314 lines
10 KiB
314 lines
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{include file="default/base/mall_top" /}
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="{$Think.HOME_SITE_ROOT}/new/css/course.css">
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height: 100%;
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display: flex;
align-items: center;
width: auto!important;
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padding: 0 1rem 0 1rem;
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line-height: 50px;
border-radius: 10px;
cursor: pointer;
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$(document).ready(function () {
var total = 0;
$.each($(".user-container .b .b4"), function () {
console.log($(this).find("span").text() * 1);
var num = $(this).find("span").text() * 1
total += num;
$(".total").text("$" + total)
<main class="user-container">
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<span>My Courses</span>
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<span>My Cart</span>
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var pathName = window.location.pathname
$.each($(".user-container .container .left a"),function(){
if($(this).attr("href") == pathName){
<div class="right">
<!-- <h1>My Cart</h1>-->
<h2 class="c-tit">My Cart</h2>
<!-- <h2 class="cart-tit">购物车</h2> -->
<div class="content shopping-content">
<form action="/Buy/buy_step1" method="POST" id="form_buy" name="form_buy">
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<tr class="t">
<?php foreach($cart_list as $cart_info) {?>
<tr class="b">
<td class="b1">
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value="{$cart_info.cart_id}|{$cart_info.goods_num}" id="cart_id{$cart_info.cart_id}" name="cart_id[]">
<h6><a href="{:url('/Goods/index',['goods_id'=>$cart_info.goods_id])}"
<td class="b3">
{if $cart_info.state}
<td class="b4">$<span>{$cart_info.goods_total}</span>
<em> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="drop_cart_item({$cart_info.cart_id});">Delete</a></em>
<?php } ?>
<!-- <p class="tip">*Add it to your final sales tax and note it before closing</p>-->
<div class="pay-btn">
<div href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn dsc-btn dsc-btn-acidblue" id="next_submitd">
Next step, submit your registration information
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<div action="" onsubmit="return false" class="form-container form ui ">
<h2 class="c1 fm-4-title">Please select the tags that best describe your actual circumstances. The pricing of your course will be affected by the tags you select</h2>
<!--<p>You advisor will send the syllabus to you via email within 24 hours.</p>-->
<form action="" method="">
<div class="field fm-4-list">
<div class="qustitle">1.question</div>
<!--<input type="text" name="fname" id="email" placeholder="What email address can we reach you at?">-->
<select style="width:200px;">
<option value ="volvo">Yes</option>
<option value ="saab">No</option>
<div class="field fm-4-list">
<div class="qustitle">2.question</div>
<!--<input type="text" name="fname" id="email" placeholder="What email address can we reach you at?">-->
<select style="width:200px;">
<option value ="volvo">Yes</option>
<option value ="saab">No</option>
<div class="sub">
<button type="submit" class="ui primary button onsubmitfrom onsubmitfrom4">Submit</button>
<section class="container-mask form-wrap5">
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<div style="">
<p style="font-size:20px; font-weight: 600">Please scan the WeChat QR Code to add our academic advisor and receive your registration information.</p>
<img style="width:200px; display:block; margin: 0 auto" src="{$Think.HOME_SITE_ROOT}/new/images/wwww.jpg">
{include file="default/base/mall_footer" /}
<script src="{$Think.HOME_SITE_ROOT}/js/goods_cart.js"></script>
// function drop_cart_item(){
// layer.confirm('Please contact us at partnerships@lightglobal.org', {
// title: false,
// }, function (cart_confirm) {
// });
// }
$(".numchange").change(function() {
var status = $(this).is(':checked');
var total = 0;
$.each($(".user-container .add .b4"), function () {
var num = $(this).find("span").text() * 1
total += num;
$(".total").text("$" + total);
$(".total").text("$" + total);
// 到登录之前存储现在地址
$(".tips-wrap .more-btn a").click(function(){
localStorage.setItem('href', JSON.stringify(window.location.href))