{extend name="default/base/base_home" /} {block name="mall_main"} {if $show_type == 1}


Featured For-Credit Courses

In collaboration with our global partner institutions,
LightCourse offers 7000+ accredited college courses encompassing 300+ majors and disciplines.
Join us today to earn college credits in a flexible and saving way.
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{else /}
Position:Home > {$header_title_eng}


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{notempty name="recommend"} {foreach name="recommend" key="goods_key" item="goods"} {$goods.gc_name} | {/foreach} {/notempty}
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{notempty name="attr_array"} {php}$j = 0;{/php} {foreach name="attr_array" item="val" key="key" } {php}$j++;{/php}
{/foreach} {/notempty}
{if (isset($checked_brand) && is_array($checked_brand)) || (isset($checked_attr) && is_array($checked_attr))}

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{notempty name="checked_brand"} {foreach name="checked_brand" item="val" key="key" } {$Think.lang.ds_brand}:{$val.brand_name}X {/foreach} {/notempty} {notempty name="checked_attr"} {foreach name="checked_attr" item="val"} {$val.attr_name}:  {$val.attrvalue_name}X {/foreach} {/notempty}

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If you require immediate assistance, please contact us at studentservice@lightglobal.org
