddd HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Bugun soat] LT [da]',
+ nextDay: '[Ertaga] LT [da]',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [kuni soat] LT [da]',
+ lastDay: '[Kecha soat] LT [da]',
+ lastWeek: '[O\'tgan] dddd [kuni soat] LT [da]',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'Yaqin %s ichida',
+ past: 'Bir necha %s oldin',
+ s: 'soniya',
+ ss: '%d soniya',
+ m: 'bir daqiqa',
+ mm: '%d daqiqa',
+ h: 'bir soat',
+ hh: '%d soat',
+ d: 'bir kun',
+ dd: '%d kun',
+ M: 'bir oy',
+ MM: '%d oy',
+ y: 'bir yil',
+ yy: '%d yil'
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 7th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('uz', {
+ months: 'Ñнвар_феврал_март_апрел_май_июн_июл_авгуÑÑ‚_ÑентÑбр_октÑбр_ноÑбр_декабр'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Ñнв_фев_мар_апр_май_июн_июл_авг_Ñен_окт_ноÑ_дек'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'Якшанба_Душанба_Сешанба_Чоршанба_Пайшанба_Жума_Шанба'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'Якш_Душ_Сеш_Чор_Пай_Жум_Шан'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Як_Ду_Се_Чо_Па_Жу_Ша'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'D MMMM YYYY, dddd HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Бугун Ñоат] LT [да]',
+ nextDay: '[Ðртага] LT [да]',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [куни Ñоат] LT [да]',
+ lastDay: '[Кеча Ñоат] LT [да]',
+ lastWeek: '[Утган] dddd [куни Ñоат] LT [да]',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'Якин %s ичида',
+ past: 'Бир неча %s олдин',
+ s: 'фурÑат',
+ ss: '%d фурÑат',
+ m: 'бир дакика',
+ mm: '%d дакика',
+ h: 'бир Ñоат',
+ hh: '%d Ñоат',
+ d: 'бир кун',
+ dd: '%d кун',
+ M: 'бир ой',
+ MM: '%d ой',
+ y: 'бир йил',
+ yy: '%d йил'
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 7 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('vi', {
+ months: 'tháng 1_tháng 2_tháng 3_tháng 4_tháng 5_tháng 6_tháng 7_tháng 8_tháng 9_tháng 10_tháng 11_tháng 12'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'Th01_Th02_Th03_Th04_Th05_Th06_Th07_Th08_Th09_Th10_Th11_Th12'.split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'chủ nháºt_thứ hai_thứ ba_thứ tÆ°_thứ năm_thứ sáu_thứ bảy'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'CN_T2_T3_T4_T5_T6_T7'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'CN_T2_T3_T4_T5_T6_T7'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ meridiemParse: /sa|ch/i,
+ isPM: function(input) {
+ return /^ch$/i.test(input);
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hours, minutes, isLower) {
+ if (hours < 12) {
+ return isLower ? 'sa' : 'SA';
+ } else {
+ return isLower ? 'ch' : 'CH';
+ }
+ },
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LL: 'D MMMM [năm] YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM [năm] YYYY HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM [năm] YYYY HH:mm',
+ l: 'DD/M/YYYY',
+ ll: 'D MMM YYYY',
+ lll: 'D MMM YYYY HH:mm',
+ llll: 'ddd, D MMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Hôm nay lúc] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Ngà y mai lúc] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [tuần tới lúc] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Hôm qua lúc] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [tuần rồi lúc] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s tá»›i',
+ past: '%s trÆ°á»›c',
+ s: 'và i giây',
+ ss: '%d giây',
+ m: 'một phút',
+ mm: '%d phút',
+ h: 'má»™t giá»',
+ hh: '%d giá»',
+ d: 'một ngà y',
+ dd: '%d ngà y',
+ M: 'một tháng',
+ MM: '%d tháng',
+ y: 'một năm',
+ yy: '%d năm'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ return number;
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('x-pseudo', {
+ months: 'J~áñúá~rý_F~ébrú~árý_~Márc~h_Ãp~rÃl_~Máý_~Júñé~_Júl~ý_Ãú~gúst~_Sép~témb~ér_Ó~ctób~ér_Ñ~óvém~bér_~Décé~mbér'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'J~áñ_~Féb_~Már_~Ãpr_~Máý_~Júñ_~Júl_~Ãúg_~Sép_~Óct_~Ñóv_~Déc'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsParseExact: true,
+ weekdays: 'S~úñdá~ý_Mó~ñdáý~_Túé~sdáý~_Wéd~ñésd~áý_T~húrs~dáý_~FrÃd~áý_S~átúr~dáý'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'S~úñ_~Móñ_~Túé_~Wéd_~Thú_~FrÃ_~Sát'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'S~ú_Mó~_Tú_~Wé_T~h_Fr~_Sá'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysParseExact: true,
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY HH:mm'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[T~ódá~ý át] LT',
+ nextDay: '[T~ómó~rró~w át] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [át] LT',
+ lastDay: '[Ã~ést~érdá~ý át] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[L~ást] dddd [át] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'Ã~ñ %s',
+ past: '%s á~gó',
+ s: 'á ~féw ~sécó~ñds',
+ ss: '%d s~écóñ~ds',
+ m: 'á ~mÃñ~úté',
+ mm: '%d m~Ãñú~tés',
+ h: 'á~ñ hó~úr',
+ hh: '%d h~óúrs',
+ d: 'á ~dáý',
+ dd: '%d d~áýs',
+ M: 'á ~móñ~th',
+ MM: '%d m~óñt~hs',
+ y: 'á ~ýéár',
+ yy: '%d ý~éárs'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)/,
+ ordinal: function(number) {
+ var b = number % 10,
+ output = (~~(number % 100 / 10) === 1) ? 'th' :
+ (b === 1) ? 'st' :
+ (b === 2) ? 'nd' :
+ (b === 3) ? 'rd' : 'th';
+ return number + output;
+ },
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('yo', {
+ months: 'SẹÌrẹÌ_EÌ€reÌ€leÌ€_Ẹrẹ̀naÌ€_IÌ€gbeÌ_EÌ€bibi_OÌ€kuÌ€du_Agẹmo_OÌ€guÌn_Owewe_Ọ̀waÌ€raÌ€_BeÌluÌ_Ọ̀pẹ̀̀'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: 'SẹÌr_EÌ€rl_Ẹrn_IÌ€gb_EÌ€bi_OÌ€kuÌ€_Agẹ_OÌ€guÌ_Owe_Ọ̀waÌ€_BeÌl_Ọ̀pẹ̀̀'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdays: 'AÌ€iÌ€kuÌ_AjeÌ_IÌ€sẹÌgun_Ọjá»ÌruÌ_Ọjá»Ìbá»_ẸtiÌ€_AÌ€baÌmẹÌta'
+ .split('_'),
+ weekdaysShort: 'AÌ€iÌ€k_AjeÌ_IÌ€sẹÌ_Ọjr_Ọjb_ẸtiÌ€_AÌ€baÌ'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'Àì_Aj_Ìs_Ọr_Ọb_Ẹt_Àb'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'h:mm A',
+ LTS: 'h:mm:ss A',
+ L: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
+ LLL: 'D MMMM YYYY h:mm A',
+ LLLL: 'dddd, D MMMM YYYY h:mm A'
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[Ònì ni] LT',
+ nextDay: '[Ọ̀la ni] LT',
+ nextWeek: 'dddd [Ọsẹ̀ toÌn\'bá»] [ni] LT',
+ lastDay: '[AÌ€na ni] LT',
+ lastWeek: 'dddd [Ọsẹ̀ toÌlá»Ì] [ni] LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: 'niÌ %s',
+ past: '%s ká»jaÌ',
+ s: 'iÌ€sẹjuÌ aayaÌ die',
+ ss: 'aayaÌ %d',
+ m: 'iÌ€sẹjuÌ kan',
+ mm: 'iÌ€sẹjuÌ %d',
+ h: 'waÌkati kan',
+ hh: 'waÌkati %d',
+ d: 'á»já»Ì kan',
+ dd: 'á»já»Ì %d',
+ M: 'osù kan',
+ MM: 'osù %d',
+ y: 'á»duÌn kan',
+ yy: 'á»duÌn %d'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /á»já»Ì\s\d{1,2}/,
+ ordinal: 'á»já»Ì %d',
+ week: {
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('zh-cn', {
+ months: '一月_二月_三月_四月_五月_å…月_七月_八月_ä¹æœˆ_å月_å一月_å二月'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: '1月_2月_3月_4月_5月_6月_7月_8月_9月_10月_11月_12月'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: '星期日_星期一_星期二_星期三_星期四_星期五_星期å…'.split(
+ '_'),
+ weekdaysShort: '周日_周一_周二_周三_周四_周五_周å…'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'æ—¥_一_二_三_å››_五_å…'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'YYYY/MM/DD',
+ LL: 'YYYY年M月D日',
+ LLL: 'YYYY年M月D日Ah点mm分',
+ LLLL: 'YYYY年M月D日ddddAh点mm分',
+ l: 'YYYY/M/D',
+ ll: 'YYYY年M月D日',
+ lll: 'YYYY年M月D日 HH:mm',
+ llll: 'YYYY年M月D日dddd HH:mm'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /凌晨|早上|上åˆ|ä¸åˆ|下åˆ|晚上/,
+ meridiemHour: function(hour, meridiem) {
+ if (hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ if (meridiem === '凌晨' || meridiem === '早上' ||
+ meridiem === '上åˆ') {
+ return hour;
+ } else if (meridiem === '下åˆ' || meridiem === '晚上') {
+ return hour + 12;
+ } else {
+ // 'ä¸åˆ'
+ return hour >= 11 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ }
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ var hm = hour * 100 + minute;
+ if (hm < 600) {
+ return '凌晨';
+ } else if (hm < 900) {
+ return '早上';
+ } else if (hm < 1130) {
+ return '上åˆ';
+ } else if (hm < 1230) {
+ return 'ä¸åˆ';
+ } else if (hm < 1800) {
+ return '下åˆ';
+ } else {
+ return '晚上';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[今天]LT',
+ nextDay: '[明天]LT',
+ nextWeek: '[下]ddddLT',
+ lastDay: '[昨天]LT',
+ lastWeek: '[上]ddddLT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(日|月|周)/,
+ ordinal: function(number, period) {
+ switch (period) {
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ case 'DDD':
+ return number + 'æ—¥';
+ case 'M':
+ return number + '月';
+ case 'w':
+ case 'W':
+ return number + '周';
+ default:
+ return number;
+ }
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%s内',
+ past: '%så‰',
+ s: 'å‡ ç§’',
+ ss: '%d 秒',
+ m: '1 分钟',
+ mm: '%d 分钟',
+ h: '1 å°æ—¶',
+ hh: '%d å°æ—¶',
+ d: '1 天',
+ dd: '%d 天',
+ M: '1 个月',
+ MM: '%d 个月',
+ y: '1 å¹´',
+ yy: '%d å¹´'
+ },
+ week: {
+ // GB/T 7408-1994《数æ®å…ƒå’Œäº¤æ¢æ ¼å¼Â·ä¿¡æ¯äº¤æ¢Â·æ—¥æœŸå’Œæ—¶é—´è¡¨ç¤ºæ³•ã€‹ä¸ŽISO 8601:1988ç‰æ•ˆ
+ dow: 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
+ doy: 4 // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('zh-hk', {
+ months: '一月_二月_三月_四月_五月_å…月_七月_八月_ä¹æœˆ_å月_å一月_å二月'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: '1月_2月_3月_4月_5月_6月_7月_8月_9月_10月_11月_12月'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: '星期日_星期一_星期二_星期三_星期四_星期五_星期å…'.split(
+ '_'),
+ weekdaysShort: '週日_週一_週二_週三_週四_週五_週å…'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'æ—¥_一_二_三_å››_五_å…'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'YYYY/MM/DD',
+ LL: 'YYYY年M月D日',
+ LLL: 'YYYY年M月D日 HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'YYYY年M月D日dddd HH:mm',
+ l: 'YYYY/M/D',
+ ll: 'YYYY年M月D日',
+ lll: 'YYYY年M月D日 HH:mm',
+ llll: 'YYYY年M月D日dddd HH:mm'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /凌晨|早上|上åˆ|ä¸åˆ|下åˆ|晚上/,
+ meridiemHour: function(hour, meridiem) {
+ if (hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ if (meridiem === '凌晨' || meridiem === '早上' || meridiem === '上åˆ') {
+ return hour;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'ä¸åˆ') {
+ return hour >= 11 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === '下åˆ' || meridiem === '晚上') {
+ return hour + 12;
+ }
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ var hm = hour * 100 + minute;
+ if (hm < 600) {
+ return '凌晨';
+ } else if (hm < 900) {
+ return '早上';
+ } else if (hm < 1130) {
+ return '上åˆ';
+ } else if (hm < 1230) {
+ return 'ä¸åˆ';
+ } else if (hm < 1800) {
+ return '下åˆ';
+ } else {
+ return '晚上';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[今天]LT',
+ nextDay: '[明天]LT',
+ nextWeek: '[下]ddddLT',
+ lastDay: '[昨天]LT',
+ lastWeek: '[上]ddddLT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(日|月|週)/,
+ ordinal: function(number, period) {
+ switch (period) {
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ case 'DDD':
+ return number + 'æ—¥';
+ case 'M':
+ return number + '月';
+ case 'w':
+ case 'W':
+ return number + '週';
+ default:
+ return number;
+ }
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%så…§',
+ past: '%så‰',
+ s: '幾秒',
+ ss: '%d 秒',
+ m: '1 分é˜',
+ mm: '%d 分é˜',
+ h: '1 å°æ™‚',
+ hh: '%d å°æ™‚',
+ d: '1 天',
+ dd: '%d 天',
+ M: '1 個月',
+ MM: '%d 個月',
+ y: '1 å¹´',
+ yy: '%d å¹´'
+ }
+ });
+ //! moment.js locale configuration
+ hooks.defineLocale('zh-tw', {
+ months: '一月_二月_三月_四月_五月_å…月_七月_八月_ä¹æœˆ_å月_å一月_å二月'
+ .split('_'),
+ monthsShort: '1月_2月_3月_4月_5月_6月_7月_8月_9月_10月_11月_12月'.split('_'),
+ weekdays: '星期日_星期一_星期二_星期三_星期四_星期五_星期å…'.split(
+ '_'),
+ weekdaysShort: '週日_週一_週二_週三_週四_週五_週å…'.split('_'),
+ weekdaysMin: 'æ—¥_一_二_三_å››_五_å…'.split('_'),
+ longDateFormat: {
+ LT: 'HH:mm',
+ LTS: 'HH:mm:ss',
+ L: 'YYYY/MM/DD',
+ LL: 'YYYY年M月D日',
+ LLL: 'YYYY年M月D日 HH:mm',
+ LLLL: 'YYYY年M月D日dddd HH:mm',
+ l: 'YYYY/M/D',
+ ll: 'YYYY年M月D日',
+ lll: 'YYYY年M月D日 HH:mm',
+ llll: 'YYYY年M月D日dddd HH:mm'
+ },
+ meridiemParse: /凌晨|早上|上åˆ|ä¸åˆ|下åˆ|晚上/,
+ meridiemHour: function(hour, meridiem) {
+ if (hour === 12) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ if (meridiem === '凌晨' || meridiem === '早上' || meridiem === '上åˆ') {
+ return hour;
+ } else if (meridiem === 'ä¸åˆ') {
+ return hour >= 11 ? hour : hour + 12;
+ } else if (meridiem === '下åˆ' || meridiem === '晚上') {
+ return hour + 12;
+ }
+ },
+ meridiem: function(hour, minute, isLower) {
+ var hm = hour * 100 + minute;
+ if (hm < 600) {
+ return '凌晨';
+ } else if (hm < 900) {
+ return '早上';
+ } else if (hm < 1130) {
+ return '上åˆ';
+ } else if (hm < 1230) {
+ return 'ä¸åˆ';
+ } else if (hm < 1800) {
+ return '下åˆ';
+ } else {
+ return '晚上';
+ }
+ },
+ calendar: {
+ sameDay: '[今天] LT',
+ nextDay: '[明天] LT',
+ nextWeek: '[下]dddd LT',
+ lastDay: '[昨天] LT',
+ lastWeek: '[上]dddd LT',
+ sameElse: 'L'
+ },
+ dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(日|月|週)/,
+ ordinal: function(number, period) {
+ switch (period) {
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ case 'DDD':
+ return number + 'æ—¥';
+ case 'M':
+ return number + '月';
+ case 'w':
+ case 'W':
+ return number + '週';
+ default:
+ return number;
+ }
+ },
+ relativeTime: {
+ future: '%så…§',
+ past: '%så‰',
+ s: '幾秒',
+ ss: '%d 秒',
+ m: '1 分é˜',
+ mm: '%d 分é˜',
+ h: '1 å°æ™‚',
+ hh: '%d å°æ™‚',
+ d: '1 天',
+ dd: '%d 天',
+ M: '1 個月',
+ MM: '%d 個月',
+ y: '1 å¹´',
+ yy: '%d å¹´'
+ }
+ });
+ hooks.locale('en');
+ return hooks;
diff --git a/jsFile/tools/index.js b/jsFile/tools/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cc8a5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jsFile/tools/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+/** 常用方法
+ * 使用方法在页面引入
+ * import ev from '@/jsFile/tools/index.js';
+ *
+ * 使用
+ * console.log(ev.splitNum(200));
+ */
+// 百度SEO
+const seo = function() {
+ let bp = document.createElement('script');
+ let curProtocol = window.location.protocol.split(':')[0];
+ if (curProtocol === 'https') {
+ bp.src = '';
+ }
+ else {
+ bp.src = '';
+ }
+ let s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
+ s.parentNode.insertBefore(bp, s);
+// 函数节流
+const throttle = function(method, context) {
+ clearTimeout(method.tId);
+ method.tId = setTimeout(function () {
+ }.bind(this), context?context:1000);
+// 生成随机字符串
+function getRandomStr(){
+ return Math.random().toString(36).substring(2)
+// base64位码转blob对象
+const dataURLtoBlob = (dataurl)=>{
+ let arr = dataurl.split(','), mime = arr[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1],
+ bstr = atob(arr[1]), n = bstr.length, u8arr = new Uint8Array(n);
+ while(n--){
+ u8arr[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n);
+ }
+ return new Blob([u8arr], {type:mime});
+ * 将base64/dataurl转成File
+ * @param dataurl
+ * @param filename
+ * @returns {File}
+ */
+function dataURLtoFile(dataurl, filename) {
+ let arr = dataurl.split(','),
+ mime = arr[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1],
+ bstr = atob(arr[1]),
+ n = bstr.length,
+ u8arr = new Uint8Array(n);
+ while (n--) {
+ u8arr[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n);
+ }
+ return new File([u8arr], filename, { type: mime });
+// 获取File 对象或 Blob 对象的临时路径
+function getObjectURL(file) {
+ let url = null;
+ if (window.createObjectURL) {
+ // basic
+ url = window.createObjectURL(file);
+ } else if (window.URL) {
+ // mozilla(firefox)
+ url = window.URL.createObjectURL(file);
+ } else if (window.webkitURL) {
+ // webkit or chrome
+ url = window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(file);
+ }
+ return url;
+// 获取n-m的随机整数
+const getRandomNum = (n, m)=> {
+ return Math.ceil(Math.random()*(m-n), n);
+// 将数字转成3位分隔符
+const splitNum = function (num) {
+ if (num === null || num === undefined) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (typeof num === "number") {
+ num = num.toString()
+ }
+ return num.replace(/\B(?=(?:\d{3})+\b)/g, ',')
+// 字符串/数字数组去重
+function unique(arr) {
+ return Array.from(new Set(arr));
+// 生成uuid
+function getUuid() {
+ let s = [];
+ let hexDigits = "0123456789abcdef";
+ for (let i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
+ s[i] = hexDigits.substr(Math.floor(Math.random() * 0x10), 1);
+ }
+ s[14] = "4"; // bits 12-15 of the time_hi_and_version field to 0010
+ s[19] = hexDigits.substr((s[19] & 0x3) | 0x8, 1); // bits 6-7 of the clock_seq_hi_and_reserved to 01
+ s[8] = s[13] = s[18] = s[23] = "-";
+ return s.join("");
+// 过滤掉某个字符串中的中文字符
+function filterChineseWord(str) {
+ return str.replace(/[\u4E00-\u9FA5]/g, '');
+ * nodejs获取本地ip
+ * @param os node.js os模块
+ * @returns {*}
+ */
+function getIPAddress(os) {
+ if (!os) return '';
+ let interfaces = os.networkInterfaces();
+ for (let devName in interfaces) {
+ let iface = interfaces[devName];
+ for (let i = 0; i < iface.length; i++) {
+ let alias = iface[i];
+ if ( === 'IPv4' && alias.address !== '' && !alias.internal) {
+ return alias.address;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * 获取元素实际样式值
+ * @param el dom元素
+ * @param styleName 样式名
+ */
+function getStyle(el, styleName) {
+ if (el.currentStyle) return el.currentStyle[styleName];
+ if (getComputedStyle) return window.getComputedStyle(el, null)[styleName];
+ return[styleName];
+// 优雅降级requestAnimationFrame
+const requestAnimationF = (function () {
+ return window.requestAnimationFrame ||
+ window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
+ window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
+ window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
+ // if all else fails, use setTimeout
+ function (callback) {
+ return window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); // shoot for 60 fps
+ };
+// 优雅降级cancelAnimationFrame
+const cancelAnimationF = (function () {
+ return window.cancelAnimationFrame ||
+ window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame ||
+ window.mozCancelAnimationFrame ||
+ window.oCancelAnimationFrame ||
+ function (id) {
+ window.clearTimeout(id);
+ };
+ * 获取元素实际高度
+ * @param el dom元素
+ * @returns {number} 元素高度
+ */
+function getHeight(el) {
+ let height;
+ // 已隐藏的元素
+ if (getStyle(el, "display") === "none") {
+ = "absolute";
+ = "hidden";
+ = "block";
+ height = getStyle(el, "height");
+ = "";
+ = "";
+ = "";
+ return parseFloat(height);
+ }
+ return parseFloat(getStyle(el, "height"));
+ * 获取已隐藏元素的css值
+ * @param el
+ * @param styleName
+ * @returns {*}
+ */
+function getCurrentStyle(el, styleName) {
+ let styleValue;
+ // 已隐藏的元素
+ if (getStyle(el, "display") === "none") {
+ = "absolute";
+ = "hidden";
+ = "block";
+ styleValue = getStyle(el, styleName);
+ = "";
+ = "";
+ = "";
+ return (styleValue);
+ }
+ return (getStyle(el, styleName));
+ * 优化实现sildeToggle效果
+ * @param el dom元素
+ * @param time 动画时长,单位ms,默认值300
+ * @param fn 回调函数
+ */
+function slideToggle(el, time, fn) {
+ if (!el) return false;
+ time = time || 300;
+ if (el.dataUid) return false; // 如该dom元素已有动画未处理完,则必须等到动画结束才执行
+ cancelAnimationF(el.dataUid);
+ // 已隐藏的元素,下拉
+ if (getStyle(el, "display") === "none" || getHeight(el) === 0) {
+ down(el, time, fn);
+ } else {
+ up(el, time, fn)
+ }
+function down(el, time, fn) {
+ let aniSplitTime =;
+ let height = 0, paddingTop = 0, paddingBottom = 0;
+ let totalHeight = parseFloat(getCurrentStyle(el, "height"));
+ let totalPaddingTop = parseFloat(getCurrentStyle(el, "paddingTop"));
+ let totalPaddingBottom = parseFloat(getCurrentStyle(el, "paddingBottom"));
+ let basePaddingBottom = totalPaddingBottom/time;
+ let basePaddingTop = totalPaddingBottom/time;
+ let baseHeight = totalHeight/time;
+ = "hidden";
+ = "block";
+ el.dataUid = requestAnimationF(function go(){
+ let aniTime =;
+ let splitTime = aniTime - aniSplitTime;
+ aniSplitTime = aniTime;
+ let splitPaddingBottom = basePaddingBottom*splitTime;
+ let splitPaddingTop = basePaddingTop*splitTime;
+ let splitHeight = baseHeight*splitTime;
+ if (height >= totalHeight){
+ = "";
+ = "";
+ = "";
+ = "";
+ if (fn && typeof fn === "function") fn();
+ cancelAnimationF(el.dataUid);
+ el.dataUid = null;
+ delete el.dataUid;
+ } else {
+ = height + "px";
+ = paddingTop + "px";
+ = paddingBottom + "px";
+ el.dataUid = requestAnimationF(go);
+ }
+ height = height + splitHeight;
+ paddingTop = paddingTop + splitPaddingTop;
+ paddingBottom = paddingBottom + splitPaddingBottom;
+ });
+function up(el, time, fn) {
+ // 上拉
+ let aniSplitTime =;
+ let height = getHeight(el);
+ let paddingTop = parseFloat(getStyle(el, "paddingTop"));
+ let paddingBottom = parseFloat(getStyle(el, "paddingBottom"));
+ = "hidden";
+ let basePaddingBottom = paddingBottom/time;
+ let basePaddingTop = paddingTop/time;
+ let baseHeight = height/time;
+ el.dataUid = requestAnimationF(function go(){
+ let aniTime =;
+ let splitTime = aniTime - aniSplitTime;
+ aniSplitTime = aniTime;
+ let splitPaddingBottom = basePaddingBottom*splitTime;
+ let splitPaddingTop = basePaddingTop*splitTime;
+ let splitHeight = baseHeight*splitTime;
+ if (height <= 0) {
+ = 0;
+ = 0;
+ = 0;
+ setTimeout(()=>{
+ = "";
+ = "";
+ = "";
+ = "";
+ = "none";
+ },0);
+ if (fn && typeof fn === "function") fn();
+ cancelAnimationF(el.dataUid);
+ el.dataUid = null;
+ delete el.dataUid;
+ } else {
+ = height + "px";
+ = paddingTop + "px";
+ = paddingBottom + "px";
+ el.dataUid = requestAnimationF(go);
+ }
+ height = height - splitHeight;
+ paddingBottom = paddingBottom - splitPaddingBottom;
+ paddingTop = paddingTop - splitPaddingTop;
+ });
+ * 优化实现jquery slideDown效果
+ * @param el dom元素
+ * @param time 动画时长,单位ms,默认值300
+ * @param fn 回调函数
+ */
+function slideDown(el, time, fn) {
+ if (!el) return false;
+ time = time || 300;
+ if (el.dataUid) return false; // 如该dom元素已有动画未处理完,则必须等到动画结束才执行
+ cancelAnimationF(el.dataUid);
+ if (getStyle(el, "display") === "none" || getHeight(el) === 0) {
+ down(el, time, fn);
+ }
+ * 优化实现jquery slideUp效果
+ * @param el dom元素
+ * @param time 动画时长,单位ms,默认值300
+ * @param fn 回调函数
+ */
+function slideUp(el, time, fn) {
+ if (!el) return false;
+ time = time || 300;
+ if (el.dataUid) return false; // 如该dom元素已有动画未处理完,则必须等到动画结束才执行
+ cancelAnimationF(el.dataUid);
+ if (getStyle(el, "display") === "none" || getHeight(el) === 0) {
+ } else {
+ up(el, time, fn);
+ }
+ * 获取当天的23:59:59的Date对象(当天最后1ms的Date对象)
+ * @param date (默认值new Date())
+ * @returns {Date}
+ */
+function getDayLastMsDate(date = new Date()) {
+ if (!date instanceof Date) {
+ throw new Error("function params type error");
+ }
+ return new Date(new Date(date.toLocaleDateString()).getTime()+24*60*60*1000-1)
+ * 获取当天的00:00的Date对象(当天最开始1ms的Date对象)
+ * @param date (默认值new Date())
+ * @returns {Date}
+ */
+function getDayFirstMsDate(date = new Date()) {
+ if (!date instanceof Date) {
+ throw new Error("function params type error");
+ }
+ return new Date(date.toLocaleDateString())
+ 压缩图片
+ dataUrl: dataUrl,
+ obj:{ height, width } 压缩之后的图片宽高
+ type:压缩完之后的图片类型
+function photoCompress(dataUrl, obj, type = "image/png"){
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ let img = new Image();
+ img.src = dataUrl;
+ img.onload = function(){
+ let that = this;
+ // 默认按比例压缩
+ let w = that.width,
+ h = that.height,
+ scale = w / h;
+ if (h >= obj.height) {
+ h = obj.height;
+ }
+ w = (h * scale);
+ let quality = 1; // 默认图片质量为1
+ //生成canvas
+ let canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ // 创建属性节点
+ let anw = document.createAttribute("width");
+ anw.nodeValue = w;
+ let anh = document.createAttribute("height");
+ anh.nodeValue = h;
+ canvas.setAttributeNode(anw);
+ canvas.setAttributeNode(anh);
+ ctx.drawImage(that, 0, 0, w, h);
+ // 图像质量
+ if(obj.quality && obj.quality <= 1 && obj.quality > 0){
+ quality = obj.quality;
+ }
+ // quality值越小,所绘制出的图像越模糊
+ let base64 = canvas.toDataURL(type, quality);
+ // 回调函数返回base64的值
+ resolve(base64);
+ };
+ img.onerror = ()=>{
+ reject();
+ }
+ })
+// 获取文件格式(后缀)
+function getFileType(fileName = '') {
+ let index = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
+ if (index >= 0) return fileName.substring(index + 1);
+ return "";
+// 重排数组(洗牌算法)
+function arrayShuffle(input) {
+ for (var i = input.length-1; i >=0; i--) {
+ var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random()*(i+1));
+ var itemAtIndex = input[randomIndex];
+ input[randomIndex] = input[i];
+ input[i] = itemAtIndex;
+ }
+ return input;
+export const Common = {
+ seo,
+ throttle,
+ dataURLtoBlob,
+ getRandomNum,
+ splitNum,
+ getUuid,
+ getRandomStr,
+ unique,
+ filterChineseWord,
+ getIPAddress,
+ getStyle,
+ getCurrentStyle,
+ slideToggle,
+ slideUp,
+ slideDown,
+ getObjectURL,
+ dataURLtoFile,
+ getDayLastMsDate,
+ getDayFirstMsDate,
+ photoCompress,
+ getFileType,
+ arrayShuffle
+export default Common;
diff --git a/jsFile/tools/observer.js b/jsFile/tools/observer.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc31b1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jsFile/tools/observer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+/** 使用方法
+ * 页面引入
+ * import Utils from '@/jsFile/tools/observer.js';
+ *
+ * 使用
+ * // 订阅消息
+ * Utils.subscribe('test', function (e) {
+ * console.log(e);
+ * });
+ * setTimeout(()=>{
+ * // 发布消息
+ * Utils.publish('test', {
+ * msg: '参数'
+ * });
+ * },3000)
+ */
+ * 发布-订阅模式(观察者模式)
+ * */
+export const Observer = (function() {
+ let messages = {}; // 消息队列
+ return {
+ // 订阅消息
+ subscribe(type, fn) {
+ // 消息不存在,创建消息执行队列
+ if (typeof messages[type] === 'undefined') {
+ messages[type] = [fn];
+ }
+ // 消息存在,将执行动作推进消息执行队列
+ else {
+ messages[type].push(fn);
+ }
+ },
+ // 发布消息
+ publish(type, args) {
+ // 如果消息未被注册,返回false
+ if (!messages[type]) return false;
+ // 定义消息信息
+ let events = {
+ type: type, // 消息类型
+ args: args || {} // 消息携带数据
+ };
+ for (let i = 0; i < messages[type].length; i++) {
+ // 执行动作
+ messages[type][i].call(this, events)
+ }
+ },
+ // 删除消息
+ remove(type, fn) {
+ // 消息队列存在
+ if (messages[type] instanceof Array) {
+ // 从最后一个消息动作遍历
+ let i = messages[type].length - 1;
+ for (; i >= 0; i++) {
+ // 存在该消息动作,则移除
+ messages[type][i] === fn && messages[type].splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+export default Observer;
diff --git a/pages.json b/pages.json
index 5b2de0e..02ad85b 100644
--- a/pages.json
+++ b/pages.json
@@ -88,6 +88,24 @@
"enablePullDownRefresh": false
+ ,{
+ "path" : "picture-cut/picture-cut",
+ "style" :
+ {
+ "navigationBarTitleText": "",
+ "enablePullDownRefresh": false
+ }
+ }
+ ,{
+ "path" : "count-to/count-to",
+ "style" :
+ {
+ "navigationBarTitleText": "",
+ "enablePullDownRefresh": false
+ }
+ }
{ //B包
diff --git a/pages/tabbar/my/my.vue b/pages/tabbar/my/my.vue
index 3d7a2fd..3ca224f 100644
--- a/pages/tabbar/my/my.vue
+++ b/pages/tabbar/my/my.vue
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
let urls = [
- '/pagesB/electronic-certificate/electronic-certificate',
+ '/pagesA/picture-cut/picture-cut',
diff --git a/pagesA/count-to/count-to.vue b/pagesA/count-to/count-to.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c61dd24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pagesA/count-to/count-to.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ start
+ change end-val
+ incremental update
+ start
+ start
+ pause/resume
diff --git a/pagesA/picture-cut/picture-cut.vue b/pagesA/picture-cut/picture-cut.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..213d42f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pagesA/picture-cut/picture-cut.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,806 @@
+ install
+ {{ code0 }}
+ example1 基本例子 无限制
+ download(base64)
+ download(blob)
+ 截图框大小
+ 中等大小
+ 迷你大小
+ 固定为100宽度
+ 固定为100高度
+ 输出图片格式
+ {{ code1 }}