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namespace app\common\model;
use think\facade\Db;
* ============================================================================
* 联课教育商城系统
* ============================================================================
* 版权所有 2022 刻羽互动科技有限公司,并保留所有权利。
* 网站地址: http://www.o1h.cn
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 这不是一个自由软件!您只能在不用于商业目的的前提下对程序代码进行修改和使用 .
* 不允许对程序代码以任何形式任何目的的再发布。
* ============================================================================
* 数据层模型
class Voucher extends BaseModel
public $page_info;
private $voucher_state_array = array(
self::VOUCHER_STATE_UNUSED => '未使用', self::VOUCHER_STATE_USED => '已使用', self::VOUCHER_STATE_EXPIRE => '已过期',
const VOUCHER_GETTYPE_DEFAULT = 'points'; //默认领取方式
private $voucher_gettype_array = array(
'points' => array('sign' => 1, 'name' => '积分兑换'),
'pwd' => array('sign' => 2, 'name' => '卡密兑换'),
'free' => array('sign' => 3, 'name' => '免费领取')
private $templatestate_arr;
* 构造函数
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
public function __construct()
$this->templatestate_arr = array('usable' => array(1, '有效'), 'disabled' => array(2, '失效'));
* 获取代金券模板状态
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @return type
public function getTemplateState()
return $this->templatestate_arr;
* 领取的代金券状态
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @return type
public function getVoucherState()
return array(
'unused' => array(1, lang('voucher_voucher_state_unused')),
'used' => array(2, lang('voucher_voucher_state_used')),
'expire' => array(3, lang('voucher_voucher_state_expire'))
* 返回当前可用的代金券列表,每种类型(模板)的代金券里取出一个代金券码(同一个模板所有码面额和到期时间都一样)
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @param array $condition 条件
* @param int $goods_total 商品总金额
* @return string
public function getCurrentAvailableVoucher($condition = array(), $goods_total = 0)
$condition[]=array('voucher_enddate','>', TIMESTAMP);
$voucher_list = Db::name('voucher')->where($condition)->select()->toArray();
$voucher_list = ds_change_arraykey($voucher_list,'vouchertemplate_id');
foreach ($voucher_list as $key => $voucher) {
if ($goods_total < $voucher['voucher_limit']) {
else {
$voucher_list[$key]['desc'] = sprintf('面额%s元 有效期至 %s ', $voucher['voucher_price'], date('Y-m-d', $voucher['voucher_enddate']));
if ($voucher['voucher_limit'] > 0) {
$voucher_list[$key]['desc'] .= sprintf(' 消费满%s可用', $voucher['voucher_limit']);
return $voucher_list;
* 取得当前有效代金券数量
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @param type $member_id 会员ID
* @return type
public function getCurrentAvailableVoucherCount($member_id)
$info = rcache($member_id, 'm_voucher');
if (empty($info)) {
$condition[]=array('voucher_enddate','>', TIMESTAMP);
$voucher_count = Db::name('voucher')->where($condition)->count();
$voucher_count = intval($voucher_count);
wcache($member_id, array('voucher_count' => $voucher_count), 'm_voucher');
else {
$voucher_count = intval($info['voucher_count']);
return $voucher_count;
* 获得代金券列表
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @param type $where 条件
* @param type $field 字段
* @return type
public function getVoucherList($where, $field = '*')
$voucher_list = Db::name('voucher')->field($field)->where($where)->select()->toArray();
return $voucher_list;
* 获取失效代金卷列表
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @param array $where 条件
* @param type $field 字段
* @return type
public function getVoucherUnusedList($where, $field = '*')
return $this->getVoucherList($where, $field);
* 查询可兑换代金券模板详细信息,包括店铺信息
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @param type $vid
* @param type $member_id 会员id
* @return type
public function getCanChangeTemplateInfo($vid, $member_id,$no_point=false)
if ($vid <= 0 || $member_id <= 0) {
return array('state' => false, 'msg' => '参数错误');
$where = array();
$where[]=array('vouchertemplate_enddate','>', TIMESTAMP);
$template_info = $this->getVouchertemplateInfo($where);
if (empty($template_info) || $template_info['vouchertemplate_total'] <= $template_info['vouchertemplate_giveout']) {//代金券不存在或者已兑换完
return array('state' => false, 'msg' => '代金券已兑换完');
$member_model = model('member');
$member_info = $member_model->getMemberInfoByID($member_id);
if (empty($member_info)) {
return array('state' => false, 'msg' => '参数错误');
if ($template_info['vouchertemplate_gettype'] == $this->voucher_gettype_array['points']['sign'] && $template_info['vouchertemplate_points'] > 0) {
if (intval($member_info['member_points']) < intval($template_info['vouchertemplate_points'])) {
return array('state' => false, 'msg' => '您的积分不足,暂时不能兑换该代金券');
$member_currgrade = $member_model->getOneMemberGrade(intval($member_info['member_exppoints']));
$member_info['member_currgrade'] = $member_currgrade ? $member_currgrade['level'] : 0;
if ($member_info['member_currgrade'] < intval($template_info['vouchertemplate_mgradelimit'])) {
return array('state' => false, 'msg' => '您的会员级别不够,暂时不能兑换该代金券');
$where = array();
$where[] = array('voucher_owner_id','=',$member_id);
$voucher_list = $this->getVoucherList($where);
if (!empty($voucher_list)) {
$voucher_count = 0; //在该店铺兑换的代金券数量
$voucherone_count = 0; //该张代金券兑换的数量
foreach ($voucher_list as $k => $v) {
if ($v['voucher_state'] == 1 && $v['voucher_enddate'] > TIMESTAMP) {
$voucher_count += 1;
if ($v['vouchertemplate_id'] == $template_info['vouchertemplate_id']) {
$voucherone_count += 1;
if (!empty($template_info['vouchertemplate_eachlimit']) && $voucherone_count >= $template_info['vouchertemplate_eachlimit']) {
$message = sprintf('该代金券您已兑换%s次不可再兑换了', $template_info['vouchertemplate_eachlimit']);
return array('state' => false, 'msg' => $message);
return array('state' => true, 'info' => $template_info);
* 获取代金券编码
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @staticvar int $num
* @param type $member_id 会员id
* @return type
public function getVoucherCode($member_id = 0)
static $num = 1;
$sign_arr = array();
$sign_arr[] = sprintf('%02d', mt_rand(10, 99));
$sign_arr[] = sprintf('%03d', (float)microtime() * 1000);
$sign_arr[] = sprintf('%010d', TIMESTAMP - 946656000);
if ($member_id) {
$sign_arr[] = sprintf('%03d', (int)$member_id % 1000);
else {
$tmpnum = 0;
if ($num > 99) {
$tmpnum = substr($num, -1, 2);
else {
$tmpnum = $num;
$sign_arr[] = sprintf('%02d', $tmpnum);
$sign_arr[] = mt_rand(1, 9);
$code = implode('', $sign_arr);
$num += 1;
return $code;
* 生成代金券卡密
* @staticvar int $num
* @param type $vouchertemplate_id 卡密ID编号
* @return boolean|array
public function createVoucherPwd($vouchertemplate_id)
if ($vouchertemplate_id <= 0) {
return false;
static $num = 1;
$sign_arr = array();
$time_tmp = uniqid('', true);
$time_tmp = explode('.', $time_tmp);
$sign_arr[] = substr($time_tmp[0], -1, 4) . $time_tmp[1];
$tmpnum = 0;
if ($num > 999) {
$tmpnum = substr($num, -1, 3);
else {
$tmpnum = $num;
$sign_arr[] = sprintf('%03d', $tmpnum);
if ($vouchertemplate_id > 9999) {
$vouchertemplate_id = substr($num, -1, 4);
$sign_arr[] = sprintf('%04d', $vouchertemplate_id);
$sign_arr[] = sprintf('%04d', rand(1, 9999));
$pwd = implode('', $sign_arr);
$num += 1;
return array(md5($pwd), ds_encrypt($pwd));
* 生成代金券卡密
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @param type $pwd 卡密
* @return string
public function getVoucherPwd($pwd)
if (!$pwd) {
return '';
$pwd = ds_decrypt($pwd);
$pattern = "/^([0-9]{20})$/i";
if (preg_match($pattern, $pwd)) {
return $pwd;
else {
return '';
* 更新代金券信息
* @param type $data 数据
* @param type $condition 条件
* @param type $member_id 会员id
* @return type
public function editVoucher($data, $condition, $member_id = 0)
$result = Db::name('voucher')->where($condition)->update($data);
if ($result && $member_id > 0) {
wcache($member_id, array('voucher_count' => null), 'm_voucher');
return $result;
* 返回代金券状态数组
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @return array
public function getVoucherStateArray()
return $this->voucher_state_array;
* 返回代金券领取方式数组
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @return array
public function getVoucherGettypeArray()
return $this->voucher_gettype_array;
* 获取买家代金券列表
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @param int $member_id 用户编号
* @param int $voucher_state 代金券状态
* @param int $pagesize 分页数
* @return array
public function getMemberVoucherList($member_id, $voucher_state, $pagesize = null)
if (empty($member_id)) {
return false;
$where = array();
$where[] = array('voucher_owner_id','=',$member_id);
$voucher_state = intval($voucher_state);
if (intval($voucher_state) > 0 && array_key_exists($voucher_state, $this->voucher_state_array)) {
$where[] = array('voucher_state','=',$voucher_state);
$list = Db::name('voucher')->alias('v')->join('vouchertemplate t','v.vouchertemplate_id=t.vouchertemplate_id')->where($where)->order('voucher_id desc')->paginate(['list_rows'=>$pagesize,'query' => request()->param()],false);
$list=Db::name('voucher')->alias('v')->join('vouchertemplate t','v.vouchertemplate_id=t.vouchertemplate_id')->where($where)->order('voucher_id desc')->select()->toArray();
if (!empty($list) && is_array($list)) {
foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
if (empty($val['vouchertemplate_customimg'])) {
$list[$key]['vouchertemplate_customimg'] = ds_get_pic(ATTACH_COMMON,config('ds_config.default_goods_image'));
else {
$list[$key]['vouchertemplate_customimg'] = ds_get_pic( ATTACH_VOUCHER ,$val['vouchertemplate_customimg']);
$list[$key]['voucher_state_text'] = $this->voucher_state_array[$val['voucher_state']];
$list[$key]['voucher_end_date_text'] = $val['voucher_enddate'] ? @date('Y.m.d', $val['voucher_enddate']) : '';
return $list;
* 更新过期代金券状态
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @param type $member_id 会员ID
* @return type
private function _checkVoucherExpire($member_id)
$condition = array();
$condition[]=array('voucher_enddate','<', TIMESTAMP);
Db::name('voucher')->where($condition)->update(array('voucher_state' => self::VOUCHER_STATE_EXPIRE));
* 查询代金券模板列表
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @param type $where 条件
* @param type $field 字段
* @param type $limit 限制
* @param type $pagesize 分页
* @param type $order 排序
* @return type
public function getVouchertemplateList($where, $field = '*', $limit = 0, $pagesize = 0, $order = '')
$voucher_list = array();
if ($pagesize) {
$result = Db::name('vouchertemplate')->field($field)->where($where)->order($order)->paginate(['list_rows'=>10,'query' => request()->param()],false);
$voucher_list = $result->items();
$this->page_info = $result;
} else {
$voucher_list = Db::name('vouchertemplate')->field($field)->where($where)->limit($limit)->order($order)->select()->toArray();
if (!empty($voucher_list) && is_array($voucher_list)) {
foreach ($voucher_list as $k => $v) {
if (!empty($v['vouchertemplate_customimg'])) {
$v['vouchertemplate_customimg'] = ds_get_pic( ATTACH_VOUCHER , $v['vouchertemplate_customimg']);
else {
$v['vouchertemplate_customimg'] = ds_get_pic(ATTACH_COMMON,config('ds_config.default_goods_image'));
if ($v['vouchertemplate_gettype']) {
foreach ($this->voucher_gettype_array as $gtype_k => $gtype_v) {
if ($v['vouchertemplate_gettype'] == $gtype_v['sign']) {
$v['vouchertemplate_gettype_key'] = $gtype_k;
$v['vouchertemplate_gettype_text'] = $gtype_v['name'];
if ($v['vouchertemplate_state']) {
foreach ($this->templatestate_arr as $tstate_k => $tstate_v) {
if ($v['vouchertemplate_state'] == $tstate_v[0]) {
$v['vouchertemplate_state_text'] = $tstate_v[1];
$member_grade = model('member')->getMemberGradeArr();
$v['vouchertemplate_mgradelimittext'] = isset($v['vouchertemplate_mgradelimit']) ? $member_grade[$v['vouchertemplate_mgradelimit']]['level_name'] : '';
$voucher_list[$k] = $v;
return $voucher_list;
* 更新代金券模板信息
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @param type $where 条件
* @param type $data 数据
* @return type
public function editVouchertemplate($where, $data)
return Db::name('vouchertemplate')->where($where)->update($data);
* 获得推荐的热门代金券列表
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @param int $num 查询条数
* @return array
public function getRecommendTemplate($num)
$where = array();
$where[] = array('vouchertemplate_recommend','=',1);
$where[]=array('vouchertemplate_enddate','>', TIMESTAMP);
$recommend_voucher = $this->getVouchertemplateList($where, $field = '*', $num, 0, 'vouchertemplate_recommend desc,vouchertemplate_id desc');
return $recommend_voucher;
* 积分兑换代金券
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @param type $template_info 信息模板
* @param type $member_id 会员ID
* @param type $member_name 会员名
* @return type
public function exchangeVoucher($template_info, $member_id, $member_name = '',$no_point=false)
if (intval($member_id) <= 0 || empty($template_info)) {
return array('state' => false, 'msg' => '参数错误');
if (!$member_name) {
$member_info = model('member')->getMemberInfoByID($member_id);
if (empty($template_info)) {
return array('state' => false, 'msg' => '参数错误');
$member_name = $member_info['member_name'];
$insert_arr = array();
$insert_arr['voucher_code'] = $this->getVoucherCode($member_id);
$insert_arr['vouchertemplate_id'] = $template_info['vouchertemplate_id'];
$insert_arr['voucher_title'] = $template_info['vouchertemplate_title'];
$insert_arr['voucher_desc'] = $template_info['vouchertemplate_desc'];
$insert_arr['voucher_startdate'] = TIMESTAMP;
$insert_arr['voucher_enddate'] = $template_info['vouchertemplate_enddate'];
$insert_arr['voucher_price'] = $template_info['vouchertemplate_price'];
$insert_arr['voucher_limit'] = $template_info['vouchertemplate_limit'];
$insert_arr['voucher_state'] = 1;
$insert_arr['voucher_activedate'] = TIMESTAMP;
$insert_arr['voucher_owner_id'] = $member_id;
$insert_arr['voucher_owner_name'] = $member_name;
$result = Db::name('voucher')->insertGetId($insert_arr);
if (!$result) {
return array('state' => false, 'msg' => '兑换失败');
if ($template_info['vouchertemplate_points'] > 0 && $template_info['vouchertemplate_gettype'] == $this->voucher_gettype_array['points']['sign']) {
$points_arr['pl_memberid'] = $member_id;
$points_arr['pl_membername'] = $member_name;
$points_arr['pl_points'] = -$template_info['vouchertemplate_points'];
$points_arr['point_ordersn'] = $insert_arr['voucher_code'];
$points_arr['pl_desc'] = lang('home_voucher') . $insert_arr['voucher_code'] . '消耗积分';
$result = model('points')->savePointslog('app', $points_arr, true);
if (!$result) {
return array('state' => false, 'msg' => '兑换失败');
if ($result) {
$result = $this->editVouchertemplate(array('vouchertemplate_id' => $template_info['vouchertemplate_id']), array(
'vouchertemplate_giveout' => Db::raw('vouchertemplate_giveout+1')
if (!$result) {
return array('state' => false, 'msg' => '兑换失败');
wcache($member_id, array('voucher_count' => Db::raw('voucher_count+1')), 'm_voucher');
return array('state' => true, 'msg' => '兑换成功');
else {
return array('state' => false, 'msg' => '兑换失败');
* 批量增加代金券
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @param type $insert_arr 参数数据
* @return type
public function addVoucherBatch($insert_arr)
return Db::name('voucher')->insertAll($insert_arr);
* 获得代金券模板总数量
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @param type $where 条件
* @return int
public function getVouchertemplateCount($where)
return Db::name('vouchertemplate')->where($where)->count();
* 获得代金券总数量
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @param type $where 条件
* @return int
public function getVoucherCount($where)
return Db::name('voucher')->where($where)->count();
* 获得代金券模板详情
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @param type $where 条件
* @param type $field 字段
* @param type $order 排序
* @return array
public function getVouchertemplateInfo($where = array(), $field = '*', $order = '')
$info = Db::name('vouchertemplate')->where($where)->field($field)->order($order)->find();
if (!$info) {
return array();
if ($info['vouchertemplate_gettype']) {
foreach ($this->voucher_gettype_array as $k => $v) {
if ($info['vouchertemplate_gettype'] == $v['sign']) {
$info['vouchertemplate_gettype_key'] = $k;
$info['vouchertemplate_gettype_text'] = $v['name'];
if ($info['vouchertemplate_state']) {
foreach ($this->templatestate_arr as $k => $v) {
if ($info['vouchertemplate_state'] == $v[0]) {
$info['vouchertemplate_state_text'] = $v[1];
if (!empty($info['vouchertemplate_customimg'])) {
$info['vouchertemplate_customimg'] = ds_get_pic( ATTACH_VOUCHER , $info['vouchertemplate_customimg']);
else {
$info['vouchertemplate_customimg'] = ds_get_pic(ATTACH_COMMON,config('ds_config.default_goods_image'));
$member_grade = model('member')->getMemberGradeArr();
$info['vouchertemplate_mgradelimittext'] = isset($info['vouchertemplate_mgradelimit'])?$member_grade[$info['vouchertemplate_mgradelimit']]['level_name']:'';
return $info;
* 获得代金券详情
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @param type $where 条件
* @param type $field 字段
* @param type $order 排序
* @return type
public function getVoucherInfo($where = array(), $field = '*', $order = '')
$info = Db::name('voucher')->where($where)->field($field)->order($order)->find();
if ($info['voucher_state']) {
$info['voucher_state_text'] = $this->voucher_state_array[$info['voucher_state']];
return $info;
* 更新使用的代金券状态
* @param $input_voucher_list
* @throws Exception
public function editVoucherState($voucher_list)
$send = new \sendmsg\sendMemberMsg();
$update = $this->editVoucher(array('voucher_state' => 2), array('voucher_id' => $voucher_list['voucher_id']), $voucher_list['voucher_owner_id']);
if ($update) {
// 发送用户店铺消息
$send->set('member_id', $voucher_list['voucher_owner_id']);
$send->set('code', 'voucher_use');
$ali_param = array();
$ali_param['voucher_code'] = $voucher_list['voucher_code'];
$param['voucher_url'] = HOME_SITE_URL .'/Membervoucher/index';
$weixin_param = array(
'url' => config('ds_config.h5_site_url').'/member/voucher_list',
"keyword1" => array(
"value" => $voucher_list['voucher_code'],
"color" => "#333"
"keyword2" => array(
"value" => date('Y-m-d H:i'),
"color" => "#333"
else {
return ds_callback(false, '更新代金券状态失败vcode:' . $voucher_list['voucher_code']);
return ds_callback(true);