diff --git a/App.vue b/App.vue
index 0496c63..3ce8634 100644
--- a/App.vue
+++ b/App.vue
@@ -26,18 +26,17 @@
diff --git a/pages/project/projectList.vue b/pages/project/projectList.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..058185c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pages/project/projectList.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+ 产品类型
+ 竣工日期
+ 筛选
+ 湖南工业大学化工学院会议室P2.5全彩LED显示屏
+ 项目编号:20220108-1001
+ 规格型号:DS-CK25FI/H
+ 产品尺寸:3.94m*2.02m
+ 安装位置:xxx综合楼2楼会议室
+ 湖南省长沙市高新开发区谷园路109号像素大厦1205
+ 2022/01/08
+ 质保到期
+ 湖南工业大学化工学院会议室P2.5全彩LED显示屏
+ 项目编号:20220108-1001
+ 规格型号:DS-CK25FI/H
+ 产品尺寸:3.94m*2.02m
+ 安装位置:xxx综合楼2楼会议室
+ 湖南省长沙市高新开发区谷园路109号像素大厦1205
+ 2022/01/08
+ 质保中
diff --git a/pages/repairsPage/repairsPage.vue b/pages/repairsPage/repairsPage.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12ce81c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pages/repairsPage/repairsPage.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+ {{item.title}}
+ 请务必拍好故障照片或视频上传,便于技术工程师作为判断依据,带齐 相关维保设备。高效为您提供服务。
+ 故障类型:
+ {{item.title}}
+ 请填写设备名称和型号或扫描二维码
+ 请填写设备名称和型号
+ 添加故障图片
diff --git a/static/del/项目图片.png b/static/del/项目图片.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b6aa07
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/del/项目图片.png differ
diff --git a/static/iocn/gz.png b/static/iocn/gz.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7383278
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/iocn/gz.png differ
diff --git a/static/iocn/im.png b/static/iocn/im.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b5ec30
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/iocn/im.png differ
diff --git a/static/iocn/lp.png b/static/iocn/lp.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa05ed6
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/iocn/lp.png differ
diff --git a/static/iocn/map.png b/static/iocn/map.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49d9bd3
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/iocn/map.png differ
diff --git a/static/iocn/sm.png b/static/iocn/sm.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a789ea
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/iocn/sm.png differ
diff --git a/static/iocn/sx.png b/static/iocn/sx.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab064c0
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/iocn/sx.png differ
diff --git a/static/iocn/xla.png b/static/iocn/xla.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe54a76
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/iocn/xla.png differ
diff --git a/static/iocn/za.png b/static/iocn/za.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6992a2
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/iocn/za.png differ
diff --git a/static/iocn/zaa.png b/static/iocn/zaa.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7976a29
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/iocn/zaa.png differ
diff --git a/static/ss.png b/static/ss.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe7ba79
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/ss.png differ
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/changelog.md b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/changelog.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..381c9a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/changelog.md
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+## 2.2.2(2021-12-10)
+- 修复 clear-icon 属性在小程序平台不生效的 bug
+## 2.2.1(2021-12-10)
+- 修复 日期范围选在小程序平台,必须多点击一次才能取消选中状态的 bug
+## 2.2.0(2021-11-19)
+- 优化 组件UI,并提供设计资源,详见:[https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/uniui/resource](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/uniui/resource)
+- 文档迁移,详见:[https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/uniui/uni-datetime-picker](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/uniui/uni-datetime-picker)
+## 2.1.5(2021-11-09)
+- 新增 提供组件设计资源,组件样式调整
+## 2.1.4(2021-09-10)
+- 修复 hide-second 在移动端的 bug
+- 修复 单选赋默认值时,赋值日期未高亮的 bug
+- 修复 赋默认值时,移动端未正确显示时间的 bug
+## 2.1.3(2021-09-09)
+- 新增 hide-second 属性,支持只使用时分,隐藏秒
+## 2.1.2(2021-09-03)
+- 优化 取消选中时(范围选)直接开始下一次选择, 避免多点一次
+- 优化 移动端支持清除按钮,同时支持通过 ref 调用组件的 clear 方法
+- 优化 调整字号大小,美化日历界面
+- 修复 因国际化导致的 placeholder 失效的 bug
+## 2.1.1(2021-08-24)
+- 新增 支持国际化
+- 优化 范围选择器在 pc 端过宽的问题
+## 2.1.0(2021-08-09)
+- 新增 适配 vue3
+## 2.0.19(2021-08-09)
+- 新增 支持作为 uni-forms 子组件相关功能
+- 修复 在 uni-forms 中使用时,选择时间报 NAN 错误的 bug
+## 2.0.18(2021-08-05)
+- 修复 type 属性动态赋值无效的 bug
+- 修复 ‘确认’按钮被 tabbar 遮盖 bug
+- 修复 组件未赋值时范围选左、右日历相同的 bug
+## 2.0.17(2021-08-04)
+- 修复 范围选未正确显示当前值的 bug
+- 修复 h5 平台(移动端)报错 'cale' of undefined 的 bug
+## 2.0.16(2021-07-21)
+- 新增 return-type 属性支持返回 date 日期对象
+## 2.0.15(2021-07-14)
+- 修复 单选日期类型,初始赋值后不在当前日历的 bug
+- 新增 clearIcon 属性,显示框的清空按钮可配置显示隐藏(仅 pc 有效)
+- 优化 移动端移除显示框的清空按钮,无实际用途
+## 2.0.14(2021-07-14)
+- 修复 组件赋值为空,界面未更新的 bug
+- 修复 start 和 end 不能动态赋值的 bug
+- 修复 范围选类型,用户选择后再次选择右侧日历(结束日期)显示不正确的 bug
+## 2.0.13(2021-07-08)
+- 修复 范围选择不能动态赋值的 bug
+## 2.0.12(2021-07-08)
+- 修复 范围选择的初始时间在一个月内时,造成无法选择的bug
+## 2.0.11(2021-07-08)
+- 优化 弹出层在超出视窗边缘定位不准确的问题
+## 2.0.10(2021-07-08)
+- 修复 范围起始点样式的背景色与今日样式的字体前景色融合,导致日期字体看不清的 bug
+- 优化 弹出层在超出视窗边缘被遮盖的问题
+## 2.0.9(2021-07-07)
+- 新增 maskClick 事件
+- 修复 特殊情况日历 rpx 布局错误的 bug,rpx -> px
+- 修复 范围选择时清空返回值不合理的bug,['', ''] -> []
+## 2.0.8(2021-07-07)
+- 新增 日期时间显示框支持插槽
+## 2.0.7(2021-07-01)
+- 优化 添加 uni-icons 依赖
+## 2.0.6(2021-05-22)
+- 修复 图标在小程序上不显示的 bug
+- 优化 重命名引用组件,避免潜在组件命名冲突
+## 2.0.5(2021-05-20)
+- 优化 代码目录扁平化
+## 2.0.4(2021-05-12)
+- 新增 组件示例地址
+## 2.0.3(2021-05-10)
+- 修复 ios 下不识别 '-' 日期格式的 bug
+- 优化 pc 下弹出层添加边框和阴影
+## 2.0.2(2021-05-08)
+- 修复 在 admin 中获取弹出层定位错误的bug
+## 2.0.1(2021-05-08)
+- 修复 type 属性向下兼容,默认值从 date 变更为 datetime
+## 2.0.0(2021-04-30)
+- 支持日历形式的日期+时间的范围选择
+ > 注意:此版本不向后兼容,不再支持单独时间选择(type=time)及相关的 hide-second 属性(时间选可使用内置组件 picker)
+## 1.0.6(2021-03-18)
+- 新增 hide-second 属性,时间支持仅选择时、分
+- 修复 选择跟显示的日期不一样的 bug
+- 修复 chang事件触发2次的 bug
+- 修复 分、秒 end 范围错误的 bug
+- 优化 更好的 nvue 适配
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/calendar-item.vue b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/calendar-item.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b57610f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/calendar-item.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+ {{weeks.date}}
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/calendar.vue b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/calendar.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c48a096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/calendar.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,898 @@
+ {{nowDate.month}}
+ {{SUNText}}
+ {{monText}}
+ {{TUEText}}
+ {{WEDText}}
+ {{THUText}}
+ {{FRIText}}
+ {{SATText}}
+ {{tempSingleDate ? tempSingleDate : selectDateText}}
+ {{tempRange.before ? tempRange.before : startDateText}}
+ {{tempRange.after ? tempRange.after : endDateText}}
+ 确认
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/i18n/en.json b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/i18n/en.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc76311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/i18n/en.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "uni-datetime-picker.selectDate": "select date",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.selectTime": "select time",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.selectDateTime": "select datetime",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.startDate": "start date",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.endDate": "end date",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.startTime": "start time",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.endTime": "end time",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.ok": "ok",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.clear": "clear",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.cancel": "cancel",
+ "uni-calender.MON": "MON",
+ "uni-calender.TUE": "TUE",
+ "uni-calender.WED": "WED",
+ "uni-calender.THU": "THU",
+ "uni-calender.FRI": "FRI",
+ "uni-calender.SAT": "SAT",
+ "uni-calender.SUN": "SUN"
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/i18n/index.js b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/i18n/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de7509c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/i18n/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import en from './en.json'
+import zhHans from './zh-Hans.json'
+import zhHant from './zh-Hant.json'
+export default {
+ en,
+ 'zh-Hans': zhHans,
+ 'zh-Hant': zhHant
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/i18n/zh-Hans.json b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/i18n/zh-Hans.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bc7405
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/i18n/zh-Hans.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "uni-datetime-picker.selectDate": "选择日期",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.selectTime": "选择时间",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.selectDateTime": "选择日期时间",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.startDate": "开始日期",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.endDate": "结束日期",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.startTime": "开始时间",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.endTime": "结束时间",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.ok": "确定",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.clear": "清除",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.cancel": "取消",
+ "uni-calender.SUN": "日",
+ "uni-calender.MON": "一",
+ "uni-calender.TUE": "二",
+ "uni-calender.WED": "三",
+ "uni-calender.THU": "四",
+ "uni-calender.FRI": "五",
+ "uni-calender.SAT": "六"
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/i18n/zh-Hant.json b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/i18n/zh-Hant.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d37043
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/i18n/zh-Hant.json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "uni-datetime-picker.selectDate": "選擇日期",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.selectTime": "選擇時間",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.selectDateTime": "選擇日期時間",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.startDate": "開始日期",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.endDate": "結束日期",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.startTime": "開始时间",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.endTime": "結束时间",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.ok": "確定",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.clear": "清除",
+ "uni-datetime-picker.cancel": "取消",
+ "uni-calender.SUN": "日",
+ "uni-calender.MON": "一",
+ "uni-calender.TUE": "二",
+ "uni-calender.WED": "三",
+ "uni-calender.THU": "四",
+ "uni-calender.FRI": "五",
+ "uni-calender.SAT": "六"
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/keypress.js b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/keypress.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9601aba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/keypress.js
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// #ifdef H5
+export default {
+ name: 'Keypress',
+ props: {
+ disable: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ default: false
+ }
+ },
+ mounted () {
+ const keyNames = {
+ esc: ['Esc', 'Escape'],
+ tab: 'Tab',
+ enter: 'Enter',
+ space: [' ', 'Spacebar'],
+ up: ['Up', 'ArrowUp'],
+ left: ['Left', 'ArrowLeft'],
+ right: ['Right', 'ArrowRight'],
+ down: ['Down', 'ArrowDown'],
+ delete: ['Backspace', 'Delete', 'Del']
+ }
+ const listener = ($event) => {
+ if (this.disable) {
+ return
+ }
+ const keyName = Object.keys(keyNames).find(key => {
+ const keyName = $event.key
+ const value = keyNames[key]
+ return value === keyName || (Array.isArray(value) && value.includes(keyName))
+ })
+ if (keyName) {
+ // 避免和其他按键事件冲突
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ this.$emit(keyName, {})
+ }, 0)
+ }
+ }
+ document.addEventListener('keyup', listener)
+ this.$once('hook:beforeDestroy', () => {
+ document.removeEventListener('keyup', listener)
+ })
+ },
+ render: () => {}
+// #endif
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/time-picker.vue b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/time-picker.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..699aa63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/time-picker.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,927 @@
+ {{time}}
+ {{selectTimeText}}
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/uni-datetime-picker.vue b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/uni-datetime-picker.vue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e844331
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/uni-datetime-picker.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,981 @@
+ {{rangeSeparator}}
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/util.js b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/util.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efa5773
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/components/uni-datetime-picker/util.js
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+class Calendar {
+ constructor({
+ date,
+ selected,
+ startDate,
+ endDate,
+ range,
+ // multipleStatus
+ } = {}) {
+ // 当前日期
+ this.date = this.getDate(new Date()) // 当前初入日期
+ // 打点信息
+ this.selected = selected || [];
+ // 范围开始
+ this.startDate = startDate
+ // 范围结束
+ this.endDate = endDate
+ this.range = range
+ // 多选状态
+ this.cleanMultipleStatus()
+ // 每周日期
+ this.weeks = {}
+ // this._getWeek(this.date.fullDate)
+ // this.multipleStatus = multipleStatus
+ this.lastHover = false
+ }
+ /**
+ * 设置日期
+ * @param {Object} date
+ */
+ setDate(date) {
+ this.selectDate = this.getDate(date)
+ this._getWeek(this.selectDate.fullDate)
+ }
+ /**
+ * 清理多选状态
+ */
+ cleanMultipleStatus() {
+ this.multipleStatus = {
+ before: '',
+ after: '',
+ data: []
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 重置开始日期
+ */
+ resetSatrtDate(startDate) {
+ // 范围开始
+ this.startDate = startDate
+ }
+ /**
+ * 重置结束日期
+ */
+ resetEndDate(endDate) {
+ // 范围结束
+ this.endDate = endDate
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取任意时间
+ */
+ getDate(date, AddDayCount = 0, str = 'day') {
+ if (!date) {
+ date = new Date()
+ }
+ if (typeof date !== 'object') {
+ date = date.replace(/-/g, '/')
+ }
+ const dd = new Date(date)
+ switch (str) {
+ case 'day':
+ dd.setDate(dd.getDate() + AddDayCount) // 获取AddDayCount天后的日期
+ break
+ case 'month':
+ if (dd.getDate() === 31) {
+ dd.setDate(dd.getDate() + AddDayCount)
+ } else {
+ dd.setMonth(dd.getMonth() + AddDayCount) // 获取AddDayCount天后的日期
+ }
+ break
+ case 'year':
+ dd.setFullYear(dd.getFullYear() + AddDayCount) // 获取AddDayCount天后的日期
+ break
+ }
+ const y = dd.getFullYear()
+ const m = dd.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? '0' + (dd.getMonth() + 1) : dd.getMonth() + 1 // 获取当前月份的日期,不足10补0
+ const d = dd.getDate() < 10 ? '0' + dd.getDate() : dd.getDate() // 获取当前几号,不足10补0
+ return {
+ fullDate: y + '-' + m + '-' + d,
+ year: y,
+ month: m,
+ date: d,
+ day: dd.getDay()
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取上月剩余天数
+ */
+ _getLastMonthDays(firstDay, full) {
+ let dateArr = []
+ for (let i = firstDay; i > 0; i--) {
+ const beforeDate = new Date(full.year, full.month - 1, -i + 1).getDate()
+ dateArr.push({
+ date: beforeDate,
+ month: full.month - 1,
+ disable: true
+ })
+ }
+ return dateArr
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取本月天数
+ */
+ _currentMonthDys(dateData, full) {
+ let dateArr = []
+ let fullDate = this.date.fullDate
+ for (let i = 1; i <= dateData; i++) {
+ let isinfo = false
+ let nowDate = full.year + '-' + (full.month < 10 ?
+ full.month : full.month) + '-' + (i < 10 ?
+ '0' + i : i)
+ // 是否今天
+ let isDay = fullDate === nowDate
+ // 获取打点信息
+ let info = this.selected && this.selected.find((item) => {
+ if (this.dateEqual(nowDate, item.date)) {
+ return item
+ }
+ })
+ // 日期禁用
+ let disableBefore = true
+ let disableAfter = true
+ if (this.startDate) {
+ // let dateCompBefore = this.dateCompare(this.startDate, fullDate)
+ // disableBefore = this.dateCompare(dateCompBefore ? this.startDate : fullDate, nowDate)
+ disableBefore = this.dateCompare(this.startDate, nowDate)
+ }
+ if (this.endDate) {
+ // let dateCompAfter = this.dateCompare(fullDate, this.endDate)
+ // disableAfter = this.dateCompare(nowDate, dateCompAfter ? this.endDate : fullDate)
+ disableAfter = this.dateCompare(nowDate, this.endDate)
+ }
+ let multiples = this.multipleStatus.data
+ let checked = false
+ let multiplesStatus = -1
+ if (this.range) {
+ if (multiples) {
+ multiplesStatus = multiples.findIndex((item) => {
+ return this.dateEqual(item, nowDate)
+ })
+ }
+ if (multiplesStatus !== -1) {
+ checked = true
+ }
+ }
+ let data = {
+ fullDate: nowDate,
+ year: full.year,
+ date: i,
+ multiple: this.range ? checked : false,
+ beforeMultiple: this.isLogicBefore(nowDate, this.multipleStatus.before, this.multipleStatus.after),
+ afterMultiple: this.isLogicAfter(nowDate, this.multipleStatus.before, this.multipleStatus.after),
+ month: full.month,
+ disable: !(disableBefore && disableAfter),
+ isDay,
+ userChecked: false
+ }
+ if (info) {
+ data.extraInfo = info
+ }
+ dateArr.push(data)
+ }
+ return dateArr
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取下月天数
+ */
+ _getNextMonthDays(surplus, full) {
+ let dateArr = []
+ for (let i = 1; i < surplus + 1; i++) {
+ dateArr.push({
+ date: i,
+ month: Number(full.month) + 1,
+ disable: true
+ })
+ }
+ return dateArr
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取当前日期详情
+ * @param {Object} date
+ */
+ getInfo(date) {
+ if (!date) {
+ date = new Date()
+ }
+ const dateInfo = this.canlender.find(item => item.fullDate === this.getDate(date).fullDate)
+ return dateInfo
+ }
+ /**
+ * 比较时间大小
+ */
+ dateCompare(startDate, endDate) {
+ // 计算截止时间
+ startDate = new Date(startDate.replace('-', '/').replace('-', '/'))
+ // 计算详细项的截止时间
+ endDate = new Date(endDate.replace('-', '/').replace('-', '/'))
+ if (startDate <= endDate) {
+ return true
+ } else {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 比较时间是否相等
+ */
+ dateEqual(before, after) {
+ // 计算截止时间
+ before = new Date(before.replace('-', '/').replace('-', '/'))
+ // 计算详细项的截止时间
+ after = new Date(after.replace('-', '/').replace('-', '/'))
+ if (before.getTime() - after.getTime() === 0) {
+ return true
+ } else {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 比较真实起始日期
+ */
+ isLogicBefore(currentDay, before, after) {
+ let logicBefore = before
+ if (before && after) {
+ logicBefore = this.dateCompare(before, after) ? before : after
+ }
+ return this.dateEqual(logicBefore, currentDay)
+ }
+ isLogicAfter(currentDay, before, after) {
+ let logicAfter = after
+ if (before && after) {
+ logicAfter = this.dateCompare(before, after) ? after : before
+ }
+ return this.dateEqual(logicAfter, currentDay)
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取日期范围内所有日期
+ * @param {Object} begin
+ * @param {Object} end
+ */
+ geDateAll(begin, end) {
+ var arr = []
+ var ab = begin.split('-')
+ var ae = end.split('-')
+ var db = new Date()
+ db.setFullYear(ab[0], ab[1] - 1, ab[2])
+ var de = new Date()
+ de.setFullYear(ae[0], ae[1] - 1, ae[2])
+ var unixDb = db.getTime() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
+ var unixDe = de.getTime() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
+ for (var k = unixDb; k <= unixDe;) {
+ k = k + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
+ arr.push(this.getDate(new Date(parseInt(k))).fullDate)
+ }
+ return arr
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取多选状态
+ */
+ setMultiple(fullDate) {
+ let {
+ before,
+ after
+ } = this.multipleStatus
+ if (!this.range) return
+ if (before && after) {
+ if (!this.lastHover) {
+ this.lastHover = true
+ return
+ }
+ this.multipleStatus.before = fullDate
+ this.multipleStatus.after = ''
+ this.multipleStatus.data = []
+ this.multipleStatus.fulldate = ''
+ this.lastHover = false
+ } else {
+ if (!before) {
+ this.multipleStatus.before = fullDate
+ this.lastHover = false
+ } else {
+ this.multipleStatus.after = fullDate
+ if (this.dateCompare(this.multipleStatus.before, this.multipleStatus.after)) {
+ this.multipleStatus.data = this.geDateAll(this.multipleStatus.before, this.multipleStatus
+ .after);
+ } else {
+ this.multipleStatus.data = this.geDateAll(this.multipleStatus.after, this.multipleStatus
+ .before);
+ }
+ this.lastHover = true
+ }
+ }
+ this._getWeek(fullDate)
+ }
+ /**
+ * 鼠标 hover 更新多选状态
+ */
+ setHoverMultiple(fullDate) {
+ let {
+ before,
+ after
+ } = this.multipleStatus
+ if (!this.range) return
+ if (this.lastHover) return
+ if (!before) {
+ this.multipleStatus.before = fullDate
+ } else {
+ this.multipleStatus.after = fullDate
+ if (this.dateCompare(this.multipleStatus.before, this.multipleStatus.after)) {
+ this.multipleStatus.data = this.geDateAll(this.multipleStatus.before, this.multipleStatus.after);
+ } else {
+ this.multipleStatus.data = this.geDateAll(this.multipleStatus.after, this.multipleStatus.before);
+ }
+ }
+ this._getWeek(fullDate)
+ }
+ /**
+ * 更新默认值多选状态
+ */
+ setDefaultMultiple(before, after) {
+ this.multipleStatus.before = before
+ this.multipleStatus.after = after
+ if (before && after) {
+ if (this.dateCompare(before, after)) {
+ this.multipleStatus.data = this.geDateAll(before, after);
+ this._getWeek(after)
+ } else {
+ this.multipleStatus.data = this.geDateAll(after, before);
+ this._getWeek(before)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取每周数据
+ * @param {Object} dateData
+ */
+ _getWeek(dateData) {
+ const {
+ fullDate,
+ year,
+ month,
+ date,
+ day
+ } = this.getDate(dateData)
+ let firstDay = new Date(year, month - 1, 1).getDay()
+ let currentDay = new Date(year, month, 0).getDate()
+ let dates = {
+ lastMonthDays: this._getLastMonthDays(firstDay, this.getDate(dateData)), // 上个月末尾几天
+ currentMonthDys: this._currentMonthDys(currentDay, this.getDate(dateData)), // 本月天数
+ nextMonthDays: [], // 下个月开始几天
+ weeks: []
+ }
+ let canlender = []
+ const surplus = 42 - (dates.lastMonthDays.length + dates.currentMonthDys.length)
+ dates.nextMonthDays = this._getNextMonthDays(surplus, this.getDate(dateData))
+ canlender = canlender.concat(dates.lastMonthDays, dates.currentMonthDys, dates.nextMonthDays)
+ let weeks = {}
+ // 拼接数组 上个月开始几天 + 本月天数+ 下个月开始几天
+ for (let i = 0; i < canlender.length; i++) {
+ if (i % 7 === 0) {
+ weeks[parseInt(i / 7)] = new Array(7)
+ }
+ weeks[parseInt(i / 7)][i % 7] = canlender[i]
+ }
+ this.canlender = canlender
+ this.weeks = weeks
+ }
+ //静态方法
+ // static init(date) {
+ // if (!this.instance) {
+ // this.instance = new Calendar(date);
+ // }
+ // return this.instance;
+ // }
+export default Calendar
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/package.json b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e0ff11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ "id": "uni-datetime-picker",
+ "displayName": "uni-datetime-picker 日期选择器",
+ "version": "2.2.2",
+ "description": "uni-datetime-picker 日期时间选择器,支持日历,支持范围选择",
+ "keywords": [
+ "uni-datetime-picker",
+ "uni-ui",
+ "uniui",
+ "日期时间选择器",
+ "日期时间"
+ "repository": "https://github.com/dcloudio/uni-ui",
+ "engines": {
+ "HBuilderX": ""
+ },
+ "directories": {
+ "example": "../../temps/example_temps"
+ },
+ "dcloudext": {
+ "category": [
+ "前端组件",
+ "通用组件"
+ ],
+ "sale": {
+ "regular": {
+ "price": "0.00"
+ },
+ "sourcecode": {
+ "price": "0.00"
+ }
+ },
+ "contact": {
+ "qq": ""
+ },
+ "declaration": {
+ "ads": "无",
+ "data": "无",
+ "permissions": "无"
+ },
+ "npmurl": "https://www.npmjs.com/package/@dcloudio/uni-ui"
+ },
+ "uni_modules": {
+ "dependencies": [
+ "uni-scss",
+ "uni-icons"
+ ],
+ "encrypt": [],
+ "platforms": {
+ "cloud": {
+ "tcb": "y",
+ "aliyun": "y"
+ },
+ "client": {
+ "App": {
+ "app-vue": "y",
+ "app-nvue": "n"
+ },
+ "H5-mobile": {
+ "Safari": "y",
+ "Android Browser": "y",
+ "微信浏览器(Android)": "y",
+ "QQ浏览器(Android)": "y"
+ },
+ "H5-pc": {
+ "Chrome": "y",
+ "IE": "y",
+ "Edge": "y",
+ "Firefox": "y",
+ "Safari": "y"
+ },
+ "小程序": {
+ "微信": "y",
+ "阿里": "y",
+ "百度": "y",
+ "字节跳动": "y",
+ "QQ": "y"
+ },
+ "快应用": {
+ "华为": "u",
+ "联盟": "u"
+ },
+ "Vue": {
+ "vue2": "y",
+ "vue3": "y"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/readme.md b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/readme.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..162fbef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-datetime-picker/readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+> `重要通知:组件升级更新 2.0.0 后,支持日期+时间范围选择,组件 ui 将使用日历选择日期,ui 变化较大,同时支持 PC 和 移动端。此版本不向后兼容,不再支持单独的时间选择(type=time)及相关的 hide-second 属性(时间选可使用内置组件 picker)。若仍需使用旧版本,可在插件市场下载*非uni_modules版本*,旧版本将不再维护`
+## DatetimePicker 时间选择器
+> **组件名:uni-datetime-picker**
+> 代码块: `uDatetimePicker`
+若只是需要单独选择日期和时间,不需要时间戳输入和输出,可使用原生的 picker 组件。
+**_点击 picker 默认值规则:_**
+- 若设置初始值 value, 会显示在 picker 显示框中
+- 若无初始值 value,则初始值 value 为当前本地时间 Date.now(), 但不会显示在 picker 显示框中
+### [查看文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/uniui/uni-datetime-picker)
+#### 如使用过程中有任何问题,或者您对uni-ui有一些好的建议,欢迎加入 uni-ui 交流群:871950839
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-icons/changelog.md b/uni_modules/uni-icons/changelog.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6449885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-icons/changelog.md
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+## 1.3.5(2022-01-24)
+- 优化 size 属性可以传入不带单位的字符串数值
+## 1.3.4(2022-01-24)
+- 优化 size 支持其他单位
+## 1.3.3(2022-01-17)
+- 修复 nvue 有些图标不显示的bug,兼容老版本图标
+## 1.3.2(2021-12-01)
+- 优化 示例可复制图标名称
+## 1.3.1(2021-11-23)
+- 优化 兼容旧组件 type 值
+## 1.3.0(2021-11-19)
+- 新增 更多图标
+- 优化 自定义图标使用方式
+- 优化 组件UI,并提供设计资源,详见:[https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/uniui/resource](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/uniui/resource)
+- 文档迁移,详见:[https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/uniui/uni-icons](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/uniui/uni-icons)
+## 1.1.7(2021-11-08)
+## 1.2.0(2021-07-30)
+- 组件兼容 vue3,如何创建vue3项目,详见 [uni-app 项目支持 vue3 介绍](https://ask.dcloud.net.cn/article/37834)
+## 1.1.5(2021-05-12)
+- 新增 组件示例地址
+## 1.1.4(2021-02-05)
+- 调整为uni_modules目录规范
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-icons/components/uni-icons/icons.js b/uni_modules/uni-icons/components/uni-icons/icons.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7889936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-icons/components/uni-icons/icons.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1169 @@
+export default {
+ "id": "2852637",
+ "name": "uniui图标库",
+ "font_family": "uniicons",
+ "css_prefix_text": "uniui-",
+ "description": "",
+ "glyphs": [
+ {
+ "icon_id": "25027049",
+ "name": "yanse",
+ "font_class": "color",
+ "unicode": "e6cf",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59087
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "25027048",
+ "name": "wallet",
+ "font_class": "wallet",
+ "unicode": "e6b1",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59057
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "25015720",
+ "name": "settings-filled",
+ "font_class": "settings-filled",
+ "unicode": "e6ce",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59086
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "25015434",
+ "name": "shimingrenzheng-filled",
+ "font_class": "auth-filled",
+ "unicode": "e6cc",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59084
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24934246",
+ "name": "shop-filled",
+ "font_class": "shop-filled",
+ "unicode": "e6cd",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59085
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24934159",
+ "name": "staff-filled-01",
+ "font_class": "staff-filled",
+ "unicode": "e6cb",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59083
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24932461",
+ "name": "VIP-filled",
+ "font_class": "vip-filled",
+ "unicode": "e6c6",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59078
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24932462",
+ "name": "plus_circle_fill",
+ "font_class": "plus-filled",
+ "unicode": "e6c7",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59079
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24932463",
+ "name": "folder_add-filled",
+ "font_class": "folder-add-filled",
+ "unicode": "e6c8",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59080
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24932464",
+ "name": "yanse-filled",
+ "font_class": "color-filled",
+ "unicode": "e6c9",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59081
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24932465",
+ "name": "tune-filled",
+ "font_class": "tune-filled",
+ "unicode": "e6ca",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59082
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24932455",
+ "name": "a-rilidaka-filled",
+ "font_class": "calendar-filled",
+ "unicode": "e6c0",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59072
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24932456",
+ "name": "notification-filled",
+ "font_class": "notification-filled",
+ "unicode": "e6c1",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59073
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24932457",
+ "name": "wallet-filled",
+ "font_class": "wallet-filled",
+ "unicode": "e6c2",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59074
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24932458",
+ "name": "paihangbang-filled",
+ "font_class": "medal-filled",
+ "unicode": "e6c3",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59075
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24932459",
+ "name": "gift-filled",
+ "font_class": "gift-filled",
+ "unicode": "e6c4",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59076
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24932460",
+ "name": "fire-filled",
+ "font_class": "fire-filled",
+ "unicode": "e6c5",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59077
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24928001",
+ "name": "refreshempty",
+ "font_class": "refreshempty",
+ "unicode": "e6bf",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59071
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24926853",
+ "name": "location-ellipse",
+ "font_class": "location-filled",
+ "unicode": "e6af",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59055
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24926735",
+ "name": "person-filled",
+ "font_class": "person-filled",
+ "unicode": "e69d",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59037
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24926703",
+ "name": "personadd-filled",
+ "font_class": "personadd-filled",
+ "unicode": "e698",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59032
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923351",
+ "name": "back",
+ "font_class": "back",
+ "unicode": "e6b9",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59065
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923352",
+ "name": "forward",
+ "font_class": "forward",
+ "unicode": "e6ba",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59066
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923353",
+ "name": "arrowthinright",
+ "font_class": "arrow-right",
+ "unicode": "e6bb",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59067
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923353",
+ "name": "arrowthinright",
+ "font_class": "arrowthinright",
+ "unicode": "e6bb",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59067
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923354",
+ "name": "arrowthinleft",
+ "font_class": "arrow-left",
+ "unicode": "e6bc",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59068
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923354",
+ "name": "arrowthinleft",
+ "font_class": "arrowthinleft",
+ "unicode": "e6bc",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59068
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923355",
+ "name": "arrowthinup",
+ "font_class": "arrow-up",
+ "unicode": "e6bd",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59069
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923355",
+ "name": "arrowthinup",
+ "font_class": "arrowthinup",
+ "unicode": "e6bd",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59069
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923356",
+ "name": "arrowthindown",
+ "font_class": "arrow-down",
+ "unicode": "e6be",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59070
+ },{
+ "icon_id": "24923356",
+ "name": "arrowthindown",
+ "font_class": "arrowthindown",
+ "unicode": "e6be",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59070
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923349",
+ "name": "arrowdown",
+ "font_class": "bottom",
+ "unicode": "e6b8",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59064
+ },{
+ "icon_id": "24923349",
+ "name": "arrowdown",
+ "font_class": "arrowdown",
+ "unicode": "e6b8",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59064
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923346",
+ "name": "arrowright",
+ "font_class": "right",
+ "unicode": "e6b5",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59061
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923346",
+ "name": "arrowright",
+ "font_class": "arrowright",
+ "unicode": "e6b5",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59061
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923347",
+ "name": "arrowup",
+ "font_class": "top",
+ "unicode": "e6b6",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59062
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923347",
+ "name": "arrowup",
+ "font_class": "arrowup",
+ "unicode": "e6b6",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59062
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923348",
+ "name": "arrowleft",
+ "font_class": "left",
+ "unicode": "e6b7",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59063
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923348",
+ "name": "arrowleft",
+ "font_class": "arrowleft",
+ "unicode": "e6b7",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59063
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923334",
+ "name": "eye",
+ "font_class": "eye",
+ "unicode": "e651",
+ "unicode_decimal": 58961
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923335",
+ "name": "eye-filled",
+ "font_class": "eye-filled",
+ "unicode": "e66a",
+ "unicode_decimal": 58986
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923336",
+ "name": "eye-slash",
+ "font_class": "eye-slash",
+ "unicode": "e6b3",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59059
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923337",
+ "name": "eye-slash-filled",
+ "font_class": "eye-slash-filled",
+ "unicode": "e6b4",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59060
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923305",
+ "name": "info-filled",
+ "font_class": "info-filled",
+ "unicode": "e649",
+ "unicode_decimal": 58953
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923299",
+ "name": "reload-01",
+ "font_class": "reload",
+ "unicode": "e6b2",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59058
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923195",
+ "name": "mic_slash_fill",
+ "font_class": "micoff-filled",
+ "unicode": "e6b0",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59056
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923165",
+ "name": "map-pin-ellipse",
+ "font_class": "map-pin-ellipse",
+ "unicode": "e6ac",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59052
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923166",
+ "name": "map-pin",
+ "font_class": "map-pin",
+ "unicode": "e6ad",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59053
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923167",
+ "name": "location",
+ "font_class": "location",
+ "unicode": "e6ae",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59054
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923064",
+ "name": "starhalf",
+ "font_class": "starhalf",
+ "unicode": "e683",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59011
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923065",
+ "name": "star",
+ "font_class": "star",
+ "unicode": "e688",
+ "unicode_decimal": 59016
+ },
+ {
+ "icon_id": "24923066",
+ "name": "star-filled",
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+ content: "\e66e";
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+ content: "\e671";
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+ content: "\e661";
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+ content: "\e664";
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+ content: "\e667";
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+ content: "\e656";
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+ content: "\e657";
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+ content: "\e646";
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+ content: "\e648";
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+ content: "\e64a";
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+ content: "\e64b";
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+ content: "\e64c";
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+ content: "\e64d";
+.uniui-more-filled:before {
+ content: "\e64e";
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+ content: "\e64f";
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+ content: "\e650";
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+ content: "\e652";
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+ content: "\e653";
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+ content: "\e654";
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+ content: "\e655";
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+ content: "\e644";
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+ content: "\e63a";
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+ content: "\e63c";
+.uniui-hand-down:before {
+ content: "\e63d";
+.uniui-hand-up-filled:before {
+ content: "\e63e";
+.uniui-hand-up:before {
+ content: "\e63f";
+.uniui-heart-filled:before {
+ content: "\e641";
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+ content: "\e643";
+.uniui-heart:before {
+ content: "\e639";
+.uniui-loop:before {
+ content: "\e633";
+.uniui-pulldown:before {
+ content: "\e632";
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+ content: "\e62a";
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+ content: "\e627";
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+ content: "\e629";
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+ content: "\e62b";
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+ content: "\e62c";
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+ content: "\e62f";
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+ content: "\e630";
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+ content: "\e631";
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-icons/components/uni-icons/uniicons.ttf b/uni_modules/uni-icons/components/uni-icons/uniicons.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..835f33b
Binary files /dev/null and b/uni_modules/uni-icons/components/uni-icons/uniicons.ttf differ
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-icons/package.json b/uni_modules/uni-icons/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1c4e77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-icons/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ "id": "uni-icons",
+ "displayName": "uni-icons 图标",
+ "version": "1.3.5",
+ "description": "图标组件,用于展示移动端常见的图标,可自定义颜色、大小。",
+ "keywords": [
+ "uni-ui",
+ "uniui",
+ "icon",
+ "图标"
+ "repository": "https://github.com/dcloudio/uni-ui",
+ "engines": {
+ "HBuilderX": "^3.2.14"
+ },
+ "directories": {
+ "example": "../../temps/example_temps"
+ },
+ "dcloudext": {
+ "category": [
+ "前端组件",
+ "通用组件"
+ ],
+ "sale": {
+ "regular": {
+ "price": "0.00"
+ },
+ "sourcecode": {
+ "price": "0.00"
+ }
+ },
+ "contact": {
+ "qq": ""
+ },
+ "declaration": {
+ "ads": "无",
+ "data": "无",
+ "permissions": "无"
+ },
+ "npmurl": "https://www.npmjs.com/package/@dcloudio/uni-ui"
+ },
+ "uni_modules": {
+ "dependencies": ["uni-scss"],
+ "encrypt": [],
+ "platforms": {
+ "cloud": {
+ "tcb": "y",
+ "aliyun": "y"
+ },
+ "client": {
+ "App": {
+ "app-vue": "y",
+ "app-nvue": "y"
+ },
+ "H5-mobile": {
+ "Safari": "y",
+ "Android Browser": "y",
+ "微信浏览器(Android)": "y",
+ "QQ浏览器(Android)": "y"
+ },
+ "H5-pc": {
+ "Chrome": "y",
+ "IE": "y",
+ "Edge": "y",
+ "Firefox": "y",
+ "Safari": "y"
+ },
+ "小程序": {
+ "微信": "y",
+ "阿里": "y",
+ "百度": "y",
+ "字节跳动": "y",
+ "QQ": "y"
+ },
+ "快应用": {
+ "华为": "u",
+ "联盟": "u"
+ },
+ "Vue": {
+ "vue2": "y",
+ "vue3": "y"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-icons/readme.md b/uni_modules/uni-icons/readme.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86234ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-icons/readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+## Icons 图标
+> **组件名:uni-icons**
+> 代码块: `uIcons`
+用于展示 icons 图标 。
+### [查看文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/uniui/uni-icons)
+#### 如使用过程中有任何问题,或者您对uni-ui有一些好的建议,欢迎加入 uni-ui 交流群:871950839
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-scss/changelog.md b/uni_modules/uni-scss/changelog.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b863bb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-scss/changelog.md
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+## 1.0.3(2022-01-21)
+- 优化 组件示例
+## 1.0.2(2021-11-22)
+- 修复 / 符号在 vue 不同版本兼容问题引起的报错问题
+## 1.0.1(2021-11-22)
+- 修复 vue3中scss语法兼容问题
+## 1.0.0(2021-11-18)
+- init
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-scss/index.scss b/uni_modules/uni-scss/index.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1744a5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-scss/index.scss
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+@import './styles/index.scss';
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-scss/package.json b/uni_modules/uni-scss/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cc0ccb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-scss/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ "id": "uni-scss",
+ "displayName": "uni-scss 辅助样式",
+ "version": "1.0.3",
+ "description": "uni-sass是uni-ui提供的一套全局样式 ,通过一些简单的类名和sass变量,实现简单的页面布局操作,比如颜色、边距、圆角等。",
+ "keywords": [
+ "uni-scss",
+ "uni-ui",
+ "辅助样式"
+ "repository": "https://github.com/dcloudio/uni-ui",
+ "engines": {
+ "HBuilderX": "^3.1.0"
+ },
+ "dcloudext": {
+ "category": [
+ "JS SDK",
+ "通用 SDK"
+ ],
+ "sale": {
+ "regular": {
+ "price": "0.00"
+ },
+ "sourcecode": {
+ "price": "0.00"
+ }
+ },
+ "contact": {
+ "qq": ""
+ },
+ "declaration": {
+ "ads": "无",
+ "data": "无",
+ "permissions": "无"
+ },
+ "npmurl": "https://www.npmjs.com/package/@dcloudio/uni-ui"
+ },
+ "uni_modules": {
+ "dependencies": [],
+ "encrypt": [],
+ "platforms": {
+ "cloud": {
+ "tcb": "y",
+ "aliyun": "y"
+ },
+ "client": {
+ "App": {
+ "app-vue": "y",
+ "app-nvue": "u"
+ },
+ "H5-mobile": {
+ "Safari": "y",
+ "Android Browser": "y",
+ "微信浏览器(Android)": "y",
+ "QQ浏览器(Android)": "y"
+ },
+ "H5-pc": {
+ "Chrome": "y",
+ "IE": "y",
+ "Edge": "y",
+ "Firefox": "y",
+ "Safari": "y"
+ },
+ "小程序": {
+ "微信": "y",
+ "阿里": "y",
+ "百度": "y",
+ "字节跳动": "y",
+ "QQ": "y"
+ },
+ "快应用": {
+ "华为": "n",
+ "联盟": "n"
+ },
+ "Vue": {
+ "vue2": "y",
+ "vue3": "y"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-scss/readme.md b/uni_modules/uni-scss/readme.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7d1c25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-scss/readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+`uni-sass` 是 `uni-ui`提供的一套全局样式 ,通过一些简单的类名和`sass`变量,实现简单的页面布局操作,比如颜色、边距、圆角等。
+### [查看文档](https://uniapp.dcloud.io/component/uniui/uni-sass)
+#### 如使用过程中有任何问题,或者您对uni-ui有一些好的建议,欢迎加入 uni-ui 交流群:871950839
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/index.scss b/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/index.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffac4fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/index.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+@import './setting/_variables.scss';
+@import './setting/_border.scss';
+@import './setting/_color.scss';
+@import './setting/_space.scss';
+@import './setting/_radius.scss';
+@import './setting/_text.scss';
+@import './setting/_styles.scss';
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/setting/_border.scss b/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/setting/_border.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12a11c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/setting/_border.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+.uni-border {
+ border: 1px $uni-border-1 solid;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/setting/_color.scss b/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/setting/_color.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ededd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/setting/_color.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// TODO 暂时不需要 class ,需要用户使用变量实现 ,如果使用类名其实并不推荐
+// @mixin get-styles($k,$c) {
+// @if $k == size or $k == weight{
+// font-#{$k}:#{$c}
+// }@else{
+// #{$k}:#{$c}
+// }
+// }
+ // 主色
+ primary: $uni-primary,
+ primary-disable: $uni-primary-disable,
+ primary-light: $uni-primary-light,
+ // 辅助色
+ success: $uni-success,
+ success-disable: $uni-success-disable,
+ success-light: $uni-success-light,
+ warning: $uni-warning,
+ warning-disable: $uni-warning-disable,
+ warning-light: $uni-warning-light,
+ error: $uni-error,
+ error-disable: $uni-error-disable,
+ error-light: $uni-error-light,
+ info: $uni-info,
+ info-disable: $uni-info-disable,
+ info-light: $uni-info-light,
+ // 中性色
+ main-color: $uni-main-color,
+ base-color: $uni-base-color,
+ secondary-color: $uni-secondary-color,
+ extra-color: $uni-extra-color,
+ // 背景色
+ bg-color: $uni-bg-color,
+ // 边框颜色
+ border-1: $uni-border-1,
+ border-2: $uni-border-2,
+ border-3: $uni-border-3,
+ border-4: $uni-border-4,
+ // 黑色
+ black:$uni-black,
+ // 白色
+ white:$uni-white,
+ // 透明
+ transparent:$uni-transparent
+) !default;
+@each $key, $child in $uni-ui-color {
+ .uni-#{"" + $key} {
+ color: $child;
+ }
+ .uni-#{"" + $key}-bg {
+ background-color: $child;
+ }
+.uni-shadow-sm {
+ box-shadow: $uni-shadow-sm;
+.uni-shadow-base {
+ box-shadow: $uni-shadow-base;
+.uni-shadow-lg {
+ box-shadow: $uni-shadow-lg;
+.uni-mask {
+ background-color:$uni-mask;
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/setting/_radius.scss b/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/setting/_radius.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a0428b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/setting/_radius.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+@mixin radius($r,$d:null ,$important: false){
+ $radius-value:map-get($uni-radius, $r) if($important, !important, null);
+ // Key exists within the $uni-radius variable
+ @if (map-has-key($uni-radius, $r) and $d){
+ @if $d == t {
+ border-top-left-radius:$radius-value;
+ border-top-right-radius:$radius-value;
+ }@else if $d == r {
+ border-top-right-radius:$radius-value;
+ border-bottom-right-radius:$radius-value;
+ }@else if $d == b {
+ border-bottom-left-radius:$radius-value;
+ border-bottom-right-radius:$radius-value;
+ }@else if $d == l {
+ border-top-left-radius:$radius-value;
+ border-bottom-left-radius:$radius-value;
+ }@else if $d == tl {
+ border-top-left-radius:$radius-value;
+ }@else if $d == tr {
+ border-top-right-radius:$radius-value;
+ }@else if $d == br {
+ border-bottom-right-radius:$radius-value;
+ }@else if $d == bl {
+ border-bottom-left-radius:$radius-value;
+ }
+ }@else{
+ border-radius:$radius-value;
+ }
+@each $key, $child in $uni-radius {
+ @if($key){
+ .uni-radius-#{"" + $key} {
+ @include radius($key)
+ }
+ }@else{
+ .uni-radius {
+ @include radius($key)
+ }
+ }
+@each $direction in t, r, b, l,tl, tr, br, bl {
+ @each $key, $child in $uni-radius {
+ @if($key){
+ .uni-radius-#{"" + $direction}-#{"" + $key} {
+ @include radius($key,$direction,false)
+ }
+ }@else{
+ .uni-radius-#{$direction} {
+ @include radius($key,$direction,false)
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/setting/_space.scss b/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/setting/_space.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c89528
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/setting/_space.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+@mixin fn($space,$direction,$size,$n) {
+ @if $n {
+ #{$space}-#{$direction}: #{$size*$uni-space-root}px
+ } @else {
+ #{$space}-#{$direction}: #{-$size*$uni-space-root}px
+ }
+@mixin get-styles($direction,$i,$space,$n){
+ @if $direction == t {
+ @include fn($space, top,$i,$n);
+ }
+ @if $direction == r {
+ @include fn($space, right,$i,$n);
+ }
+ @if $direction == b {
+ @include fn($space, bottom,$i,$n);
+ }
+ @if $direction == l {
+ @include fn($space, left,$i,$n);
+ }
+ @if $direction == x {
+ @include fn($space, left,$i,$n);
+ @include fn($space, right,$i,$n);
+ }
+ @if $direction == y {
+ @include fn($space, top,$i,$n);
+ @include fn($space, bottom,$i,$n);
+ }
+ @if $direction == a {
+ @if $n {
+ #{$space}:#{$i*$uni-space-root}px;
+ } @else {
+ #{$space}:#{-$i*$uni-space-root}px;
+ }
+ }
+@each $orientation in m,p {
+ $space: margin;
+ @if $orientation == m {
+ $space: margin;
+ } @else {
+ $space: padding;
+ }
+ @for $i from 0 through 16 {
+ @each $direction in t, r, b, l, x, y, a {
+ .uni-#{$orientation}#{$direction}-#{$i} {
+ @include get-styles($direction,$i,$space,true);
+ }
+ .uni-#{$orientation}#{$direction}-n#{$i} {
+ @include get-styles($direction,$i,$space,false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/setting/_styles.scss b/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/setting/_styles.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..689afec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/setting/_styles.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
+@mixin base-style($color) {
+ color: #fff;
+ background-color: $color;
+ border-color: mix($-color-black, $color, 8%);
+ &:not([hover-class]):active {
+ background: mix($-color-black, $color, 10%);
+ border-color: mix($-color-black, $color, 20%);
+ color: $-color-white;
+ outline: none;
+ }
+@mixin is-color($color) {
+ @include base-style($color);
+ &[loading] {
+ @include base-style($color);
+ &::before {
+ margin-right:5px;
+ }
+ }
+ &[disabled] {
+ &,
+ &[loading],
+ &:not([hover-class]):active {
+ color: $-color-white;
+ border-color: mix(darken($color,10%), $-color-white);
+ background-color: mix($color, $-color-white);
+ }
+ }
+@mixin base-plain-style($color) {
+ color:$color;
+ background-color: mix($-color-white, $color, 90%);
+ border-color: mix($-color-white, $color, 70%);
+ &:not([hover-class]):active {
+ background: mix($-color-white, $color, 80%);
+ color: $color;
+ outline: none;
+ border-color: mix($-color-white, $color, 50%);
+ }
+@mixin is-plain($color){
+ &[plain] {
+ @include base-plain-style($color);
+ &[loading] {
+ @include base-plain-style($color);
+ &::before {
+ margin-right:5px;
+ }
+ }
+ &[disabled] {
+ &,
+ &:active {
+ color: mix($-color-white, $color, 40%);
+ background-color: mix($-color-white, $color, 90%);
+ border-color: mix($-color-white, $color, 80%);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+.uni-btn {
+ margin: 5px;
+ color: #393939;
+ border:1px solid #ccc;
+ font-size: 16px;
+ font-weight: 200;
+ background-color: #F9F9F9;
+ // TODO 暂时处理边框隐藏一边的问题
+ overflow: visible;
+ &::after{
+ border: none;
+ }
+ &:not([type]),&[type=default] {
+ color: #999;
+ &[loading] {
+ background: none;
+ &::before {
+ margin-right:5px;
+ }
+ }
+ &[disabled]{
+ color: mix($-color-white, #999, 60%);
+ &,
+ &[loading],
+ &:active {
+ color: mix($-color-white, #999, 60%);
+ background-color: mix($-color-white,$-color-black , 98%);
+ border-color: mix($-color-white, #999, 85%);
+ }
+ }
+ &[plain] {
+ color: #999;
+ background: none;
+ border-color: $uni-border-1;
+ &:not([hover-class]):active {
+ background: none;
+ color: mix($-color-white, $-color-black, 80%);
+ border-color: mix($-color-white, $-color-black, 90%);
+ outline: none;
+ }
+ &[disabled]{
+ &,
+ &[loading],
+ &:active {
+ background: none;
+ color: mix($-color-white, #999, 60%);
+ border-color: mix($-color-white, #999, 85%);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ &:not([hover-class]):active {
+ color: mix($-color-white, $-color-black, 50%);
+ }
+ &[size=mini] {
+ font-size: 16px;
+ font-weight: 200;
+ border-radius: 8px;
+ }
+ &.uni-btn-small {
+ font-size: 14px;
+ }
+ &.uni-btn-mini {
+ font-size: 12px;
+ }
+ &.uni-btn-radius {
+ border-radius: 999px;
+ }
+ &[type=primary] {
+ @include is-color($uni-primary);
+ @include is-plain($uni-primary)
+ }
+ &[type=success] {
+ @include is-color($uni-success);
+ @include is-plain($uni-success)
+ }
+ &[type=error] {
+ @include is-color($uni-error);
+ @include is-plain($uni-error)
+ }
+ &[type=warning] {
+ @include is-color($uni-warning);
+ @include is-plain($uni-warning)
+ }
+ &[type=info] {
+ @include is-color($uni-info);
+ @include is-plain($uni-info)
+ }
+/* #endif */
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/setting/_text.scss b/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/setting/_text.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a34d08f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/setting/_text.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+@mixin get-styles($k,$c) {
+ @if $k == size or $k == weight{
+ font-#{$k}:#{$c}
+ }@else{
+ #{$k}:#{$c}
+ }
+@each $key, $child in $uni-headings {
+ /* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
+ .uni-#{$key} {
+ @each $k, $c in $child {
+ @include get-styles($k,$c)
+ }
+ }
+ /* #endif */
+ /* #ifdef APP-NVUE */
+ .container .uni-#{$key} {
+ @each $k, $c in $child {
+ @include get-styles($k,$c)
+ }
+ }
+ /* #endif */
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/setting/_variables.scss b/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/setting/_variables.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..557d3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/setting/_variables.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+// @use "sass:math";
+@import '../tools/functions.scss';
+// 间距基础倍数
+$uni-space-root: 2 !default;
+// 边框半径默认值
+$uni-radius-root:5px !default;
+$uni-radius: () !default;
+// 边框半径断点
+$uni-radius: map-deep-merge(
+ (
+ 0: 0,
+ // TODO 当前版本暂时不支持 sm 属性
+ // 'sm': math.div($uni-radius-root, 2),
+ null: $uni-radius-root,
+ 'lg': $uni-radius-root * 2,
+ 'xl': $uni-radius-root * 6,
+ 'pill': 9999px,
+ 'circle': 50%
+ ),
+ $uni-radius
+// 字体家族
+$body-font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif !default;
+// 文本
+$heading-font-family: $body-font-family !default;
+$uni-headings: () !default;
+$letterSpacing: -0.01562em;
+$uni-headings: map-deep-merge(
+ (
+ 'h1': (
+ size: 32px,
+ weight: 300,
+ line-height: 50px,
+ // letter-spacing:-0.01562em
+ ),
+ 'h2': (
+ size: 28px,
+ weight: 300,
+ line-height: 40px,
+ // letter-spacing: -0.00833em
+ ),
+ 'h3': (
+ size: 24px,
+ weight: 400,
+ line-height: 32px,
+ // letter-spacing: normal
+ ),
+ 'h4': (
+ size: 20px,
+ weight: 400,
+ line-height: 30px,
+ // letter-spacing: 0.00735em
+ ),
+ 'h5': (
+ size: 16px,
+ weight: 400,
+ line-height: 24px,
+ // letter-spacing: normal
+ ),
+ 'h6': (
+ size: 14px,
+ weight: 500,
+ line-height: 18px,
+ // letter-spacing: 0.0125em
+ ),
+ 'subtitle': (
+ size: 12px,
+ weight: 400,
+ line-height: 20px,
+ // letter-spacing: 0.00937em
+ ),
+ 'body': (
+ font-size: 14px,
+ font-weight: 400,
+ line-height: 22px,
+ // letter-spacing: 0.03125em
+ ),
+ 'caption': (
+ 'size': 12px,
+ 'weight': 400,
+ 'line-height': 20px,
+ // 'letter-spacing': 0.03333em,
+ // 'text-transform': false
+ )
+ ),
+ $uni-headings
+// 主色
+$uni-primary: #2979ff !default;
+$uni-primary-disable:lighten($uni-primary,20%) !default;
+$uni-primary-light: lighten($uni-primary,25%) !default;
+// 辅助色
+// 除了主色外的场景色,需要在不同的场景中使用(例如危险色表示危险的操作)。
+$uni-success: #18bc37 !default;
+$uni-success-disable:lighten($uni-success,20%) !default;
+$uni-success-light: lighten($uni-success,25%) !default;
+$uni-warning: #f3a73f !default;
+$uni-warning-disable:lighten($uni-warning,20%) !default;
+$uni-warning-light: lighten($uni-warning,25%) !default;
+$uni-error: #e43d33 !default;
+$uni-error-disable:lighten($uni-error,20%) !default;
+$uni-error-light: lighten($uni-error,25%) !default;
+$uni-info: #8f939c !default;
+$uni-info-disable:lighten($uni-info,20%) !default;
+$uni-info-light: lighten($uni-info,25%) !default;
+// 中性色
+// 中性色用于文本、背景和边框颜色。通过运用不同的中性色,来表现层次结构。
+$uni-main-color: #3a3a3a !default; // 主要文字
+$uni-base-color: #6a6a6a !default; // 常规文字
+$uni-secondary-color: #909399 !default; // 次要文字
+$uni-extra-color: #c7c7c7 !default; // 辅助说明
+// 边框颜色
+$uni-border-1: #F0F0F0 !default;
+$uni-border-2: #EDEDED !default;
+$uni-border-3: #DCDCDC !default;
+$uni-border-4: #B9B9B9 !default;
+// 常规色
+$uni-black: #000000 !default;
+$uni-white: #ffffff !default;
+$uni-transparent: rgba($color: #000000, $alpha: 0) !default;
+// 背景色
+$uni-bg-color: #f7f7f7 !default;
+/* 水平间距 */
+$uni-spacing-sm: 8px !default;
+$uni-spacing-base: 15px !default;
+$uni-spacing-lg: 30px !default;
+// 阴影
+$uni-shadow-sm:0 0 5px rgba($color: #d8d8d8, $alpha: 0.5) !default;
+$uni-shadow-base:0 1px 8px 1px rgba($color: #a5a5a5, $alpha: 0.2) !default;
+$uni-shadow-lg:0px 1px 10px 2px rgba($color: #a5a4a4, $alpha: 0.5) !default;
+// 蒙版
+$uni-mask: rgba($color: #000000, $alpha: 0.4) !default;
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/tools/functions.scss b/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/tools/functions.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac6f63e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-scss/styles/tools/functions.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// 合并 map
+@function map-deep-merge($parent-map, $child-map){
+ $result: $parent-map;
+ @each $key, $child in $child-map {
+ $parent-has-key: map-has-key($result, $key);
+ $parent-value: map-get($result, $key);
+ $parent-type: type-of($parent-value);
+ $child-type: type-of($child);
+ $parent-is-map: $parent-type == map;
+ $child-is-map: $child-type == map;
+ @if (not $parent-has-key) or ($parent-type != $child-type) or (not ($parent-is-map and $child-is-map)){
+ $result: map-merge($result, ( $key: $child ));
+ }@else {
+ $result: map-merge($result, ( $key: map-deep-merge($parent-value, $child) ));
+ }
+ }
+ @return $result;
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-scss/theme.scss b/uni_modules/uni-scss/theme.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80ee62f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-scss/theme.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// 间距基础倍数
+$uni-space-root: 2;
+// 边框半径默认值
+// 主色
+$uni-primary: #2979ff;
+// 辅助色
+$uni-success: #4cd964;
+// 警告色
+$uni-warning: #f0ad4e;
+// 错误色
+$uni-error: #dd524d;
+// 描述色
+$uni-info: #909399;
+// 中性色
+$uni-main-color: #303133;
+$uni-base-color: #606266;
+$uni-secondary-color: #909399;
+$uni-extra-color: #C0C4CC;
+// 背景色
+$uni-bg-color: #f5f5f5;
+// 边框颜色
+$uni-border-1: #DCDFE6;
+$uni-border-2: #E4E7ED;
+$uni-border-3: #EBEEF5;
+$uni-border-4: #F2F6FC;
+// 常规色
+$uni-black: #000000;
+$uni-white: #ffffff;
+$uni-transparent: rgba($color: #000000, $alpha: 0);
diff --git a/uni_modules/uni-scss/variables.scss b/uni_modules/uni-scss/variables.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c062d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/uni_modules/uni-scss/variables.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+@import './styles/setting/_variables.scss';
+// 间距基础倍数
+$uni-space-root: 2;
+// 边框半径默认值
+// 主色
+$uni-primary: #2979ff;
+$uni-primary-light: mix(#fff,$uni-primary,80%);
+// 辅助色
+// 除了主色外的场景色,需要在不同的场景中使用(例如危险色表示危险的操作)。
+$uni-success: #18bc37;
+$uni-success-light: mix(#fff,$uni-success,80%);
+$uni-warning: #f3a73f;
+$uni-warning-light: mix(#fff,$uni-warning,80%);
+$uni-error: #e43d33;
+$uni-error-light: mix(#fff,$uni-error,80%);
+$uni-info: #8f939c;
+$uni-info-light: mix(#fff,$uni-info,80%);
+// 中性色
+// 中性色用于文本、背景和边框颜色。通过运用不同的中性色,来表现层次结构。
+$uni-main-color: #3a3a3a; // 主要文字
+$uni-base-color: #6a6a6a; // 常规文字
+$uni-secondary-color: #909399; // 次要文字
+$uni-extra-color: #c7c7c7; // 辅助说明
+// 边框颜色
+$uni-border-1: #F0F0F0;
+$uni-border-2: #EDEDED;
+$uni-border-3: #DCDCDC;
+$uni-border-4: #B9B9B9;
+// 常规色
+$uni-black: #000000;
+$uni-white: #ffffff;
+$uni-transparent: rgba($color: #000000, $alpha: 0);
+// 背景色
+$uni-bg-color: #f7f7f7;
+/* 水平间距 */
+$uni-spacing-sm: 8px;
+$uni-spacing-base: 15px;
+$uni-spacing-lg: 30px;
+// 阴影
+$uni-shadow-sm:0 0 5px rgba($color: #d8d8d8, $alpha: 0.5);
+$uni-shadow-base:0 1px 8px 1px rgba($color: #a5a5a5, $alpha: 0.2);
+$uni-shadow-lg:0px 1px 10px 2px rgba($color: #a5a4a4, $alpha: 0.5);
+// 蒙版
+$uni-mask: rgba($color: #000000, $alpha: 0.4);