// This is your test publishable API key. const stripe = Stripe("pk_test_51KGYh8LqMBqucQSD2uJGSrRKTyT8NCZPCglWRBSoRPapyKE6cdqnURGI8ojQfWJxMr6tUBAp6vRVsaoGGPxH6OoV00JCtGoLBq"); // The items the customer wants to buy const items = [{ id: "xl-tshirt" }]; let elements; initialize(); checkStatus(); document .querySelector("#payment-form") .addEventListener("submit", handleSubmit); // Fetches a payment intent and captures the client secret async function initialize() { const { clientSecret } = await fetch("/create.php", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ items }), }).then((r) => r.json()); elements = stripe.elements({ clientSecret }); const paymentElement = elements.create("payment"); paymentElement.mount("#payment-element"); } async function handleSubmit(e) { e.preventDefault(); setLoading(true); const { error } = await stripe.confirmPayment({ elements, confirmParams: { // Make sure to change this to your payment completion page return_url: "http://localhost:4242/public/checkout.html", }, }); // This point will only be reached if there is an immediate error when // confirming the payment. Otherwise, your customer will be redirected to // your `return_url`. For some payment methods like iDEAL, your customer will // be redirected to an intermediate site first to authorize the payment, then // redirected to the `return_url`. if (error.type === "card_error" || error.type === "validation_error") { showMessage(error.message); } else { showMessage("An unexpected error occured."); } setLoading(false); } // Fetches the payment intent status after payment submission async function checkStatus() { const clientSecret = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get( "payment_intent_client_secret" ); if (!clientSecret) { return; } const { paymentIntent } = await stripe.retrievePaymentIntent(clientSecret); switch (paymentIntent.status) { case "succeeded": showMessage("Payment succeeded!"); break; case "processing": showMessage("Your payment is processing."); break; case "requires_payment_method": showMessage("Your payment was not successful, please try again."); break; default: showMessage("Something went wrong."); break; } } // ------- UI helpers ------- function showMessage(messageText) { const messageContainer = document.querySelector("#payment-message"); messageContainer.classList.remove("hidden"); messageContainer.textContent = messageText; setTimeout(function () { messageContainer.classList.add("hidden"); messageText.textContent = ""; }, 4000); } // Show a spinner on payment submission function setLoading(isLoading) { if (isLoading) { // Disable the button and show a spinner document.querySelector("#submit").disabled = true; document.querySelector("#spinner").classList.remove("hidden"); document.querySelector("#button-text").classList.add("hidden"); } else { document.querySelector("#submit").disabled = false; document.querySelector("#spinner").classList.add("hidden"); document.querySelector("#button-text").classList.remove("hidden"); } }