522 lines
19 KiB
522 lines
19 KiB
* 微信配置
namespace app\admin\controller;
use think\facade\View;
use think\facade\Db;
use app\api\controller\WechatApi;
use think\facade\Lang;
* ============================================================================
* 联课教育商城系统
* ============================================================================
* 版权所有 2022 刻羽互动科技有限公司,并保留所有权利。
* 网站地址: http://www.o1h.cn
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 这不是一个自由软件!您只能在不用于商业目的的前提下对程序代码进行修改和使用 .
* 不允许对程序代码以任何形式任何目的的再发布。
* ============================================================================
* 控制器
class Wechat extends AdminControl {
public function initialize() {
parent::initialize(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
Lang::load(base_path() . 'admin/lang/'.config('lang.default_lang').'/wechat.lang.php');
public function setting() {
$wechat_model = model('wechat');
if (!request()->isPost()) {
$wx_config = $wechat_model->getOneWxconfig();
View::assign('wx_config', $wx_config);
$wx_apiurl = HTTP_TYPE . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 0, strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'index.php')) . 'api/Wechat/index';
View::assign('wx_apiurl', $wx_apiurl);
return View::fetch();
} else {
$data = [
'token' => input('post.wx_token'),
'appid' => input('post.wx_appid'),
'appsecret' => input('post.wx_AppSecret'),
'wxname' => input('post.wx_name'),
'xcx_appid' => input('post.xcx_appid'),
'xcx_appsecret' => input('post.xcx_AppSecret'),
$id = input('param.wx_id');
if (empty($id)) {
$res = $wechat_model->addWxconfig($data);
} else {
$res = $wechat_model->editWxconfig(array('id' => $id),$data);
if ($res) {
} else {
public function menu() {
$wechat_model = model('wechat');
$p_menu = $wechat_model->getWxmenuList(array('pid'=>0),'sort ASC');
$child_menu = array();
foreach ($p_menu as $k => $v) {
$child_list = $wechat_model->getWxmenuList(array('pid'=>$v['id']),'sort desc');
$child_menu[$v['id']] = $child_list;
$menu_type = array('view' => lang('menu_type_1'), 'click' => lang('menu_type_2'), 'view_limited' => lang('menu_type_3'));
View::assign('menu_type', $menu_type);
View::assign('p_menu', $p_menu);
View::assign('c_menu', $child_menu);
return View::fetch();
public function menu_edit() {
$wechat_model = model('wechat');
$menu_id = intval(input('param.id'));
if (empty($menu_id)) {
if (!request()->isPost()) {
$parents = $wechat_model->getWxmenuList(array('pid'=>0),'id desc','name,id');
View::assign('parents', $parents);
$condition = array('id'=>$menu_id);
$menu = $wechat_model->getOneWxmenu($condition);
View::assign('menu', $menu);
return View::fetch('menu_form');
} else {
$menu_name = input('post.menu_name');
$menu_value = input('post.menu_value');
$menu_sort = input('post.menu_sort');
$menu_type = input('post.menu_type');
$menu_pid = input('post.menu_pid');
$data = [
'name' => $menu_name,
'value' => $menu_value,
'sort' => $menu_sort,
'type' => $menu_type,
'pid' => $menu_pid,
if ($data['pid'] == '0' && $menu_id > 0) {
$num = $wechat_model->getWxmenuCount(array('pid'=>0));
if ($num > 3) {
$wechat_validate = ds_validate('wechat');
if (!$wechat_validate->scene('menu_edit')->check($data)) {
$res = $wechat_model->editWxmenu(array('id'=>$menu_id),$data);
if ($res){
}else {
public function menu_add() {
$wechat_model = model('wechat');
if (!request()->isPost()) {
$data = [
'pid' => '',
'type' => 'view',
$parents = $wechat_model->getWxmenuList(array('pid'=>0),'id desc','name,id');
View::assign('parents', $parents);
View::assign('menu', $data);
return View::fetch('menu_form');
} else {
$menu_name = input('post.menu_name');
$menu_value = input('post.menu_value');
$menu_sort = input('post.menu_sort');
$menu_type = input('post.menu_type');
$menu_pid = input('post.menu_pid');
$data = [
'name' => $menu_name,
'value' => $menu_value,
'sort' => $menu_sort,
'type' => $menu_type,
'pid' => $menu_pid,
if ($data['pid'] == '0') {
$num = $wechat_model->getWxmenuCount(array('pid'=>0));
if ($num > 2) {
$wechat_validate = ds_validate('wechat');
if (!$wechat_validate->scene('menu_add')->check($data)) {
$result = $wechat_model->addWxmenu($data);
if ($result) {
} else {
public function menu_drop() {
$wechat_model = model('wechat');
$menu_id = input('param.id');
if (empty($menu_id)) {
$res = $wechat_model->delWxmenu(array('id'=>$menu_id));
if ($res) {
ds_json_encode(10000, lang('ds_common_del_succ'));
} else {
ds_json_encode(10001, lang('ds_common_del_fail'));
public function pub_menu() {
$config = model('wechat')->getOneWxconfig();
$wechat_model = model('wechat');
$p_menus = $wechat_model->getWxmenuList(array('pid' => 0),'id ASC');
$p_menus = ds_change_arraykey($p_menus, 'id');
$post_str = $this->convert_menu($p_menus);
// http post请求
if (!count($p_menus) > 0) {
$this->error('没有菜单可发布', 'Wechat/menu');
$wechat = new WechatApi($config);
$expire_time = $config['expires_in'];
if ($expire_time > TIMESTAMP) {
$wechat->access_token_ = $config['access_token'];
} else {
$access_token = $wechat->checkAuth();
$web_expires = TIMESTAMP + 7000; // 提前200秒过期
$condition = array();
$condition[] = array('id','=',$config['id']);
$data = array('access_token' => $access_token, 'expires_in' => $web_expires);
$return = $wechat->createMenu($post_str);
if ($return) {
$this->success('菜单已成功生成', 'Wechat/menu');
} else {
$this->error("错误代码;" . $wechat->errCode.$wechat->errMsg);
private function convert_menu($p_menus) {
$wechat_model = model('wechat');
$new_arr = array();
$count = 0;
foreach ($p_menus as $k => $v) {
$new_arr[$count]['name'] = $v['name'];
$c_menus = $wechat_model->getMenulist(array('pid' => $k));
if ($c_menus) {
foreach ($c_menus as $kk => $vv) {
$add = array();
$add['name'] = $vv['name'];
$add['type'] = $vv['type'];
// click类型
if ($add['type'] == 'click') {
$add['key'] = $vv['value'];
} elseif ($add['type'] == 'view') {
$add['url'] = $vv['value'];
} else {
$add['key'] = $vv['value'];
$add['sub_button'] = array();
if ($add['name']) {
$new_arr[$count]['sub_button'][] = $add;
} else {
$new_arr[$count]['type'] = $v['type'];
// click类型
if ($new_arr[$count]['type'] == 'click') {
$new_arr[$count]['key'] = $v['value'];
} elseif ($new_arr[$count]['type'] == 'view') {
$new_arr[$count]['url'] = $v['value'];
} else {
$new_arr[$count]['key'] = $v['value'];
return array('button' => $new_arr);
* 关键字文本回复
public function k_text() {
$wechat_model = model('wechat');
$wechat = $wechat_model->getOneWxconfig();
if (empty($wechat)) {
$this->error('请先在公众号配置添加公众号,才能进行文本回复管理', 'Wechat/setting');
$lists = $wechat_model->getWxkeywordList(array('type' => 'TEXT'),'k.id,k.keyword,t.text',10,'t.createtime DESC');
View::assign('lists', $lists);
View::assign('show_page', $wechat_model->page_info->render());
return View::fetch();
* 添加文本回复
public function text_form() {
$wechat_model = model('wechat');
$wechat = $wechat_model->getOneWxconfig();
if (empty($wechat)) {
$this->error('请先在公众号配置添加公众号,才能添加文本回复', 'Wechat/setting');
if (request()->isPost()) {
$kid = input('param.id');
$add['keyword'] = input('param.keyword');
$add['text'] = input('param.text');
if (empty($kid)) {
$add['createtime'] = TIMESTAMP;
$add['pid'] = $wechat_model->addWxtext($add);
$add['type'] = 'TEXT';
$row = $wechat_model->addWxkeyword($add);
} else {
$data = $wechat_model->getOneWxkeyword(array('id' => $kid));
if ($data) {
$update['keyword'] = $add['keyword'];
$wechat_model->editWxkeyword(array('id' => $kid),$update);
$row = $wechat_model->editWxtext(array('id' => $data['pid']),$add);
$row>=0 ? dsLayerOpenSuccess(lang('ds_common_op_succ')) : $this->error("添加失败", 'Wechat/k_text');
} else {
$id = intval(input('param.id'));;
$key = array();
if ($id) {
$where = "k.id={$id} AND k.type='TEXT'";
$res = Db::name('wxkeyword')->alias('k')->join('wxtext t', 't.id=k.id', 'LEFT')->where($where)->field('k.id,k.keyword,t.text')->find();
View::assign('key', $res);
return View::fetch();
* 删除文本回复
public function del_text() {
$wechat_model = model('wechat');
$id = input('param.id');
$row = $wechat_model->getOneWxkeyword(array('id' => $id));
if ($row) {
$wechat_model->delWxkeyword(array('id' => $id));
$wechat_model->delWxtext(array('id' => $row['pid']));
ds_json_encode(10000, lang('ds_common_del_succ'));
} else {
ds_json_encode(10001, lang('ds_common_del_fail'));
* 删除消息推送
public function del_wxmsg(){
$wechat_model = model('wechat');
$id = input('param.id');
$id_array = ds_delete_param($id);
if($id_array === FALSE){
ds_json_encode(10001, lang('param_error'));
$condition = array(array('id','in', $id_array));
$result =$wechat_model->delWxmsg($condition);
ds_json_encode(10000, lang('ds_common_del_succ'));
} else {
ds_json_encode(10001, lang('ds_common_del_fail'));
/* * 微信注册会员列表 */
public function member() {
$wechat_model = model('wechat');
$wxmember_list = $wechat_model->getWxmemberList();
View::assign('show_page', $wechat_model->page_info->render());
View::assign('wxmember_list', $wxmember_list);
return View::fetch('member');
/* * 消息推送 */
public function msend() {
$touser = input('param.openid');
$id = input('param.member_id');
if (request()->isPost()) {
$config = model('wechat')->getOneWxconfig();
$wechat = new WechatApi($config);
$type = input('param.type');
if ($type == 'text') {
$content = input('param.text');
$send = array(
'touser' => $touser, 'msgtype' => 'text', 'text' => array('content' => $content)
} else {
$title = input('param.title');
$description = input('param.description');
$url = input('param.url');
$picUrl = '';
if (!empty($_FILES['s_pic']['name'])) {
$prefix = $id;
$file_name = $prefix . '_' . date('YmdHis') . rand(10000, 99999) . '.png';
$res = ds_upload_pic(DIR_ADMIN . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wechat', 's_pic', $file_name);
if ($res['code']) {
$file_name = $res['data']['file_name'];
} else {
$picUrl = ds_get_pic( DIR_ADMIN . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wechat' , $file_name);
$content = array(
'title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'url' => $url, 'picurl' => $picUrl
$send = array(
'touser' => $touser, 'msgtype' => 'news', 'news' => array('articles' => $content)
$SendInfo = serialize($send);
$data['member_id'] = $id;
$data['content'] = $SendInfo;
$data['createtime'] = TIMESTAMP;
$ret = $wechat->sendCustomMessage($send);
if ($ret) {
$data['issend'] = '1';
}else {
$data['issend'] = '0';
$this->error('发送失败,错误代码:' . $wechat->errCode);
} else {
return View::fetch();
/* * 消息推送列表 */
public function SendList() {
$list = $wechat_model->getWxmsgList();
foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
$info = unserialize($val['content']);
$type = $info['msgtype'];
$list[$key]['type'] = $type == 'text' ? '文本' : '图文';
if ($type == 'text') {
$list[$key]['content'] = $info['text']['content'];
} else {
$content = $info['news']['articles']['0'];
$content = json_encode($content);
$list[$key]['content'] = "<a href='javascript:void(0);' class='news' content=''>查看图文消息</a>";
/* View::assign('title',$content['title']);
echo View::fetch('news'); */
View::assign('show_page', $wechat_model->page_info->render());
View::assign('lists', $list);
return View::fetch('list');
/* * 消息群发 */
public function Sendgroup() {
if (request()->isPost()) {
$m_info = model('wechat')->getWxmemberList();
$openid = '';
foreach ($m_info as $k => $val) {
$openid .= $val['member_wxopenid'] . ',';
$openid = explode(',', $openid);
$content = input('param.text');
$send = array(
'touser' => $openid,
'msgtype' => 'text',
'text' => array('content' => $content)
$config = model('wechat')->getOneWxconfig();
$wechat = new WechatApi($config);
$res = $wechat->massSend($send);
if ($res) {
$this->error('发送失败,错误代码:' . $wechat->errCode);
return View::fetch('sendgroup');
protected function getAdminItemList() {
$menu_array = array(
'name' => 'menu',
'text' => '菜单',
'url' => url('Wechat/menu')
'name' => 'menu_add',
'text' => '新增自定义菜单',
'url' => "javascript:dsLayerOpen('" . url('Wechat/menu_add') . "','新增自定义菜单')"
return $menu_array;