
cp 2021-11-23 17:29:35 +08:00
parent 92fb3e72ad
commit 1692cdac9b
3 changed files with 3 additions and 81 deletions

View File

@ -112,31 +112,6 @@ input, textarea, select {
animation:dancing-UP 1s linear infinite forwards;
animation:run-right 2s linear normal forwards;
animation:run-left 2s linear normal forwards;
animation:run-top 2s linear normal forwards;
animation:run-bottom 2s linear normal forwards;
animation:run-right-bottom 2s linear normal forwards;
animation:run-left-bottom 2s linear normal forwards;
animation:run-right-top 2s linear normal forwards;
animation:run-left-top 2s linear normal forwards;
animation: scale-left 12s linear normal;

View File

@ -3,10 +3,7 @@ var num = 0;
var timer = null;
var actionTimer = null;
var moveTimer = null;
// 粉丝的昵称
var nameArr = ['鹅鹅鹅鹅鹅鹅','打嗝','旋风腿儿','霹雳腿儿','老寒腿儿','哇咔咔蹦跶'];
// 粉丝说的话
var sayArr = ['没人','内容','空空风','美女姐姐','小阔爱','老阔爱'];
// 动作
var actionArr = ['dancing-left','dancing-right','dancing-down','dancing-up','dancing-wobble','dancing-wobble-right'];
// 人物位移动画
@ -211,57 +208,6 @@ $(function(){
}, false);
// setInterval(()=>{
// changeMusic()
// },1000 * 60 * 2)
// setTimeout(()=>{
// console.log('开始集体舞');
// allDancing();
// },50000)
// timer = setInterval(()=>{
// if(num==10){
// clearInterval(timer);
// } else {
// peopleObj(nameArr[nameIndex],sayArr[sayIndex],actionArr[actionIndex],moveArr[moveIndex]);
// num++;
// $.ajax({
// method: 'get',
// url: 'https://bili.dothis.top/src/fetch.php',
// data: '',
// contentType: false,
// processData: false,
// crossDomain:true,
// success: (res)=>{
// console.log(res);
// if(res.data.dm.length!=0){
// res.data.dm.forEach((item,index)=>{
// var nameIndex = Math.floor(Math.random()*nameArr.length);
// var sayIndex = Math.floor(Math.random()*sayArr.length);
// var actionIndex = Math.floor(Math.random()*actionArr.length);
// var moveIndex = Math.floor(Math.random()*moveArr.length);
// peopleObj(item.uname,item.text,actionArr[actionIndex],moveArr[moveIndex]);
// num++;
// })
// $('.lingname').text(res.data.leader.uname);
// if(res.data.leader.event=='scale-left' || res.data.leader.event=='scale-right' || res.data.leader.event=='scale-bottom-left' ||
// res.data.leader.event=='scale-bottom-right'){
// $('.ground-bg').addClass(res.data.leader.event);
// } else {
// setTimeout(()=>{
// console.log(res.data.leader.event);
// // 显示领舞说话
// $('.speak-pink').text(res.data.leader.text);
// $('.speak-pink').fadeIn();
// setTimeout(()=>{//关闭领舞说话
// $('.speak-pink').fadeOut();
// },3000)
// allDancing(res.data.leader.event);
// },3000)
// }
// }
// }
// });
// }
// },1000)

View File

@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ function receiveMessage(event)
let dm = {text: data.danmaku, uid: data.uid, uname: data.uname,
event: getEvent(getFirstEventKeyword(data.danmaku+randomEvent)),
is_new: isNew, is_admin: 0, is_exit: random2, is_leader: isLeader}
// console.log(dm,"")//
// TODO 测试后 删除领舞随机
let leaderRandomEvent = getEvent(getFirstEventKeyword(data.danmaku+randomEvent))
let leader = {