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In collaboration with our global partner institutions, <br />
LightCourse offers 7000+ accredited college courses<br />
encompassing 300+ majors and disciplines. <br />
Join us today to earn college credits in a flexible and saving way.
<div class="program-btn">
<a href="">All Programs<em>></em></a>
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<h2>All Programs</h2>
<p class="mb-block" style="text-align: center;">Study abroad summer programs</p>
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<h3><span>Program Name:</span> {$value.gc_name}</h3>
<a href="/Goods/program?gc_id={$value.gc_id}" target="_blank">
<h3><span>Partner Institution:</span> {$value.pro_college}</h3>
<div class="field">
<div>Time: <span>{$value.pro_period}</span></div>
<div>Location: <span>{$value.pro_locate}</span></div>
<div>Type: <span>Study abroad</span></div>
<div>No. of courses: <span>{$value.pro_course}</span></div>
<div>Length: <span>{$value.pro_duration}</span></div>
<div>Popularity: <div class="icon-start">
<div class="i-start">
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