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2022-10-24 02:38:36 +00:00
namespace app\common\model;
use think\facade\Db;
* ============================================================================
* 联课教育商城系统
* ============================================================================
* 版权所有 2022 刻羽互动科技有限公司,并保留所有权利。
* 网站地址: http://www.o1h.cn
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 这不是一个自由软件!您只能在不用于商业目的的前提下对程序代码进行修改和使用 .
* 不允许对程序代码以任何形式任何目的的再发布。
* ============================================================================
* 数据层模型
class Trade extends BaseModel {
* 订单处理天数
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @param type $day_type 天数类型
* @return int
public function getMaxDay($day_type = 'all') {
$max_data = array(
'order_refund' => 15, //收货完成后可以申请退款退货
'refund_confirm' => 7, //卖家不处理退款退货申请时按同意处理
'return_confirm' => 7, //卖家不处理收货时按弃货处理
'return_delay' => 5 //退货的商品发货多少天以后才可以选择没收到
if ($day_type == 'all')
return $max_data; //返回所有
if (intval($max_data[$day_type]) < 1)
$max_data[$day_type] = 1; //最小的值设置为1
return $max_data[$day_type];
* 订单状态
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @param type $type 类型
* @return type
public function getOrderState($type = 'all') {
$state_data = array(
'order_cancel' => ORDER_STATE_CANCEL, //0:已取消
'order_default' => ORDER_STATE_NEW, //10:未付款
'order_paid' => ORDER_STATE_PAY, //20:已付款
'order_shipped' => ORDER_STATE_SEND, //30:已发货
'order_completed' => ORDER_STATE_SUCCESS //40:已收货
if ($type == 'all')
return $state_data; //返回所有
return $state_data[$type];
* 更新退款申请
* @access public
* @author o1h.cn
* @param int $member_id 会员编号
* @return type
public function editRefundConfirm($member_id = 0) {
$refund_confirm = $this->getMaxDay('refund_confirm'); //卖家不处理退款申请时按同意并弃货处理
$day = TIMESTAMP - $refund_confirm * 60 * 60 * 24;
$condition = " add_time <" . $day; //状态:1为待审核,2为同意,3为不同意
$condition_sql = "";
if ($member_id > 0) {
$condition_sql = " buyer_id = '" . $member_id . "' and ";
$condition_sql = $condition_sql . $condition;
$refund_array = array();
$refund_array['refund_state'] = '2'; //状态:1为处理中,2为待管理员处理,3为已完成
$refund_array['return_type'] = '1'; //退货类型:1为不用退货,2为需要退货
$refund = Db::name('refundreturn')->field('refund_sn,order_lock,refund_type')->where($condition_sql)->select()->toArray();
$return_confirm = $this->getMaxDay('return_confirm'); //卖家不处理收货时按弃货处理
$day = TIMESTAMP - $return_confirm * 60 * 60 * 24;
$condition = " goods_state=2 and return_type=2 and delay_time<" . $day; //物流状态:1为待发货,2为待收货,3为未收到,4为已收货
$condition_sql = "";
if ($member_id > 0) {
$condition_sql = " buyer_id = '" . $member_id . "' and ";
$condition_sql = $condition_sql . $condition;
$refund_array = array();
$refund_array['refund_state'] = '2'; //状态:1为处理中,2为待管理员处理,3为已完成
$refund_array['return_type'] = '1'; //退货类型:1为不用退货,2为需要退货
$refund = Db::name('refundreturn')->field('refund_sn,order_lock,refund_type')->where($condition_sql)->select()->toArray();